Package org.jboss.util.propertyeditor

Property editors for use with java.beans.PropertyEditorManager.


Class Summary
BigDecimalEditor (src) A property editor for BigDecimal.
BlockingModeEditor (src) A property editor for BlockingMode (src) enum.
BooleanEditor (src) A property editor for Boolean.
ByteEditor (src) A property editor for Byte.
ClassArrayEditor (src) A property editor for Class[].
ClassEditor (src) A property editor for Class.
DateEditor (src) A property editor for Date.
DocumentEditor (src) A property editor for Document.
DoubleEditor (src) A property editor for Integer.
ElementEditor (src) A property editor for Element.
FileEditor (src) A property editor for File.
FloatEditor (src) A property editor for Integer.
InetAddressEditor (src) A property editor for InetAddress.
IntArrayEditor (src) A property editor for int[].
IntegerEditor (src) A property editor for Integer.
LongEditor (src) A property editor for Integer.
PropertiesEditor (src) A property editor for Properties.
PropertyEditors (src) A collection of PropertyEditor utilities.
ShortEditor (src) A property editor for Short.
StringArrayEditor (src) A property editor for String[].
TextPropertyEditorSupport (src) A property editor support class for textual properties.
URLEditor (src) A property editor for URL.

Package org.jboss.util.propertyeditor Description

Property editors for use with java.beans.PropertyEditorManager.

Package Specification

Related Documentation

Package Status
