Class AuthorBean

  extended byorg.jboss.test.cmp2.readonly.AuthorBean
All Implemented Interfaces:
EnterpriseBean (src) , EntityBean (src) ,

public abstract class AuthorBean
extends java.lang.Object
implements EntityBean (src)

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void ejbActivate()
          A container invokes this method when the instance is taken out of the pool of available instances to become associated with a specific EJB object.
 java.lang.Integer ejbCreate(java.lang.Integer id)
 void ejbLoad()
          A container invokes this method to instruct the instance to synchronize its state by loading it state from the underlying database.
 void ejbPassivate()
          A container invokes this method on an instance before the instance becomes disassociated with a specific EJB object.
 void ejbPostCreate(java.lang.Integer id)
 void ejbRemove()
          A container invokes this method before it removes the EJB object that is currently associated with the instance.
 void ejbStore()
          A container invokes this method to instruct the instance to synchronize its state by storing it to the underlying database.
abstract  java.lang.Integer getId()
abstract  java.lang.String getName()
 void setEntityContext(EntityContext (src)  ctx)
          Set the associated entity context.
abstract  void setId(java.lang.Integer id)
abstract  void setName(java.lang.String name)
 void unsetEntityContext()
          Unset the associated entity context.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AuthorBean()
Method Detail


public java.lang.Integer ejbCreate(java.lang.Integer id)
                            throws CreateException (src) 
CreateException (src)


public void ejbPostCreate(java.lang.Integer id)


public abstract java.lang.Integer getId()


public abstract void setId(java.lang.Integer id)


public abstract java.lang.String getName()


public abstract void setName(java.lang.String name)


public void setEntityContext(EntityContext (src)  ctx)
Description copied from interface: EntityBean (src)

Set the associated entity context. The container invokes this method on an instance after the instance has been created.

This method is called in an unspecified transaction context.

Specified by:
setEntityContext in interface EntityBean (src)
ctx - - An EntityContext interface for the instance. The instance should store the reference to the context in an instance variable.


public void unsetEntityContext()
Description copied from interface: EntityBean (src)

Unset the associated entity context. The container calls this method before removing the instance.

This is the last method that the container invokes on the instance. The Java garbage collector will eventually invoke the finalize() method on the instance.

This method is called in an unspecified transaction context.

Specified by:
unsetEntityContext in interface EntityBean (src)


public void ejbActivate()
Description copied from interface: EntityBean (src)

A container invokes this method when the instance is taken out of the pool of available instances to become associated with a specific EJB object. This method transitions the instance to the ready state.

This method executes in an unspecified transaction context.

Specified by:
ejbActivate in interface EntityBean (src)


public void ejbPassivate()
Description copied from interface: EntityBean (src)

A container invokes this method on an instance before the instance becomes disassociated with a specific EJB object. After this method completes, the container will place the instance into the pool of available instances.

This method executes in an unspecified transaction context.

Specified by:
ejbPassivate in interface EntityBean (src)


public void ejbLoad()
Description copied from interface: EntityBean (src)

A container invokes this method to instruct the instance to synchronize its state by loading it state from the underlying database.

This method always executes in the transaction context determined by the value of the transaction attribute in the deployment descriptor.

Specified by:
ejbLoad in interface EntityBean (src)


public void ejbStore()
Description copied from interface: EntityBean (src)

A container invokes this method to instruct the instance to synchronize its state by storing it to the underlying database.

This method always executes in the transaction context determined by the value of the transaction attribute in the deployment descriptor.

Specified by:
ejbStore in interface EntityBean (src)


public void ejbRemove()
Description copied from interface: EntityBean (src)

A container invokes this method before it removes the EJB object that is currently associated with the instance. This method is invoked when a client invokes a remove operation on the enterprise Bean's home interface or the EJB object's remote interface. This method transitions the instance from the ready state to the pool of available instances.

This method is called in the transaction context of the remove operation.

Specified by:
ejbRemove in interface EntityBean (src)