Package org.jboss.axis.wsdl.symbolTable

Interface Summary
CollectionTE (src)  
Undefined (src) This Undefined interface is implemented by UndefinedType and UndefinedElement.

Class Summary
BaseType (src) This Type is for a QName represents a Base Type (i.e.
BaseTypeMapping (src) Get the base language name for a qname
BindingEntry (src) This class represents a WSDL binding.
BindingEntry.HeaderPart (src) A header part that appears in a binding
BindingEntry.OperationAttr (src) Contains attributes for Operations - Body type: encoded or literal
CollectionElement (src) This Element is for a QName that is a 'collection'.
CollectionType (src) This Type is for a QName that is a 'collection'.
DefinedElement (src) This Type is for a QName that is an element, these types are only emitted if referenced by a ref= or an element=.
DefinedType (src) This Type is for a QName that is a complex or simple type, these types are always emitted.
Element (src) This class represents a TypeEntry that is a type (complexType, simpleType, etc.
ElementDecl (src) Simple utility struct for holding element declarations.
FaultInfo (src) Fault information object.
MessageEntry (src) This class represents a WSDL message.
MimeInfo (src)  
Parameter (src) This class simply collects
Parameters (src) This class simply collects all the parameter or message data for an operation into one place.
PortEntry (src) This class represents the symbol table entry for a WSDL port.
PortTypeEntry (src) This class represents a WSDL portType.
SchemaUtils (src) This class contains static utility methods specifically for schema type queries.
ServiceEntry (src) This class represents a WSDL service.
SymbolTable (src) This class represents a table of all of the top-level symbols from a set of WSDL Definitions and DOM Documents: XML types; WSDL messages, portTypes, bindings, and services.
SymTabEntry (src) SymTabEntry is the base class for all symbol table entries.
Type (src) This class represents a TypeEntry that is a type (complexType, simpleType, etc.
TypeEntry (src) This class represents a wsdl types entry that is supported by the WSDL2Java emitter.
UndefinedDelegate (src) This UndefinedDelegate class implements the common functions of UndefinedType and UndefinedElement.
UndefinedElement (src) This represents a QName found in a reference but is not defined.
UndefinedType (src) This represents a QName found in a reference but is not defined.
Utils (src) This class contains static utility methods for the emitter.