Class EvaluationContext

  extended by javax.el.ELContext
      extended by org.apache.el.lang.EvaluationContext

public final class EvaluationContext
extends javax.el.ELContext

Constructor Summary
EvaluationContext(javax.el.ELContext elContext, javax.el.FunctionMapper fnMapper, javax.el.VariableMapper varMapper)
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object getContext(java.lang.Class key)
          Returns the context object associated with the given key.
 javax.el.ELContext getELContext()
 javax.el.ELResolver getELResolver()
          Retrieves the ELResolver associated with this context.
 javax.el.FunctionMapper getFunctionMapper()
          Retrieves the FunctionMapper associated with this ELContext.
 java.util.Locale getLocale()
          Get the Locale stored by a previous invocation to ELContext.setLocale(java.util.Locale).
 javax.el.VariableMapper getVariableMapper()
          Retrieves the VariableMapper associated with this ELContext.
 boolean isPropertyResolved()
          Returns whether an ELResolver has successfully resolved a given (base, property) pair.
 void putContext(java.lang.Class key, java.lang.Object contextObject)
          Associates a context object with this ELContext.
 void setLocale(java.util.Locale locale)
          Set the Locale for this instance.
 void setPropertyResolved(boolean resolved)
          Called to indicate that a ELResolver has successfully resolved a given (base, property) pair.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EvaluationContext(javax.el.ELContext elContext,
                         javax.el.FunctionMapper fnMapper,
                         javax.el.VariableMapper varMapper)
Method Detail


public javax.el.ELContext getELContext()


public javax.el.FunctionMapper getFunctionMapper()
Description copied from class: javax.el.ELContext
Retrieves the FunctionMapper associated with this ELContext.

Specified by:
getFunctionMapper in class javax.el.ELContext
The function mapper to be consulted for the resolution of EL functions.


public javax.el.VariableMapper getVariableMapper()
Description copied from class: javax.el.ELContext
Retrieves the VariableMapper associated with this ELContext.

Specified by:
getVariableMapper in class javax.el.ELContext
The variable mapper to be consulted for the resolution of EL variables.


public java.lang.Object getContext(java.lang.Class key)
Description copied from class: javax.el.ELContext
Returns the context object associated with the given key.

The ELContext maintains a collection of context objects relevant to the evaluation of an expression. These context objects are used by ELResolvers. This method is used to retrieve the context with the given key from the collection.

By convention, the object returned will be of the type specified by the key. However, this is not required and the key is used strictly as a unique identifier.

getContext in class javax.el.ELContext
key - The unique identifier that was used to associate the context object with this ELContext.
The context object associated with the given key, or null if no such context was found.


public javax.el.ELResolver getELResolver()
Description copied from class: javax.el.ELContext
Retrieves the ELResolver associated with this context.

The ELContext maintains a reference to the ELResolver that will be consulted to resolve variables and properties during an expression evaluation. This method retrieves the reference to the resolver.

Once an ELContext is constructed, the reference to the ELResolver associated with the context cannot be changed.

Specified by:
getELResolver in class javax.el.ELContext
The resolver to be consulted for variable and property resolution during expression evaluation.


public boolean isPropertyResolved()
Description copied from class: javax.el.ELContext
Returns whether an ELResolver has successfully resolved a given (base, property) pair.

The CompositeELResolver checks this property to determine whether it should consider or skip other component resolvers.

isPropertyResolved in class javax.el.ELContext
true if the property has been resolved, or false if not.
See Also:


public void putContext(java.lang.Class key,
                       java.lang.Object contextObject)
Description copied from class: javax.el.ELContext
Associates a context object with this ELContext.

The ELContext maintains a collection of context objects relevant to the evaluation of an expression. These context objects are used by ELResolvers. This method is used to add a context object to that collection.

By convention, the contextObject will be of the type specified by the key. However, this is not required and the key is used strictly as a unique identifier.

putContext in class javax.el.ELContext
key - The key used by an @{link ELResolver} to identify this context object.
contextObject - The context object to add to the collection.


public void setPropertyResolved(boolean resolved)
Description copied from class: javax.el.ELContext
Called to indicate that a ELResolver has successfully resolved a given (base, property) pair.

The CompositeELResolver checks this property to determine whether it should consider or skip other component resolvers.

setPropertyResolved in class javax.el.ELContext
resolved - true if the property has been resolved, or false if not.
See Also:


public java.util.Locale getLocale()
Description copied from class: javax.el.ELContext
Get the Locale stored by a previous invocation to ELContext.setLocale(java.util.Locale). If this method returns non null, this Locale must be used for all localization needs in the implementation. The Locale must not be cached to allow for applications that change Locale dynamically.

getLocale in class javax.el.ELContext
The Locale in which this instance is operating. Used primarily for message localization.


public void setLocale(java.util.Locale locale)
Description copied from class: javax.el.ELContext
Set the Locale for this instance. This method may be called by the party creating the instance, such as JavaServer Faces or JSP, to enable the EL implementation to provide localized messages to the user. If no Locale is set, the implementation must use the locale returned by Locale.getDefault( ).

setLocale in class javax.el.ELContext

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