Class JBossCacheSource

  extended by org.jboss.dna.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Referenceable, ObjectFactory, MapRepositorySource, RepositorySource

public class JBossCacheSource
extends Object
implements MapRepositorySource, ObjectFactory

A repository source that uses a JBoss Cache instance to manage the content. This source is capable of using an existing Cache instance or creating a new instance. This process is controlled entirely by the JavaBean properties of the JBossCacheSource instance.

This source first attempts to find an existing cache in JNDI. If none is found, then it attempts to create a cache instance using the CacheFactory found in JNDI (or the DefaultCacheFactory if no such factory is available) and the cache configuration name if supplied or the default configuration if not set.

Like other RepositorySource classes, instances of JBossCacheSource can be placed into JNDI and do support the creation of JNDI referenceable objects and resolution of references into JBossCacheSource.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
          The initial name of the default workspace is ""default" ", unless otherwise specified.
          The default limit is 0 for retrying connection calls to the underlying source.
          The initial value for whether updates are allowed is "true ", unless otherwise specified.
Constructor Summary
          Create a repository source instance.
Method Summary
 boolean areUpdatesAllowed()
          Get whether this source allows updates.
 void close()
          Signal this source that it is no longer needed and should begin the process of reclaiming or closing all resources that it has acquired.
 boolean equals(Object obj)
 String getCacheConfigurationName()
          Get the name of the configuration that should be used if a cache is to be created using the CacheFactory found in JNDI or the DefaultCacheFactory if needed.
 String getCacheFactoryJndiName()
          Get the name in JNDI of a CacheFactory instance that should be used to create the cache for this source.
 String getCacheJndiName()
          Get the name in JNDI of a Cache instance that should be used by this source.
 RepositorySourceCapabilities getCapabilities()
          Get the capabilities for this source.
 RepositoryConnection getConnection()
          Get a connection from this source.
 CachePolicy getDefaultCachePolicy()
          Get the default cache policy for this source, or null if the global default cache policy should be used
 String getDefaultWorkspaceName()
          Get the name of the default workspace.
 String getName()
          Get the name for this repository source.
 Object getObjectInstance(Object obj, Name name, Context nameCtx, Hashtable<?,?> environment)
 String[] getPredefinedWorkspaceNames()
          Gets the names of the workspaces that are available when this source is created.
 Reference getReference()
 RepositoryContext getRepositoryContext()
          Returns the repository context for the repository source
 int getRetryLimit()
          Get the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source.
 String getRootNodeUuid()
          Get the UUID of the root node for the cache.
 UUID getRootNodeUuidObject()
          Get the UUID of the root node for the cache.
 int hashCode()
 void initialize(RepositoryContext context)
          Initialize this source to use the supplied RepositoryContext, from which this source can obtain the configuration defining this source, connections to other sources, and the execution context.
 boolean isCreatingWorkspacesAllowed()
          Get whether this source allows workspaces to be created dynamically.
 void setCacheConfigurationName(String cacheConfigurationName)
          Get the name of the configuration that should be used if a cache is to be created using the CacheFactory found in JNDI or the DefaultCacheFactory if needed.
 void setCacheFactoryJndiName(String jndiName)
          Set the name in JNDI of a CacheFactory instance that should be used to obtain the Cache instance used by this source.
 void setCacheJndiName(String cacheJndiName)
          Set the name in JNDI of a Cache instance that should be used by this source.
 void setCreatingWorkspacesAllowed(boolean allowWorkspaceCreation)
          Set whether this source allows workspaces to be created dynamically.
 void setDefaultCachePolicy(CachePolicy defaultCachePolicy)
 void setDefaultWorkspaceName(String nameOfDefaultWorkspace)
          Set the name of the workspace that should be used when clients don't specify a workspace.
 void setName(String name)
          Set the name of this source
 void setPredefinedWorkspaceNames(String[] predefinedWorkspaceNames)
          Sets the names of the workspaces that are available when this source is created.
 void setRetryLimit(int limit)
          Set the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source.
 void setRootNodeUuid(String rootNodeUuid)
          Set the UUID of the root node in this repository.
 void setUpdatesAllowed(boolean updatesAllowed)
          Set whether this source allows updates to data within workspaces
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int DEFAULT_RETRY_LIMIT
The default limit is 0 for retrying connection calls to the underlying source.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String DEFAULT_UUID_PROPERTY_NAME


public static final String DEFAULT_NAME_OF_DEFAULT_WORKSPACE
The initial name of the default workspace is ""default" ", unless otherwise specified.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final boolean DEFAULT_UPDATES_ALLOWED
The initial value for whether updates are allowed is "true ", unless otherwise specified.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public JBossCacheSource()
Create a repository source instance.

Method Detail


public void initialize(RepositoryContext context)
                throws RepositorySourceException
Initialize this source to use the supplied RepositoryContext, from which this source can obtain the configuration defining this source, connections to other sources, and the execution context.

This method may be called each time the configuration changes, allowing the source to update itself.

Specified by:
initialize in interface RepositorySource
See Also:


public String getName()
Get the name for this repository source.

Specified by:
getName in interface RepositorySource
the name; never null or empty


public RepositorySourceCapabilities getCapabilities()
Get the capabilities for this source.

Specified by:
getCapabilities in interface RepositorySource
the capabilities for this source; never null
See Also:


public int getRetryLimit()
Get the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source. This value does not constitute a minimum number of retries; in fact, the connection user is not required to retry any operations.

Specified by:
getRetryLimit in interface RepositorySource
the maximum number of allowable retries, or 0 if the source has no limit
See Also:


public void setRetryLimit(int limit)
Set the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source. This value does not constitute a minimum number of retries; in fact, the connection user is not required to retry any operations.

Specified by:
setRetryLimit in interface RepositorySource
limit - the maximum number of allowable retries, or 0 if the source has no limit
See Also:


public void setName(String name)
Set the name of this source

name - the name for this source


public CachePolicy getDefaultCachePolicy()
Get the default cache policy for this source, or null if the global default cache policy should be used

Specified by:
getDefaultCachePolicy in interface MapRepositorySource
the default cache policy, or null if this source has no explicit default cache policy


public void setDefaultCachePolicy(CachePolicy defaultCachePolicy)
defaultCachePolicy - Sets defaultCachePolicy to the specified value.


public String getCacheJndiName()
Get the name in JNDI of a Cache instance that should be used by this source.

This source first attempts to find an existing cache in JNDI. If none is found, then it attempts to create a cache instance using the CacheFactory found in JNDI (or the DefaultCacheFactory if no such factory is available) and the cache configuration name if supplied or the default configuration if not set.

the JNDI name of the Cache instance that should be used, or null if the cache is to be created with a cache factory found in JNDI using the specified cache configuration name.
See Also:
setCacheJndiName(String), getCacheConfigurationName(), getCacheFactoryJndiName()


public void setCacheJndiName(String cacheJndiName)
Set the name in JNDI of a Cache instance that should be used by this source.

This source first attempts to find an existing cache in JNDI. If none is found, then it attempts to create a cache instance using the CacheFactory found in JNDI (or the DefaultCacheFactory if no such factory is available) and the cache configuration name if supplied or the default configuration if not set.

cacheJndiName - the JNDI name of the Cache instance that should be used, or null if the cache is to be created with a cache factory found in JNDI using the specified cache configuration name.
See Also:
getCacheJndiName(), getCacheConfigurationName(), getCacheFactoryJndiName()


public String getCacheFactoryJndiName()
Get the name in JNDI of a CacheFactory instance that should be used to create the cache for this source.

This source first attempts to find an existing cache in JNDI. If none is found, then it attempts to create a cache instance using the CacheFactory found in JNDI (or the DefaultCacheFactory if no such factory is available) and the cache configuration name if supplied or the default configuration if not set.

the JNDI name of the CacheFactory instance that should be used, or null if the DefaultCacheFactory should be used if a cache is to be created
See Also:
setCacheFactoryJndiName(String), getCacheConfigurationName(), getCacheJndiName()


public void setCacheFactoryJndiName(String jndiName)
Set the name in JNDI of a CacheFactory instance that should be used to obtain the Cache instance used by this source.

This source first attempts to find an existing cache in JNDI. If none is found, then it attempts to create a cache instance using the CacheFactory found in JNDI (or the DefaultCacheFactory if no such factory is available) and the cache configuration name if supplied or the default configuration if not set.

jndiName - the JNDI name of the CacheFactory instance that should be used, or null if the DefaultCacheFactory should be used if a cache is to be created
See Also:
setCacheFactoryJndiName(String), getCacheConfigurationName(), getCacheJndiName()


public String getCacheConfigurationName()
Get the name of the configuration that should be used if a cache is to be created using the CacheFactory found in JNDI or the DefaultCacheFactory if needed.

This source first attempts to find an existing cache in JNDI. If none is found, then it attempts to create a cache instance using the CacheFactory found in JNDI (or the DefaultCacheFactory if no such factory is available) and the cache configuration name if supplied or the default configuration if not set.

the name of the configuration that should be passed to the CacheFactory, or null if the default configuration should be used
See Also:
setCacheConfigurationName(String), getCacheFactoryJndiName(), getCacheJndiName()


public void setCacheConfigurationName(String cacheConfigurationName)
Get the name of the configuration that should be used if a cache is to be created using the CacheFactory found in JNDI or the DefaultCacheFactory if needed.

This source first attempts to find an existing cache in JNDI. If none is found, then it attempts to create a cache instance using the CacheFactory found in JNDI (or the DefaultCacheFactory if no such factory is available) and the cache configuration name if supplied or the default configuration if not set.

cacheConfigurationName - the name of the configuration that should be passed to the CacheFactory, or null if the default configuration should be used
See Also:
getCacheConfigurationName(), getCacheFactoryJndiName(), getCacheJndiName()


public String getRootNodeUuid()
Get the UUID of the root node for the cache. If the cache exists, this UUID is not used but is instead set to the UUID of the existing root node.

the UUID of the root node for the cache.


public UUID getRootNodeUuidObject()
Get the UUID of the root node for the cache. If the cache exists, this UUID is not used but is instead set to the UUID of the existing root node.

the UUID of the root node for the cache.


public void setRootNodeUuid(String rootNodeUuid)
Set the UUID of the root node in this repository. If the cache exists, this UUID is not used but is instead set to the UUID of the existing root node.

rootNodeUuid - the UUID of the root node for the cache, or null if the UUID should be randomly generated


public String getDefaultWorkspaceName()
Get the name of the default workspace.

the name of the workspace that should be used by default; never null


public void setDefaultWorkspaceName(String nameOfDefaultWorkspace)
Set the name of the workspace that should be used when clients don't specify a workspace.

nameOfDefaultWorkspace - the name of the workspace that should be used by default, or null if the default name should be used


public String[] getPredefinedWorkspaceNames()
Gets the names of the workspaces that are available when this source is created.

the names of the workspaces that this source starts with, or null if there are no such workspaces
See Also:
setPredefinedWorkspaceNames(String[]), setCreatingWorkspacesAllowed(boolean)


public void setPredefinedWorkspaceNames(String[] predefinedWorkspaceNames)
Sets the names of the workspaces that are available when this source is created.

predefinedWorkspaceNames - the names of the workspaces that this source should start with, or null if there are no such workspaces
See Also:
setCreatingWorkspacesAllowed(boolean), getPredefinedWorkspaceNames()


public boolean isCreatingWorkspacesAllowed()
Get whether this source allows workspaces to be created dynamically.

true if this source allows workspaces to be created by clients, or false if the set of workspaces is fixed
See Also:
setPredefinedWorkspaceNames(String[]), getPredefinedWorkspaceNames(), setCreatingWorkspacesAllowed(boolean)


public void setCreatingWorkspacesAllowed(boolean allowWorkspaceCreation)
Set whether this source allows workspaces to be created dynamically.

allowWorkspaceCreation - true if this source allows workspaces to be created by clients, or false if the set of workspaces is fixed
See Also:
setPredefinedWorkspaceNames(String[]), getPredefinedWorkspaceNames(), isCreatingWorkspacesAllowed()


public RepositoryConnection getConnection()
                                   throws RepositorySourceException
Get a connection from this source. Even though each RepositorySource need not be thread safe, this method should be safe to be called concurrently by multiple threads.

Specified by:
getConnection in interface RepositorySource
a connection
RepositorySourceException - if there is a problem obtaining a connection
See Also:


public void close()
Signal this source that it is no longer needed and should begin the process of reclaiming or closing all resources that it has acquired. Because connections may still be in use, this method may not necessarily close all resources immediately.

This is a required method, and must be called when this source is no longer needed if one or more connections have been obtained since the previous call to this method.

Note that calling this method also does not preclude obtaining more connections after this method is called. If that happens, this source should simply reacquire any resources necessary to provide additional connections, and this method needs to be called once again.

Specified by:
close in interface RepositorySource
See Also:


public RepositoryContext getRepositoryContext()
Description copied from interface: MapRepositorySource
Returns the repository context for the repository source

Specified by:
getRepositoryContext in interface MapRepositorySource


public boolean areUpdatesAllowed()
Description copied from interface: MapRepositorySource
Get whether this source allows updates.

Specified by:
areUpdatesAllowed in interface MapRepositorySource
true if this source allows updates by clients, or false if no updates are allowed
See Also:


public void setUpdatesAllowed(boolean updatesAllowed)
Description copied from interface: MapRepositorySource
Set whether this source allows updates to data within workspaces

Specified by:
setUpdatesAllowed in interface MapRepositorySource
updatesAllowed - true if this source allows updates to data within workspaces clients, or false if updates are not allowed.
See Also:


public boolean equals(Object obj)

equals in class Object


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class Object


public Reference getReference()

Specified by:
getReference in interface Referenceable


public Object getObjectInstance(Object obj,
                                Name name,
                                Context nameCtx,
                                Hashtable<?,?> environment)
                         throws Exception

Specified by:
getObjectInstance in interface ObjectFactory

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