Package org.jboss.axis.transport.jms

Interface Summary
JMSConstants (src) JMSConstants contains constants that apply to all JMS providers.

Class Summary
JMSConnector (src) JMSConnector is an abstract class that encapsulates the work of connecting to JMS destinations.
JMSConnectorFactory (src) JMSConnectorFactory is a factory class for creating JMSConnectors.
JMSEndpoint (src) JMSEndpoint encapsulates interactions w/ a JMS destination.
JMSSender (src) This is meant to be used on a SOAP Client to call a SOAP server.
JMSTransport (src) JMSTransport is the JMS-specific implemenation of org.jboss.axis.client.Transport.
MapUtils (src) MapUtils provides convenience methods for accessing a java.util.Map
QueueConnector (src) QueueConnector is a concrete JMSConnector subclass that specifically handles connections to queues (ptp domain).
SimpleJMSListener (src) SimpleJMSListener implements the javax.jms.MessageListener interface.
SimpleJMSWorker (src) SimpleJMSWorker is a worker thread that processes messages that are received by SimpleJMSListener.
Subscription (src)  
TopicConnector (src) TopicConnector is a concrete JMSConnector subclass that specifically handles connections to topics (pub-sub domain).

Exception Summary
InvokeException (src) The InvokeException is thrown when a method encounters a general exception in the course of processing.
InvokeTimeoutException (src) The InvokeTimeoutException is thrown when a method cannot complete processing within the time allotted.