Uses of Class

Packages that use ReferenceEntity The classes that define the "basic" storage model for the JPA connector. 

Uses of ReferenceEntity in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ReferenceEntity
 List<ReferenceEntity> SubgraphQuery.getInternalReferences()
          Get the list of references that are owned by nodes within the subgraph and that point to other nodes in this same subgraph.
 List<ReferenceEntity> SubgraphQuery.getInwardReferences()
          Get the list of references that are owned by nodes outside of the subgraph that point to nodes in this subgraph.
 List<ReferenceEntity> SubgraphQuery.getOutwardReferences()
          Get the list of references that are owned by nodes within the subgraph and that point to nodes not in this same subgraph.
static List<ReferenceEntity> ReferenceEntity.getReferencesToUuids(Long workspaceId, Collection<String> uuids, javax.persistence.EntityManager manager)
          Returns a list of all references to UUIDs in the given list within the given workspace
static List<ReferenceEntity> ReferenceEntity.verifyAllReferencesResolved(Long workspaceId, javax.persistence.EntityManager manager)
          Delete all references that start from nodes that do not support enforced referential integrity.

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