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This manual contains reference information about all of the configuration directives that can be used in the Web subsystem to configure the behavior of the JBoss Web Servlet/JSP container. It does not attempt to describe which configuration directives should be used to perform specific tasks - for that, see the various HOW-TO documents on the main index page.

The configuration element descriptions are organized into the following major categories:

  • connectors - Represent the interface between external clients sending requests to (and receiving responses from) a particular Service.
  • virtual-server - Represent the virtual host corresponding to requests matching it.
  • jsp-configuration - That is the configuration of the JSP container.
  • static-resources - That is the configuration of Default Servlet (how the static ressources should served).
  • Nested Components - Represent elements that can be nested inside the above elements.

For each element, the corresponding documentation follows this general outline:

  • Introduction - Overall description of this particular component. There will be a corresponding Java interface (in the org.apache.catalina pacakge) that is implemented by one or more standard implementations.
  • Attributes - The set of attributes that are legal for this element.
  • Nested Components - Enumerates which of the Nested Components can be legally nested within this element.
  • Special Features - Describes the configuration of a large variety of special features (specific to each element type).