Interface Server

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Server

A Server element represents the entire Catalina servlet container. Its attributes represent the characteristics of the servlet container as a whole. A Server may contain one or more Services, and the top level set of naming resources.

Normally, an implementation of this interface will also implement Lifecycle, such that when the start() and stop() methods are called, all of the defined Services are also started or stopped.

In between, the implementation must open a server socket on the port number specified by the port property. When a connection is accepted, the first line is read and compared with the specified shutdown command. If the command matches, shutdown of the server is initiated.

NOTE - The concrete implementation of this class should register the (singleton) instance with the ServerFactory class in its constructor(s).

$Revision: 670 $ $Date: 2008-06-18 11:23:46 +0200 (Wed, 18 Jun 2008) $
Craig R. McClanahan

Method Summary
 void addService(Service service)
          Add a new Service to the set of defined Services.
 void await()
          Wait until a proper shutdown command is received, then return.
 Service findService(java.lang.String name)
          Return the specified Service (if it exists); otherwise return null.
 Service[] findServices()
          Return the set of Services defined within this Server.
 java.lang.String getAddress()
          Return the address on which we listen to for shutdown commands.
 NamingResources getGlobalNamingResources()
          Return the global naming resources.
 java.lang.String getInfo()
          Return descriptive information about this Server implementation and the corresponding version number, in the format <description>/<version>.
 int getPort()
          Return the port number we listen to for shutdown commands.
 java.lang.String getShutdown()
          Return the shutdown command string we are waiting for.
 void initialize()
          Invoke a pre-startup initialization.
 void removeService(Service service)
          Remove the specified Service from the set associated from this Server.
 void setAddress(java.lang.String address)
          Set the address on which we listen to for shutdown commands.
 void setGlobalNamingResources(NamingResources globalNamingResources)
          Set the global naming resources.
 void setPort(int port)
          Set the port number we listen to for shutdown commands.
 void setShutdown(java.lang.String shutdown)
          Set the shutdown command we are waiting for.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getInfo()
Return descriptive information about this Server implementation and the corresponding version number, in the format <description>/<version>.


NamingResources getGlobalNamingResources()
Return the global naming resources.


void setGlobalNamingResources(NamingResources globalNamingResources)
Set the global naming resources.

globalNamingResources - The new global naming resources


int getPort()
Return the port number we listen to for shutdown commands.


void setPort(int port)
Set the port number we listen to for shutdown commands.

port - The new port number


java.lang.String getAddress()
Return the address on which we listen to for shutdown commands.


void setAddress(java.lang.String address)
Set the address on which we listen to for shutdown commands.

address - The new address


java.lang.String getShutdown()
Return the shutdown command string we are waiting for.


void setShutdown(java.lang.String shutdown)
Set the shutdown command we are waiting for.

shutdown - The new shutdown command


void addService(Service service)
Add a new Service to the set of defined Services.

service - The Service to be added


void await()
Wait until a proper shutdown command is received, then return.


Service findService(java.lang.String name)
Return the specified Service (if it exists); otherwise return null.

name - Name of the Service to be returned


Service[] findServices()
Return the set of Services defined within this Server.


void removeService(Service service)
Remove the specified Service from the set associated from this Server.

service - The Service to be removed


void initialize()
                throws LifecycleException
Invoke a pre-startup initialization. This is used to allow connectors to bind to restricted ports under Unix operating environments.

LifecycleException - If this server was already initialized.

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