Interface ActivationSpec

All Superinterfaces:
ResourceAdapterAssociation (src)
All Known Implementing Classes:
FSActivationSpec (src) , JmsActivationSpec (src) , MailActivationSpec (src) , TestActivationSpec (src)

public interface ActivationSpec
extends ResourceAdapterAssociation (src)

A marker interface holding the configuration of a message endpoint. An instance must be a javabean and be serializable.

Method Summary
 void validate()
          Optional method that can be used to check configuration by a deployment tool.
Methods inherited from interface javax.resource.spi.ResourceAdapterAssociation (src)
getResourceAdapter, setResourceAdapter

Method Detail


public void validate()
              throws InvalidPropertyException (src) 
Optional method that can be used to check configuration by a deployment tool.

InvalidPropertyException (src) - for invalid configuration