Interface XATopicConnectionFactory

All Superinterfaces:
ConnectionFactory (src) , TopicConnectionFactory (src) , XAConnectionFactory (src)
All Known Implementing Classes:
JBossConnectionFactory (src) , SpyXAConnectionFactory (src)

public interface XATopicConnectionFactory
extends XAConnectionFactory (src) , TopicConnectionFactory (src)

An XATopicConnectionFactory provides the same create options as a TopicConnectionFactory (optional).

The XATopicConnectionFactory interface is optional. JMS providers are not required to support this interface. This interface is for use by JMS providers to support transactional environments. Client programs are strongly encouraged to use the transactional support available in their environment, rather than use these XA interfaces directly.

See Also:
TopicConnectionFactory (src) , XAConnectionFactory (src)

Method Summary
 XATopicConnection (src) createXATopicConnection()
          Creates an XA topic connection with the default user identity.
 XATopicConnection (src) createXATopicConnection(java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password)
          Creates an XA topic connection with the specified user identity.
Methods inherited from interface javax.jms.XAConnectionFactory (src)
createXAConnection, createXAConnection
Methods inherited from interface javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory (src)
createTopicConnection, createTopicConnection
Methods inherited from interface javax.jms.ConnectionFactory (src)
createConnection, createConnection

Method Detail


public XATopicConnection (src)  createXATopicConnection()
                                          throws JMSException (src) 
Creates an XA topic connection with the default user identity. The connection is created in stopped mode. No messages will be delivered until the Connection.start method is explicitly called.

a newly created XA topic connection
JMSException (src) - if the JMS provider fails to create an XA topic connection due to some internal error.
JMSSecurityException (src) - if client authentication fails due to an invalid user name or password.


public XATopicConnection (src)  createXATopicConnection(java.lang.String userName,
                                                 java.lang.String password)
                                          throws JMSException (src) 
Creates an XA topic connection with the specified user identity. The connection is created in stopped mode. No messages will be delivered until the Connection.start method is explicitly called.

userName - the caller's user name
password - the caller's password
a newly created XA topic connection
JMSException (src) - if the JMS provider fails to create an XA topic connection due to some internal error.
JMSSecurityException (src) - if client authentication fails due to an invalid user name or password.