Class InvocationKey

  extended by org.jboss.invocation.InvocationKey
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class InvocationKey
extends Object
implements Serializable

Type safe enumeration used for keys in the Invocation object. This relies on an integer id as the identity for a key. When you add a new key enum value you must assign it an ordinal value of the current MAX_KEY_ID+1 and update the MAX_KEY_ID value.

$Revision: 57209 $
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static InvocationKey ARGUMENTS
          The arguments of the method to call.
static InvocationKey CACHE_ID
          The Cache-ID associates an instance in cache somewhere on the server with this invocation.
static InvocationKey CREDENTIAL
          Security credential assocated with this invocation.
static InvocationKey EJB_HOME
          The EJB home proxy bound for use by getEJBHome
static InvocationKey EJB_METADATA
          The EJB meta-data for the EJBHome reference.
static InvocationKey ENTERPRISE_CONTEXT
          Enterprise context
static InvocationKey INVOCATION_CONTEXT
          Invocation context
static InvocationKey INVOKER
          The invoker
static InvocationKey INVOKER_PROXY_BINDING
          The invoker-proxy binding name
static InvocationKey JACC_CONTEXT_ID
          The JAAC context id associated with the invocatio
static InvocationKey JNDI_NAME
          The JNDI name of the EJB.
static InvocationKey METHOD
          The invocation can be a method invocation, we give the method to call.
static InvocationKey OBJECT_NAME
          We can keep a reference to an abstract "container" this invocation is associated with.
static InvocationKey PRINCIPAL
          Security principal assocated with this invocation.
static InvocationKey SOAP_MESSAGE
          The SOAP Message that is available to the SLSB during a service endpoint invocation
static InvocationKey SOAP_MESSAGE_CONTEXT
          The SOAP Message Context that is available to the SLSB during a service endpoint invocation
static InvocationKey SUBJECT
          Any authenticated Subject associated with the invocation
static InvocationKey TRANSACTION
          Transactional information with the invocation.
static InvocationKey TYPE
          The type can be any qualifier for the invocation, anything (used in EJB).
Method Summary
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final InvocationKey TRANSACTION
Transactional information with the invocation.


public static final InvocationKey PRINCIPAL
Security principal assocated with this invocation.


public static final InvocationKey CREDENTIAL
Security credential assocated with this invocation.


public static final InvocationKey SUBJECT
Any authenticated Subject associated with the invocation


public static final InvocationKey OBJECT_NAME
We can keep a reference to an abstract "container" this invocation is associated with.


public static final InvocationKey TYPE
The type can be any qualifier for the invocation, anything (used in EJB).


public static final InvocationKey CACHE_ID
The Cache-ID associates an instance in cache somewhere on the server with this invocation.


public static final InvocationKey METHOD
The invocation can be a method invocation, we give the method to call.


public static final InvocationKey ARGUMENTS
The arguments of the method to call.


public static final InvocationKey INVOCATION_CONTEXT
Invocation context


public static final InvocationKey ENTERPRISE_CONTEXT
Enterprise context


public static final InvocationKey INVOKER_PROXY_BINDING
The invoker-proxy binding name


public static final InvocationKey INVOKER
The invoker


public static final InvocationKey JNDI_NAME
The JNDI name of the EJB.


public static final InvocationKey EJB_METADATA
The EJB meta-data for the EJBHome reference.


public static final InvocationKey EJB_HOME
The EJB home proxy bound for use by getEJBHome


public static final InvocationKey SOAP_MESSAGE_CONTEXT
The SOAP Message Context that is available to the SLSB during a service endpoint invocation


public static final InvocationKey SOAP_MESSAGE
The SOAP Message that is available to the SLSB during a service endpoint invocation


public static final InvocationKey JACC_CONTEXT_ID
The JAAC context id associated with the invocatio

Method Detail


public String toString()
toString in class Object

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