JBoss.org Community Documentation

JBoss Application Server 5

Clustering Guide


Brian Stansberry

Galder Zamarreno

Edited by

Samson Kittoli

Nov 2008


This book is the Jboss Application Server 5 Clustering Guide.

1. Clustering
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Cluster Definition
1.3. HAPartition
1.4. JBoss Cache channels
1.4.1. Service Architectures
1.4.2. Load-Balancing Policies
1.4.3. Farming Deployment
1.4.4. Distributed state replication services
2. Clustered JNDI Services
2.1. How it works
2.2. Client configuration
2.2.1. For clients running inside the application server
2.2.2. For clients running outside the application server
2.2.3. JBoss configuration
3. Clustered Session EJBs
3.1. Stateless Session Bean in EJB 2.x
3.2. Stateful Session Bean in EJB 2.x
3.2.1. The EJB application configuration
3.2.2. Optimize state replication
3.2.3. The HASessionState service configuration
3.2.4. Handling Cluster Restart
3.2.5. JNDI Lookup Process
3.2.6. SingleRetryInterceptor
3.3. Stateless Session Bean in EJB 3.0
3.4. Stateful Session Beans in EJB 3.0
4. Clustered Entity EJBs
4.1. Entity Bean in EJB 2.x
4.2. Entity Bean in EJB 3.0
4.2.1. Configure the distributed cache
4.2.2. Configure the entity beans for cache
4.2.3. Query result caching
5. HTTP Services
5.1. Configuring load balancing using Apache and mod_jk
5.2. Download the software
5.3. Configure Apache to load mod_jk
5.4. Configure worker nodes in mod_jk
5.5. Configuring JBoss to work with mod_jk
5.6. Configuring HTTP session state replication
5.7. Enabling session replication in your application
5.8. Using FIELD level replication
5.9. Monitoring session replication
5.10. Using Clustered Single Sign On
5.11. Clustered Singleton Services
5.11.1. HASingletonDeployer service
5.11.2. Mbean deployments using HASingletonController
5.11.3. HASingleton deployments using a Barrier
5.11.4. Determining the master node
6. JBoss Messaging Clustering Notes
6.1. Unique server peer id
6.2. Clustered destinations
6.3. Clustered durable subs
6.4. Clustered temporary destinations
6.5. Non clustered servers
6.6. Message ordering in the cluster
6.7. Idempotent operations
6.7.1. Clustered connection factories
7. JBossCache and JGroups Services
7.1. JGroups Configuration
7.2. Common Configuration Properties
7.3. Transport Protocols
7.3.1. UDP configuration
7.3.2. TCP configuration
7.3.3. TUNNEL configuration
7.4. Discovery Protocols
7.4.1. PING
7.4.3. TCPPING
7.4.4. MPING
7.5. Failure Detection Protocols
7.5.1. FD
7.5.2. FD_SOCK
7.5.4. FD versus FD_SOCK
7.6. Reliable Delivery Protocols
7.6.1. UNICAST
7.6.2. NAKACK
7.7. Other Configuration Options
7.7.1. Group Membership
7.7.2. Flow Control
7.7.3. Fragmentation
7.7.4. State Transfer
7.7.5. Distributed Garbage Collection
7.7.6. Merging
7.7.7. Binding JGroups Channels to a particular interface
7.7.8. Isolating JGroups Channels
7.7.9. Changing the Group Name
7.7.10. Changing the multicast address and port
7.7.11. JGroups Troubleshooting
7.7.12. Causes of missing heartbeats in FD