Performing a POST on Transaction Manager URL @see TxSupport.TX_SEGMENT with no content
as shown below will start a new transaction with a default timeout.
Performing a GET on the transaction-manager returns a list of all transaction URIs
known to the coordinator (active and in recovery) separated by
the @see TxSupport.URI_SEPARATOR character
Performing a GET on the transaction URL with media type application/txstatusext+xml
returns extended information about the transaction, such as its status,
number of participants, and their individual URIs.
Performing a GET on the transaction-manager URI with media type application/txstatusext+xml
returns extended information about the transaction-manager resource such as how long it has
been up and all transaction-coordinator URIs.
Get the participant url (registered during enlistParticipant) corresponding to a resource reference
if the coordinator crashes - the participant list will be empty but this is ok if commit hasn't been
called since the TM uses presumed abort semantics.
PUT /recovery-coordinator// -
overwrite the old with
(as with JTS, this will also trigger off a recovery attempt on the associated transaction)
A participant may use this url to notifiy the coordinator that he has moved to a new location.
The client can control the outcome of the transaction by by PUTing to the terminator
URL returned as a response to the original transaction create request.