Interface ObjStoreBrowserMBean

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@MXBeanDescription(value="Representation of the transaction logging mechanism")
public interface ObjStoreBrowserMBean
extends ObjStoreItemMBean

Method Summary
 void probe()
 void setExposeAllRecordsAsMBeans(boolean exposeAllLogs)
 void viewSubordinateAtomicActions(boolean enable)

Method Detail


@MXBeanPropertyDescription(value="See if any new transactions have been created or completed")
void probe()


@MXBeanPropertyDescription(value="Enable/disable viewing of Subordinate Atomic Actions (afterwards use the probe operation to rescan the store): WARNING THIS OPERATION WILL TRIGGER A RECOVERY ATTEMPT (recovery is normally performed by the Recovery Manager). Use the text \"true\" to enable")
void viewSubordinateAtomicActions(boolean enable)


@MXBeanPropertyDescription(value="By default only a subset of transaction logs are exposed as MBeans, this operation changes this default.Use the text \"true\" to expose all logs as MBeans. You must invoke the probe method for the change to take effect")
void setExposeAllRecordsAsMBeans(boolean exposeAllLogs)

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