Class SubgraphQuery

  extended by

public class SubgraphQuery
extends Object

Represents a temporary working area for a query that efficiently retrieves the nodes in a subgraph. This class uses the database to build up the content of the subgraph, and therefore requires write privilege on the database. The benefit is that it minimizes the amount of memory required to process the subgraph, plus the set of nodes that make up the subgraph can be produced with database joins.

The use of database joins also produces another benefit: the number of SQL statements necessary to build the set of nodes in a subgraph is equal to the depth of the subgraph, regardless of the number of child nodes at any level.

Method Summary
 void close()
          Close this query object and clean up all in-database records associated with this query.
static SubgraphQuery create(javax.persistence.EntityManager entities, Long workspaceId, UUID subgraphRootUuid, int maxDepth)
          Create a query that returns a subgraph at and below the node with the supplied path and the supplied UUID.
 void deleteSubgraph(boolean includeRoot)
          Delete the nodes in the subgraph.
 javax.persistence.EntityManager getEntityManager()
 int getMaxDepth()
 NodeEntity getNode()
          Get the root node of the subgraph.
 List<NodeEntity> getNodes(boolean includeRoot, boolean includeChildrenOfMaxDepthNodes)
          Get the nodes in the subgraph.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static SubgraphQuery create(javax.persistence.EntityManager entities,
                                   Long workspaceId,
                                   UUID subgraphRootUuid,
                                   int maxDepth)
Create a query that returns a subgraph at and below the node with the supplied path and the supplied UUID.

entities - the entity manager; may not be null
workspaceId - the ID of the workspace; may not be null
subgraphRootUuid - the UUID (in string form) of the root node in the subgraph
maxDepth - the maximum depth of the subgraph, or 0 if there is no maximum depth
the object representing the subgraph


public int getMaxDepth()


public javax.persistence.EntityManager getEntityManager()


public NodeEntity getNode()
Get the root node of the subgraph. This must be called before the query is closed.

the subgraph's root nodes


public List<NodeEntity> getNodes(boolean includeRoot,
                                 boolean includeChildrenOfMaxDepthNodes)
Get the nodes in the subgraph. This must be called before the query is closed.

includeRoot - true if the subgraph's root node is to be included, or false otherwise
includeChildrenOfMaxDepthNodes - true if the method is to include nodes that are children of nodes that are at the maximum depth, or false if only nodes up to the maximum depth are to be included
the list of nodes, in breadth-first order


public void deleteSubgraph(boolean includeRoot)
Delete the nodes in the subgraph.

includeRoot - true if the root node should also be deleted


public void close()
Close this query object and clean up all in-database records associated with this query. This method must be called when this query is no longer needed, and once it is called, this subgraph query is no longer usable.

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