Package org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.soap

Interface Summary

Class Summary
AbstractWsdlContractPublisher Abstract WSDL contract publisher.
AuthBASICWsdlContractPublisher AuthBASIC WSDL contract publisher.
JBossWSWebserviceContractPublisher Contract publisher for a JBossWS Webservice endpoint.
MBeanSoapUIInvoker Invoker the soapui-client Service.
RemoteWsdlLoader HttpClientFactory based WSLD loader.
SOAPClient SOAP Client action processor.
SOAPProcessor JBoss Webservices SOAP Processor.
SOAPSamlHandler SOAPSamlHandler is a SOAP Protocol Handler that will add a security header to all outgoing messages if a SamlPrincipal has been set using the SamlContext.
SOAPSamlHandlerUtil Util methods for handling SAML related tasks for SOAP Protocol Handlers.
WsdlContractPublisher WSDL contract publisher.
WsdlEndpointTransformer Smooks transformer for transforming the WSDL for ESB endpoints.