Class RecoveryEnvironmentBean

  extended by com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.common.RecoveryEnvironmentBean
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RecoveryEnvironmentBean
extends Object
implements RecoveryEnvironmentBeanMBean

A JavaBean containing configuration properties for the recovery system.

Jonathan Halliday (

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 int getExpiryScanInterval()
          Returns the interval on which the ObjectStore will be scanned for expired items, in hours.
 List<String> getExpiryScannerClassNames()
          Returns a list of names of classes that implement ExpiryScanner.
 List<ExpiryScanner> getExpiryScanners()
          Returns the set of ExpiryScanner instances.
 int getPeriodicRecoveryPeriod()
          Returns the interval between recovery scans, in seconds.
 List<String> getRecoveryActivatorClassNames()
          Returns a list of names of classes that implement RecoveryActivator.
 List<RecoveryActivator> getRecoveryActivators()
          Returns the set of RecoveryActivator instances.
 String getRecoveryAddress()
          Returns the hostname on which the recovery listener should bind.
 int getRecoveryBackoffPeriod()
          Returns the interval between recovery phases within a recovery scan, in seconds.
 List<String> getRecoveryModuleClassNames()
          Returns a list of names of classes that implement RecoveryModule.
 List<RecoveryModule> getRecoveryModules()
          Returns the set of RecoveryModule instances.
 int getRecoveryPort()
          Returns the network port number on which the recovery listener should bind.
 String getTransactionStatusManagerAddress()
          Returns the hostname on which the transaction status manager should bind.
 int getTransactionStatusManagerExpiryTime()
          Returns the time period after which items will be considered to have expired, in hours.
 int getTransactionStatusManagerPort()
          Returns the network port number on which the transaction status manager should bind.
 boolean isRecoveryListener()
          Returns true if the recovery system should listen on a network socket.
 boolean isTimeoutSocket()
          Returns true if SO_TIMEOUT should be set on Listener socket instances.
 void setExpiryScanInterval(int expiryScanInterval)
          Sets the interval on which the ObjectStore will be scanned for expired items, in hours.
 void setExpiryScannerClassNames(List<String> expiryScannerClassNames)
          Sets the expiry scanners.
 void setExpiryScanners(List<ExpiryScanner> expiryScanners)
          Sets the instances of ExpiryScanner.
 void setPeriodicRecoveryPeriod(int periodicRecoveryPeriod)
          Sets the interval between recovery scans, in seconds.
 void setRecoveryActivatorClassNames(List<String> recoveryActivatorClassNames)
          Sets the recovery activators.
 void setRecoveryActivators(List<RecoveryActivator> recoveryActivators)
          Sets the instances of RecoveryActivator.
 void setRecoveryAddress(String recoveryAddress)
          Sets the hostname on which the recovery listener should bind.
 void setRecoveryBackoffPeriod(int recoveryBackoffPeriod)
          Sets the interval between recovery phases, in seconds.
 void setRecoveryInetAddress(InetAddress inetAddress)
          Sets the InetAddress on which the recovery listener should bind.
 void setRecoveryListener(boolean recoveryListener)
          Sets if the recovery system should listen on a network socket or not.
 void setRecoveryModuleClassNames(List<String> recoveryModuleClassNames)
          Sets the recovery modules.
 void setRecoveryModules(List<RecoveryModule> recoveryModules)
          Sets the instances of RecoveryModule.
 void setRecoveryPort(int recoveryPort)
          Sets the network port number on which the recovery listener should bind.
 void setTimeoutSocket(boolean timeoutSocket)
          Sets the socket timeout behaviour of the Listener instances.
 void setTransactionStatusManagerAddress(String transactionStatusManagerAddress)
          Sets the hostname on which the transaction status manager should bind.
 void setTransactionStatusManagerExpiryTime(int transactionStatusManagerExpiryTime)
          Sets the time period after which items will be considered to have expired, in hours.
 void setTransactionStatusManagerInetAddress(InetAddress inetAddress)
          Sets the InetAddress on which the transaction status manager should bind.
 void setTransactionStatusManagerPort(int transactionStatusManagerPort)
          Sets the network port number on which the transaction status manager should bind.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RecoveryEnvironmentBean()
Method Detail


public int getPeriodicRecoveryPeriod()
Returns the interval between recovery scans, in seconds. Default: 120 seconds Equivalent deprecated property: com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.periodicRecoveryPeriod

Specified by:
getPeriodicRecoveryPeriod in interface RecoveryEnvironmentBeanMBean
the recovery scan period, in seconds.


public void setPeriodicRecoveryPeriod(int periodicRecoveryPeriod)
Sets the interval between recovery scans, in seconds.

periodicRecoveryPeriod - the recovery scan period, in seconds.


public int getRecoveryBackoffPeriod()
Returns the interval between recovery phases within a recovery scan, in seconds. Default: 10 seconds Equivalent deprecated property: com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.recoveryBackoffPeriod

Specified by:
getRecoveryBackoffPeriod in interface RecoveryEnvironmentBeanMBean
the interval between recovery phases, in seconds.


public void setRecoveryBackoffPeriod(int recoveryBackoffPeriod)
Sets the interval between recovery phases, in seconds.

recoveryBackoffPeriod - the interval between recovery scan phases, in seconds.


public boolean isRecoveryListener()
Returns true if the recovery system should listen on a network socket. Default: true Equivalent deprecated property: com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.recoveryListener

Specified by:
isRecoveryListener in interface RecoveryEnvironmentBeanMBean
true for network recovery, false for local JVM only use.


public void setRecoveryListener(boolean recoveryListener)
Sets if the recovery system should listen on a network socket or not.

recoveryListener - true for network use, false for local JVM only.


public int getRecoveryPort()
Returns the network port number on which the recovery listener should bind. Default: 0 Equivalent deprecated property: com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.recoveryPort

Specified by:
getRecoveryPort in interface RecoveryEnvironmentBeanMBean
the port number for recovery listener.


public void setRecoveryPort(int recoveryPort)
Sets the network port number on which the recovery listener should bind.

recoveryPort - the port number for the recovery listener.


public String getRecoveryAddress()
Returns the hostname on which the recovery listener should bind. Default: "localhost" Equivalent deprecated property: com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.recoveryAddress

Specified by:
getRecoveryAddress in interface RecoveryEnvironmentBeanMBean
the hostname on which the recovery system will listen.


public void setRecoveryAddress(String recoveryAddress)
Sets the hostname on which the recovery listener should bind.

recoveryAddress - the hostname on which the recovery system will listen.


public void setRecoveryInetAddress(InetAddress inetAddress)
Sets the InetAddress on which the recovery listener should bind. Mainly intended for use by strongly typed bean injection systems, this is a wrapper around the String form of the method.

inetAddress - the address on which to bind the recovery listener.


public int getTransactionStatusManagerPort()
Returns the network port number on which the transaction status manager should bind. Default: 0 Equivalent deprecated property: com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.transactionStatusManagerPort

Specified by:
getTransactionStatusManagerPort in interface RecoveryEnvironmentBeanMBean
the port number for the transaction status manager listener.


public void setTransactionStatusManagerPort(int transactionStatusManagerPort)
Sets the network port number on which the transaction status manager should bind.

transactionStatusManagerPort - the port number for the transaction status manager listener.


public String getTransactionStatusManagerAddress()
Returns the hostname on which the transaction status manager should bind. Default: "localhost" Equivalent deprecated property: com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.transactionStatusManagerAddress

Specified by:
getTransactionStatusManagerAddress in interface RecoveryEnvironmentBeanMBean
the hostname on which the transaction status manager will listen.


public void setTransactionStatusManagerAddress(String transactionStatusManagerAddress)
Sets the hostname on which the transaction status manager should bind.

transactionStatusManagerAddress - the hostname on which the transaction status manager will listen.


public void setTransactionStatusManagerInetAddress(InetAddress inetAddress)
Sets the InetAddress on which the transaction status manager should bind. Mainly intended for use by strongly typed bean injection systems, this is a wrapper around the String form of the method.

inetAddress - the address on which to bind the transaction status manager.


public int getExpiryScanInterval()
Returns the interval on which the ObjectStore will be scanned for expired items, in hours. Default: 12 hours Equivalent deprecated property: com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.expiryScanInterval

Specified by:
getExpiryScanInterval in interface RecoveryEnvironmentBeanMBean
the interval between ObjectStore expiry checks, in hours.


public void setExpiryScanInterval(int expiryScanInterval)
Sets the interval on which the ObjectStore will be scanned for expired items, in hours.

expiryScanInterval - the interval between ObjectStore expiry checks, in hours.


public int getTransactionStatusManagerExpiryTime()
Returns the time period after which items will be considered to have expired, in hours. Default: 12 hours Equivalent deprecated property: com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.transactionStatusManagerExpiryTime

Specified by:
getTransactionStatusManagerExpiryTime in interface RecoveryEnvironmentBeanMBean
the expiry timeout, in hours.


public void setTransactionStatusManagerExpiryTime(int transactionStatusManagerExpiryTime)
Sets the time period after which items will be considered to have expired, in hours.

transactionStatusManagerExpiryTime - the expiry timeout, in hours.


public List<String> getExpiryScannerClassNames()
Returns a list of names of classes that implement ExpiryScanner. The returned list is a copy. May return an empty list, will not return null. Default: empty list. Equivalent deprecated property prefix: com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.expiryScanner

Specified by:
getExpiryScannerClassNames in interface RecoveryEnvironmentBeanMBean
a list of ExpiryScanner implementation class names.


public void setExpiryScannerClassNames(List<String> expiryScannerClassNames)
Sets the expiry scanners. List elements should be names of classes that implement ExpiryScanner. The provided list will be copied, not retained.

expiryScannerClassNames - a list of ExpiryScanner implementation class names.


public List<ExpiryScanner> getExpiryScanners()
Returns the set of ExpiryScanner instances. The returned list is a copy. May return an empty list, will not return null. If there is no pre-instantiated instance set and classloading or instantiation of one or more elements fails, this method will log an appropriate warning and return a non-null set with fewer elements.

the set of ExpiryScanner instances.


public void setExpiryScanners(List<ExpiryScanner> expiryScanners)
Sets the instances of ExpiryScanner. The provided list will be copied, not retained.

expiryScanners - the set of ExpiryScanner instances.


public List<String> getRecoveryModuleClassNames()
Returns a list of names of classes that implement RecoveryModule. The returned list is a copy. May return an empty list, will not return null. Default: empty list. Equivalent deprecated property prefix:

Specified by:
getRecoveryModuleClassNames in interface RecoveryEnvironmentBeanMBean
a list of RecoveryModule implementation class names.


public void setRecoveryModuleClassNames(List<String> recoveryModuleClassNames)
Sets the recovery modules. List elements should be names of classes that implement RecoveryModule. The provided list will be copied, not retained.

recoveryModuleClassNames - a list of RecoveryModule implementation class names.


public List<RecoveryModule> getRecoveryModules()
Returns the set of RecoveryModule instances. The returned list is a copy. May return an empty list, will not return null. If there is no pre-instantiated instance set and classloading or instantiation of one or more elements fails, this method will log an appropriate warning and return a non-null set with fewer elements.

the set of RecoveryModule instances.


public void setRecoveryModules(List<RecoveryModule> recoveryModules)
Sets the instances of RecoveryModule. The provided list will be copied, not retained.

recoveryModules - the set of RecoveryModule instances.


public List<String> getRecoveryActivatorClassNames()
Returns a list of names of classes that implement RecoveryActivator. The returned list is a copy. May return an empty list, will not return null. Default: empty list. Equivalent deprecated property prefix:

Specified by:
getRecoveryActivatorClassNames in interface RecoveryEnvironmentBeanMBean
a list of RecoveryActivator implementation class names.


public void setRecoveryActivatorClassNames(List<String> recoveryActivatorClassNames)
Sets the recovery activators. List elements should be names of classes that implement RecoveryActivator. The provided list will be copied, not retained.

recoveryActivatorClassNames - a list of RecoveryActivator implementation class names.


public List<RecoveryActivator> getRecoveryActivators()
Returns the set of RecoveryActivator instances. The returned list is a copy. May return an empty list, will not return null. If there is no pre-instantiated instance set and classloading or instantiation of one or more elements fails, this method will log an appropriate warning and return a non-null set with fewer elements.

the set of RecoveryActivator instances.


public void setRecoveryActivators(List<RecoveryActivator> recoveryActivators)
Sets the instances of RecoveryActivator. The provided list will be copied, not retained.

recoveryActivators - the set of RecoveryActivator instances.


public boolean isTimeoutSocket()
Returns true if SO_TIMEOUT should be set on Listener socket instances. Default: false Equivalent deprecated property: com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.listener.timeoutsocket

Specified by:
isTimeoutSocket in interface RecoveryEnvironmentBeanMBean
true if SO_TIMEOUT should be used, false if not.


public void setTimeoutSocket(boolean timeoutSocket)
Sets the socket timeout behaviour of the Listener instances.

timeoutSocket - true to enable timeouts, false to disable.

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