Class MarshalFactory

  extended by org.jboss.remoting.marshal.MarshalFactory

public class MarshalFactory
extends java.lang.Object

This class will provide marshallers and unmarshallers for data based on the data type want to marshal to. The most common will be just to serialize the data. However, may have jaxrpc, IIOP, serializers. Can also have marshallers and unmarshallers based on class type. For example, might be marshaller/unmarshaller for the Transaction class.

Tom Elrod

Field Summary
protected static org.jboss.logging.Logger log
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void addMarshaller(java.lang.Class classType, Marshaller marshaller, UnMarshaller unMarshaller)
          Will add the marshaller and unmarshaller based on class type.
static void addMarshaller(java.lang.String dataType, Marshaller marshaller, UnMarshaller unMarshaller)
          Adds the marshaller and unmarshaller based on data type.
static Marshaller getMarshaller(java.lang.Class classType)
          Looks up marshaller by class type.
static Marshaller getMarshaller(java.lang.Class classType, java.lang.String serializationType)
          Looks up marshaller by class type.
static Marshaller getMarshaller(InvokerLocator locator, java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
          Will try to look up marshaller by first looking for data type parameter within locator and then using that to look up marhsaller locally.
static Marshaller getMarshaller(InvokerLocator locator, java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader, java.util.Map config)
          Will try to look up marshaller by first looking for data type parameter within locator and config and then using that to look up marhsaller locally.
static Marshaller getMarshaller(java.lang.String dataType)
          Gets marshaller based on data type (i.e.
static Marshaller getMarshaller(java.lang.String dataType, java.lang.String serializationType)
static UnMarshaller getUnMarshaller(java.lang.Class classType)
          Returns unmarshaller by class type.
static UnMarshaller getUnMarshaller(java.lang.Class classType, java.lang.String serializationType)
static UnMarshaller getUnMarshaller(InvokerLocator locator, java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
          Will try to look up unmarshaller by first looking for data type parameter within locator and then using that to look up unmarshaller locally.
static UnMarshaller getUnMarshaller(InvokerLocator locator, java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader, java.util.Map config)
          Will try to look up unmarshaller by first looking for data type parameter within locator and config map and then using that to look up unmarshaller locally.
static UnMarshaller getUnMarshaller(java.lang.String dataType)
          Gets the marshaller based on data type (i.e.
static UnMarshaller getUnMarshaller(java.lang.String dataType, java.lang.String serializationType)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final org.jboss.logging.Logger log
Constructor Detail


public MarshalFactory()
Method Detail


public static void addMarshaller(java.lang.Class classType,
                                 Marshaller marshaller,
                                 UnMarshaller unMarshaller)
Will add the marshaller and unmarshaller based on class type. Each can then be retrieved using the class type as key.

classType -
marshaller -
unMarshaller -


public static void addMarshaller(java.lang.String dataType,
                                 Marshaller marshaller,
                                 UnMarshaller unMarshaller)
Adds the marshaller and unmarshaller based on data type. Each can then be retrieved using the data type as the key.

dataType -
marshaller -
unMarshaller -


public static Marshaller getMarshaller(java.lang.Class classType)
Looks up marshaller by class type. Will return null if not found.

classType -


public static Marshaller getMarshaller(java.lang.Class classType,
                                       java.lang.String serializationType)
Looks up marshaller by class type. Will return null if not found.

classType -


public static UnMarshaller getUnMarshaller(java.lang.Class classType)
Returns unmarshaller by class type. Will return null if not found.

classType -


public static UnMarshaller getUnMarshaller(java.lang.Class classType,
                                           java.lang.String serializationType)


public static Marshaller getMarshaller(java.lang.String dataType)
Gets marshaller based on data type (i.e. serializable) and based on the marshallers registered with the factory.

dataType -
The marshaller or null if none for for the specified type


public static Marshaller getMarshaller(java.lang.String dataType,
                                       java.lang.String serializationType)


public static UnMarshaller getUnMarshaller(java.lang.String dataType,
                                           java.lang.String serializationType)


public static UnMarshaller getUnMarshaller(java.lang.String dataType)
Gets the marshaller based on data type (i.e. serialziable) and based on the unmarshallers registered with the factory.

dataType -
The unmarshaller or null if none for the specified type


public static Marshaller getMarshaller(InvokerLocator locator,
                                       java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
Will try to look up marshaller by first looking for data type parameter within locator and then using that to look up marhsaller locally. If can not find it, will then look to see if can find the 'marshaller' parameter within the locator parameters. If found, will try to load the marshaller by the class name specified as the parameter value. If still can not find the class within the local VM, will look to see if there is a parameter for the server's marshaller loader port. If this exists, will then try calling on the remote server to load the marshaller (and its related classes) within the local VM. If still can not be found, will return null.

locator -
classLoader -


public static Marshaller getMarshaller(InvokerLocator locator,
                                       java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader,
                                       java.util.Map config)
Will try to look up marshaller by first looking for data type parameter within locator and config and then using that to look up marhsaller locally. If can not find it, will then look to see if can find the 'marshaller' parameter within the locator parameters or config parameters. If found, will try to load the marshaller by the class name specified as the parameter value. If still can not find the class within the local VM, will look to see if there is a parameter for the server's marshaller loader port. If this exists, will then try calling on the remote server to load the marshaller (and its related classes) within the local VM. If still can not be found, will return null.

locator -
classLoader -
config -


public static UnMarshaller getUnMarshaller(InvokerLocator locator,
                                           java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
Will try to look up unmarshaller by first looking for data type parameter within locator and then using that to look up unmarshaller locally. If can not find it, will then look to see if can find the 'unmarshaller' parameter within the locator parameters. If found, will try to load the unmarshaller by the class name specified as the parameter value. If still can not find the class within the local VM, will look to see if there is a parameter for the server's marshaller loader port. If this exists, will then try calling on the remote server to load the unmarshaller (and its related classes) within the local VM. If still can not be found, will return null.

locator -
classLoader -


public static UnMarshaller getUnMarshaller(InvokerLocator locator,
                                           java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader,
                                           java.util.Map config)
Will try to look up unmarshaller by first looking for data type parameter within locator and config map and then using that to look up unmarshaller locally. If can not find it, will then look to see if can find the 'unmarshaller' parameter within the locator parameters or config map. If found, will try to load the unmarshaller by the class name specified as the parameter value. If still can not find the class within the local VM, will look to see if there is a parameter for the server's marshaller loader port. If this exists, will then try calling on the remote server to load the unmarshaller (and its related classes) within the local VM. If still can not be found, will return null.

locator -
classLoader -
config -

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