Uses of Interface

Packages that use SubDeployer
org.jboss.deployment Core deployment framework and services. 

Uses of SubDeployer in org.jboss.deployment

Subinterfaces of SubDeployer in org.jboss.deployment
 interface SubDeployerExt
          An extension interface that allows the retrieval and setting of the combined suffixes and their relative order supported by a SubDeployer.

Classes in org.jboss.deployment that implement SubDeployer
 class JARDeployer
          This deployer exists to prevent deployment of packages whose deployers are not yet deployed.
 class ObjectModelFactorySimpleSubDeployerSupport
          A simple subdeployer that deploys a managed object after parsing the deployment's xml file using an ObjectModelFactory.
 class SARDeployer
          This is the main Service Deployer API.
 class SchemaBindingSimpleSubDeployerSupport
          A simple subdeployer that deploys a managed object after parsing the deployment's xml file using an ObjectModelFactory.
 class SimpleSubDeployerSupport
          A simple subdeployer that deploys a managed object after parsing the deployment's xml file.
 class SubDeployerSupport
          An abstract SubDeployer.
 class XSLSubDeployer

Fields in org.jboss.deployment declared as SubDeployer
protected  SubDeployer XSLSubDeployer.delegate
 SubDeployer DeploymentInfo.deployer
          The subdeployer that handles the deployment

Methods in org.jboss.deployment with parameters of type SubDeployer
 void MainDeployerMBean.addDeployer(SubDeployer deployer)
          The addDeployer method registers a deployer with the main deployer.
 void MainDeployer.addDeployer(SubDeployer deployer)
          The addDeployer method registers a deployer with the main deployer.
 void MainDeployerMBean.removeDeployer(SubDeployer deployer)
          The removeDeployer method unregisters a deployer with the MainDeployer.
 void MainDeployer.removeDeployer(SubDeployer deployer)
          The removeDeployer method unregisters a deployer with the MainDeployer.

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