Interface DistributedReplicantManager.ReplicantListener

All Known Implementing Classes:
DRMUser (src) , HATarget (src) , JGCacheInvalidationBridge (src) , ProxyFactoryHA (src) , ProxyFactoryHA (src)
Enclosing interface:
DistributedReplicantManager (src)

public static interface DistributedReplicantManager.ReplicantListener

When a particular key in the DistributedReplicantManager table gets modified, all listeners will be notified of replicant changes for that key.

Method Summary
 void replicantsChanged(java.lang.String key, java.util.List newReplicants, int newReplicantsViewId)
          Callback called when the content/list of replicant for a given replicant key has changed

Method Detail


public void replicantsChanged(java.lang.String key,
                              java.util.List newReplicants,
                              int newReplicantsViewId)
Callback called when the content/list of replicant for a given replicant key has changed

key - The name of the key of the replicant that has changed
newReplicants - The list of new replicants for the give replicant key
newReplicantsViewId - The new replicant view id corresponding to this change