Class MimeTypeUtil

  extended by org.jboss.dna.common.util.MimeTypeUtil
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class MimeTypeUtil
extends Object

A simple utility that determines an appropriate MIME type by matching the extension of the supplied filename against a set of known file extensions.

This utility class may be instantiated to create a new instance with its own set of mappings. If desired, the default mappings will be loaded using the current thread's context class loader, and will be loaded from the /org/jboss/dna/mime.types file located on the classpath. The load(InputStream, Map) method may be used to load custom mappings (in the standard format) into a Map instance, which can then be passed to one of the constructors.

Field Summary
          The default location of the properties file containing the extension patterns to MIME types.
Constructor Summary
          Create a default instance of the extension-based MIME type detector.
MimeTypeUtil(Map<String,String> extensionsToMimeTypes)
          Create an instance of the extension-based MIME type detector by using the supplied mappings.
MimeTypeUtil(Map<String,String> extensionsToMimeTypes, boolean initWithDefaults)
          Create an instance of the extension-based MIME type detector by using the supplied mappings.
Method Summary
static Map<String,String> load(InputStream stream, Map<String,Set<String>> duplicateMimeTypesByExtension)
          Load the extensions from the supplied stream, which may provide the contents in the format of property file or a tab-delimited *nix-style MIME types file (common in web servers and libraries).
 String mimeTypeOf(File file)
          Returns the MIME-type of the file using its name.
 String mimeTypeOf(String filename)
          Returns the MIME-type of a file given the supplied name.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


The default location of the properties file containing the extension patterns to MIME types. Value is ""org/jboss/dna/mime.types" ".

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public MimeTypeUtil()
Create a default instance of the extension-based MIME type detector. The set of extension patterns to MIME-types is loaded from the "org/jboss/dna/mime.types" classpath resource.


public MimeTypeUtil(Map<String,String> extensionsToMimeTypes)
Create an instance of the extension-based MIME type detector by using the supplied mappings. The set of extension patterns to MIME-types is loaded from the "org/jboss/dna/mime.types" classpath resource, but the supplied extension mappings override any default mappings.

extensionsToMimeTypes - the mapping of extension patterns to MIME types, which will override the default mappings; may be null if the default mappings are to be used


public MimeTypeUtil(Map<String,String> extensionsToMimeTypes,
                    boolean initWithDefaults)
Create an instance of the extension-based MIME type detector by using the supplied mappings. If requested, the set of extension patterns to MIME-types is loaded from the "org/jboss/dna/mime.types" classpath resource and any supplied extension mappings override any default mappings.

extensionsToMimeTypes - the mapping of extension patterns to MIME types, which will override the default mappings; may be null if the default mappings are to be used
initWithDefaults - true if the default mappings are to be loaded first, or false if the default mappings are not to be used at all
Method Detail


public static Map<String,String> load(InputStream stream,
                                      Map<String,Set<String>> duplicateMimeTypesByExtension)
Load the extensions from the supplied stream, which may provide the contents in the format of property file or a tab-delimited *nix-style MIME types file (common in web servers and libraries). If an extension applies to more than one MIME type, the first one in the file wins.

stream - the stream containing the content; may not be null
duplicateMimeTypesByExtension - a map into which any extension should be placed if there are multiple MIME types that apply; may be null if this information is not required
the default mappings; never null


public String mimeTypeOf(String filename)
Returns the MIME-type of a file given the supplied name. If the MIME-type cannot be determined, a null is returned.

filename - the file name; may be null.
The MIME-type of the file, or optionally null if the MIME-type could not be determined.


public String mimeTypeOf(File file)
Returns the MIME-type of the file using its name. If the MIME-type cannot be determined, a null is returned.

file - the file; may be null.
The MIME-type of the file, or optionally null if the MIME-type could not be determined.

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