Package | Description |
org.apache.xerces.impl.xs | |
org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.traversers |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected XSDDescription |
Schema Grammar Description passed, to give a chance to application to supply the Grammar
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
XSDDescription |
XSDDescription.makeClone() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static XMLInputSource |
XMLSchemaLoader.resolveDocument(XSDDescription desc,
Hashtable locationPairs,
XMLEntityResolver entityResolver)
This method tries to resolve location of the given schema.
Constructor and Description |
SchemaGrammar(String targetNamespace,
XSDDescription grammarDesc,
SymbolTable symbolTable)
Default constructor.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.traversers.XSDocumentInfo |
XSDHandler.constructTrees(Element schemaRoot,
String locationHint,
XSDDescription desc) |
protected SchemaGrammar |
XSDHandler.findGrammar(XSDDescription desc)
First try to find a grammar in the bucket, if failed, consult the
grammar pool.
SchemaGrammar |
XSDHandler.parseSchema(XMLInputSource is,
XSDDescription desc,
Hashtable locationPairs)
This method initiates the parse of a schema.
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