Class SearchableRepositorySource

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Referenceable, RepositorySource

public class SearchableRepositorySource
extends Object
implements RepositorySource

A RepositorySource implementation that can be used as a wrapper around another non-searchable or non-querable RepositorySource instance to provide search and query capability.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
SearchableRepositorySource(RepositorySource wrapped, SearchEngine searchEngine)
          Create a new searchable and queryable RepositorySource around an instance that is neither.
SearchableRepositorySource(RepositorySource wrapped, SearchEngine searchEngine, ExecutorService executorService, boolean executeAsynchronously, boolean updateIndexesAsynchronously)
          Create a new searchable and queryable RepositorySource around an instance that is neither.
Method Summary
 void close()
          Signal this source that it is no longer needed and should begin the process of reclaiming or closing all resources that it has acquired.
 RepositorySourceCapabilities getCapabilities()
          Get the capabilities for this source.
 RepositoryConnection getConnection()
          Get a connection from this source.
 String getName()
          Get the name for this repository source.
 Reference getReference()
 int getRetryLimit()
          Get the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source.
 void initialize(RepositoryContext context)
          Initialize this source to use the supplied RepositoryContext, from which this source can obtain the configuration defining this source, connections to other sources, and the execution context.
 void setRetryLimit(int limit)
          Set the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SearchableRepositorySource(RepositorySource wrapped,
                                  SearchEngine searchEngine,
                                  ExecutorService executorService,
                                  boolean executeAsynchronously,
                                  boolean updateIndexesAsynchronously)
Create a new searchable and queryable RepositorySource around an instance that is neither.

wrapped - the RepositorySource that is not searchable and queryable
searchEngine - the search engine that is to be used
executorService - the ExecutorService that should be used when submitting requests to the wrapped service; may be null if all operations should be performed in the calling thread
executeAsynchronously - true if an ExecutorService is provided and the requests to the wrapped source are to be executed asynchronously
updateIndexesAsynchronously - true if an ExecutorService is provided and the indexes are to be updated in a different thread than the thread executing the RepositoryConnection.execute(ExecutionContext, Request) calls.


public SearchableRepositorySource(RepositorySource wrapped,
                                  SearchEngine searchEngine)
Create a new searchable and queryable RepositorySource around an instance that is neither. All of the request processing will be done in the calling thread, and updating the indexes will be done synchronously within the context of the RepositoryConnection.execute(ExecutionContext, Request) method (and obviously on the same thread). This means that the execution of the requests will not return until the indexes have been updated with any changes made by the requests.

This is equivalent to calling new SearchableRepositorySource(wrapped,searchEngine,null,false)

wrapped - the RepositorySource that is not searchable and queryable
searchEngine - the search engine that is to be used
Method Detail


public String getName()
Get the name for this repository source.

Specified by:
getName in interface RepositorySource
the name; never null or empty
See Also:


public void close()
Signal this source that it is no longer needed and should begin the process of reclaiming or closing all resources that it has acquired. Because connections may still be in use, this method may not necessarily close all resources immediately.

This is a required method, and must be called when this source is no longer needed if one or more connections have been obtained since the previous call to this method.

Note that calling this method also does not preclude obtaining more connections after this method is called. If that happens, this source should simply reacquire any resources necessary to provide additional connections, and this method needs to be called once again.

Specified by:
close in interface RepositorySource
See Also:


public RepositorySourceCapabilities getCapabilities()
Get the capabilities for this source.

Specified by:
getCapabilities in interface RepositorySource
the capabilities for this source; never null
See Also:


public RepositoryConnection getConnection()
                                   throws RepositorySourceException
Get a connection from this source. Even though each RepositorySource need not be thread safe, this method should be safe to be called concurrently by multiple threads.

Specified by:
getConnection in interface RepositorySource
a connection
RepositorySourceException - if there is a problem obtaining a connection
See Also:


public int getRetryLimit()
Get the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source. This value does not constitute a minimum number of retries; in fact, the connection user is not required to retry any operations.

Specified by:
getRetryLimit in interface RepositorySource
the maximum number of allowable retries, or 0 if the source has no limit
See Also:


public void initialize(RepositoryContext context)
                throws RepositorySourceException
Initialize this source to use the supplied RepositoryContext, from which this source can obtain the configuration defining this source, connections to other sources, and the execution context.

This method may be called each time the configuration changes, allowing the source to update itself.

Specified by:
initialize in interface RepositorySource
See Also:


public void setRetryLimit(int limit)
Set the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source. This value does not constitute a minimum number of retries; in fact, the connection user is not required to retry any operations.

Specified by:
setRetryLimit in interface RepositorySource
limit - the maximum number of allowable retries, or 0 if the source has no limit
See Also:


public Reference getReference()
                       throws NamingException

Specified by:
getReference in interface Referenceable
See Also:

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