Class SOAPClient
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- ActionLifecycle, ActionPipelineProcessor
public class SOAPClient
- extends AbstractActionPipelineProcessor
SOAP Client action processor.
Uses the soapUI Client Service to construct and populate a message
for the target service. This action then routes that message to that service.
Endpoint Operation Specification
Specifying the endpoint operation is a straightforward task. Simply specify the "wsdl" and
"SOAPAction" properties on the SOAPClient action as follows:
<action name="soapui-client-action" class="org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.soap.SOAPClient">
<property name="wsdl" value="http://localhost:18080/acme/services/OrderManagement?wsdl"/>
<property name="SOAPAction" value=""/>
The SOAP operation is derived from the SOAPAction.
SOAP Request Message Construction
The SOAP operation parameters are supplied in one of 2 ways:
- As a
instance set on the default body location (Message.getBody().add(Map))
- As a
instance set on in a named body location (Message.getBody().add(String, Map)),
where the name of that body location is specified as the value of the "paramsLocation" action property.
The parameter Map
itself can also be populated in one of 2 ways:
- Option 1: With a set of Objects that are accessed (for SOAP message parameters) using the
framework. More on the use of OGNL below.
- Option 2: With a set of String based key-value pairs(<String, Object>), where the
key is an OGNL expression identifying the SOAP parameter to be populated with
the key's value. More on the use of OGNL below.
As stated above, OGNL is the mechanism we use for selecting
the SOAP parameter values to be injected into the SOAP message from the supplied parameter
. The OGNL expression for a specific parameter within the SOAP message depends on that
the position of that parameter within the SOAP body. In the following message:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
The OGNL expression representing the customerNumber parameter is "customerOrder.header.customerNumber".
Once the OGNL expression has been calculated for a parameter, this class will check the supplied parameter
map for an Object keyed off the full OGNL expression (Option 1 above). If no such parameter Object is present on the map,
this class will then attempt to load the parameter by supplying the map and OGNL expression instances to the
OGNL toolkit (Option 2 above). If this doesn't yield a value, this parameter location within the SOAP message will
remain blank.
Taking the sample message above and using the "Option 1" approach to populating the "customerNumber" requires an
object instance (e.g. an "Order" object instance) to be set on the parameters map under the key "customerOrder". The "customerOrder"
object instance needs to contain a "header" property (e.g. a "Header" object instance). The object instance
behind the "header" property (e.g. a "Header" object instance) should have a "customerNumber" property.
OGNL expressions associated with Collections are constructed in a slightly different way. This is easiest explained
through an example:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
<cus:description>Flat 16 feet 100 count</cus:description>
<cus:description>Round 8 feet 65 count</cus:description>
The above order message contains a collection of order "items". Each entry in the collection is represented
by an "item" element. The OGNL expressions for the order item "partNumber" is constructed as
"customerOrder.items[0].partnumber" and "customerOrder.items[1].partnumber".
As you can see from this, the collection entry element (the "item" element) makes no explicit appearance in the OGNL
expression. It is represented implicitly by the indexing notation. In terms of an Object Graph (Option 1 above),
this could be represented by an Order object instance (keyed on the map as "customerOrder") containing an "items"
list (List
or array), with the list entries being "OrderItem" instances, which in turn contains
"partNumber" etc properties.
Option 2 (above) provides a quick-and-dirty way to populate a SOAP message without having to create an Object
model ala Option 1. The OGNL expressions that correspond with the SOAP operation parameters are exactly the same
as for Option 1, except that there's not Object Graph Navigation involved. The OGNL expression is simply used as
the key into the Map
, with the corresponding key-value being the parameter.
SOAP Response Message Consumption
The SOAP response object instance can be is attached to the ESB Message
instance in one of the
following ways:
- On the default body location (Message.getBody().add(Map))
- On in a named body location (Message.getBody().add(String, Map)),
where the name of that body location is specified as the value of the "responseLocation" action property.
The response object instance can also be populated (from the SOAP response) in one of 3 ways:
- Option 1: As an Object Graph created and populated by the
XStream toolkit.
- Option 2: As a set of String based key-value pairs(<String, String>), where the
key is an OGNL expression identifying the SOAP response element and the value is a String
representing the value from the SOAP message. This option should only be used for simple
responses. If your response contains collections etc, this option is not viable. You need
to use option 1.
- Option 3: If Options 1 or 2 are not specified in the action configuration, the raw SOAP
response message (String) is attached to the message.
Using XStream as a mechanism for populating an Object Graph
(Option 1 above) is straightforward and works well, as long as the XML and Java object models are in line with
each other.
The XStream approach (Option 1) is configured on the action as follows:
<action name="soapui-client-action" class="org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.soap.SOAPClient">
<property name="wsdl" value="http://localhost:18080/acme/services/OrderManagement?wsdl"/>
<property name="SOAPAction" value=""/>
<property name="paramsLocation" value="get-order-params" />
<property name="responseLocation" value="get-order-response" />
<property name="responseXStreamConfig">
<alias name="customerOrder" class="com.acme.order.Order" namespace="" />
<alias name="orderheader" class="com.acme.order.Header" namespace="" />
<alias name="item" class="com.acme.order.OrderItem" namespace="" />
In the above example, we also include an example of how to specify non-default named locations for the request
parameters Map
and response object instance.
We also provide, in addition to the above XStream configuration options,
the ability to specify field name mappings and XStream annotated classes.
<property name="responseXStreamConfig">
<fieldAlias name="header" class="com.acme.order.Order" fieldName="headerFieldName" />
<annotation class="com.acme.order.Order" />
Field mappings can be used to map XML elements onto Java fields on those occasions when the local name of the element
does not correspond to the field name in the Java class.
To have the SOAP response data extracted into an OGNL keyed map (Option 2 above) and attached to the ESB
, simply replace the "responseXStreamConfig" property with the "responseAsOgnlMap" property
having a value of "true" as follows:
<action name="soapui-client-action" class="org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.soap.SOAPClient">
<property name="wsdl" value="http://localhost:18080/acme/services/OrderManagement?wsdl"/>
<property name="SOAPAction" value=""/>
<property name="paramsLocation" value="get-order-params" />
<property name="responseLocation" value="get-order-response" />
<property name="responseAsOgnlMap" value="true" />
To return the raw SOAP message as a String (Option 3), simply omit both the "responseXStreamConfig"
and "responseAsOgnlMap" properties.
Transforming the SOAP Request Message
It's often necessary to be able to transform the SOAP request before sending it. This may be to simply
add some SOAP headers.
Transformation of the SOAP request (before sending) is supported by configuring the SOAPClient action
with a Smooks transformation configuration property as follows:
<property name="smooksTransform" value="/transforms/order-transform.xml" />
The value of the "smooksTransform" property is resolved by first checking it as a filesystem based resource.
Failing that, it's checked as a classpath resource and failing that, as a URI based resource.
Specifying a different SOAP schema
<property name="SOAPNS" value=""/>
This is an optional property and can be used to specify the SOAP schema that should be
used by OGNL.
- Author:
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
public SOAPClient(ConfigTree config)
throws ConfigurationException
- Throws:
public void initialise()
throws ActionLifecycleException
- Description copied from class:
- Initialise the action instance.
This method is called after the action instance has been instantiated so that
configuration options can be validated.
- Specified by:
in interface ActionLifecycle
- Overrides:
in class AbstractActionLifecycle
- Throws:
- for errors during initialisation.
public SoapUIInvoker getSoapUIInvoker()
public void setSoapUIInvoker(SoapUIInvoker soapUIInvoker)
public void destroy()
throws ActionLifecycleException
- Description copied from class:
- Destroy the action instance.
This method is called prior to the release of the action instance. All
resources associated with this action instance should be released as the
instance will no longer be used.
- Specified by:
in interface ActionLifecycle
- Overrides:
in class AbstractActionLifecycle
- Throws:
public Message process(Message message)
throws ActionProcessingException
- Description copied from interface:
- Perform the action processing on the specified message.
This method is invoked for each message passing throught the pipeline.
- Parameters:
- The current message being processed.
- Returns:
- The message to be passed to the next stage of the pipeline.
- Throws:
- for errors during processing.
public java.lang.String getSoapNS()
protected java.lang.String getEndpointOperation()
protected void processResponse(Message message,
SOAPClient.Response response)
throws ActionProcessingException
- Process the SOAP response into the ESB Message instance.
- Parameters:
- The ESB Message.response
- The SOAP response.
- Throws:
- Error processing the response.