Class UsernamePasswordLoginModule

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AnonLoginModule, DatabaseServerLoginModule, LdapExtLoginModule, LdapLoginModule, SimpleServerLoginModule, UsersLoginModule, UsersRolesLoginModule, XMLLoginModule

public abstract class UsernamePasswordLoginModule
extends AbstractServerLoginModule

An abstract subclass of AbstractServerLoginModule that imposes an identity == String username, credentials == String password view on the login process.

Subclasses override the getUsersPassword() and getRoleSets() methods to return the expected password and roles for the user.

$Revision: 57203 $
See Also:
getUsername(), getUsersPassword(), AbstractServerLoginModule.getRoleSets(), AbstractServerLoginModule.createIdentity(String)

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
callbackHandler, log, loginOk, options, principalClassName, sharedState, subject, unauthenticatedIdentity, useFirstPass
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  String createPasswordHash(String username, String password, String digestOption)
          If hashing is enabled, this method is called from login() prior to password validation.
protected  Object getCredentials()
protected  Principal getIdentity()
          Overriden by subclasses to return the Principal that corresponds to the user primary identity.
protected  Principal getUnauthenticatedIdentity()
protected  String getUsername()
protected  String[] getUsernameAndPassword()
          Called by login() to acquire the username and password strings for authentication.
protected abstract  String getUsersPassword()
          Get the expected password for the current username available via the getUsername() method.
protected  Throwable getValidateError()
          Get the error associated with the validatePassword failure
 void initialize(Subject subject, CallbackHandler callbackHandler, Map sharedState, Map options)
          Override the superclass method to look for the following options after first invoking the super version.
 boolean login()
          Perform the authentication of the username and password.
protected  void setValidateError(Throwable validateError)
          Set the error associated with the validatePassword failure
protected  boolean validatePassword(String inputPassword, String expectedPassword)
          A hook that allows subclasses to change the validation of the input password against the expected password.
Methods inherited from class
abort, commit, createGroup, createIdentity, getRoleSets, getUseFirstPass, logout
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public UsernamePasswordLoginModule()
Method Detail


public void initialize(Subject subject,
                       CallbackHandler callbackHandler,
                       Map sharedState,
                       Map options)
Override the superclass method to look for the following options after first invoking the super version.

Specified by:
initialize in interface LoginModule
initialize in class AbstractServerLoginModule
options - : option: hashAlgorithm - the message digest algorithm used to hash passwords. If null then plain passwords will be used. option: hashCharset - the name of the charset/encoding to use when converting the password String to a byte array. Default is the platform's default encoding. option: hashEncoding - the string encoding format to use. Defaults to base64. option: ignorePasswordCase: A flag indicating if the password comparison should ignore case. option: digestCallback - The class name of the DigestCallback DigestCallback implementation that includes pre/post digest content like salts for hashing the input password. Only used if hashAlgorithm has been specified. option: hashStorePassword - A flag indicating if the store password returned from #getUsersPassword() should be hashed . option: hashUserPassword - A flag indicating if the user entered password should be hashed. option: storeDigestCallback - The class name of the DigestCallback DigestCallback implementation that includes pre/post digest content like salts for hashing the store/expected password. Only used if hashStorePassword or hashUserPassword is true and hashAlgorithm has been specified.
subject - the Subject to update after a successful login.
callbackHandler - the CallbackHandler that will be used to obtain the the user identity and credentials.
sharedState - a Map shared between all configured login module instances


public boolean login()
              throws LoginException
Perform the authentication of the username and password.

Specified by:
login in interface LoginModule
login in class AbstractServerLoginModule


protected Principal getIdentity()
Description copied from class: AbstractServerLoginModule
Overriden by subclasses to return the Principal that corresponds to the user primary identity.

Specified by:
getIdentity in class AbstractServerLoginModule


protected Principal getUnauthenticatedIdentity()
getUnauthenticatedIdentity in class AbstractServerLoginModule


protected Object getCredentials()


protected String getUsername()


protected String[] getUsernameAndPassword()
                                   throws LoginException
Called by login() to acquire the username and password strings for authentication. This method does no validation of either.

String[], [0] = username, [1] = password
LoginException - thrown if CallbackHandler is not set or fails.


protected String createPasswordHash(String username,
                                    String password,
                                    String digestOption)
                             throws LoginException
If hashing is enabled, this method is called from login() prior to password validation.

Subclasses may override it to provide customized password hashing, for example by adding user-specific information or salting. If the legacyCreatePasswordHash option is set, this method tries to delegate to the legacy createPasswordHash(String, String) method via reflection and this is the value returned.

The default version calculates the hash based on the following options:

It will return null if the hash fails for any reason, which will in turn cause validatePassword() to fail.

username - ignored in default version
password - the password string to be hashed
digestOption - - the login module option name of the DigestCallback
SecurityException - - thrown if there is a failure to load the digestOption DigestCallback


protected Throwable getValidateError()
Get the error associated with the validatePassword failure

the Throwable seen during validatePassword, null if no error occurred.


protected void setValidateError(Throwable validateError)
Set the error associated with the validatePassword failure

validateError -


protected boolean validatePassword(String inputPassword,
                                   String expectedPassword)
A hook that allows subclasses to change the validation of the input password against the expected password. This version checks that neither inputPassword or expectedPassword are null that that inputPassword.equals(expectedPassword) is true;

true if the inputPassword is valid, false otherwise.


protected abstract String getUsersPassword()
                                    throws LoginException
Get the expected password for the current username available via the getUsername() method. This is called from within the login() method after the CallbackHandler has returned the username and candidate password.

the valid password String

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