Interface CustomPropertiesFactory

All Superinterfaces:

public interface CustomPropertiesFactory
extends Serializable

A simple interface that allows an implementer to define additional properties for "nt:folder", "nt:file", and "nt:resource" nodes created by the file system connector.

To use, supply the implementation to a FileSystemSource object (or register the factory in a subclass of FileSystemSource). Implementations should be immutable because they are shared between all the connections.

Method Summary
 Collection<Property> getDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext context, Location location, File directory)
          Construct the custom properties that should be created for the supplied directory that is to be treated as an "nt:folder".
 Collection<Property> getFileProperties(ExecutionContext context, Location location, File file)
          Construct the custom properties that should be created for the supplied file that is to be treated as an "nt:file".
 Collection<Property> getResourceProperties(ExecutionContext context, Location location, File file, String mimeType)
          Construct the custom properties that should be created for the supplied file that is to be treated as an "nt:resource", which is the node that contains the content-oriented properties and that is a child of a "nt:file" node.
 Set<Name> recordDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:folder" node.
 Set<Name> recordFileProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:file" node.
 Set<Name> recordResourceProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:resource" node.

Method Detail


Collection<Property> getDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext context,
                                            Location location,
                                            File directory)
Construct the custom properties that should be created for the supplied directory that is to be treated as an "nt:folder". The resulting properties should not include the standard JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE or JcrLexicon.CREATED properties, which are set automatically and will override any returned Property with the same name.

context - the execution context; never null
location - the Location of the node, which always contains a path; never null
directory - the file system object; never null and File.isDirectory() will always return true
the custom properties; never null but possibly empty


Collection<Property> getResourceProperties(ExecutionContext context,
                                           Location location,
                                           File file,
                                           String mimeType)
Construct the custom properties that should be created for the supplied file that is to be treated as an "nt:resource", which is the node that contains the content-oriented properties and that is a child of a "nt:file" node. The resulting properties should not include the standard JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE, JcrLexicon.LAST_MODIFIED, or JcrLexicon.DATA properties, which are set automatically and will override any returned Property with the same name.

context - the execution context; never null
location - the Location of the node, which always contains a path; never null
file - the file system object; never null and File.isFile() will always return true
mimeType - the mime type for the file, as determined by the MIME type detector, or null if the MIME type could not be determined
the custom properties; never null but possibly empty


Collection<Property> getFileProperties(ExecutionContext context,
                                       Location location,
                                       File file)
Construct the custom properties that should be created for the supplied file that is to be treated as an "nt:file". The resulting properties should not include the standard JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE or JcrLexicon.CREATED properties, which are set automatically and will override any returned Property with the same name.

Although the connector does not automatically determine the MIME type for the "nt:file" nodes, an implementation can determine the MIME type by using the context's MIME type detector. Note, however, that this may be an expensive operation, so it should be used only when needed.

context - the execution context; never null
location - the Location of the node, which always contains a path; never null
file - the file system object; never null and File.isFile() will always return true
the custom properties; never null but possibly empty


Set<Name> recordDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext context,
                                    String sourceName,
                                    Location location,
                                    File file,
                                    Map<Name,Property> properties)
                                    throws RepositorySourceException
Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:folder" node.

context - the execution context; never null
sourceName - the name of the repository source; never null
location - the Location of the node, which always contains a path; never null
file - the file system object; never null, and both File.exists() and File.isDirectory() will always return true
properties - the properties that are to be set
the names of the properties that were created, or an empty or null set if no properties were created on the file
RepositorySourceException - if any properties are invalid or cannot be set on these nodes


Set<Name> recordFileProperties(ExecutionContext context,
                               String sourceName,
                               Location location,
                               File file,
                               Map<Name,Property> properties)
                               throws RepositorySourceException
Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:file" node.

context - the execution context; never null
sourceName - the name of the repository source; never null
location - the Location of the node, which always contains a path; never null
file - the file system object; never null, and both File.exists() and File.isFile() will always return true
properties - the properties that are to be set
the names of the properties that were created, or an empty or null set if no properties were created on the file
RepositorySourceException - if any properties are invalid or cannot be set on these nodes


Set<Name> recordResourceProperties(ExecutionContext context,
                                   String sourceName,
                                   Location location,
                                   File file,
                                   Map<Name,Property> properties)
                                   throws RepositorySourceException
Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:resource" node.

context - the execution context; never null
sourceName - the name of the repository source; never null
location - the Location of the node, which always contains a path; never null
file - the file system object; never null, and both File.exists() and File.isFile() will always return true
properties - the properties that are to be set
the names of the properties that were created, or an empty or null set if no properties were created on the file
RepositorySourceException - if any properties are invalid or cannot be set on these nodes

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