Interface NotificationListener

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
ConsoleAlertListenerMBean (src) , EmailAlertListenerMBean (src) , JBossAlertListenerMBean (src) , ListenerMBean (src)
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractScheduler (src) , BasicTestCase (src) , BasicTestCase (src) , ConsoleAlertListener (src) , DatabasePersistencePolicy (src) , DelegateListener (src) , EmailAlertListener (src) , JBossAlertListener (src) , JBossManagedConnectionPool (src) , Listener (src) , Listener (src) , Listener (src) , ListenerServiceMBeanSupport (src) , LocalJBossServerDomain (src) , MBeanListener (src) , MBeanNotificationCache (src) , MBeanServerInvocationHandlerTestCase (src) , MBeanTracker (src) , MonitorTestCase (src) , NotificationListenerDelegate (src) , NotificationListenerProxy (src) , PluginManager (src) , RelationService (src) , ScheduleManager.MBeanListener (src) , Scheduler.Listener (src) , Scheduler.MBeanListener (src) , SelfListenerService (src) , ServiceDeployer (src) , SnmpAgentService (src) , StateManagement (src) , StatusServlet (src) , TimerNotificationTestCase (src) , TimerTest (src) , TimerTestCase (src) , TimerTortureTestCase (src) , Tomcat5 (src) , XMBean (src)

public interface NotificationListener
extends java.util.EventListener

Must be implemented by objects receiving JMX notifications.

Method Summary
 void handleNotification(Notification (src)  notification, java.lang.Object handback)
          Callback method from the broadcaster MBean this listener implementation is registered to.

Method Detail


public void handleNotification(Notification (src)  notification,
                               java.lang.Object handback)
Callback method from the broadcaster MBean this listener implementation is registered to.

notification - the notification object
handback - the handback object given to the broadcaster upon listener registration