Class RepositoryLibrary

  extended by org.jboss.dna.repository.RepositoryLibrary
All Implemented Interfaces:
RepositoryConnectionFactory, Observable

public class RepositoryLibrary
extends Object
implements RepositoryConnectionFactory, Observable

A library of RepositorySource instances and the RepositoryConnectionPool used to manage the connections for each.

Constructor Summary
RepositoryLibrary(RepositorySource configurationSource, String configurationWorkspaceName, Path pathToSourcesConfigurationRoot, ExecutionContext context)
          Create a new manager instance.
Method Summary
 boolean addSource(RepositorySource source)
          Add the supplied source.
 boolean addSource(RepositorySource source, boolean replaceIfExisting)
          Add the supplied source.
 RepositoryConnection createConnection(String sourceName)
          Create a RepositoryConnection using the given RepositorySource name.
 ServiceAdministrator getAdministrator()
 RepositoryConnectionPool getConnectionPool(String sourceName)
          Get the connection pool managing the RepositorySource with the specified name managed by this instance.
 ExecutionContext getExecutionContext()
 RepositorySource getSource(String sourceName)
          Get the RepositorySource with the specified name managed by this instance.
 Collection<String> getSourceNames()
          Get an unmodifiable collection of RepositorySource names.
 Collection<RepositorySource> getSources()
          Get an unmodifiable collection of RepositorySource instances managed by this instance.
 boolean isTerminated()
          Return true if this library has completed its termination and no longer has any open connections.
 boolean isTerminating()
          Returns true if this library is in the process of terminating after ServiceAdministrator.shutdown() has been called on the administrator, but the library has connections that have not yet normally been closed.
 boolean register(Observer observer)
          Register the supplied observer.
 boolean removeSource(RepositorySource source, long timeToAwait, TimeUnit unit)
          Remove from this library the supplied source (or a source with the same name as that supplied).
 RepositorySource removeSource(String name)
          Remove from this library the source with the supplied name.
 RepositorySource removeSource(String name, long timeToAwait, TimeUnit unit)
          Remove from this library the source with the supplied name.
 boolean unregister(Observer observer)
          Unregister the supplied observer.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RepositoryLibrary(RepositorySource configurationSource,
                         String configurationWorkspaceName,
                         Path pathToSourcesConfigurationRoot,
                         ExecutionContext context)
Create a new manager instance.

configurationSource - the RepositorySource that is the configuration repository
configurationWorkspaceName - the name of the workspace in the RepositorySource that is the configuration repository, or null if the default workspace of the source should be used (if there is one)
pathToSourcesConfigurationRoot - the path of the node in the configuration source repository that should be treated by this service as the root of the service's configuration; if null, then "/dna:system" is used
context - the execution context in which this service should run
IllegalArgumentException - if the executionContextFactory reference is null
Method Detail


public boolean register(Observer observer)
Register the supplied observer. This method does nothing if the observer reference is null.

This can be used to register observers for all of the repository sources managed by this library. The supplied observer will receive all of the changes originating from these sources.

Specified by:
register in interface Observable
observer - the observer to be added; may be null
true if the observer was added, or false if the observer was null, if the observer was already registered, or if the observer could not be added
See Also:


public boolean unregister(Observer observer)
Unregister the supplied observer. This method does nothing if the observer reference is null.

This can be used to unregister observers for all of the repository sources managed by this library.

Specified by:
unregister in interface Observable
observer - the observer to be removed; may not be null
true if the observer was removed, or false if the observer was null or if the observer was not registered on this source
See Also:


public ExecutionContext getExecutionContext()


public ServiceAdministrator getAdministrator()


public boolean isTerminating()
Returns true if this library is in the process of terminating after ServiceAdministrator.shutdown() has been called on the administrator, but the library has connections that have not yet normally been closed. This method may be useful for debugging. A return of true reported a sufficient period after shutdown may indicate that connection users have ignored or suppressed interruption, causing this repository not to properly terminate.

true if terminating but not yet terminated, or false otherwise
See Also:


public boolean isTerminated()
Return true if this library has completed its termination and no longer has any open connections.

true if terminated, or false otherwise
See Also:


public Collection<String> getSourceNames()
Get an unmodifiable collection of RepositorySource names.

the pools


public Collection<RepositorySource> getSources()
Get an unmodifiable collection of RepositorySource instances managed by this instance.

the pools


public RepositorySource getSource(String sourceName)
Get the RepositorySource with the specified name managed by this instance.

sourceName - the name of the source
the source, or null if no such source exists in this instance


public RepositoryConnectionPool getConnectionPool(String sourceName)
Get the connection pool managing the RepositorySource with the specified name managed by this instance.

sourceName - the name of the source
the pool, or null if no such pool exists in this instance


public boolean addSource(RepositorySource source)
Add the supplied source. This method returns false if the source is null.

source - the source to add
true if the source is added, or false if the reference is null or if there is already an existing source with the supplied name.


public boolean addSource(RepositorySource source,
                         boolean replaceIfExisting)
Add the supplied source. This method returns false if the source is null.

If a source with the same name already exists, it will be replaced only if replaceIfExisting is true. If this is the case, then the existing source will be removed from the connection pool, and that pool will be shutdown (allowing any in-use connections to be used and finished normally).

source - the source to add
replaceIfExisting - true if an existing source should be replaced, or false if this method should return false if there is already an existing source with the supplied name.
true if the source is added, or false if the reference is null or if there is already an existing source with the supplied name.


public boolean removeSource(RepositorySource source,
                            long timeToAwait,
                            TimeUnit unit)
                     throws InterruptedException
Remove from this library the supplied source (or a source with the same name as that supplied). This call shuts down the connections in the source in an orderly fashion, allowing those connection currently in use to be used and closed normally, but preventing further connections from being used.

This method can safely be called while the federation repository is in use.

source - the source to be removed
timeToAwait - the amount of time to wait while all of the source's connections are closed, or non-positive if the call should not wait at all
unit - the time unit to be used for timeToAwait
true if the source was removed, or false if the source was not a source for this repository.
InterruptedException - if the thread is interrupted while awaiting closing of the connections


public RepositorySource removeSource(String name)
Remove from this library the source with the supplied name. This call shuts down the connections in the source in an orderly fashion, allowing those connection currently in use to be used and closed normally, but preventing further connections from being used. However, this method never waits until the connections are all closed, and is equivalent to calling removeSource(name,0,TimeUnit.SECONDS).

name - the name of the source to be removed
the source with the supplied name that was removed, or null if no existing source matching the supplied name could be found
See Also:
removeSource(String, long, TimeUnit)


public RepositorySource removeSource(String name,
                                     long timeToAwait,
                                     TimeUnit unit)
                              throws InterruptedException
Remove from this library the source with the supplied name. This call shuts down the connections in the source in an orderly fashion, allowing those connection currently in use to be used and closed normally, but preventing further connections from being used.

name - the name of the source to be removed
timeToAwait - the amount of time to wait while all of the source's connections are closed, or non-positive if the call should not wait at all
unit - the time unit to be used for timeToAwait
the source with the supplied name that was removed, or null if no existing source matching the supplied name could be found
InterruptedException - if the thread is interrupted while awaiting closing of the connections
See Also:


public RepositoryConnection createConnection(String sourceName)
Create a RepositoryConnection using the given RepositorySource name.

Specified by:
createConnection in interface RepositoryConnectionFactory
sourceName - the name of the source from which a connection should be obtained
the source, or null if no such source could be found (or created)
See Also:

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