Package org.jboss.system

Core system framework and components.


Interface Summary
BarrierController.BarrierMBean (src) The controlled barrier MBean interface
ListenerServiceMBean (src) An extension of the ServiceMBean interface that provides for declarative JMX notification subscription handling.
NotificationFilterFactory (src) Abstracts NotificationFilter creation based on an arbritrary xml element fragment.
Service (src) The Service interface.
ServiceFactory (src) The ServiceFactory interface is used to obtain a Service proxy instance for a named MBean.
ServiceMBean (src) An interface describing a JBoss service MBean.

Class Summary
BarrierController (src) BarrierController service.
BarrierController.Barrier (src) The controlled barrier MBean class
JBossRMIClassLoader (src) An implementation of RMIClassLoaderSpi to workaround the proxy ClassCastException problem in 1.4
ListenerServiceMBeanSupport (src) An abstract base class that provides for declarative JMX notification subscription handling.
ListenerServiceMBeanSupport.SubscriptionInfo (src) Inner data holder class to store the parsed subscription specification.
ORBSingleton (src) Thin wrapper class that fulfills the contract of an ORB singleton and forwards every invocation to an instance of the actual ORB singleton class, which it loads with the context classloader.
Registry (src) A registry, really, a registry.
ServiceConfigurator (src) Service configuration helper.
ServiceContext (src) ServiceContext holds information for the Service
ServiceController (src) This is the main Service Controller.
ServiceCreator (src) A helper class for the controller.
ServiceDynamicMBeanSupport (src)
ServiceMBeanSupport (src) An abstract base class JBoss services can subclass to implement a service that conforms to the ServiceMBean interface.

Exception Summary
ConfigurationException (src) Thrown to indicate a non-fatal configuration related problem.
InvalidAttributeException (src) Thrown to indicate that a given attribute value is not valid.
MissingAttributeException (src) Thrown to indicate that a required attribute has not been set.

Package org.jboss.system Description

Core system framework and components.

Package Specification

Related Documentation

Package Status
