JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 2. Getting Started

2.2. Getting Started
2.3. Community
2.4. Sources
2.4.1. License
2.4.2. Source code
2.4.3. Building from source
2.5. Getting Involved
2.5.1. Sign up to jboss.org
2.5.2. Sign the Contributor Agreement
2.5.3. Submitting issues via JIRA
2.5.4. Fork Github
2.5.5. Writing Tests
2.5.6. Commit with Correct Conventions
2.5.7. Submit Pull Requests
2.6. What to do if I encounter problems or have questions?

All releases can be downloaded from SourceForge. Select the version you want to download and then select which artifact you want:

  • bin: all the jBPM binaries (jars) and their dependencies

  • src: the sources of the core components

  • docs: the documentation

  • examples: some jBPM examples, can be imported into Eclipse

  • installer: the jbpm-installer, downloads and installs a demo setup of jBPM

  • installer-full: the jbpm-installer, downloads and installs a demo setup of jBPM, already contains a number of dependencies prepackages (so they don't need to be downloaded separately)

If you like to take a quick tutorial that will guide you through most of the components using a simple example, take a look at the Installer chapter. This will teach you how to download and use the installer to create a demo setup, including most of the components. It uses a simple example to guide you through the most important features. Screencasts are available to help you out as well.

If you like to read more information first, the following chapters first focus on the core engine (API, BPMN 2.0, etc.). Further chapters will then describe the other components and other more complex topics like domain-specific processes, flexible processes, etc. After reading the core chapters, you should be able to jump to other chapters that you might find interesting.

You can also start playing around with some examples that are offered in a separate download. Check out the examples chapter to see how to start playing with these.

After reading through these chapters, you should be ready to start creating your own processes and integrate the engine with your application. These processes can be started from the installer or be started from scratch.

Here are a lot of useful links part of the jBPM community:

Please feel free to join us in our IRC channel at chat.freenode.net #jbpm. This is where most of the real-time discussion about the project takes place and where you can find most of the developers most of their time as well. Don't have an IRC client installed? Simply go to http://webchat.freenode.net/, input your desired nickname, and specify #jbpm. Then click login to join the fun.

jBPM now uses git for its source code version control system. The sources of the jBPM project can be found here (including all releases starting from jBPM 5.0-CR1):


The source of some of the other components we integrate with can be found here:

  • Other components related to the jBPM and Drools project can be found here.

  • The new Eclipse BPMN2 plugin can be found here.

  • The web-based designer can be found here

  • The kie workbench can be found here note this is an aggragate of other projects (drools-wb, jbpm-console-ng)

We are often asked "How do I get involved". Luckily the answer is simple, just write some code and submit it :) There are no hoops you have to jump through or secret handshakes. We have a very minimal "overhead" that we do request to allow for scalable project development. Below we provide a general overview of the tools and "workflow" we request, along with some general advice.

If you contribute some good work, don't forget to blog about it :)

You can always contact the jBPM community for assistance.

IRC: #jbpm at chat.freenode.net

jBPM User Forum