Interface TimerService

All Known Implementing Classes:
EntityEnterpriseContext.TimerServiceWrapper (src) , MessageDrivenEnterpriseContext.TimerServiceWrapper (src) , StatelessSessionEnterpriseContext.TimerServiceWrapper (src) , TimerServiceImpl (src)

public interface TimerService

The TimerService interface provides enterprise bean components with access to the container-provided Timer Service. The EJB Timer Service allows entity beans, stateless session beans, and message-driven beans to be registered for timer callback events at a specified time, after a specified elapsed time, or after a specified interval.

Method Summary
 Timer (src) createTimer(java.util.Date initialExpiration, long intervalDuration, info)
          Create an interval timer whose first expiration occurs at a given point in time and whose subsequent expirations occur after a specified interval.
 Timer (src) createTimer(java.util.Date expiration, info)
          Create a single-action timer that expires at a given point in time.
 Timer (src) createTimer(long initialDuration, long intervalDuration, info)
          Create an interval timer whose first expiration occurs after a specified duration, and whose subsequent expirations occur after a specified interval.
 Timer (src) createTimer(long duration, info)
          Create a single-action timer that expires after a specified duration.
 java.util.Collection getTimers()
          Get all the active timers associated with this bean.

Method Detail


public Timer (src)  createTimer(long duration,
                  throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException,
                         EJBException (src) 
Create a single-action timer that expires after a specified duration.

duration - The number of milliseconds that must elapse before the timer expires.
info - Application information to be delivered along with the timer expiration notification. This can be null.
The newly created Timer.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If duration is negative
java.lang.IllegalStateException - If this method is invoked while the instance is in a state that does not allow access to this method.
EJBException (src) - If this method could not complete due to a system-level failure.


public Timer (src)  createTimer(long initialDuration,
                         long intervalDuration,
                  throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException,
                         EJBException (src) 
Create an interval timer whose first expiration occurs after a specified duration, and whose subsequent expirations occur after a specified interval.

initialDuration - The number of milliseconds that must elapse before the first timer expiration notification.
intervalDuration - The number of milliseconds that must elapse between timer expiration notifications. Expiration notifications are scheduled relative to the time of the first expiration. If expiration is delayed(e.g. due to the interleaving of other method calls on the bean) two or more expiration notifications may occur in close succession to "catch up".
info - Application information to be delivered along with the timer expiration notification. This can be null.
The newly created Timer.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If initialDuration is negative, or intervalDuration is negative.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - If this method is invoked while the instance is in a state that does not allow access to this method.
EJBException (src) - If this method could not complete due to a system-level failure.


public Timer (src)  createTimer(java.util.Date expiration,
                  throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException,
                         EJBException (src) 
Create a single-action timer that expires at a given point in time.

expiration - The point in time at which the timer must expire.
info - Application information to be delivered along with the timer expiration notification. This can be null.
The newly created Timer.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If expiration is null, or expiration.getTime() is negative.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - If this method is invoked while the instance is in a state that does not allow access to this method.
EJBException (src) - If this method could not complete due to a system-level failure.


public Timer (src)  createTimer(java.util.Date initialExpiration,
                         long intervalDuration,
                  throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException,
                         EJBException (src) 
Create an interval timer whose first expiration occurs at a given point in time and whose subsequent expirations occur after a specified interval.

initialExpiration - The point in time at which the first timer expiration must occur.
intervalDuration - The number of milliseconds that must elapse between timer expiration notifications. Expiration notifications are scheduled relative to the time of the first expiration. If expiration is delayed(e.g. due to the interleaving of other method calls on the bean) two or more expiration notifications may occur in close succession to "catch up".
info - Application information to be delivered along with the timer expiration notification. This can be null.
The newly created Timer.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If initialExpiration is null, or initialExpiration.getTime() is negative, or intervalDuration is negative.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - If this method is invoked while the instance is in a state that does not allow access to this method.
EJBException (src) - If this method could not complete due to a system-level failure.


public java.util.Collection getTimers()
                               throws java.lang.IllegalStateException,
                                      EJBException (src) 
Get all the active timers associated with this bean.

A collection of javax.ejb.Timer objects.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - If this method is invoked while the instance is in a state that does not allow access to this method.
EJBException (src) - If this method could not complete due to a system-level failure.