Interface DynamicMBean

All Known Subinterfaces:
MBeanInvoker (src) , ModelMBean (src)
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractMBeanInvoker (src) , DefaultLoginConfig (src) , Dyn (src) , Dyn (src) , Dynamic (src) , DynamicAndStandard (src) , DynamicAndStandard (src) , DynamicDerived1 (src) , DynamicDerived1 (src) , DynamicMBeanSupport (src) , JMXDynamicTest (src) , ModelMBeanInvoker (src) , NullDynamic (src) , NullInfo (src) , ReflectedMBeanDispatcher (src) , RequiredModelMBean (src) , ServiceDynamicMBeanSupport (src) , StandardMBean (src)

public interface DynamicMBean

The DynamicMBean interface is implemented by resources that expose their definition at runtime. The implementation exposes its attributes, methods and notifications through the getMBeanInfo method.

From a management point of view, the DynamicMBean behaves like any other MBean.

It is the responsibility of the implementation to ensure the MBean works as self-described. The MBeanServer makes no attempt to validate it.

Although the self-description is retrieved at runtime and is therefore dynamic, the implementation must not change it once it has been retrieved. A manager can expect the attributes, methods and notifications to remain constant. It is the implementation's responsibility to conform to this behaviour.

See Also:
MBeanInfo (src)

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object getAttribute(java.lang.String attribute)
          Returns the value of the attribute with the name matching the passed string.
 AttributeList (src) getAttributes(java.lang.String[] attributes)
          Returns the values of the attributes with names matching the passed string array.
 MBeanInfo (src) getMBeanInfo()
          Returns the management interface that describes this dynamic resource.
 java.lang.Object invoke(java.lang.String actionName, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.String[] signature)
          Invokes a resource operation.
 void setAttribute(Attribute (src)  attribute)
          Sets the value of an attribute.
 AttributeList (src) setAttributes(AttributeList (src)  attributes)
          Sets the values of the attributes passed as an AttributeList (src) of name and new value pairs.

Method Detail


public java.lang.Object getAttribute(java.lang.String attribute)
                              throws AttributeNotFoundException (src) ,
                                     MBeanException (src) ,
                                     ReflectionException (src) 
Returns the value of the attribute with the name matching the passed string.

attribute - the name of the attribute.
the value of the attribute.
AttributeNotFoundException (src) - when there is no such attribute.
MBeanException (src) - wraps any error thrown by the resource when getting the attribute.
ReflectionException (src) - wraps any error invoking the resource.


public void setAttribute(Attribute (src)  attribute)
                  throws AttributeNotFoundException (src) ,
                         InvalidAttributeValueException (src) ,
                         MBeanException (src) ,
                         ReflectionException (src) 
Sets the value of an attribute. The attribute and new value are passed in the name value pair Attribute (src) .

attribute - the name and new value of the attribute.
AttributeNotFoundException (src) - when there is no such attribute.
InvalidAttributeValueException (src) - when the new value cannot be converted to the type of the attribute.
MBeanException (src) - wraps any error thrown by the resource when setting the new value.
ReflectionException (src) - wraps any error invoking the resource.
See Also:
Attribute (src)


public AttributeList (src)  getAttributes(java.lang.String[] attributes)
Returns the values of the attributes with names matching the passed string array.

attributes - the names of the attribute.
an AttributeList (src) of name and value pairs.


public AttributeList (src)  setAttributes(AttributeList (src)  attributes)
Sets the values of the attributes passed as an AttributeList (src) of name and new value pairs.

attributes - the name an new value pairs.
an AttributeList (src) of name and value pairs that were actually set.


public java.lang.Object invoke(java.lang.String actionName,
                               java.lang.Object[] params,
                               java.lang.String[] signature)
                        throws MBeanException (src) ,
                               ReflectionException (src) 
Invokes a resource operation.

actionName - the name of the operation to perform.
params - the parameters to pass to the operation.
signature - the signartures of the parameters.
the result of the operation.
MBeanException (src) - wraps any error thrown by the resource when performing the operation.
ReflectionException (src) - wraps any error invoking the resource.


public MBeanInfo (src)  getMBeanInfo()
Returns the management interface that describes this dynamic resource. It is the responsibility of the implementation to make sure the description is accurate.

the management interface.