Interface BidirectionalClientInvoker

All Superinterfaces:
ClientInvoker, Invoker
All Known Implementing Classes:
BisocketClientInvoker, LocalClientInvoker, MultiplexClientInvoker, SSLBisocketClientInvoker, SSLMultiplexClientInvoker

public interface BidirectionalClientInvoker
extends ClientInvoker

This interface is used to indicate that a client invoker represents as transport that is bidirectional, which means that calls from the server to the client can be made without having to open a new physical connection from the server back to the client/

Tom Elrod

Method Summary
 InvokerLocator getCallbackLocator(java.util.Map metadata)
          Gets the locator to be used for callbacks when want do not want to establish a new physical connectiong from the server to the client.
Methods inherited from interface org.jboss.remoting.transport.ClientInvoker
addClientLocator, connect, disconnect, establishLease, getClientLocator, getClientLocators, getLeasePeriod, getMarshaller, getSocketFactory, getUnMarshaller, invoke, isConnected, setMarshaller, setSocketFactory, setUnMarshaller, terminateLease
Methods inherited from interface org.jboss.remoting.Invoker

Method Detail


InvokerLocator getCallbackLocator(java.util.Map metadata)
Gets the locator to be used for callbacks when want do not want to establish a new physical connectiong from the server to the client.

metadata -

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