Interface SOAPConstants

All Known Implementing Classes:
SOAP11Constants (src) , SOAP12Constants (src)

public interface SOAPConstants

An interface definining SOAP constants. This allows various parts of the engine to avoid hardcoding dependence on a particular SOAP version and its associated URIs, etc.

This might be fleshed out later to encapsulate factories for behavioral objects which act differently depending on the SOAP version, but for now it just supplies common namespaces + QNames.

Field Summary
static SOAP11Constants (src) SOAP11_CONSTANTS
          SOAP 1.1 constants - thread-safe and shared
static SOAP12Constants (src) SOAP12_CONSTANTS
          SOAP 1.2 constants - thread-safe and shared
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getAttrHref()
          Obtain the href attribute name
 java.lang.String getAttrItemType()
          Obtain the item type name of an array
 QName (src) getBodyQName()
          Obtain the QName for the Body element
 java.lang.String getContentType()
          Obtain the MIME content type
 java.lang.String getEncodingURI()
          Obtain the encoding namespace for this version of SOAP
 java.lang.String getEnvelopeURI()
          Obtain the envelope namespace for this version of SOAP
 QName (src) getFaultQName()
          Obtain the QName for the Fault element
 QName (src) getHeaderQName()
          Obtain the QName for the Header element
 QName (src) getMustunderstandFaultQName()
          Obtain the Qname of Mustunderstand fault code
 java.lang.String getNextRoleURI()
          Obtain the "next" role/actor URI
 QName (src) getRoleAttributeQName()
          Obtain the QName for the role attribute (actor/role)
 QName (src) getVerMismatchFaultCodeQName()
          Obtain the Qname of VersionMismatch fault code

Field Detail


public static final SOAP11Constants (src)  SOAP11_CONSTANTS
SOAP 1.1 constants - thread-safe and shared


public static final SOAP12Constants (src)  SOAP12_CONSTANTS
SOAP 1.2 constants - thread-safe and shared

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getEnvelopeURI()
Obtain the envelope namespace for this version of SOAP


public java.lang.String getEncodingURI()
Obtain the encoding namespace for this version of SOAP


public QName (src)  getFaultQName()
Obtain the QName for the Fault element


public QName (src)  getHeaderQName()
Obtain the QName for the Header element


public QName (src)  getBodyQName()
Obtain the QName for the Body element


public QName (src)  getRoleAttributeQName()
Obtain the QName for the role attribute (actor/role)


public java.lang.String getContentType()
Obtain the MIME content type


public java.lang.String getNextRoleURI()
Obtain the "next" role/actor URI


public java.lang.String getAttrHref()
Obtain the href attribute name


public java.lang.String getAttrItemType()
Obtain the item type name of an array


public QName (src)  getVerMismatchFaultCodeQName()
Obtain the Qname of VersionMismatch fault code


public QName (src)  getMustunderstandFaultQName()
Obtain the Qname of Mustunderstand fault code