Uses of Context in org.jbpm.process.core |
Methods in org.jbpm.process.core that return Context | |
Context |
Contextable.getContext(String contextType)
Context |
ContextContainer.getContext(String contextType,
long id)
Context |
ContextContainer.getDefaultContext(String contextType)
Context |
Context.resolveContext(Object param)
Context |
ContextResolver.resolveContext(String contextId,
Object param)
Methods in org.jbpm.process.core that return types with arguments of type Context | |
List<Context> |
ContextContainer.getContexts(String contextType)
Methods in org.jbpm.process.core with parameters of type Context | |
void |
ContextContainer.addContext(Context context)
void |
Contextable.setContext(String contextType,
Context context)
void |
ContextContainer.setDefaultContext(Context context)
Uses of Context in org.jbpm.process.core.context |
Classes in org.jbpm.process.core.context that implement Context | |
class |
Uses of Context in org.jbpm.process.core.context.exception |
Classes in org.jbpm.process.core.context.exception that implement Context | |
class |
Methods in org.jbpm.process.core.context.exception that return Context | |
Context |
ExceptionScope.resolveContext(Object param)
Uses of Context in org.jbpm.process.core.context.exclusive |
Classes in org.jbpm.process.core.context.exclusive that implement Context | |
class |
Methods in org.jbpm.process.core.context.exclusive that return Context | |
Context |
ExclusiveGroup.resolveContext(Object param)
Uses of Context in org.jbpm.process.core.context.swimlane |
Classes in org.jbpm.process.core.context.swimlane that implement Context | |
class |
Methods in org.jbpm.process.core.context.swimlane that return Context | |
Context |
SwimlaneContext.resolveContext(Object param)
Uses of Context in org.jbpm.process.core.context.variable |
Classes in org.jbpm.process.core.context.variable that implement Context | |
class |
Methods in org.jbpm.process.core.context.variable that return Context | |
Context |
VariableScope.resolveContext(Object param)
Uses of Context in org.jbpm.process.core.impl |
Methods in org.jbpm.process.core.impl that return Context | |
Context |
ProcessImpl.getContext(String contextType,
long id)
Context |
ContextContainerImpl.getContext(String contextType,
long id)
Context |
ProcessImpl.getDefaultContext(String contextType)
Context |
ContextContainerImpl.getDefaultContext(String contextType)
Context |
ProcessImpl.resolveContext(String contextId,
Object param)
Methods in org.jbpm.process.core.impl that return types with arguments of type Context | |
List<Context> |
ProcessImpl.getContexts(String contextType)
List<Context> |
ContextContainerImpl.getContexts(String contextType)
Methods in org.jbpm.process.core.impl with parameters of type Context | |
void |
ProcessImpl.addContext(Context context)
void |
ContextContainerImpl.addContext(Context context)
void |
ProcessImpl.setDefaultContext(Context context)
void |
ContextContainerImpl.setDefaultContext(Context context)
Uses of Context in org.jbpm.process.instance |
Methods in org.jbpm.process.instance that return Context | |
Context |
Methods in org.jbpm.process.instance with parameters of type Context | |
ContextInstance |
ContextInstanceContainer.getContextInstance(Context context)
Uses of Context in org.jbpm.process.instance.context |
Methods in org.jbpm.process.instance.context that return Context | |
Context |
Uses of Context in org.jbpm.process.instance.impl |
Methods in org.jbpm.process.instance.impl with parameters of type Context | |
ContextInstance |
ProcessInstanceImpl.getContextInstance(Context context)
ContextInstance |
ContextInstanceFactory.getContextInstance(Context context,
ContextInstanceContainer contextInstanceContainer,
ProcessInstance processInstance)
ContextInstanceFactory |
ContextInstanceFactoryRegistry.getContextInstanceFactory(Context context)
Method parameters in org.jbpm.process.instance.impl with type arguments of type Context | |
void |
ContextInstanceFactoryRegistry.register(Class<? extends Context> cls,
ContextInstanceFactory factory)
Uses of Context in org.jbpm.process.instance.impl.factory |
Methods in org.jbpm.process.instance.impl.factory with parameters of type Context | |
ContextInstance |
ReuseContextInstanceFactory.getContextInstance(Context context,
ContextInstanceContainer contextInstanceContainer,
ProcessInstance processInstance)
Uses of Context in org.jbpm.workflow.core |
Methods in org.jbpm.workflow.core that return Context | |
Context |
NodeContainer.resolveContext(String contextId,
Object param)
Uses of Context in org.jbpm.workflow.core.impl |
Methods in org.jbpm.workflow.core.impl that return Context | |
Context |
NodeImpl.getContext(String contextId)
Context |
NodeImpl.resolveContext(String contextId,
Object param)
Context |
NodeContainerImpl.resolveContext(String contextId,
Object param)
Methods in org.jbpm.workflow.core.impl with parameters of type Context | |
void |
NodeImpl.setContext(String contextId,
Context context)
Uses of Context in org.jbpm.workflow.core.node |
Methods in org.jbpm.workflow.core.node that return Context | |
Context |
WorkItemNode.getContext(String contextType,
long id)
Context |
CompositeContextNode.getContext(String contextType,
long id)
Context |
WorkItemNode.getDefaultContext(String contextType)
Context |
CompositeContextNode.getDefaultContext(String contextType)
Context |
CompositeContextNode.resolveContext(String contextId,
Object param)
Methods in org.jbpm.workflow.core.node that return types with arguments of type Context | |
List<Context> |
WorkItemNode.getContexts(String contextType)
List<Context> |
CompositeContextNode.getContexts(String contextType)
Methods in org.jbpm.workflow.core.node with parameters of type Context | |
void |
WorkItemNode.addContext(Context context)
void |
CompositeContextNode.addContext(Context context)
void |
WorkItemNode.setDefaultContext(Context context)
void |
CompositeContextNode.setDefaultContext(Context context)
Uses of Context in org.jbpm.workflow.instance.context |
Methods in org.jbpm.workflow.instance.context with parameters of type Context | |
ContextInstance |
WorkflowReuseContextInstanceFactory.getContextInstance(Context context,
ContextInstanceContainer contextInstanceContainer,
ProcessInstance processInstance)
Uses of Context in org.jbpm.workflow.instance.impl |
Methods in org.jbpm.workflow.instance.impl that return Context | |
Context |
NodeInstanceImpl.resolveContext(String contextId,
Object param)
Uses of Context in org.jbpm.workflow.instance.node |
Methods in org.jbpm.workflow.instance.node with parameters of type Context | |
ContextInstance |
CompositeContextNodeInstance.getContextInstance(Context context)