Package org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.metadata

Package description goes here.


Interface Summary
JDBCQueryMetaData This interface is used to identify a query that will be invoked in responce to the invocation of a finder method in a home interface or an ejbSelect method in a bean implementation class.

Class Summary
JDBCApplicationMetaData This immutable class contains information about the application
JDBCAuditMetaData Audit field meta data
JDBCAutomaticQueryMetaData This immutable class contains information about an automatically generated query.
JDBCCMPFieldMetaData Imutable class which holds all the information jbosscmp-jdbc needs to know about a CMP field It loads its data from standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml and jbosscmp-jdbc.xml
JDBCCMPFieldPropertyMetaData This immutable class contains information about the an overriden field property.
JDBCDeclaredQueryMetaData Imutable class contains information about a declated query.
JDBCDynamicQLQueryMetaData Immutable class which contains information about an DynamicQL query.
JDBCEntityCommandMetaData This immutable class contains information about entity command
JDBCEntityMetaData This immutable class contains information about an entity
JDBCJBossQLQueryMetaData Immutable class which contains information about an JBossQL query.
JDBCLeftJoinMetaData Represents
JDBCMappingMetaData Imutable class which holds a mapping between a Java Class and a JDBC type and a SQL type.
JDBCOptimisticLockingMetaData Optimistick locking metadata
JDBCQlQueryMetaData Immutable class which contains information about an EJB QL query.
JDBCQueryMetaDataFactory JDBCQueryMetaDataFactory constructs a JDBCQueryMetaData object based on the query specifiection type.
JDBCRawSqlQueryMetaData Imutable class which holds information about a raw sql query.
JDBCReadAheadMetaData Imutable class which holds all the information about read-ahead settings.
JDBCRelationMetaData This class represents one ejb-relation element in the ejb-jar.xml file.
JDBCRelationshipRoleMetaData Imutable class which represents one ejb-relationship-role element found in the ejb-jar.xml file's ejb-relation elements.
JDBCTypeMappingMetaData Imutable class which holds a map between Java Classes and JDBCMappingMetaData.
JDBCUserTypeMappingMetaData Immutable class, instances of which represent user type mappings.
JDBCValueClassMetaData Imutable class which holds a list of the properties for a dependent value class.
JDBCValuePropertyMetaData Imutable class which contains information about a single dependent value object property.
JDBCXmlFileLoader Immutable class which loads the JDBC application meta data from the jbosscmp-jdbc.xml files.

Package org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.metadata Description

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Package Specification

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Package Status

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