Package org.jboss.web.loadbalancer.scheduler

Interface Summary
SchedulerMBean (src) Interface for schedulers.

Class Summary
AbstractScheduler (src) Base-class for Scheduler
Host (src) A class that holds information about a target node.
HostStateChangedNotification (src) A JMX-Notification that informs listeners about the fact that the state of a node changed.
HostStatistics (src) This class holds statistics for a node.
MinAvgSchedulerService (src) A scheduler that chooses the node with the lowest avg.
RoundRobinSchedulerService (src) A round robin scheduler.
WeightedLeastConnectionSchedulerService (src) A scheduler that chooses the node with the lowest current connection count.

Exception Summary
NoHostAvailableException (src) This exception is thrown when no host is available to handle a request.