Class DLQHandler.DLQSynchronization

  extended byorg.jboss.ejb.plugins.jms.DLQHandler.DLQSynchronization
All Implemented Interfaces:
Synchronization (src)
Enclosing class:
DLQHandler (src)

protected class DLQHandler.DLQSynchronization
extends java.lang.Object
implements Synchronization (src)

Remove a redelivered message from the DLQ's buffer when it is acknowledged

Constructor Summary
DLQHandler.DLQSynchronization(java.lang.String id)
Method Summary
 void afterCompletion(int status)
          Forget the message when the transaction commits
 void beforeCompletion()
          This method is invoked before the start of the commit process.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DLQHandler.DLQSynchronization(java.lang.String id)
Method Detail


public void beforeCompletion()
Description copied from interface: Synchronization (src)
This method is invoked before the start of the commit process. The method invocation is done in the context of the transaction that is about to be committed.

Specified by:
beforeCompletion in interface Synchronization (src)


public void afterCompletion(int status)
Forget the message when the transaction commits

Specified by:
afterCompletion in interface Synchronization (src)
status - The status of the completed transaction.