Package org.jboss.remoting

Interface Summary
ConnectionListener Listener that can be registered with the Client to receive a callback if the target server for said Client is determined to be unreachable at any point.
ServerInvocationHandler ServerInvocationHandler is the server side (remote) end handler which is registered for a given ServerInvoker implementation.
Subsystem Predefined subsystem types.

Class Summary
AbstractInvoker AbstractInvoker is an abstract handler part that contains common methods between both client and server.
Client Client is a convience class for invoking remote methods for a given subsystem.
ConnectionNotifier This class is used on the server side to notify any connection listeners when a client connection has been terminated (either by loss of lease or by normal disconnect).
InvocationRequest InvocationRequest is passed to ServerInvocationHandler which encapsulates the unmarshalled method invocation parameters from the ServerInvoker.
InvocationResponse InvocationResponse is a return object from a call to a remote Server Invoker.
InvokerLocator InvokerLocator is an object that indentifies a specific Invoker on the network, via a unique locator URI.
InvokerRegistry InvokerRegistry is a simple registery for creating client and server side Invoker implementations, getting information about the invokers and register as a invoker creator for one or more specific transports.
Lease This class is used on the remoting server to maintain lease information for remoting clients.
LeasePinger Internal agent class to ping the remote server to keep lease alive.
MicroRemoteClientInvoker MicroRemoteClientInvoker is an abstract client part handler that implements the bulk of the heavy lifting to process a remote method and dispatch it to a remote ServerInvoker and handle the result.
RemoteClientInvoker This class extends the MicroRemoteClientInvoker and adds extra functionality that can not be included in a J2ME envrionment, such as setting socket factories.
ServerInvoker ServerInvoker is the server-side part of a remote Invoker.

Exception Summary
CannotConnectException This exception is generated when the remoting layer cannot connect to the remote server It means that the client cannot send the request to the server.
ClientDisconnectedException Can expect this exception to be included as parameter to handleConnectionException() method of org.jboss.remoting.ConnectionListener when client disconnects from the server.
ConnectionFailedException ConnectionFailedException is a RuntimeException that is raised when a remote connection fails.
SubsystemNotSupported SubsystemNotSupported is raised by a ServerInvoker when the target subsystem is not supported on the target VM.

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