 * JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS
 * Distributable under LGPL license.
 * See terms of license at gnu.org.
package org.jboss.ejb.txtimer;

// $Id: TimedObjectId.java,v 2005/04/03 07:22:54 starksm Exp $

import org.jboss.mx.util.ObjectNameFactory;

import javax.management.ObjectName;
import java.io.Serializable;

 * The combined TimedObjectId consists of a String that identifies
 * the "class" of the TimedObject and optionally an instance primary key object.
 * <p/>
 * When the TimedObject is an EJB deployed on JBoss, the containerId is the JMX
 * name of the component, and the instancePk is the entity's primary key.
 * If the component is not an entity, the instancePk should be null.
 * @author Thomas.Diesler@jboss.org
 * @since 09-Apr-2004
public class TimedObjectId implements Serializable
   static final long serialVersionUID = -3579003021244520358L;

   private ObjectName containerId;
   private Object instancePk;
   private int hashCode;

    * Construct a combined TimedObjectId
    * @param containerId The TimedObject identifier
    * @param instancePk  The TimedObject instance identifier, can be null
   public TimedObjectId(ObjectName containerId, Object instancePk)
      if (containerId == null)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("containerId cannot be null");

      this.containerId = containerId;
      this.instancePk = instancePk;

    * Construct a TimedObjectId
    * @param timedObjectId The TimedObject identifier
   public TimedObjectId(ObjectName timedObjectId)
      this(timedObjectId, null);

   public ObjectName getContainerId()
      return containerId;

   public Object getInstancePk()
      return instancePk;

    * Parse the timed object id from external form.
    * "[id=contatinerId,pk=instancePk]"
   public static TimedObjectId parse(String externalForm)
      if (externalForm.startsWith("[") == false || externalForm.endsWith("]") == false)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Square brackets expected arround: " + externalForm);

      // take first and last char off
      String inStr = externalForm.substring(1, externalForm.length() - 1);

      if (inStr.startsWith("target=") == false)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot parse: " + externalForm);
      String jmxStr = inStr.substring(7);

      String pkStr = null;
      int pkIndex = jmxStr.indexOf(",pk=");
      if (pkIndex > 0)
         pkStr = jmxStr.substring(pkIndex + 4);
         jmxStr = jmxStr.substring(0, pkIndex);

      ObjectName contatinerId = ObjectNameFactory.create(jmxStr);
      return new TimedObjectId(contatinerId, pkStr);

    * Returns the external representation of the TimedObjectId.
    * "[id=contatinerId,pk=instancePk]"
   public String toExternalForm()
      String pkStr = (instancePk != null ? ",pk=" + instancePk : "");
      return "[target=" + containerId + pkStr + "]";

   public int hashCode()
      if (hashCode == 0)
         hashCode = toString().hashCode();
      return hashCode;

   public boolean equals(Object obj)
      if (obj == this) return true;
      if (obj instanceof TimedObjectId)
         TimedObjectId other = (TimedObjectId)obj;
         if (containerId.equals(other.containerId))
            return (instancePk != null ? instancePk.equals(other.instancePk) : other.instancePk == null);
      return false;

   public String toString()
      return toExternalForm();