Package org.jboss.test.securitymgr.test

Class Summary
BMPUnitTestCase (src) Basic conformance tests for stateless sessions
CMPUnitTestCase (src) Basic conformance tests for stateless sessions
EJBSpecUnitTestCase (src) Tests of the programming restrictions defined by the EJB spec.
MDBUnitTestCase (src) Basic conformance tests for stateless sessions
PolicyUnitTestCase (src) Tests of the security permission enforcement that creates and directly invokes the ejb methods to test the security policy permissions without the noise of the ejb container.
SecurityUnitTestCase (src) Tests of the security permission enforcement for items outside of the standard EJB programming restrictions.
StatefulSessionUnitTestCase (src) Basic conformance tests for stateless sessions
StatelessSessionUnitTestCase (src) Basic conformance tests for stateless sessions
WebIntegrationUnitTestCase (src) Basic tests for web apps