Class SpySession

All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Runnable, Session (src) , XASession (src)
Direct Known Subclasses:
SpyQueueSession (src) , SpyTopicSession (src)

public class SpySession
extends java.lang.Object
implements Session (src) , XASession (src)

This class implements javax.jms.Session and javax.jms.XASession

Field Summary
protected  int acknowledgeMode
          What is the type of acknowledgement ?
 Connection (src) connection
          The connection object to which this session is linked
protected  java.util.HashSet consumers
          MessageConsumers created by this session
protected  java.lang.Object deliveryLock
          The delivery lock
protected  boolean inDelivery
          Whether we are doing asynchronous delivery
protected  java.util.HashSet producers
          MessageProducers created by this session
 boolean running
          Is this session running right now?
protected  boolean transacted
          Is this session transacted ?
Fields inherited from interface javax.jms.Session (src)
Method Summary
 void close()
          Closes the session.
 void commit()
          Commits all messages done in this transaction and releases any locks currently held.
 QueueBrowser (src) createBrowser(Queue (src)  queue)
          Creates a QueueBrowser object to peek at the messages on the specified queue.
 QueueBrowser (src) createBrowser(Queue (src)  queue, java.lang.String messageSelector)
          Creates a QueueBrowser object to peek at the messages on the specified queue using a message selector.
 BytesMessage (src) createBytesMessage()
          Creates a BytesMessage object.
 MessageConsumer (src) createConsumer(Destination (src)  destination)
          Creates a MessageConsumer for the specified destination.
 MessageConsumer (src) createConsumer(Destination (src)  destination, java.lang.String messageSelector)
          Creates a MessageConsumer for the specified destination, using a message selector.
 MessageConsumer (src) createConsumer(Destination (src)  destination, java.lang.String messageSelector, boolean noLocal)
          Creates MessageConsumer for the specified destination, using a message selector.
 TopicSubscriber (src) createDurableSubscriber(Topic (src)  topic, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a durable subscriber to the specified topic.
 TopicSubscriber (src) createDurableSubscriber(Topic (src)  topic, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String messageSelector, boolean noLocal)
          Creates a durable subscriber to the specified topic, using a message selector and specifying whether messages published by its own connection should be delivered to it.
 MapMessage (src) createMapMessage()
          Creates a MapMessage object.
 Message (src) createMessage()
          Creates a Message object.
 ObjectMessage (src) createObjectMessage()
          Creates an ObjectMessage object.
 ObjectMessage (src) createObjectMessage( object)
          Creates an initialized ObjectMessage object.
 MessageProducer (src) createProducer(Destination (src)  destination)
          Creates a MessageProducer to send messages to the specified destination.
 TopicPublisher (src) createPublisher(Topic (src)  topic)
 Queue (src) createQueue(java.lang.String queueName)
          Creates a queue identity given a Queue name.
 QueueReceiver (src) createReceiver(Queue (src)  queue)
 QueueReceiver (src) createReceiver(Queue (src)  queue, java.lang.String messageSelector)
 QueueSender (src) createSender(Queue (src)  queue)
 StreamMessage (src) createStreamMessage()
          Creates a StreamMessage object.
 TopicSubscriber (src) createSubscriber(Topic (src)  topic)
 TopicSubscriber (src) createSubscriber(Topic (src)  topic, java.lang.String messageSelector, boolean noLocal)
 TemporaryQueue (src) createTemporaryQueue()
          Creates a TemporaryQueue object.
 TemporaryTopic (src) createTemporaryTopic()
          Creates a TemporaryTopic object.
 TextMessage (src) createTextMessage()
          Creates a TextMessage object.
 TextMessage (src) createTextMessage(java.lang.String string)
          Creates an initialized TextMessage object.
 Topic (src) createTopic(java.lang.String topicName)
          Creates a topic identity given a Topic name.
 void doAcknowledge(Message (src)  message, AcknowledgementRequest (src)  ack)
          JMS Note that the acknowledge method of Message acknowledges all messages received on that messages session.
 int getAcknowledgeMode()
          Returns the acknowledgement mode of the session.
 MessageListener (src) getMessageListener()
          Returns the session's distinguished message listener (optional).
 Session (src) getSession()
          Gets the session associated with this XASession.
 boolean getTransacted()
          Indicates whether the session is in transacted mode.
 XAResource (src) getXAResource()
          Returns an XA resource to the caller.
 SpyXAResourceManager (src) getXAResourceManager()
          Retrieve the XA resource manager
 void recover()
          Stops message delivery in this session, and restarts message delivery with the oldest unacknowledged message.
 void rollback()
          Rolls back any messages done in this transaction and releases any locks currently held.
 void run()
          Optional operation, intended to be used only by Application Servers, not by ordinary JMS clients.
 void setMessageListener(MessageListener (src)  listener)
          Sets the session's distinguished message listener (optional).
 java.lang.String toString()
 void unsubscribe(java.lang.String name)
          Unsubscribes a durable subscription that has been created by a client.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public Connection (src)  connection
The connection object to which this session is linked


public boolean running
Is this session running right now?


protected boolean transacted
Is this session transacted ?


protected int acknowledgeMode
What is the type of acknowledgement ?


protected java.util.HashSet consumers
MessageConsumers created by this session


protected java.util.HashSet producers
MessageProducers created by this session


protected java.lang.Object deliveryLock
The delivery lock


protected boolean inDelivery
Whether we are doing asynchronous delivery

Method Detail


public void doAcknowledge(Message (src)  message,
                          AcknowledgementRequest (src)  ack)
                   throws JMSException (src) 
JMS Note that the acknowledge method of Message acknowledges all messages received on that messages session. JMS Message.acknowledge method: Clarify that the method applies to all consumed messages of the session. Rationale for this change: A possible misinterpretation of the existing Java API documentation for Message.acknowledge assumed that only messages received prior to this message should be acknowledged. The updated Java API documentation statement emphasizes that message acknowledgement is really a session-level activity and that this message is only being used to identify the session in order to acknowledge all messages consumed by the session. The acknowledge method was placed in the message object only to enable easy access to acknowledgement capability within a message listeners onMessage method. This change aligns the specification and Java API documentation to define Message.acknowledge in the same manner.

message - the message to acknowledge
ack - the acknowledgement request
JMSException (src) - for any error


public SpyXAResourceManager (src)  getXAResourceManager()
Retrieve the XA resource manager

the resource manager


public void setMessageListener(MessageListener (src)  listener)
                        throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Sets the session's distinguished message listener (optional).

When the distinguished message listener is set, no other form of message receipt in the session can be used; however, all forms of sending messages are still supported.

This is an expert facility not used by regular JMS clients.

Specified by:
setMessageListener in interface Session (src)
listener - the message listener to associate with this session
JMSException (src) - if the JMS provider fails to set the message listener due to an internal error.
See Also:
Session.getMessageListener(), ServerSessionPool (src) , ServerSession (src)


public boolean getTransacted()
                      throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Indicates whether the session is in transacted mode.

Specified by:
getTransacted in interface Session (src)
true if the session is in transacted mode
JMSException (src) - if the JMS provider fails to return the transaction mode due to some internal error.


public MessageListener (src)  getMessageListener()
                                   throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Returns the session's distinguished message listener (optional).

Specified by:
getMessageListener in interface Session (src)
the message listener associated with this session
JMSException (src) - if the JMS provider fails to get the message listener due to an internal error.
See Also:
Session.setMessageListener(javax.jms.MessageListener), ServerSessionPool (src) , ServerSession (src)


public BytesMessage (src)  createBytesMessage()
                                throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Creates a BytesMessage object. A BytesMessage object is used to send a message containing a stream of uninterpreted bytes.

Specified by:
createBytesMessage in interface Session (src)
JMSException (src) - if the JMS provider fails to create this message due to some internal error.


public MapMessage (src)  createMapMessage()
                            throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Creates a MapMessage object. A MapMessage object is used to send a self-defining set of name-value pairs, where names are String objects and values are primitive values in the Java programming language.

Specified by:
createMapMessage in interface Session (src)
JMSException (src) - if the JMS provider fails to create this message due to some internal error.


public Message (src)  createMessage()
                      throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Creates a Message object. The Message interface is the root interface of all JMS messages. A Message object holds all the standard message header information. It can be sent when a message containing only header information is sufficient.

Specified by:
createMessage in interface Session (src)
JMSException (src) - if the JMS provider fails to create this message due to some internal error.


public ObjectMessage (src)  createObjectMessage()
                                  throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Creates an ObjectMessage object. An ObjectMessage object is used to send a message that contains a serializable Java object.

Specified by:
createObjectMessage in interface Session (src)
JMSException (src) - if the JMS provider fails to create this message due to some internal error.


public ObjectMessage (src)  createObjectMessage( object)
                                  throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Creates an initialized ObjectMessage object. An ObjectMessage object is used to send a message that contains a serializable Java object.

Specified by:
createObjectMessage in interface Session (src)
object - the object to use to initialize this message
JMSException (src) - if the JMS provider fails to create this message due to some internal error.


public StreamMessage (src)  createStreamMessage()
                                  throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Creates a StreamMessage object. A StreamMessage object is used to send a self-defining stream of primitive values in the Java programming language.

Specified by:
createStreamMessage in interface Session (src)
JMSException (src) - if the JMS provider fails to create this message due to some internal error.


public TextMessage (src)  createTextMessage()
                              throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Creates a TextMessage object. A TextMessage object is used to send a message containing a String object.

Specified by:
createTextMessage in interface Session (src)
JMSException (src) - if the JMS provider fails to create this message due to some internal error.


public void run()
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Optional operation, intended to be used only by Application Servers, not by ordinary JMS clients.

Specified by:
run in interface Session (src)
See Also:
ServerSession (src)


public void close()
           throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Closes the session.

Since a provider may allocate some resources on behalf of a session outside the JVM, clients should close the resources when they are not needed. Relying on garbage collection to eventually reclaim these resources may not be timely enough.

There is no need to close the producers and consumers of a closed session.

This call will block until a receive call or message listener in progress has completed. A blocked message consumer receive call returns null when this session is closed.

Closing a transacted session must roll back the transaction in progress.

This method is the only Session method that can be called concurrently.

Invoking any other Session method on a closed session must throw a JMSException.IllegalStateException. Closing a closed session must not throw an exception.

Specified by:
close in interface Session (src)
JMSException (src) - if the JMS provider fails to close the session due to some internal error.


public void commit()
            throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Commits all messages done in this transaction and releases any locks currently held.

Specified by:
commit in interface Session (src)
JMSException (src) - if the JMS provider fails to commit the transaction due to some internal error.


public void rollback()
              throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Rolls back any messages done in this transaction and releases any locks currently held.

Specified by:
rollback in interface Session (src)
JMSException (src) - if the JMS provider fails to roll back the transaction due to some internal error.


public void recover()
             throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Stops message delivery in this session, and restarts message delivery with the oldest unacknowledged message.

All consumers deliver messages in a serial order. Acknowledging a received message automatically acknowledges all messages that have been delivered to the client.

Restarting a session causes it to take the following actions:

Specified by:
recover in interface Session (src)
JMSException (src) - if the JMS provider fails to stop and restart message delivery due to some internal error.


public TextMessage (src)  createTextMessage(java.lang.String string)
                              throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Creates an initialized TextMessage object. A TextMessage object is used to send a message containing a String.

Specified by:
createTextMessage in interface Session (src)
string - the string used to initialize this message
JMSException (src) - if the JMS provider fails to create this message due to some internal error.


public int getAcknowledgeMode()
                       throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Returns the acknowledgement mode of the session. The acknowledgement mode is set at the time that the session is created. If the session is transacted, the acknowledgement mode is ignored.

Specified by:
getAcknowledgeMode in interface Session (src)
If the session is not transacted, returns the current acknowledgement mode for the session. If the session is transacted, returns SESSION_TRANSACTED.
JMSException (src) - if the JMS provider fails to return the acknowledgment mode due to some internal error.
See Also:
Connection.createSession(boolean, int)


public MessageConsumer (src)  createConsumer(Destination (src)  destination)
                               throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Creates a MessageConsumer for the specified destination. Since Queue and Topic both inherit from Destination, they can be used in the destination parameter to create a MessageConsumer.

Specified by:
createConsumer in interface Session (src)
destination - the Destination to access.
JMSException (src) - if the session fails to create a consumer due to some internal error.


public MessageConsumer (src)  createConsumer(Destination (src)  destination,
                                      java.lang.String messageSelector)
                               throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Creates a MessageConsumer for the specified destination, using a message selector. Since Queue and Topic both inherit from Destination, they can be used in the destination parameter to create a MessageConsumer.

A client uses a MessageConsumer object to receive messages that have been sent to a destination.

Specified by:
createConsumer in interface Session (src)
destination - the Destination to access
messageSelector - only messages with properties matching the message selector expression are delivered. A value of null or an empty string indicates that there is no message selector for the message consumer.
JMSException (src) - if the session fails to create a MessageConsumer due to some internal error.


public MessageConsumer (src)  createConsumer(Destination (src)  destination,
                                      java.lang.String messageSelector,
                                      boolean noLocal)
                               throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Creates MessageConsumer for the specified destination, using a message selector. This method can specify whether messages published by its own connection should be delivered to it, if the destination is a topic.

Since Queue and Topic both inherit from Destination, they can be used in the destination parameter to create a MessageConsumer.

A client uses a MessageConsumer object to receive messages that have been published to a destination.

In some cases, a connection may both publish and subscribe to a topic. The consumer NoLocal attribute allows a consumer to inhibit the delivery of messages published by its own connection. The default value for this attribute is False. The noLocal value must be supported by destinations that are topics.

Specified by:
createConsumer in interface Session (src)
destination - the Destination to access
messageSelector - only messages with properties matching the message selector expression are delivered. A value of null or an empty string indicates that there is no message selector for the message consumer.
noLocal - - if true, and the destination is a topic, inhibits the delivery of messages published by its own connection. The behavior for NoLocal is not specified if the destination is a queue.
JMSException (src) - if the session fails to create a MessageConsumer due to some internal error.


public MessageProducer (src)  createProducer(Destination (src)  destination)
                               throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Creates a MessageProducer to send messages to the specified destination.

A client uses a MessageProducer object to send messages to a destination. Since Queue and Topic both inherit from Destination, they can be used in the destination parameter to create a MessageProducer object.

Specified by:
createProducer in interface Session (src)
destination - the Destination to send to, or null if this is a producer which does not have a specified destination.
JMSException (src) - if the session fails to create a MessageProducer due to some internal error.


public QueueBrowser (src)  createBrowser(Queue (src)  queue)
                           throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Creates a QueueBrowser object to peek at the messages on the specified queue.

Specified by:
createBrowser in interface Session (src)
queue - the queue to access
JMSException (src) - if the session fails to create a browser due to some internal error.


public QueueBrowser (src)  createBrowser(Queue (src)  queue,
                                  java.lang.String messageSelector)
                           throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Creates a QueueBrowser object to peek at the messages on the specified queue using a message selector.

Specified by:
createBrowser in interface Session (src)
queue - the queue to access
messageSelector - only messages with properties matching the message selector expression are delivered. A value of null or an empty string indicates that there is no message selector for the message consumer.
JMSException (src) - if the session fails to create a browser due to some internal error.


public QueueReceiver (src)  createReceiver(Queue (src)  queue)
                             throws JMSException (src) 
JMSException (src)


public QueueReceiver (src)  createReceiver(Queue (src)  queue,
                                    java.lang.String messageSelector)
                             throws JMSException (src) 
JMSException (src)


public QueueSender (src)  createSender(Queue (src)  queue)
                         throws JMSException (src) 
JMSException (src)


public TopicSubscriber (src)  createDurableSubscriber(Topic (src)  topic,
                                               java.lang.String name)
                                        throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Creates a durable subscriber to the specified topic.

If a client needs to receive all the messages published on a topic, including the ones published while the subscriber is inactive, it uses a durable TopicSubscriber. The JMS provider retains a record of this durable subscription and insures that all messages from the topic's publishers are retained until they are acknowledged by this durable subscriber or they have expired.

Sessions with durable subscribers must always provide the same client identifier. In addition, each client must specify a name that uniquely identifies (within client identifier) each durable subscription it creates. Only one session at a time can have a TopicSubscriber for a particular durable subscription.

A client can change an existing durable subscription by creating a durable TopicSubscriber with the same name and a new topic and/or message selector. Changing a durable subscriber is equivalent to unsubscribing (deleting) the old one and creating a new one.

In some cases, a connection may both publish and subscribe to a topic. The subscriber NoLocal attribute allows a subscriber to inhibit the delivery of messages published by its own connection. The default value for this attribute is false.

Specified by:
createDurableSubscriber in interface Session (src)
topic - the non-temporary Topic to subscribe to
name - the name used to identify this subscription
JMSException (src) - if the session fails to create a subscriber due to some internal error.


public TopicSubscriber (src)  createDurableSubscriber(Topic (src)  topic,
                                               java.lang.String name,
                                               java.lang.String messageSelector,
                                               boolean noLocal)
                                        throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Creates a durable subscriber to the specified topic, using a message selector and specifying whether messages published by its own connection should be delivered to it.

If a client needs to receive all the messages published on a topic, including the ones published while the subscriber is inactive, it uses a durable TopicSubscriber. The JMS provider retains a record of this durable subscription and insures that all messages from the topic's publishers are retained until they are acknowledged by this durable subscriber or they have expired.

Sessions with durable subscribers must always provide the same client identifier. In addition, each client must specify a name which uniquely identifies (within client identifier) each durable subscription it creates. Only one session at a time can have a TopicSubscriber for a particular durable subscription. An inactive durable subscriber is one that exists but does not currently have a message consumer associated with it.

A client can change an existing durable subscription by creating a durable TopicSubscriber with the same name and a new topic and/or message selector. Changing a durable subscriber is equivalent to unsubscribing (deleting) the old one and creating a new one.

Specified by:
createDurableSubscriber in interface Session (src)
topic - the non-temporary Topic to subscribe to
name - the name used to identify this subscription
messageSelector - only messages with properties matching the message selector expression are delivered. A value of null or an empty string indicates that there is no message selector for the message consumer.
noLocal - if set, inhibits the delivery of messages published by its own connection
JMSException (src) - if the session fails to create a subscriber due to some internal error.


public TopicSubscriber (src)  createSubscriber(Topic (src)  topic)
                                 throws JMSException (src) 
JMSException (src)


public TopicSubscriber (src)  createSubscriber(Topic (src)  topic,
                                        java.lang.String messageSelector,
                                        boolean noLocal)
                                 throws JMSException (src) 
JMSException (src)


public TopicPublisher (src)  createPublisher(Topic (src)  topic)
                               throws JMSException (src) 
JMSException (src)


public Queue (src)  createQueue(java.lang.String queueName)
                  throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Creates a queue identity given a Queue name.

This facility is provided for the rare cases where clients need to dynamically manipulate queue identity. It allows the creation of a queue identity with a provider-specific name. Clients that depend on this ability are not portable.

Note that this method is not for creating the physical queue. The physical creation of queues is an administrative task and is not to be initiated by the JMS API. The one exception is the creation of temporary queues, which is accomplished with the createTemporaryQueue method.

Specified by:
createQueue in interface Session (src)
queueName - the name of this Queue
a Queue with the given name
JMSException (src) - if the session fails to create a queue due to some internal error.


public Topic (src)  createTopic(java.lang.String topicName)
                  throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Creates a topic identity given a Topic name.

This facility is provided for the rare cases where clients need to dynamically manipulate topic identity. This allows the creation of a topic identity with a provider-specific name. Clients that depend on this ability are not portable.

Note that this method is not for creating the physical topic. The physical creation of topics is an administrative task and is not to be initiated by the JMS API. The one exception is the creation of temporary topics, which is accomplished with the createTemporaryTopic method.

Specified by:
createTopic in interface Session (src)
topicName - the name of this Topic
a Topic with the given name
JMSException (src) - if the session fails to create a topic due to some internal error.


public TemporaryQueue (src)  createTemporaryQueue()
                                    throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Creates a TemporaryQueue object. Its lifetime will be that of the Connection unless it is deleted earlier.

Specified by:
createTemporaryQueue in interface Session (src)
a temporary queue identity
JMSException (src) - if the session fails to create a temporary queue due to some internal error.


public TemporaryTopic (src)  createTemporaryTopic()
                                    throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Creates a TemporaryTopic object. Its lifetime will be that of the Connection unless it is deleted earlier.

Specified by:
createTemporaryTopic in interface Session (src)
a temporary topic identity
JMSException (src) - if the session fails to create a temporary topic due to some internal error.


public void unsubscribe(java.lang.String name)
                 throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: Session (src)
Unsubscribes a durable subscription that has been created by a client.

This method deletes the state being maintained on behalf of the subscriber by its provider.

It is erroneous for a client to delete a durable subscription while there is an active MessageConsumer or TopicSubscriber for the subscription, or while a consumed message is part of a pending transaction or has not been acknowledged in the session.

Specified by:
unsubscribe in interface Session (src)
name - the name used to identify this subscription
JMSException (src) - if the session fails to unsubscribe to the durable subscription due to some internal error.


public XAResource (src)  getXAResource()
Description copied from interface: XASession (src)
Returns an XA resource to the caller.

Specified by:
getXAResource in interface XASession (src)
an XA resource to the caller


public Session (src)  getSession()
                   throws JMSException (src) 
Description copied from interface: XASession (src)
Gets the session associated with this XASession.

Specified by:
getSession in interface XASession (src)
the session object
JMSException (src) - if an internal error occurs.


public java.lang.String toString()