 * JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS
 * Distributable under LGPL license.
 * See terms of license at gnu.org.
package org.jboss.mx.util;

import EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.SynchronizedLong;

 * A schedulable runnable.<p>
 * Subclasses should implement doRun() to do some real work.<p>
 * setScheduler(RunnableScheduler) has to be invoked with a RunnableScheduler
 * that has been started for the work to be performed. If the doRun() does
 * not invoke setNextRun(), the link to the scheduler is removed.
 * @see RunnableScheduler
 * @author  <a href="mailto:Adrian.Brock@HappeningTimes.com">Adrian Brock</a>.
 * @author Scott.Stark@jboss.org
 * @version $Revision: $
public abstract class SchedulableRunnable
   implements Comparable, Runnable

   // Attributes ----------------------------------------------------

    * A unique identifier
   private long id;

    * The next run timestamp
   private SynchronizedLong nextRun = new SynchronizedLong(0);

    * The current scheduler
   private RunnableScheduler scheduler;

    * Whether we are running
   private boolean running;

    * Whether we should reschedule after the run
   private boolean reschedule;

   // Static --------------------------------------------------------

    * The next unique identifier
   private static long nextId = 0;

   // Constructors --------------------------------------------------

    * Constructs a new schedulable runnable.
   public SchedulableRunnable()
      this.id = getNextId();

   // Public --------------------------------------------------------

    * Gets the next run timestamp
    * @return the next run
   public long getNextRun()
      return nextRun.get();

    * Sets the next run date<p>
    * If it is linked to a scheduler, it is temporarily removed while the date
    * is modified.
    * @param nextRun the next run date
   public synchronized void setNextRun(long nextRun)
      // Remove from scheduler
      if (scheduler != null)

      // Set the new run time

      // If we are not running, add it to the scheduler otherwise
      // remember we want adding back
      if (running == false && scheduler != null)
         //log.debug("add to scheduler: " + this);
         //log.debug("reschedule: " + this);
         reschedule = true;

    * Set the scheduler for this runnable
    * @param scheduler pass null to remove the runnable from any scheduler
    * @return the previous scheduler or null if there was no previous scheduler
   public synchronized RunnableScheduler setScheduler(RunnableScheduler scheduler)
      // Null operation
      if (this.scheduler == scheduler)
         return this.scheduler;

      // Remember the result
      RunnableScheduler result = this.scheduler;

      // Remove from previous scheduler
      if (this.scheduler != null)

      // Set the new state
      this.scheduler = scheduler;

      // This is a remove operation
      if (scheduler == null)
         reschedule = false;

      // If we are not running, add it to the scheduler otherwise
      // remember we want adding
      else if (running == false)
         reschedule = true;

      // We are done
      return result;

    * Do the work, the scheduled runnable should do its work here
   public abstract void doRun();

   // Runnable Implementation ---------------------------------------

    * Runs doRun()<p>
    * If setNextRun() is not invoked during the doRun(), the link to the 
    * scheduler is removed
   public final void run()

   // Runnable Implementation ---------------------------------------

   public int compareTo(Object o)
       SchedulableRunnable other = (SchedulableRunnable) o;
       long temp = this.nextRun.get() - other.nextRun.get();
       if (temp < 0)
          return -1;
       if (temp > 0)
          return +1;
       temp = this.id - other.id;
       if (temp < 0)
          return -1;
       if (temp > 0)
          return +1;
       return 0;

   // Object Overrides ----------------------------------------------

   public boolean equals(Object obj)
      return (compareTo(obj) == 0);

   // Protected -----------------------------------------------------

   // Package -------------------------------------------------------

   // Private -------------------------------------------------------

    * Start the run
   private synchronized void startRun()
      running = true;

    * Check whether the work got rescheduled
   private synchronized void endRun()
      running = false;
      if (reschedule == true)
      reschedule = false;

    * Get the next identifier
   private static synchronized long getNextId()
      return nextId++;

   // Inner Classes -------------------------------------------------