Interface WorkspaceCache

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface WorkspaceCache

The basic contract for a workspace-level cache of paths to the nodes stored at that path.

Implementations must provide a no-argument constructor in order to be instantiated by PathRepositoryCache. After instantiation, the initialize(PathCachePolicy, String) method will be called to inject the cache policy into the implementation.

Implementations must be thread-safe.

Method Summary
 void clearStatistics()
          Clears all statistics for this cache
 void close()
          Indicates that the cache is no longer in use and should relinquish any resources.
 PathNode get(Path path)
          Retrieves the cached node with the given path, it it exists and is valid
 CacheStatistics getStatistics()
 void initialize(PathCachePolicy policy, String workspaceName)
          Injects the cache policy into the cache
 void invalidate(Path path)
          Invalidates all nodes in the cache that have the given path or have a path that is an ancestor of the given path
 void set(PathNode node)
          Attempts to cache the given node.

Method Detail


void initialize(PathCachePolicy policy,
                String workspaceName)
Injects the cache policy into the cache

policy - the active cache policy for the repository source with which this cache is associated
workspaceName - the name of the workspace that this cache is managing
IllegalStateException - if this method is called on a cache that has already been initialized.


void clearStatistics()
Clears all statistics for this cache


CacheStatistics getStatistics()
the statistics since the most recent of the cache initialization or the last call to clearStatistics(); never null


PathNode get(Path path)
Retrieves the cached node with the given path, it it exists and is valid

path - the path for the node to be retrieved
the cached node with the given path; may be null if no node with that path is cached or a node with that path is cached but is deemed invalid for implementation-specific reasons


void set(PathNode node)
Attempts to cache the given node. Implementations must call PathCachePolicy.shouldCache(PathNode) on the policy from the initialize(PathCachePolicy, String) method to determine if the node should be cached.

node - the node that is to be cached; may not be null


void invalidate(Path path)
Invalidates all nodes in the cache that have the given path or have a path that is an ancestor of the given path

path - the root of the branch of nodes that are to be invalidated; may not be null


void close()
Indicates that the cache is no longer in use and should relinquish any resources.

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