Interface LocalTransaction

All Known Implementing Classes:
JmsLocalTransaction (src) , LocalManagedConnection (src)

public interface LocalTransaction

The LocalTransaction interface is for transactions which are managed locally to the underlying resource and don't need an external transaction manager. If a resource implements the LocalTransaction interface then the Application Server can choose to do local transacton optimization.

Method Summary
 void begin()
          Begins a local transaction on the userlying resource.
 void commit()
          Commits a local transaction on the userlying resource.
 void rollback()
          Rolls back a local transaction on the userlying resource.

Method Detail


public void begin()
           throws ResourceException (src) 
Begins a local transaction on the userlying resource.

ResourceException (src) - for a generic error
LocalTransactionException (src) - for an error in transaciton management
ResourceAdapterInternalException (src) - for an internal error in the resource adapter
EISSystemException (src) - for an EIS specific exception


public void commit()
            throws ResourceException (src) 
Commits a local transaction on the userlying resource.

ResourceException (src) - for a generic error
LocalTransactionException (src) - for an error in transaciton management
ResourceAdapterInternalException (src) - for an internal error in the resource adapter
EISSystemException (src) - for an EIS specific exception


public void rollback()
              throws ResourceException (src) 
Rolls back a local transaction on the userlying resource.

ResourceException (src) - for a generic error
LocalTransactionException (src) - for an error in transaciton management
ResourceAdapterInternalException (src) - for an internal error in the resource adapter
EISSystemException (src) - for an EIS specific exception