ABSTRACT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
AbstractAccessComponent - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
A reusable base class for ProcessingComponent implementations that does everything except obtain the correct Location objects for the query results.
AbstractAccessComponent(QueryContext, QueryResults.Columns, PlanNode) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.AbstractAccessComponent
AbstractBinary - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
An abstract implementation of Binary that provides some common capabilities for other implementations.
AbstractBinary() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinary
AbstractBinaryValueFactory - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
An abstract BinaryFactory implementation that contains many general methods that are likely to be appropriate for many concrete implementations.
AbstractBinaryValueFactory(TextDecoder, ValueFactory<String>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinaryValueFactory
AbstractJavaMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java
Abstract definition of a JavaMetadata.
AbstractJavaMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.AbstractJavaMetadata
AbstractLuceneSearchEngine<WorkspaceType extends SearchEngineWorkspace,ProcessorType extends SearchEngineProcessor> - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene
An abstract SearchEngine implementation that is set up to use the Lucene library.
AbstractLuceneSearchEngine(String, RepositoryConnectionFactory, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine
Create a SearchEngine instance that uses Lucene.
AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor<WorkspaceType extends SearchEngineWorkspace,SessionType extends AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceSession> - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene
Abstract SearchEngineProcessor implementation for the AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.
AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor(String, ExecutionContext, AbstractSearchEngine.Workspaces<WorkspaceType>, Observer, DateTime, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor.QueryFactory - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene
AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor.QueryFactory(AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceSession, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor.QueryFactory
AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.TupleCollector - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene
AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.TupleCollector() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.TupleCollector
AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceSession - Interface in org.modeshape.search.lucene
AbstractMapWorkspace - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.map
A default implementation of MapWorkspace that only requires the user to implement some simple, map-like operations.
AbstractMapWorkspace(MapRepository, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
AbstractMavenUrlProvider - Class in org.modeshape.maven.spi
An abstract URL provider for Maven 2 repositories.
AbstractMavenUrlProvider() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.maven.spi.AbstractMavenUrlProvider
AbstractPath - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
An abstract foundation for different Path implementations.
AbstractPath() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
AbstractPath.SingleIterator<T> - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
AbstractPath.SingleIterator(T) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath.SingleIterator
AbstractPathRepositorySource - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path
Basic implementation of the trivial PathRepositorySource methods and the path repository cache life cycle.
AbstractPathRepositorySource() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractPathRepositorySource
AbstractProblems - Class in org.modeshape.common.collection
A list of problems for some execution context.
AbstractProblems() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
AbstractRepositorySource - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base
Basic implementation of BaseRepositorySource, providing default implementations of the accessors and mutators in that interface.
AbstractRepositorySource() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.AbstractRepositorySource
AbstractSearchEngine<WorkspaceType extends SearchEngineWorkspace,ProcessorType extends SearchEngineProcessor> - Class in org.modeshape.graph.search
A component that acts as a search engine for the content within a single RepositorySource.
AbstractSearchEngine(String, RepositoryConnectionFactory) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.search.AbstractSearchEngine
Create a new provider instance that can be used to manage the indexes for the workspaces in a single source.
AbstractSearchEngine(String, RepositoryConnectionFactory, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.search.AbstractSearchEngine
Create a new provider instance that can be used to manage the indexes for the workspaces in a single source.
AbstractSearchEngine.SearchWorkspaces - Class in org.modeshape.graph.search
AbstractSearchEngine.SearchWorkspaces(RepositoryConnectionFactory) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.search.AbstractSearchEngine.SearchWorkspaces
AbstractSearchEngine.Workspaces<WorkspaceType extends SearchEngineWorkspace> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.search
AbstractServiceAdministrator - Class in org.modeshape.repository.service
Simple abstract implementation of the service administrator interface that can be easily subclassed by services that require an administrative interface.
AbstractServiceAdministrator(I18n, ServiceAdministrator.State) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.service.AbstractServiceAdministrator
AbstractTextSequencer - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.text
The base class for the text sequencers.
AbstractTextSequencer() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.AbstractTextSequencer
AbstractValueFactories - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
Abstract implementation of ValueFactories that implements all the methods other than the get*Factory() methods.
AbstractValueFactories() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactories
AbstractValueFactories.ValueFactoryIterator - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
AbstractValueFactories.ValueFactoryIterator() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactories.ValueFactoryIterator
AbstractValueFactory<T> - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
Abstract ValueFactory.
AbstractValueFactory(PropertyType, TextDecoder, ValueFactory<String>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
AbstractValueFactory.ConvertingIterator<ValueType> - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
AbstractValueFactory.ConvertingIterator(Iterator<?>, ValueFactory<ValueType>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory.ConvertingIterator
AbstractWritablePathWorkspace - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path
Implementation of some methods from WritablePathWorkspace to assist in the development of path-based connectors.
AbstractWritablePathWorkspace(String, UUID) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractWritablePathWorkspace
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.AllNodes
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.And
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ArithmeticOperand
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Between
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.BindVariableName
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ChildNode
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ChildNodeJoinCondition
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Column
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Comparison
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.DescendantNode
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.DescendantNodeJoinCondition
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.EquiJoinCondition
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearchScore
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Join
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Length
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Limit
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Literal
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.LowerCase
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NamedSelector
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodeDepth
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodeLocalName
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodeName
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodePath
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Not
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Or
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Ordering
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.PropertyExistence
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.PropertyValue
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Query
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ReferenceValue
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SameNode
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SameNodeJoinCondition
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetCriteria
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetQuery
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.UpperCase
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitable
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryParser.JoinableSources
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrNamedSelector
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.
acceptsDocsOutOfOrder() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession.DualIndexTupleCollector
acceptsDocsOutOfOrder() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession.FullTextSearchTupleCollector
accessNode - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.AbstractAccessComponent
AccessQueryRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
A Request to issue an access query a graph, where an access query is a low-level atomic query that is part of a large, planned query.
AccessQueryRequest(String, SelectorName, QueryResults.Columns, List<Constraint>, Limit, Schemata, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.AccessQueryRequest
Create a new request to execute the supplied query against the name workspace.
acquire() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.InMemoryBinary
Acquire any resources for this data.
acquire() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Binary
Acquire any resources for this data.
actualLocationDoesNotHaveCorrectChildName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
actualLocationIsNotAtCorrectChildSegment - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
actualLocationIsNotChildOfInputLocation - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
actualLocationMustHavePath - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
actualLocationNotEqualToInputLocation - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
actualNewLocationIsNotSameAsInputLocation - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
actualNewLocationMustHavePath - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
actualNewLocationMustHaveSameNameAsRequest - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
actualNewLocationMustHaveSameParentAsOldLocation - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
actualOldLocationIsNotSameAsInputLocation - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
actualOldLocationMustHavePath - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
add(int, T) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableAppendedList
add(T) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableAppendedList
add(ConfigType) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentLibrary
Add the configuration for a component, or update any existing one that represents the same configuration
add(Double, Double) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
add(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.Duration
Add the supplied duration to this duration, and return the result.
add(Duration) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.Duration
Add the supplied duration to this duration, and return the result.
add(Duration, Duration) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
add(Float, Float) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
add(Integer, Integer) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
add(Long, Long) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
add(T, T) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
Add the two operands and return the sum.
add(Short, Short) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
add(T) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.SimpleStatistics
Add a new value to these statistics.
add(Position) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Position
Return a new position that is the addition of this position and that supplied.
add(NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.Children
add(int, NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.Children
add(Request) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
add(CompositeRequest, Request...) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequest
Add requests to the supplied composite request.
add(CompositeRequest, Iterator<? extends Request>) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequest
Add requests to the supplied composite request.
add(Request) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel
Add the request to this channel for asynchronous processing.
add(Request, CountDownLatch) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel
Add the request to this channel for asynchronous processing, and supply a count-down latch that should be decremented when this request is completed.
add(DynamicOperand, DynamicOperand) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryObjectModelFactory
Create an arithmetic dynamic operand that adds the numeric value of the two supplied operand(s).
add(Selector, Position) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryParser.JoinableSources
add(SameNodeJoinCondition, Position) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryParser.JoinableSources
add(DynamicOperand, DynamicOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
Create an arithmetic dynamic operand that adds the numeric value of the two supplied operand(s).
add(ChangeRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceWork
ADD_COLUMN_DEFINITION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.AstNodeNames
ADD_NODE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapePermissions
A standard JCR-defined permission to grant the user the ability to add nodes.
ADD_TABLE_CONSTRAINT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.AstNodeNames
AddAccessNodes - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize
An optimizer rule that inserts an ACCESS above each SOURCE leaf node in a query plan.
AddAccessNodes() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.AddAccessNodes
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableAppendedList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableAppendedList
addAll(Collection<? extends NodeType>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.Children
addAll(int, Collection<? extends NodeType>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.Children
addAndAwait(Request) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel
Add the request to this channel for processing, but wait to return until the request has been processed.
addChild(NodeEntity) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
addChild(int, NodeEntity) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
addChild(int, MapNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode
addChild(MapNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode
addChild(WorkspaceType, NodeType, Name, int, UUID, Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction
Creates a new child node under the supplied parent, where the new child will have the specified name, properties, and (optionally) UUID.
addChild(WorkspaceType, NodeType, NodeType, NodeType, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction
Inserts the specified child at the specified position in the list of children.
addChild(WorkspaceType, NodeType, Name, int, UUID, Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction
Creates a new child node under the supplied parent, where the new child will have the specified name, properties, and (optionally) UUID.
addChild(WorkspaceType, NodeType, NodeType, NodeType, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction
Inserts the specified child at the specified position in the list of children.
addChild(WorkspaceType, NodeType, Name, int, UUID, Iterable<Property>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Transaction
Creates a new child node under the supplied parent, where the new child will have the specified name, properties, and (optionally) UUID.
addChild(WorkspaceType, NodeType, NodeType, NodeType, Name) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Transaction
Inserts the specified child at the specified position in the list of children.
addChild(int, MapNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.DefaultMapNode
addChild(MapNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.DefaultMapNode
addChild(MapNode) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapNode
Adds the given child to the end of the list of children for this node
addChild(int, MapNode) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapNode
Inserts the specified child at the specified position in the list of children.
addChild(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllChildrenRequest
Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
addChild(Path, Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllChildrenRequest
Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
addChild(Path, Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllChildrenRequest
Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification property.
addChild(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest
Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
addChild(Path, Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest
Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
addChild(Path, Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest
Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification property.
addChild(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest
Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
addChild(Path, Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest
Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
addChild(Path, Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest
Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification property.
addChild(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNodeRequest
Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
addChild(Path, Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNodeRequest
Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
addChild(Path, Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNodeRequest
Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification property.
addChildren(Iterable<PlanNode>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Add the supplied nodes at the end of the list of children.
addChildren(PlanNode, PlanNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Add the supplied nodes at the end of the list of children.
addChildren(PlanNode, PlanNode, PlanNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Add the supplied nodes at the end of the list of children.
addChildren(Iterable<Location>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllChildrenRequest
Add to the list of children that has been read the supplied children with the given path and identification properties.
addChildren(Iterable<Location>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest
Add to the list of children that has been read the supplied children with the given path and identification properties.
addChildren(Iterable<Location>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest
Add to the list of children that has been read the supplied children with the given path and identification properties.
addChildren(Iterable<Location>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNodeRequest
Add to the list of children that has been read the supplied children with the given path and identification properties.
addChildren(Iterable<AstNode>) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Add the supplied nodes at the end of the list of children.
addChildren(AstNode, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Add the supplied nodes at the end of the list of children.
addChildren(AstNode, AstNode, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Add the supplied nodes at the end of the list of children.
addColumn(String, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.ImmutableSchemata.Builder
Add a column with the supplied name and type to the named table.
addColumn(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.ImmutableSchemata.Builder
Add a column with the supplied name and type to the named table.
addConnectionIfUnderCorePoolSize() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
addConnectionsIfUnderCorePoolSize() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
addDeletedChild(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteChildrenRequest
Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
addDeletedChild(Path, Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteChildrenRequest
Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
addDeletedChild(Path, Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteChildrenRequest
Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification property.
addDeletedChildren(Iterable<Location>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteChildrenRequest
Add to the list of children that has been read the supplied children with the given path and identification properties.
addDetector(MimeTypeDetectorConfig) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.mimetype.MimeTypeDetectors
Adds the configuration for a MIME-type detector before any previously added configurations, or updates any existing one that represents the same configuration
addDirectory(String, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.connector.scm.ScmActionFactory
AddDirectory - Class in org.modeshape.connector.svn.mgnt
root should be the last, previously created, parent folder.
AddDirectory(String, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.svn.mgnt.AddDirectory
addedValues() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdateValuesRequest
Get the list of values to be added.
addError(I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
addError(Throwable, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
addError(String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
addError(Throwable, String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
addError(int, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
addError(Throwable, int, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
addError(int, String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
addError(Throwable, int, String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
addError(I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Add an error message with the parameters that should be used when localizing the message.
addError(String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Add an error message with a description of the resource, its location, and the parameters that should be used when localizing the message
addError(int, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Add an error message with the parameters that should be used when localizing the message.
addError(int, String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Add an error message with a description of the resource, its location, and the parameters that should be used when localizing the message
addError(Throwable, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Add an error exception and message with the parameters that should be used when localizing the message.
addError(Throwable, String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Add an error exception and message with a description of the resource, its location, and the parameters that should be used when localizing the message
addError(Throwable, int, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Add an error exception and message with the parameters that should be used when localizing the message.
addError(Throwable, int, String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Add an error exception and message with a description of the resource, its location, and the parameters that should be used when localizing the message
addError(I18n, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Add an error message with the parameters that should be used when localizing the message.
addError(Throwable, I18n, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Add an error exception and message with the parameters that should be used when localizing the message.
addError(String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Add an error message with a description of the resource, its location, and the parameters that should be used when localizing the message
addError(Throwable, String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Add an error exception and message with a description of the resource, its location, and the parameters that should be used when localizing the message
addError(int, I18n, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Add an error message with the parameters that should be used when localizing the message.
addError(Throwable, int, I18n, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Add an error exception and message with the parameters that should be used when localizing the message.
addError(int, String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Add an error message with a description of the resource, its location, and the parameters that should be used when localizing the message
addError(Throwable, int, String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Add an error exception and message with a description of the resource, its location, and the parameters that should be used when localizing the message
addFile(String, String, byte[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.connector.scm.ScmActionFactory
AddFile - Class in org.modeshape.connector.svn.mgnt
AddFile(String, String, byte[]) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.svn.mgnt.AddFile
addFirstChild(PlanNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Add the supplied node to the front of the list of children.
addFirstChild(AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Add the supplied node to the front of the list of children.
addInfo(I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
addInfo(Throwable, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
addInfo(String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
addInfo(Throwable, String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
addInfo(int, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
addInfo(Throwable, int, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
addInfo(int, String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
addInfo(Throwable, int, String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
addInfo(I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Add a informational message with the parameters that should be used when localizing the message.
addInfo(String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Add an informational message with a description of the resource, its location, and the parameters that should be used when localizing the message
addInfo(int, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Add a informational message with the parameters that should be used when localizing the message.
addInfo(int, String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Add an informational message with a description of the resource, its location, and the parameters that should be used when localizing the message
addInfo(Throwable, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Add an informational exception and message with the parameters that should be used when localizing the message.
addInfo(Throwable, String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Add an informational exception and message with a description of the resource, its location, and the parameters that should be used when localizing the message
addInfo(Throwable, int, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Add a informational exception and message with the parameters that should be used when localizing the message.
addInfo(Throwable, int, String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Add an informational exception and message with a description of the resource, its location, and the parameters that should be used when localizing the message
addInfo(I18n, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Add a informational message with the parameters that should be used when localizing the message.
addInfo(Throwable, I18n, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Add an informational exception and message with the parameters that should be used when localizing the message.
addInfo(String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Add an informational message with a description of the resource, its location, and the parameters that should be used when localizing the message
addInfo(Throwable, String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Add an informational exception and message with a description of the resource, its location, and the parameters that should be used when localizing the message
addInfo(int, I18n, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Add a informational message with the parameters that should be used when localizing the message.
addInfo(Throwable, int, I18n, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Add a informational exception and message with the parameters that should be used when localizing the message.
addInfo(int, String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Add an informational message with a description of the resource, its location, and the parameters that should be used when localizing the message
addInfo(Throwable, int, String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Add an informational exception and message with a description of the resource, its location, and the parameters that should be used when localizing the message
adding(Ordering...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Query
Create a copy of this query, but that returns results that are ordered by the orderings of this column as well as those supplied.
adding(Column...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Query
Create a copy of this query, but that returns results that include the columns specified by this query as well as the supplied columns.
adding(Ordering...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetQuery
addIrregular(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector
addKey(String, String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.ImmutableSchemata.Builder
Add to the specified table a key that references the existing named columns.
addLanguage(QueryParser) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.QueryParsers
Add a language to this engine by supplying its parser.
addLanguages(QueryParser, QueryParser...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.QueryParsers
Add one or more languages to this engine by supplying the corresponding parsers.
addLanguages(Iterable<QueryParser>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.QueryParsers
Add one or more languages to this engine by supplying the corresponding parsers.
addLastChild(PlanNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Add the supplied node to the end of the list of children.
addLastChild(AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Add the supplied node to the end of the list of children.
addLockToken(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLockManager
addModel(Model) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource.Models
addNewNode(Long, Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.RequestProcessorCache
addNewNode(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.RequestProcessorCache.WorkspaceCache
addNodeToMap(MapNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.Workspace
Adds the given node to the persistent store, replacing any node already in the persistent store with the same UUID.
addNodeToMap(MapNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
Adds the given node to the backing map, replacing any node already in the backing map with the same UUID.
addNodeTypes(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryBuilder
addNodeTypes(File) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryBuilder
addNodeTypes(URL) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryBuilder
addNodeTypes(InputStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryBuilder
addNodeTypes(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryDefinition
Specify that the CND file located at the supplied path should be loaded into the repository.
addNodeTypes(File) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryDefinition
Specify that the CND file is to be loaded into the repository.
addNodeTypes(URL) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryDefinition
Specify that the CND file is to be loaded into the repository.
addNodeTypes(InputStream) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryDefinition
Specify that the CND file is to be loaded into the repository.
addOrdering(DynamicOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.SingleOrderByOperandBuilder
addPending() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
addPluralize(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector
addProblem(Problem) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
addProblem(Problem) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.SimpleProblems
addProblem(Problem) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ThreadSafeProblems
addProblem(DdlParserProblem, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
addProblem(DdlParserProblem) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
addProperties(Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllPropertiesRequest
Add a property that was read from the RepositoryConnection
addProperties(Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllPropertiesRequest
Add a property that was read from the RepositoryConnection
addProperties(Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNodeRequest
Add a property that was read from the RepositoryConnection
addProperties(Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNodeRequest
Add a property that was read from the RepositoryConnection
addProperty(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllPropertiesRequest
Add a property that was read from the RepositoryConnection
addProperty(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNodeRequest
Add a property that was read from the RepositoryConnection
addRequireChangesTo(GraphSession.NodeId) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Dependencies
addRuleParser(Method) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection
Add a static method that can be used to parse rule definition strings.
addRuleParser(ClassLoader, String, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection
Add a static method that can be used to parse rule definition strings.
addRuleParser(Method) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.ProjectionParser
Add a static method that can be used to parse rule definition strings.
addRuleParser(Class<?>, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.ProjectionParser
Add a static method that can be used to parse rule definition strings.
addRuleParser(ClassLoader, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.ProjectionParser
Add a static method that can be used to parse rule definition strings.
addSelector(SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Add a selector to this plan node.
addSelector(SelectorName, SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Add the selectors to this plan node.
addSelectors(Iterable<SelectorName>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Add the selectors to this plan node.
addSequencer(SequencerConfig) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService
Add the configuration for a sequencer, or update any existing one that represents the same configuration
addSingularize(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector
addSource(RepositorySource) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary
Add the supplied source.
addSource(RepositorySource, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary
Add the supplied source.
addTable(String, String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.ImmutableSchemata.Builder
Add a table with the supplied name and column names.
addTable(String, String[], String[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.ImmutableSchemata.Builder
Add a table with the supplied name and column names and types.
addToken(Position, int, int, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CaseInsensitiveTokenFactory
Create a single- or multi-character token with the supplied type and with the characters in the range given by the starting and ending index in the character stream.
addToken(Position, int, int, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CaseSensitiveTokenFactory
Create a single- or multi-character token with the supplied type and with the characters in the range given by the starting and ending index in the character stream.
addToken(Position, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.TokenFactory
Create a single-character token at the supplied index in the character stream.
addToken(Position, int, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.TokenFactory
Create a single- or multi-character token with the characters in the range given by the starting and ending index in the character stream.
addToken(Position, int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.Tokens
Create a single-character token at the supplied index in the character stream.
addToken(Position, int, int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.Tokens
Create a single- or multi-character token with the characters in the range given by the starting and ending index in the character stream.
addToken(Position, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.Tokens
Create a single- or multi-character token with the supplied type and with the characters in the range given by the starting and ending index in the character stream.
addUncountable(String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector
addValue(T) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram.Bucket
Add a value to this bucket
addValue(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
addValue(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
addValues(String, Location, Name, List<Object>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to add values to a property on an existing node
addView(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.ImmutableSchemata.Builder
Add a view with the supplied name and SQL string definition.
addView(String, QueryCommand) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.ImmutableSchemata.Builder
Add a view with the supplied name and definition.
addWarning(I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
addWarning(Throwable, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
addWarning(String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
addWarning(Throwable, String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
addWarning(int, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
addWarning(Throwable, int, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
addWarning(int, String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
addWarning(Throwable, int, String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
addWarning(I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Add a warning message with the parameters that should be used when localizing the message.
addWarning(String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Add a warning message with a description of the resource, its location, and the parameters that should be used when localizing the message
addWarning(int, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Add a warning message with the parameters that should be used when localizing the message.
addWarning(int, String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Add a warning message with a description of the resource, its location, and the parameters that should be used when localizing the message
addWarning(Throwable, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Add a warning exception and message with the parameters that should be used when localizing the message.
addWarning(Throwable, String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Add a warning exception and message with a description of the resource, its location, and the parameters that should be used when localizing the message
addWarning(Throwable, int, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Add a warning exception and message with the parameters that should be used when localizing the message.
addWarning(Throwable, int, String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Add a warning exception and message with a description of the resource, its location, and the parameters that should be used when localizing the message
addWarning(I18n, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Add a warning message with the parameters that should be used when localizing the message.
addWarning(Throwable, I18n, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Add a warning exception and message with the parameters that should be used when localizing the message.
addWarning(String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Add a warning message with a description of the resource, its location, and the parameters that should be used when localizing the message
addWarning(Throwable, String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Add a warning exception and message with a description of the resource, its location, and the parameters that should be used when localizing the message
addWarning(int, I18n, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Add a warning message with the parameters that should be used when localizing the message.
addWarning(Throwable, int, I18n, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Add a warning exception and message with the parameters that should be used when localizing the message.
addWarning(int, String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Add a warning message with a description of the resource, its location, and the parameters that should be used when localizing the message
addWarning(Throwable, int, String, String, I18n, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Add a warning exception and message with a description of the resource, its location, and the parameters that should be used when localizing the message
addWorkspace(String, Iterable<Projection>, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.FederatedRepositorySource
Add a federated workspace to this source.
addWorkspace(String, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository
adjustReferenceProperties(ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Serializer
Deserialize the properties, adjust all Reference values that point to an "old" UUID to point to the corresponding "new" UUID, and reserialize the properties.
adjustSnsIndexesAndIndexes(EntityManager, Long, String, int, int, long, String, int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
adjustSnsIndexesAndIndexesAfterRemoving(EntityManager, Long, String, String, long, int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
ADMIN - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapeRoles
Constant containing the "admin" role name.
AdministeredService - Interface in org.modeshape.repository.service
A simple interface for an administered service.
advance(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareQuery.CompareScorer
advance(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.HasValueQuery.ExistsScorer
advance(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.IdsQuery.IdScorer
advance(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.MatchNoneQuery.NoneScorer
advance(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.NotQuery.NotScorer
advance(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ScoreQuery.NotScorer
ALBUM - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.mp3.Mp3MetadataLexicon
ALGORITHMS_NOT_FOUND_AND_LOGGED - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinary
alias() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Selector
Get the alias name for this source, if there is one.
aliasesMappedToRealNamespacesButWereNotRegisteredInAliasNamespace - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
aliasOrName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Selector
Get the alias if this selector has one, or the name.
ALL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource.Models
all() - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.PathExpression
ALL_NODES_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.AllNodes
ALL_PRIVILEGES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
allColumnsFor(Schemata.Table, SelectorName, List<Column>, List<String>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.CanonicalPlanner
AllNodes - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A selector that represents a source that returns all nodes.
AllNodes() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.AllNodes
AllNodes(SelectorName) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.AllNodes
Create a selector with the supplied alias.
allNodeTypeTemplatesMustComeFromSameSession - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
ALLOW_CREATING_WORKSPACES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
ALLOW_CREATING_WORKSPACES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
ALLOW_CREATING_WORKSPACES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
ALLOW_CREATING_WORKSPACES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
ALLOW_CREATING_WORKSPACES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
allPropertyValuesMustHaveSameType - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
allRequests - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel
The list of all requests that are or have been processed as part of this channel
allRequests() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel
Get all the requests that were submitted to this queue.
alreadyLocked - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
ALTER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
ALTER_COLUMN_DEFINITION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.AstNodeNames
ALTER_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.db2.Db2DdlConstants.Db2StatementStartPhrases
ALTER_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
ALTER_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
ALTER_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
ALTER_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
ALTER_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sqlserver.SqlServerDdlConstants.SqlServerStatementStartPhrases
ALTER_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sybase.SybaseDdlConstants.SybaseStatementStartPhrases
ALTER_TABLE_DEFINITION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.AstNodeNames
alterTableOptionNotFound - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencerI18n
ambiguousPrimaryItemName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
analyzer - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchWorkspace
ancestorInPathIsFile - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
ancestorPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.DescendantNode
Get the path of the node that is to be the ancestor of the target node.
ancestorSelectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.DescendantNodeJoinCondition
Get the name of the selector for the ancestor node.
and() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.AbstractAction
and(Location) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.And
Specify that another node should also be copied or moved.
and(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.And
Specify that another node should also be copied or moved.
and(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.And
Specify that another node should also be copied or moved.
and(UUID) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.And
Specify that another node should also be copied or moved.
and(Property) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.And
Specify that another node should also be copied or moved.
and(Property, Property...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.And
Specify that another node should also be copied or moved.
and(Iterable<Property>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.And
Specify that another node should also be copied or moved.
and() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Conjunction
Finish the request and prepare to start another.
and(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CopyAction
and(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CopyAction
and(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CopyAction
and(Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CopyAction
and(Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CopyAction
and(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CopyAction
and(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CopyAction
and(UUID) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Create
Specify the UUID that should the new node should have.
and(Property) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Create
Specify a property that should the new node should have.
and(Iterable<Property>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Create
Specify property that should the new node should have.
and(String, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Create
Specify a property that should the new node should have.
and(Name, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Create
Specify a property that should the new node should have.
and(Property, Property...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Create
Specify properties that should the new node should have.
and(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAction
and(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAction
and(Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAction
and(String, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAction
and(Name, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAction
and(Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAction
and() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAction
and(UUID) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAt
Specify the UUID that should the new node should have.
and(Property) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAt
Specify a property that should the new node should have.
and(Iterable<Property>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAt
Specify property that should the new node should have.
and(String, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAt
Specify a property that should the new node should have.
and(Name, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAt
Specify a property that should the new node should have.
and(Property, Property...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAt
Specify properties that should the new node should have.
and(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.MoveAction
and(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.MoveAction
and(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.MoveAction
and(Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.MoveAction
and(Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.MoveAction
and(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.MoveAction
and(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.MoveAction
And - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A constraint that evaluates to true when both of the other constraints evaluate to true.
And(Constraint, Constraint) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.And
and(Constraint, Constraint) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
and() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.AndBuilder
Return the component
and() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder
Signal that the previous constraint clause be AND-ed together with another constraint clause that will be defined immediately after this method call.
and() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration
Convenience method to make the code that sets up this configuration easier to read.
and(Constraint, Constraint) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
and(Constraint, Constraint) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
and() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Convenience method to make the code that sets up this configuration easier to read.
and() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.BaseReturnable
Return the configuration component.
and() - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.Returnable
Return the configuration component.
andedConstraints - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.AbstractAccessComponent
andedConstraints() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.AccessQueryRequest
Get the immutable list of constraints that are AND-ed together in this query.
andItsDescendants() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.LockAction
andItsDescendants() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.LockScope
andOutputtingTo(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.PathExpressionOutput
Specify the output path expression, which determines where this sequencer's output will be placed.
andQueries(Query, Query) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
andReturn() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.GetNodeConjunction
andValue(Object) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.AddValue
Specifies an additional value to be added
andValue(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.AddValueAction
andValue(Object) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.RemoveValue
Specifies an additional value to be removed
andValue(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.RemoveValueAction
ANNOTATION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
ANNOTATION_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
ANNOTATION_DECLARATION_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
ANNOTATION_MEMBER - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
ANNOTATION_TYPE_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
AnnotationMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata
AnnotationMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata
Abstract class for annotations.
AnnotationMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.AnnotationMetadata
ANNOTATIONS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
ANONYMOUS_USER_ROLES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.DefaultOption
The default value for the JcrRepository.Option.ANONYMOUS_USER_ROLES option is "admin" .
ANY_TYPE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
A constant that can be used with the TokenStream.matches(int), TokenStream.matches(int, int...), TokenStream.consume(int), and TokenStream.canConsume(int) methods to signal that any token type is allowed to be matched.
ANY_VALUE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
A constant that can be used with the TokenStream.matches(String), TokenStream.matches(String, String...), TokenStream.consume(String), TokenStream.consume(String, String...), TokenStream.canConsume(String) and TokenStream.canConsume(String, String...) methods to signal that any value is allowed to be matched.
ApertureMimeTypeDetector - Class in org.modeshape.mimetype.aperture
A MimeTypeDetector that uses the Aperture library.
ApertureMimeTypeDetector() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.mimetype.aperture.ApertureMimeTypeDetector
append(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
append(char) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
append(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
append(SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
append(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
append(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
append(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator.DualPathLikeBuilder
append(char) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator.DualPathLikeBuilder
append(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator.PathLikeBuilder
append(char) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator.PathLikeBuilder
append(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator.SinglePathLikeBuilder
append(char) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator.SinglePathLikeBuilder
appendSource(boolean, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataType
appendSource(boolean, String, String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataType
appendSource(boolean, String) - Method in exception org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParserProblem
appendSource(boolean, String, String...) - Method in exception org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParserProblem
appliesToPathConstraint(List<XPath.Component>) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator
Determine if the predicates contain any expressions that cannot be put into a LIKE constraint on the path.
apply(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector.Rule
Apply the rule against the input string, returning the modified string or null if the rule didn't apply (and no modifications were made)
apply() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnWorkspace.SvnCommand
apply() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnWorkspace.SvnCompositeCommand
apply() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathWorkspace.ChangeCommand
Make the change represented by this command permanent.
applyAction(Object) - Method in interface org.modeshape.connector.scm.ScmAction
applyAction(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.mgnt.AddDirectory
applyAction(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.mgnt.AddFile
applyAction(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.mgnt.DeleteEntry
applyAction(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.mgnt.UpdateFile
areNextTokensCreateTableOptions(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlParser
areNextTokensCreateTableOptions(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
areUpdatesAllowed() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
Get whether this source allows updates.
areUpdatesAllowed() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
areUpdatesAllowed() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
areUpdatesAllowed() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Get whether this source allows updates.
areUpdatesAllowed() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
Get whether this source allows updates.
areUpdatesAllowed() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.AbstractRepositorySource
Get whether this source allows updates.
areUpdatesAllowed() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.BaseRepositorySource
Get whether this source allows updates.
areUpdatesAllowed() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
areUpdatesAllowed() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepositorySource
Get whether this source allows updates.
areUpdatesAllowed() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractPathRepositorySource
Get whether this source allows updates.
areUpdatesAllowed() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRepositorySource
Get whether this source allows updates.
argumentDidNotContainKey - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
argumentDidNotContainObject - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
argumentMayNotBeEmpty - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
argumentMayNotBeGreaterThan - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
argumentMayNotBeLessThan - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
argumentMayNotBeNegative - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
argumentMayNotBeNull - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
argumentMayNotBeNullOrZeroLength - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
argumentMayNotBeNullOrZeroLengthOrEmpty - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
argumentMayNotBePositive - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
argumentMayNotContainNullValue - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
argumentMustBeEmpty - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
argumentMustBeEquals - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
argumentMustBeGreaterThan - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
argumentMustBeGreaterThanOrEqualTo - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
argumentMustBeInstanceOf - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
argumentMustBeLessThan - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
argumentMustBeLessThanOrEqualTo - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
argumentMustBeNegative - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
argumentMustBeNull - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
argumentMustBeNumber - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
argumentMustBeOfMaximumSize - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
argumentMustBeOfMinimumSize - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
argumentMustBePositive - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
argumentMustBeSameAs - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
argumentMustNotBeEquals - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
argumentMustNotBeSameAs - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
ArithmeticOperand - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A dynamic operand that represents a (binary) arithmetic operation upon one or more other operands, used in Comparison and Ordering components.
ArithmeticOperand(DynamicOperand, ArithmeticOperator, DynamicOperand) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ArithmeticOperand
Create a arithmetic dynamic operand that operates upon the supplied operand(s).
arithmeticOperand(DynamicOperand, ArithmeticOperator, DynamicOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
ArithmeticOperand - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom
A dynamic operand that represents a (binary) arithmetic operation upon one or more other operands, used in Comparison and Ordering components.
arithmeticOperand(DynamicOperand, ArithmeticOperator, DynamicOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
arithmeticOperand(DynamicOperand, ArithmeticOperator, DynamicOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
ArithmeticOperator - Enum in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
The arithmetic operators.
ArithmeticOperator.Arity - Enum in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
arity() - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ArithmeticOperator
Get the 'arity' of the operator.
ARRAY_TYPE_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
ARRAY_TYPE_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
ARRAY_TYPE_MODIFIER_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
ARRAY_TYPE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
ARRAY_TYPE_VARIABLE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
ArrayTypeFieldMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata
ArrayTypeFieldMetadata represents the meta data for an array type.
ArrayTypeFieldMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.ArrayTypeFieldMetadata
ArrayTypeFieldMetadataSequencer - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java
Sequencer for array types.
ArrayTypeFieldMetadataSequencer() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.ArrayTypeFieldMetadataSequencer
ArtifactType - Enum in org.modeshape.maven
The type of artifacts in a Maven 2 repository.
as(Path.Segment) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.AsChild
Finish the request by specifying the exact segment for the new child node.
as(Name) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.AsChild
Finish the request by specifying the name of the new child node.
as(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.AsChild
Finish the request by specifying the name of the new child node.
as(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.AsName
Finish the request by specifying the new name.
as(Name) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.AsName
Finish the request by specifying the new name.
as(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.MoveAction
as(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.MoveAction
Finish the request by specifying the new name.
as(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.CastAs
Define the right-hand side literal value cast as the specified type.
as(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.CastAsLowerBoundary
Define the left-hand side literal value cast as the specified type.
as(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.CastAsRightHandSide
Define the right-hand side literal value cast as the specified type.
as(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.CastAsUpperBoundary
Define the right-hand side literal value cast as the specified type.
asBigDecimal(Double) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
asBigDecimal(Duration) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
asBigDecimal(Float) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
asBigDecimal(Integer) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
asBigDecimal(Long) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
asBigDecimal(T) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
Create a BigDecimal representation of the supplied value.
asBigDecimal(Short) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
asBoolean() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.CastAs
Define the right-hand side literal value cast as a PropertyType.BOOLEAN.
ascending() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder
Begin specifying an order-by specification using ascending order.
ascending(DynamicOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
asDate() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.CastAs
Define the right-hand side literal value cast as a PropertyType.DATE.
asDouble() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.CastAs
Define the right-hand side literal value cast as a PropertyType.DOUBLE.
asLong() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.CastAs
Define the right-hand side literal value cast as a PropertyType.LONG.
asPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.CastAs
Define the right-hand side literal value cast as a PropertyType.PATH.
asReadableString(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem.Factory
Get a readable and potentially shorter string representation of the supplied value.
asReadableString(Object) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.TypeSystem.TypeFactory
Get a readable and potentially shorter string representation of the supplied value.
assertNotExecuted() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
asString(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem
Get the string representation of the supplied value, using the most appropriate factory given the value.
asString(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem.Factory
Get the string representation of the supplied value.
asString(Object) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.TypeSystem
Get the string representation of the supplied value, using the most appropriate factory given the value.
asString(Object) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.TypeSystem.TypeFactory
Get the string representation of the supplied value.
asString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.CastAs
Define the right-hand side literal value cast as a PropertyType.STRING.
asString(Iterable<?>, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath
AstNode - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node
Utility object class designed to facilitate constructing an AST or Abstract Syntax Tree representing nodes and properties that are compatible with ModeShape graph component structure.
AstNode(Name) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Construct a node with the supplied name but without a parent.
AstNode(AstNode, Name) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Construct a node with the supplied name and parent.
AstNodeFactory - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node
Utility class which provides construction, editing and assorted methods to work with AstNodes.
AstNodeFactory(ExecutionContext) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNodeFactory
AstNodeFactory() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNodeFactory
at(Location) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.At
Specify the location of the node upon which the request is to operate.
at(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.At
Specify the path of the node upon which the request is to operate.
at(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.At
Specify the path of the node upon which the request is to operate.
at(UUID) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.At
Specify the UUID of the node upon which the request is to operate.
at(Property) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.At
Specify the unique identification property that identifies the node upon which the request is to operate.
at(Property, Property...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.At
Specify the unique identification properties that identify the node upon which the request is to operate.
at(Iterable<Property>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.At
Specify the unique identification properties that identify the node upon which the request is to operate.
at() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteBranchRequest
Get the location defining the top of the branch to be deleted
at() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteChildrenRequest
Get the location defining the top of the branch to be deleted
at() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.LockBranchRequest
Get the location defining the node that is to be read.
at() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllPropertiesRequest
Get the location defining the node that is to be read.
at() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBranchRequest
Get the location defining the top of the branch to be read
at() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNodeRequest
Get the location defining the node that is to be read.
at() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RenameNodeRequest
Get the location defining the node that is to be read.
at() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UnlockBranchRequest
Get the location defining the node that is to be read.
at() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.VerifyNodeExistsRequest
Get the location defining the node that is to be read.
atBoundary(PlanNode, PlanNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.PushSelectCriteria
Determine whether all of the nodes between the criteria node and its originating node are criteria (SELECT) nodes.
attachCriteria(QueryContext, PlanNode, Constraint) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.CanonicalPlanner
Attach all criteria above the join nodes.
attachDuplicateRemoval(QueryContext, PlanNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.CanonicalPlanner
Attach DUP_REMOVE node at top of tree.
attachLimits(QueryContext, PlanNode, Limit) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.CanonicalPlanner
Attach a LIMIT node at the top of the plan tree.
attachNewProblem(DdlParserProblem, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
attachProject(QueryContext, PlanNode, List<? extends Column>, Map<SelectorName, Schemata.Table>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.CanonicalPlanner
Attach a PROJECT node at the top of the plan tree.
attachSorting(QueryContext, PlanNode, List<? extends Ordering>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.CanonicalPlanner
Attach SORT node at top of tree.
AUTHID_VALUE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
AUTHOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.mp3.Mp3MetadataLexicon
AUTHOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon
authorizer - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
AUTO_CREATED - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
AUTO_GENERATE_SCHEMA - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
autocreatedNodesNeedDefaults - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
autocreatedPropertyNeedsDefault - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
await() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel
Await until this channel has completed.
awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Method that can be called after RepositoryConnectionPool.shutdown() or RepositoryConnectionPool.shutdownNow() to wait until all connections in use at the time those methods were called have been closed normally.
awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrEngine
awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeEngine
Blocks until the shutdown has completed, or the timeout occurs, or the current thread is interrupted, whichever happens first.
awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary.Administrator
Blocks until the shutdown has completed, or the timeout occurs, or the current thread is interrupted, whichever happens first.
awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary
Utility method called by the administrator.
awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryService.Administrator
Blocks until the shutdown has completed, or the timeout occurs, or the current thread is interrupted, whichever happens first.
awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService.Administrator
Blocks until the shutdown has completed, or the timeout occurs, or the current thread is interrupted, whichever happens first.
awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.service.ServiceAdministrator
Blocks until the shutdown has completed, or the timeout occurs, or the current thread is interrupted, whichever happens first.


badNodeTypeName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
BASE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrNtLexicon
BASE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapeLexicon
Base64 - Class in org.modeshape.common.util
Encodes and decodes to and from Base64 notation.
Base64.InputStream - Class in org.modeshape.common.util
A Base64.InputStream will read data from another java.io.InputStream, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
Base64.InputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64.InputStream
Constructs a Base64.InputStream in DECODE mode.
Base64.InputStream(InputStream, int) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64.InputStream
Constructs a Base64.InputStream in either ENCODE or DECODE mode.
Base64.OutputStream - Class in org.modeshape.common.util
A Base64.OutputStream will write data to another java.io.OutputStream, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
Base64.OutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64.OutputStream
Constructs a Base64.OutputStream in ENCODE mode.
Base64.OutputStream(OutputStream, int) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64.OutputStream
Constructs a Base64.OutputStream in either ENCODE or DECODE mode.
BASE_VERSION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
BaseRepositorySource - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base
An extension of the BaseRepositorySource class that provides a cache policy and a repository context.
BaseTransaction<NodeType extends Node,WorkspaceType extends Workspace> - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base
BaseTransaction(ExecutionContext, Repository<NodeType, WorkspaceType>, UUID) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.BaseTransaction
BasicCachePolicy - Class in org.modeshape.graph.cache
A basic mutable CachePolicy implementation.
BasicCachePolicy() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.cache.BasicCachePolicy
BasicCachePolicy(long, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.cache.BasicCachePolicy
BasicEmptyProperty - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
An immutable version of a property that has no values.
BasicEmptyProperty(Name) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicEmptyProperty
Create a property with no values.
BasicEmptyProperty.EmptyIterator<T> - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
BasicEmptyProperty.EmptyIterator() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicEmptyProperty.EmptyIterator
basicModelDescription - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaConnectorI18n
BasicMultiValueProperty - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
An immutable version of a property that has 2 or more values.
BasicMultiValueProperty(Name, List<Object>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicMultiValueProperty
Create a property with 2 or more values.
BasicMultiValueProperty(Name, Object...) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicMultiValueProperty
Create a property with 2 or more values.
BasicMultiValueProperty.ReadOnlyIterator - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
BasicMultiValueProperty.ReadOnlyIterator(Iterator<Object>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicMultiValueProperty.ReadOnlyIterator
BasicName - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
A basic implementation of Name.
BasicName(String, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicName
BasicNamespace - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
Basic implementation of a NamespaceRegistry namespace.
BasicNamespace(String, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicNamespace
Create a namespace instance.
BasicPath - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
A basic implementation of Path.
BasicPath(List<Path.Segment>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPath
BasicPathSegment - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
A basic implementation of Path.Segment.
BasicPathSegment(Name) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPathSegment
BasicPathSegment(Name, int) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPathSegment
BasicProperty - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
An abstract Property implementation.
BasicProperty(Name) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicProperty
BasicPropertyFactory - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
A basic PropertyFactory implementation.
BasicPropertyFactory(ValueFactories) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPropertyFactory
BasicSingleValueProperty - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
An immutable version of a property that has exactly 1 value.
BasicSingleValueProperty(Name, Object) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicSingleValueProperty
Create a property with a single value
BasicSingleValueProperty.ValueIterator - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
BasicSingleValueProperty.ValueIterator() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicSingleValueProperty.ValueIterator
basicTokenizer(boolean) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Obtain a basic TokenStream.Tokenizer implementation that ignores whitespace but includes tokens for individual symbols, the period ('.'), single-quoted strings, double-quoted strings, whitespace-delimited words, and optionally comments.
batch() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin a batch of requests to perform various operations.
batch(BatchRequestBuilder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin a batch of requests to perform various operations, but specify the queue where all accumulated requests should be placed.
batch - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.io.GraphBatchDestination
batch - Variable in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable
BatchRequestBuilder - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
A component that can be used to build up a list of requests.
BatchRequestBuilder() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
BatchRequestBuilder(LinkedList<Request>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
BatchRequestBuilder.NodeChange - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
BatchRequestBuilder.NodeChange(Location, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder.NodeChange
before(Location) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Before
Finish the request by specifying the location of the node before which the node should be copied/moved.
before(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Before
Finish the request by specifying the location of the node before which the node should be copied/moved.
before(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Before
Finish the request by specifying the location of the node before which the node should be copied/moved.
before(UUID) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Before
Finish the request by specifying the location of the node before which the node should be copied/moved.
before(Property) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Before
Finish the request by specifying the location of the node before which the node should be copied/moved.
before(Property, Property...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Before
Finish the request by specifying the location of the node before which the node should be copied/moved.
before(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.MoveAction
before(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.MoveAction
before(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.MoveAction
before(Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.MoveAction
before(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.MoveAction
before(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.MoveAction
before() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.MoveBranchRequest
Get the location defining the node before which the branch is to be placed
begin(Principal) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ModeShapeWebdavStore
Between - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A constraint that evaluates to true when the value defined by the dynamic operand evaluates to be within the specified range.
Between(DynamicOperand, StaticOperand, StaticOperand) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Between
Create a constraint that the values of the supplied dynamic operand are between the lower and upper bounds (inclusive).
Between(DynamicOperand, StaticOperand, StaticOperand, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Between
Create a constraint that the values of the supplied dynamic operand are between the lower and upper bounds, specifying whether the boundary values are to be included in the range.
between(DynamicOperand, StaticOperand, StaticOperand, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
Between - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom
A constraint that evaluates to true when the value defined by the dynamic operand evaluates to be within the specified range.
between(DynamicOperand, StaticOperand, StaticOperand, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryObjectModelFactory
Tests that the value (or values) defined by the supplied dynamic operand are within a specified range.
between(DynamicOperand, StaticOperand, StaticOperand, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
between(DynamicOperand, StaticOperand, StaticOperand, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
Tests that the value (or values) defined by the supplied dynamic operand are within a specified range.
Binary - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.property
Value holder for binary data.
Binary - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.api
Replicates JCR 2.0's javax.jcr.Binary interface.
BINARY_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueComparators
A comparator of binary values.
BinaryFactory - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.property
A factory for creating Binary instances.
binaryField(Name, Field.Store, Field.Index, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Builder
Define a binary-based field in the indexes.
bindValue(String, Value) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQuery
bindValue(String, Value) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSearch
bindVariable(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
bindVariableMustConformToNcName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
BindVariableName - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A value bound to a variable name used in a Comparison constraint.
BindVariableName(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.BindVariableName
bindVariableName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
bindVariableName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
BITMAP_INDEX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
BITS_PER_PIXEL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadataLexicon
BOOLEAN_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueComparators
A comparator of boolean values.
booleanField(Name, Field.Store, Field.Index) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Builder
Define a boolean-based field in the indexes.
BooleanValueFactory - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
The standard ValueFactory for PropertyType.BOOLEAN values.
BooleanValueFactory(TextDecoder, ValueFactory<String>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BooleanValueFactory
broadcast(Changes) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.ChangeObservers
Broadcast the supplied changes to the registered observers.
build() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.ImmutableSchemata.Builder
Build the Schemata instance, using the current state of the builder.
build() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration
Construct an engine that reflects the current state of this configuration.
build() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Construct an engine that reflects the current state of this configuration.
build() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Builder
Build the indexing rules.
buildArgumentClasses(Object...) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Reflection
Build the list of classes that correspond to the list of argument objects.
buildArgumentClassList(Object...) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Reflection
Build the list of classes that correspond to the list of argument objects.
buildLogicalConstraint() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder
BUILTIN_PARSERS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParsers
byAppending() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Create
Create the node if it does not exist by appending or adjusting the same-name-sibling index).
byAppending() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAction
Create the node if it does not exist by appending or adjusting the same-name-sibling index).


CACHE_CONFIGURATION_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
CACHE_CONFIGURATION_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
CACHE_FACTORY_JNDI_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
CACHE_FACTORY_JNDI_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
CACHE_JNDI_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
CACHE_TIME_TO_LIVE_IN_MILLISECONDS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
CACHE_TIME_TO_LIVE_IN_MILLISECONDS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Cacheable - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.cache
Interface defining an object that can be cached according to a CachePolicy.
CacheableRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
A request that contains results that may be cached.
CacheableRequest() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.CacheableRequest
CachePolicy - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.cache
The specification of how node data is to be cached.
cachePolicy - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.AbstractRepositorySource
cachePolicy - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractPathRepositorySource
CacheStatistics - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache
This interface provides access to statistics for an individual workspace cache.
CALENDAR_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueComparators
A comparator of calendar values.
camelCase(String, boolean, char...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector
By default, this method converts strings to UpperCamelCase.
canBeReference() - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Rule
canBeReference() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.SkipRule
canBeReference - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.TypedRule
canBeReference() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.TypedRule
cancel() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneBranchRequest
Cancel this request.
cancel() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneWorkspaceRequest
Cancel this request.
cancel(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel
Cancel this forked channel, stopping work as soon as possible.
cancel() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel.ChannelCompositeRequest
Cancel this request.
cancel() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CopyBranchRequest
Cancel this request.
cancel() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateNodeRequest
Cancel this request.
cancel() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateWorkspaceRequest
Cancel this request.
cancel() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteBranchRequest
Cancel this request.
cancel() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.GetWorkspacesRequest
Cancel this request.
cancel() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.LockBranchRequest
Cancel this request.
cancel() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.MoveBranchRequest
Cancel this request.
cancel() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllChildrenRequest
Cancel this request.
cancel() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllPropertiesRequest
Cancel this request.
cancel() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest
Cancel this request.
cancel() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBranchRequest
Cancel this request.
cancel() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest
Cancel this request.
cancel() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNodeRequest
Cancel this request.
cancel() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadPropertyRequest
Cancel this request.
cancel() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RemovePropertyRequest
Cancel this request.
cancel() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RenameNodeRequest
Cancel this request.
cancel() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.Request
Cancel this request.
cancel() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.SearchRequest
Cancel this request.
cancel() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.SetPropertyRequest
Cancel this request.
cancel() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UnlockBranchRequest
Cancel this request.
cancel() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdatePropertiesRequest
Cancel this request.
cancel() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.VerifyNodeExistsRequest
Cancel this request.
cancel() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.VerifyWorkspaceRequest
Cancel this request.
canceledSequencingXmlDocument - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerI18n
canConsume(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Attempt to consume this current token if it matches the expected value, and return whether this method was indeed able to consume the token.
canConsume(char) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Attempt to consume this current token if it matches the expected value, and return whether this method was indeed able to consume the token.
canConsume(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Attempt to consume this current token if it matches the expected token type, and return whether this method was indeed able to consume the token.
canConsume(String, String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Attempt to consume this current token and the next tokens if and only if they match the expected values, and return whether this method was indeed able to consume all of the supplied tokens.
canConsume(String[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Attempt to consume this current token and the next tokens if and only if they match the expected values, and return whether this method was indeed able to consume all of the supplied tokens.
canConsume(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Attempt to consume this current token and the next tokens if and only if they match the expected values, and return whether this method was indeed able to consume all of the supplied tokens.
canConsume(DdlTokenStream, DataType, boolean, String, String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
canConsume(DdlTokenStream, DataType, boolean, String[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
canConsume(DdlTokenStream, DataType, boolean, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
canConsumeAnyOf(String, String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Attempt to consume the next token if it matches one of the supplied values.
canConsumeAnyOf(String[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Attempt to consume the next token if it matches one of the supplied values.
canConsumeAnyOf(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Attempt to consume the next token if it matches one of the supplied values.
canConsumeAnyOf(int, int...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Attempt to consume the next token if it matches one of the supplied types.
canConsumeAnyOf(int[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Attempt to consume the next token if it matches one of the supplied types.
canConsumeAnyOf(DdlTokenStream, DataType, boolean, String, String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
cannotAddMixin - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
cannotCheckinNodeWithAbortChildNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
cannotCheckinNodeWithAbortProperty - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
cannotConvertValue - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
cannotCreateUuid - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
cannotMakeMandatoryDefinitionOptional - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
cannotOverrideProtectedDefinition - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
cannotPerformNodeTypeCheck - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
cannotRedefineChildNodeWithIncompatibleDefinition - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
cannotRedefineProperty - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
cannotRemoveFromProtectedNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
cannotRemoveItemWithProtectedDefinition - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
cannotRemoveLockToken - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
cannotRemoveNodeFromClone - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
cannotRemoveNodeFromCloneDueToChangesInSession - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
cannotRemoveParentNodeOfTarget - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
cannotRemoveRootNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
cannotRemoveVersion - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
cannotRestoreRootVersion - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
cannotUnregisterDefaultPrimaryType - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
cannotUnregisterInUseType - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
cannotUnregisterRequiredPrimaryType - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
cannotUnregisterSupertype - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
cannotUseMixinTypeAsPrimaryType - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
canonicalizeValue(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.PropertyType.DoubleCanonicalizer
canonicalizeValue(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.PropertyType.LongCanonicalizer
canonicalizeValue(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.PropertyType.ObjectCanonicalizer
CanonicalPlanner - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.plan
The planner that produces a canonical query plan given a query command.
CanonicalPlanner() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.CanonicalPlanner
CAPABILITIES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
capitalize(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector
Returns a copy of the input with the first character converted to uppercase and the remainder to lowercase.
CASCADE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DropBehavior
CASCADE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.ReferencialAction
cast(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary
Define the lower boundary value of a range.
cast(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary
Define the lower boundary value of a range.
cast(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary
Define the lower boundary value of a range.
cast(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary
Define the lower boundary value of a range.
cast(double) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary
Define the lower boundary value of a range.
cast(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary
Define the lower boundary value of a range.
cast(DateTime) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary
Define the lower boundary value of a range.
cast(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary
Define the lower boundary value of a range.
cast(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary
Define the lower boundary value of a range.
cast(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary
Define the lower boundary value of a range.
cast(URI) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary
Define the lower boundary value of a range.
cast(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
cast(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
cast(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
cast(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
cast(double) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
cast(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
cast(DateTime) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
cast(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
cast(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
cast(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
cast(URI) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
cast(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
Define the upper boundary value of a range.
cast(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
Define the upper boundary value of a range.
cast(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
Define the upper boundary value of a range.
cast(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
Define the upper boundary value of a range.
cast(double) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
Define the upper boundary value of a range.
cast(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
Define the upper boundary value of a range.
cast(DateTime) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
Define the upper boundary value of a range.
cast(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
Define the upper boundary value of a range.
cast(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
Define the upper boundary value of a range.
cast(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
Define the upper boundary value of a range.
cast(URI) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
Define the upper boundary value of a range.
CAST_FUNCTION_NAME_TO_TYPE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator
CATALOG - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
CDATA - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.ModeShapeXmlLexicon
CDATA_CONTENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.ModeShapeXmlLexicon
changeConfiguration() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.FederatedRepositorySource
Mark the current configuration (if there is one) as being invalid.
changed(NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.WorkspaceChanges
changed(NodeType, NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction.WorkspaceChanges
changeDependencies - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
A map that records how the changes to a node are dependent upon other nodes.
changedLocation() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ChangeRequest
Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
changedLocation() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneBranchRequest
Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
changedLocation() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneWorkspaceRequest
Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
changedLocation() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CopyBranchRequest
Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
changedLocation() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateNodeRequest
Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
changedLocation() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateWorkspaceRequest
Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
changedLocation() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteBranchRequest
Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
changedLocation() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteChildrenRequest
Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
changedLocation() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DestroyWorkspaceRequest
Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
changedLocation() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.LockBranchRequest
Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
changedLocation() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.MoveBranchRequest
Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
changedLocation() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RemovePropertyRequest
Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
changedLocation() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RenameNodeRequest
Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
changedLocation() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.SetPropertyRequest
Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
changedLocation() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UnlockBranchRequest
Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
changedLocation() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdatePropertiesRequest
Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
changedLocation() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdateValuesRequest
changedWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ChangeRequest
Get the name of the workspace that was changed by this request.
changedWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneBranchRequest
Get the name of the workspace that was changed by this request.
changedWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneWorkspaceRequest
Get the name of the workspace that was changed by this request.
changedWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CopyBranchRequest
Get the name of the workspace that was changed by this request.
changedWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateNodeRequest
Get the name of the workspace that was changed by this request.
changedWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateWorkspaceRequest
Get the name of the workspace that was changed by this request.
changedWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteBranchRequest
Get the name of the workspace that was changed by this request.
changedWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteChildrenRequest
Get the name of the workspace that was changed by this request.
changedWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DestroyWorkspaceRequest
Get the name of the workspace that was changed by this request.
changedWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.LockBranchRequest
Get the name of the workspace that was changed by this request.
changedWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.MoveBranchRequest
Get the name of the workspace that was changed by this request.
changedWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RemovePropertyRequest
Get the name of the workspace that was changed by this request.
changedWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RenameNodeRequest
Get the name of the workspace that was changed by this request.
changedWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.SetPropertyRequest
Get the name of the workspace that was changed by this request.
changedWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UnlockBranchRequest
Get the name of the workspace that was changed by this request.
changedWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdatePropertiesRequest
Get the name of the workspace that was changed by this request.
changedWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdateValuesRequest
ChangeLogEntity - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common
Represents a record of the changes that have been made to the repository.
ChangeLogEntity(String, DateTime, int, byte[]) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.ChangeLogEntity
ChangeObserver - Class in org.modeshape.graph.observe
Abstract class that is used to signal that a change set has occurred.
ChangeObserver() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.observe.ChangeObserver
ChangeObserver.ChangeSourceReference - Class in org.modeshape.graph.observe
A WeakReference implementation that provides a valid
ChangeObserver.ChangeSourceReference(Observable) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.observe.ChangeObserver.ChangeSourceReference
ChangeObservers - Class in org.modeshape.graph.observe
Reusable manager of change listeners, typically employed by another Observable implementation.
ChangeObservers() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.observe.ChangeObservers
ChangeObservers.ObserverReference - Class in org.modeshape.graph.observe
A WeakReference implementation that provides a valid
ChangeObservers.ObserverReference(Observer) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.observe.ChangeObservers.ObserverReference
ChangeRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
A Request to make changes in a graph.
ChangeRequest() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.ChangeRequest
changeRequest - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine.ForwardRequest
changeRequests - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.Changes
changes - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
The changes made to this object, making it unfrozen
changes - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
The changes made to this object, making it unfrozen
Changes - Class in org.modeshape.graph.observe
A set of changes that were made atomically.
Changes(String, String, String, String, DateTime, List<ChangeRequest>, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.observe.Changes
Changes(Changes) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.observe.Changes
changes(String, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ChangeRequest
Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
changes(String, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneBranchRequest
Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
changes(String, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneWorkspaceRequest
Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
changes(String, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CopyBranchRequest
Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
changes(String, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateNodeRequest
Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
changes(String, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateWorkspaceRequest
Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
changes(String, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteBranchRequest
Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
changes(String, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteChildrenRequest
Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
changes(String, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DestroyWorkspaceRequest
Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
changes(String, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.LockBranchRequest
Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
changes(String, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.MoveBranchRequest
Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
changes(String, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RemovePropertyRequest
Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
changes(String, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RenameNodeRequest
Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
changes(String, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.SetPropertyRequest
Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
changes(String, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UnlockBranchRequest
Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
changes(String, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdatePropertiesRequest
Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
changes(String, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdateValuesRequest
changes() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
CHANGES_BEFORE_OPTIMIZATION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchWorkspace
Apparently Lucene indexes must always be optimized prior to committing, so this value is set to '1'.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.xml.StreamingContentHandler
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler
CHARACTERS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
CHECK - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
check() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
Call this method after you have provided an input stream or file using ImageMetadata.setInput(InputStream) or ImageMetadata.setInput(DataInput).
CHECK_SEARCH_CONDITION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
CheckArg - Class in org.modeshape.common.util
Utility class that checks arguments to methods.
checkAuthentication(ITransaction) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ModeShapeWebdavStore
checkForErrors() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequest
Check the set of requests for errors.
checkForProblems(Problems) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrAbstractQuery
checkin(EntityManager) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.EntityManagers
Return an EntityManager when it is no longer needed.
checkNotClosed() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineIndexer
checkNotFrozen() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.Request
Utility method to check that the request is not frozen, and if it is to throw an IllegalStateException.
checkout() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.EntityManagers
Check out an EntityManager instance.
checkPermissions(Path, GraphSession.Authorizer.Action) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Authorizer
Throws an AccessControlException if the current user is not able to perform the action on the node at the supplied path in the current workspace.
checkPermissions(Path, GraphSession.Authorizer.Action) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NoOpAuthorizer
Throws an AccessControlException if the current user is not able to perform the action on the node at the supplied path in the current workspace.
checkRequestForErrors(Request) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineIndexer
checkRunning() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeEngine
checkThePath(SVNRepository, String, long, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryUtil
checkValue(T, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram.Bucket
Check whether the value fits in this bucket.
CHILD_NODE_DEFINITION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
CHILD_NODE_DEFINITION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrNtLexicon
CHILD_PATH_SEGMENT_LIST - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryLexicon
CHILD_VERSION_HISTORY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
ChildNode - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A constraint requiring that the selected node is a child of the node reachable by the supplied absolute path
ChildNode(SelectorName, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ChildNode
Create a constraint requiring that the node identified by the selector is a child of the node reachable by the supplied absolute path.
childNode(SelectorName, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
childNode(SelectorName, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
childNode(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
childNodeAlreadyExists - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
ChildNodeJoinCondition - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A join condition that evaluates to true only when the named child node is indeed a child of the named parent node.
ChildNodeJoinCondition(SelectorName, SelectorName) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ChildNodeJoinCondition
Create a join condition that determines whether the node identified by the child selector is a child of the node identified by the parent selector.
childNodeJoinCondition(SelectorName, SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
childNodeJoinCondition(SelectorName, SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
childNodeJoinCondition(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
childNotFound - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
childNotFoundUnderNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
ChildPath - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
Implementation of a Path that has the information for the last segment but that points to another Path for the parent information.
ChildPath(Path, Path.Segment) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ChildPath
CHILDREN_KEY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.IJsonConstants
The key in the JSONObject whose value is the collection of node children.
childSelectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ChildNodeJoinCondition
Get the name of the selector that represents the child.
ChooseJoinAlgorithm - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize
An optimizer rule that choose the appropriate join algorithm and sets up any prerequisites, based upon the JoinCondition.
ChooseJoinAlgorithm(boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.ChooseJoinAlgorithm
CLASS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
CLASS_DECLARATION_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
ClassFileMetadataReader - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata
Utility for extracting metadata from Java class files
ClassFileMetadataReader() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.ClassFileMetadataReader
ClassFileRecorder - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile
A simple interface that allows an implementer to control how class file metadata mapped to properties (including primary and mixin types) in the graph.
ClassFileSequencer - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile
ClassFileSequencer() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencer
ClassFileSequencerI18n - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile
The internationalized string constants for the org.modeshape.sequencer.text packages.
ClassFileSequencerI18n() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerI18n
ClassFileSequencerLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile
The namespace and property names used within a ClassFileSequencer to store internal information.
ClassFileSequencerLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
ClassFileSequencerLexicon.Namespace - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile
ClassFileSequencerLexicon.Namespace() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon.Namespace
ClassLoaderFactory - Interface in org.modeshape.common.component
Factory interface for creating class loaders.
ClassMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata
ClassMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata
Class metadata.
ClassMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.ClassMetadata
CLASSNAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.ModeShapeLexicon
CLASSPATH - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.ModeShapeLexicon
ClasspathLocalizationRepository - Class in org.modeshape.common.i18n
Implementation of a LocalizationRepository that loads a properties file from the classpath of the supplied class loader.
ClasspathLocalizationRepository() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.i18n.ClasspathLocalizationRepository
Create a repository using the current thread's context class loader or, if that is null, the same class loader that loaded this class.
ClasspathLocalizationRepository(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.i18n.ClasspathLocalizationRepository
Create a repository using the supplied class loader.
ClassSourceFileRecorder - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java
A source file recorder that writes the Java metadata from the source file to the repository, using the same structure as the default mode of the Java Class File sequencer.
ClassSourceFileRecorder() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.ClassSourceFileRecorder
ClassUtil - Class in org.modeshape.common.util
Static utilities for working with classes.
cleanedUpLocks - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
cleaningUpLocks - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
clear() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableAppendedList
clear() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
clear() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector
Completely remove all rules within this inflector.
clear() - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.LogContext
Clear all entries in the MDC of the underlying implementation.
clear(Long) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.RequestProcessorCache
clear() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.Children
clear() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Clear this builder completely to start building a new query.
clear(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Utility method that does all the work of the clear, but with a flag that defines whether to clear the first query.
clearAllChangedNodes() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
Remove any cached information that has been marked as a transient change.
clearChanges() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Clear any transient changes that have been accumulated in this node.
clearChildren() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode
clearChildren() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.DefaultMapNode
clearChildren() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapNode
Removes all of the children for this node in a single operation.
clearStatistics() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.InMemoryWorkspaceCache
clearStatistics() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.WorkspaceCache
Clears all statistics for this cache
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanNode
This method never clones the changes.
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheNode
This method never clones the changes.
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
This method never clones the changes.
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
This method never clones the changes.
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryNode
This method never clones the changes.
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.ExecutionContext
clone(Node) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to clone the specified node into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
clone(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to clone a node at the specified location into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
clone(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to clone a node located at the supplied path into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
clone(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to clone a node located at the supplied path into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
clone(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to clone a node with the specified unique identifier into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
clone(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to clone a node with the specified unique identification property into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
clone(Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to clone a node with the specified identification properties into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
clone(Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to clone a node with the specified identification properties into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
clone(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to clone a node at the specified location into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
clone(Node) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to clone the specified node into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
clone(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to clone a node located at the supplied path into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
clone(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to clone a node located at the supplied path into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
clone(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to clone a node with the specified unique identifier into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
clone(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to clone a node with the specified unique identification property into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
clone(Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to clone a node with the specified identification properties into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanHints
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
This class returns a new clone of the plan tree rooted at this node.
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ChangeRequest
This method does not clone the results.
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneBranchRequest
This method does not clone the results.
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneWorkspaceRequest
This method does not clone the results.
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CopyBranchRequest
This method does not clone the results.
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateNodeRequest
This method does not clone the results.
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateWorkspaceRequest
This method does not clone the results.
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteBranchRequest
This method does not clone the results.
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteChildrenRequest
This method does not clone the results.
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DestroyWorkspaceRequest
This method does not clone the results.
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.LockBranchRequest
This method does not clone the results.
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.MoveBranchRequest
This method does not clone the results.
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RemovePropertyRequest
This method does not clone the results.
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RenameNodeRequest
This method does not clone the results.
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.SetPropertyRequest
This method does not clone the results.
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UnlockBranchRequest
This method does not clone the results.
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdatePropertiesRequest
This method does not clone the results.
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdateValuesRequest
This method does not clone the results.
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator.DualPathLikeBuilder
clone() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator.PathLikeBuilder
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator.SinglePathLikeBuilder
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareLengthQuery
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareNameQuery
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ComparePathQuery
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareStringQuery
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.HasValueQuery
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.MatchNoneQuery
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.NotQuery
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ScoreQuery
clone() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
This class returns a new clone of the plan tree rooted at this node.
cloneBranch(Location, String, Location, String, Name, Path.Segment, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Add a request to clone a branch to another.
cloneBranch(Location, String, Location, String, Name, Path.Segment, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to clone a branch to another.
CloneBranchRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
Instruction that a branch be cloned from one workspace into another.
CloneBranchRequest(Location, String, Location, String, Name, Path.Segment, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneBranchRequest
Create a request to clone a branch to another.
cloneConflictBehavior() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneWorkspaceRequest
Get the desired behavior if the cloned workspace does not exist.
clonedFrom(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateWorkspace
Specify that the new workspace should be initialized as a clone of another existing workspace.
cloneLimitedToBeWithinSingleSource - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
cloneNode(WorkspaceType, NodeType, WorkspaceType, NodeType, Name, Path.Segment, boolean, Set<Location>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction
This should clone the subgraph given by the original node and place the cloned copy under the supplied new parent.
cloneNode(WorkspaceType, NodeType, WorkspaceType, NodeType, Name, Path.Segment, boolean, Set<Location>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction
This should clone the subgraph given by the original node and place the cloned copy under the supplied new parent.
cloneNode(WorkspaceType, NodeType, WorkspaceType, NodeType, Name, Path.Segment, boolean, Set<Location>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Transaction
This should clone the subgraph given by the original node and place the cloned copy under the supplied new parent.
cloneNode(ExecutionContext, MapNode, MapWorkspace, MapNode, Name, Path.Segment, boolean, Set<Location>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
This should clone the subgraph given by the original node and place the cloned copy under the supplied new parent.
cloneNode(ExecutionContext, MapNode, MapWorkspace, MapNode, Name, Path.Segment, boolean, Set<Location>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapWorkspace
This should clone the subgraph given by the original node and place the cloned copy under the supplied new parent.
cloneNode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Clone this node (and all nodes below it).
cloneWithoutNewParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
cloneWithoutNewParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
cloneWorkspace(String, String, CreateWorkspaceRequest.CreateConflictBehavior, CloneWorkspaceRequest.CloneConflictBehavior) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Add a request to clone an existing workspace to create a new workspace, and specify the behavior should a workspace already exists with a name that matches the desired name for the new workspace.
cloneWorkspace(String, String, CreateWorkspaceRequest.CreateConflictBehavior, CloneWorkspaceRequest.CloneConflictBehavior) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to clone an existing workspace to create a new workspace, and specify the behavior should a workspace already exists with a name that matches the desired name for the new workspace.
CloneWorkspaceRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
Request that an existing workspace be cloned into a target workspace with the supplied name.
CloneWorkspaceRequest(String, String, CreateWorkspaceRequest.CreateConflictBehavior, CloneWorkspaceRequest.CloneConflictBehavior) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneWorkspaceRequest
Create a request to clone an existing workspace to create a new workspace, and specify the behavior should a workspace already exists with a name that matches the desired name for the new workspace.
CloneWorkspaceRequest.CloneConflictBehavior - Enum in org.modeshape.graph.request
The options for the behavior when a request specifies the name of the workspace to clone, but the cloned workspace does not exist.
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64.OutputStream
Flushes and closes (I think, in the superclass) the stream.
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
Signal this source that it is no longer needed and should begin the process of reclaiming or closing all resources that it has acquired.
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
Signal this source that it is no longer needed and should begin the process of reclaiming or closing all resources that it has acquired.
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositoryConnection
Close this connection to signal that it is no longer needed and that any accumulated resources are to be released.
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
Signal this source that it is no longer needed and should begin the process of reclaiming or closing all resources that it has acquired.
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor
Close this processor, allowing it to clean up any open resources.
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.EntityManagers
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Signal this source that it is no longer needed and should begin the process of reclaiming or closing all resources that it has acquired.
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaConnection
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleRequestProcessor
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SubgraphQuery
Close this query object and clean up all in-database records associated with this query.
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.AbstractRepositorySource
Signal this source that it is no longer needed and should begin the process of reclaiming or closing all resources that it has acquired.
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Connection
Close this connection to signal that it is no longer needed and that any accumulated resources are to be released.
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.FederatedRepositorySource
Signal this source that it is no longer needed and should begin the process of reclaiming or closing all resources that it has acquired.
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
Signal this source that it is no longer needed and should begin the process of reclaiming or closing all resources that it has acquired.
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepositoryConnection
Close this connection to signal that it is no longer needed and that any accumulated resources are to be released.
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractPathRepositorySource
Signal this source that it is no longer needed and should begin the process of reclaiming or closing all resources that it has acquired.
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.InMemoryWorkspaceCache
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.PathRepositoryCache
close() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.WorkspaceCache
Indicates that the cache is no longer in use and should relinquish any resources.
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRepositoryConnection
Close this connection to signal that it is no longer needed and that any accumulated resources are to be released.
close() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnection
Close this connection to signal that it is no longer needed and that any accumulated resources are to be released.
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool.ConnectionWrapper
Close this connection to signal that it is no longer needed and that any accumulated resources are to be released.
close() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySource
Signal this source that it is no longer needed and should begin the process of reclaiming or closing all resources that it has acquired.
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.DelegatingComponent
Close these results, allowing any resources to be released.
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.ProcessingComponent
Close these results, allowing any resources to be released.
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel
Mark this source as having no more requests to process.
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Close this processor, allowing it to clean up any open resources.
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Close this processor, allowing it to clean up any open resources.
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchableRepositorySource.AbstractConnection
Close this connection to signal that it is no longer needed and that any accumulated resources are to be released.
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchableRepositorySource
Signal this source that it is no longer needed and should begin the process of reclaiming or closing all resources that it has acquired.
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineIndexer
Close this indexer and release all resources.
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineProcessor
Close this processor, allowing it to clean up any open resources.
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider.MavenInputStream
close() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider.MavenOutputStream
closeConnection(RepositoryConnectionPool.ConnectionWrapper) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Close a connection that is in the pool but no longer in the available connections.
closed - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel
Flag that defines whether the channel has processed all requests
closedConnectionMayNotBeUsed - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
closeDirectories(ISVNEditor, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.mgnt.ISVNEditorUtil
Close the directories where change was made.
closedRequestProcessor - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
closeNow() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.EntityManagers
For all opened EntityManager instances to be closed immediately, even if they are checked out.
closeParen() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder
Complete the specification of a constraint clause, and return the builder for the parent constraint clause.
closingRequestProcessor - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
CndI18n - Class in org.modeshape.cnd
The internationalized string constants for the org.modeshape.cnd* packages.
CndI18n() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.cnd.CndI18n
CndImporter - Class in org.modeshape.cnd
A class that imports the node types contained in a JCR Compact Node Definition (CND) file into graph content.
CndImporter(Destination, Path, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
Create a new importer that will place the content in the supplied destination under the supplied path.
CndImporter(Destination, Path) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
Create a new importer that will place the content in the supplied destination under the supplied path.
CndNodeTypeSource - Class in org.modeshape.jcr
Class to parse one or more Compact Node Definition (CND) files containing custom node type definitions into a format that can be registered with the JcrNodeTypeManager.
CndNodeTypeSource(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.CndNodeTypeSource
Creates a new JcrNodeTypeSource with based on the CND file with the given resource name.
CndNodeTypeSource(String[]) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.CndNodeTypeSource
Creates a new JcrNodeTypeSource based on the CND files at the given resource names.
CndSequencer - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.cnd
A sequencer of CND files.
CndSequencer() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.cnd.CndSequencer
CndSequencer.OutputDestination - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.cnd
CndSequencer.OutputDestination(SequencerOutput, StreamSequencerContext) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.cnd.CndSequencer.OutputDestination
CndSequencerI18n - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.cnd
The internationalized string constants for the org.modeshape.sequencer.cnd* packages.
CndSequencerI18n() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.cnd.CndSequencerI18n
CndTokenizer - Class in org.modeshape.cnd
A TokenStream.Tokenizer implementation that adheres to the CND format by ignoring whitespace while including tokens for individual symbols, the period ('.'), single-quoted strings, double-quoted strings, whitespace-delimited words, and optionally comments.
CndTokenizer(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.cnd.CndTokenizer
collapse() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Add
Return the collapsable form
collapse() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.And
Return the collapsable form
collapse() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.AxisStep
collapse() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Comparison
Return the collapsable form
collapse() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Component
Return the collapsable form
collapse() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.FilterStep
collapse() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.FunctionCall
Return the collapsable form
collapse() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.NodeComparison
Return the collapsable form
collapse() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Or
Return the collapsable form
collapse() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.OrderBy
Return the collapsable form
collapse() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.ParenthesizedExpression
Return the collapsable form
collapse() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.PathExpression
collapse() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Subtract
Return the collapsable form
collapse(XPath.Component) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
COLLATION_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
collect(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession.DualIndexTupleCollector
collect(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession.FullTextSearchTupleCollector
Collections - Class in org.modeshape.common.collection
A set of utilities for more easily creating various kinds of collections.
Collections() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.collection.Collections
COLUMN - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
Column - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
Column(SelectorName) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Column
Include a column for each of the single-valued, accessible properties on the node identified by the selector.
Column(SelectorName, String, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Column
A column with the given name representing the named property on the node identified by the selector.
column(SelectorName, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
column(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Create a Column given the supplied expression.
column(SelectorName, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
column(String, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
COLUMN - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
COLUMN - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.TextSequencerLexicon
COLUMN_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
COLUMN_DEFINITION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.AstNodeNames
COLUMN_REFERENCE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.AstNodeNames
COLUMN_SIZE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
columnDoesNotExistInQuery - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
columnDoesNotExistOnTable - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
columnIsNotFullTextSearchable - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
ColumnMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc
Container for column-level metadata.
ColumnMetadata(String, int, String, int, int, int, Boolean, String, String, int, int, String, String, String, Integer) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.ColumnMetadata
columnMustBeScoped - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
columnName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Column
Get the name of the column.
columnNameFor(Column, List<String>) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
columnNames - Variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.QueryResultRowIterator
COLUMNS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
columns() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Query
Return the columns defining the query results.
columns() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.QueryCommand
Return the columns defining the query results.
columns() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetQuery
Return the columns defining the query results.
columns - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
columns() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.SearchRequest
Get the specification of the columns for the results.
columns - Variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.QueryResultRowIterator
columns(List<? extends Column>) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
columns() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSelectQuery
Return the columns defining the query results.
columns() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetQuery
Return the columns defining the query results.
columnTypeCannotBeUsedInArithmeticOperation - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
combineLines(String[]) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.StringUtil
Combine the lines into a single string, using the new line character as the delimiter.
combineLines(String[], char) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.StringUtil
Combine the lines into a single string, using the supplied separator as the delimiter.
COMMA - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
Command - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
Represents the abstract base class for all top-level language objects that are the root of a language object tree.
COMMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndTokenizer
The token type for tokens that consist of all the characters between "/*" and "*/" or between "//" and the next line terminator (e.g., '\n', '\r' or "\r\n").
COMMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.BasicTokenizer
The token type for tokens that consist of all the characters between "/*" and "*/" or between "//" and the next line terminator (e.g., '\n', '\r' or "\r\n").
COMMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser.SqlTokenizer
The token type for tokens that consist of all the characters between "/*" and "*/" or between "--" and the next line terminator (e.g., '\n', '\r' or "\r\n")
COMMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser.XPathTokenizer
The token type for tokens that consist of all the characters between "(:" and ":)".
COMMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream.DdlTokenizer
The token type for tokens that consist of all the characters between "/*" and "*/", between "//" and the next line terminator (e.g., '\n', '\r' or "\r\n"), or between "--" and the next line terminator (e.g., '\n', '\r' or "\r\n").
COMMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
COMMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
COMMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.mp3.Mp3MetadataLexicon
COMMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon
COMMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.ModeShapeXmlLexicon
comment(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
COMMENT_CONTENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.ModeShapeXmlLexicon
commit() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanTransaction
Commit any changes that have been made to the repository.
commit() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheTransaction
Commit any changes that have been made to the repository.
commit() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor
Commit all changes to any sessions.
commit() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaTransaction
Commit any changes that have been made to the repository.
commit(List<PathWorkspace.ChangeCommand<PathNode>>) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnWorkspace
commit() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.BaseTransaction
Commit any changes that have been made to the repository.
commit() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction
Commit any changes that have been made to the repository.
commit() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.WorkspaceChanges
commit() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction
Commit any changes that have been made to the repository.
commit() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction.WorkspaceChanges
commit(List<PathWorkspace.ChangeCommand<NodeType>>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathWorkspace
Successively (and in order) apply the changes from the list of pending commands All validation for each of the objects (including validation of resource availability in the underlying persistent store) should be performed prior to invoking this method.
commit() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Transaction
Commit any changes that have been made to the repository.
commit() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryTransaction
Commit any changes that have been made to the repository.
commit() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.LockBasedTransaction
Commit any changes that have been made to the repository.
commit() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepositoryTransaction
Commit any changes that have been made to the repository.
commit() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRepositoryTransaction
Commit any changes that have been made to the repository.
commit() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineProcessor
Subclasses should implement this method to commit and save any work that has been done with this processor.
commit() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
Subclasses should implement this method to commit and save any work that has been done with this processor.
commit() - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceSession
Subclasses should implement this method to commit and save any work that has been done with this processor.
commit() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
Subclasses should implement this method to commit and save any work that has been done with this processor.
commit(ITransaction) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ModeShapeWebdavStore
CommonI18n - Class in org.modeshape.common
The internationalized string constants for the org.modeshape.common* packages.
CommonI18n() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
comparator() - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Get a Comparator that can be used to compare two Location objects.
comparatorFor(QueryContext, ProcessingComponent, ProcessingComponent, JoinCondition) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.JoinComponent
Create a Comparable that can be used to compare the values required to evaluate the supplied join condition.
compare(Double, Double) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
compare(Duration, Duration) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
compare(Float, Float) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
compare(Integer, Integer) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
compare(Long, Long) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
compare(T, T) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
Compare the two operands and return an integer that describes whether the first value is larger, smaller or the same as the second value.
compare(Short, Short) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
CompareLengthQuery - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene.query
A Lucene Query implementation that is used to apply a Length constraint against a string field.
CompareLengthQuery(String, Integer, ValueFactory<String>, CompareQuery.Evaluator<Integer>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareLengthQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores nodes according to the supplied comparator.
CompareNameQuery - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene.query
A Lucene Query implementation that is used to apply a Comparison constraint against the name of nodes.
CompareNameQuery(String, String, Path.Segment, PathFactory, ValueFactory<String>, ValueFactory<Long>, CompareQuery.Evaluator<Path.Segment>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareNameQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores nodes according to the supplied comparator.
ComparePathQuery - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene.query
A Lucene Query implementation that is used to apply a Comparison constraint against the Path of nodes.
ComparePathQuery(String, Path, ValueFactory<Path>, ValueFactory<String>, CompareQuery.Evaluator<Path>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ComparePathQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores nodes according to the supplied comparator.
CompareQuery<ValueType> - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene.query
A Lucene Query implementation that is used to apply a Comparison constraint against the Path of nodes.
CompareQuery(String, ValueType, ValueFactory<ValueType>, ValueFactory<String>, CompareQuery.Evaluator<ValueType>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores nodes according to the supplied comparator.
CompareQuery(String, ValueType, ValueFactory<ValueType>, ValueFactory<String>, CompareQuery.Evaluator<ValueType>, FieldSelector) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores nodes according to the supplied comparator.
CompareQuery.CompareScorer - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene.query
A scorer for the Path query.
CompareQuery.CompareScorer(IndexReader) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareQuery.CompareScorer
CompareQuery.CompareWeight - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene.query
Calculates query weights and builds query scores for our NOT queries.
CompareQuery.CompareWeight(Searcher) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareQuery.CompareWeight
CompareQuery.Evaluator<ValueType> - Interface in org.modeshape.search.lucene.query
compareStaticOperands(QueryContext, Comparison, Comparison) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RewriteAsRangeCriteria
Compare the values used in the two comparisons
CompareStringQuery - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene.query
A Lucene Query implementation that is used to apply a Comparison constraint against a string field.
CompareStringQuery(String, String, ValueFactory<String>, ValueFactory<String>, CompareQuery.Evaluator<String>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareStringQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores nodes according to the supplied comparator.
compareTo(ComponentConfig) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentConfig
compareTo(Duration) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.Duration
compareTo(Histogram<T>.Bucket) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram.Bucket
compareTo(Stopwatch) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Stopwatch
compareTo(Projection) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection
compareTo(Projection.Rule) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.PathRule
compareTo(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
compareTo(Changes) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.Changes
compareTo(Binary) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinary
compareTo(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
compareTo(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicName
compareTo(NamespaceRegistry.Namespace) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicNamespace
compareTo(Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPathSegment
compareTo(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicProperty
compareTo(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
compareTo(DateTime) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
compareTo(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
compareTo(Reference) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringReference
compareTo(Reference) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidReference
compareTo(QueryResults.Statistics) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Statistics
compareTo(MavenId) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId
compareTo(MavenId.Version) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId.Version
compareTo(SequencerOutputMap.PropertyValue) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerOutputMap.PropertyValue
compareTo(FieldMetadata) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.FieldMetadata
compareTo(MethodMetadata) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.MethodMetadata
compareTo(DdlParsers.ScoredParser) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParsers.ScoredParser
Comparison - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A constraint that evaluates to true when the defined operation evaluates to true.
Comparison(DynamicOperand, Operator, StaticOperand) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Comparison
comparison(DynamicOperand, Operator, StaticOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
comparison(DynamicOperand, Operator, StaticOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
comparison(DynamicOperand, String, StaticOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
comparisonBuilder - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ArithmeticBuilder
comparisonBuilder(DynamicOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ArithmeticBuilder
comparisonBuilder(DynamicOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder
comparisonBuilder - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary
comparisonBuilder - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
comparisonBuilder - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
COMPILATION_UNIT_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
CompilationUnitParser - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java
The Parser, that process the a compilation unit.
CompilationUnitParser() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.CompilationUnitParser
compile(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.PathExpression
Compile the supplied expression and return the resulting path expression instance.
compile(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerPathExpression
Compile the supplied expression and return the resulting SequencerPathExpression instance.
completeRequest(Request) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
COMPLEX_STMT_TYPES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
COMPLEX_STMT_TYPES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
Component<T extends ComponentConfig> - Interface in org.modeshape.common.component
The interface for a ModeShape component, which sequences nodes and their content to extract additional information from the information.
componentClassnameNotValid - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
ComponentConfig - Class in org.modeshape.common.component
An immutable configuration for a Component.
ComponentConfig(String, String, String, String...) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentConfig
Create a component configuration.
ComponentConfig(String, String, Map<String, Object>, String, String...) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentConfig
Create a component configuration.
ComponentConfig(String, String, long, Map<String, Object>, String, String...) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentConfig
Create a component configuration.
ComponentLibrary<ComponentType,ConfigType extends ComponentConfig> - Class in org.modeshape.common.component
Maintains the list of component instances for the system.
ComponentLibrary() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentLibrary
Create a new library of components.
ComponentLibrary(boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentLibrary
Create a new library of components.
componentNotConfigured - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
composite - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel
The CompositeRequest that is submitted to the underlying processor
compositeError - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel
CompositeRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
A request that wraps multiple other requests, allowing multiple requests to be treated as a single request.
CompositeRequest(List<? extends Request>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequest
Create a composite request from the supplied list of requests.
CompositeRequest(boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequest
Create a composite request from the supplied list of requests.
CompositeRequestChannel - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
A channel for Request objects that can be submitted to a consumer (typically a RequestProcessor or RepositoryConnection) while allowing the channel owner to continue adding more Request objects into the channel.
CompositeRequestChannel(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel
Create a new channel with the supplied channel name.
CompositeRequestChannel.ChannelCompositeRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
CompositeRequestChannel.ChannelCompositeRequest() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel.ChannelCompositeRequest
CompositeRequestChannel.LastRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
A psuedo Request that is used by the CompositeRequestChannel to insert into a request queue so that the queue's iterator knows when there are no more requests to process.
CompositeRequestChannel.LastRequest() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel.LastRequest
COMPRESS_DATA - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
compressData - Variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository
compute() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram
compute(Object...) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.HashCode
Compute a combined hash code from the supplied objects.
compute(int, Object...) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.HashCode
Compute a combined hash code from the supplied objects using the supplied seed.
compute(Graph.Batch, GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NodeOperations
Update any computed fields based on the given node
compute(Graph.Batch, GraphSession.Node<NodePayload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Operations
Update any computed fields based on the given node
computeExpirationTime(CacheableRequest) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
computeHash(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Serializer
computeHash(byte[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinary
computeHash(File) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinary
computeHash(InputStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinary
computeScore(DdlTokenStream, DdlParserScorer) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
computeSimpleProjection(List<Projection.Rule>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection
CONFIG_FILE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.spi.ModeShapeJcrRepositoryProvider
configFileNotFound - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanConnectorI18n
configFileNotFound - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheConnectorI18n
configFileNotValid - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanConnectorI18n
configFileNotValid - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheConnectorI18n
CONFIGURATION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.mimetype.ExtensionBasedMimeTypeDetector
A default configuration that may be used to add the ExtensionBasedMimeTypeDetector to a MimeTypeDetector instance.
configuration - Variable in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeEngine
CONFIGURATION_REPOSITORY_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeEngine
configurationGraph() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
configure(Ejb3Configuration) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Set up the JPA configuration using Hibernate, except for the entity classes (which will already be configured when this method is called) and the data source or connection information (which will be set after this method returns).
configure(Ejb3Configuration) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.Model
Configure the entity class that will be used by JPA to store information in the database.
configure(Ejb3Configuration) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleModel
Configure the entity class that will be used by JPA to store information in the database.
configure(Properties) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.AbstractMavenUrlProvider
Configure this provider given the configuration properties.
configure(Properties) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
Configure this provider given the configuration properties.
configure(Properties) - Method in interface org.modeshape.maven.spi.MavenUrlProvider
Configure this provider given the configuration properties.
conflictBehavior() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateNodeRequest
Get the expected behavior when copying the branch and the destination already has a node with the same name.
conflictBehavior() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateWorkspaceRequest
Get the desired behavior if a workspace already exists with the desired workspace name .
conflictBehavior() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.MoveBranchRequest
Get the expected behavior when copying the branch and the destination already has a node with the same name.
CONFLICTING_CONSTRAINT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RewriteAsRangeCriteria
connect() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider.MavenUrlConnection
connectingFailureOrUserAuthenticationProblem - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
Connection<NodeType extends Node,WorkspaceType extends Workspace> - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base
A connection to a Repository.
Connection(BaseRepositorySource, Repository<NodeType, WorkspaceType>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Connection
connectionErrorMsg - Static variable in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.RestClientI18n
connectionIsNoLongerOpen - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaConnectorI18n
connectorName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
connectorName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanConnectorI18n
connectorName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheConnectorI18n
connectorName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrConnectorI18n
connectorName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaConnectorI18n
connectorName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
constrainedBy(Constraint) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Query
Create a copy of this query, but one that uses the supplied constraint.
Constraint - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
Represents the abstract base class for all constraints.
constraint() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Not
The constraint being negated.
constraint() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Query
Get the constraints, if there are any.
constraint - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
constraint() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrNot
The constraint being negated.
constraint() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSelectQuery
Get the constraints, if there are any.
CONSTRAINT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
CONSTRAINT_C - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
CONSTRAINT_FK - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
CONSTRAINT_PK - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
CONSTRAINT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
CONSTRAINT_UC - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
constraintBuilder - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
constraintsChangedInSubtype - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
constraintValue - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareQuery
CONSTRUCTOR_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
CONSTRUCTOR_DECLARATION_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
CONSTRUCTOR_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
ConstructorMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata
Constructor metadata.
ConstructorMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.ConstructorMetadata
CONSTRUCTORS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
constructStore(String, File) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ModeShapeWebdavServlet
consume() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Return the value of this token and move to the next token.
consume(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Attempt to consume this current token as long as it matches the expected value, or throw an exception if the token does not match.
consume(char) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Attempt to consume this current token as long as it matches the expected character, or throw an exception if the token does not match.
consume(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Attempt to consume this current token as long as it matches the expected character, or throw an exception if the token does not match.
consume(String, String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Attempt to consume this current token as the next tokens as long as they match the expected values, or throw an exception if the token does not match.
consume(String[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Attempt to consume this current token as the next tokens as long as they match the expected values, or throw an exception if the token does not match.
consume(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Attempt to consume this current token as the next tokens as long as they match the expected values, or throw an exception if the token does not match.
consume(DdlTokenStream, DataType, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
consume(DdlTokenStream, DataType, boolean, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
consume(DdlTokenStream, DataType, boolean, String, String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
consume(DdlTokenStream, DataType, boolean, String[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
consumeBoolean() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Convert the value of this token to an integer, return it, and move to the next token.
consumeComment(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Consumes an an end-of-line comment or in-line comment
consumeIdentifier(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Consumes an token identifier which can be of the form of a simple string or a double-quoted string.
consumeInteger() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Convert the value of this token to an integer, return it, and move to the next token.
consumeLong() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Convert the value of this token to a long, return it, and move to the next token.
consumeParenBoundedTokens(DdlTokenStream, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Simple method which parses, consumes and returns a string representing text found between parenthesis (i.e. '()') If parents don't exist, method returns NULL;
contains(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableAppendedList
contains(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
contains(Collection<?>, Object, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the collection contains the value
contains(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.Children
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableAppendedList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.Children
containsChangesWithExternalDependencies() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
This method determines whether this node, or any nodes below it, contain changes that depend on nodes that are outside of this branch.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
containsKey(Map<?, ?>, Object, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the map contains the key
containsNoNulls(Iterable<?>, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the collection is not null and contains no nulls
containsNoNulls(Object[], String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the array is not null and contains no nulls
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
CONTENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
CONTENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
CONTENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.zip.ZipLexicon
CONTENT_NODE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
CONTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.IJcrConstants
The JCR content property name (jcr:content).
CONTENT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
contentDirectory - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchWorkspace
context - Variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository
context - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.BaseTransaction
context - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Repository
context - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
context - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
context - Variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult
context - Variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.QueryResultRowIterator
context - Variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrAbstractQuery
context() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrAbstractQuery
context - Variable in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable
context - Variable in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeEngine
contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.ModeShapeJcrDeployer
Alerts the repository factory that the web application is shutting down
contextId - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.Changes
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.ModeShapeJcrDeployer
Initializes the repository factory
convert(Value, Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor.Workspace
Utility method used to convert a JCR Value object into a valid graph property value.
convertArgumentClassesToPrimitives(Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Reflection
Convert any argument classes to primitives.
convertFileToURL(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.FileUtil
Utility to convert File to URL.
convertReferenceValue(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Utility method for checking a property value.
convertToJcrValue(PropertyType, Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor.Workspace
COPIED_FROM - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
copy(File, File) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.FileUtil
Copy the source file system structure into the supplied target location.
copy(File, File, FilenameFilter) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.FileUtil
Copy the source file system structure into the supplied target location.
copy(Node) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to copy the specified node into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
copy(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to copy a node at the specified location into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
copy(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to copy a node located at the supplied path into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
copy(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to copy a node located at the supplied path into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
copy(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to copy a node with the specified unique identifier into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
copy(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to copy a node with the specified unique identification property into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
copy(Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to copy a node with the specified identification properties into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
copy(Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to copy a node with the specified identification properties into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
copy(Node) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to copy the specified node into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
copy(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to copy a node at the specified location into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
copy(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to copy a node located at the supplied path into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
copy(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to copy a node located at the supplied path into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
copy(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to copy a node with the specified unique identifier into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
copy(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to copy a node with the specified unique identification property into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
copy(Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to copy a node with the specified identification properties into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
copyBranch(WorkspaceType, NodeType, MapTransaction<NodeType, WorkspaceType>.WorkspaceChanges, WorkspaceType, NodeType, boolean, Map<UUID, UUID>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction
copyBranch(WorkspaceType, NodeType, PathTransaction<NodeType, WorkspaceType>.WorkspaceChanges, WorkspaceType, NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction
copyBranch(Location, String, Location, String, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Add a request to copy a branch to another.
copyBranch(Location, String, Location, String, Name, NodeConflictBehavior) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Add a request to copy a branch to another.
copyBranch(Location, String, Location, String, Name, NodeConflictBehavior) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to copy a branch to another.
CopyBranchRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
Instruction that a branch be copied from one location into another.
CopyBranchRequest(Location, String, Location, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.CopyBranchRequest
Create a request to copy a branch to another.
CopyBranchRequest(Location, String, Location, String, Name) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.CopyBranchRequest
Create a request to copy a branch to another.
CopyBranchRequest(Location, String, Location, String, Name, NodeConflictBehavior) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.CopyBranchRequest
Create a request to copy a branch to another.
CopyCriteria - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize
An optimizer rule that copies SELECT nodes that apply to one side of a equi-join condition so that they also apply to the other side fo the equi-join condition.
CopyCriteria() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.CopyCriteria
copyLimitedToBeWithinSingleSource - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
copyNode(ExecutionContext, MapNode, MapWorkspace, MapNode, Name, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.Workspace
This should copy the subgraph given by the original node and place the new copy under the supplied new parent.
copyNode(WorkspaceType, NodeType, WorkspaceType, NodeType, Name, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction
This should copy the subgraph given by the original node and place the new copy under the supplied new parent.
copyNode(WorkspaceType, NodeType, WorkspaceType, NodeType, Name, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction
This should copy the subgraph given by the original node and place the new copy under the supplied new parent.
copyNode(WorkspaceType, NodeType, WorkspaceType, NodeType, Name, boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Transaction
This should copy the subgraph given by the original node and place the new copy under the supplied new parent.
copyNode(ExecutionContext, MapNode, MapWorkspace, MapNode, Name, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
This should copy the subgraph given by the original node and place the new copy under the supplied new parent.
copyNode(ExecutionContext, MapNode, MapWorkspace, MapNode, Name, boolean, Map<UUID, UUID>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
This should copy the subgraph given by the original node and place the new copy under the supplied new parent.
copyNode(ExecutionContext, MapNode, MapWorkspace, MapNode, Name, boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapWorkspace
This should copy the subgraph given by the original node and place the new copy under the supplied new parent.
copyNode(ExecutionContext, PathNode, PathWorkspace, PathNode, Name, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractWritablePathWorkspace
This should copy the subgraph rooted at the original node and place the new copy under the supplied new parent.
copyNode(ExecutionContext, PathNode, PathWorkspace, PathNode, Name, boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.WritablePathWorkspace
Copy the subgraph given by the original node and place the new copy under the supplied new parent.
copySelectNode(QueryContext, PlanNode, SelectorName, String, SelectorName, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.CopyCriteria
copySelectNode(QueryContext, PlanNode, SelectorName, String, SelectorName, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RaiseSelectCriteria
copySelectNodes(QueryContext, PlanNode, PlanNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.CopyCriteria
copyTo(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Copy this node (and all nodes below it) and place the copy under the supplied parent location.
correctSameNameSiblingIndexes(ExecutionContext, MapNode, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.Workspace
correctSameNameSiblingIndexes(ExecutionContext, MapNode, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
Corrects the SNS indices for all children of the node with the given name
couldNotAcquireLock - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
couldNotCreateDirectory - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
couldNotCreateFile - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
couldNotCreateFile - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
couldNotFindDefinitionOfRequiredPrimaryType - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
couldNotGetCatalogNames - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataI18n
couldNotGetColumn - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataI18n
couldNotGetDatabaseMetadata - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataI18n
couldNotGetProcedure - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataI18n
couldNotGetProcedureNames - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataI18n
couldNotGetSchemaNames - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataI18n
couldNotGetTable - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataI18n
couldNotGetTableNames - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataI18n
couldNotInstantiateRowFactory - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.TextSequencerI18n
couldNotReadData - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
couldNotReadData - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
couldNotSetDriverProperties - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataI18n
couldNotStartEngine - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
couldNotUpdateData - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
couldNotWriteData - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
count() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest
Get the maximum number of children that may be returned in the block.
count() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest
Get the maximum number of children that may be returned in the block.
create(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
create(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
create(double) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
create(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
create(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
create(double) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
create(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
create(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
create(double) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
create(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
create(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
create(double) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
create(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
create(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
create(double) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
create(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
Convert the integer representation into the natural object representation.
create(long) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
Convert the long representation into the natural object representation.
create(double) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
Convert the double representation into the natural object representation.
create(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
create(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
create(double) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
create(byte[], PropertyType, boolean) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.LargeValueEntity
create(EntityManager, Long, UUID, int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SubgraphQuery
Create a query that returns a subgraph at and below the node with the supplied path and the supplied UUID.
create(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Workspaces
Create a workspace with the supplied name.
create(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
create(String, Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
create(String, Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
create(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
create(Location, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
create(Path, Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
create(Path, Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
create(Path, Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
create(String, RepositoryConnectionFactory, ExecutionContext) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Create a graph instance that uses the supplied repository and context.
create(RepositoryConnection, ExecutionContext) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Create a graph instance that uses the supplied RepositoryConnection and context.
create(RepositorySource, ExecutionContext) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Create a graph instance that uses the supplied RepositoryConnection and context.
create(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
create(String, Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
create(String, Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
create(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
create(Location, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
create(Path, Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
create(Path, Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
create(Path, Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
create(Path, List<Property>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.io.Destination
Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes.
create(Path, Property, Property...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.io.Destination
Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes.
create(Path, List<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.io.GraphBatchDestination
Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes.
create(Path, Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.io.GraphBatchDestination
Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes.
create(Path) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Create a location defined by a path.
create(UUID) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Create a location defined by a UUID.
create(Path, UUID) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Create a location defined by a path and an UUID.
create(Path, Property) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Create a location defined by a path and a single identification property.
create(Path, Property, Property...) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Create a location defined by a path and multiple identification properties.
create(Path, Iterable<Property>) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Create a location defined by a path and an iterator over identification properties.
create(Property) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Create a location defined by a single identification property.
create(Property, Property...) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Create a location defined by multiple identification properties.
create(Iterable<Property>) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Create a location defined by a path and an iterator over identification properties.
create(List<Property>) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Create a location defined by multiple identification properties.
create(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinaryValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using no decoding.
create(String, TextDecoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinaryValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using the supplied decoder.
create(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinaryValueFactory
Create a value from an integer.
create(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinaryValueFactory
Create a long from a string.
create(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinaryValueFactory
Create a boolean from a string.
create(float) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinaryValueFactory
Create a value from a float.
create(double) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinaryValueFactory
Create a value from a double.
create(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinaryValueFactory
Create a value from a decimal.
create(Calendar) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinaryValueFactory
Create a value from a Calendar instance.
create(Date) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinaryValueFactory
Create a value from a date.
create(DateTime) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinaryValueFactory
Create a value from a date-time instant.
create(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinaryValueFactory
Create a value from a name.
create(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinaryValueFactory
Create a value from a path.
create(Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinaryValueFactory
Create a value from a path segment.
create(Reference) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinaryValueFactory
Create a value from a reference.
create(URI) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinaryValueFactory
Create a value from a URI.
create(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinaryValueFactory
Create a value from a UUID.
create(Binary) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinaryValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(InputStream, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinaryValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(Reader, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinaryValueFactory
Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
create(File) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinaryValueFactory
Create a binary value from the given file.
create(Reader, long, byte[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinaryValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied reader, the approximate length, and the SHA-1 secure hash of the content.
create(InputStream, long, byte[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinaryValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream, the approximate length, and the SHA-1 secure hash of the content.
create(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
Create a value from the specified information by determining which other create method applies and delegating to that method.
create(BigDecimal[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of decimal values.
create(boolean[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of booleans.
create(byte[][]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
Create an array of values from the array of binary content.
create(Calendar[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of Calendar instances.
create(Date[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of dates.
create(DateTime[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of DateTime instants.
create(double[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of doubles.
create(float[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of floats.
create(int[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of integers.
create(long[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of longs.
create(Name[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of names.
create(Object[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
Create an array of values from the specified information by determining which other create method applies for each object and then delegating to that method.
create(Path[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of paths.
create(Reference[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of references.
create(String[], TextDecoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of strings, using the supplied decoder.
create(String[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of string values, using no decoding.
create(URI[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of URIs.
create(UUID[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of UUIDs.
create(Binary[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
Create an array of values from the array of binary objects.
create(Iterator<?>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
Create an iterator over the values (of an unknown type).
create(Iterable<?>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
Create an iterable with the values (of an unknown type).
create(Name, Iterable<?>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPropertyFactory
Create a property with the supplied name and values
create(Name, Iterator<?>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPropertyFactory
Create a property with the supplied name and values
create(Name, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPropertyFactory
Create a property with the supplied name and values
create(Name, PropertyType, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPropertyFactory
Create a property with the supplied name and values
create(Name, PropertyType, Iterable<?>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPropertyFactory
Create a property with the supplied name and values
create(Name, PropertyType, Iterator<?>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPropertyFactory
Create a property with the supplied name and values
create(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BooleanValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using no decoding.
create(String, TextDecoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BooleanValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using the supplied decoder.
create(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BooleanValueFactory
Create a value from an integer.
create(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BooleanValueFactory
Create a long from a string.
create(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BooleanValueFactory
Create a boolean from a string.
create(float) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BooleanValueFactory
Create a value from a float.
create(double) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BooleanValueFactory
Create a value from a double.
create(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BooleanValueFactory
Create a value from a decimal.
create(Calendar) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BooleanValueFactory
Create a value from a Calendar instance.
create(Date) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BooleanValueFactory
Create a value from a date.
create(DateTime) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BooleanValueFactory
Create a value from a date-time instant.
create(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BooleanValueFactory
Create a value from a name.
create(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BooleanValueFactory
Create a value from a path.
create(Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BooleanValueFactory
Create a value from a path segment.
create(Reference) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BooleanValueFactory
Create a value from a reference.
create(URI) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BooleanValueFactory
Create a value from a URI.
create(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BooleanValueFactory
Create a value from a UUID.
create(byte[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BooleanValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied array.
create(Binary) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BooleanValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(InputStream, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BooleanValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(Reader, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BooleanValueFactory
Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
create(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DecimalValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using no decoding.
create(String, TextDecoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DecimalValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using the supplied decoder.
create(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DecimalValueFactory
Create a value from an integer.
create(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DecimalValueFactory
Create a long from a string.
create(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DecimalValueFactory
Create a boolean from a string.
create(float) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DecimalValueFactory
Create a value from a float.
create(double) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DecimalValueFactory
Create a value from a double.
create(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DecimalValueFactory
Create a value from a decimal.
create(Calendar) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DecimalValueFactory
Create a value from a Calendar instance.
create(Date) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DecimalValueFactory
Create a value from a date.
create(DateTime) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DecimalValueFactory
Create a value from a date-time instant.
create(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DecimalValueFactory
Create a value from a name.
create(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DecimalValueFactory
Create a value from a path.
create(Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DecimalValueFactory
Create a value from a path segment.
create(Reference) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DecimalValueFactory
Create a value from a reference.
create(URI) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DecimalValueFactory
Create a value from a URI.
create(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DecimalValueFactory
Create a value from a UUID.
create(byte[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DecimalValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied array.
create(Binary) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DecimalValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(InputStream, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DecimalValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(Reader, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DecimalValueFactory
Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
create(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DoubleValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using no decoding.
create(String, TextDecoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DoubleValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using the supplied decoder.
create(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DoubleValueFactory
Create a value from an integer.
create(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DoubleValueFactory
Create a long from a string.
create(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DoubleValueFactory
Create a boolean from a string.
create(float) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DoubleValueFactory
Create a value from a float.
create(double) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DoubleValueFactory
Create a value from a double.
create(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DoubleValueFactory
Create a value from a decimal.
create(Calendar) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DoubleValueFactory
Create a value from a Calendar instance.
create(Date) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DoubleValueFactory
Create a value from a date.
create(DateTime) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DoubleValueFactory
Create a value from a date-time instant.
create(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DoubleValueFactory
Create a value from a name.
create(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DoubleValueFactory
Create a value from a path.
create(Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DoubleValueFactory
Create a value from a path segment.
create(Reference) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DoubleValueFactory
Create a value from a reference.
create(URI) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DoubleValueFactory
Create a value from a URI.
create(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DoubleValueFactory
Create a value from a UUID.
create(byte[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DoubleValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied array.
create(Binary) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DoubleValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(InputStream, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DoubleValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(Reader, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DoubleValueFactory
Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
create(byte[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.InMemoryBinaryValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied array.
create(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using no decoding.
create(String, TextDecoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using the supplied decoder.
create(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Create a value from an integer.
create(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Create a long from a string.
create(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Create a boolean from a string.
create(float) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Create a value from a float.
create(double) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Create a value from a double.
create(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Create a value from a decimal.
create(Calendar) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Create a value from a Calendar instance.
create(Date) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Create a value from a date.
create(DateTime) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Create a value from a date-time instant.
create(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Create a value from a name.
create(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Create a value from a path.
create(Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Create a value from a path segment.
create(Reference) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Create a value from a reference.
create(URI) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Create a value from a URI.
create(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Create a value from a UUID.
create(byte[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied array.
create(Binary) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(InputStream, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(Reader, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
create() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Create a date-time instance for the current time in the local time zone.
create(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Create a date-time instance given the individual values for the fields
create(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Create a date-time instance given the individual values for the fields
create(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Create a date-time instance given the individual values for the fields
create(DateTime, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Create a date-time instance that is offset from the original by the specified amount.
create(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LongValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using no decoding.
create(String, TextDecoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LongValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using the supplied decoder.
create(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LongValueFactory
Create a value from an integer.
create(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LongValueFactory
Create a long from a string.
create(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LongValueFactory
Create a boolean from a string.
create(float) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LongValueFactory
Create a value from a float.
create(double) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LongValueFactory
Create a value from a double.
create(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LongValueFactory
Create a value from a decimal.
create(Calendar) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LongValueFactory
Create a value from a Calendar instance.
create(Date) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LongValueFactory
Create a value from a date.
create(DateTime) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LongValueFactory
Create a value from a date-time instant.
create(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LongValueFactory
Create a value from a name.
create(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LongValueFactory
Create a value from a path.
create(Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LongValueFactory
Create a value from a path segment.
create(Reference) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LongValueFactory
Create a value from a reference.
create(URI) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LongValueFactory
Create a value from a URI.
create(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LongValueFactory
Create a value from a UUID.
create(byte[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LongValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied array.
create(Binary) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LongValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(InputStream, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LongValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(Reader, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LongValueFactory
Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
create(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using no decoding.
create(String, TextDecoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using the supplied decoder.
create(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
Create a name from the given namespace URI and local name.
create(String, String, TextDecoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
Create a name from the given namespace URI and local name.
create(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
Create a value from an integer.
create(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
Create a long from a string.
create(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
Create a boolean from a string.
create(float) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
Create a value from a float.
create(double) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
Create a value from a double.
create(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
Create a value from a decimal.
create(Calendar) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
Create a value from a Calendar instance.
create(Date) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
Create a value from a date.
create(DateTime) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
Create a value from a date-time instant.
create(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
Create a value from a name.
create(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
Create a value from a path.
create(Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
Create a value from a path segment.
create(Reference) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
Create a value from a reference.
create(URI) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
Create a value from a URI.
create(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
Create a value from a UUID.
create(byte[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied array.
create(Binary) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(InputStream, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(Reader, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
create(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ObjectValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using no decoding.
create(String, TextDecoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ObjectValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using the supplied decoder.
create(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ObjectValueFactory
Create a value from an integer.
create(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ObjectValueFactory
Create a long from a string.
create(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ObjectValueFactory
Create a boolean from a string.
create(float) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ObjectValueFactory
Create a value from a float.
create(double) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ObjectValueFactory
Create a value from a double.
create(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ObjectValueFactory
Create a value from a decimal.
create(Calendar) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ObjectValueFactory
Create a value from a Calendar instance.
create(Date) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ObjectValueFactory
Create a value from a date.
create(DateTime) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ObjectValueFactory
Create a value from a date-time instant.
create(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ObjectValueFactory
Create a value from a name.
create(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ObjectValueFactory
Create a value from a path.
create(Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ObjectValueFactory
Create a value from a path segment.
create(Reference) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ObjectValueFactory
Create a value from a reference.
create(URI) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ObjectValueFactory
Create a value from a URI.
create(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ObjectValueFactory
Create a value from a UUID.
create(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ObjectValueFactory
Create a value from the specified information by determining which other create method applies and delegating to that method.
create(Object[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ObjectValueFactory
Create an array of values from the specified information by determining which other create method applies for each object and then delegating to that method.
create(byte[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ObjectValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied array.
create(Binary) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ObjectValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(InputStream, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ObjectValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(Reader, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ObjectValueFactory
Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
create(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using no decoding.
create(String, TextDecoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using the supplied decoder.
create(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a value from an integer.
create(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a long from a string.
create(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a boolean from a string.
create(float) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a value from a float.
create(double) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a value from a double.
create(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a value from a decimal.
create(Calendar) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a value from a Calendar instance.
create(Date) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a value from a date.
create(DateTime) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a value from a date-time instant.
create(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a value from a name.
create(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a value from a path.
create(Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a value from a path segment.
create(Path, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a path by appending the supplied relative path to the supplied parent path.
create(Path, Name, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
create(Path, String, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
create(Path, Name...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
create(Path, Path.Segment...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
create(Path, Iterable<Path.Segment>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
create(Path, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
create(Reference) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a value from a reference.
create(URI) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a value from a URI.
create(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a value from a UUID.
create(byte[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied array.
create(Binary) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(InputStream, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(Reader, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
create(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ReferenceValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using no decoding.
create(String, TextDecoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ReferenceValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using the supplied decoder.
create(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ReferenceValueFactory
Create a value from an integer.
create(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ReferenceValueFactory
Create a long from a string.
create(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ReferenceValueFactory
Create a boolean from a string.
create(float) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ReferenceValueFactory
Create a value from a float.
create(double) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ReferenceValueFactory
Create a value from a double.
create(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ReferenceValueFactory
Create a value from a decimal.
create(Calendar) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ReferenceValueFactory
Create a value from a Calendar instance.
create(Date) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ReferenceValueFactory
Create a value from a date.
create(DateTime) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ReferenceValueFactory
Create a value from a date-time instant.
create(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ReferenceValueFactory
Create a value from a name.
create(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ReferenceValueFactory
Create a value from a path.
create(Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ReferenceValueFactory
Create a value from a path segment.
create(Reference) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ReferenceValueFactory
Create a value from a reference.
create(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ReferenceValueFactory
Create a value from a UUID.
create(URI) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ReferenceValueFactory
Create a value from a URI.
create(byte[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ReferenceValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied array.
create(Binary) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ReferenceValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(InputStream, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ReferenceValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(Reader, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ReferenceValueFactory
Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
create(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using no decoding.
create(String, TextDecoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using the supplied decoder.
create(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringValueFactory
Create a value from an integer.
create(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringValueFactory
Create a long from a string.
create(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringValueFactory
Create a boolean from a string.
create(float) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringValueFactory
Create a value from a float.
create(double) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringValueFactory
Create a value from a double.
create(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringValueFactory
Create a value from a decimal.
create(Calendar) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringValueFactory
Create a value from a Calendar instance.
create(Date) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringValueFactory
Create a value from a date.
create(DateTime) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringValueFactory
Create a value from a date-time instant.
create(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringValueFactory
Create a value from a name.
create(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringValueFactory
Create a value from a path.
create(Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringValueFactory
Create a value from a path segment.
create(Reference) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringValueFactory
Create a value from a reference.
create(URI) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringValueFactory
Create a value from a URI.
create(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringValueFactory
Create a value from a UUID.
create(byte[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied array.
create(Binary) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(InputStream, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(Reader, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringValueFactory
Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
create(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UriValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using no decoding.
create(String, TextDecoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UriValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using the supplied decoder.
create(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UriValueFactory
Create a value from an integer.
create(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UriValueFactory
Create a long from a string.
create(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UriValueFactory
Create a boolean from a string.
create(float) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UriValueFactory
Create a value from a float.
create(double) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UriValueFactory
Create a value from a double.
create(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UriValueFactory
Create a value from a decimal.
create(Calendar) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UriValueFactory
Create a value from a Calendar instance.
create(Date) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UriValueFactory
Create a value from a date.
create(DateTime) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UriValueFactory
Create a value from a date-time instant.
create(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UriValueFactory
Create a value from a name.
create(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UriValueFactory
Create a value from a path.
create(Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UriValueFactory
Create a value from a path segment.
create(Reference) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UriValueFactory
Create a value from a reference.
create(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UriValueFactory
Create a value from a UUID.
create(URI) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UriValueFactory
Create a value from a URI.
create(byte[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UriValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied array.
create(Binary) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UriValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(InputStream, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UriValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(Reader, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UriValueFactory
Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
create() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidValueFactory
Create a new random UUID.
create(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using no decoding.
create(String, TextDecoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using the supplied decoder.
create(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidValueFactory
Create a value from an integer.
create(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidValueFactory
Create a long from a string.
create(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidValueFactory
Create a boolean from a string.
create(float) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidValueFactory
Create a value from a float.
create(double) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidValueFactory
Create a value from a double.
create(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidValueFactory
Create a value from a decimal.
create(Calendar) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidValueFactory
Create a value from a Calendar instance.
create(Date) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidValueFactory
Create a value from a date.
create(DateTime) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidValueFactory
Create a value from a date-time instant.
create(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidValueFactory
Create a value from a name.
create(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidValueFactory
Create a value from a path.
create(Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidValueFactory
Create a value from a path segment.
create(Reference) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidValueFactory
Create a value from a reference.
create(URI) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidValueFactory
Create a value from a URI.
create(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidValueFactory
Create a value from a UUID.
create(byte[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied array.
create(Binary) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(InputStream, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(Reader, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidValueFactory
Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
create(InputStream, long, byte[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.BinaryFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream, the approximate length, and the SHA-1 secure hash of the content.
create(Reader, long, byte[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.BinaryFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied reader, the approximate length, and the SHA-1 secure hash of the content.
create(File) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.BinaryFactory
Create a binary value from the given file.
create() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTimeFactory
Create a date-time instance for the current time in the local time zone.
create(DateTime, long) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTimeFactory
Create a date-time instance that is offset from the original by the specified amount.
create(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTimeFactory
Create a date-time instance given the individual values for the fields
create(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTimeFactory
Create a date-time instance given the individual values for the fields
create(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTimeFactory
Create a date-time instance given the individual values for the fields
create(String, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.NameFactory
Create a name from the given namespace URI and local name.
create(String, String, TextDecoder) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.NameFactory
Create a name from the given namespace URI and local name.
create(Path, Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.PathFactory
Create a path by appending the supplied relative path to the supplied parent path.
create(Path, Name, int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.PathFactory
Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
create(Path, String, int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.PathFactory
Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
create(Path, Name...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.PathFactory
Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
create(Path, Path.Segment...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.PathFactory
Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
create(Path, Iterable<Path.Segment>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.PathFactory
Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
create(Path, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.PathFactory
Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
create(Name, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.PropertyFactory
Create a property with the supplied name and values
create(Name, Iterable<?>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.PropertyFactory
Create a property with the supplied name and values
create(Name, Iterator<?>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.PropertyFactory
Create a property with the supplied name and values
create(Name, PropertyType, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.PropertyFactory
Create a property with the supplied name and values
create(Name, PropertyType, Iterable<?>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.PropertyFactory
Create a property with the supplied name and values
create(Name, PropertyType, Iterator<?>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.PropertyFactory
Create a property with the supplied name and values
create() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.UuidFactory
Create a new random UUID.
create(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using no decoding.
create(String, TextDecoder) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create a value from a string, using the supplied decoder.
create(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create a value from an integer.
create(long) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create a long from a string.
create(boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create a boolean from a string.
create(float) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create a value from a float.
create(double) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create a value from a double.
create(BigDecimal) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create a value from a decimal.
create(Calendar) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create a value from a Calendar instance.
create(Date) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create a value from a date.
create(DateTime) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create a value from a date-time instant.
create(Name) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create a value from a name.
create(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create a value from a path.
create(Path.Segment) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create a value from a path segment.
create(Reference) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create a value from a reference.
create(URI) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create a value from a URI.
create(UUID) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create a value from a UUID.
create(byte[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied array.
create(Binary) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(InputStream, long) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
create(Reader, long) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
create(Object) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create a value from the specified information by determining which other create method applies and delegating to that method.
create(String[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of string values, using no decoding.
create(String[], TextDecoder) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of strings, using the supplied decoder.
create(int[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of integers.
create(long[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of longs.
create(boolean[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of booleans.
create(float[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of floats.
create(double[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of doubles.
create(BigDecimal[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of decimal values.
create(Calendar[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of Calendar instances.
create(Date[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of dates.
create(DateTime[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of DateTime instants.
create(Name[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of names.
create(Path[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of paths.
create(Reference[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of references.
create(URI[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of URIs.
create(UUID[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create an array of values from an array of UUIDs.
create(byte[][]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create an array of values from the array of binary content.
create(Binary[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create an array of values from the array of binary objects.
create(Object[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create an array of values from the specified information by determining which other create method applies for each object and then delegating to that method.
create(Iterator<?>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create an iterator over the values (of an unknown type).
create(Iterable<?>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Create an iterable with the values (of an unknown type).
create(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem.Factory
Create the typed representation of the value given the supplied string representation.
create(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem.Factory
Create the typed representation of the value given the supplied object representation.
create(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.TypeSystem.TypeFactory
Create the typed representation of the value given the supplied string representation.
create(Object) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.TypeSystem.TypeFactory
Create the typed representation of the value given the supplied object representation.
create() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NodeIdFactory
create(File, LockFactory) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfigurations.FileSystemDirectoryFromNameFactory
Override this method to define which subclass of FSDirectory should be created.
create(Path, List<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.cnd.CndSequencer.OutputDestination
Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes.
create(Path, Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.cnd.CndSequencer.OutputDestination
Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes.
CREATE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
CREATE_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.util.SchemaGen
CREATE_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.db2.Db2DdlConstants.Db2StatementStartPhrases
CREATE_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
CREATE_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
CREATE_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
CREATE_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
CREATE_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sqlserver.SqlServerDdlConstants.SqlServerStatementStartPhrases
CREATE_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sybase.SybaseDdlConstants.SybaseStatementStartPhrases
CREATE_VIEW_OPTION_CLAUSE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
CREATE_VIEW_QUERY_EXPRESSION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
CREATE_WORKSPACE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapePermissions
The create_workspace permission allows the user the ability to create new workspaces.
createAbsolutePath(Name...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create an absolute path with the supplied segment names, in order.
createAbsolutePath(Path.Segment...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create an absolute path with the supplied segments, in order.
createAbsolutePath(Iterable<Path.Segment>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create an absolute path with the supplied segments, in order.
createAbsolutePath(Name...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.PathFactory
Create an absolute path with the supplied segment names, in order.
createAbsolutePath(Path.Segment...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.PathFactory
Create an absolute path with the supplied segments, in order.
createAbsolutePath(Iterable<Path.Segment>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.PathFactory
Create an absolute path with the supplied segments, in order.
createAccessComponent(QueryCommand, QueryContext, PlanNode, QueryResults.Columns, SelectComponent.Analyzer) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryProcessor
Create the ProcessingComponent that processes a single PlanNode.Type.ACCESS branch of a query plan.
createAnalyzer(QueryContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryProcessor
Create an SelectComponent.Analyzer implementation that should be used by the non-access ProcessingComponents that evaluate criteria.
createAnnotationMetadataFor(Annotation) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.AbstractJavaMetadata
createAt(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path, and return an interface used to either add properties for the new node, or complete/submit the request and return the location, node, or graph.
createAt(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path, and return an interface used to either add properties for the new node, or complete/submit the request and return the location, node, or graph.
createBehaviorFor(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.io.GraphBatchDestination
Override this method in a subclass to control the NodeConflictBehavior that should be used when creating the node at the supplied path.
createBuilder(TypeSystem) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.ImmutableSchemata
Obtain a new instance for building Schemata objects.
createBuilder() - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules
Return a new builder that can be used to create IndexRules objects.
createBuilder(IndexRules) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules
Return a new builder that can be used to create IndexRules objects.
createCanonicalPlan(QueryContext, Query) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.CanonicalPlanner
Create a canonical query plan for the given query.
createCanonicalPlan(QueryContext, SetQuery) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.CanonicalPlanner
Create a canonical query plan for the given set query.
createChecker(TypeSystem, Schemata, QueryResults.Columns, Constraint, Map<String, Object>, SelectComponent.Analyzer) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SelectComponent
Create the constraint evaluator that is used by the SelectComponent to evaluate the supplied criteria.
createChecker(TypeSystem, Schemata, QueryResults.Columns, ProcessingComponent.DynamicOperation, Operator, StaticOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SelectComponent
createChild(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Create a new child node with the supplied name.
createChild(Name, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Create a new child node with the supplied name and multiple initial properties.
createChild(Name, Collection<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Create a new child node with the supplied name and multiple initial identification properties.
createChild(Name, Collection<Property>, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Create a new child node with the supplied name and multiple initial properties.
createClasspath(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId
Build a classpath of MavenIds by parsing the supplied string containing comma-separated Maven artifact coordinates.
createClasspath(String...) - Static method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId
Build a classpath of MavenIds by parsing the supplied Maven artifact coordinates.
createClasspath(MavenId...) - Static method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId
Create a classpath of MavenIds by examining the supplied IDs and removing any duplicates.
createCndImporter() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryBuilder
createColumnsFor(PlanNode, QueryResults.Columns) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryProcessor
createComponent(QueryCommand, QueryContext, PlanNode, QueryResults.Columns, SelectComponent.Analyzer) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryProcessor
Method that is called to build up the ProcessingComponent objects that correspond to the optimized query plan.
createConnection(JpaSource) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.Model
createConnection(JpaSource) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleModel
createConnection(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionFactory
Create a RepositoryConnection using the given RepositorySource name.
createConnection(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.DelegatingConnectionFactory
Create a RepositoryConnection using the given RepositorySource name.
createConnection(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary
Create a RepositoryConnection using the given RepositorySource name.
created(NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.WorkspaceChanges
created(NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction.WorkspaceChanges
CREATED - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
CREATED - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrMixLexicon
CREATED - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon
CREATED_BY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
createDefaultExecutorService() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService
Override this method to creates a different kind of default executor service.
createDirectory(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfigurations.FileSystemDirectoryFromNameFactory
createDirectory(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfigurations.PoolingDirectoryFactory
Method implemented by subclasses to create a new Directory implementation.
createDirectory(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfigurations.RamDirectoryFactory
createDynamicOperation(TypeSystem, Schemata, QueryResults.Columns, DynamicOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.ProcessingComponent
Create a ProcessingComponent.DynamicOperation instance that is able to evaluate the supplied DynamicOperand.
createEmptyArray(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinaryValueFactory
createEmptyArray(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
createEmptyArray(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BooleanValueFactory
createEmptyArray(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DecimalValueFactory
createEmptyArray(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DoubleValueFactory
createEmptyArray(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
createEmptyArray(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LongValueFactory
createEmptyArray(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
createEmptyArray(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ObjectValueFactory
createEmptyArray(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
createEmptyArray(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ReferenceValueFactory
createEmptyArray(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringValueFactory
createEmptyArray(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UriValueFactory
createEmptyArray(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidValueFactory
createFileFailedMsg - Static variable in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.RestClientI18n
createFolder(ITransaction, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ModeShapeWebdavStore
createFolderFailedMsg - Static variable in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.RestClientI18n
createFromCoordinates(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId
createIfMissing(Name, String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable
Create the node at the supplied path under the current path, and return the Create operation for the last node created.
createIfMissing(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable
Create the node at the supplied path under the current path, and return the Create operation for the last node created.
createIfMissing(Path, Name...) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable
Create the node at the supplied path under the current path, and return the Create operation for the last node created.
createImportMetadata(CompilationUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.AbstractJavaMetadata
Create a set of ImportMetadata of a compilation unit.
createInstanceFromProperties(Subgraph, Location, Problems, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryService
Instantiate the Object described by the supplied properties.
createInt(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNodeFactory
createIterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel
Utility method to create an iterator over the requests in this channel.
createJoin(JoinCondition) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.JoinClause
createLocalNameQuery(String, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
createMapNode(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.Workspace
createMapNode(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
Creates an empty node with the given UUID.
createMappingFor(Schemata.View, PlanNode) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil
createMappingForAliased(SelectorName, Schemata.View, PlanNode) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil
createMappingForAliased(SelectorName, Schemata.Table, PlanNode) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil
createMerger(QueryResults.Columns, QueryResults.Columns, QueryResults.Columns) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.JoinComponent
Create a JoinComponent.TupleMerger implementation that will combine a tuple fitting the left columns with a tuple fitting the right columns.
createMethodParamPath(PathFactory, Path) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.MethodMetadataSequencer
Create a path of method/constructor parameter.
createMethodParamRootPath(PathFactory, Path) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.MethodMetadataSequencer
create a root path for method parameter.
createMoveCommand(PathNode, PathNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnWorkspace
createMoveCommand(NodeType, NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathWorkspace
Create a change command that represents the movement of a node.
createNewCache(CacheFactory<UUID, JBossCacheNode>, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
Method that is responsible for attempting to create a new cache given the supplied workspace name.
createNode(UUID, Path.Segment, UUID, Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanTransaction
Create a new instance of the node, given the supplied UUID.
createNode(UUID, Path.Segment, UUID, Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheTransaction
Create a new instance of the node, given the supplied UUID.
createNode(Path.Segment, Path, Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataRepository.JdbcMetadataTransaction
createNode(UUID, Path.Segment, UUID, Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction
Create a new instance of the node, given the supplied UUID.
createNode(Path.Segment, Path, Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction
Create a new instance of the node, given the supplied name and parent path.
createNode(UUID, Path.Segment, UUID, Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryTransaction
Create a new instance of the node, given the supplied UUID.
createNode(ExecutionContext, String, Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
Create a node at the supplied path.
createNode(ExecutionContext, MapNode, Name, UUID, Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
Create a new node with the supplied name, as a child of the supplied parent.
createNode(ExecutionContext, String, Iterable<Property>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapWorkspace
Create a node at the supplied path.
createNode(ExecutionContext, MapNode, Name, UUID, Iterable<Property>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapWorkspace
Create a new node with the supplied name, as a child of the supplied parent.
createNode(ExecutionContext, String, Map<Name, Property>, NodeConflictBehavior) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractWritablePathWorkspace
createNode(ExecutionContext, String, Map<Name, Property>, NodeConflictBehavior) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.WritablePathWorkspace
Create a node at the supplied path.
createNode(ExecutionContext, PathNode, Name, Map<Name, Property>, NodeConflictBehavior) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.WritablePathWorkspace
Create a new node with the supplied name, as a child of the supplied parent.
createNode(Location, String, Name, Iterator<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
createNode(Location, String, Name, Iterator<Property>, NodeConflictBehavior) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
createNode(Location, String, Name, Property[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
createNode(Location, String, Name, Property[], NodeConflictBehavior) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
createNode(Location, String, Name, Iterator<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
createNode(Location, String, Name, Iterator<Property>, NodeConflictBehavior) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
createNode(Location, String, Name, Property[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
createNode(Location, String, Name, Property[], NodeConflictBehavior) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
createNode(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>, GraphSession.NodeId, Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
createNodeDefinitionTemplate() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeManager
Returns an empty PropertyDefinitionTemplate which can then be used to create a property definition and attached to a NodeTypeTemplate.
CreateNodeRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
Instruction to create the node under the specified location.
CreateNodeRequest(Location, String, Name, Property...) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateNodeRequest
Create a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
CreateNodeRequest(Location, String, Name, Iterable<Property>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateNodeRequest
Create a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
CreateNodeRequest(Location, String, Name, Iterator<Property>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateNodeRequest
Create a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
CreateNodeRequest(Location, String, Name, NodeConflictBehavior, Property...) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateNodeRequest
Create a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
CreateNodeRequest(Location, String, Name, NodeConflictBehavior, Iterable<Property>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateNodeRequest
Create a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
CreateNodeRequest(Location, String, Name, NodeConflictBehavior, Iterator<Property>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateNodeRequest
Create a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
createNodeTypeTemplate() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeManager
Returns an empty NodeTypeTemplate which can then be used to define a node type and passed to JcrNodeTypeManager.registerNodeType(NodeTypeDefinition, boolean)
createNodeTypeTemplate(NodeTypeDefinition) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeManager
Returns a NodeTypeTemplate based on the definition given in ntd.
createOperand(StaticOperand, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor.QueryFactory
createOrderBysForJoinCondition(JoinCondition, Set<SelectorName>, List<Object>, Set<SelectorName>, List<Object>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.ChooseJoinAlgorithm
createPackageMetadata(CompilationUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.AbstractJavaMetadata
Create a PackageMetadata of a compilation unit.
createParameterizedFieldMetadataFrom(Type) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.AbstractJavaMetadata
Create a FieldMetadata from a Type instance.
createParsers(List<DdlParser>) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencer
Method that creates the DdlParsers instance.
createPath(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
createPath(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataUtil
Create a path for the tree without index.
createPathWithIndex(String, int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataUtil
Create a path for the tree with index.
createPlan(QueryContext, QueryCommand) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.CanonicalPlanner
Create a canonical query plan for the given command.
createPlan(QueryContext, QueryCommand) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.Planner
Create a canonical query plan for the given command.
createPlanNode(QueryContext, Source, Map<SelectorName, Schemata.Table>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.CanonicalPlanner
Create a JOIN or SOURCE node that contain the source information.
createProcessor(ExecutionContext, AbstractSearchEngine.Workspaces<WorkspaceType>, Observer, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.AbstractSearchEngine
Create the SearchEngineProcessor implementation that can be used to operate against the SearchEngineWorkspace instances.
createProcessor(ExecutionContext, Observer, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.AbstractSearchEngine
Create the SearchEngineProcessor implementation that can be used to operate against the SearchEngineWorkspace instances.
createProcessor(ExecutionContext, Observer, boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngine
Create the SearchEngineProcessor implementation that can be used to operate against the SearchEngineWorkspace instances.
createProcessor(ExecutionContext, AbstractSearchEngine.Workspaces<LuceneSearchWorkspace>, Observer, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine
Create the SearchEngineProcessor implementation that can be used to operate against the SearchEngineWorkspace instances.
createProjection(ExecutionContext, ProjectionParser, Node) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.FederatedRepositorySource
Instantiate the Projection described by the supplied properties.
createProperty(Name, Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler
Create a property with the given name and value, obtained from an attribute name and value in the XML content.
createProperty(Name, Collection<Object>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler
Create a property with the given name and values, obtained from an attribute name and value in the XML content.
createPropertyDefinitionTemplate() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeManager
Returns an empty PropertyDefinitionTemplate which can then be used to create a property definition and attached to a NodeTypeTemplate.
createPutCommand(PathNode, PathNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnWorkspace
createPutCommand(NodeType, NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathWorkspace
Create a change command for the required update to the given node
createQuery(Source, Constraint, Ordering[], Column[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
createQuery(XPath.Component) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator
createQuery(Constraint) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor.QueryFactory
createQuery(DynamicOperand, Operator, StaticOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor.QueryFactory
createQuery(DynamicOperand, Operator, StaticOperand, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor.QueryFactory
createQuery(DynamicOperand, StaticOperand, StaticOperand, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor.QueryFactory
createQuery(PropertyExistence) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor.QueryFactory
createQuery(String, FullTextSearch.Term) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor.QueryFactory
createQueryForNodesWithFieldEqualTo(Integer, String, ValueFactories) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareLengthQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores documents with a field length that is equal to the supplied constraint value.
createQueryForNodesWithFieldEqualTo(String, String, ValueFactories, boolean) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareStringQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores documents with a string field value that is equal to the supplied constraint value.
createQueryForNodesWithFieldGreaterThan(Integer, String, ValueFactories) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareLengthQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores documents with a field length that is greater than the supplied constraint value.
createQueryForNodesWithFieldGreaterThan(String, String, ValueFactories, boolean) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareStringQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores documents with a string field value that is greater than the supplied constraint value.
createQueryForNodesWithFieldGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Integer, String, ValueFactories) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareLengthQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores documents with a field length that is greater than or equal to the supplied constraint value.
createQueryForNodesWithFieldGreaterThanOrEqualTo(String, String, ValueFactories, boolean) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareStringQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores documents with a string field value that is greater than or equal to the supplied constraint value.
createQueryForNodesWithFieldLessThan(Integer, String, ValueFactories) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareLengthQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores documents with a field length that is less than the supplied constraint value.
createQueryForNodesWithFieldLessThan(String, String, ValueFactories, boolean) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareStringQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores documents with a string field value that is less than the supplied constraint value.
createQueryForNodesWithFieldLessThanOrEqualTo(Integer, String, ValueFactories) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareLengthQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores documents with a field length that is less than or equal to the supplied constraint value.
createQueryForNodesWithFieldLessThanOrEqualTo(String, String, ValueFactories, boolean) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareStringQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores documents with a string field value that is less than or equal to the supplied constraint value.
createQueryForNodesWithFieldLike(String, String, ValueFactories, boolean) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareStringQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores documents with a string field value that is LIKE the supplied constraint value.
createQueryForNodesWithFieldNotEqualTo(Integer, String, ValueFactories) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareLengthQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores documents with a field length that is not equal to the supplied constraint value.
createQueryForNodesWithNameGreaterThan(Path.Segment, String, String, ValueFactories, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareNameQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores documents such that the node represented by the document has a name that is greater than the supplied constraint name.
createQueryForNodesWithNameGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Path.Segment, String, String, ValueFactories, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareNameQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores documents such that the node represented by the document has a name that is greater than or equal to the supplied constraint name.
createQueryForNodesWithNameLessThan(Path.Segment, String, String, ValueFactories, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareNameQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores documents such that the node represented by the document has a name that is less than the supplied constraint name.
createQueryForNodesWithNameLessThanOrEqualTo(Path.Segment, String, String, ValueFactories, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareNameQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores documents such that the node represented by the document has a name that is less than or equal to the supplied constraint name.
createQueryForNodesWithPathGreaterThan(Path, String, ValueFactories, boolean) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ComparePathQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores documents such that the node represented by the document has a path that is greater than the supplied constraint path.
createQueryForNodesWithPathGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Path, String, ValueFactories, boolean) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ComparePathQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores documents such that the node represented by the document has a path that is greater than or equal to the supplied constraint path.
createQueryForNodesWithPathLessThan(Path, String, ValueFactories, boolean) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ComparePathQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores documents such that the node represented by the document has a path that is less than the supplied constraint path.
createQueryForNodesWithPathLessThanOrEqualTo(Path, String, ValueFactories, boolean) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ComparePathQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores documents such that the node represented by the document has a path that is less than or equal to the supplied constraint path.
createRegexFromLikeExpression(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SelectComponent
createRelativePath() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create an empty relative path (i.e., equivalent to createRelativePath( Path.SELF_SEGMENT)).
createRelativePath(Name...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a relative path with the supplied segment names, in order.
createRelativePath(Path.Segment...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a relative path with the supplied segments, in order.
createRelativePath(Iterable<Path.Segment>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a relative path with the supplied segments, in order.
createRelativePath() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.PathFactory
Create an empty relative path (i.e., equivalent to createRelativePath( Path.SELF_SEGMENT)).
createRelativePath(Name...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.PathFactory
Create a relative path with the supplied segment names, in order.
createRelativePath(Path.Segment...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.PathFactory
Create a relative path with the supplied segments, in order.
createRelativePath(Iterable<Path.Segment>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.PathFactory
Create a relative path with the supplied segments, in order.
createRemoveCommand(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnWorkspace
createRemoveCommand(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathWorkspace
Create a change command for the removal of the given node and its descendants
createRepository(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryUtil
Create a SVNRepository from a http protocol.
createRepositorySource(Subgraph, Location, Problems) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryService
Instantiate the RepositorySource described by the supplied properties.
createRequestProcessor(Transaction<PathNode, FileSystemWorkspace>) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemRepository
createRequestProcessor(Transaction<NodeType, WorkspaceType>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Repository
Create a RequestProcessor instance that should be used to process a set of requests within the supplied transaction.
createResource(ITransaction, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ModeShapeWebdavStore
createRootPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create an absolute root path.
createRootPath() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.PathFactory
Create an absolute root path.
createRootPath(PathFactory, Path) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.ArrayTypeFieldMetadataSequencer
the root path.
createRootPath(PathFactory, Path) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.SimpleTypeMetadataSequencer
the root path.
createRow(Node, Object[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.SingleSelectorQueryResultRowIterator
createRow(Node, Object[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryResult.JcrSqlQueryResultRowIterator
createRow(Node, Object[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.XPathQueryResult.XPathQueryResultRowIterator
createRowFactory(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.AbstractTextSequencer
Creates an instance of the row factory configured for this sequencer.
createSegment(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a path segment given the supplied segment name.
createSegment(Name, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a path segment given the supplied segment name and index.
createSegment(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a path segment given the supplied segment name.
createSegment(String, TextDecoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a path segment given the supplied segment name.
createSegment(String, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Create a path segment given the supplied segment name and index.
createSegment(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.PathFactory
Create a path segment given the supplied segment name.
createSegment(String, TextDecoder) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.PathFactory
Create a path segment given the supplied segment name.
createSegment(String, int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.PathFactory
Create a path segment given the supplied segment name and index.
createSegment(Name) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.PathFactory
Create a path segment given the supplied segment name.
createSegment(Name, int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.PathFactory
Create a path segment given the supplied segment name and index.
createSegmentsSubList(int, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
createSession() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
createSessionFor(WorkspaceType) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
createSessionFor(LuceneSearchWorkspace) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchProcessor
createSimpleTypeParamPath(PathFactory, Path) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.SimpleTypeMetadataSequencer
Create the path of parameter.
createSnsIndexQuery(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
Utility method to generate a query against the SNS indexes.
createSortComparator(QueryContext, QueryResults.Columns) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.ProcessingComponent
createSortComparator(QueryContext, QueryResults.Columns, List<Ordering>, Map<SelectorName, SelectorName>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SortValuesComponent
createSortComparator(QueryContext, QueryResults.Columns, Ordering, Map<SelectorName, SelectorName>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SortValuesComponent
createStreamSequencerContext(Node, Property, SequencerContext, Problems) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.StreamSequencerAdapter
createString(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.StringUtil
Create a string by substituting the parameters into all key occurrences in the supplied format.
createString(char, int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.StringUtil
Create a new string containing the specified character repeated a specific number of times.
createSVNURL(String, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryUtil
createTupleCollector(QueryResults.Columns) - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceSession
Create a AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.TupleCollector instance that collects the results from the index(es).
createTupleCollector(QueryResults.Columns) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
Create a AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.TupleCollector instance that collects the results from the index(es).
createTypeMetadata(CompilationUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.AbstractJavaMetadata
Create a list with all top level types of a compilation unit.
createUnder(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to create a node under the existing parent node at the supplied location.
createUnder(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to create a node under the existing parent node at the supplied location.
createUtc() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Create a date-time instance for the current time in UTC.
createUtc() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTimeFactory
Create a date-time instance for the current time in UTC.
createValue(int, Object) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryContext
createWeight(Searcher) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareQuery
createWeight(Searcher) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.HasValueQuery
createWeight(Searcher) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.IdsQuery
createWeight(Searcher) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.MatchNoneQuery
createWeight(Searcher) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.NotQuery
createWeight(Searcher) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ScoreQuery
createWith(T, Location, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateNodeNamedAction
createWorkspace(ExecutionContext, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository
createWorkspace(Transaction<NodeType, WorkspaceType>, String, CreateWorkspaceRequest.CreateConflictBehavior, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Repository
Attempts to create a workspace with the given name with name-collision behavior determined by the behavior parameter.
createWorkspace(ExecutionContext, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepository
Creates a new workspace with the given name containing only a root node.
createWorkspace(ExecutionContext, String, CreateWorkspaceRequest.CreateConflictBehavior) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepository
Attempts to create a workspace with the given name with name-collision behavior determined by the behavior parameter.
createWorkspace(ExecutionContext, String, CreateWorkspaceRequest.CreateConflictBehavior, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepository
Attempts to create a workspace with the requested name as in the #createWorkspace(ExecutionContext, String, CreateConflictBehavior) method and then clones the content from the given source workspace into the new workspace if the creation was successful.
createWorkspace(ExecutionContext, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.WritablePathRepository
Creates a new workspace with the given name containing only a root node.
createWorkspace(ExecutionContext, String, CreateWorkspaceRequest.CreateConflictBehavior) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.WritablePathRepository
Attempts to create a workspace with the given name with name-collision behavior determined by the behavior parameter.
createWorkspace(ExecutionContext, String, CreateWorkspaceRequest.CreateConflictBehavior, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.WritablePathRepository
Attempts to create a workspace with the requested name as in the #createWorkspace(ExecutionContext, String, CreateConflictBehavior) method and then clones the content from the given source workspace into the new workspace if the creation was successful.
createWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Create a new workspace in the source used by this graph.
createWorkspace(String, CreateWorkspaceRequest.CreateConflictBehavior) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Add a request to create a new workspace, and specify the behavior should a workspace already exists with a name that matches the desired name for the new workspace.
createWorkspace(String, CreateWorkspaceRequest.CreateConflictBehavior) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to create a new workspace, and specify the behavior should a workspace already exists with a name that matches the desired name for the new workspace.
createWorkspace(ExecutionContext, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.AbstractSearchEngine
Create the index(es) required for the named workspace.
createWorkspace(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository
Create a new workspace with the supplied name.
createWorkspace(ExecutionContext, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine
Create the index(es) required for the named workspace.
CreateWorkspaceRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
Request that a new workspace be created with the supplied name.
CreateWorkspaceRequest(String, CreateWorkspaceRequest.CreateConflictBehavior) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateWorkspaceRequest
Create a request to create a new workspace, and specify the behavior should a workspace already exists with a name that matches the desired name for the new workspace.
CreateWorkspaceRequest.CreateConflictBehavior - Enum in org.modeshape.graph.request
The options for the behavior when a request specifies a workspace name that already is used by an existing workspace.
createZeroValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
createZeroValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
createZeroValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
createZeroValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
createZeroValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
createZeroValue() - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
Create the object form of the "zero value".
createZeroValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
CREATING_APPLICATION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon
creatingWorkspacesAllowed - Variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository
CREDENTIALS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
credentialsMustProvideJaasMethod - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
credentialsMustReturnLoginContext - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
crossJoin(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Perform a cross join between the already defined source with the supplied table.
crossJoinAllNodesAs(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Perform a cross join between the already defined source with the "__ALL_NODES" table using the supplied alias.
currentPath - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler
The path for the node representing the current element.
currentPath - Variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
The path for the node representing the current element.
currentWorkspaceCannotBeDeleted - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
CUSTOM_DATATYPE_START_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.db2.Db2DdlConstants.Db2DataTypes
CUSTOM_DATATYPE_START_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyDataTypes
CUSTOM_DATATYPE_START_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlDataTypes
CUSTOM_DATATYPE_START_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleDataTypes
CUSTOM_DATATYPE_START_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
CUSTOM_DATATYPE_START_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sqlserver.SqlServerDdlConstants.SqlServerDataTypes
CUSTOM_DATATYPE_START_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sybase.SybaseDdlConstants.SybaseDataTypes
CUSTOM_DATATYPE_START_WORDS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.db2.Db2DdlConstants.Db2DataTypes
CUSTOM_DATATYPE_START_WORDS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyDataTypes
CUSTOM_DATATYPE_START_WORDS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlDataTypes
CUSTOM_DATATYPE_START_WORDS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleDataTypes
CUSTOM_DATATYPE_START_WORDS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
CUSTOM_DATATYPE_START_WORDS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sqlserver.SqlServerDdlConstants.SqlServerDataTypes
CUSTOM_DATATYPE_START_WORDS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sybase.SybaseDdlConstants.SybaseDataTypes
CUSTOM_KEYWORDS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.db2.Db2DdlConstants
CUSTOM_KEYWORDS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants
CUSTOM_KEYWORDS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
CUSTOM_KEYWORDS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants
CUSTOM_KEYWORDS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants
CUSTOM_KEYWORDS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sqlserver.SqlServerDdlConstants
CUSTOM_KEYWORDS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sybase.SybaseDdlConstants
CUSTOM_PROPERTY_FACTORY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
CustomPropertiesFactory - Interface in org.modeshape.connector.filesystem
A simple interface that allows an implementer to define additional properties for "nt:folder", "nt:file", and "nt:resource" nodes created by the file system connector.


DATA - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
data - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.Changes
DATA - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
DATA - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.TextSequencerLexicon
DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.IJcrConstants
The JCR data property name (jcr:data).
DATA_SOURCE_JNDI_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
DATA_SOURCE_JNDI_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
DATABASE_MAJOR_VERSION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
DATABASE_MINOR_VERSION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
DATABASE_PRODUCT_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
DATABASE_PRODUCT_VERSION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
DATABASE_ROOT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
DataType - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype
A representation of SQL data types.
DataType() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataType
DataType(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataType
DataType(String, int) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataType
DataType(String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataType
DATATYPE_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
DATATYPE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
DATATYPE_PRECISION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
DATATYPE_SCALE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
DATATYPE_START_WORDS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DataTypeParser - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype
A parser for SQL data types.
DataTypeParser() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
DATE_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueComparators
A comparator of date values.
DATE_TIME_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueComparators
A comparator of date-time instances.
dateFactory - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
dateField(Name, Field.Store, Field.Index, Long, Long) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Builder
Define a date-based field in the indexes.
dateField(Name, Field.Store, Field.Index, Long) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Builder
Define a date-based field in the indexes.
dateField(Name, Field.Store, Field.Index) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Builder
Define a date-based field in the indexes.
dateFormatter - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine
A thread-local DateFormat instance that is thread-safe, since a new instance is created for each thread.
dateParsingFailure - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
DateTime - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.property
An immutable date-time class that represents an instance in time.
DateTimeFactory - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.property
A factory for creating date-time instants.
Db2DdlConstants - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.db2
Db2DdlConstants.Db2DataTypes - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.db2
Db2DdlConstants.Db2StatementStartPhrases - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.db2
Db2DdlParser - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.db2
Db2DdlParser() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.db2.Db2DdlParser
DDL_EXPRESSION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
DDL_ORIGINAL_EXPRESSION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
DDL_START_CHAR_INDEX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
DDL_START_COLUMN_NUMBER - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
DDL_START_LINE_NUMBER - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
DdlConstants - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl
DdlConstants.AstNodeNames - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl
DdlConstants.DataTypes - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl
Constants related to Data Types
DdlConstants.DropBehavior - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl
DdlConstants.MatchType - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl
DdlConstants.Problems - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl
DdlConstants.ReferencialAction - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl
DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl
DdlParser - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl
Interface for parsing DDL files.
DdlParserConfig - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl
A ComponentConfig implementation to support various parser configurations.
DdlParserConfig(String, String, Map<String, Object>, String, String[]) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParserConfig
DdlParserConfig(String, String, Map<String, Object>, Class<? extends DdlParser>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParserConfig
DdlParserConfig(String, String, Class<? extends DdlParser>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParserConfig
DdlParserProblem - Exception in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl
A special form of DdlConstants.Problems that is also a ParsingException.
DdlParserProblem(Position) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParserProblem
DdlParserProblem(int, Position, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParserProblem
DdlParserProblem(int, Position, String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParserProblem
DdlParsers - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl
A set of parsers capable of understanding DDL file content.
DdlParsers() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParsers
Create an instance that uses all of the built-in parsers.
DdlParsers(List<DdlParser>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParsers
Create an instance that uses the supplied parsers, in order.
DdlParsers.ScoredParser - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl
DdlParsers.ScoredParser(DdlParser, DdlParserScorer, Object) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParsers.ScoredParser
DdlParserScorer - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl
Interface used by a parser to determine a score describing how well it handles the DDL content.
DdlParserScorer() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParserScorer
DdlSequencer - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl
A sequencer of DDL files.
DdlSequencer() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencer
DdlSequencerI18n - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl
The internationalized string constants for the org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl* packages.
DdlSequencerI18n() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencerI18n
ddlTokenizer(boolean) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream
Obtain a ddl DdlTokenStream.DdlTokenizer implementation that ignores whitespace but includes tokens for individual symbols, the period ('.'), single-quoted strings, double-quoted strings, whitespace-delimited words, and optionally comments.
DdlTokenStream - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl
A TokenStream implementation designed around requirements for tokenizing and parsing DDL statements.
DdlTokenStream(String, TokenStream.Tokenizer, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream
DdlTokenStream.DdlTokenizer - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl
DdlTokenStream.DdlTokenizer(boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream.DdlTokenizer
debug(String, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Logger
Log a message at the DEBUG level according to the specified format and (optional) parameters.
debug(Throwable, String, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Logger
Log an exception (throwable) at the DEBUG level with an accompanying message.
DECIMAL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndTokenizer
The token type for tokens that consist of an individual '.' character.
DECIMAL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.BasicTokenizer
The token type for tokens that consist of an individual '.' character.
DECIMAL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream.DdlTokenizer
The token type for tokens that consist of an individual '.' character.
DECIMAL_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueComparators
A comparator of decimal values.
DECIMAL_DIGITS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
decimalField(Name, Field.Store, Field.Index, BigDecimal, BigDecimal) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Builder
Define a decimal-based field in the indexes.
decimalToString(BigDecimal) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.FieldUtil
Creates a canonical string representation of the supplied BigDecimal value, whereby all string representations are lexicographically sortable.
DecimalValueFactory - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
The standard ValueFactory for PropertyType.DECIMAL values.
DecimalValueFactory(TextDecoder, ValueFactory<String>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DecimalValueFactory
DECLARE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
decode(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Jsr283Encoder
Return the decoded version of an encoded string
decode(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.NoOpEncoder
Return the decoded version of an encoded string
decode(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TextDecoder
Return the decoded version of an encoded string
decode(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.UrlEncoder
Return the decoded version of an encoded string
decode(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.XmlNameEncoder
Return the decoded version of an encoded string
decode(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.XmlValueEncoder
Return the decoded version of an encoded string
DECODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Specify decoding in first bit.
decode(byte[]) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Low-level access to decoding ASCII characters in the form of a byte array.
decode(byte[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Low-level access to decoding ASCII characters in the form of a byte array.
decode(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Decodes data from Base64 notation, automatically detecting gzip-compressed data and decompressing it.
decode(String, int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Decodes data from Base64 notation, automatically detecting gzip-compressed data and decompressing it.
decode(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
decode(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.JsonUtils
decodeFileToFile(String, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Reads infile and decodes it to outfile.
decodeFromFile(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Convenience method for reading a base64-encoded file and decoding it.
decoder - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler
The TextDecoder that is used to decode the names.
decoder - Variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
The TextDecoder that is used to decode the names.
decodeToFile(String, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Convenience method for decoding data to a file.
decodeToObject(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Attempts to decode Base64 data and deserialize a Java Object within.
decodeToObject(String, int, ClassLoader) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Attempts to decode Base64 data and deserialize a Java Object within.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentLibrary
Class loader factory instance that always returns the current thread's context class loader (if not null) or component library's class loader.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource.Models
DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
DEFAULT_ALLOWS_UPDATES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
This source supports updates by default, but each instance may be configured to be read-only or updateable.
DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_SCOPING - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler
The default XmlHandler.AttributeScoping.
DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_SCOPING - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
The default XmlSequencer.AttributeScoping.
DEFAULT_AUTO_GENERATE_SCHEMA - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
The initial automatic schema generation setting is ""validate" ", unless otherwise specified.
DEFAULT_BUCKET_COUNT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram
DEFAULT_CACHE_POLICY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
DEFAULT_CACHE_POLICY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
DEFAULT_CACHE_POLICY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
DEFAULT_CACHE_POLICY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.AbstractRepositorySource
The default cache policy for this repository source (no caching)
DEFAULT_CACHE_POLICY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractPathRepositorySource
The default cache policy for this repository source (no caching)
DEFAULT_CACHE_POLICY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeLexicon
DEFAULT_CACHE_POLICY_ATTR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
DEFAULT_CATALOG_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
DEFAULT_CLASSLOADER_FACTORY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.mimetype.MimeTypeDetectors
Class loader factory instance that always returns the current thread's context class loader, or if null the class loader for this class.
DEFAULT_CLASSLOADER_FACTORY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService
Class loader factory instance that always returns the current thread's context class loader (if not null) or component library's class loader.
DEFAULT_CLASSPATH - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencer
DEFAULT_CLONE_CONFLICT_BEHAVIOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneWorkspaceRequest
The default CloneWorkspaceRequest.CloneConflictBehavior that will be used if it is unspecified.
DEFAULT_CODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.collection.Problem
DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_SOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
DEFAULT_CONFLICT_BEHAVIOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateNodeRequest
DEFAULT_CONFLICT_BEHAVIOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.request.MoveBranchRequest
DEFAULT_CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.ExecutionContext
DEFAULT_CORE_POOL_SIZE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
The core pool size for default-constructed pools is 1 .
DEFAULT_CREATE_CONFLICT_BEHAVIOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneWorkspaceRequest
The default CreateWorkspaceRequest.CreateConflictBehavior that will be used if it is unspecified.
DEFAULT_CREATE_CONFLICT_BEHAVIOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateWorkspaceRequest
The default CreateWorkspaceRequest.CreateConflictBehavior that will be used if it is unspecified.
DEFAULT_CREATE_REPOSITORY_PATH - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
DEFAULT_DECODER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
The default text decoder to be used when none is otherwise specified.
DEFAULT_DECODER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
DEFAULT_DECODER - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler
Decoder for XML names, to turn '_xHHHH_' sequences in the XML element and attribute names into the corresponding UTF-16 characters.
DEFAULT_DECODER - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
Decoder for XML names, to turn '_xHHHH_' sequences in the XML element and attribute names into the corresponding UTF-16 characters.
DEFAULT_ENCODER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
The default text encoder to be used when none is otherwise specified.
DEFAULT_ENCODER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
DEFAULT_ENCODER - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine
The default encoder is the FileNameEncoder, which is based upon the UrlEncoder except that it also encodes the '*' character, which is required for Windows.
DEFAULT_EXCLUSION_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
DEFAULT_EXPRESSION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
DEFAULT_FILENAME_FILTER - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
DEFAULT_GRAMMARS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencer
DEFAULT_ID_CURRENT_USER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
DEFAULT_ID_DATETIME - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
DEFAULT_ID_LITERAL - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
DEFAULT_ID_NULL - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
DEFAULT_ID_SESSION_USER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
DEFAULT_ID_SYSTEM_USER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
DEFAULT_ID_UNDEFINED - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
DEFAULT_ID_USER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
DEFAULT_INDEX - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
The default index for a Path.Segment.
DEFAULT_KEEP_ALIVE_TIME_IN_SECONDS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
The keep-alive time for connections in default-constructed pools is 30L seconds.
DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH_PER_READ - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineIndexer
The default maximum depth of each subgraph read operation is 100 .
DEFAULT_MAX_PATH_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_DEPTH - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBranchRequest
DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
The maximum pool size for default-constructed pools is 10 .
DEFAULT_NAME_OF_DEFAULT_CATALOG - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
The initial catalog name for databases that do not support catalogs is ""default" ", unless otherwise specified.
DEFAULT_NAME_OF_DEFAULT_SCHEMA - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
The initial schema name for databases that do not support schemas is ""default" ", unless otherwise specified.
DEFAULT_NAME_OF_DEFAULT_WORKSPACE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
The initial name of the default workspace is ""default" ", unless otherwise specified.
DEFAULT_NAME_OF_DEFAULT_WORKSPACE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
The initial name of the default workspace is ""default" ", unless otherwise specified.
DEFAULT_NAME_OF_DEFAULT_WORKSPACE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
The initial name of the default workspace is ""default" ", unless otherwise specified.
DEFAULT_NAME_OF_DEFAULT_WORKSPACE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
The initial name of the default workspace is ""default" ", unless otherwise specified.
DEFAULT_NAME_OF_DEFAULT_WORKSPACE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
The initial name of the default workspace is ""default" ", unless otherwise specified.
DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_URI - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.SimpleNamespaceRegistry
DEFAULT_NODE_CONFLICT_BEHAVIOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CopyBranchRequest
DEFAULT_OPTION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
DEFAULT_OPTIONAL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenDependency
DEFAULT_OPTIONS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository
The static unmodifiable map of default options, which are initialized in the static initializer.
DEFAULT_OUTPUT_EXPRESSION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerPathExpression
DEFAULT_PATH - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
DEFAULT_PATH_TO_TOP_OF_MAVEN_REPOSITORY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
DEFAULT_PRECISION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
DEFAULT_PREFIX_NUMBER_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.SimpleNamespaceRegistry
DEFAULT_PREFIX_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.SimpleNamespaceRegistry
DEFAULT_PRIMARY_TYPE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_FACTORY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
An immutable CustomPropertiesFactory implementation that is used by default when none is provided.
DEFAULT_RETRY_LIMIT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
The default limit is 0 for retrying connection calls to the underlying source.
DEFAULT_RETRY_LIMIT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
The default limit is 0 for retrying connection calls to the underlying source.
DEFAULT_RETRY_LIMIT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
The default limit is 0 for retrying connection calls to the underlying source.
DEFAULT_RETRY_LIMIT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.AbstractRepositorySource
The default number of times that a request that failed due to system error should be retried
DEFAULT_RETRY_LIMIT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.FederatedRepositorySource
The default limit is 0 for retrying connection calls to the underlying source.
DEFAULT_RETRY_LIMIT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
The default limit is 0 for retrying connection calls to the underlying source.
DEFAULT_RETRY_LIMIT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractPathRepositorySource
The default number of times that a request that failed due to system error should be retried
DEFAULT_ROOT_NODE_UUID - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
The default UUID that is used for root nodes in a store.
DEFAULT_ROOT_NODE_UUID - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.AbstractRepositorySource
The default UUID that is used for root nodes in a store.
DEFAULT_ROOT_NODE_UUID - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractPathRepositorySource
The default UUID that is used for root nodes in a store.
DEFAULT_RULES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine
The default set of IndexRules used by LuceneSearchEngine instances when no rules are provided.
DEFAULT_SCHEMA_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
DEFAULT_SELECTOR_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
DEFAULT_SEQUENCER_SELECTOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService
The default SequencingService.Selector that considers every Sequencer to be used for every node.
DEFAULT_SHOW_SQL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
This source does not output executed SQL by default, but this can be overridden by calling JpaSource.setShowSql(boolean).
DEFAULT_SIGNIFICANT_FIGURES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram
DEFAULT_SUPPORT_CREATING_WORKSPACES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySourceCapabilities
The default support for creating workspaces is false .
DEFAULT_SUPPORT_EVENTS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySourceCapabilities
The default support for updates is false .
DEFAULT_SUPPORT_LOCKS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySourceCapabilities
The default support for creating locks is false .
DEFAULT_SUPPORT_QUERIES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySourceCapabilities
The default support for querying workspaces is false .
DEFAULT_SUPPORT_REFERENCES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySourceCapabilities
The default support for references is true .
DEFAULT_SUPPORT_SAME_NAME_SIBLINGS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySourceCapabilities
The default support for same-name-siblings is true .
DEFAULT_SUPPORT_SEARCHES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySourceCapabilities
The default support for searching workspaces is false .
DEFAULT_SUPPORT_UPDATES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySourceCapabilities
The default support for updates is false .
DEFAULT_SUPPORTS_CREATING_WORKSPACES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
This source does support creating workspaces.
DEFAULT_SUPPORTS_CREATING_WORKSPACES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
This source does support creating workspaces.
DEFAULT_SUPPORTS_CREATING_WORKSPACES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
This source does support creating workspaces.
DEFAULT_SUPPORTS_UPDATES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
This source does not support updates by default, but each instance may be configured to be read-only or updateable}.
DEFAULT_SUPPORTS_UPDATES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
This source supports udpates by default, but each instance may be configured to be read-only or updateable}.
DEFAULT_TERMINATOR - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
DEFAULT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenDependency
DEFAULT_UPDATES_ALLOWED - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
The initial value for whether updates are allowed is "true ", unless otherwise specified.
DEFAULT_UPDATES_ALLOWED - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
The initial value for whether updates are allowed is "true ", unless otherwise specified.
DEFAULT_URI_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.GraphNamespaceRegistry
DEFAULT_UUID_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
DEFAULT_VALUES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
DEFAULT_VERIFY_WORKSPACE_IN_SOURCE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.search.AbstractSearchEngine
DEFAULT_WORKSPACE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
DEFAULT_WORKSPACE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
DEFAULT_WORKSPACE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
DEFAULT_WORKSPACE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
DEFAULT_WORKSPACE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
DEFAULT_WORKSPACE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
DEFAULT_WORKSPACE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
The default name for the workspace used by this source, which is a blank string.
DEFAULT_WORKSPACE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.ModeShapeLexicon
DEFAULT_WORKSPACE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
DEFAULT_WORKSPACE_NAME_ATTR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
defaultCacheFactoryConfigurationNameWasNotValidConfiguration - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheConnectorI18n
DefaultCacheStatistics - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache
Default, thread-safe implementation of CacheStatistics that uses AtomicLongs as counters for the statistics.
DefaultCacheStatistics() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.DefaultCacheStatistics
DefaultClassFileRecorder - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile
DefaultClassFileRecorder() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.DefaultClassFileRecorder
DefaultMapNode - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.map
DefaultMapNode(UUID) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.DefaultMapNode
DefaultPathNode - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path
Default immutable implementation of PathNode
DefaultPathNode(Path, UUID, Map<Name, Property>, List<Path.Segment>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.DefaultPathNode
DefaultPathNode(Path, UUID, Iterable<Property>, List<Path.Segment>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.DefaultPathNode
defaultPrimaryType - Variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
The default primary type.
DefaultRequestResolver - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav
Default RequestResolver that performs a direct mapping from all incoming URIs to the same path within a single repository and workspace.
DefaultRequestResolver() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.DefaultRequestResolver
DefaultRowFactory - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.text
A default implementation of the RowFactory class.
DefaultRowFactory() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.DefaultRowFactory
defaultTo(Field.Store, Field.Index, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Builder
Define a string-based field as the default.
defaultWorkspaceName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
DEFERRABLE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
delegate() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.DelegatingComponent
Get the delegate processor.
delegate() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchableRepositorySource
delegateConnection() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchableRepositorySource.AbstractConnection
DelegatingComponent - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
DelegatingComponent(ProcessingComponent) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.DelegatingComponent
DelegatingComponent(ProcessingComponent, QueryResults.Columns) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.DelegatingComponent
delete(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.FileUtil
Delete the file or directory at the supplied path.
delete(File) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.FileUtil
Delete the file or directory given by the supplied reference.
delete(Node) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to delete the specified node.
delete(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to delete the node at the given location.
delete(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to delete the node at the given path.
delete(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to delete the node at the given path.
delete(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to delete the node with the given UUID.
delete(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to delete the node with the given unique identification property.
delete(Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to delete the node with the given identification properties.
delete(Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to delete the node with the given identification properties.
delete(Node) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to delete the specified node.
delete(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to delete the node at the given location.
delete(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to delete the node at the given path.
delete(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to delete the node at the given path.
delete(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to delete the node with the given UUID.
delete(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to delete the node with the given unique identification property.
delete(Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to delete the node with the given identification properties.
delete(String, Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.ChangeContext
Record the details of a deleted node at the supplied location in the named workspace.
DELETE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
DELETE_WORKSPACE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapePermissions
The delete_workspace permission allows the user the ability to delete workspaces.
deleteBranch(Location, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Add a request to delete a branch.
deleteBranch(Location, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to delete a branch.
DeleteBranchRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
Instruction that a branch be deleted.
DeleteBranchRequest(Location, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteBranchRequest
Create a request to delete a branch.
DeleteChildrenRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
Instruction that all nodes below a supplied node be deleted.
DeleteChildrenRequest(Location, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteChildrenRequest
Create a request to delete all children of the supplied node.
deleteEntry(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.connector.scm.ScmActionFactory
DeleteEntry - Class in org.modeshape.connector.svn.mgnt
DeleteEntry(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.svn.mgnt.DeleteEntry
deleteFailed - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
deleteFailed - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
deleteItem(HttpServletRequest, String, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.JcrResources
Deletes the item at path.
deleteSubgraph(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SubgraphQuery
Delete the nodes in the subgraph.
deleteUnused(EntityManager, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.LargeValueEntity
Delete all unused large value entities.
deleteWorkspace - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceWork
DelimitedTextSequencer - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.text
An text sequencer implementation that uses a regular-expression pattern to split incoming rows into columns.
DelimitedTextSequencer() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.DelimitedTextSequencer
DELIMITER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
The delimiter character used to separate segments within a path.
DELIMITER_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Regular expression used to identify the different segments in a path, using the standard '/' delimiter.
DELIMITER_STR - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
String form of the delimiter used to separate segments within a path.
depth(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ArithmeticBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table based upon criteria on the node's depth.
depth(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table based upon criteria on the node's depth.
depth(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.DynamicOperandBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table based upon criteria on the node's depth.
depth(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.OrderByOperandBuilder
Adds to the order-by clause by using the depth of the node given by the named table.
depth(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.SingleOrderByOperandBuilder
Adds to the order-by clause by using the depth of the node given by the named table.
depth - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor.LocationWithDepth
depth - Variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator.RelativePathLikeExpressions
depth - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine.CrawlSubgraph
depthMode - Variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator.RelativePathLikeExpressions
derbyDataTypeStrings - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlParser
DerbyDdlConstants - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby
DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyDataTypes - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby
DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby
DerbyDdlLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby
DerbyDdlLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
DerbyDdlLexicon.Namespace - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby
DerbyDdlLexicon.Namespace() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon.Namespace
DerbyDdlParser - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby
Derby-specific DDL Parser.
DerbyDdlParser() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlParser
DescendantNode - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A constraint requiring that the selected node is a descendant of the node reachable by the supplied absolute path
DescendantNode(SelectorName, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.DescendantNode
Create a constraint requiring that the node identified by the selector is a descendant of the node reachable by the supplied absolute path.
descendantNode(SelectorName, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
descendantNode(SelectorName, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
descendantNode(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
DescendantNodeJoinCondition - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A join condition that evaluates to true only when the named node is a descendant of another named node.
DescendantNodeJoinCondition(SelectorName, SelectorName) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.DescendantNodeJoinCondition
Create a join condition that determines whether the node identified by the descendant selector is indeed a descendant of the node identified by the ancestor selector.
descendantNodeJoinCondition(SelectorName, SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
descendantNodeJoinCondition(SelectorName, SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
descendantNodeJoinCondition(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
descendantSelectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.DescendantNodeJoinCondition
Get the name of the selector for the descedant node.
descending() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder
Begin specifying an order-by specification using descending order.
descending(DynamicOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
description() - Method in enum org.modeshape.common.util.SecureHash.Algorithm
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeLexicon
DESCRIPTORS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeLexicon
deserializeAllProperties(ObjectInputStream, Collection<Property>, Serializer.LargeValues) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Serializer
Deserialize the serialized properties on the supplied object stream.
deserializeProperty(ObjectInputStream, Serializer.LargeValues) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Serializer
Deserialize the serialized property on the supplied object stream.
deserializeProperty(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
deserializePropertyValues(ObjectInputStream, Name, boolean, Serializer.LargeValues, Serializer.LargeValues, Serializer.ReferenceValues) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Serializer
Deserialize the serialized property on the supplied object stream.
deserializeSomeProperties(ObjectInputStream, Collection<Property>, Serializer.LargeValues, Serializer.LargeValues, Name...) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Serializer
Deserialize the serialized properties on the supplied object stream.
desiredName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneBranchRequest
Get the name of the clone if it is to be different than that of the original.
desiredName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CopyBranchRequest
Get the name of the copy if it is to be different than that of the original.
desiredName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.MoveBranchRequest
Get the name of the copy if it is to be different than that of the original.
desiredNameOfNewWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateWorkspaceRequest
Get the desired name for the new workspace.
desiredNameOfTargetWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneWorkspaceRequest
Get the desired name for the target workspace.
desiredSegment() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneBranchRequest
Get the exact segment at which the clone should be rooted
destination - Variable in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
Destination - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.io
Interface used internally as the destination for the requests.
destination - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler
The destination where the content should be sent.
destroy() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanWorkspace
destroy(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Workspaces
Remove the entity representation of the workspace.
destroy(ExecutionContext) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineWorkspace
Destroy the indexes for the workspace with the supplied name.
destroy() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Remove this node from it's parent and destroy it's contents.
destroy(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchWorkspace
Destroy the indexes for the workspace with the supplied name.
destroyDirectory(String, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfiguration
Destroy the Directory that is used for the workspace with the supplied name.
destroyDirectory(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfigurations.PoolingDirectoryFactory
Destroy the Directory that is used for the workspace with the supplied name.
destroyNode(WorkspaceType, NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction
Destroy the node.
destroyNode(WorkspaceType, NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction
Destroy the node.
destroyWorkspace(InfinispanWorkspace) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanTransaction
Destroy the workspace with the supplied name.
destroyWorkspace(JBossCacheWorkspace) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheTransaction
Destroy the workspace with the supplied name.
destroyWorkspace(JdbcMetadataWorkspace) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataRepository.JdbcMetadataTransaction
destroyWorkspace(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Repository
Removes the named workspace from the #workspaces workspaces map.
destroyWorkspace(WorkspaceType) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Transaction
Destroy the workspace with the supplied name.
destroyWorkspace(InMemoryWorkspace) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryTransaction
Destroy the workspace with the supplied name.
destroyWorkspace(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepository
Removes the named workspace from the #workspaces workspaces map.
destroyWorkspace(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.WritablePathRepository
Removes the named workspace from the #workspaces workspaces map.
destroyWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Destroy an existing workspace in the source used by this graph.
destroyWorkspace(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Add a request to destroy an existing workspace.
destroyWorkspace(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to destroy an existing workspace.
destroyWorkspace(String, JcrWorkspace) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository
Destroy the workspace with the supplied name.
DestroyWorkspaceRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
Request that an existing workspace with the supplied name be destroyed.
DestroyWorkspaceRequest(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.DestroyWorkspaceRequest
Create a request to destroy an existing workspace.
DetailedStatistics<T extends Number> - Class in org.modeshape.common.statistic
Encapsulation of the statistics for a series of values to which new values are frequently added.
DetailedStatistics(MathOperations<T>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.statistic.DetailedStatistics
detailsFor(String, Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.ChangeContext
Find or create the details for the changes made to a node at the supplied location in the named workspace.
determineColumnWidths(TypeSystem, int, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults
Determine the width of each column.
determineQueryResultColumns(PlanNode, PlanHints) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryEngine
DIALECT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
dialect - Variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository
digestName() - Method in enum org.modeshape.common.util.SecureHash.Algorithm
disconnect() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.http.HttpClientConnection
Disconnects this connection.
discoverType(Object) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.property.PropertyType
discoverType(Class<?>) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.property.PropertyType
Discover the most appropriate PropertyType whose values can be assigned to variables or parameters of the supplied type.
dispose() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.Binary
Releases all resources associated with this Binary object and informs the repository that these resources may now be reclaimed.
distinct() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Query
Create a copy of this query, but one in which there are no duplicate rows in the results.
distinct - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
DistinctComponent - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
A ProcessingComponent implementation that removes duplicates.
DistinctComponent(ProcessingComponent) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.DistinctComponent
DistinctOfSortedComponent - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
An efficient ProcessingComponent that removes duplicates from an already-sorted set of results.
DistinctOfSortedComponent(SortValuesComponent) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.DistinctOfSortedComponent
divide(Double, Double) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
divide(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.Duration
Divide the duration by the supplied number, and return the result.
divide(Duration) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.Duration
Divide the duration by another duration to calculate the ratio.
divide(Duration, Duration) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
divide(Float, Float) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
divide(Integer, Integer) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
divide(Long, Long) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
divide(T, T) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
Divide the first operand by the second, and return the result.
divide(Short, Short) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
divide(DynamicOperand, DynamicOperand) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryObjectModelFactory
Create an arithmetic dynamic operand that divides the numeric value of the first operand by the numeric value of the second.
divide(DynamicOperand, DynamicOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
Create an arithmetic dynamic operand that divides the numeric value of the first operand by the numeric value of the second.
dnaPropertyTypeFor(int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.jcr.PropertyTypeUtil
Compute the ModeShape PropertyType for the given JCR PropertyType value.
DO_BREAK_LINES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Do break lines when encoding.
doAddValue(T) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.DetailedStatistics
doAddValue(T) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.SimpleStatistics
A method that can be overridden by subclasses when add is called.
doAwaitTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService
doCheckIsTerminated() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary.Administrator
Subclasses should implement this method to determine whether the service has completed shutdown.
doCheckIsTerminated() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryService.Administrator
Subclasses should implement this method to determine whether the service has completed shutdown.
doCheckIsTerminated() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService.Administrator
Subclasses should implement this method to determine whether the service has completed shutdown.
doCheckIsTerminated() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.service.AbstractServiceAdministrator
Subclasses should implement this method to determine whether the service has completed shutdown.
docID() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareQuery.CompareScorer
docID() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.HasValueQuery.ExistsScorer
docID() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.IdsQuery.IdScorer
docID() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.MatchNoneQuery.NoneScorer
docID() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.NotQuery.NotScorer
docID() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ScoreQuery.NotScorer
doCreateInstance(Class<?>) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentLibrary
Method that instantiates the supplied class.
doCreateInstance(Class<?>) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerLibrary
Method that instantiates the supplied class.
doCreateJcrRepository(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrEngine
DOCUMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.ModeShapeXmlLexicon
doDestroy(FSDirectory) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfigurations.FileSystemDirectoryFromNameFactory
doDestroy(DirectoryType) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfigurations.PoolingDirectoryFactory
doDestroy(RAMDirectory) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfigurations.RamDirectoryFactory
doGetString(NamespaceRegistry, TextEncoder, TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Method that creates the string representation.
DONT_GUNZIP - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Specify that gzipped data should not be automatically gunzipped.
doPause(ServiceAdministrator.State) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.service.AbstractServiceAdministrator
Implementation of the functionality to switch to the paused state.
doRegister(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.GraphNamespaceRegistry
doReset() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.DetailedStatistics
doReset() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.SimpleStatistics
Method that can be overridden by subclasses when SimpleStatistics.reset() is called.
doSetResults(QueryResults.Columns, List<Object[]>, QueryResults.Statistics) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.SearchRequest
Set the results for this request.
doShutdown(ServiceAdministrator.State) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary.Administrator
Implementation of the functionality to switch to the shutdown state.
doShutdown(ServiceAdministrator.State) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryService.Administrator
Implementation of the functionality to switch to the shutdown state.
doShutdown(ServiceAdministrator.State) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService.Administrator
Implementation of the functionality to switch to the shutdown state.
doShutdown(ServiceAdministrator.State) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.service.AbstractServiceAdministrator
Implementation of the functionality to switch to the shutdown state.
doStart(ServiceAdministrator.State) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary.Administrator
Implementation of the functionality to switch to the started state.
doStart(ServiceAdministrator.State) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryService.Administrator
Implementation of the functionality to switch to the started state.
doStart(ServiceAdministrator.State) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService.Administrator
Implementation of the functionality to switch to the started state.
doStart(ServiceAdministrator.State) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.service.AbstractServiceAdministrator
Implementation of the functionality to switch to the started state.
DOUBLE_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueComparators
A comparator of double values.
DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING - Static variable in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndTokenizer
The token type for tokens that consist of all the characters within double-quotes.
DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.BasicTokenizer
The token type for tokens that consist of all the characters within double-quotes.
DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream.DdlTokenizer
The token type for tokens that consist of all the characters within double-quotes.
doubleField(Name, Field.Store, Field.Index, Double, Double) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Builder
Define a double-based field in the indexes.
doubleField(Name, Field.Store, Field.Index, Double) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Builder
Define a double-based field in the indexes.
doubleField(Name, Field.Store, Field.Index) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Builder
Define a double-based field in the indexes.
DoubleOperations - Class in org.modeshape.common.math
The math operations for double numbers.
DoubleOperations() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
doubleValue(Double) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
doubleValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.Duration
doubleValue(Duration) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
doubleValue(Float) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
doubleValue(Integer) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
doubleValue(Long) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
doubleValue(T) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
Convert the value to a double.
doubleValue(Short) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
DoubleValueFactory - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
The standard ValueFactory for PropertyType.DOUBLE values.
DoubleValueFactory(TextDecoder, ValueFactory<String>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.DoubleValueFactory
doUnregister() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.ChangeObserver
Method called by ChangeObserver.unregister() that actually does the unregistering.
doUnregister(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.GraphNamespaceRegistry
doUseTerminator() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Returns if parser is using statement terminator or not.
drainUnusedConnections(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
DRIVER_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
DRIVER_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
DRIVER_CLASSLOADER_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
DRIVER_CLASSLOADER_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
driverClassNameAndUrlAreRequired - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataI18n
DROP - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
DROP_BEHAVIOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
DROP_COLUMN_DEFINITION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.AstNodeNames
DROP_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.util.SchemaGen
DROP_OPTION_TYPE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
DROP_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.db2.Db2DdlConstants.Db2StatementStartPhrases
DROP_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
DROP_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
DROP_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
DROP_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
DROP_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sqlserver.SqlServerDdlConstants.SqlServerStatementStartPhrases
DROP_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sybase.SybaseDdlConstants.SybaseStatementStartPhrases
DROP_TABLE_CONSTRAINT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.AstNodeNames
DTYPE_BFILE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleDataTypes
DTYPE_BIGINT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyDataTypes
DTYPE_BIGINT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
DTYPE_BIGSERIAL - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_BINARY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
DTYPE_BINARY_DOUBLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleDataTypes
DTYPE_BINARY_FLOAT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleDataTypes
DTYPE_BINARY_LARGE_OBJECT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyDataTypes
DTYPE_BIT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_BIT_VARYING - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_BLOB - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyDataTypes
DTYPE_BLOB - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
DTYPE_BLOB - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleDataTypes
DTYPE_BOOL - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
DTYPE_BOOL - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
DTYPE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_BOX - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_BYTEA - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_CHAR - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_CHAR_ORACLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleDataTypes
DTYPE_CHAR_VARYING - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_CHARACTER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_CHARACTER_LARGE_OBJECT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyDataTypes
DTYPE_CHARACTER_VARYING - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_CIDR - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_CIRCLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_CLOB - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyDataTypes
DTYPE_CLOB - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleDataTypes
DTYPE_CODE_ANY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_CODE_APROX_NUMERIC - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_CODE_BIT_STRING - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_CODE_CHAR_STRING - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_CODE_CUSTOM - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_CODE_DATE_TIME - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_CODE_EXACT_NUMERIC - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_CODE_MISC - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_CODE_NCHAR_STRING - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_DATE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_DATETIME - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
DTYPE_DEC - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_DECIMAL - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_DOUBLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyDataTypes
DTYPE_DOUBLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
DTYPE_DOUBLE_PRECISION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_ENUM - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
DTYPE_FIXED - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
DTYPE_FLOAT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_FLOAT4 - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_FLOAT8 - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_INET - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_INT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_INT2 - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_INT4 - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_INT8 - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_INTEGER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_INTERVAL - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_INTERVAL_DAY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleDataTypes
DTYPE_INTERVAL_YEAR - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleDataTypes
DTYPE_LINE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_LONG - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleDataTypes
DTYPE_LONG_RAW - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleDataTypes
DTYPE_LONG_VARCHAR - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyDataTypes
DTYPE_LONG_VARCHAR_FBD - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyDataTypes
DTYPE_LONGBLOB - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
DTYPE_LONGTEXT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
DTYPE_LSEG - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_MACADDR - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_MEDIUMBLOB - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
DTYPE_MEDIUMINT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
DTYPE_MEDIUMTEXT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
DTYPE_MONEY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_NATIONAL_CHAR - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_NATIONAL_CHAR_VARYING - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_NATIONAL_CHARACTER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_NATIONAL_CHARACTER_VARYING - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_NATIONAL_VARCHAR - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
DTYPE_NCHAR - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_NCHAR_VARYING - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_NCLOB - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleDataTypes
DTYPE_NUMBER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleDataTypes
DTYPE_NUMERIC - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_NVARCHAR2 - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleDataTypes
DTYPE_PATH - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_POINT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_POLYGON - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_RAW - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleDataTypes
DTYPE_REAL - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_SERIAL - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_SERIAL4 - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_SERIAL8 - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_SET - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
DTYPE_SMALLINT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_TEXT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
DTYPE_TEXT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_TIME - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_TIMESTAMPZ - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_TINYBLOB - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
DTYPE_TINYINT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
DTYPE_TINYTEXT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
DTYPE_TSQUERY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_TSVECTOR - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_TXID_SNAPSHOT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_UUID - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_VARBINARY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
DTYPE_VARBIT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_VARCHAR - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DataTypes
DTYPE_VARCHAR2 - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleDataTypes
DTYPE_XML - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyDataTypes
DTYPE_XML - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes
DTYPE_YEAR - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
duplicateTablesWithSameName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataI18n
Duration - Class in org.modeshape.common.math
A number representing an immutable duration of time.
Duration(long) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.math.Duration
Create a duration given the number of nanoseconds.
Duration(long, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.math.Duration
Create a duration and the time unit.
Duration.Components - Class in org.modeshape.common.math
The atomic components of this duration, broken down into whole hours, minutes and (fractional) seconds.
Duration.Components(int, int, double) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.math.Duration.Components
DurationOperations - Class in org.modeshape.common.math
The math operations for Durations.
DurationOperations() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
DynamicOperand - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A dynamic operand used in a Comparison constraint.
dynamicOperandCannotBeUsedInArithmeticOperation - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n


editor - Variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnWorkspace.SvnCommand
ELEMENT_CONTENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.ModeShapeXmlLexicon
elements() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
EMPTY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
empty() - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
Get an empty results column definition.
EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnWorkspace
EMPTY_CONTENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinary
EMPTY_CONTENT_POSITION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.text.Position
The position is used when there is no content.
EMPTY_PATH_ITERATOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
EMPTY_PROBLEMS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
EMPTY_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
EMPTY_RELATIVE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPath
EMPTY_STATISTICS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Statistics
EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.util.StringUtil
EmptyIterator<T> - Class in org.modeshape.common.collection
A reusuable Iterator implementation that has no elements.
EmptyIterator() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.collection.EmptyIterator
emptyNodeIterator() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryContext
emptyTuples() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.ProcessingComponent
Utility method to create a new tuples list that is empty.
encode(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.FilenameEncoder
Returns the encoded version of a string.
encode(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Jsr283Encoder
Returns the encoded version of a string.
encode(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.NoOpEncoder
Returns the encoded version of a string.
encode(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.SecureHashTextEncoder
Returns the encoded version of a string.
encode(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TextEncoder
Returns the encoded version of a string.
encode(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.UrlEncoder
Returns the encoded version of a string.
encode(String, BitSet) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.UrlEncoder
encode(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.XmlNameEncoder
Returns the encoded version of a string.
encode(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.XmlValueEncoder
Returns the encoded version of a string.
ENCODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Specify encoding in first bit.
encode(InputStream) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Encodes content of the supplied InputStream into Base64 notation.
encode(InputStream, int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Encodes the content of the supplied InputStream into Base64 notation.
encode(ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Performs Base64 encoding on the raw ByteBuffer, writing it to the encoded ByteBuffer.
encode(ByteBuffer, CharBuffer) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Performs Base64 encoding on the raw ByteBuffer, writing it to the encoded CharBuffer.
encode(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.JsonUtils
Forward slashes ('/') are not encoded.
encodeBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Encodes a byte array into Base64 notation.
encodeBytes(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Encodes a byte array into Base64 notation.
encodeBytes(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Encodes a byte array into Base64 notation.
encodeBytes(byte[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Encodes a byte array into Base64 notation.
encodeBytesToBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Similar to Base64.encodeBytes(byte[]) but returns a byte array instead of instantiating a String.
encodeBytesToBytes(byte[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Similar to Base64.encodeBytes(byte[], int, int, int) but returns a byte array instead of instantiating a String.
ENCODED - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
encodeFileToFile(String, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Reads infile and encodes it to outfile.
encodeFromFile(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Convenience method for reading a binary file and base64-encoding it.
encodeObject(Serializable) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Serializes an object and returns the Base64-encoded version of that serialized object.
encodeObject(Serializable, int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Serializes an object and returns the Base64-encoded version of that serialized object.
encodeToFile(byte[], String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Convenience method for encoding data to a file.
ENCODING - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
end() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder
Complete this constraint specification.
end() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder
Complete the order-by clause and return the QueryBuilder instance.
endCDATA() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
endContent() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
See if there is any element content that needs to be completed.
endDocument() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.xml.StreamingContentHandler
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
endEntity(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
endIndex() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CaseSensitiveToken
Get the index in the raw stream past the last character in the token.
endIndex() - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.Token
Get the index in the raw stream past the last character in the token.
endingBefore() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest
Get the index past the last child that is to be included in the block.
endPositionMustBeGreaterThanStartingPosition - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
endPrefixMapping(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler
endPrefixMapping(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
endsWith(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Determine if the path's Path.getLastSegment() has the supplied name and no SNS index.
endsWith(Name, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Determine if the path's Path.getLastSegment() has the supplied name and SNS index.
endsWith(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Determine if the path's Path.getLastSegment() has the supplied name and no SNS index.
endsWith(Name, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Determine if the path's Path.getLastSegment() has the supplied name and SNS index.
endsWith(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Determine if the path's Path.getLastSegment() has the supplied name and no SNS index.
endsWith(Name, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Determine if the path's Path.getLastSegment() has the supplied name and SNS index.
endsWith(Name) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Determine if the path's Path.getLastSegment() has the supplied name and no SNS index.
endsWith(Name, int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Determine if the path's Path.getLastSegment() has the supplied name and SNS index.
ENFORCE_REFERENTIAL_INTEGRITY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
engineIsNotRunning - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
engineStarted - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
engineStarting - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
engineStopped - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
engineStopping - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
enqueue(Visitable) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.NavigationVisitor
enqueue(Iterable<? extends Visitable>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.NavigationVisitor
ensureRegisteredInConnector(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrNamespaceRegistry
ensureValidProperties(ExecutionContext, String, Collection<Property>, Set<Name>) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource.StandardPropertiesFactory
Checks that the collection of properties only contains properties with allowable names.
ENTITY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.ModeShapeDtdLexicon
entityManager - Variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository
EntityManagers - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa
Utility class that owns an EntityManagerFactory instance and that provides references to EntityManager instances while providing the ability to properly clean up all resources by closing the EntityManager and EntityManagerFactory objects when no longer needed.
entrySet() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
ENUM - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
ENUM_VALUES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
EnumMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata
EnumMetadata(ClassFile) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.EnumMetadata
EnumMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata
Metadata for Java enums.
EnumMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.EnumMetadata
EQUAL_TO - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareLengthQuery
EQUAL_TO - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareStringQuery
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableAppendedList
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.Problem
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentConfig
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram.Bucket
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector.Rule
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.ChangeLogEntity
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.NamespaceEntity
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.WorkspaceEntity
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.Model
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.LargeValueEntity
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SubgraphNodeEntity
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.StoreOptionEntity
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.cache.BasicCachePolicy
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.FederatedRepositorySource
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.PathRule
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.DefaultMapNode
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.GraphNode
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.GraphWorkspace
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Two location objects are equal (or equivalent) if they share the same path and/or ID properties: if both locations have a path, they must have the same path; if both locations have ID properties, these properties must match.
equals(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Compare this location to the supplied location, and determine whether the two locations represent the same logical location.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.ChangeObserver.ChangeSourceReference
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.ChangeObservers.ObserverReference
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.Changes
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.NetChange
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinary
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicName
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicNamespace
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPathSegment
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicProperty
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPathSegment
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringReference
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidReference
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.PathExpression
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.PathExpression.Matcher
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.AllNodes
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.And
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ArithmeticOperand
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Between
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.BindVariableName
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ChildNode
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ChildNodeJoinCondition
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Column
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Comparison
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.DescendantNode
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.DescendantNodeJoinCondition
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.EquiJoinCondition
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch.CompoundTerm
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch.NegationTerm
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch.SimpleTerm
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearchScore
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Join
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Length
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Limit
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Literal
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.LowerCase
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NamedSelector
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodeDepth
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodeLocalName
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodeName
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodePath
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Not
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Or
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Ordering
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.PropertyExistence
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.PropertyValue
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Query
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ReferenceValue
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SameNode
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SameNodeJoinCondition
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SelectorName
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetCriteria
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetQuery
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.UpperCase
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.QueryParsers
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryContext
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.AccessQueryRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneBranchRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneWorkspaceRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CopyBranchRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateNodeRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateWorkspaceRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteBranchRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteChildrenRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DestroyWorkspaceRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.FullTextSearchRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.GetWorkspacesRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.LockBranchRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.MoveBranchRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllChildrenRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllPropertiesRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBranchRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNodeRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadPropertyRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RemovePropertyRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RenameNodeRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.SetPropertyRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UnlockBranchRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdatePropertiesRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.VerifyNodeExistsRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.VerifyWorkspaceRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NodeId
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.PropertyInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrNamedSelector
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Add
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.And
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.AnyKindTest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.AttributeNameTest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.AttributeTest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.AxisStep
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.CommentTest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Comparison
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.ContextItem
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.DescendantOrSelf
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.DocumentTest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.ElementTest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Except
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.FilterStep
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.FunctionCall
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Intersect
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Literal
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.NameTest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Negation
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.NodeComparison
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Or
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.OrderBy
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.OrderBySpec
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.ParenthesizedExpression
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.PathExpression
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.ProcessingInstructionTest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.SchemaAttributeTest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.SchemaElementTest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Subtract
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.TextTest
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Union
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathQueryParser
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenDependency
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId.Version
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryService
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerOutputMap.PropertyValue
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerPathExpression
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerPathExpression.Matcher
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService.SequencerCall
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.util.RepositoryNodePath
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfigurations.IndexId
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.db2.Db2DdlParser
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain.Repository
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain.Server
equals(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain.Workspace
EquiJoinCondition - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A join condition that tests whether a property on a node is equal to a property on another node.
EquiJoinCondition(SelectorName, String, SelectorName, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.EquiJoinCondition
Create an equi-join condition, given the names of the selector and property for the left- and right-hand-side of the join.
EquiJoinCondition(Column, Column) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.EquiJoinCondition
Create an equi-join condition, given the columns.
equiJoinCondition(SelectorName, String, SelectorName, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
equiJoinCondition(SelectorName, String, SelectorName, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
equiJoinCondition(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
equivalent(Object, Object) - Static method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.Utils
error(I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Logger
Log a message at the ERROR level according to the specified format and (optional) parameters.
error(Throwable, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Logger
Log an exception (throwable) at the ERROR level with an accompanying message.
ERROR - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.Problems
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
errorAddingOrUpdatingRuleSet - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorAddingProjectionRuleParseMethod - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
errorCleaningUpLocks - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
errorClosingBinaryStreamForPropertyFromNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorClosingConnection - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataI18n
errorClosingTempFileStreamAfterWritingContent - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenI18n
errorClosingUrlStreamToPom - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenI18n
errorConvertingIo - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
errorConvertingJcrValueOfType - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrConnectorI18n
errorConvertingType - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
errorCreatingInstanceOfClass - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorCreatingInstanceOfClassUsingClassLoaders - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorCreatingNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenI18n
errorCreatingUrlForMavenId - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenI18n
errorCreatingXpathParserToEvaluatePom - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenI18n
errorCreatingXpathStatementsToEvaluatePom - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenI18n
errorDeletingTempFileStreamAfterWritingContent - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenI18n
errorDeregisteringRuleSetBeforeUpdatingIt - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorExecutingRuleSetWithGlobalsAndFacts - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorFindingDataSourceInJndi - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataI18n
errorFindingDataSourceInJndi - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaConnectorI18n
errorFindingPropertyNameInPropertyAddedEvent - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorFindingPropertyNameInPropertyChangedEvent - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorFindingPropertyNameInPropertyRemovedEvent - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorFindingSequencersToRunAgainstNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorGettingNodeRelativeToNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorGettingOptionalPropertyFromNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorGettingPomFileForMavenIdAtUrl - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenI18n
errorGettingRequiredPropertyFromNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorGettingUrlForMavenProject - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenI18n
errorImportingCndContent - Static variable in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndI18n
errorImportingContent - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
errorInRepositoryWhileFindingSequencersToRunAgainstNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorInRepositoryWhileSequencingNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorInstantiatingParserForGrammarClasspath - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencerI18n
errorInstantiatingParserForGrammarUsingDefaultClasspath - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencerI18n
errorNotifyingObserver - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
errorObtainingConnection - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataI18n
errorObtainingDefaultWorkspaceName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
errorObtainingSessionToRepositoryWorkspace - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorObtainingWorkspaceNames - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
errorParsingDdlContent - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencerI18n
errorProcessingEvents - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorReadingConfigurationForFederatedRepositorySource - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
errorReadingLine - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.TextSequencerI18n
errorReadingNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenI18n
errorReadingPropertiesFromContainerNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorReadingPropertyValueBytes - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
errorReadingRulesAndProperties - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorReadingXmlDocumentToEvaluatePom - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenI18n
errorRecreatingRuleSet - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorRegisteringPersistentNamespace - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
errorRemovingRuleSet - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorRemovingRuleSetUponShutdown - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorResolvingNodesFromLocationsUsingSourceAndWorkspace - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
errorRollingBackRuleSetAfterUpdateFailed - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorSequencingClass - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerI18n
errorSequencingCndContent - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.cnd.CndSequencerI18n
errorSequencingDdlContent - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencerI18n
errorSequencingFile - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataI18n
errorSequencingXmlDocument - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerI18n
errorSerializingCachePolicyInSource - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanConnectorI18n
errorSerializingCachePolicyInSource - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheConnectorI18n
errorSerializingCachePolicyInSource - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
errorSerializingInMemoryCachePolicyInSource - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
errorSerializingObjectUsedInSource - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrConnectorI18n
errorSettingContextClassLoader - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataI18n
errorSettingContextClassLoader - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaConnectorI18n
errorSettingJavaBeanPropertyOnInstanceOfClass - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorShuttingDownExecutorServiceInSearchEngineIndexer - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
errorsPreventStarting - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorStartingRepositoryService - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorUnregisteringWorkspaceListenerWhileShuttingDownObservationService - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorUpdatingQueryIndexes - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
errorUsingJsr94RuleAdministrator - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorVerifyingWorkspaceName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
errorWhileCommittingIndexChanges - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneI18n
errorWhileFindingNodeWithPath - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
errorWhileFindingNodeWithUuid - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
errorWhileInitializingTheNamespaceRegistry - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
errorWhilePerformingAccessQuery - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
errorWhilePerformingQuery - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
errorWhileRollingBackIndexChanges - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneI18n
errorWhileSequencingNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
errorWritingNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenI18n
errorWritingProblemsOnRuleSet - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
ESCAPE_CHARACTER - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.text.FilenameEncoder
ESCAPE_CHARACTER - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.text.UrlEncoder
ETAG - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
ETAG - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrMixLexicon
evaluate(Object, Object) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.process.JoinComponent.Joinable
Obtain the value that is to be used in the join condition.
evaluate(Object[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.process.JoinComponent.ValueSelector
Obtain the value that is to be used in the join condition.
evaluate(Object[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.process.ProcessingComponent.DynamicOperation
Perform the dynamic evaluation to obtain the desired result.
evaluate(Object, Object) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SelectComponent.CompareOperation
Perform the comparison operation.
evaluator - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareQuery
ExcelMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.excel
Metadata for Excel (Full text contents and list of sheet names)
ExcelMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.excel.ExcelMetadata
ExcelMetadataReader - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.excel
Extracts data and some metadata from Excel files
ExcelMetadataReader() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.excel.ExcelMetadataReader
except() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Perform an EXCEPT between the query as defined prior to this method and the query that will be defined following this method.
except(QueryCommand, QueryCommand, Ordering[], Limit, boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryObjectModelFactory
Creates a query command that returns all rows that are in the result of the left-hand query but not in the result of the right-hand query.
except(QueryCommand, QueryCommand, Ordering[], Limit, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
Creates a query command that returns all rows that are in the result of the left-hand query but not in the result of the right-hand query.
exceptAll() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Perform an EXCEPT ALL between the query as defined prior to this method and the query that will be defined following this method.
ExceptComponent - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
ExceptComponent(QueryContext, QueryResults.Columns, Iterable<ProcessingComponent>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.ExceptComponent
EXCLUSION_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
execute(ExecutionContext, Request) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositoryConnection
Execute the supplied commands against this repository source.
execute(ScmAction, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.connector.scm.ScmActionExecutor
execute(ExecutionContext, Request) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaConnection
Execute the supplied commands against this repository source.
execute(ExecutionContext, Request) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Connection
Execute the supplied commands against this repository source.
execute(ExecutionContext, Request) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepositoryConnection
Execute the supplied commands against this repository source.
execute(ExecutionContext, Request) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRepositoryConnection
Execute the supplied commands against this repository source.
execute(ExecutionContext, Request) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnection
Execute the supplied commands against this repository source.
execute(ExecutionContext, Request) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool.ConnectionWrapper
Execute the supplied commands against this repository source.
execute() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.AccessQueryProcessor
Execute this stage of processing and return the resulting tuples that each conform to the columns.
execute() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Stop accumulating the requests, submit them to the repository source, and return the results.
execute() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.BuildQuery
Execute the query and get the results.
execute() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Executable
Stop accumulating the requests, submit them to the repository source, and return the results.
execute(Request) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Obtain a connection to the source, execute the supplied request, and check the request for errors.
execute(QueryContext, PlanNode, LinkedList<OptimizerRule>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.AddAccessNodes
Optimize the supplied plan using the supplied context, hints, and yet-to-be-run rules.
execute(QueryContext, PlanNode, LinkedList<OptimizerRule>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.ChooseJoinAlgorithm
Optimize the supplied plan using the supplied context, hints, and yet-to-be-run rules.
execute(QueryContext, PlanNode, LinkedList<OptimizerRule>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.CopyCriteria
Optimize the supplied plan using the supplied context, hints, and yet-to-be-run rules.
execute(QueryContext, PlanNode, LinkedList<OptimizerRule>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.OptimizerRule
Optimize the supplied plan using the supplied context, hints, and yet-to-be-run rules.
execute(QueryContext, PlanNode, LinkedList<OptimizerRule>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.PushProjects
Optimize the supplied plan using the supplied context, hints, and yet-to-be-run rules.
execute(QueryContext, PlanNode, LinkedList<OptimizerRule>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.PushSelectCriteria
Optimize the supplied plan using the supplied context, hints, and yet-to-be-run rules.
execute(QueryContext, PlanNode, LinkedList<OptimizerRule>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RaiseSelectCriteria
Optimize the supplied plan using the supplied context, hints, and yet-to-be-run rules.
execute(QueryContext, PlanNode, LinkedList<OptimizerRule>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RemoveEmptyAccessNodes
Optimize the supplied plan using the supplied context, hints, and yet-to-be-run rules.
execute(QueryContext, PlanNode, LinkedList<OptimizerRule>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.ReplaceViews
Optimize the supplied plan using the supplied context, hints, and yet-to-be-run rules.
execute(QueryContext, PlanNode, LinkedList<OptimizerRule>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RewriteAsRangeCriteria
Optimize the supplied plan using the supplied context, hints, and yet-to-be-run rules.
execute(QueryContext, PlanNode, LinkedList<OptimizerRule>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RewriteIdentityJoins
Optimize the supplied plan using the supplied context, hints, and yet-to-be-run rules.
execute(QueryContext, PlanNode, LinkedList<OptimizerRule>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RightOuterToLeftOuterJoins
Optimize the supplied plan using the supplied context, hints, and yet-to-be-run rules.
execute() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.DistinctComponent
Execute this stage of processing and return the resulting tuples that each conform to the columns.
execute() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.DistinctOfSortedComponent
Execute this stage of processing and return the resulting tuples that each conform to the columns.
execute() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.ExceptComponent
Execute this stage of processing and return the resulting tuples that each conform to the columns.
execute() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.IntersectComponent
Execute this stage of processing and return the resulting tuples that each conform to the columns.
execute() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.LimitComponent
Execute this stage of processing and return the resulting tuples that each conform to the columns.
execute() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.MergeJoinComponent
Execute this stage of processing and return the resulting tuples that each conform to the columns.
execute() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.NestedLoopJoinComponent
Execute this stage of processing and return the resulting tuples that each conform to the columns.
execute() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.NoResultsComponent
Execute this stage of processing and return the resulting tuples that each conform to the columns.
execute() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.ProcessingComponent
Execute this stage of processing and return the resulting tuples that each conform to the columns.
execute(QueryContext, QueryCommand, QueryResults.Statistics, PlanNode) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.process.Processor
Process the supplied query plan for the given command and return the results.
execute() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.ProjectComponent
Execute this stage of processing and return the resulting tuples that each conform to the columns.
execute(QueryContext, QueryCommand, QueryResults.Statistics, PlanNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryProcessor
Process the supplied query plan for the given command and return the results.
execute() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SelectComponent
Execute this stage of processing and return the resulting tuples that each conform to the columns.
execute() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SortLocationsComponent
Execute this stage of processing and return the resulting tuples that each conform to the columns.
execute() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SortValuesComponent
Execute this stage of processing and return the resulting tuples that each conform to the columns.
execute() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.UnionComponent
Execute this stage of processing and return the resulting tuples that each conform to the columns.
execute(QueryContext, QueryCommand) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.Queryable
Execute the supplied query by planning, optimizing, and then processing it.
execute(QueryContext, QueryCommand) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryEngine
Execute the supplied query by planning, optimizing, and then processing it.
execute(ExecutionContext, Request) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchableRepositorySource.ParallelConnection
Execute the supplied commands against this repository source.
execute(ExecutionContext, Request) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchableRepositorySource.SynchronousConnection
Execute the supplied commands against this repository source.
execute() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQuery
execute(QueryCommand, PlanHints, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryContext
execute() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSearch
execute(Node, String, NetChangeObserver.NetChange, Set<RepositoryNodePath>, SequencerContext, Problems) - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.Sequencer
Execute the sequencing operation on the supplied node, which has recently been created or changed.
execute(Node, String, NetChangeObserver.NetChange, Set<RepositoryNodePath>, SequencerContext, Problems) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.StreamSequencerAdapter
Execute the sequencing operation on the supplied node, which has recently been created or changed.
executed - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
executedRequest - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
executeRequestsAsynchronously() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchableRepositorySource
executingRequest - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
ExecutionContext - Class in org.modeshape.graph
An ExecutionContext is a representation of the environment or context in which a component or operation is operating.
ExecutionContext() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.ExecutionContext
Create an instance of an execution context that uses the current JAAS calling context , with default implementations for all other components (including default namespaces in the namespace registry.
ExecutionContext(ExecutionContext) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.ExecutionContext
Create a copy of the supplied execution context.
ExecutionContext(ExecutionContext, SecurityContext) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.ExecutionContext
Create a copy of the supplied execution context, but use the supplied AccessControlContext instead.
ExecutionContext(SecurityContext, NamespaceRegistry, ValueFactories, PropertyFactory, MimeTypeDetector, ClassLoaderFactory, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.ExecutionContext
Create an instance of the execution context by supplying all parameters.
executionContextHasBeenClosed - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
executorService() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchableRepositorySource
exist(SVNRepository) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryUtil
Check if the repository path exist.
existingStoreSpecifiesUnknownModel - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaConnectorI18n
exists(SVNRepository, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryUtil
exists() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.VerifyNodeExistsRequest
Return whether this node is known to exist.
exists(MavenId) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenRepository
Determine whether the identified library exists in this Maven repository.
exists(MavenId, MavenId...) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenRepository
Determine which of the identified libraries exist in this Maven repository.
expectedNamespaceOrNodeDefinition - Static variable in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndI18n
expectedValidNameLiteral - Static variable in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndI18n
expectedValidQueryOperator - Static variable in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndI18n
expectingComparisonOperator - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
expectingConstraintCondition - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
expectingLiteralAndUnableToParseAsDate - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
expectingLiteralAndUnableToParseAsDouble - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
expectingLiteralAndUnableToParseAsLong - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
expectingValidBooleanAtLineAndColumn - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
expectingValidIntegerAtLineAndColumn - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
expectingValidLongAtLineAndColumn - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
expectingValidName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
expectingValidNameAtLineAndColumn - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
expectingValidPath - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
expectingValidPathAtLineAndColumn - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
EXPIRATION_DATE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapeLexicon
explain(IndexReader, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareQuery.CompareWeight
explain(IndexReader, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.HasValueQuery.ExistsWeight
explain(IndexReader, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.IdsQuery.IdSetWeight
explain(IndexReader, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.MatchNoneQuery.NoneWeight
explain(IndexReader, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.NotQuery.NotWeight
explain(IndexReader, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ScoreQuery.NotWeight
expression - Variable in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector.Rule
expression() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.FullTextSearchRequest
Get the full-text search expression that is to be executed.
EXPRESSION_ASSIGNMENT_HANLDER_DELEGATION_CN - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3MetadataConstants
expressionPattern - Variable in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector.Rule
ExtensionBasedMimeTypeDetector - Class in org.modeshape.graph.mimetype
A MimeTypeDetector that attempts to match the extension of the supplied name against a set of known file extensions.
ExtensionBasedMimeTypeDetector() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.mimetype.ExtensionBasedMimeTypeDetector
Create a default instance of the extension-based MIME type detector.
ExtensionBasedMimeTypeDetector(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.mimetype.ExtensionBasedMimeTypeDetector
Create an instance of the extension-based MIME type detector by using the supplied mappings.
ExtensionBasedMimeTypeDetector(Map<String, String>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.mimetype.ExtensionBasedMimeTypeDetector
Create an instance of the extension-based MIME type detector by using the supplied mappings.
externalEntityDecl(String, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
extractAttributeNames(XPath.BinaryComponent) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator
Find any attribute names that have been unioned together (with '|').
extractChild(PlanNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Remove the child node from this node, and replace that child with its first child (if there is one).
extractChild(AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Remove the child node from this node, and replace that child with its first child (if there is one).
extractElementNames(XPath.BinaryComponent) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator
Find any element names that have been unioned together (with '|').
extractFromParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Extract this node from its parent, but replace this node with its child (if there is one).
extractFromParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Extract this node from its parent, but replace this node with its child (if there is one).
extractMixinTypes(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.StreamSequencerAdapter


failedToReadPropertiesFromManifest - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
failedToReadPropertyFromManifest - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
failingIfAnyUuidsMatch() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.WithUuids
fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
fatalErrorSequencingXmlDocument - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerI18n
FederatedRepositorySource - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation
A RepositorySource for a federated repository.
FederatedRepositorySource() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.FederatedRepositorySource
Construct a new instance of a RepositorySource for a federated repository.
federatedRepositorySourceMustBeInitialized - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
federatedSourceDoesNotSupportCloningWorkspaces - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
federatedSourceDoesNotSupportCreatingWorkspaces - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
federatedSourceDoesNotSupportDestroyingWorkspaces - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
federationServiceName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
FIELD - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
FIELD_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
FIELD_TYPE_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
FieldMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata
FieldMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata
FieldMetadata is the base class of all fields.
FieldMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.FieldMetadata
fieldName - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareQuery
The operand that is being negated by this query.
fieldName - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.HasValueQuery
fieldName - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.IdsQuery
fieldNameFor(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor.QueryFactory
FIELDS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
fieldSelector - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareQuery
fieldSelector - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.HasValueQuery
fieldSelector - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.IdsQuery
FieldUtil - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene
Utility for working with Lucene field values.
FILE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrNtLexicon
FILE_NODE_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.IJcrConstants
The JCR file node type (nt:file).
fileAlreadyExists - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
fileDoesNotExist - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
FILENAME_FILTER - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
FilenameEncoder - Class in org.modeshape.common.text
An encoder useful for converting text to be used within a filename on common file systems and operating systems, including Linux, OS X, and Windows XP.
FilenameEncoder() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.text.FilenameEncoder
FileNode - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json
The FileNode class is responsible for knowing how to create a URL for a file, create a JSON representation of a file, and to create the appropriate JCR nodes for a file.
FileNode(Workspace, String, File) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.FileNode
FileSystemI18n - Class in org.modeshape.connector.filesystem
The internationalized string constants for the org.modeshape.connector.filesystem* packages.
FileSystemI18n() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
FileSystemRepository - Class in org.modeshape.connector.filesystem
Implementation of Repository that provides access to an underlying file system.
FileSystemRepository(FileSystemSource) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemRepository
FileSystemSource - Class in org.modeshape.connector.filesystem
The RepositorySource for the connector that exposes an area of the local file system as content in a repository.
FileSystemSource() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
FileSystemSource.StandardPropertiesFactory - Class in org.modeshape.connector.filesystem
FileSystemSource.StandardPropertiesFactory() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource.StandardPropertiesFactory
FileUtil - Class in org.modeshape.common.util
A set of utilities for working with files and directories.
FileUtil() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.util.FileUtil
FINAL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
finalize() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Invokes shutdown when this pool is no longer referenced.
find(byte[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinaryValueFactory
Find an existing binary value given the supplied secure hash.
find(byte[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.BinaryFactory
Find an existing binary value given the supplied secure hash.
findAllAtOrBelow() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Find all of the nodes that are at or below this node.
findAllAtOrBelow(PlanNode.Traversal) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Find all of the nodes that are at or below this node.
findAllAtOrBelow(PlanNode.Type) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Find all of the nodes of the specified type that are at or below this node.
findAllAtOrBelow(PlanNode.Type, PlanNode.Type...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Find all of the nodes with one of the specified types that are at or below this node.
findAllAtOrBelow(Set<PlanNode.Type>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Find all of the nodes with one of the specified types that are at or below this node.
findAllAtOrBelow(PlanNode.Traversal, PlanNode.Type) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Find all of the nodes of the specified type that are at or below this node.
findAllAtOrBelow(PlanNode.Traversal, PlanNode.Type, PlanNode.Type...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Find all of the nodes with one of the specified types that are at or below this node.
findAllAtOrBelow(PlanNode.Traversal, Set<PlanNode.Type>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Find all of the nodes with one of the specified types that are at or below this node.
findAllFirstNodesAtOrBelow(PlanNode.Type) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Look at nodes below this node, searching for nodes that have the supplied type.
findAllNames(EntityManager) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.WorkspaceEntity
Find the set of names for the existing workspaces.
findAllNodesAtOrBelow(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceSession
findAllNodesAtOrBelow(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
findAllNodesBelow(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceSession
findAllNodesBelow(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
findAncestor(PlanNode.Type) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Starting at the parent of this node, find the lowest (also closest) ancestor that has the specified type.
findAncestor(PlanNode.Type, PlanNode.Type...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Starting at the parent of this node, find the lowest (also closest) ancestor that has one of the specified types.
findAncestor(Set<PlanNode.Type>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Starting at the parent of this node, find the lowest (also closest) ancestor that has one of the specified types.
findAtOrBelow(PlanNode.Type) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Find the first node with the specified type that are at or below this node.
findAtOrBelow(PlanNode.Type, PlanNode.Type...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Find the first node with one of the specified types that are at or below this node.
findAtOrBelow(Set<PlanNode.Type>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Find the first node with one of the specified types that are at or below this node.
findAtOrBelow(PlanNode.Traversal, PlanNode.Type) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Find the first node with the specified type that are at or below this node.
findAtOrBelow(PlanNode.Traversal, PlanNode.Type, PlanNode.Type...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Find the first node with one of the specified types that are at or below this node.
findAtOrBelow(PlanNode.Traversal, Set<PlanNode.Type>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Find the first node with one of the specified types that are at or below this node.
findBestChildForCriteria(PlanNode, PlanNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.PushSelectCriteria
findBestMethodOnTarget(String, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Reflection
Find the best method on the target class that matches the signature specified with the specified name and the list of arguments.
findBestMethodWithSignature(String, Class<?>...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Reflection
Find the best method on the target class that matches the signature specified with the specified name and the list of argument classes.
findByName(EntityManager, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.WorkspaceEntity
Find an existing workspace by its name, or create and return one if it does not already exist.
findByName(EntityManager, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.WorkspaceEntity
Find an existing workspace by its name.
findByUri(EntityManager, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.NamespaceEntity
Find an existing namespace by its URI, or create and return one if it does not already exist.
findByUri(EntityManager, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.NamespaceEntity
Find an existing namespace by its URI.
findChildNodes(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceSession
Return a query that can be used to find all of the documents that represent nodes that are children of the node at the supplied path.
findChildNodes(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
Return a query that can be used to find all of the documents that represent nodes that are children of the node at the supplied path.
findFirstMethod(String, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Reflection
Find the method on the target class that matches the supplied method name.
findFirstMethod(Pattern) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Reflection
Find the method on the target class that matches the supplied method name.
findGetterMethods() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Reflection
Find the getter methods on the target class that begin with "get" or "is", that have no parameters, and that return something other than void.
findGetterPropertyNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Reflection
Find the property names with getter methods on the target class.
findIndexOfMatchingConfiguration(ConfigType) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentLibrary
Find the index for the matching configuration and component.
findIndexOfMatchingConfiguration(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentLibrary
Find the index for the matching configuration and component.
findMethodNames(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Reflection
findMethods(String, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Reflection
Find the method on the target class that matches the supplied method name.
findMethods(Pattern) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Reflection
Find the methods on the target class that matches the supplied method name.
findNode(WorkspaceType, UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction
Attempt to find the node with the supplied UUID.
findNode(WorkspaceType, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction
Attempt to find the node with the supplied path.
findNodeAt(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceSession
Create a query that can be used to find the one document (or node) that exists at the exact path supplied.
findNodeAt(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
Create a query that can be used to find the one document (or node) that exists at the exact path supplied.
findNodeRelativeTo(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
Find the node with the supplied path relative to another node.
findNodeRelativeTo(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>, Path, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
Find the node with the supplied path relative to another node.
findNodesLike(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceSession
Create a query that can be used to find documents (or nodes) that have a field value that satisfies the supplied LIKE expression.
findNodesLike(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
findNodesWith(Length, Operator, Object) - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceSession
findNodesWith(PropertyValue, Operator, Object, boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceSession
findNodesWith(ReferenceValue, Operator, Object) - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceSession
findNodesWith(NodePath, Operator, Object, boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceSession
findNodesWith(NodeName, Operator, Object, boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceSession
findNodesWith(NodeLocalName, Operator, Object, boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceSession
findNodesWith(NodeDepth, Operator, Object) - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceSession
findNodesWith(Length, Operator, Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
findNodesWith(PropertyValue, Operator, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
findNodesWith(ReferenceValue, Operator, Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
findNodesWith(NodePath, Operator, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
findNodesWith(NodeName, Operator, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
findNodesWith(NodeLocalName, Operator, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
findNodesWith(NodeDepth, Operator, Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
findNodesWithNumericRange(PropertyValue, Object, Object, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceSession
findNodesWithNumericRange(NodeDepth, Object, Object, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceSession
findNodesWithNumericRange(PropertyValue, Object, Object, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
findNodesWithNumericRange(NodeDepth, Object, Object, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
findNodesWithNumericRange(String, Object, Object, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
findNodeWith(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
Find in the session the node with the supplied location.
findNodeWith(GraphSession.NodeId) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
Find in the session the node with the supplied identifier.
findNodeWith(GraphSession.NodeId, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
Find the node with the supplied identifier or, if no such node is found, the node at the supplied path.
findNodeWith(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
Find the node with the supplied path.
findNodeWith(Path, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
Find the node with the supplied path.
findOption(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.Option
Determine the option given the option name.
findOrCreateChild(Node, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrTools
Get or create a node with the specified node under the specified parent node.
findOrCreateChild(Node, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrTools
Get or create a node with the specified node and node type under the specified parent node.
findOrCreateNode(Session, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrTools
Get or create a node at the specified path.
findOrCreateNode(Session, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrTools
Get or create a node at the specified path and node type.
findOrCreateNode(Session, String, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrTools
Get or create a node at the specified path.
findOrCreateNode(Node, String, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrTools
Get or create a node at the specified path.
findOrCreateWorkspaceRoot(String, Cache<UUID, JBossCacheNode>, UUID) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheWorkspace
findOriginatingNode(PlanNode, List<PlanNode>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.PushSelectCriteria
Find the first node that has all of the same selectors as the supplied criteria.
findRequiredColumns(QueryContext, PlanNode) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil
Collected the minimum set of columns from the supplied table that are required by or used within the plan at the supplied node or above.
findRequiredColumnTypes(QueryContext, List<Column>, PlanNode) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil
finish() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.LoadAllChildrenVisitor
Method that should be called after all visiting has been done successfully (with no exceptions), including when no nodes were visited.
finish() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.LoadNodesVisitor
Method that should be called after all visiting has been done successfully (with no exceptions), including when no nodes were visited.
finish() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NodeVisitor
Method that should be called after all visiting has been done successfully (with no exceptions), including when no nodes were visited.
finishNodeAfterLoading(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.LoadNodesVisitor
Method that is called on each node loaded by this visitor.
finishParentAfterLoading(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.LoadAllChildrenVisitor
Method that is called at the end of the GraphSession.LoadAllChildrenVisitor.finish() stage with each parent node whose children were all loaded.
finishPendingRequest() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Finish any pending request
firstQuery - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
firstQueryAll - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
firstQuerySetOperation - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
FixedWidthTextSequencer - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.text
An text sequencer implementation that uses a list of column numbers to split incoming rows into fixed-width columns.
FixedWidthTextSequencer() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.FixedWidthTextSequencer
floatField(Name, Field.Store, Field.Index, Float, Float) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Builder
Define a float-based field in the indexes.
floatField(Name, Field.Store, Field.Index, Float) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Builder
Define a float-based field in the indexes.
floatField(Name, Field.Store, Field.Index) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Builder
Define a float-based field in the indexes.
FloatOperations - Class in org.modeshape.common.math
The math operations for float numbers.
FloatOperations() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
floatValue(Double) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
floatValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.Duration
floatValue(Duration) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
floatValue(Float) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
floatValue(Integer) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
floatValue(Long) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
floatValue(T) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
Convert the value to a float.
floatValue(Short) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
flushBase64() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64.OutputStream
Method added by PHIL.
FOLDER - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrNtLexicon
FOLDER_NODE_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.IJcrConstants
The JCR folder node type (nt:folder).
FolderNode - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json
The FolderNode class is responsible for knowing how to create a URL for a folder, create a JSON representation of a folder, and create the appropriate JCR nodes for a folder.
FolderNode(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.FolderNode
FOREIGN - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
FOREIGN_KEY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
FORMAL_PARAMETER - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
FORMAT_BMP - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
Return value of ImageMetadata.getFormat() for BMP streams.
FORMAT_GIF - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
Return value of ImageMetadata.getFormat() for GIF streams.
FORMAT_IFF - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
Return value of ImageMetadata.getFormat() for IFF streams.
FORMAT_JPEG - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
Return value of ImageMetadata.getFormat() for JPEG streams.
FORMAT_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadataLexicon
FORMAT_PBM - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
Return value of ImageMetadata.getFormat() for PBM streams.
FORMAT_PCX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
Return value of ImageMetadata.getFormat() for PCX streams.
FORMAT_PGM - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
Return value of ImageMetadata.getFormat() for PGM streams.
FORMAT_PNG - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
Return value of ImageMetadata.getFormat() for PNG streams.
FORMAT_PPM - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
Return value of ImageMetadata.getFormat() for PPM streams.
FORMAT_PSD - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
Return value of ImageMetadata.getFormat() for PSD streams.
FORMAT_RAS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
Return value of ImageMetadata.getFormat() for RAS streams.
FORMATTER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults
forSymbol(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ArithmeticOperator
Attempt to find the Operator given a symbol.
forSymbol(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.JoinType
Attempt to find the JoinType given a symbol.
forSymbol(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Operator
Attempt to find the Operator given a symbol.
forSymbol(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Order
Attempt to find the Order given a symbol.
forSymbol(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetQuery.Operation
forSymbol(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode.Type
Attempt to find the Type given a symbol.
forText(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.cnd.QueryOperator
forWorkspace(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine.WorkForWorkspaces
freeze() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanNode
Return the frozen node with all internal state reflective of any changes.
freeze() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheNode
Return the frozen node with all internal state reflective of any changes.
freeze() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
Return the frozen node with all internal state reflective of any changes.
freeze() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
Return the frozen node with all internal state reflective of any changes.
freeze() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryNode
Return the frozen node with all internal state reflective of any changes.
freeze() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.Request
Freeze this request to prevent any further modification.
freeze() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdatePropertiesRequest
Freeze this request to prevent any further modification.
from - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CloneAction
from - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CopyAction
from(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.FromName
from(Name) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.FromName
from(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.RemoveValueAction
from(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.RemoveValueAction
from(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Specify the name of the table from which tuples should be selected.
from() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneBranchRequest
Get the location defining the top of the branch to be cloned
from() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CopyBranchRequest
Get the location defining the top of the branch to be copied
from() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.MoveBranchRequest
Get the location defining the top of the branch to be moved
from() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RemovePropertyRequest
Get the location defining the node from which the property is to be removed.
fromAccessFlags(int) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.Visibility
fromAllNodes() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Specify that the query should select from the "__ALLNODES__" built-in table.
fromAllNodesAs(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Specify that the query should select from the "__ALLNODES__" built-in table using the supplied alias.
fromBigDecimal(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
fromBigDecimal(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
fromBigDecimal(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
fromBigDecimal(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
fromBigDecimal(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
fromBigDecimal(BigDecimal) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
Convert the BigDecimal representation into the natural object representation.
fromBigDecimal(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
fromString(String, ExecutionContext) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection
Parse the string form of a rule definition and return the rule
fromWorkspace(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CloneAction
fromWorkspace(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CopyAction
fromWorkspace(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.FromWorkspace
fromWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneBranchRequest
Get the name of the workspace containing the branch to be cloned.
fromWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CopyBranchRequest
Get the name of the workspace containing the branch to be copied.
fromWorkspaceName - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CopyAction
FROZEN_MIXIN_TYPES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
FROZEN_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
FROZEN_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNtLexicon
FROZEN_PRIMARY_TYPE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
FROZEN_UUID - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
FULL - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.MatchType
FULL_CONTENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon
FULL_TEXT_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchWorkspace
Given the name of a property field of the form "<namespace>:<local>" (where <namespace> can be zero-length), this provider also stores the value(s) for free-text searching in a field named ":ft:<namespace>:<local>".
FULL_TEXT_RESULT_COLUMNS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchProcessor
fullOuterJoin(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Perform a full outer join between the already defined source with the supplied table.
fullOuterJoinAllNodesAs(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Perform a full outer join between the already defined source with the "__ALL_NODES" table using the supplied alias.
fullTextFieldName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
Create the field name that will be used to store the full-text searchable property values.
fullTextFieldName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchProcessor
Create the field name that will be used to store the full-text searchable property values.
FullTextSearch - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A constraint that evaluates to true only when a full-text search applied to the search scope results in positive findings.
FullTextSearch(SelectorName, String, String, FullTextSearch.Term) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch
Create a constraint defining a full-text search against the property values on node within the search scope.
FullTextSearch(SelectorName, String, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch
Create a constraint defining a full-text search against the property values on node within the search scope.
FullTextSearch(SelectorName, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch
Create a constraint defining a full-text search against the node within the search scope.
fullTextSearch(SelectorName, String, String, FullTextSearch.Term) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
fullTextSearch(SelectorName, String, String, FullTextSearch.Term) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
fullTextSearch(String, String, StaticOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
FullTextSearch.CompoundTerm - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A list of FullTextSearch.Terms.
FullTextSearch.CompoundTerm(List<FullTextSearch.Term>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch.CompoundTerm
Create a compound term of the supplied terms.
FullTextSearch.Conjunction - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A set of FullTextSearch.Terms that are ANDed together.
FullTextSearch.Conjunction(List<FullTextSearch.Term>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch.Conjunction
Create a conjunction of the supplied terms.
FullTextSearch.Disjunction - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A set of FullTextSearch.Terms that are ORed together.
FullTextSearch.Disjunction(List<FullTextSearch.Term>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch.Disjunction
Create a disjunction of the supplied terms.
FullTextSearch.NegationTerm - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A FullTextSearch.Term that represents a search term that requires another term to not appear.
FullTextSearch.NegationTerm(FullTextSearch.Term) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch.NegationTerm
FullTextSearch.SimpleTerm - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A FullTextSearch.Term that represents a single search term.
FullTextSearch.SimpleTerm(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch.SimpleTerm
Create a simple term with the value and whether the term is excluded or included.
FullTextSearch.Term - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
The general notion of a term that makes up a full-text search.
fullTextSearchable - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.TypedRule
fullTextSearchExpression() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch
Get the full-text search expression, as a string.
FullTextSearchParser - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.parse
A QueryParser implementation that parses a full-text search expression.
FullTextSearchParser() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.FullTextSearchParser
FullTextSearchRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
A Request to perform a full-text search on a graph.
FullTextSearchRequest(String, String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.FullTextSearchRequest
Create a new request to execute the supplied query against the name workspace.
FullTextSearchResultColumns - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
A specialization of QueryResultColumns that can be used to represent results containing only the Location of the node and the
FullTextSearchResultColumns() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.FullTextSearchResultColumns
Create a new definition for the query results containing just the locations and the full-text search scores.
FullTextSearchResultColumns(List<Column>, List<String>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.FullTextSearchResultColumns
Create a new definition for the query results given the supplied columns.
FullTextSearchScore - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A dynamic operand that evaluates to the full-text search score of a node given by a selector, used in a Comparison constraint and Orderings.
FullTextSearchScore(SelectorName) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearchScore
Create a dynamic operand that evaluates to the full-text search score of the node identified by the selector.
fullTextSearchScore(SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
fullTextSearchScore(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ArithmeticBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table such that they must satisfy the supplied full-text search on the nodes' property values.
fullTextSearchScore(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table such that they must satisfy the supplied full-text search on the nodes' property values.
fullTextSearchScore(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.DynamicOperandBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table such that they must satisfy the supplied full-text search on the nodes' property values.
fullTextSearchScore(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.OrderByOperandBuilder
Adds to the order-by clause by using the full-text search score for the given table.
fullTextSearchScore(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.SingleOrderByOperandBuilder
Adds to the order-by clause by using the full-text search score for the given table.
fullTextSearchScore(SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
fullTextSearchScore(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
FULLY_QUALFIED_NAME_PATTERN_STRING - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
FUNCTION_PARAMETER - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
FUNCTION_PARAMETER_MODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
functionIsAmbiguous - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
future - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel
The Future that is submitted to the ExecutorService to do the processing, which is used to CompositeRequestChannel.await() until the processing is completed or cancel the work


GENERATED_COLUMN_SPEC_CLAUSE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
GENERATED_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.GraphNamespaceRegistry
generatePrefix() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.SimpleNamespaceRegistry
get(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableAppendedList
get(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
get(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.LogContext
Get the context identified by the key parameter.
get(String, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Namespaces
get(String, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Workspaces
Get the workspace with the supplied name, and optionally create a new one if missing.
get(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.Children
get(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.InMemoryWorkspaceCache
get(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.WorkspaceCache
Retrieves the cached node with the given path, it it exists and is valid
getAbstractQueryModel() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQuery
Get the underlying and immutable Abstract Query Model representation of this query.
getAccessRequest() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.AccessQueryProcessor
Get the access query request.
getActorIdExpression() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3SwimlaneMetadata
getActualAddedValues() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdateValuesRequest
Get the actual added values.
getActualChildrenDeleted() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteChildrenRequest
Get the list of the actual children that were deleted.
getActualLocation(WorkspaceType, Location, NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Processor
getActualLocation(Location, MapNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRequestProcessor
getActualLocation() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.LockBranchRequest
Get the actual location of the node that was locked.
getActualLocation() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UnlockBranchRequest
Get the actual location of the node that was unlocked.
getActualLocationAfter() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneBranchRequest
Get the actual location of the node after being cloned.
getActualLocationAfter() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CopyBranchRequest
Get the actual location of the node after being copied.
getActualLocationAfter() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.MoveBranchRequest
Get the actual location of the node after being moved.
getActualLocationAfter() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RenameNodeRequest
Get the actual location of the node after being renamed.
getActualLocationBefore() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneBranchRequest
Get the actual location of the node before being cloned.
getActualLocationBefore() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CopyBranchRequest
Get the actual location of the node before being copied.
getActualLocationBefore() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.MoveBranchRequest
Get the actual location of the node before being moved.
getActualLocationBefore() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RenameNodeRequest
Get the actual location of the node before being renamed.
getActualLocationOfNode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateNodeRequest
Get the actual location of the node that was created.
getActualLocationOfNode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteBranchRequest
Get the actual location of the node that was deleted.
getActualLocationOfNode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteChildrenRequest
Get the actual location of the node that was deleted.
getActualLocationOfNode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllChildrenRequest
Get the actual location of the node whose children were read.
getActualLocationOfNode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllPropertiesRequest
Get the actual location of the node whose properties were read.
getActualLocationOfNode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest
Get the actual location of the node whose children were read.
getActualLocationOfNode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBranchRequest
Get the actual location of the node that was read.
getActualLocationOfNode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNodeRequest
Get the actual location of the node whose children and properties were read.
getActualLocationOfNode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadPropertyRequest
Get the actual location of the node whose property was read.
getActualLocationOfNode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RemovePropertyRequest
Get the actual location of the node that was updated.
getActualLocationOfNode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.SetPropertyRequest
Get the actual location of the node that was updated.
getActualLocationOfNode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdatePropertiesRequest
Get the actual location of the node that was updated.
getActualLocationOfNode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdateValuesRequest
Get the actual location of the node that was updated.
getActualLocationOfNode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.VerifyNodeExistsRequest
Get the actual location of the node whose properties were read.
getActualLocationOfRoot() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneWorkspaceRequest
Get the actual location of the root node in the new workspace, or null if the workspace was not (yet) created.
getActualLocationOfRoot() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateWorkspaceRequest
Get the actual location of the root node in the new workspace, or null if the workspace was not (yet) created.
getActualLocationOfRoot() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DestroyWorkspaceRequest
Get the actual location of the root node in the new workspace, or null if the workspace was not (yet) created.
getActualLocationOfRoot() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.VerifyWorkspaceRequest
Get the actual location of the root node in the new workspace, or null if the workspace was not (yet) created.
getActualLocationOfStartingAfterNode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest
Get the actual location of the starting after sibling.
getActualProperty() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdateValuesRequest
Get the actual node property that was created or updated.
getActualRemovedValues() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdateValuesRequest
Get the actual removed values.
getActualWorkspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneWorkspaceRequest
Get the actual name of the workspace that was created.
getActualWorkspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateWorkspaceRequest
Get the actual name of the workspace that was created.
getActualWorkspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.VerifyWorkspaceRequest
Get the actual name of the workspace.
getAddedOrModifiedProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.NetChange
Get the combination of added and modified properties.
getAddedProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.NetChange
getAdministrator() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary
getAdministrator() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryService
getAdministrator() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService
Return the administrative component for this service.
getAdministrator() - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.service.AdministeredService
getAlbum() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.mp3.Mp3Metadata
getAlgorithm() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.SecureHashTextEncoder
Return the secure hash algorithm used by this encoder.
getAllChildren(Long, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.RequestProcessorCache
getAllChildren(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.RequestProcessorCache.WorkspaceCache
getAllNodeTypes() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeManager
getAllowsSameNameChildren() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
getAnalyzer() - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceSession
getAnalyzer() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
getAncestor(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPath
Return the path to the ancestor of the supplied degree.
getAncestor(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ChildPath
Return the path to the ancestor of the supplied degree.
getAncestor(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Return the path to the ancestor of the supplied degree.
getAncestor(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Return the path to the ancestor of the supplied degree.
getAncestor(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Return the path to the ancestor of the supplied degree.
getAncestorPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrDescendantNode
getAncestorSelectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrDescendantNodeJoinCondition
getAnnotationClassName() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.AnnotationMetadata
getAnnotationMetada() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.PackageMetadata
getAnnotations() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.ClassMetadata
getAnnotations() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.FieldMetadata
getAnnotations() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.MethodMetadata
getAnnotations() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.FieldMetadata
getAnnotations() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.MethodMetadata
getAnnotations() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.TypeMetadata
getArtifactId() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId
The identifier for this artifact that is unique within the group given by the group ID.
getAssignment() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3SwimlaneMetadata
Get the delegated instance, the assignment.
getAttributeDeclarationName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.SchemaAttributeTest
getAttributeName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.AttributeTest
getAttributeName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.OrderBySpec
Get the attribute name for this order specification.
getAttributeScoping() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencer
getAuthor() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.mp3.Mp3Metadata
getAuthor() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadata
getAutoGenerateSchema() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Get the Hibernate setting dictating what it does with the database schema upon first connection.
getAvailableWorkspaceNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.GetWorkspacesRequest
Get the names of workspaces that are available (at least to the current user)
getAverageDuration() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Stopwatch
Get the average duration that this stopwatch has recorded.
getBatch() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.GraphQueryContext
Get the Graph.Batch that is being used to execute these queries
getBinaryFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StandardValueFactories
Get the value factory for binary properties.
getBinaryFactory() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactories
Get the value factory for binary properties.
getBinaryFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem
Get the type factory for binary objects.
getBinaryFactory() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.TypeSystem
Get the type factory for binary objects.
getBinaryValueFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ObjectValueFactory
getBindVariableName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrBindVariableName
getBindVariableNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQuery
getBindVariableNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSearch
getBitsPerPixel() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
If ImageMetadata.check() was successful, returns the image's number of bits per pixel.
getBooleanFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StandardValueFactories
Get the value factory for boolean properties.
getBooleanFactory() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactories
Get the value factory for boolean properties.
getBooleanFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem
Get the type factory for boolean types.
getBooleanFactory() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.TypeSystem
Get the type factory for boolean types.
getBranch(Location, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.Workspace
Retrieves the branch of nodes rooted at the given location using the subgraph bulk accessor method.
getBucketBoundaries(MathOperations<T>, T, T, T, T, int, int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram
getBucketCount() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram
Return the number of buckets in this histogram.
getBuckets() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram
Get the buckets in this histogram.
getBundleProperties() - Static method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository
getBundleProperty(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository
getBytes() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.InMemoryBinary
Get the contents of this data as a byte array.
getBytes() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Binary
Get the contents of this data as a byte array.
getCache() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheRepository
getCache(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.PathRepositoryCache
Gets the cache for the named workspace, creating a cache if necessary.
getCacheClass() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.InMemoryWorkspaceCache.InMemoryCachePolicy
getCacheClass() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.NoCachePolicy
getCacheClass() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.PathCachePolicy
Return the class to be used as the cache implementation
getCacheConfigurationName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
Get the name of the configuration that should be used if a cache is to be created using the CacheManager found in JNDI or the DefaultCacheManager if needed.
getCacheConfigurationName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
Get the name of the configuration that should be used if a cache is to be created using the CacheFactory found in JNDI or the DefaultCacheFactory if needed.
getCacheFactoryJndiName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
Get the name in JNDI of a CacheFactory instance that should be used to create the cache for this source.
getCacheJndiName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
Get the name in JNDI of a Cache instance that should be used by this source.
getCacheManager() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanRepository
Get the cache manager used by this repository.
getCacheManagerJndiName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
Get the name in JNDI of a CacheManager instance that should be used to create the cache for this source.
getCachePolicy() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Returns the current cache policy
getCachePolicy() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.cache.Cacheable
Get the caching policy to be used for this object.
getCachePolicy() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractPathRepositorySource
Returns the cache policy for the repository source
getCachePolicy() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRepositorySource
Returns the cache policy for the repository source
getCachePolicy() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CacheableRequest
Get the caching policy to be used for this object.
getCacheTimeToLiveInMilliseconds() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Get the time in milliseconds that content returned from this source may used while in the cache.
getCanonicalPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Get the canonical form of this path.
getCanonicalPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Get the canonical form of this path.
getCanonicalPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Get the canonical form of this path.
getCanonicalPath() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Get the canonical form of this path.
getCanonicalPathFailed - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
getCanonicalValue(Object) - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.property.PropertyType
Obtain a value of this type in its canonical form.
getCapabilities() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
Get the capabilities for this source.
getCapabilities() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
Get the capabilities for this source.
getCapabilities() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
Get the capabilities for this source.
getCapabilities() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
Get the capabilities for this source.
getCapabilities() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
getCapabilities() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Get the capabilities for this source.
getCapabilities() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
Get the capabilities for this source.
getCapabilities() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.FederatedRepositorySource
Get the capabilities for this source.
getCapabilities() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
Get the capabilities for this source.
getCapabilities() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySource
Get the capabilities for this source.
getCapabilities() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchableRepositorySource
Get the capabilities for this source.
getCatalogNames(Connection) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataCollector
getCatalogNames(Connection) - Method in interface org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.MetadataCollector
Return the list of catalog names that currently exist in the database to which connection is connected.
getCenturyOfEra() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Get the era of this instance in time.
getCenturyOfEra() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Get the era of this instance in time.
getChangeCount() - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceSession
Get the number of changes that have been made to the workspace using this session.
getChangeCount() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
Get the number of changes that have been made to the workspace using this session.
getChangedOrAdded(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.WorkspaceChanges
getChangedOrAdded(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction.WorkspaceChanges
getChangeRequests() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.Changes
Get the list of changes.
getChanges() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.ChangeLogEntity
getChanges() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Obtain the list of ChangeRequests that were successfully processed by this processor.
getChangesFor(WorkspaceType, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction
Get the changes for the supplied workspace, optionally creating the necessary object if it does not yet exist.
getChangesFor(WorkspaceType, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction
Get the changes for the supplied workspace, optionally creating the necessary object if it does not yet exist.
getCharacters() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadata
getChild(WorkspaceType, NodeType, Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction
Find in the supplied parent node the child with the supplied name and same-name-sibling index.
getChild(WorkspaceType, NodeType, Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction
Find in the supplied parent node the child with the supplied name and same-name-sibling index.
getChild(WorkspaceType, NodeType, Path.Segment) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Transaction
Find in the supplied parent node the child with the supplied name and same-name-sibling index.
getChild(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Get the child at the supplied index.
getChild(Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Get the child with the supplied segment.
getChild(Name, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Get the child with the supplied name and SNS index.
getChild(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Get the child at the supplied index.
getChildCount() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Get the number of child nodes.
getChildCount() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Get the number of child nodes.
getChildforNameAndType(AstNode, String, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNodeFactory
Utility method to obtain a AstNode child of a parent AstNode with the given string name and node type.
getChildName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
getChildNamespace() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
getChildren() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
getChildren() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode
getChildren(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode.Changes
getChildren() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
getChildren(WorkspaceType, NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction
Get the children for the supplied node.
getChildren(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode.Changes
getChildren() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
getChildren(WorkspaceType, NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction
Get the children for the supplied node.
getChildren(WorkspaceType, NodeType) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Transaction
Get the children for the supplied node.
getChildren() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.DefaultMapNode
getChildren() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapNode
getChildren() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request that the children be read on the node defined via the of(...)
getChildren() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.GraphNode
getChildren() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Node
Get the children of the node.
getChildren() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Get the unmodifiable list of child nodes.
getChildren() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllChildrenRequest
Get the children that were read from the RepositoryConnection after the request was processed.
getChildren() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest
Get the children that were read from the RepositoryConnection after the request was processed.
getChildren(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBranchRequest
Get the children of the node at the supplied location.
getChildren() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest
Get the children that were read from the RepositoryConnection after the request was processed.
getChildren() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNodeRequest
Get the children that were read from the RepositoryConnection after the request was processed.
getChildren(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Get an iterator over the children that have the supplied name.
getChildren() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Get an iterator over the children.
getChildren() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Get the unmodifiable list of child nodes.
getChildrenCount() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Get the number of children.
getChildrenCount(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Get the number of children that have the same supplied name.
getChildrenForType(AstNode, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNodeFactory
Utility method to obtain the children of a given node that match the given type
getChildrenNames(ITransaction, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ModeShapeWebdavStore
getChildrenSegments() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.GraphNode
getChildrenSegments() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Node
Get the list of child segments.
getChildSegments() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.DefaultPathNode
getChildSegments() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathNode
getChildSelectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrChildNodeJoinCondition
getClasses() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.JcrApplication
getClassifier() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId
getClassLoader(String...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.component.ClassLoaderFactory
Get a class loader for the supplied classpath.
getClassLoader(String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.component.StandardClassLoaderFactory
Get a class loader for the supplied classpath.
getClassLoader(String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.ExecutionContext
Get a class loader for the supplied classpath.
getClassLoader(ClassLoader, MavenId...) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenRepository
Get a class loader that has as its classpath the JARs for the libraries identified by the supplied IDs.
getClassLoader(String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenRepository
Get a class loader that has as its classpath the JARs for the libraries identified by the supplied IDs.
getClassLoader(ClassLoader, String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenRepository
Get a class loader that has as its classpath the JARs for the libraries identified by the supplied IDs.
getClassLoaderFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentLibrary
Get the class loader factory that should be used to load the component classes.
getClassLoaderFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.ExecutionContext
Get the class loader factory used by this context.
getClassLoaderFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.mimetype.MimeTypeDetectors
Gets the class loader factory that should be used to load MIME-type detectors.
getClassLoaderFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.ConfigurationDefinition
getClassName(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Reflection
Returns the name of the class.
getClassName() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.ClassMetadata
getClasspath() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencer
Get the names of the classloaders that should be used to load any non-standard DdlParser implementations specified in the list of grammars.
getCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.Problem
getColumn() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Position
Get the 1-based column number of the character.
getColumn(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Schemata.Table
Get the information for a column with the supplied name within this table.
getColumnCount() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
Get the number of columns in each tuple.
getColumnCount() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Columns
Get the number of columns in each tuple.
getColumnIndexForName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
Get the index of the column given the column name.
getColumnIndexForName(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Columns
Get the index of the column given the column name.
getColumnIndexForProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
Get the index of the column given the name of the selector and the property name from where the column should be obtained.
getColumnIndexForProperty(String, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Columns
Get the index of the column given the name of the selector and the property name from where the column should be obtained.
getColumnName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrColumn
getColumnNameList() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult
getColumnNameList() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryResult
getColumnNameList() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.XPathQueryResult
getColumnNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
Get the names of the columns.
getColumnNames() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Columns
Get the names of the columns.
getColumnNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult
getColumns(Connection, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataCollector
getColumns(Connection, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.MetadataCollector
Return the list of columns that currently exist in the database to which connection is connected within the named catalog (if catalogName is non-null), named schema (if schemaName is non-null), and named table.
getColumns() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.ProcessingComponent
Get the column definitions.
getColumns() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
Get the columns.
getColumns() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults
Get the description of the columns contained in these results.
getColumns() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Columns
Get the columns.
getColumns() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults
Get the description of the columns contained in these results.
getColumns() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.ImmutableKey
Get the columns that make up this key.
getColumns() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Schemata.Key
Get the columns that make up this key.
getColumns() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Schemata.Table
Get the queryable columns in this table.
getColumns() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryCommand
Gets the columns for this query.
getColumns() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModel
getColumns() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSelectQuery
Gets the columns for this query.
getColumns() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetQuery
Gets the columns for this query.
getColumns() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetQueryObjectModel
Gets the columns for this query.
getColumnsByName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Schemata.Table
Get the queryable columns in this table.
getColumnSize() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.ColumnMetadata
getColumnsReferencedBy(Visitable) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.CopyCriteria
Get the set of Column objects that represent those columns referenced by the visitable object.
getColumnsReferencedBy(Visitable) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RaiseSelectCriteria
Get the set of Column objects that represent those columns referenced by the visitable object.
getColumnTypeList() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult
getColumnTypeList() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryResult
getColumnTypes() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
Get the type name for each column.
getColumnTypes() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Columns
Get the type name for each column.
getColumnTypes() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.QueryResult
Returns an array of the PropertyType name for each of the columns in this result.
getColumnTypes() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult
Returns an array of the PropertyType name for each of the columns in this result.
getComment(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
Returns the index'th comment retrieved from the file.
getComment() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.mp3.Mp3Metadata
getComment() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadata
getCommentMarker() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.AbstractTextSequencer
getCommonAncestor(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Find the lowest common ancestor of this path and the supplied path.
getCommonAncestor(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Find the lowest common ancestor of this path and the supplied path.
getCommonAncestor(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Find the lowest common ancestor of this path and the supplied path.
getCommonAncestor(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Find the lowest common ancestor of this path and the supplied path.
getComparator() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
getComparator() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
getComparator() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
getComparator() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
getComparator() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
getComparator() - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
Return a Comparator for this operand class.
getComparator() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
getComparator() - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.property.PropertyType
getComparator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem.Factory
Get a comparator that can be used to store the values of this type.
getComparator() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.TypeSystem.TypeFactory
Get a comparator that can be used to store the values of this type.
getComparison(QueryContext, Comparison, Comparison, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RewriteAsRangeCriteria
Get the comparison with the smallest (or largest) value.
getCompatibleType(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem
Get the type that is compatible with both of the supplied types.
getCompatibleType(String, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.TypeSystem
Get the type that is compatible with both of the supplied types.
getComponentClassname() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentConfig
Get the fully-qualified name of the Java class used for instances of this component
getComponentClasspath() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentConfig
Get the classpath defined in terms of strings compatible with a ClassLoaderFactory.
getComponentClasspathArray() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentConfig
Get the classpath defined as an array of strings compatible with a ClassLoaderFactory.
getComponents() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.Duration
Return the duration components.
getComponents() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId.Version
getComponentType() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.ArrayTypeFieldMetadata
getConfigType() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3AssignmentMetadata
Get the configType.
getConfiguration() - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.component.Component
Return the configuration for this component, as supplied to the last Component.setConfiguration(ComponentConfig) invocation.
getConfiguration(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource.DefaultRepositoryContext
Get a snapshot of the current configuration for the RepositorySource.
getConfiguration(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryContext
Get a snapshot of the current configuration for the RepositorySource.
getConfiguration(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.FederatedRepositoryContext
Get a snapshot of the current configuration for the RepositorySource.
getConfiguration() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.StreamSequencerAdapter
Return the configuration for this component, as supplied to the last Component.setConfiguration(ComponentConfig) invocation.
getConfiguration(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.SimpleRepositoryContext
Get a snapshot of the current configuration for the RepositorySource.
getConfigurationDefinition() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Get the immutable representation of the information defining where the configuration content can be found.
getConfigurationGraph() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeEngine
Get a graph to the configuration content.
getConfigurationSource() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary
getConfigurationSourceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryService
getConfigurationWorkspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary
getConfigurationWorkspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryService
getConnection() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
Get a connection from this source.
getConnection() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
Get a connection from this source.
getConnection() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
Get a connection from this source.
getConnection() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
Get a connection from this source.
getConnection() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
getConnection() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Get a connection from this source.
getConnection() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
Get a connection from this source.
getConnection() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.FederatedRepositorySource
Get a connection from this source.
getConnection() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
Get a connection from this source.
getConnection() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Get a connection from the pool.
getConnection() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySource
Get a connection from this source.
getConnection() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchableRepositorySource
Get a connection from this source.
getConnectionFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Get the RepositoryConnectionFactory that this graph uses to create repository connections.
getConnectionFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.AbstractSearchEngine
getConnectionPool(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary
Get the connection pool managing the RepositorySource with the specified name managed by this instance.
getConstraint() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.SelectQuery
Gets the constraint for this query.
getConstraint() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrNot
getConstraint() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModel
getConstraint() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSelectQuery
Gets the constraint for this query.
getConstraint1() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrAnd
getConstraint1() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrOr
getConstraint2() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrAnd
getConstraint2() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrOr
getConstructorMetadataFrom(MethodDeclaration) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.AbstractJavaMetadata
Get ConstructorMetadata
getConstructors() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.ClassMetadata
getContent() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.FileNode
getContent() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.JsonNode
getContentBetween(Position, Position) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Gets the content string starting at the first position (inclusive) and continuing up to the end position (exclusive).
getContentNodeForMavenResource(Session, MavenUrl) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
getContentReader() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
getContentSearcher() - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceSession
getContentSearcher() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
getContentWriter() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
getContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
getContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
getContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
getContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.BaseTransaction
Get the context in which this operator executes.
getContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Repository
getContext() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Transaction
Get the context in which this operator executes.
getContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Get the context of execution within which operations on this graph are performed.
getContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.io.GraphImporter
Get the context in which the importer will be executed.
getContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
getContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.ProcessingComponent
Get the context in which this query is being executed.
getContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.ConfigurationDefinition
getContextId() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.Changes
Get the identifier of the ExecutionContext where these changes originated.
getCoordinates() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId
getCorePoolSize() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Returns the core number of connections.
getCount() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.SimpleStatistics
Get the number of values that have been measured.
getCount() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Stopwatch
Return the number of runs (complete starts and stops) this stopwatch has undergone.
getCreated() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadata
getCreatingApplication() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadata
getCredentials() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
Get the JCR credentials that should be used.
getCredentials() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
getCurrentMarkedPosition() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
getCurrentTime() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
getCurrentWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Get the name of the current workspace being used by this graph.
getCurrentWorkspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Get the name of the workspace that this batch is using.
getCurrentWorkspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Get the name of the current workspace being used by this graph.
getCursor() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults
Get a cursor that can be used to walk through the results.
getCursor() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults
Get a cursor that can be used to walk through the results.
getCustomDataTypeStartWords() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlParser
Returns a list of custom data type start words which can be used to help identify a column definition sub-statement.
getCustomDataTypeStartWords() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlParser
Returns a list of custom data type start words which can be used to help identify a column definition sub-statement.
getCustomDataTypeStartWords() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlParser
Returns a list of custom data type start words which can be used to help identify a column definition sub-statement.
getCustomDataTypeStartWords() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlParser
Returns a list of custom data type start words which can be used to help identify a column definition sub-statement.
getCustomDataTypeStartWords() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Returns a list of custom data type start words which can be used to help identify a column definition sub-statement.
getCustomPropertiesFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
Get the factory that is used to create custom properties on "nt:folder", "nt:file", and "nt:resource" nodes.
getData() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.LargeValueEntity
getData() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
Get the data that represents the packed properties.
getData() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.ExecutionContext
Get the immutable map of custom data that is affiliated with this context.
getData() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.Changes
Get the data associated with these changes.
getDataSourceJndiName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
getDataSourceJndiName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
getDatatypeParser() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Returns the data type parser instance.
getDataTypeStartWords() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Returns a list of data type start words which can be used to help identify a column definition sub-statement.
getDateFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StandardValueFactories
Get the value factory for date properties.
getDateFactory() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactories
Get the value factory for date properties.
getDateTimeFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem
Get the type factory for date-time objects.
getDateTimeFactory() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.TypeSystem
Get the type factory for date-time objects.
getDayOfMonth() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Get the day of the month value of this instance in time.
getDayOfMonth() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Get the day of the month value of this instance in time.
getDayOfWeek() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Get the day of the week value of this instance in time.
getDayOfWeek() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Get the day of the week value of this instance in time.
getDayOfYear() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Get the day of the year of this instance in time.
getDayOfYear() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Get the day of the year of this instance in time.
getDecimalDigits() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.ColumnMetadata
getDecimalFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StandardValueFactories
Get the value factory for decimal properties.
getDecimalFactory() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactories
Get the value factory for decimal properties.
getDecimalFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem
Get the type factory for decimal types.
getDecimalFactory() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.TypeSystem
Get the type factory for decimal types.
getDeclaredChildNodeDefinitions() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeTemplate
getDeclaredPropertyDefinitions() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeTemplate
getDeclaredSupertypeNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeTemplate
Get the direct supertypes for this node type.
getDecoder() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
Get the text decoder.
getDecoder(TextDecoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
Utility method to obtain either the supplied decoder (if not null) or this factory's decoder.
getDefault() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.maven.MavenDependency.Scope
getDefaultCachePolicy() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
Get the default cache policy for this source, or null if the global default cache policy should be used
getDefaultCachePolicy() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
Get the default cache policy for this source, or null if the global default cache policy should be used
getDefaultCachePolicy() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositoryConnection
Get the default cache policy for this repository.
getDefaultCachePolicy() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
Get the default cache policy for this source, or null if the global default cache policy should be used
getDefaultCachePolicy() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaConnection
getDefaultCachePolicy() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.AbstractRepositorySource
Returns the cache policy for the repository source
getDefaultCachePolicy() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.BaseRepositorySource
Returns the cache policy for the repository source
getDefaultCachePolicy() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Connection
Get the default cache policy for this repository.
getDefaultCachePolicy() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
Get the default cache policy for this source, or null if the global default cache policy should be used
getDefaultCachePolicy() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepositoryConnection
Get the default cache policy for this repository.
getDefaultCachePolicy() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepositorySource
Returns the cache policy for the repository source
getDefaultCachePolicy() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRepositoryConnection
Get the default cache policy for this repository.
getDefaultCachePolicy() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnection
Get the default cache policy for this repository.
getDefaultCachePolicy() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool.ConnectionWrapper
Get the default cache policy for this repository.
getDefaultCachePolicy() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Get the default cache policy for this graph.
getDefaultCachePolicy() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
getDefaultCachePolicy() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchableRepositorySource.AbstractConnection
Get the default cache policy for this repository.
getDefaultCatalogName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
Get the name of the default catalog.
getDefaultComparator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem
Get the comparator that should be used by default.
getDefaultComparator() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.TypeSystem
Get the comparator that should be used by default.
getDefaultLength() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
getDefaultMappings() - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.MimeTypeUtil
Load the default extensions from MimeTypeUtil.MIME_TYPE_EXTENSIONS_RESOURCE_PATH, which can either be a property file or a tab-delimited *nix-style MIME types file (common in web servers and libraries).
getDefaultNamespaceUri() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrNamespaceRegistry
Return the namespace URI that is currently mapped to the empty prefix, or null if there is no current default namespace.
getDefaultNamespaceUri() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.GraphNamespaceRegistry
Return the namespace URI that is currently mapped to the empty prefix, or null if there is no current default namespace.
getDefaultNamespaceUri() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LocalNamespaceRegistry
Return the namespace URI that is currently mapped to the empty prefix, or null if there is no current default namespace.
getDefaultNamespaceUri() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NamespaceRegistryWithAliases
Return the namespace URI that is currently mapped to the empty prefix, or null if there is no current default namespace.
getDefaultNamespaceUri() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.SimpleNamespaceRegistry
Return the namespace URI that is currently mapped to the empty prefix, or null if there is no current default namespace.
getDefaultNamespaceUri() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ThreadSafeNamespaceRegistry
Return the namespace URI that is currently mapped to the empty prefix, or null if there is no current default namespace.
getDefaultNamespaceUri() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.NamespaceRegistry
Return the namespace URI that is currently mapped to the empty prefix, or null if there is no current default namespace.
getDefaultPrecision() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
getDefaultScale() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
getDefaultSchemaName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
Get the name of the default schema.
getDefaultType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem
Get the name of the type that is used by default.
getDefaultType() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.TypeSystem
Get the name of the type that is used by default.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.ColumnMetadata
getDefaultWorkspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
Get the name of the default workspace.
getDefaultWorkspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
Get the name of the default workspace.
getDefaultWorkspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
Get the name of the default workspace.
getDefaultWorkspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
Get the name of the default workspace.
getDefaultWorkspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Get the name of the default workspace.
getDefaultWorkspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
Get the path to the existing directory that should be used for the default workspace.
getDefaultWorkspaceName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.BaseRepositorySource
Get the name of the workspace that should be used by default.
getDefaultWorkspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Repository
getDefaultWorkspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
Get the name of the workspace that should be used by default.
getDefaultWorkspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepository
getDefaultWorkspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRepository
getDefaultWorkspaceName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRepositorySource
Get the name of the default workspace.
getDefinition() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Schemata.View
Get the query that is the definition of the view.
getDependencies(MavenId) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenRepository
Get the dependencies for the Maven project with the specified ID.
getDependencies(MavenId, InputStream, MavenDependency.Scope...) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenRepository
Get the dependencies for the Maven project with the specified ID.
getDepth() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SubgraphNodeEntity
getDepth() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor.LocationWithDepth
getDepthForLoadingNodes() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
Get the subgraph depth that is read when a node is loaded from the persistence store.
getDescendantSelectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrDescendantNodeJoinCondition
getDescription() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentConfig
Get the description for this component
getDescription() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Stopwatch
getDescription() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.ColumnMetadata
getDescription() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.ProcedureMetadata
getDescription() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.TableMetadata
getDescription() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.Model
Get the description of this model in the default locale.
getDescription(Locale) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.Model
Get the description of this model in the supplied locale.
getDescription() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable
getDescription() - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.SetDescription
Get the description of this component.
getDescription() - Method in enum org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.Visibility
getDescriptor(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository
getDescriptorKeys() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository
getDescriptorValue(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository
getDescriptorValues(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository
getDestination() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerContext
Returns the I/O environment in which this sequencer context operates
getDetailedStatistics() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Stopwatch
Return this stopwatch's detailed statistics, if they are being kept.
getDialect() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
getDir(SVNRepository, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryUtil
getDirectory(String, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfiguration
Get the Directory that should be used for the workspace with the supplied name.
getDirectory(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfigurations.PoolingDirectoryFactory
Get the Directory that should be used for the workspace with the supplied name.
getDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext, Location, File) - Method in interface org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.CustomPropertiesFactory
Construct the custom properties that should be created for the supplied directory that is to be treated as an "nt:folder".
getDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext, Location, File) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource.StandardPropertiesFactory
getDoubleFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StandardValueFactories
Get the value factory for double properties.
getDoubleFactory() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactories
Get the value factory for double properties.
getDoubleFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem
Get the type factory for double types.
getDoubleFactory() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.TypeSystem
Get the type factory for double types.
getDriverClassloaderName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
getDriverClassloaderName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
getDriverClassName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
getDriverClassName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
getDueDate() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3TaskMetadata
getDuratinInNanoseconds() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.Duration
Return the total duration in nanoseconds.
getDuration(TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.Duration
Get the duration value in the supplied unit of time.
getDurationInMicroseconds() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.Duration
Return the total duration in microseconds, which may contain a fraction part for the sub-microsecond component.
getDurationInMilliseconds() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.Duration
Return the total duration in microseconds, which may contain a fraction part for the sub-microsecond component.
getDurationInSeconds() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.Duration
Return the total duration in microseconds, which may contain a fraction part for the sub-microsecond component.
getElementDeclarationName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.SchemaElementTest
getElementName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.ElementTest
getElementTest() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.DocumentTest
getElementType() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.ArrayTypeFieldMetadata
getEncoder() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringValueFactory
getEndStateMetadata() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3Metadata
getEntityManager() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SubgraphQuery
getEntityManagers() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Returns the current EntityManagers reference.
getEra() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Get the era of this instance in time.
getEra() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Get the era of this instance in time.
getError() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.Request
Get the error associated with this request, if there is such an error.
getException() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.Status
getExceptionsToRule() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.PathRule
Get the paths that define the exceptions to this rule.
getExclusionPattern() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
Get the regular expression that, if matched by a file or folder, indicates that the file or folder should be ignored
getExclusions() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenDependency
Exclusions explicitly tell Maven that you don't want to include the specified project that is a dependency of this dependency (in other words, its transitive dependency).
getExecutionContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource.DefaultRepositoryContext
Get the execution context, which can be used to create other contexts with specific JAAS security contexts.
getExecutionContext() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryContext
Get the execution context, which can be used to create other contexts with specific JAAS security contexts.
getExecutionContext() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.io.Destination
Obtain the execution context of the destination.
getExecutionContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.io.GraphBatchDestination
Obtain the execution context of the destination.
getExecutionContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
The execution context that this process is operating within.
getExecutionContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.FederatedRepositoryContext
Get the execution context, which can be used to create other contexts with specific JAAS security contexts.
getExecutionContext() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryContext
getExecutionContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
getExecutionContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeEngine
Get the context in which this engine is executing.
getExecutionContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary
getExecutionContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerContext
Returns the execution context under which this sequencer context operates
getExecutionContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService
getExecutionContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.SimpleRepositoryContext
Get the execution context, which can be used to create other contexts with specific JAAS security contexts.
getExecutionContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.cnd.CndSequencer.OutputDestination
Obtain the execution context of the destination.
getExecutionContextForEngine() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Utility method used by ModeShapeConfiguration.build() to get the ExecutionContext instance for the engine.
getExecutionEnvironment() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryService
getExecutionTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Statistics
Get the time required to execute the query.
getExecutorService() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService
Get the executor service used to run the sequencers.
getExpectedType() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.process.ProcessingComponent.DynamicOperation
Get the expected type of the result of this evaluation
getExpirations() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.CacheStatistics
getExpirations() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.DefaultCacheStatistics
getExpirationTime() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.GraphNode
getExpirationTime() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Node
Get the time at which this node representation should no longer be used.
getExpirationTimeInMillis() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Get the time when this node expires.
getExponentInScientificNotation(Double) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
getExponentInScientificNotation(Duration) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
getExponentInScientificNotation(Float) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
getExponentInScientificNotation(Integer) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
getExponentInScientificNotation(Long) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
getExponentInScientificNotation(T) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
Get the exponent if the number were written in exponential form.
getExponentInScientificNotation(Short) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
getExpression() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.PathExpression
getExpression() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3AssignmentMetadata
Get the assignment expression for the jpdl identity component.
getFieldMetadataFrom(FieldDeclaration) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.AbstractJavaMetadata
Gets a field meta data from FieldDeclaration.
getFieldName(FieldDeclaration) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.AbstractJavaMetadata
getFields() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.ClassMetadata
getFields() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.EnumMetadata
getFields() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.TypeMetadata
Gets a ordered lists of FieldMetadata from the unit.
getFilenameFilter() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
getFileProperties(ExecutionContext, Location, File) - Method in interface org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.CustomPropertiesFactory
Construct the custom properties that should be created for the supplied file that is to be treated as an "nt:file".
getFileProperties(ExecutionContext, Location, File) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource.StandardPropertiesFactory
getFindRepositoriesUrl() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.ServerNode
getFirstChild(WorkspaceType, NodeType, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.BaseTransaction
Find in the supplied parent node the first child with the supplied name.
getFirstChild(WorkspaceType, NodeType, Name) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Transaction
Find in the supplied parent node the first child with the supplied name.
getFirstChild() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Get the first child.
getFirstChild(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Get the first child matching the name and lowest SNS index
getFirstChild() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Get the first child.
getFirstValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicEmptyProperty
Obtain the property's first value in its natural form.
getFirstValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicMultiValueProperty
Obtain the property's first value in its natural form.
getFirstValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicSingleValueProperty
Obtain the property's first value in its natural form.
getFirstValue() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Property
Obtain the property's first value in its natural form.
getFormat() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
If ImageMetadata.check() was successful, returns the image format as one of the FORMAT_xyz constants from this class.
getFormatName() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
If ImageMetadata.check() was successful, returns the image format's name.
getFqClassName() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3AssignmentMetadata
Get the full qualified name of the class delegation.
getFullTextSearchExpression() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrFullTextSearch
getFullTextSearchScoreIndex() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.FullTextSearchResultColumns
Get the index of the tuple value containing the full-text search score for the node.
getFullTextSearchScoreIndexFor(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
Get the index of the tuple value containing the full-text search score for the node taken from the named selector.
getFullTextSearchScoreIndexFor(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Columns
Get the index of the tuple value containing the full-text search score for the node taken from the named selector.
getGeneratedPrefixTemplate() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.SimpleNamespaceRegistry
getGrammars() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencer
Get the names of the grammars that should be considered during processing.
getGraph() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.BaseResults
Get the graph containing the node.
getGraph() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Obtain the graph that this batch uses.
getGraph() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.GraphNode
getGraph() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.io.GraphImporter
The graph that this importer uses.
getGraph() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Node
Get the graph containing the node.
getGraph() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Results
Get the graph containing the node.
getGraph(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeEngine
Get a graph to the underlying source.
getGraph(ExecutionContext, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeEngine
Get a graph to the underlying source, using the supplied context.
getGroupId() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId
A universally unique identifier for a project.
getHandlerForImportingXml(Location, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.io.GraphImporter
Return an XmlHandler that can be used to import content directly into the supplied location.
getHash(SecureHash.Algorithm, byte[]) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.SecureHash
Get the hash of the supplied content, using the supplied digest algorithm.
getHash(SecureHash.Algorithm, File) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.SecureHash
Get the hash of the supplied content, using the supplied digest algorithm.
getHash(SecureHash.Algorithm, InputStream) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.SecureHash
Get the hash of the supplied content, using the supplied digest algorithm.
getHash(String, byte[]) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.SecureHash
Get the hash of the supplied content, using the digest identified by the supplied name.
getHash(String, File) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.SecureHash
Get the hash of the supplied content, using the digest identified by the supplied name.
getHash(String, InputStream) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.SecureHash
Get the hash of the supplied content, using the digest identified by the supplied name.
getHash() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.LargeValueEntity
getHash() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.InMemoryBinary
Get the SHA-1 hash of the contents.
getHash() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Binary
Get the SHA-1 hash of the contents.
getHeaderLevel() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.word.WordMetadata.WordHeading
getHeadings() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.word.WordMetadata
getHeight() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
If ImageMetadata.check() was successful, returns one the image's vertical resolution in pixels.
getHexString(byte[]) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.StringUtil
Get the hexadecimal string representation of the supplied byte array.
getHints() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryContext
Get the plan hints.
getHistogram() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.DetailedStatistics
Return the histogram of the values.
getHistogram(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.DetailedStatistics
Return the histogram of the values.
getHistogram(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Stopwatch
Return the histogram of this stopwatch's individual runs.
getHits() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.CacheStatistics
getHits() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.DefaultCacheStatistics
getHostname() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenUrl
Get the host name
getHostnameAndPort() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenUrl
getHourOfDay() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Get the hour of the day of this instance in time.
getHourOfDay() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Get the hour of the day of this instance in time.
getHours() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.Duration.Components
Get the whole hours in this duration.
getId() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.ChangeLogEntity
getId() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.NamespaceEntity
getId() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.WorkspaceEntity
getId() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SubgraphNodeEntity
getId() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SubgraphQueryEntity
getId() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.ExecutionContext
Get the unique identifier for this context.
getId() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Snapshot
getId() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenDependency
The identifier of the artifact for this dependency.
getId() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.MethodMetadata
getId() - Method in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParser
Get the identifier for this parser.
getId() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlParser
Get the identifier for this parser.
getId() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlParser
Get the identifier for this parser.
getId() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlParser
Get the identifier for this parser.
getId() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlParser
Get the identifier for this parser.
getId() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Get the identifier for this parser.
getId() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.MethodMetadata
getId() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.JsonNode
getIdentifyingKeywords() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlParser
getIdentifyingKeywords() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
getIdleTimeInSecondsBeforeTestingConnections() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
getIdleTimeInSecondsBeforeTestingConnections() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
getIdProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Get the identification properties that (at least in part) define this location.
getIdProperty(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Get the identification property with the supplied name, if there is such a property.
getImports() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.JavaMetadata
Gets a list of from the unit.
getIndex() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPathSegment
Get the index for this segment, which will be 1 by default.
getIndex() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path.Segment
Get the index for this segment, which will be 1 by default.
getIndexInContent() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Position
Get the 0-based index of this position in the content character array.
getIndexInParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
Get the zero-based index of this child within the parent's list of children
getIndexInParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SubgraphNodeEntity
getIndexName() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfigurations.IndexId
getIndexOption() - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Rule
getIndexOption() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.SkipRule
getIndexOption() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.TypedRule
getInputPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.PathExpression.Matcher
getInputPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.sequencer.StreamSequencerContext
Return the path of the input node containing the content being sequenced.
getInputPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerPathExpression.Matcher
getInputProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.sequencer.StreamSequencerContext
Return the set of properties from the input node containing the content being sequenced.
getInputProperty(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.sequencer.StreamSequencerContext
Return the property with the supplied name from the input node containing the content being sequenced.
getInputStream(MavenUrl) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
Obtain an input stream to the existing content at the location given by the supplied MavenUrl.
getInputStream() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider.MavenUrlConnection
getInstance(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentLibrary
Get the instance given by the configuration with the supplied name.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector
getInstance() - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.text.NoOpEncoder
getInstance() - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.ProjectionParser
Get the shared projection parser, which is by default populated with the standard parser rules.
getInstanceOf(Object, Class<C>, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Checks that the object is an instance of the specified Class and then returns the object cast to the specified Class
getInstances() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentLibrary
Return the list of components.
getInterfaceNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.TypeMetadata
getInterfaces() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.ClassMetadata
getInUseCount() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Returns the approximate number of connections that are currently checked out from the pool.
getInvalidReferences() - Method in exception org.modeshape.graph.property.ReferentialIntegrityException
getItem(HttpServletRequest, String, String, String, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.JcrResources
Handles GET requests for an item in a workspace.
getJavadocMetadata() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.PackageMetadata
getJavaSourceFromTheInputStream(InputStream, long, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataUtil
Gets Java source from the InputStream.
getJcrRepositoryNames() - Static method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.RepositoryFactory
getJcrRepositoryNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.spi.ModeShapeJcrRepositoryProvider
getJcrRepositoryNames() - Method in interface org.modeshape.web.jcr.spi.RepositoryProvider
Returns the available repository names JCR implementations that do not support multiple repositories on the same server should provide a singleton set containing some default repository name.
getJdbcDataType() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.ColumnMetadata
getJndiName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
Gets the JNDI name this source is bound to.
getJndiName() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryService
getJoinCondition() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.JoinComponent
Get the join condition.
getJoinCondition() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrJoin
getJoinConditions() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryParser.JoinableSources
getJoinCriteriaPosition() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryParser.JoinableSources
getJoinType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.JoinComponent
Get the type of join this processor represents.
getJoinType() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrJoin
getKeepAliveTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Returns the connection keep-alive time, which is the amount of time which connections in excess of the core pool size may remain idle before being closed.
getKey(Schemata.Column...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Schemata.Table
Obtain this table's key that contains exactly those columns listed.
getKey(Iterable<Schemata.Column>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Schemata.Table
Obtain this table's key that contains exactly those columns listed.
getKeys() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Schemata.Table
Get the collection of keys for this table.
getKeywords() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadata
getKMG(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
Returns the K, M or G string value of a tokenized complex BLOB or CLOB length value Example: BLOB (100M) or CLOB(64K)
getKMGValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataType
getLanguage() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.QueryParser
Get the name of the language that this parser is able to understand.
getLanguage() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
Get the name of the language that this parser is able to understand.
getLanguage() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQomQueryParser
Get the name of the language that this parser is able to understand.
getLanguage() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
Get the name of the language that this parser is able to understand.
getLanguage() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryParser
Get the name of the language that this parser is able to understand.
getLanguage() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrAbstractQuery
getLanguage() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathQueryParser
Get the name of the language that this parser is able to understand.
getLanguages() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.QueryParsers
Get the set of languages that this engine is capable of parsing.
getLargeValues() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
getLargeValueSizeInBytes() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
getLastChild() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Get the last child.
getLastChild() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Get the last child.
getLastPrinted() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadata
getLastSavedBy() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadata
getLastSegment() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Get the last segment in this path.
getLastSegment() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ChildPath
Get the last segment in this path.
getLastSegment() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Get the last segment in this path.
getLastSegment() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Get the last segment in this path.
getLastSegment() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Get the last segment in this path.
getLastStep() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.PathExpression
getLeft() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.ArithmeticOperand
Get the left-hand operand.
getLeft() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.SetQuery
Get the left-hand query.
getLeft() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrArithmeticOperand
Get the left-hand operand.
getLeft() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrJoin
getLeft() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetQuery
Get the left-hand query.
getLeft() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetQueryObjectModel
Get the left-hand query.
getLeft() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.BinaryComponent
getLength() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.ColumnMetadata
getLength() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.LargeValueEntity
getLength() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataType
getLevel() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Logger
Get the logging level at which this logger is current set.
getLevel() - Method in exception org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParserProblem
getLimits() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryCommand
Get the limits associated with this query.
getLimits() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSelectQuery
Get the limits associated with this query.
getLimits() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetQuery
Get the limits associated with this query.
getLimits() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetQueryObjectModel
Get the limits associated with this query.
getLine() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Position
Get the 1-based line number of the character.
getLiteralValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrLiteral
getLocalizationBundle(String, Locale) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.i18n.ClasspathLocalizationRepository
Obtain the URL to the properties file containing the localized messages given the supplied bundle name.
getLocalizationBundle(String, Locale) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.i18n.LocalizationRepository
Obtain the URL to the properties file containing the localized messages given the supplied bundle name.
getLocalizationProblemLocales() - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
getLocalizationProblemLocales(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.i18n.I18n
Note, calling this method will not trigger localization of the supplied internationalization class.
getLocalizationProblemLocales() - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
getLocalizationProblemLocales() - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanConnectorI18n
getLocalizationProblemLocales() - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheConnectorI18n
getLocalizationProblemLocales() - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrConnectorI18n
getLocalizationProblemLocales() - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataI18n
getLocalizationProblemLocales() - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaConnectorI18n
getLocalizationProblemLocales() - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
getLocalizationProblemLocales() - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
getLocalizationProblemLocales() - Static method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenI18n
getLocalizationProblemLocales() - Static method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
getLocalizationProblemLocales() - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneI18n
getLocalizationProblemLocales() - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerI18n
getLocalizationProblemLocales() - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.cnd.CndSequencerI18n
getLocalizationProblemLocales() - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencerI18n
getLocalizationProblemLocales() - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageSequencerI18n
getLocalizationProblemLocales() - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataI18n
getLocalizationProblemLocales() - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataI18n
getLocalizationProblemLocales() - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.TextSequencerI18n
getLocalizationProblemLocales() - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerI18n
getLocalizationProblems() - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
getLocalizationProblems(Locale) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
getLocalizationProblems(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.i18n.I18n
Note, calling this method will not trigger localization of the supplied internationalization class.
getLocalizationProblems(Class<?>, Locale) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.i18n.I18n
Note, calling this method will not trigger localization of the supplied internationalization class.
getLocalizationProblems() - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
getLocalizationProblems(Locale) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
getLocalizationProblems() - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanConnectorI18n
getLocalizationProblems(Locale) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanConnectorI18n
getLocalizationProblems() - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheConnectorI18n
getLocalizationProblems(Locale) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheConnectorI18n
getLocalizationProblems() - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrConnectorI18n
getLocalizationProblems(Locale) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrConnectorI18n
getLocalizationProblems() - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataI18n
getLocalizationProblems(Locale) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataI18n
getLocalizationProblems() - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaConnectorI18n
getLocalizationProblems(Locale) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaConnectorI18n
getLocalizationProblems() - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
getLocalizationProblems(Locale) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
getLocalizationProblems() - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
getLocalizationProblems(Locale) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
getLocalizationProblems() - Static method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenI18n
getLocalizationProblems(Locale) - Static method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenI18n
getLocalizationProblems() - Static method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
getLocalizationProblems(Locale) - Static method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
getLocalizationProblems() - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneI18n
getLocalizationProblems(Locale) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneI18n
getLocalizationProblems() - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerI18n
getLocalizationProblems(Locale) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerI18n
getLocalizationProblems() - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.cnd.CndSequencerI18n
getLocalizationProblems(Locale) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.cnd.CndSequencerI18n
getLocalizationProblems() - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencerI18n
getLocalizationProblems(Locale) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencerI18n
getLocalizationProblems() - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageSequencerI18n
getLocalizationProblems(Locale) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageSequencerI18n
getLocalizationProblems() - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataI18n
getLocalizationProblems(Locale) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataI18n
getLocalizationProblems() - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataI18n
getLocalizationProblems(Locale) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataI18n
getLocalizationProblems() - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.TextSequencerI18n
getLocalizationProblems(Locale) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.TextSequencerI18n
getLocalizationProblems() - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerI18n
getLocalizationProblems(Locale) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerI18n
getLocalizationRepository() - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.i18n.I18n
Get the repository of localized messages.
getLocalName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicName
Get the local name part of this qualified name.
getLocalName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Name
Get the local name part of this qualified name.
getLocalNamespaces() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LocalNamespaceRegistry
Obtain the set of namespaces that are overridden within this LocalNamespaceRegistry instance.
getLocalTest() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.NameTest
getLocation() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.Problem
getLocation() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAt
Complete this request, submit it, and return the actual location of the created node.
getLocation() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.GraphNode
getLocation() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Node
Get the location of the node.
getLocation() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.NetChange
getLocation() - Method in exception org.modeshape.graph.property.PathNotFoundException
Get the path that was not found
getLocation(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults.TupleCursor
Get from the current row the location of the node from which the value in the given column was taken.
getLocation(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults.TupleCursor
Get from the current row the location of the node that was produced by the named selector.
getLocation(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Cursor
Get from the current row the location of the node from which the value in the given column was taken.
getLocation(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Cursor
Get from the current row the location of the node that was produced by the named selector.
getLocation() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor.LocationWithDepth
getLocation() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Get the current location for this node.
getLocation() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Snapshot
getLocation() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Subgraph
Get the location of the subgraph, which is the location of the node at the top of the subgraph.
getLocationCount() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
Get the number of Location objects in each tuple.
getLocationCount() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Columns
Get the number of Location objects in each tuple.
getLocationFor(Long, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.RequestProcessorCache
getLocationFor(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.RequestProcessorCache.WorkspaceCache
getLocationFor(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBranchRequest
Get the location for the supplied path.
getLocationForRoot() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
getLocationIndex() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.FullTextSearchResultColumns
Get the index of a tuple's correct Location object.
getLocationIndex(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
Get the index of a tuple's correct Location object given the name of the selector used in the query.
getLocationIndex(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Columns
Get the index of a tuple's correct Location object given the name of the selector used in the query.
getLocationIndex() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession.DualIndexTupleCollector
Get the location index.
getLocationIndexForColumn(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
Get the index of a tuple's correct Location object given the column index.
getLocationIndexForColumn(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
Get the index of a tuple's correct Location object given the column index.
getLocationIndexForColumn(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Columns
Get the index of a tuple's correct Location object given the column index.
getLocationIndexForColumn(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Columns
Get the index of a tuple's correct Location object given the column index.
getLock() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.SimpleStatistics
getLock(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLockManager
getLockTokens() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLockManager
getLogger(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Logger
Return a logger named corresponding to the class passed as parameter, using the statically bound ILoggerFactory instance.
getLogger(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Logger
Return a logger named according to the name parameter using the statically bound ILoggerFactory instance.
getLogger() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
getLogger(Class<?>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.ExecutionContext
Return a logger associated with this context.
getLogger(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.ExecutionContext
Return a logger associated with this context.
getLogger() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.mimetype.MimeTypeDetectors
Gets the logger for this system
getLoggingLocale() - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Logger
Get the locale used for the logs.
getLongFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StandardValueFactories
Get the value factory for long properties.
getLongFactory() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactories
Get the value factory for long properties.
getLongFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem
Get the type factory for long types.
getLongFactory() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.TypeSystem
Get the type factory for long types.
getLowerBound() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram.Bucket
Get the lower bound of this bucket.
getLowerBound() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram.BucketingStrategy
getLowerBound() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram.DefaultBucketingStrategy
getLowerBound() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram.ExplicitBucketingStrategy
getLowerBound() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram.StandardDeviationBucketingStrategy
getLowerBound() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.Between
Get the lower bound operand.
getLowerBound() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrBetween
Get the lower bound operand.
getLowestAncestorThatDoesExist() - Method in exception org.modeshape.graph.property.PathNotFoundException
Get the lowest (closest) existing ancestor of the non-existant location.
getLowestChangedNodeFor(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction.WorkspaceChanges
getLowestExistingPath(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
Find the lowest existing node along the path.
getLowestExistingPath(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapWorkspace
Find the lowest existing node along the path.
getLowestExistingPath(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathWorkspace
Find the lowest existing node along the path.
getMappedColumn(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil.ColumnMapping
getMappedSelectorNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil.ColumnMapping
getMarkedContent() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream
Returns the string content for characters bounded by the previous marked position and the position of the currentToken (inclusive).
getMathOperations() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram
getMathOperations() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.SimpleStatistics
getMaxDepth() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SubgraphQuery
getMaxFailedAttemptsBeforeError() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
getMaximum() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.SimpleStatistics
Get the maximum value in the series.
getMaximum() - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.NumericRule
getMaximum() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.NumericTypedRule
getMaximumConnectionIdleTimeInSeconds() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
getMaximumConnectionIdleTimeInSeconds() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
getMaximumConnectionsInPool() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
getMaximumConnectionsInPool() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
getMaximumCount() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram
getMaximumDepth() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Subgraph
Get the maximum depth requested for this subgraph.
getMaximumDuration() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Stopwatch
Get the maximum duration that this stopwatch has recorded.
getMaximumLinesToRead() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.AbstractTextSequencer
getMaximumPercentage() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram
getMaximumPoolSize() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
getMaximumSizeOfStatementCache() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
getMaximumSizeOfStatementCache() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
getMaxLength() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.SecureHashTextEncoder
Get the maximum length of the encoded string, or Integer.MAX_VALUE if there is no maximum.
getMaxPathLength() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
Get the maximum path length (in characters) allowed by the underlying file system
getMean() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.SimpleStatistics
Return the approximate mean (average) value represented as an instance of the operand type.
getMeanValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.SimpleStatistics
Return the mean (average) value.
getMedian() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.DetailedStatistics
Return the approximate mean (average) value represented as an instance of the operand type.
getMedianDuration() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Stopwatch
Get the median duration that this stopwatch has recorded.
getMedianValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.DetailedStatistics
Return the median value.
getMemberValues() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.AnnotationMetadata
getMemberValues() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.AnnotationMetadata
getMessage() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.Problem
getMessage() - Method in exception org.modeshape.graph.property.PathNotFoundException
getMessage() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.Status
getMessageString() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.Problem
Get the message written in the current locale.
getMetadataCollector() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
Returns the metadata collector instance
getMetadataCollectorClassName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
Get the class name of the metadata collector.
getMethodMetadataFrom(MethodDeclaration) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.AbstractJavaMetadata
Gets a method meta data from MethodDeclaration.
getMethods() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.ClassMetadata
getMethods() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.TypeMetadata
Gets all MethodMetadata from the unit.
getMethodTypeMemberMetadataFrom(MethodDeclaration) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.AbstractJavaMetadata
Get MethodTypeMemberMetadata
getMilliseconds() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Get the number of milliseconds from 1970-01-01T00:00Z.
getMilliseconds() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Get the number of milliseconds from 1970-01-01T00:00Z.
getMillisecondsInUtc() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Get the number of milliseconds from 1970-01-01T00:00Z with this time converted to UTC.
getMillisecondsInUtc() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Get the number of milliseconds from 1970-01-01T00:00Z with this time converted to UTC.
getMillisOfSecond() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Get the milliseconds of the second value of this instance in time.
getMillisOfSecond() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Get the milliseconds of the second value of this instance in time.
getMimeType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.sequencer.StreamSequencerContext
Return the MIME-type of the content being sequenced.
getMimeType(SequencerContext, Property, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.StreamSequencerAdapter
getMimeType() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
If ImageMetadata.check() was successful, returns a String with the MIME type of the format.
getMimeType(File) - Static method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.Utils
getMimeTypeDetector() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.ExecutionContext
Return an object that can be used to determine the MIME type of some content, such as the content of a file.
getMimeTypeDetector() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeEngine
Return the component that is able to detect MIME types given the name of a stream and a stream.
getMimeTypeDetectors() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeEngine.ConfigurationScanner
getMinimum() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.SimpleStatistics
Get the minimum value in the series.
getMinimum() - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.NumericRule
getMinimum() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.NumericTypedRule
getMinimumConnectionsInPool() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
getMinimumConnectionsInPool() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
getMinimumDuration() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Stopwatch
Get the minimum duration that this stopwatch has recorded.
getMinimumSize() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.LargeValueSerializer
Get the minimum size for large values, specified as number of characters for a String or the number of bytes for a binary value
getMinimumSize() - Method in interface org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Serializer.LargeValues
Get the minimum size for large values, specified as number of characters for a String or the number of bytes for a binary value
getMinimumSize() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Serializer.NoLargeValues
getMinuteOfHour() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Get the minute of this instance in time.
getMinuteOfHour() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Get the minute of this instance in time.
getMinutes() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.Duration.Components
Get the whole minutes in this duration.
getMisses() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.CacheStatistics
getMisses() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.DefaultCacheStatistics
getMixinNodeTypes() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeManager
getModel() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Get the model that will be used.
getModel(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource.Models
getModelName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.StoreOptions
getModifiedProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.NetChange
getModifiers() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.FieldMetadata
getModifiers() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.MethodMetadata
getModifiers() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.TypeMetadata
getMonthOfYear() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Get the month of the year of this instance in time.
getMonthOfYear() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Get the month of the year of this instance in time.
getMovedBefore() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.NetChange
Get the location before which the node was moved, or null if this node was not moved before a particular node
getMovedFrom() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Dependencies
getMultiValuedProperties(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor.Workspace
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentConfig
Get the name of this component.
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Logger
Return the name of this logger instance.
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
Get the name for this repository source.
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
Get the name for this repository source.
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
Get the name for this repository source.
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.ColumnMetadata
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.ProcedureMetadata
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.TableMetadata
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Get the name for this repository source.
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.WorkspaceEntity
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.Model
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.StoreOptionEntity
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.AbstractRepositorySource
Get the name for this repository source.
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode.Changes
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
Returns the name of this node along with its SNS index within its parent's children
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapWorkspace
Returns the name of the workspace.
getName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Node
Returns the name of this node along with its SNS index within its parent's children
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode.Changes
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
Returns the name of this node along with its SNS index within its parent's children
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathWorkspace
Returns the name of the workspace.
getName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Workspace
Returns the name of the workspace.
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.FederatedRepositorySource
Get the name for this repository source.
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
Get the name for this repository source.
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.DefaultMapNode
getName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapNode
Returns the name of this node along with its SNS index within its parent's children
getName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapWorkspace
Returns the name of the workspace.
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractPathRepositorySource
Get the name for this repository source.
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractWritablePathWorkspace
getName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathWorkspace
Returns the name of the workspace.
getName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySource
Get the name for this repository source.
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.GraphWorkspace
Get the name of the workspace.
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPathSegment
Get the name component of this segment.
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicProperty
Get the name of the property.
getName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path.Segment
Get the name component of this segment.
getName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Property
Get the name of the property.
getName() - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.property.PropertyType
getName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Schemata.Column
Get the name for this column.
getName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Schemata.Table
Get the name for this table.
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchableRepositorySource
Get the name for this repository source.
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Get the name of this node, without any same-name-sibling index.
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.PropertyInfo
Get the name of the property.
getName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Workspace
Get the name of the workspace.
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeTemplate
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.FunctionCall
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.ConfigurationDefinition
Get the name of this configuration.
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable
getName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.HasName
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerOutputMap.PropertyValue
Get the property name.
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.FieldMetadata
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.MethodMetadata
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataType
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Get the name of the node.
getName(Name) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataUtil
Get the fully qualified name from the Name.
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.AnnotationMetadata
Get the name of the modifier.
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.FieldMetadata
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.ImportMetadata
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.MethodMetadata
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.PackageMetadata
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.TypeMetadata
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.Variable
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3EndStateMetadata
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3StartStateMetadata
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3SwimlaneMetadata
Get the name of the specific swimlane.
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3TaskMetadata
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3TaskNodeMetadata
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3TransitionMetadata
getName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain.IModeShapeObject
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain.Repository
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain.Server
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain.Workspace
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.model.RepositoryEntry
getName() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.model.WorkspaceEntry
getNameFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StandardValueFactories
Get the value factory for name properties.
getNameFactory() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactories
Get the value factory for name properties.
getNameOfDdlContent(StreamSequencerContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencer
Utility method that attempts to discover the "name" of the DDL content being sequenced, which may help identify the dialect.
getNameOrStringLiteral() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.ProcessingInstructionTest
getNamesOfComponentsUnder(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
getNamespaceForPrefix(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrNamespaceRegistry
Get the namespace URI for the supplied prefix.
getNamespaceForPrefix(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.GraphNamespaceRegistry
Get the namespace URI for the supplied prefix.
getNamespaceForPrefix(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LocalNamespaceRegistry
Get the namespace URI for the supplied prefix.
getNamespaceForPrefix(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NamespaceRegistryWithAliases
Get the namespace URI for the supplied prefix.
getNamespaceForPrefix(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.SimpleNamespaceRegistry
Get the namespace URI for the supplied prefix.
getNamespaceForPrefix(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ThreadSafeNamespaceRegistry
Get the namespace URI for the supplied prefix.
getNamespaceForPrefix(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.NamespaceRegistry
Get the namespace URI for the supplied prefix.
getNamespaceRegistry() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.ExecutionContext
Get the (mutable) namespace registry for this context.
getNamespaceRegistry() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
Get the namespace registry.
getNamespaceRegistry() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StandardValueFactories
getNamespaceRegistry() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.NameFactory
Get the namespace registry.
getNamespaces() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrNamespaceRegistry
Obtain a snapshot of all of the namespaces registered at the time this method is called.
getNamespaces() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.GraphNamespaceRegistry
Obtain a snapshot of all of the namespaces registered at the time this method is called.
getNamespaces() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LocalNamespaceRegistry
Obtain a snapshot of all of the namespaces registered at the time this method is called.
getNamespaces() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NamespaceRegistryWithAliases
Obtain a snapshot of all of the namespaces registered at the time this method is called.
getNamespaces() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.SimpleNamespaceRegistry
Obtain a snapshot of all of the namespaces registered at the time this method is called.
getNamespaces() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ThreadSafeNamespaceRegistry
Obtain a snapshot of all of the namespaces registered at the time this method is called.
getNamespaces() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.NamespaceRegistry
Obtain a snapshot of all of the namespaces registered at the time this method is called.
getNamespaceURI(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.xml.SimpleNamespaceContext
getNamespaceUri() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicName
Get the URI for the namespace used in this qualified name.
getNamespaceUri() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicNamespace
Get the URI for the namespace
getNamespaceUri() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Name
Get the URI for the namespace used in this qualified name.
getNamespaceUri() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.NamespaceRegistry.Namespace
Get the URI for the namespace
getNameTest() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.AttributeNameTest
getNameValueFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
getNegated() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Negation
getNegatedTerm() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch.NegationTerm
Get the term that is negated.
getNetChanges() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.ChangeContext
Compute the set of net changes that were made within this context.
getNetChanges() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.NetChanges
Get the list of net changes.
getNewPropertyNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdatePropertiesRequest
Get the names of the properties that were created by this request.
getNextRow(Object[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.QueryResultRowIterator
getNextRow(Object[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.SingleSelectorQueryResultRowIterator
getNode(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheWorkspace
Get the node with the supplied UUID.
getNode(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.Workspace
getNode(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.Workspace
getNode() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SubgraphQuery
Get the root node of the subgraph.
getNode(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnWorkspace
getNode(WorkspaceType, Path, Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.BaseTransaction
getNode(WorkspaceType, Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction
Find the node with the supplied unique identifier.
getNode(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapWorkspace
Get the node with the supplied UUID.
getNode(WorkspaceType, Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction
Find the node with the supplied unique identifier.
getNode(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathWorkspace
Get the node with the supplied path.
getNode(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.StandardMapWorkspace
Get the node with the supplied UUID.
getNode(WorkspaceType, Location) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Transaction
Find the node with the supplied unique identifier.
getNode(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
Gets the node with the given UUID from the backing map, if one exists
getNode(ExecutionContext, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
Find a node with the given path.
getNode(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
Find a node with the given path.
getNode(UUID) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapWorkspace
Returns the node with the given UUID, if one exists or null if no with the given UUID exists in the workspace.
getNode(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapWorkspace
Returns the node at the given path, if one exists of null if no exists at the given path.
getNode(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathWorkspace
Returns the node at the given path, if one exists of null if no exists at the given path.
getNode(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.BaseResults
Get the node at the supplied location.
getNode(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.BaseResults
Get the node at the supplied location.
getNode(Location) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.BaseResults
Get the node at the supplied location.
getNode() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAt
Complete this request, submit it, and return the actual node that was created.
getNode(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Results
Get the node at the supplied location.
getNode(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Results
Get the node at the supplied location.
getNode(Location) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Results
Get the node at the supplied location.
getNode(Name) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Subgraph
Get the node at the supplied location.
getNode(Name) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.SubgraphNode
Get the node at the supplied path that is relative to this node.
getNode(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.SubgraphNode
Get the node at the supplied path that is relative to this node.
getNode(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.Row
Returns the Node corresponding to this Row and the specified selector.
getNode(Node, String, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrTools
Get the node under a specified node at a location defined by the specified relative path.
getNode(Location) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryContext
getNode(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.MultiSelectorQueryResultRow
Returns the Node corresponding to this Row and the specified selector.
getNode() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.MultiSelectorQueryResultRow
getNode(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.SingleSelectorQueryResultRow
Returns the Node corresponding to this Row and the specified selector.
getNode() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.SingleSelectorQueryResultRow
getNodeAt(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to read the node with the supplied UUID.
getNodeAt(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to read the node at the supplied location.
getNodeAt(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to read the node at the supplied path.
getNodeAt(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to read the node at the supplied path.
getNodeAt(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to read the node with the supplied unique identifier property.
getNodeAt(Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to read the node with the supplied unique identifier properties.
getNodeAt(Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to read the node with the supplied unique identifier properties.
getNodeDefinitionTemplates() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeTemplate
getNodeId() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
Returns this node's unique identifier
getNodeId() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
getNodeKind(ExecutionContext, Path, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnWorkspace
getNodePath() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.util.RepositoryNodePath
getNodes(boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SubgraphQuery
Get the nodes in the subgraph.
getNodes() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult
getNodesToBeRefreshed() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.RefreshState
getNodeTest() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.AxisStep
getNodeType(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeManager
getNodeType() - Method in exception org.modeshape.jcr.nodetype.NodeTypeExistsException
Get the name of the existing node type.
getNodeTypeName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrNamedSelector
getNodeTypes() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.CndNodeTypeSource
Returns the node type information to be registered in graph form.
getNodeTypes() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeSource
Returns the node type information to be registered in graph form.
getNodeUuid() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SubgraphNodeEntity
getNodeUuidString() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
Returns the node UUID string
getNormalizedPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Get a normalized path with as many ".." segments and all "." resolved.
getNormalizedPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Get a normalized path with as many ".." segments and all "." resolved.
getNormalizedPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Get a normalized path with as many ".." segments and all "." resolved.
getNormalizedPath() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Get a normalized path with as many ".." segments and all "." resolved.
getNotes() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.powerpoint.SlideMetadata
getNotNull(T, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Returns the specified argument if it is not null.
getNowInUtc() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Get the 'current time' for this processor, which is usually a constant during its lifetime.
getNullable() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.ColumnMetadata
getNumberClass() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram.Bucket
getNumberOfChildren() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllPropertiesRequest
Get the number of children for this node.
getNumberOfComments() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
If ImageMetadata.check() was successful and ImageMetadata.setCollectComments(boolean) was called with true as argument, returns the number of comments retrieved from the input image stream / file.
getNumberOfConnectionsToAcquireAsNeeded() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
getNumberOfConnectionsToAcquireAsNeeded() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
getNumberOfImages() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
Returns the number of images in the examined file.
getNumberOfNodesSequenced() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService.Statistics
getNumberOfNodesSkipped() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService.Statistics
getNumberOfValues() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram.Bucket
Get the number of values in this bucket.
getNumChanges() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.ChangeLogEntity
getObjectFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StandardValueFactories
Get the value factory for object properties.
getObjectFactory() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactories
Get the value factory for object properties.
getObjectInstance(Object, Name, Context, Hashtable<?, ?>) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
getObjectInstance(Object, Name, Context, Hashtable<?, ?>) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
getObjectInstance(Object, Name, Context, Hashtable<?, ?>) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
getObjectInstance(Object, Name, Context, Hashtable<?, ?>) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
getObjectInstance(Object, Name, Context, Hashtable<?, ?>) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
getObjectInstance(Object, Name, Context, Hashtable<?, ?>) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
getObjectInstance(Object, Name, Context, Hashtable<?, ?>) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
getObjectInstance(Object, Name, Context, Hashtable<?, ?>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.FederatedRepositorySource
getObjectInstance(Object, Name, Context, Hashtable<?, ?>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
getObjectInstance(Object, Name, Context, Hashtable<?, ?>) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JndiRepositoryFactory
Creates an JcrRepository using the reference information specified.
getObjectName(Object) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
getObserver() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
getObserver() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
getObserver() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource.DefaultRepositoryContext
Get the observer that the connector may use to publish changes.
getObserver() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryContext
Get the observer that the connector may use to publish changes.
getObserver() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.FederatedRepositoryContext
Get the observer that the connector may use to publish changes.
getObserver() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.SimpleRepositoryContext
Get the observer that the connector may use to publish changes.
getOffset() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.Limit
Get the number of rows skipped before the results begin.
getOffset() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrLimit
Get the number of rows skipped before the results begin.
getOperand() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.Between
Get the dynamic operand specification.
getOperand() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.SetCriteria
Get the dynamic operand specification for the left-hand side of the set criteria.
getOperand() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrBetween
Get the dynamic operand specification.
getOperand() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrLowerCase
getOperand() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrOrdering
getOperand() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetCriteria
Get the dynamic operand specification for the left-hand side of the set criteria.
getOperand() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrUpperCase
getOperand1() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrComparison
getOperand2() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrComparison
getOperandClass() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
getOperandClass() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
getOperandClass() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
getOperandClass() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
getOperandClass() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
getOperandClass() - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
Return the class that these operations operate upon.
getOperandClass() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
getOperation() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.SetQuery
Get the set operation for this query.
getOperation() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetQuery
Get the set operation for this query.
getOperation() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetQueryObjectModel
Get the set operation for this query.
getOperator() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.ArithmeticOperand
Get the operator for this binary operand.
getOperator() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrArithmeticOperand
Get the operator for this binary operand.
getOperator() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrComparison
getOperator() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Comparison
getOptimizationTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Statistics
Get the time required to determine or select a (more) optimal plan.
getOption(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.StoreOptions
getOption(JcrRepository.Option) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryBuilder
getOption(JcrRepository.Option) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryDefinition
Get the value for the repository option.
getOptions() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository
Get the options as configured for this repository.
getOrCreatePath(Node, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
getOrder() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrOrdering
getOrder() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.OrderBySpec
The order for this specification
getOrderBy() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.PathExpression
Get the order-by clause.
getOrderBySpecifications() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.OrderBy
getOrderings() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryCommand
Gets the orderings for this query.
getOrderings() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModel
getOrderings() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSelectQuery
Gets the orderings for this query.
getOrderings() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetQuery
Gets the orderings for this query.
getOrderings() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetQueryObjectModel
Gets the orderings for this query.
getOrdinalPosition() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.ColumnMetadata
getOriginal() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool.ConnectionWrapper
getOriginalLocation() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.NetChange
Get the original location for this node, or null if this node was not moved
getOriginalName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil.ColumnMapping
getOutputExpression() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerPathExpression
getOutputPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerPathExpression.Matcher
getOutputStream(MavenUrl) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
Obtain an output stream to the existing content at the location given by the supplied MavenUrl.
getOutputStream() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider.MavenUrlConnection
getPackageMetadata() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.JavaMetadata
Gets the PackageMetadata from the unit.
getPages() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadata
getParameterizedTypeFieldRModifierPath(PathFactory, Path, int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.ParameterizedTypeFieldMetadataSequencer
Create a path for the parameterized modifier.
getParameterizedTypeFieldRootPath(PathFactory, int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.ParameterizedTypeFieldMetadataSequencer
Create the root path for all path children of a parameterized type.
getParameterizedTypeFieldVariablePath(PathFactory, Path, int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.ParameterizedTypeFieldMetadataSequencer
Get the path of a parameterized type variable.
getParameters() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.Problem
getParameters() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.FunctionCall
getParameters() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.MethodMetadata
getParameters() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.MethodMetadata
getParameterTypes() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.MethodMetadata
getParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
Returns the parent identifier
getParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode
getParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode.Changes
getParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
getParent(WorkspaceType, NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction
Returns the parent of the supplied node.
getParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode.Changes
getParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
getParent(WorkspaceType, NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction
Returns the parent of the supplied node.
getParent(WorkspaceType, NodeType) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Transaction
Returns the parent of the supplied node.
getParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.DefaultMapNode
getParent() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapNode
Returns the parent of this node or null if the node is the root node for its workspace.
getParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Return the path to the parent, or this path if it is the root.
getParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ChildPath
Return the path to the parent, or this path if it is the root.
getParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Return the path to the parent, or this path if it is the root.
getParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Return the path to the parent, or this path if it is the root.
getParent() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Return the path to the parent, or this path if it is the root.
getParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Get the parent of this node.
getParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Get this node's parent node.
getParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Get the parent of this node.
getParentIndexInParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SubgraphNodeEntity
getParentPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrChildNode
getParentSelectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrChildNodeJoinCondition
getParser() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParsers.ScoredParser
getParserFor(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.QueryParsers
Get the parser for the supplied language.
getParserList(StreamSequencerContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencer
getPassword() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
getPassword() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
getPassword() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
getPassword() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
getPassword() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain.Server
getPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.DefaultPathNode
getPath() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathNode
Returns the full path to this node
getPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Get the path that (at least in part) defines this location.
getPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.NetChange
getPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Get the current path to this node.
getPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.MultiSelectorQueryResultRow
getPath(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.MultiSelectorQueryResultRow
getPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.SingleSelectorQueryResultRow
getPath(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.SingleSelectorQueryResultRow
getPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSameNode
getPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenUrl
getPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.ConfigurationDefinition
Get the path in the configuration repository where the configuration content may be found
getPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerOutputMap.Entry
getPath(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Get the current path of this node, using the supplied context.
getPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.FileNode
getPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.FolderNode
getPathExpressions() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.SequencerBuilder
getPathExpressions() - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.SequencerDefinition
Get the path expressions from the saved configuration.
getPathExpressions() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerConfig
getPathFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StandardValueFactories
Get the value factory for path properties.
getPathFactory() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactories
Get the value factory for path properties.
getPathFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem
Get the type factory for path objects.
getPathFactory() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.TypeSystem
Get the type factory for path objects.
getPathFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
Get the path factory that should be used to adjust the path objects.
getPathInRepository() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.PathRule
The path where the content is to be placed ("projected") into the repository.
getPathInRepository(Path, PathFactory) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.PathRule
Get the path in repository that is projected from the supplied source path, or null if the supplied source path is not projected into the repository.
getPathInRepository(Path, PathFactory) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.Rule
Get the path in repository that is projected from the supplied source path, or null if the supplied source path is not projected into the repository.
getPathInSource() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.PathRule
The path of the content as known to the source
getPathInSource(Path, PathFactory) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.PathRule
Get the path in source that is projected from the supplied repository path, or null if the supplied repository path is not projected into the source.
getPathInSource(Path, PathFactory) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.Rule
Get the path in source that is projected from the supplied repository path, or null if the supplied repository path is not projected into the source.
getPathRelativeTo(Path, ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Get the current path of this node, as if the current tree is below the supplied root path, using the supplied context.
getPathRepositoryCache() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractPathRepositorySource
getPaths() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator.DualPathLikeBuilder
getPaths() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator.PathLikeBuilder
getPaths() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator.SinglePathLikeBuilder
getPathsInRepository(Path, PathFactory) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection
Get the paths in the repository that correspond to the supplied path within the source.
getPathsInSource(Path, PathFactory) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection
Get the paths in the source that correspond to the supplied path within the repository.
getPathTo(PlanNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Get the path from this node (inclusive) to the supplied descendant node (inclusive)
getPathToConfigurationRoot() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary
Get the path to the top-level of the configuration root.
getPathToConfigurationRoot() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryService
getPathToTopOfRepository() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
getPayload() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
getPayload() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.PropertyInfo
Get the payload for this property.
getPdName() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3Metadata
Get the name of process definition.
getPercentageOfValues() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram.Bucket
Return the percentage of values in the histogram that appear in this bucket.
getPhysicalHeightDpi() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
Returns the physical height of this image in dots per inch (dpi).
getPhysicalHeightInch() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
If ImageMetadata.check() was successful, returns the physical width of this image in dpi (dots per inch) or -1 if no value could be found.
getPhysicalWidthDpi() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
If ImageMetadata.check() was successful, returns the physical width of this image in dpi (dots per inch) or -1 if no value could be found.
getPhysicalWidthInch() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
Returns the physical width of an image in inches, or -1.0f if width information is not available.
getPingTimeoutInNanos() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
getPlan() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults
Get a description of the query plan, if requested.
getPlan() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults
Get a description of the query plan, if requested.
getPlan() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult
Get a description of the query plan, if requested.
getPlanningTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Statistics
Get the time required to come up with the canonical plan.
getPooledActorsExpression() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3SwimlaneMetadata
getPoolSize() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Returns the current number of connections in the pool, including those that are checked out (in use) and those that are not being used.
getPort() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenUrl
Get the port.
getPosition() - Method in exception org.modeshape.common.text.ParsingException
getPosition() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.QueryResultNodeIterator
getPosition() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.QueryResultRowIterator
getPositionForSelector(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryParser.JoinableSources
getPrecision() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataType
getPredefinedWorkspaceNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
Gets the names of the workspaces that are available when this source is created.
getPredefinedWorkspaceNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
Gets the names of the workspaces that are available when this source is created.
getPredefinedWorkspaceNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
Gets the names of the workspaces that are available when this source is created.
getPredefinedWorkspaceNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Gets the names of the workspaces that are available when this source is created.
getPredefinedWorkspaceNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
Gets the names of the workspaces that are available when this source is created.
getPredefinedWorkspaceNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
Gets the names of the workspaces that are available when this source is created.
getPredicates() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.AxisStep
getPredicates() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.FilterStep
getPrefix(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.xml.SimpleNamespaceContext
getPrefix() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicNamespace
Get the prefix for the namespace
getPrefix() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.NamespaceRegistry.Namespace
Get the prefix for the namespace
getPrefixes(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.xml.SimpleNamespaceContext
getPrefixFor(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.GraphNamespaceRegistry
getPrefixForNamespaceUri(String, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrNamespaceRegistry
Return the prefix used for the supplied namespace URI.
getPrefixForNamespaceUri(String, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.GraphNamespaceRegistry
Return the prefix used for the supplied namespace URI.
getPrefixForNamespaceUri(String, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LocalNamespaceRegistry
Return the prefix used for the supplied namespace URI.
getPrefixForNamespaceUri(String, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NamespaceRegistryWithAliases
Return the prefix used for the supplied namespace URI.
getPrefixForNamespaceUri(String, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.SimpleNamespaceRegistry
Return the prefix used for the supplied namespace URI.
getPrefixForNamespaceUri(String, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ThreadSafeNamespaceRegistry
Return the prefix used for the supplied namespace URI.
getPrefixForNamespaceUri(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.NamespaceRegistry
Return the prefix used for the supplied namespace URI.
getPrefixTest() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.NameTest
getPrimaryExpression() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.FilterStep
getPrimaryItemName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeTemplate
getPrimaryNodeTypes() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeManager
getPrimaryTypeValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerOutputMap.Entry
Get the primary type specified for this node, or null if the type was not specified
getProblems() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
getProblems() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.SimpleProblems
getProblems() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ThreadSafeProblems
getProblems() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults
Get the problems encountered during execution.
getProblems() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryContext
Get the problem container used by this query context.
getProblems() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults
Get the problems encountered during execution.
getProblems() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.sequencer.StreamSequencerContext
Get an interface that can be used to record various problems, warnings, and errors that are not extreme enough to warrant throwing exceptions.
getProblems() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.CndNodeTypeSource
Returns the problems (if any) that were encountered parsing the CND files.
getProblems() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Get the problems (if any) that are associated with this configuration.
getProblems() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeEngine
Get the problems that were encountered when setting up this engine from the configuration.
getProblems() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
getProcedures(Connection, String, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataCollector
getProcedures(Connection, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.MetadataCollector
Return the list of procedures that currently exist in the database to which connection is connected within the named catalog (if catalogName is non-null) and named schema (if schemaName is non-null).
getProcessId() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.Changes
Get the identifier of the process where these changes originated.
getProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentConfig
Get the (unmodifiable) properties to be set through reflection on components of this type after instantiation
getProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode
getProperties(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode.Changes
getProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
Returns properties of this node.
getProperties() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Node
Returns properties of this node.
getProperties(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode.Changes
getProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
Returns properties of this node.
getProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.DefaultMapNode
getProperties() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapNode
Returns a map of property names to the property for the given name
getProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.DefaultPathNode
getProperties() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathNode
Returns a map of property names to the property for the given name
getProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request that the properties be read on the node defined via the on(...)
getProperties(Name...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request that the properties with the given names be read on the node defined via the on(...)
getProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.GraphNode
getProperties() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Node
Get the properties on the node.
getProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllPropertiesRequest
Get the properties that were read from the RepositoryConnection.
getProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNodeRequest
Get the properties that were read from the RepositoryConnection.
getProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Get the information for each of the properties on this node.
getProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Snapshot
getProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.AbstractMavenUrlProvider
Get the properties for this provider.
getProperties(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerOutputMap
Get the properties for the node given by the supplied path.
getProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Return the list of properties for this node.
getPropertiesByName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request that the properties be read on the node defined via the on(...)
getPropertiesByName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.GraphNode
getPropertiesByName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Node
Get the map of properties keyed by the property names.
getPropertiesByName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllPropertiesRequest
Get the properties that were read from the RepositoryConnection.
getPropertiesByName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNodeRequest
Get the properties that were read from the RepositoryConnection.
getPropertiesFor(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBranchRequest
Get the nodes that make up this branch.
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
getProperty(ExecutionContext, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode
getProperty(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode
getProperty(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
Returns the property with the supplied name.
getProperty(Name) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Node
Returns the property with the supplied name.
getProperty(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
Returns the property with the supplied name.
getProperty(ExecutionContext, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.DefaultMapNode
Returns the named property
getProperty(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.DefaultMapNode
Returns the named property
getProperty(ExecutionContext, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapNode
Returns the named property
getProperty(Name) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapNode
Returns the named property
getProperty(ExecutionContext, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.DefaultPathNode
getProperty(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.DefaultPathNode
getProperty(ExecutionContext, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathNode
Returns the named property
getProperty(Name) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathNode
Returns the named property
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request that the property with the given name be read on the node defined via the on(...)
getProperty(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request that the property with the given name be read on the node defined via the on(...)
getProperty(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.GraphNode
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.GraphNode
getProperty(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Node
Get the property with the supplied name.
getProperty(Name) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Node
Get the property with the supplied name.
getProperty(PlanNode.Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Get the node's value for this supplied property.
getProperty(PlanNode.Property, Class<ValueType>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Get the node's value for this supplied property, casting the result to the supplied type.
getProperty() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadPropertyRequest
Get the property that was read.
getProperty(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Get from this node the property with the supplied name.
getProperty() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.PropertyInfo
Get the Graph API property object containing the values.
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable
getProperty(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable
getProperty(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.SetProperties
Get the property.
getProperty(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.SourceBuilder
getProperty(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Get the property with the supplied name.
getProperty1Name() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrEquiJoinCondition
getProperty2Name() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrEquiJoinCondition
getPropertyAsCollection(PlanNode.Property, Class<ValueType>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Get the node's value for this supplied property, casting the result to a Collection of the supplied type.
getPropertyAsList(PlanNode.Property, Class<ValueType>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Get the node's value for this supplied property, casting the result to a List of the supplied type.
getPropertyCount() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
getPropertyCount() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Get the number of properties owned by this node.
getPropertyDefinitionTemplates() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeTemplate
getPropertyFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.ExecutionContext
Get the factory for creating Property objects.
getPropertyKeys() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Get the keys for the property values that are set on this node.
getPropertyName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.ReferenceValue
Get the name of the one reference property.
getPropertyName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrColumn
getPropertyName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrFullTextSearch
getPropertyName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrPropertyExistence
getPropertyName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrPropertyValue
getPropertyName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrReferenceValue
Get the name of the one reference property.
getPropertyNameForColumn(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
Get the name of the property that corresponds to the supplied column in each tuple.
getPropertyNameForColumn(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Columns
Get the name of the property that corresponds to the supplied column in each tuple.
getPropertyNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Get the names of the properties on this node.
getPropertyType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
Get the type of values created by this factory.
getPropertyType() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactory
Get the type of values created by this factory.
getPropertyType() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Schemata.Column
Get the property type for this column.
getPropertyValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrLength
getPropertyValues() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerOutputMap.Entry
Get the property values, which may be empty
getQuery() - Method in exception org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.InvalidQueryException
Get the XPath query that is invalid.
getQuery() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareQuery.CompareWeight
getQuery() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.HasValueQuery.ExistsWeight
getQuery() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.IdsQuery.IdSetWeight
getQuery() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.MatchNoneQuery.NoneWeight
getQuery() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.NotQuery.NotWeight
getQuery() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ScoreQuery.NotWeight
getQueryEngine() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
getQueryEngine(Optimizer) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
getQueryId() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SubgraphNodeEntity
getRadix() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.ColumnMetadata
getReadable(Node) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrTools
Get the readable string form for a specified node.
getReference() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
getReference() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
getReference() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
getReference() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
getReference() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
getReference() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
getReference() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
getReference() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.FederatedRepositorySource
getReference() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
getReference() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchableRepositorySource
getReferenceFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StandardValueFactories
Get the value factory for reference properties.
getReferenceFactory() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactories
Get the value factory for reference properties.
getReferenceFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem
Get the type factory for references objects.
getReferenceFactory() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.TypeSystem
Get the type factory for references objects.
getReferenceGenerationStrategyName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.TableMetadata
getRegisteredNamespaceUris() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrNamespaceRegistry
Obtain the set of namespaces that are registered.
getRegisteredNamespaceUris() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.GraphNamespaceRegistry
Obtain the set of namespaces that are registered.
getRegisteredNamespaceUris() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LocalNamespaceRegistry
Obtain the set of namespaces that are registered.
getRegisteredNamespaceUris() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NamespaceRegistryWithAliases
Obtain the set of namespaces that are registered.
getRegisteredNamespaceUris() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.SimpleNamespaceRegistry
Obtain the set of namespaces that are registered.
getRegisteredNamespaceUris() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ThreadSafeNamespaceRegistry
Obtain the set of namespaces that are registered.
getRegisteredNamespaceUris() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.NamespaceRegistry
Obtain the set of namespaces that are registered.
getRelativePath() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId
Return the relative JCR path for this resource, built from the components of the group ID, the artifact ID, and the version.
getRelativePath(TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId
Return the relative JCR path for this resource, built from the components of the group ID, the artifact ID, and the version.
getRelativePath(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId
Return the relative JCR path for this resource, built from the components of the group ID, the artifact ID, and the version.
getRelativePath(TextEncoder, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId
Return the relative JCR path for this resource, built from the components of the group ID, the artifact ID, and the version.
getRemovedNodes() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneBranchRequest
Get the set of nodes that were removed because of this clone operation.
getRemovedProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.NetChange
getRepositories(Server) - Method in interface org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.IRestClient
Obtains the ModeShape repositories defined within the specified server.
getRepositories(Server) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.JsonRestClient
Obtains the ModeShape repositories defined within the specified server.
getRepositories(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.ServerNode
getRepositories(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.JcrResources
Returns the list of JCR repositories available on this server
getRepositoriesFailedMsg - Static variable in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.RestClientI18n
getRepository() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
getRepository() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.BaseTransaction
Obtain the repository object against which this transaction is running.
getRepository() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
Get the repository that owns this workspace.
getRepository(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.Repositories
Return the JCR Repository with the supplied name.
getRepository(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrEngine
Get the Repository implementation for the named repository.
getRepository(Map) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepositoryFactory
Returns a reference to the appropriate repository for the given parameter map, if one exists.
getRepository() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
Get the JCR repository used by this provider
getRepository() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain.Workspace
getRepositoryConnectionFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource.DefaultRepositoryContext
Get the factory for connections to other sources.
getRepositoryConnectionFactory() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryContext
Get the factory for connections to other sources.
getRepositoryConnectionFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.AbstractSearchEngine.SearchWorkspaces
Get the connection factory for repository sources.
getRepositoryConnectionFactory() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.search.AbstractSearchEngine.Workspaces
Get the connection factory for repository sources.
getRepositoryConnectionFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.FederatedRepositoryContext
Get the factory for connections to other sources.
getRepositoryConnectionFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeEngine
Get a factory of connections, backed by the RepositorySor
getRepositoryConnectionFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.SimpleRepositoryContext
Get the factory for connections to other sources.
getRepositoryContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
getRepositoryContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
getRepositoryContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
getRepositoryContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Returns the current repository context for the source, as set with a call to JpaSource.initialize(RepositoryContext).
getRepositoryContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.AbstractRepositorySource
Returns the repository context for the repository source
getRepositoryContext() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.BaseRepositorySource
Returns the repository context for the repository source
getRepositoryContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
getRepositoryContext() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepositorySource
Returns the repository context for the repository source
getRepositoryContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractPathRepositorySource
Returns the repository context for the repository source
getRepositoryContext() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRepositorySource
Returns the repository context for the repository source
getRepositoryJndiName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
getRepositoryLibrary() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryService
Get the library of RepositorySource instances used by this service.
getRepositoryLibrary() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService
Get the repository library to be used for repository lookup
getRepositoryName() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ResolvedRequest
getRepositoryNames() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.Repositories
Get the names of the available repositories.
getRepositoryNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrEngine
Get the names of each of the JCR repositories.
getRepositoryRootUrl() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
getRepositoryService() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeEngine
Get the repository service.
getRepositorySource() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Get the RepositorySource that's used by this pool.
getRepositorySource() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.ConfigurationDefinition
Get the repository source where the configuration content may be found
getRepositorySource(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeEngine
Get the RepositorySource instance used by this engine.
getRepositorySourceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.util.RepositoryNodePath
getRepositoryWorkspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.NetChange
getRepositoryWorspaceName(SVNRepository) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryUtil
Util to get the last segment from a path.
getRequests() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequest
Return the unmodifiable requests contained in this composite request.
getRequests() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel.ChannelCompositeRequest
Return the unmodifiable requests contained in this composite request.
getRequests() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Results
Get the requests that were executed as part of these results.
getRequireChangesTo() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Dependencies
getRequiredColumns() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil.RequiredColumnVisitor
Get the columns that are required.
getResource() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.Problem
getResourceContent(ITransaction, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ModeShapeWebdavStore
getResourceLength(ITransaction, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ModeShapeWebdavStore
getResourceProperties(ExecutionContext, Location, File, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.CustomPropertiesFactory
Construct the custom properties that should be created for the supplied file that is to be treated as an "nt:resource", which is the node that contains the content-oriented properties and that is a child of a "nt:file" node.
getResourceProperties(ExecutionContext, Location, File, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource.StandardPropertiesFactory
getResources() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.model.RepositoryEntry
getResources() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.model.WorkspaceEntry
getResponseCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.http.HttpClientConnection
getResultColumns() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.FullTextSearchRequest
Get the specification of the columns for the results.
getResultFormulationTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Statistics
Get the time required to formulate the structure of the results.
getRetryLimit() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
Get the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source.
getRetryLimit() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
Get the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source.
getRetryLimit() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
Get the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source.
getRetryLimit() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Get the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source.
getRetryLimit() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.AbstractRepositorySource
Get the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source.
getRetryLimit() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.FederatedRepositorySource
Get the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source.
getRetryLimit() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
Get the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source.
getRetryLimit() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractPathRepositorySource
Get the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source.
getRetryLimit() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySource
Get the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source.
getRetryLimit() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchableRepositorySource
Get the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source.
getReturnType() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.MethodMetadata
getReturnType() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.MethodMetadata
getReturnTypeName() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.MethodMetadata
getRevision() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadata
getRight() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.ArithmeticOperand
Get the right-hand operand.
getRight() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.SetQuery
Get the right-hand query.
getRight() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrArithmeticOperand
Get the right-hand operand.
getRight() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrJoin
getRight() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetQuery
Get the right-hand query.
getRight() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetQueryObjectModel
Get the right-hand query.
getRight() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.BinaryComponent
getRoot() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
Returns the root node in the workspace.
getRoot() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapWorkspace
Returns the root node in the workspace.
getRoot() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.GraphWorkspace
Get the root node of the workspace, which includes the path and any identification properties.
getRoot() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
Get the root node.
getRoot() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Subgraph
Get the node that is at the root of the subgraph.
getRoot() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Workspace
Get the root node of the workspace, which includes the path and any identification properties.
getRootNode() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnWorkspace
getRootNode(WorkspaceType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.BaseTransaction
Get the root node of the repository workspace.
getRootNode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapWorkspace
Get the root node in this workspace.
getRootNode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathWorkspace
Get the root node in this workspace.
getRootNode(WorkspaceType) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Transaction
Get the root node of the repository workspace.
getRootNode() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
getRootNodeUuid() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
Get the UUID of the root node for the cache.
getRootNodeUuid() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
Get the UUID of the root node for the cache.
getRootNodeUuid() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
getRootNodeUuid() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.StoreOptions
getRootNodeUuid() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.AbstractRepositorySource
Get the UUID of the root node for the cache.
getRootNodeUuid() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapWorkspace
Get the UUID of the root node.
getRootNodeUuid() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathWorkspace
getRootNodeUuid() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Repository
Returns the UUID used by the root nodes in each workspace.
getRootNodeUuid() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
Get the string representation of the UUID for the root node.
getRootNodeUuid() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepository
Returns the UUID used by the root nodes in each workspace.
getRootNodeUuid() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractPathRepositorySource
getRootNodeUuid() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRepository
Returns the UUID used by the root nodes in each workspace.
getRootNodeUuid() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRepositorySource
Get the UUID that is used for the root node of each workspace
getRootNodeUuidObject() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
Get the UUID of the root node for the cache.
getRootNodeUuidObject() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
Get the UUID of the root node for the cache.
getRootNodeUuidObject() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.AbstractRepositorySource
Get the UUID for the root node.
getRootNodeUuidObject() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.BaseRepositorySource
Get the UUID for the root node.
getRootNodeUuidObject() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
Get the UUID for the root node.
getRootUuid() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
getRootUuid() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SubgraphQueryEntity
getRowCount() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults
Get the number of rows in the results.
getRowCount() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults
Get the number of rows in the results.
getRowFactoryClassName() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.AbstractTextSequencer
getRowIndex() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults.TupleCursor
Get the 0-based index of the current row.
getRowIndex() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Cursor
Get the 0-based index of the current row.
getRowLimit() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.Limit
Get the maximum number of rows that are to be returned.
getRowLimit() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrLimit
Get the maximum number of rows that are to be returned.
getRows() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult
getRows() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryResult
getRows() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.XPathQueryResult
getRule(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules
Get the rule associated with the given property name.
getRules() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection
Get the rules that define this projection.
getRules() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchWorkspace
getRuntimeScopes() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.maven.MavenDependency.Scope
getSameNameSiblingIndex() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
getSameNameSiblingIndex() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Get the current same-name-sibling index.
getSaved() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadata
getScale() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataType
getSchemaElementTest() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.DocumentTest
getSchemaNames(Connection, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataCollector
getSchemaNames(Connection, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.MetadataCollector
Return the list of schema names that currently exist in the database to which connection is connected within the named catalog.
getSchemaNames(Connection, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.SqlServerMetadataCollector
getSchemata() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryContext
Get the definition of the tables available within this query context.
getSchemata() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryContext
getScope() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenDependency
The scope of the dependency - compile, runtime, test, system, and provided.
getScopeCatalogName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.ColumnMetadata
getScopeSchemaName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.ColumnMetadata
getScopeTableName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.ColumnMetadata
getScore() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.MultiSelectorQueryResultRow
getScore(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.MultiSelectorQueryResultRow
getScore() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.SingleSelectorQueryResultRow
getScore(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.SingleSelectorQueryResultRow
getScore() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParserScorer
Get the score.
getScoreFunction() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.OrderBySpec
Get the score function for this order specification.
getScorer() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParsers.ScoredParser
getScoringResult() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParsers.ScoredParser
getSecondOfMinute() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Get the seconds of the minute value of this instance in time.
getSecondOfMinute() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Get the seconds of the minute value of this instance in time.
getSeconds() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.Duration.Components
Get the duration's seconds component.
getSecurityContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.ExecutionContext
Get the security context for this context.
getSecurityContext() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.SecurityContextCredentials
Returns the security context for this instance.
getSegment(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Get the segment at the supplied index.
getSegment(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ChildPath
Get the segment at the supplied index.
getSegment(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Get the segment at the supplied index.
getSegment(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Get the segment at the supplied index.
getSegment(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Get the segment at the supplied index.
getSegment() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Get the path segment for this node.
getSegments(List<Location>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
getSegmentsArray() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Obtain a copy of the segments in this path.
getSegmentsArray() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Obtain a copy of the segments in this path.
getSegmentsArray() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Obtain a copy of the segments in this path.
getSegmentsArray() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Obtain a copy of the segments in this path.
getSegmentsList() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPath
Get an unmodifiable list of the path segments.
getSegmentsList() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ChildPath
Get an unmodifiable list of the path segments.
getSegmentsList() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Get an unmodifiable list of the path segments.
getSegmentsList() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Get an unmodifiable list of the path segments.
getSegmentsList() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Get an unmodifiable list of the path segments.
getSegmentsOfParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Method used by AbstractPath.equals(Object) implementation to quickly get an Iterator over the segments in the parent.
getSegmentsOfParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPath
Method used by AbstractPath.equals(Object) implementation to quickly get an Iterator over the segments in the parent.
getSegmentsOfParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ChildPath
Method used by AbstractPath.equals(Object) implementation to quickly get an Iterator over the segments in the parent.
getSegmentsOfParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Method used by AbstractPath.equals(Object) implementation to quickly get an Iterator over the segments in the parent.
getSegmentsOfParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Method used by AbstractPath.equals(Object) implementation to quickly get an Iterator over the segments in the parent.
getSelectedNodePath() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.PathExpression.Matcher
getSelectedPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerPathExpression.Matcher
getSelectExpression() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.PathExpression
getSelectExpression() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerPathExpression
getSelector1Name() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrEquiJoinCondition
getSelector1Name() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSameNodeJoinCondition
getSelector2Name() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrEquiJoinCondition
getSelector2Name() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSameNodeJoinCondition
getSelector2Path() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSameNodeJoinCondition
getSelectorAliasesByName(Visitable) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors
Get a map of the selector aliases keyed by their names.
getSelectorName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.NodeDepth
Get the selector symbol upon which this operand applies.
getSelectorName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.NodePath
Get the selector symbol upon which this operand applies.
getSelectorName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.ReferenceValue
Get the selector symbol upon which this operand applies.
getSelectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrChildNode
getSelectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrColumn
getSelectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrDescendantNode
getSelectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrFullTextSearch
getSelectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrFullTextSearchScore
getSelectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrNamedSelector
getSelectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrNodeDepth
Get the selector symbol upon which this operand applies.
getSelectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrNodeLocalName
getSelectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrNodeName
getSelectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrNodePath
Get the selector symbol upon which this operand applies.
getSelectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrPropertyExistence
getSelectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrPropertyValue
getSelectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrReferenceValue
Get the selector symbol upon which this operand applies.
getSelectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSameNode
getSelectorNameFor(Source) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryParser
getSelectorNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
Get the names of the selectors that are associated with these results.
getSelectorNames() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Columns
Get the names of the selectors that are associated with these results.
getSelectorNames() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.QueryResult
Returns an array of the name of the selector (i.e., table) from which each column originates.
getSelectorNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult
Returns an array of the name of the selector (i.e., table) from which each column originates.
getSelectorNamesByAlias(Visitable) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors
Get a map of the selector names keyed by their aliases.
getSelectors() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Get the selectors that are referenced by this plan node.
getSelectors() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryParser.JoinableSources
getSelectorsFor(List<Column>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.PushProjects
getSelectorsReferencedBy(Visitable) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors
Get the names of the selectors referenced by the visitable object.
getSelfReferencingColumnName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.TableMetadata
getSequencedPropertyName() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService.SequencerCall
getSequencer() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService.SequencerCall
getSequencerLibrary() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService
getSequencerSelector() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService
Get the sequencing selector used by this system.
getSequencingConfigurations() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeEngine.ConfigurationScanner
getSequencingService() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeEngine
Get the sequencing service.
getServer() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain.Repository
getServer() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain.Workspace
getServiceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.service.AbstractServiceAdministrator
Get the name of this service in the current locale.
getServiceName(Locale) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.service.AbstractServiceAdministrator
Get the name of this service in the specified locale.
getSession() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Get the session to which this node belongs.
getSession(HttpServletRequest, String, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.RepositoryFactory
getSession(HttpServletRequest, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.spi.ModeShapeJcrRepositoryProvider
Returns an active session for the given workspace name in the named repository.
getSession(HttpServletRequest, String, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.web.jcr.spi.RepositoryProvider
Returns an active session for the given workspace name in the named repository.
getSessionFor(Request, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
getSessionFor(Request, String, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
getSessions() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
getSeverity() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.Status
getSheets() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.excel.ExcelMetadata
getShortDescription() - Method in interface org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain.IModeShapeObject
getShortDescription() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain.Repository
getShortDescription() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain.Server
getShortDescription() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain.Workspace
getShowSql() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Get whether this source outputs the SQL that it executes
getSignificantFigures() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram
getSimpleStatistics() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Stopwatch
Return this stopwatch's simple statistics.
getSingleMappedSelectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil.ColumnMapping
getSize() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.InMemoryBinary
Get the length of this binary data.
getSize() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Binary
Get the length of this binary data.
getSize() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.Binary
Returns the size of this Binary value in bytes.
getSize() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.QueryResultNodeIterator
getSize() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.QueryResultRowIterator
getSnapshot(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Obtain a snapshot of the structure below this node.
getSnapshotsInPreOrder() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.StructureSnapshot
Get the Location for every node in this cache
getSortingComparator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SortValuesComponent
getSource() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.SelectQuery
Gets the node-tuple source for this query.
getSource() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryBuilder
getSource() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryDefinition
Get the name of the repository source that is to be used by this JCR repository.
getSource() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModel
getSource() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSelectQuery
Gets the node-tuple source for this query.
getSource(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary
Get the RepositorySource with the specified name managed by this instance.
getSource() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataType
getSourceJdbcDataType() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.ColumnMetadata
getSourceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositoryConnection
Get the name for this repository source.
getSourceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaConnection
getSourceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Connection
Get the name for this repository source.
getSourceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Repository
Returns the logical name (as opposed to the class name) of the repository source that defined this instance of the repository for use in error, informational, and other contextual messages.
getSourceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection
Get the name of the source to which this projection applies.
getSourceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepository
Returns the logical name (as opposed to the class name) of the repository source that defined this instance of the repository for use in error, informational, and other contextual messages.
getSourceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepositoryConnection
Get the name for this repository source.
getSourceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRepository
Returns the logical name (as opposed to the class name) of the repository source that defined this instance of the repository for use in error, informational, and other contextual messages.
getSourceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRepositoryConnection
Get the name for this repository source.
getSourceName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnection
Get the name for this repository source.
getSourceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool.ConnectionWrapper
Get the name for this repository source.
getSourceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Get the name of this pool, which delegates to the connection factory.
getSourceName() - Method in exception org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySourceException
getSourceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
The name of the repository that will be used by this graph.
getSourceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.Changes
Get the name of the source that was changed.
getSourceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Get the name of the source against which this processor is executing.
getSourceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.AbstractSearchEngine
Get the name of the source that can be searched with an engine that uses this provider.
getSourceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchableRepositorySource.AbstractConnection
Get the name for this repository source.
getSourceName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngine
Get the name of the source that can be searched with an engine that uses this provider.
getSourceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineIndexer
Get the name of the source containing the content.
getSourceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.SourceWorkspacePair
getSourceNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary
Get an unmodifiable collection of RepositorySource names.
getSources() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary
Get an unmodifiable collection of RepositorySource instances managed by this instance.
getStackTrace(Throwable) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.StringUtil
Get the stack trace of the supplied exception.
getStandardDeviation() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.DetailedStatistics
Return the standard deviation.
getStartStateMetadata() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3Metadata
getStartTime() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService.Statistics
getState() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.service.AbstractServiceAdministrator
Return the current state of this service.
getState() - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.service.ServiceAdministrator
Return the current state of this system.
getStatement() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrAbstractQuery
getStatementTypeName(String[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
getStatementTypeName(String[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
getStatistics() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.InMemoryWorkspaceCache
getStatistics() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.WorkspaceCache
getStatistics() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults
Get the statistics that describe the time metrics for this query.
getStatistics() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults
Get the statistics that describe the time metrics for this query.
getStatistics() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.SearchRequest
Get the statistics that describe the time metrics for this query.
getStatistics() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService
Get the statistics for this system.
getStatus() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.Problem
getStatus() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.PropertyInfo
Get the status of this property.
getSteps() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.PathExpression
getStoredObject(ITransaction, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ModeShapeWebdavStore
getStoredQueryPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrAbstractQuery
getStoreOption() - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Rule
getStoreOption() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.SkipRule
getStoreOption() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.TypedRule
getStrategy() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram
getStream() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.InMemoryBinary
Get the contents of this data as a stream.
getStream() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Binary
Get the contents of this data as a stream.
getStream() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.Binary
Returns an InputStream representation of this value.
getString(NamespaceRegistry) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.RequestProcessorCache
getString(NamespaceRegistry) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.RequestProcessorCache.WorkspaceCache
getString(NamespaceRegistry, TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.PathRule
getString(TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.PathRule
getString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.PathRule
getString(NamespaceRegistry, TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.Rule
getString(TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.Rule
getString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.Rule
getString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Get the string form of the location.
getString(TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Get the encoded string form of the location, using the supplied encoder to encode characters in each of the location's path and properties.
getString(NamespaceRegistry) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Get the encoded string form of the location, using the supplied encoder to encode characters in each of the location's path and properties.
getString(NamespaceRegistry, TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Get the encoded string form of the location, using the supplied encoder to encode characters in each of the location's path and properties.
getString(NamespaceRegistry, TextEncoder, TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Get the encoded string form of the location, using the supplied encoder to encode characters in each of the location's path and properties.
getString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Get the string form of the object.
getString(TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied encoder to encode characters.
getString(NamespaceRegistry) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Get the string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert any namespace URIs to prefixes.
getString(NamespaceRegistry, TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the any namespace URIs to prefixes.
getString(NamespaceRegistry, TextEncoder, TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the names' namespace URIs to prefixes and the supplied encoder to encode characters, and using the second delimiter to encode (or convert) the delimiter used between the namespace prefix and the local part of any names.
getString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicName
Get the string form of the object.
getString(TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicName
Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied encoder to encode characters.
getString(NamespaceRegistry) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicName
Get the string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert any namespace URIs to prefixes.
getString(NamespaceRegistry, TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicName
Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the any namespace URIs to prefixes.
getString(NamespaceRegistry, TextEncoder, TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicName
Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the names' namespace URIs to prefixes and the supplied encoder to encode characters, and using the second delimiter to encode (or convert) the delimiter used between the namespace prefix and the local part of any names.
getString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPathSegment
Get the string form of the object.
getString(TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPathSegment
Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied encoder to encode characters.
getString(NamespaceRegistry) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPathSegment
Get the string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert any namespace URIs to prefixes.
getString(NamespaceRegistry, TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPathSegment
Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the any namespace URIs to prefixes.
getString(NamespaceRegistry, TextEncoder, TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPathSegment
Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the names' namespace URIs to prefixes and the supplied encoder to encode characters, and using the second delimiter to encode (or convert) the delimiter used between the namespace prefix and the local part of any names.
getString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicProperty
Get the string form of the object.
getString(TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicProperty
Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied encoder to encode characters.
getString(NamespaceRegistry) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicProperty
Get the string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert any namespace URIs to prefixes.
getString(NamespaceRegistry, TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicProperty
Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the any namespace URIs to prefixes.
getString(NamespaceRegistry, TextEncoder, TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicProperty
Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the names' namespace URIs to prefixes and the supplied encoder to encode characters, and using the second delimiter to encode (or convert) the delimiter used between the namespace prefix and the local part of any names.
getString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Get the string form of the object.
getString(TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied encoder to encode characters.
getString(NamespaceRegistry) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Get the string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert any namespace URIs to prefixes.
getString(NamespaceRegistry, TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the any namespace URIs to prefixes.
getString(NamespaceRegistry, TextEncoder, TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the names' namespace URIs to prefixes and the supplied encoder to encode characters, and using the second delimiter to encode (or convert) the delimiter used between the namespace prefix and the local part of any names.
getString(TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPathSegment
Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied encoder to encode characters.
getString(NamespaceRegistry, TextEncoder, TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPathSegment
Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the names' namespace URIs to prefixes and the supplied encoder to encode characters, and using the second delimiter to encode (or convert) the delimiter used between the namespace prefix and the local part of any names.
getString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Get the ISO-8601 representation of this instance in time.
getString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Get the string form of the object.
getString(TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied encoder to encode characters.
getString(NamespaceRegistry) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Get the string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert any namespace URIs to prefixes.
getString(NamespaceRegistry, TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the any namespace URIs to prefixes.
getString(NamespaceRegistry, TextEncoder, TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the names' namespace URIs to prefixes and the supplied encoder to encode characters, and using the second delimiter to encode (or convert) the delimiter used between the namespace prefix and the local part of any names.
getString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringReference
Get the string form of the Reference.
getString(TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringReference
Get the encoded string form of the Reference, using the supplied encoder to encode characters in the reference.
getString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidReference
Get the string form of the Reference.
getString(TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidReference
Get the encoded string form of the Reference, using the supplied encoder to encode characters in the reference.
getString() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Get the ISO-8601 representation of this instance in time.
getString() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Readable
Get the string form of the object.
getString(TextEncoder) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Readable
Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied encoder to encode characters.
getString(NamespaceRegistry) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Readable
Get the string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert any namespace URIs to prefixes.
getString(NamespaceRegistry, TextEncoder) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Readable
Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the any namespace URIs to prefixes.
getString(NamespaceRegistry, TextEncoder, TextEncoder) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Readable
Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the names' namespace URIs to prefixes and the supplied encoder to encode characters, and using the second delimiter to encode (or convert) the delimiter used between the namespace prefix and the local part of any names.
getString() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Reference
Get the string form of the Reference.
getString(TextEncoder) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Reference
Get the encoded string form of the Reference, using the supplied encoder to encode characters in the reference.
getString() - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.JoinType
Get the string representation of this query object.
getString() - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Order
Get the string representation of this query object.
getString() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Readable
Get the string representation of this query object.
getString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SelectorName
Get the string representation of this query object.
getString() - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetQuery.Operation
Get the string representation of this query object.
getString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
Get the string representation of the visited objects.
getString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Get the string representation of this query object.
getString(NamespaceRegistry) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Utility method to obtain a string representation that uses the namespace prefixes where appropriate.
getString(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Get the string representation of this query object.
getStringFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StandardValueFactories
Get the value factory for string properties.
getStringFactory() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactories
Get the value factory for string properties.
getStringFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem
Get the type factory for string types.
getStringFactory() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.TypeSystem
Get the type factory for string types.
getStringValueFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory
getStringValueFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringValueFactory
getStringValueFactory() - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueComparators
getSubgraphOfDepth(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to read a subgraph of the specified depth, rooted at a location that will be specified via at(...)
getSubject() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadata
getSuffix() - Method in enum org.modeshape.maven.ArtifactType
getSuffix() - Method in enum org.modeshape.maven.SignatureType
getSuperclassName() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.ClassMetadata
getSuperClassName() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.TypeMetadata
getSupportsUpdates() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
Get whether this source supports updates.
getSwimlane() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3TaskMetadata
getSwimlanes() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3Metadata
Get a list of all swimlane of the process definition
getSymbol() - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetQuery.Operation
getSymbol() - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode.Type
Get the symbol representation of this node type.
getSystemPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenDependency
getTable(SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.ImmutableSchemata
Get the information for the table or view with the supplied name within this schema.
getTable(SelectorName) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Schemata
Get the information for the table or view with the supplied name within this schema.
getTableElementsString(DdlTokenStream, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Method which extracts the table element string from a CREATE TABLE statement.
getTables(Connection, String, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataCollector
getTables(Connection, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.MetadataCollector
Return the list of tables that currently exist in the database to which connection is connected within the named catalog (if catalogName is non-null) and named schema (if schemaName is non-null).
getTargetClass() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Reflection
Return the class that is the target for the reflection methods.
getTargetNode(WorkspaceType, Request, Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Processor
getTargetNode(MapWorkspace, Request, Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRequestProcessor
getTargetNode(PathWorkspace, Request, Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRequestProcessor
getTargetType() - Method in exception org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFormatException
Get the PropertyType to which the value was being converted.
getTaskNodes() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3Metadata
getTasks() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3TaskNodeMetadata
getTemplate() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadata
getTerm() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch
Get the formal FullTextSearch.Term representation of the expression.
getTerminator() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Returns current terminator
getTerms() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch.CompoundTerm
Get the terms that make up this compound term.
getText() - Method in enum org.modeshape.cnd.QueryOperator
getText() - Method in enum org.modeshape.maven.MavenDependency.Scope
getText() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.excel.ExcelMetadata
getText() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.powerpoint.SlideMetadata
getText() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.word.WordMetadata.WordHeading
getTextGraph(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram
Generate a textual (horizontal) bar graph of this histogram.
getThrowable() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.Problem
getThumbnail() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadata
getThumbnail() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.powerpoint.SlideMetadata
getTimeCreated() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool.ConnectionWrapper
getTimeLastUsed() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool.ConnectionWrapper
getTimeLoaded() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.cache.Cacheable
Get the time that this node data was originally loaded.
getTimeLoaded() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CacheableRequest
Get the time that this node data was originally loaded.
getTimestamp() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentConfig
Get the system timestamp when this configuration object was created.
getTimestamp() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.Changes
Get the timestamp that the changes were made.
getTimestampInUtc() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.ChangeLogEntity
getTimeToLive() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.cache.BasicCachePolicy
Get the system time in milliseconds before which the node data remains valid.
getTimeToLive() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.cache.CachePolicy
Get the system time in milliseconds before which the node data remains valid.
getTimeToLive() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.cache.ImmutableCachePolicy
Get the system time in milliseconds before which the node data remains valid.
getTimeToLive() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.InMemoryWorkspaceCache.InMemoryCachePolicy
getTimeToLive() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.NoCachePolicy
getTimeZoneId() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Get the identifier of the time zone in which this instant is defined
getTimeZoneId() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Get the identifier of the time zone in which this instant is defined
getTimeZoneOffsetHours() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Get the number of hours that this time zone is offset from UTC.
getTimeZoneOffsetHours() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Get the number of hours that this time zone is offset from UTC.
getTitle() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.mp3.Mp3Metadata
getTitle() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadata
getTitle() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.powerpoint.SlideMetadata
getTo() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3TransitionMetadata
getTokens() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.TokenFactory
getTopLevelPathsInRepository(PathFactory) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection
Get the paths in the repository that serve as top-level nodes exposed by this projection.
getTopLevelPathsInRepository(PathFactory) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.PathRule
Get the paths in the repository that serve as top-level nodes exposed by this rule.
getTopLevelPathsInRepository(PathFactory) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.Rule
Get the paths in the repository that serve as top-level nodes exposed by this rule.
getTotal() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.SimpleStatistics
Get the aggregate sum of the values in the series.
getTotalConnectionsCreated() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Get the total number of connections that have been created by this pool.
getTotalConnectionsUsed() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Get the total number of times connections have been RepositoryConnectionPool.getConnection() used.
getTotalDuration() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Stopwatch
Get the total duration that this stopwatch has recorded.
getTotalEditingTime() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadata
getTotalNumberOfValues() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram
Return the total number of values that have gone into this histogram.
getTotalTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Statistics
Get the time required to execute the query.
getTransaction() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRequestProcessor
Returns the transaction associated with this request processor.
getTransitions() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3StartStateMetadata
getTransitions() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3TaskNodeMetadata
getTuples() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults
Get the actual tuples that contain the results.
getTuples() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults
Get the actual tuples that contain the results.
getTuples() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.SearchRequest
Get the results of this query.
getTuples() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.TupleCollector
Get the tuples.
getTuples() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession.DualIndexTupleCollector
getTuples() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession.FullTextSearchTupleCollector
getTupleSize() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
Get the size of the tuple arrays.
getTupleSize() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Columns
Get the size of the tuple arrays.
getTupleValueNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
Get the names of the all of the tuple values.
getTupleValueNames() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Columns
Get the names of the all of the tuple values.
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.ProcedureMetadata
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.TableMetadata
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.LargeValueEntity
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem.Factory
Get the class representing the value type.
getType() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.TypeSystem.TypeFactory
Get the class representing the value type.
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Get the type for this node.
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.AccessQueryRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneBranchRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneWorkspaceRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel.LastRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CopyBranchRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateNodeRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateWorkspaceRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteBranchRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteChildrenRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DestroyWorkspaceRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.FullTextSearchRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.GetWorkspacesRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.LockBranchRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.MoveBranchRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllChildrenRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllPropertiesRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBranchRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNodeRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadPropertyRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RemovePropertyRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RenameNodeRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.Request
Returns the type of the request
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.SetPropertyRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UnlockBranchRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdatePropertiesRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdateValuesRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.VerifyNodeExistsRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.VerifyWorkspaceRequest
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenDependency
The type of dependency.
getType() - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Rule
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.SkipRule
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.TypedRule
getType() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.FieldMetadata
getTypeCatalogName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.TableMetadata
getTypeFactory(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem
Get the type factory given the name of the type.
getTypeFactory(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem
Get the type factory for the type denoted by the supplied prototype value.
getTypeFactory(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.TypeSystem
Get the type factory given the name of the type.
getTypeFactory(Object) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.TypeSystem
Get the type factory for the type denoted by the supplied prototype value.
getTypeMetadata() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.JavaMetadata
Gets the list for type declarations (class/interface/enum/annotation) of this unit.
getTypeName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.ColumnMetadata
getTypeName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.TableMetadata
getTypeName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem.Factory
Get the name of the type created by this factory.
getTypeName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.TypeSystem.TypeFactory
Get the name of the type created by this factory.
getTypeName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.AttributeTest
getTypeName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.ElementTest
getTypeName() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.FieldMetadata
getTypeNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem
Get the names of the supported types.
getTypeNames() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.TypeSystem
Get the names of the supported types.
getTypeSchemaName() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.TableMetadata
getTypeSystem() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StandardValueFactories
Get the type system associated with these factories.
getTypeSystem() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactories
Get the type system associated with these factories.
getTypeSystem() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryContext
Get the interface for working with literal values and types.
getUncountables() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector
Get the set of words that are not processed by the Inflector.
getUnencodedString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPathSegment
Get the raw string form of the segment using the no-op encoder.
getUnencodedString() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path.Segment
Get the raw string form of the segment using the no-op encoder.
getUniqueChildNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode
getUniqueChildNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.DefaultMapNode
getUniqueChildNames() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapNode
Returns the set of child names for this node
getUniqueChildNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.DefaultPathNode
getUniqueChildNames() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathNode
Returns the set of child names for this node
getUnmodifiable() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.cache.BasicCachePolicy
getUnmodifiable() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.cache.ImmutableCachePolicy
getUnmodifiableChildren() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode.Changes
getUnmodifiableChildren() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode.Changes
getUnmodifiableProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode.Changes
getUnmodifiableProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode.Changes
getUnusedSource() - Method in exception org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParserProblem
getUpdatesAllowed() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
Get whether this source supports updates.
getUpdatesAllowed() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
Get whether this source supports updates.
getUpperBound() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram.Bucket
Get the upper bound of this bucket.
getUpperBound() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram.BucketingStrategy
getUpperBound() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram.DefaultBucketingStrategy
getUpperBound() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram.ExplicitBucketingStrategy
getUpperBound() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram.StandardDeviationBucketingStrategy
getUpperBound() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.Between
Get the upper bound operand.
getUpperBound() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrBetween
Get the upper bound operand.
getUri() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.NamespaceEntity
getUriFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StandardValueFactories
Get the value factory for URI properties.
getUriFactory() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactories
Get the value factory for URI properties.
getUriResolver() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ResolvedRequest
getUrl() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
getUrl() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
getUrl(MavenId, ArtifactType, SignatureType) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenRepository
Get the URL for the artifact with the specified type in the given Maven project.
getUrl(MavenId, ArtifactType, SignatureType, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenRepository
Get the URL for the artifact with the specified type in the given Maven project.
getUrl(URLStreamHandler, TextEncoder) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenUrl
Get a URL that corresponds to the information in this object.
getUrl(MavenId, ArtifactType, SignatureType, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
Get the URL for the artifact with the specified type in the given Maven project.
getUrl(MavenId, ArtifactType, SignatureType, boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.maven.spi.MavenUrlProvider
Get the URL for the artifact with the specified type in the given Maven project.
getUrl() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain.Server
getUrl(File, String, Workspace) - Method in interface org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.IRestClient
getUrl() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.FileNode
getUrl() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.FolderNode
The URL will NOT end in '/'.
getUrl() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.JsonNode
getUrl(File, String, Workspace) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.JsonRestClient
getUrl() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.RepositoryNode
This URL can be used to obtain the workspaces contained in this repository.
getUrl() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.ServerNode
The URL will NOT end in '/'.
getUrl() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.WorkspaceNode
getUrlDecoder() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
getUrlEncoder() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
getUrlPath(MavenId, ArtifactType, SignatureType) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
Get the JRC path to the node in this repository and it's workspace that represents the artifact with the given type in the supplied Maven project.
getUser() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain.Server
getUsername() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
Get the username that should be used to access the repository.
getUsername() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
getUsername() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
getUsername() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.ChangeLogEntity
getUsername() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
getUserName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.JaasSecurityContext
Returns the authenticated user's name
getUserName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.Changes
Get the user that made these changes.
getUserName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.SecurityContext
Returns the authenticated user's name
getUserName() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.ServletSecurityContext
Returns the authenticated user's name
getUuid() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode
getUuid() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
Returns the UUID for this node
getUuid() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Node
Returns the UUID for this node
getUuid() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
Returns the UUID for this node
getUuid() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.DefaultMapNode
getUuid() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapNode
Returns the UUID for this node
getUuid() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.DefaultPathNode
getUuid() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathNode
Returns the UUID for this node.
getUuid() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Get the first UUID that is in one of the identification properties.
getUuid() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidReference
getUuidFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StandardValueFactories
Get the value factory for UUID properties.
getUuidFactory() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactories
Get the value factory for UUID properties.
getUuidsUnderNode(WorkspaceType, NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction
Returns all of the UUIDs in the branch rooted at node.
getUuidsUnderNode(MapNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
Returns all of the UUIDs in the branch rooted at node.
getValidateConnectionBeforeUse() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
getValidSchemaChildTypes() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlParser
getValidSchemaChildTypes() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlParser
getValidSchemaChildTypes() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlParser
getValidSchemaChildTypes() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
getValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.StoreOptionEntity
getValue() - Method in exception org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFormatException
Get the original value that was being converted.
getValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch.SimpleTerm
Get the value of this term.
getValue(QueryContext, StaticOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RewriteAsRangeCriteria
Get the value associated with the static operand of the comparison.
getValue(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults.TupleCursor
Get from the current row the value in the given column.
getValue(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults.TupleCursor
Get the value in the named column.
getValue(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Cursor
Get from the current row the value in the given column.
getValue(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Cursor
Get the value in the named column.
getValue(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.MultiSelectorQueryResultRow
getValue(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.SingleSelectorQueryResultRow
getValue(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryResult.JcrSqlQueryResultRow
getValue(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.XPathQueryResult.XPathQueryResultRow
getValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Literal
getValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerOutputMap.PropertyValue
Get the property value, which is either a single value or an array of values.
getValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareQuery.CompareWeight
This implementation always returns a weight factor of 1.0.
getValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.HasValueQuery.ExistsWeight
This implementation always returns a weight factor of 1.0.
getValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.IdsQuery.IdSetWeight
This implementation always returns a weight factor of 1.0.
getValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.MatchNoneQuery.NoneWeight
This implementation always returns a weight factor of 1.0.
getValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.NotQuery.NotWeight
This implementation always returns a weight factor of 1.0.
getValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ScoreQuery.NotWeight
This implementation always returns a weight factor of 1.0.
getValueAsInteger() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Literal
getValueClass() - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.property.PropertyType
getValueFactories() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.ExecutionContext
Get the factories that should be used to create values for properties.
getValueFactory(PropertyType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactories
Get the value factory that creates values of the supplied type.
getValueFactory(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactories
Get the value factory that is best able to create values with the most natural type given by the supplied value.
getValueFactory(PropertyType) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactories
Get the value factory that creates values of the supplied type.
getValueFactory(Object) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFactories
Get the value factory that is best able to create values with the most natural type given by the supplied value.
getValueFactory() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrTypeSystem
getValues() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.DetailedStatistics
Get the values that have been recorded in these statistics.
getValues() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram.BucketingStrategy
getValues() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicProperty
Obtain the property's values in their natural form.
getValues() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Property
Obtain the property's values in their natural form.
getValues() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch.SimpleTerm
Get the values of this term if the term is quoted.
getValues() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.SetCriteria
Get the static operands for this set criteria.
getValues() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.MultiSelectorQueryResultRow
getValues() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.SingleSelectorQueryResultRow
getValues() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetCriteria
Get the static operands for this set criteria.
getValues() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.EnumMetadata
getValues() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.EnumMetadata
getValuesAsArray() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicProperty
Obtain the property's values as an array of objects in their natural form.
getValuesAsArray() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Property
Obtain the property's values as an array of objects in their natural form.
getVariables() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryContext
Get the variables that are to be substituted into the BindVariableName used in the query.
getVariables() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.FieldMetadata
getVersion() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.StoreOptions
getVersion() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
Get the version number of this node.
getVersion() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
Get the version number of this node.
getVersion() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId
getVersionComponents(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId
Utility to break down the version string into the individual components.
getVisibility() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.ClassMetadata
getVisibility() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.FieldMetadata
getVisibility() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.MethodMetadata
getWeekOfWeekyear() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Get the week of the weekyear of this instance in time.
getWeekOfWeekyear() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Get the week of the weekyear of this instance in time.
getWeekyear() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Get the era of this instance in time.
getWeekyear() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Get the era of this instance in time.
getWidth() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram.Bucket
Get the width of this bucket.
getWidth() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
If ImageMetadata.check() was successful, returns one the image's horizontal resolution in pixels.
getWords() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadata
getWorkspace(String, InfinispanWorkspace) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanTransaction
Creates a new workspace with the given name containing only a root node.
getWorkspace(String, JBossCacheWorkspace) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheTransaction
Creates a new workspace with the given name containing only a root node.
getWorkspace(String, JdbcMetadataWorkspace) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataRepository.JdbcMetadataTransaction
getWorkspace(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository
getWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.WorkspaceChanges
getWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction.WorkspaceChanges
getWorkspace(Request, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Processor
getWorkspace(Transaction<NodeType, WorkspaceType>, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Repository
Returns the workspace with the given name.
getWorkspace(String, WorkspaceType) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Transaction
Creates a new workspace with the given name containing only a root node.
getWorkspace(String, InMemoryWorkspace) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryTransaction
Creates a new workspace with the given name containing only a root node.
getWorkspace(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepository
Returns the workspace with the given name
getWorkspace(Request, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRequestProcessor
getWorkspace(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRepository
Returns the workspace with the given name
getWorkspace(Request, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRequestProcessor
getWorkspace(ExecutionContext, String, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.AbstractSearchEngine.SearchWorkspaces
Get the search engine for the workspace with the supplied name.
getWorkspace(ExecutionContext, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.search.AbstractSearchEngine.Workspaces
Get the search engine for the workspace with the supplied name.
getWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.ConfigurationDefinition
Get the name of the workspace used for the configuration repository.
getWorkspace(String, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
getWorkspace(Request, String, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
getWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
getWorkspaceDirectory(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemRepository
getWorkspaceDirectory(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepository
getWorkspaceId() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
Returns the identifier of the workspace containing this node
getWorkspaceId() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SubgraphQueryEntity
getWorkspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection
Get the name of the workspace in the source to which this projection applies.
getWorkspaceName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineWorkspace
Get the name of the workspace.
getWorkspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.SourceWorkspacePair
getWorkspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenUrl
getWorkspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
getWorkspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.util.RepositoryNodePath
getWorkspaceName() - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceSession
getWorkspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfigurations.IndexId
getWorkspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
getWorkspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchWorkspace
Get the name of the workspace.
getWorkspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ResolvedRequest
getWorkspaceNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanRepository
Get the names of the available workspaces that have been loaded.
getWorkspaceNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanTransaction
Get the names of the existing workspaces.
getWorkspaceNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheRepository
Get the names of the available workspaces that have been loaded.
getWorkspaceNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheTransaction
Get the names of the existing workspaces.
getWorkspaceNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository
getWorkspaceNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Workspaces
Find the set of names for the existing workspaces.
getWorkspaceNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.BaseTransaction
Get the names of the existing workspaces.
getWorkspaceNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Repository
Get the names of the available workspaces that have been loaded.
getWorkspaceNames() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Transaction
Get the names of the existing workspaces.
getWorkspaceNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepository
Returns a list of the names of the currently created workspaces
getWorkspaceNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRepository
Returns a list of the names of the currently created workspaces
getWorkspaceRootPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
Get the relative root directory for the workspaces.
getWorkspaces() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Get the set of workspace names that are known to this source and accessible by this context.
getWorkspaces() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Add a request to obtain the information about the available workspaces.
getWorkspaces() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to obtain the information about the available workspaces.
getWorkspaces() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.AbstractSearchEngine.SearchWorkspaces
Get the existing workspaces.
getWorkspaces() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.search.AbstractSearchEngine.Workspaces
Get the existing workspaces.
getWorkspaces(Repository) - Method in interface org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.IRestClient
Obtains the workspaces defined within the specified ModeShape respository.
getWorkspaces(Repository) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.JsonRestClient
Obtains the workspaces defined within the specified ModeShape respository.
getWorkspaces(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.RepositoryNode
getWorkspaces(HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.JcrResources
Returns the list of workspaces available to this user within the named repository.
getWorkspaces() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.model.RepositoryResources
getWorkspaces() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.model.WorkspaceResources
getWorkspacesFailedMsg - Static variable in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.RestClientI18n
GetWorkspacesRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
A request to obtain the information about the workspaces that are available.
GetWorkspacesRequest() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.GetWorkspacesRequest
Create a request to obtain the information about the available workspaces.
getWrapped() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.ParenthesizedExpression
getWrites() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.CacheStatistics
getWrites() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.DefaultCacheStatistics
getXAResource() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositoryConnection
Return the transactional resource associated with this connection.
getXAResource() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaConnection
getXAResource() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Connection
Return the transactional resource associated with this connection.
getXAResource() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepositoryConnection
Return the transactional resource associated with this connection.
getXAResource() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRepositoryConnection
Return the transactional resource associated with this connection.
getXAResource() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnection
Return the transactional resource associated with this connection.
getXAResource() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool.ConnectionWrapper
Return the transactional resource associated with this connection.
getXAResource() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchableRepositorySource.AbstractConnection
Return the transactional resource associated with this connection.
getYear() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Get the era of this instance in time.
getYear() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Get the era of this instance in time.
getYear() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.mp3.Mp3Metadata
getYearOfCentury() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Get the year of this century of this instance in time.
getYearOfCentury() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Get the year of this century of this instance in time.
getYearOfEra() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Get the year of the era of this instance in time.
getYearOfEra() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Get the year of the era of this instance in time.
GRANT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
GRANT_PRIVILEGE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
GRANTEE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
Graph - Class in org.modeshape.graph
A graph representation of the content within a RepositorySource, including mechanisms to interact and manipulate that content.
Graph(String, RepositoryConnectionFactory, ExecutionContext) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
graph(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.AbstractSearchEngine
Obtain a graph to the source for which this engine exists.
graph() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.ConfigurationDefinition
Obtain a graph to this configuration repository.
Graph.AbstractAction<T> - Class in org.modeshape.graph
Graph.AccessQueryProcessor - Class in org.modeshape.graph
Graph.AccessQueryProcessor(String, String, QueryContext, QueryResults.Columns, PlanNode) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.AccessQueryProcessor
Graph.AddValue<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
The interface for defining the node on which an Graph.addValue(Object) operation applies and what additional values (if any) should be added.
Graph.AddValueAction<T> - Class in org.modeshape.graph
Graph.AddValueAction(T, String, Object) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.AddValueAction
Graph.And<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
A interface that is used to add more locations that are to be copied/moved.
Graph.AsChild<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
A component that defines a new child name for a node.
Graph.AsName<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
A component that defines a new name for a node.
Graph.At<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
The interface for defining the node upon which which a request operates.
Graph.BaseResults<NodeType extends Node> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
A set of nodes returned from a graph, with methods to access the properties and children of the nodes in the result.
Graph.Batch - Class in org.modeshape.graph
Interface for creating multiple requests to perform various operations.
Graph.BatchConjunction - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
Graph.Before<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
A component that defines the location before which a node should be copied or moved.
Graph.BlockOfChildren<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
A component used to specify a block of children starting either at a particular index or after a previous sibling.
Graph.BuildQuery - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
The interface used to complete a query submission.
Graph.Children<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
A component used to supply the details for getting children of another node.
Graph.Clone<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
The interface for defining a branch of nodes to be cloned and the location where the clone is to be placed.
Graph.CloneAction<T> - Class in org.modeshape.graph
Graph.CloneTargetAction<T> - Class in org.modeshape.graph
Graph.Conjunction<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
A interface that can be used to finish the current request and start another.
Graph.Copy<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
The interface for defining additional nodes to be copied and the locations where the copy is to be placed.
Graph.CopyAction<T> - Class in org.modeshape.graph
Graph.CopyTarget<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
Graph.Create<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
The interface for defining additional properties on a new node.
Graph.CreateAction<T> - Class in org.modeshape.graph
Graph.CreateAt<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
The interface for defining additional properties on a new node.
Graph.CreateNode<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
A component that defines a node that is to be created.
Graph.CreateNodeNamed<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
A component that defines a node that is to be created.
Graph.CreateNodeNamedAction<T> - Class in org.modeshape.graph
Graph.CreateNodeNamedAction(T, Location) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateNodeNamedAction
Graph.CreateWorkspace - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
The interface used to create a new workspace.
Graph.DestroyWorkspace - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
The interface used to destroy a workspace.
Graph.Executable<NodeType extends Node> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
A interface used to execute the accumulated requests.
Graph.FromName<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
A component that defines the name of a property from which a value should be removed.
Graph.FromWorkspace<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
The interface for specifying that a node should come from a workspace other than the current workspace.
Graph.GetNodeConjunction<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
Graph.GraphNode - Class in org.modeshape.graph
Graph.GraphQueryContext - Class in org.modeshape.graph
Graph.GraphQueryContext(Schemata, TypeSystem, PlanHints, Problems, Map<String, Object>, Graph.Batch) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.GraphQueryContext
Graph.GraphWorkspace - Class in org.modeshape.graph
Graph.ImportInto<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
A component that defines the location into which a node should be copied or moved.
Graph.Into<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
A component that defines the location into which a node should be copied or moved.
Graph.LockAction<T> - Class in org.modeshape.graph
Graph.LockScope<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
Interface for specifying whether a lock should be deep in scope
Graph.LockTimeout<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
Interface for specifying whether the maximum length of the lock
Graph.Move<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
The interface for defining additional nodes to be moved and the parent into which the node(s) are to be moved.
Graph.MoveAction<T> - Class in org.modeshape.graph
Graph.NameWorkspace - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
The interface used to specify the name of a new workspace.
Graph.Of<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
The interface for defining the node upon which a request operates.
Graph.On<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
The interface for defining the node upon which a request operates.
Graph.OnMultiple<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
The interface for defining the node upon which a request operates, including a method that accepts multiple locations.
Graph.RemoveValue<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
The interface for defining the node on which an Graph.removeValue(Object) operation applies and what additional values (if any) should be removed.
Graph.RemoveValueAction<T> - Class in org.modeshape.graph
Graph.RemoveValueAction(T, String, Object) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.RemoveValueAction
Graph.SetValues<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
A component used to set the values on a property.
Graph.SetValuesTo<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
A component used to set the values on a property.
Graph.To<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
A component that defines the location to which a node should be copied or moved.
Graph.ToName<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
A component that defines the name of a property to which a value should be added.
Graph.Under<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
The interface for defining the node under which which a request operates.
Graph.WithUuids<Next> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
The interface for specifying how UUID conflicts should be handled.
GraphBatchDestination - Class in org.modeshape.graph.io
A Destination that makes the changes to a graph via a Graph.Batch.
GraphBatchDestination(Graph.Batch) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.io.GraphBatchDestination
Create a new instance that will use the specified batch.
GraphBatchDestination(Graph.Batch, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.io.GraphBatchDestination
Create a new instance that will use the specified batch.
GraphI18n - Class in org.modeshape.graph
The internationalized string constants for the org.modeshape.graph* packages.
GraphI18n() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
GraphImporter - Class in org.modeshape.graph.io
An importer of graph content.
GraphImporter(Graph) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.io.GraphImporter
GraphNamespaceRegistry - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
A NamespaceRegistry implementation that stores the namespaces in a Graph as individual nodes for each namespace, under a parent supplied by the constructor.
GraphNamespaceRegistry(Graph, Path, Name, Property...) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.GraphNamespaceRegistry
GraphSession<Payload,PropertyPayload> - Class in org.modeshape.graph.session
This class represents an interactive session for working with the content within a graph.
GraphSession(Graph, String, GraphSession.Operations<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
Create a session that uses the supplied graph and the supplied node operations.
GraphSession(Graph, String, GraphSession.Operations<Payload, PropertyPayload>, GraphSession.Authorizer) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
Create a session that uses the supplied graph and the supplied node operations.
GraphSession.Authorizer - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.session
GraphSession.Authorizer.Action - Enum in org.modeshape.graph.session
GraphSession.Dependencies - Class in org.modeshape.graph.session
GraphSession.Dependencies() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Dependencies
GraphSession.LoadAllChildrenVisitor - Class in org.modeshape.graph.session
A visitor that ensures that all children of a node are loaded, and provides a hook to post-process the parent.
GraphSession.LoadAllChildrenVisitor() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.LoadAllChildrenVisitor
GraphSession.LoadNodesVisitor - Class in org.modeshape.graph.session
An abstract base class for visitors that need to load nodes using a single batch for all read operations.
GraphSession.LoadNodesVisitor() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.LoadNodesVisitor
GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> - Class in org.modeshape.graph.session
GraphSession.Node(GraphSession<Payload, PropertyPayload>, GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>, GraphSession.NodeId, Location) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
GraphSession.NodeId - Class in org.modeshape.graph.session
An immutable identifier for a node, used within the GraphSession.
GraphSession.NodeId(long) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NodeId
Create a new node identifier.
GraphSession.NodeIdFactory - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.session
GraphSession.NodeOperations<Payload,PropertyPayload> - Class in org.modeshape.graph.session
A default implementation of GraphSession.Operations that provides all the basic functionality required by a graph session.
GraphSession.NodeOperations() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NodeOperations
GraphSession.NodeVisitor<NodePayload,PropertyPayloadType> - Class in org.modeshape.graph.session
The node visitor.
GraphSession.NodeVisitor() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NodeVisitor
GraphSession.NoOpAuthorizer - Class in org.modeshape.graph.session
GraphSession.Authorizer implementation that does nothing.
GraphSession.NoOpAuthorizer() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NoOpAuthorizer
GraphSession.Operations<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.session
GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload> - Class in org.modeshape.graph.session
GraphSession.PropertyInfo(Property, boolean, GraphSession.Status, PropertyPayload) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.PropertyInfo
GraphSession.RefreshState<Payload,PropertyPayload> - Class in org.modeshape.graph.session
GraphSession.RefreshState() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.RefreshState
GraphSession.Snapshot<PropertyPayload> - Class in org.modeshape.graph.session
GraphSession.Snapshot(GraphSession.Node<?, PropertyPayload>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Snapshot
GraphSession.Status - Enum in org.modeshape.graph.session
GraphSession.StructureSnapshot<PropertyPayload> - Class in org.modeshape.graph.session
A read-only visitor that walks the cache to obtain a snapshot of the cache structure.
GraphSession.StructureSnapshot(NamespaceRegistry, List<GraphSession.Snapshot<PropertyPayload>>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.StructureSnapshot
group(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.PathExpression.Matcher
groupCount() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.PathExpression.Matcher
GZIP - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Specify that data should be gzip-compressed in second bit.


handle(Callback[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.JaasSecurityContext.UserPasswordCallbackHandler
handleUnknownToken(DdlTokenStream, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlParser
Utility method subclasses can override to check unknown tokens and perform additional node manipulation.
handleUnknownToken(DdlTokenStream, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Utility method subclasses can override to check unknown tokens and perform additional node manipulation.
HAS_ORDERABLE_CHILD_NODES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
hasAlias() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Selector
Determine if this selector has an alias.
hasAncestorOfType(PlanNode.Type) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Determine whether this node has an ancestor with the supplied type.
hasAncestorOfType(PlanNode.Type, PlanNode.Type...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Determine whether this node has an ancestor with any of the supplied types.
hasAncestorOfType(Set<PlanNode.Type>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Determine whether this node has an ancestor with any of the supplied types.
hasBooleanProperty(PlanNode.Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Indicates if there is a non-null property value that equates to a true boolean value.
hasChanged(ComponentConfig) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentConfig
Determine whether this component has changed with respect to the supplied component.
hasChanged(SequencerConfig) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerConfig
hasChanges() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
Determine if this node has any unsaved changes.
hasChanges() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
Determine if this node has any unsaved changes.
hasChanges() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Determine if there are any unsaved changes to this configuration that must be saved before they take effect.
hasChanges() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
Return whether this session made changes to the indexed state.
hasChild(Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Determine whether this node has a child with the supplied name and SNS index.
hasChild(Name, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Determine whether this node has a child with the supplied name and SNS index.
hasChildren() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.GraphNode
hasChildren() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Node
Return whether this node has children.
hasCollectionProperty(PlanNode.Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Indicates if there is a non-null and non-empty Collection value for the property.
hasColumns(Schemata.Column...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.ImmutableKey
Determine whether this key contains exactly those columns listed.
hasColumns(Iterable<Schemata.Column>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.ImmutableKey
Determine whether this key contains exactly those columns listed.
hasColumns(Schemata.Column...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Schemata.Key
Determine whether this key contains exactly those columns listed.
hasColumns(Iterable<Schemata.Column>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Schemata.Key
Determine whether this key contains exactly those columns listed.
hasCriteria - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanHints
This flag indicates that the plan has a criteria somewhere
hasError() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel.ChannelCompositeRequest
Return whether there is an error associated with this request
hasError() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.Request
Return whether there is an error associated with this request
hasErrors() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
hasErrors() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Determine if there is at least one error in this collection.
hasErrors() - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Determine if there is at least one error in this collection.
hasErrors() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ThreadSafeProblems
Determine if there is at least one error in this collection.
hasErrors() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults
Return true if there is at least one error recorded in the problems.
hasErrors() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults
Return true if there is at least one error recorded in the problems.
hasExceptionsToRule() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.PathRule
Get whether this rule has any exceptions.
hasExecuted() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Return whether this batch has been executed.
hasFullText(Location, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SelectComponent.Analyzer
Determine whether the node at the supplied location satisfies the supplied full-text query.
hasFullText(Location, String, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SelectComponent.Analyzer
Determine whether the named property of the node at the supplied location satisfies the supplied full-text query.
hasFullTextSearch - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanHints
hasFullTextSearchScores() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.FullTextSearchResultColumns
Determine whether these results include full-text search scores.
hasFullTextSearchScores() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
Determine whether these results include full-text search scores.
hasFullTextSearchScores() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Columns
Determine whether these results include full-text search scores.
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableAppendedList
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.Problem
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentConfig
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector.Rule
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Position
HashCode - Class in org.modeshape.common.util
Utilities for easily computing hash codes.
HashCode() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.util.HashCode
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.ChangeLogEntity
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.NamespaceEntity
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.WorkspaceEntity
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.Model
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.LargeValueEntity
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SubgraphNodeEntity
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.StoreOptionEntity
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.FederatedRepositorySource
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.PathRule
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.DefaultMapNode
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.GraphNode
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.GraphWorkspace
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.ChangeObserver.ChangeSourceReference
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.ChangeObservers.ObserverReference
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.Changes
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.NetChange
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicName
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicNamespace
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPathSegment
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicProperty
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.InMemoryBinary
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.PathExpression
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.PathExpression.Matcher
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.AllNodes
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.And
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ArithmeticOperand
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Between
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.BindVariableName
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ChildNode
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ChildNodeJoinCondition
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Column
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Comparison
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.DescendantNode
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.DescendantNodeJoinCondition
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.EquiJoinCondition
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch.CompoundTerm
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch.NegationTerm
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch.SimpleTerm
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearchScore
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Join
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Length
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Limit
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Literal
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.LowerCase
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NamedSelector
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodeDepth
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodeLocalName
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodeName
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodePath
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Not
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Or
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Ordering
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.PropertyExistence
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.PropertyValue
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Query
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ReferenceValue
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SameNode
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SameNodeJoinCondition
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SelectorName
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetCriteria
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetQuery
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.UpperCase
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.QueryParsers
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.AccessQueryRequest
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneBranchRequest
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneWorkspaceRequest
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CopyBranchRequest
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateNodeRequest
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateWorkspaceRequest
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteBranchRequest
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DestroyWorkspaceRequest
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.FullTextSearchRequest
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.GetWorkspacesRequest
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.LockBranchRequest
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.MoveBranchRequest
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor.LocationWithDepth
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllChildrenRequest
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllPropertiesRequest
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBranchRequest
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNodeRequest
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadPropertyRequest
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RemovePropertyRequest
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RenameNodeRequest
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.SetPropertyRequest
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UnlockBranchRequest
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdatePropertiesRequest
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.VerifyNodeExistsRequest
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.VerifyWorkspaceRequest
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NodeId
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.PropertyInfo
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrNamedSelector
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.NameTest
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenDependency
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId.Version
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerOutputMap.PropertyValue
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerPathExpression
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerPathExpression.Matcher
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService.SequencerCall
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.util.RepositoryNodePath
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfigurations.IndexId
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.db2.Db2DdlParser
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain.Repository
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain.Server
hashCode() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain.Workspace
hasIdProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Return whether this location is defined (at least in part) with identification properties.
hasIndex() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPathSegment
Return whether this segment has an index.
hasIndex() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path.Segment
Return whether this segment has an index.
hasInfo() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
hasInfo() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Determine if there is at least one informational problem in this collection.
hasInfo() - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Determine if there is at least one informational problem in this collection.
hasInfo() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ThreadSafeProblems
Determine if there is at least one informational problem in this collection.
hasJoin - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanHints
This flag indicates that the plan has a join somewhere
hasKey(Schemata.Column...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Schemata.Table
Determine whether this table has a key that contains exactly those columns listed.
hasKey(Iterable<Schemata.Column>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Schemata.Table
Determine whether this table has a key that contains exactly those columns listed.
hasLimit - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanHints
hasMixinType(AstNode, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNodeFactory
Utility method to determine if an AstNode contains a specific mixin type.
hasModifierNamed(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.FieldMetadata
hasModifierNamed(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.MethodMetadata
hasModifierNamed(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.TypeMetadata
hasNext() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.EmptyIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ReadOnlyIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterArrayStream
Determine if there is another character available in this stream.
hasNext() - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterStream
Determine if there is another character available in this stream.
hasNext() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Determine if this stream has another token to be consumed.
hasNext() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath.SingleIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactories.ValueFactoryIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory.ConvertingIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicEmptyProperty.EmptyIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicMultiValueProperty.ReadOnlyIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicSingleValueProperty.ValueIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults.TupleCursor
Determine whether this cursor can be moved from its current position to the next row.
hasNext() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Cursor
Determine whether this cursor can be moved from its current position to the next row.
hasNext() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.QueryResultNodeIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.QueryResultRowIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerOutputMap.EntryIterator
hasNodeType(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeManager
Returns true if and only if the node type with the given name exists.
hasNoEffect() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.MoveBranchRequest
Determine whether this move request can be determined to have no effect.
hasObservers() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.ObservationBus
Determine whether this particular bus currently has any observers.
hasOptionalJoin - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanHints
hasOrderableChildNodes() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeTemplate
hasPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Return whether this location is defined (at least in part) by a path.
hasPendingChanges() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
Returns whether the session cache has any pending changes that need to be executed.
hasProblem() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.i18n.I18n
hasProblem(Locale) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.i18n.I18n
hasProblems() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
hasProblems() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Determine if there are problems in this collection.
hasProblems() - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Determine if there are problems in this collection.
hasProblems() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ThreadSafeProblems
Determine if there are problems in this collection.
hasProperty(PlanNode.Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Indicates if there is a non-null value for the property.
hasProperty(Location, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SelectComponent.Analyzer
Determine whether the node at the supplied location has the named property.
hasProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder
Define a constraint clause that the node within the named table has at least one value for the named property.
hasRequests() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Determine whether this builder has built any requests.
hasRole(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.JaasSecurityContext
Returns whether the authenticated user has the given role.
hasRole(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.SecurityContext
Returns whether the authenticated user has the given role.
hasRole(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.ServletSecurityContext
Returns whether the authenticated user has the given role.
hasRowLimited() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Limit
Determine whether this limit clause defines a maximum limit
hasSameAncestor(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Determine whether this path and the supplied path have the same immediate ancestor.
hasSameAncestor(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ChildPath
Determine whether this path and the supplied path have the same immediate ancestor.
hasSameAncestor(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Determine whether this path and the supplied path have the same immediate ancestor.
hasSameAncestor(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Determine whether this path and the supplied path have the same immediate ancestor.
hasSameAncestor(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Determine whether this path and the supplied path have the same immediate ancestor.
hasSameKey(Server) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain.Server
A server has the same identifying properties if their URL and user matches.
hasSelector(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
Determine if these results contain values from the selector with the supplied name.
hasSelector(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Columns
Determine if these results contain values from the selector with the supplied name.
hasSelector(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.QueryResultRowIterator
hasSetQuery - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanHints
flag indicates that the plan has a union somewhere
hasSizeOfAtLeast(Collection<?>, int, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the collection contains at least the supplied number of elements
hasSizeOfAtLeast(Map<?, ?>, int, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the map contains at least the supplied number of entries
hasSizeOfAtLeast(Object[], int, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the array contains at least the supplied number of elements
hasSizeOfAtMost(Collection<?>, int, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the collection contains no more than the supplied number of elements
hasSizeOfAtMost(Map<?, ?>, int, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the map contains no more than the supplied number of entries
hasSizeOfAtMost(Object[], int, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the array contains no more than the supplied number of elements
hasSort - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanHints
This flag indicates that the plan has a sort somewhere
hasValue(IndexReader, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.HasValueQuery
HasValueQuery - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene.query
A Lucene Query implementation that is satisfied if there is at least one value for a document.
HasValueQuery(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.HasValueQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores nodes according to the supplied comparator.
HasValueQuery.ExistsScorer - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene.query
A scorer for the Path query.
HasValueQuery.ExistsScorer(IndexReader) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.HasValueQuery.ExistsScorer
HasValueQuery.ExistsWeight - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene.query
Calculates query weights and builds query scores for our NOT queries.
HasValueQuery.ExistsWeight(Searcher) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.HasValueQuery.ExistsWeight
hasView - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanHints
Flag indicates that the plan has at least one view somewhere
hasWarnings() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
hasWarnings() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Determine if there is at least one warning in this collection.
hasWarnings() - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Determine if there is at least one warning in this collection.
hasWarnings() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ThreadSafeProblems
Determine if there is at least one warning in this collection.
hasWarnings() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults
Return true if there is at least one warning recorded in the problems.
hasWarnings() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults
Return true if there is at least one warning recorded in the problems.
hasWorkspace(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.FederatedRepositorySource
hasWriters() - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceSession
hasWriters() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
HEADING_LEVEL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon
HEADING_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon
HEADING_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon
HEIGHT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadataLexicon
HIERARCHY_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNtLexicon
Histogram<T extends Number> - Class in org.modeshape.common.statistic
A representation of a histogram of values.
Histogram(MathOperations<T>, List<T>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram
Histogram(MathOperations<T>, T...) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram
Histogram.Bucket - Class in org.modeshape.common.statistic
Represents a bucket in a histogram.
Histogram.Bucket(T, T) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram.Bucket
Histogram.BucketingStrategy - Class in org.modeshape.common.statistic
Histogram.BucketingStrategy() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram.BucketingStrategy
Histogram.DefaultBucketingStrategy - Class in org.modeshape.common.statistic
Histogram.DefaultBucketingStrategy() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram.DefaultBucketingStrategy
Histogram.ExplicitBucketingStrategy - Class in org.modeshape.common.statistic
Histogram.ExplicitBucketingStrategy(T, T) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram.ExplicitBucketingStrategy
Histogram.StandardDeviationBucketingStrategy - Class in org.modeshape.common.statistic
Histogram.StandardDeviationBucketingStrategy(double, double, int) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram.StandardDeviationBucketingStrategy
holdsLock(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLockManager
HttpClientConnection - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.http
HttpClientConnection uses the Apache HttpClient.
HttpClientConnection(Server, URL, IJsonConstants.RequestMethod) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.http.HttpClientConnection
humanize(String, String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector
Capitalizes the first word and turns underscores into spaces and strips trailing "_id" and any supplied removable tokens.


I18n - Class in org.modeshape.common.i18n
An internalized string object, which manages the initialization of internationalization (i18n) files, substitution of values within i18n message placeholders, and dynamically reading properties from i18n property files.
i18nClassInterface - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
i18nClassNotPublic - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
i18nFieldFinal - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
i18nFieldInvalidType - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
i18nFieldNotPublic - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
i18nFieldNotStatic - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
i18nLocalizationFileNotFound - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
i18nLocalizationProblems - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
i18nPropertyDuplicate - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
i18nPropertyMissing - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
i18nPropertyUnused - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
i18nRequiredToSuppliedParameterMismatch - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
id() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.i18n.I18n
IDENTIFIER_LEADING_TERMINAL - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
The character used to begin an identifier segment within a path.
IDENTIFIER_TRAILING_TERMINAL - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
The character used to end an identifier segment within a path.
identifierFor(Path) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
IdentifierPath - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
Optimized implementation of Path that serves as the root path.
IdentifierPath(IdentifierPathSegment) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
identifierPathContainedUnsupportedIdentifierFormat - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
identifierPathContainedUnsupportedIdentifierFormat - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
identifierPathDoesNotMatchSuppliedUuid - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
identifierPathNeverReferencesProperty - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
IdentifierPathSegment - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
A Path.Segment implementation that represents an identifier segment.
IdentifierPathSegment(Name) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPathSegment
idFactory - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
IDLE_TIME_IN_SECONDS_BEFORE_TESTING_CONNECTIONS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
IDLE_TIME_IN_SECONDS_BEFORE_TESTING_CONNECTIONS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
IdsQuery - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene.query
A Lucene Query implementation that is used to score positively those documents that have a ID in the supplied set.
IdsQuery(String, Set<String>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.IdsQuery
Construct a Query implementation that scores nodes according to the supplied comparator.
IdsQuery.IdScorer - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene.query
A scorer for the Path query.
IdsQuery.IdScorer(IndexReader) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.IdsQuery.IdScorer
IdsQuery.IdSetWeight - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene.query
Calculates query weights and builds query scores for our NOT queries.
IdsQuery.IdSetWeight(Searcher) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.IdsQuery.IdSetWeight
ifAbsent() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Create
Create the node only if there is no existing node with the same name (ignoring same-name-sibling indexes).
ifAbsent() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAction
Create the node only if there is no existing node with the same name (ignoring same-name-sibling indexes).
ignoreSubmit - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.io.GraphBatchDestination
IJcrConstants - Interface in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client
The IJcrContants class provides constants for the commonly used JCR types and property identifiers.
IJsonConstants - Interface in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json
The IJsonConstants interface provides JSON-specific constants used when JSON as a transport mechanism between the REST client and the REST server.
IJsonConstants.RequestMethod - Enum in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json
The HTTP method to use when creating a connection with the REST server.
ImageMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.image
Get file format, image resolution, number of bits per pixel and optionally number of images, comments and physical resolution from JPEG, GIF, BMP, PCX, PNG, IFF, RAS, PBM, PGM, PPM and PSD files (or input streams).
ImageMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
ImageMetadataLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.image
A lexicon of names used within the image sequencer.
ImageMetadataLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadataLexicon
ImageMetadataLexicon.Namespace - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.image
ImageMetadataLexicon.Namespace() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadataLexicon.Namespace
ImageMetadataSequencer - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.image
A sequencer that processes the binary content of an image file, extracts the metadata for the image, and then writes that image metadata to the repository.
ImageMetadataSequencer() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadataSequencer
ImageSequencerI18n - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.image
The internationalized string constants for the org.modeshape.sequencer.image* packages.
ImageSequencerI18n() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageSequencerI18n
immediateClone(Path, String, Path, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
Clone the supplied source branch and place into the destination location, optionally removing any existing copy that already exists in the destination location, doing so immediately without enqueuing the operation within the session's operations.
immediateCopy(Path, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
Copy the node at the supplied source path in the named workspace, and place the copy at the supplied location within the current workspace, doing so immediately without enqueuing the operation within the session's operations.
immediateCopy(Path, String, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
Copy the node at the supplied source path in the named workspace, and place the copy at the supplied location within the current workspace, doing so immediately without enqueuing the operation within the session's operations.
immediateMove(Path, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
Move this node from its current location so that is is a child of the supplied parent, doing so immediately without enqueuing the operation within the session's operations.
ImmutableAppendedList<T> - Class in org.modeshape.common.collection
An immutable List that consists of a single element appended to another existing List.
ImmutableAppendedList(List<T>, T) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableAppendedList
Create an instance using the supplied parent list and an element to be virtually appended to the parent.
ImmutableCachePolicy - Class in org.modeshape.graph.cache
A basic CachePolicy implementation with a fixed time to live.
ImmutableCachePolicy(long) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.cache.ImmutableCachePolicy
ImmutableKey - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.validate
ImmutableKey(Iterable<Schemata.Column>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.ImmutableKey
ImmutableKey(Schemata.Column...) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.ImmutableKey
ImmutableProblems - Class in org.modeshape.common.collection
An immutable wrapper for a mutable Problems.
ImmutableProblems(Problems) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
ImmutableSchemata - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.validate
An immutable Schemata implementation.
ImmutableSchemata(Map<SelectorName, Schemata.Table>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.ImmutableSchemata
ImmutableSchemata.Builder - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.validate
A builder of immutable Schemata objects.
ImmutableSchemata.Builder(TypeSystem) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.ImmutableSchemata.Builder
IModeShapeObject - Interface in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain
The IModeShapeObject class defines a ModeShape business object.
IMPORT_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
IMPORT_DECLARATION_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
importFrom(InputStream, Problems, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
Import the CND content from the supplied stream, placing the content into the importer's destination.
importFrom(File, Problems) - Method in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
Import the CND content from the supplied stream, placing the content into the importer's destination.
importFrom(String, Problems, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
Import the CND content from the supplied stream, placing the content into the importer's destination.
ImportMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata
Import metadata.
ImportMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.ImportMetadata
ImportOnDemandMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata
On-demand import metadata.
ImportOnDemandMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.ImportOnDemandMetadata
importXml(URI, Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.io.GraphImporter
Read the content from the supplied URI and import into the repository at the supplied location.
importXml(URI, Location, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.io.GraphImporter
Read the content from the supplied URI and import into the repository at the supplied location.
importXml(InputStream, Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.io.GraphImporter
Read the content from the supplied URI and import into the repository at the supplied location.
importXml(InputStream, Location, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.io.GraphImporter
Read the content from the supplied URI and import into the repository at the supplied location.
importXmlFrom(InputStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Import the content from the provided stream of XML data, specifying via the returned object where the content is to be imported.
importXmlFrom(URI) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Import the content from the XML file at the supplied URI, specifying via the returned object where the content is to be imported.
importXmlFrom(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Import the content from the XML file at the supplied file location, specifying via the returned object where the content is to be imported.
importXmlFrom(File) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Import the content from the XML file at the supplied file, specifying via the returned object where the content is to be imported.
in(DynamicOperand, StaticOperand...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryObjectModelFactory
Tests that the value (or values) defined by the supplied dynamic operand are found within the specified set of values.
in(DynamicOperand, StaticOperand...) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
Tests that the value (or values) defined by the supplied dynamic operand are found within the specified set of values.
IN_OUT_NO_COPY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
inBlockOf(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Children
Specify that a block of children are to be retreived, and in particular the number of children that are to be returned.
includeComments() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream.DdlTokenizer
includeDocument(IndexReader, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.IdsQuery
includeFullTextScores(Iterable<Constraint>) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
includeFullTextScores(Constraint) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
includes(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.PathRule
includes(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.BaseResults
Return whether these results include a node at the supplied location.
includes(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.BaseResults
Return whether this subgraph has a node at the supplied location.
includes(Location) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.BaseResults
Return whether this subgraph has a node at the supplied location.
includes(NetChangeObserver.ChangeType...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.NetChange
Determine whether this net change includes any of the supplied types.
includes(QueryResults.Columns) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
Determine whether this mapping includes all of the columns (and locations) in the supplied mapping.
includes(QueryResults.Columns) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Columns
Determine whether this mapping includes all of the columns (and locations) in the supplied mapping.
includes(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBranchRequest
Return whether this branch contains the specified location.
includes(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBranchRequest
Return whether this branch contains the specified path.
includes(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Results
Return whether these results include a node at the supplied location.
includes(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Results
Return whether this subgraph has a node at the supplied location.
includes(Location) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Results
Return whether this subgraph has a node at the supplied location.
includesAllOf(NetChangeObserver.ChangeType...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.NetChange
Determine whether this net change includes all of the supplied types.
increment(Double) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
increment(Duration) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
increment(Float) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
increment(Integer) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
increment(Long) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
increment(T) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
Increment the supplied operand by 1.
increment(Short) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
incrementExpirations() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.DefaultCacheStatistics
incrementHits() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.DefaultCacheStatistics
incrementMisses() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.DefaultCacheStatistics
incrementWrites() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.DefaultCacheStatistics
index() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterArrayStream
Get the index for the last character returned from TokenStream.CharacterStream.next().
index() - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterStream
Get the index for the last character returned from TokenStream.CharacterStream.next().
index(ExecutionContext, Iterable<ChangeRequest>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngine
Update the indexes with the supplied set of changes to the content.
index(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineIndexer
Index all of the content in the named workspace within the source.
index(String, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineIndexer
Crawl and index the full subgraph content starting at the supplied path in the named workspace.
index(String, Path, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineIndexer
Crawl and index the content starting at the supplied path in the named workspace, to the designated depth.
index(String, Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineIndexer
Crawl and index the full subgraph content starting at the supplied location in the named workspace.
index(String, Location, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineIndexer
Crawl and index the content starting at the supplied location in the named workspace, to the designated depth.
index - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.TypedRule
index(ExecutionContext, Iterable<ChangeRequest>) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine
Update the indexes with the supplied set of changes to the content.
INDEX - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
INDEX_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchWorkspace
INDEX_NOT_USED - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest
INDEX_NOT_USED - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest
indexAllContent - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceWork
indexAllWorkspaces() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineIndexer
Index (or re-index) all of the content in all of the workspaces within the source.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableAppendedList
indexOf(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.Children
indexProperties(String, Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineIndexer
IndexRules - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene
The set of rules that dictate how properties should be indexed.
IndexRules(Map<Name, IndexRules.Rule>, IndexRules.Rule) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules
IndexRules.Builder - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene
A builder of immutable IndexRules objects.
IndexRules.FieldType - Enum in org.modeshape.search.lucene
IndexRules.NumericRule<T> - Interface in org.modeshape.search.lucene
IndexRules.NumericTypedRule<T> - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene
IndexRules.NumericTypedRule(IndexRules.FieldType, Field.Store, Field.Index, T, T) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.NumericTypedRule
IndexRules.Rule - Interface in org.modeshape.search.lucene
A single rule that dictates how a single property should be indexed.
IndexRules.SkipRule - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene
IndexRules.SkipRule() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.SkipRule
IndexRules.TypedRule - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene
IndexRules.TypedRule(IndexRules.FieldType, Field.Store, Field.Index, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.TypedRule
indexSubgraph(String, Location, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineIndexer
InfinispanConnectorI18n - Class in org.modeshape.connector.infinispan
The internationalized string constants for the org.modeshape.connector.infinispan* packages.
InfinispanConnectorI18n() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanConnectorI18n
InfinispanNode - Class in org.modeshape.connector.infinispan
A specialization of the MapNode.
InfinispanNode(UUID, Path.Segment, UUID, Map<Name, Property>, List<UUID>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanNode
Create a new node for storage inside Infinispan.
InfinispanNode(UUID, Path.Segment, UUID, Iterable<Property>, List<UUID>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanNode
Create a new node for storage inside Infinispan.
InfinispanNode(UUID) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanNode
Create a new node for storage inside Infinispan.
InfinispanRepository - Class in org.modeshape.connector.infinispan
The representation of an in-memory repository and its content.
InfinispanRepository(InfinispanSource, CacheManager) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanRepository
InfinispanSource - Class in org.modeshape.connector.infinispan
A repository source that uses an Infinispan instance to manage the content.
InfinispanSource() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
Create a repository source instance.
InfinispanTransaction - Class in org.modeshape.connector.infinispan
InfinispanTransaction(InfinispanRepository, UUID, Lock) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanTransaction
InfinispanWorkspace - Class in org.modeshape.connector.infinispan
InfinispanWorkspace(String, Cache<UUID, InfinispanNode>, InfinispanNode) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanWorkspace
Create a new workspace instance.
InfinispanWorkspace(String, Cache<UUID, InfinispanNode>, InfinispanWorkspace) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanWorkspace
Create a new workspace instance.
Inflector - Class in org.modeshape.common.text
Transforms words to singular, plural, humanized (human readable), underscore, camel case, or ordinal form.
Inflector() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector
Inflector(Inflector) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector
Inflector.Rule - Class in org.modeshape.common.text
Inflector.Rule(String, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector.Rule
info(I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Logger
Log a message at the INFO level according to the specified format and (optional) parameters.
info(Throwable, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Logger
Log an exception (throwable) at the INFO level with an accompanying message.
InheritingXmlSequencer - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.xml
An XML sequencer that is a specialization of XmlSequencer by inheriting unqualified attribute namespaces from the element rather than from the default namespace.
InheritingXmlSequencer() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.InheritingXmlSequencer
init() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ModeShapeWebdavServlet
INIT_CONTENT_PRIMARY_TYPE_NAMES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ModeShapeWebdavServlet
INIT_NEW_CONTENT_PRIMARY_TYPE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ModeShapeWebdavServlet
INIT_NEW_FOLDER_PRIMARY_TYPE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ModeShapeWebdavServlet
INIT_NEW_RESOURCE_PRIMARY_TYPE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ModeShapeWebdavServlet
INIT_REPOSITORY_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.DefaultRequestResolver
INIT_REQUEST_RESOLVER_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ModeShapeWebdavServlet
INIT_RESOURCE_PRIMARY_TYPES_NAMES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ModeShapeWebdavServlet
INIT_WORKSPACE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.DefaultRequestResolver
initialActivityMonitorTaskName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
initialize(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.i18n.I18n
Initializes the internationalization fields declared on the supplied class.
initialize() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector
initialize() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemRepository
Creates any predefined workspaces, including the default workspace.
initialize(RepositoryContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
Initialize this source to use the supplied RepositoryContext, from which this source can obtain the configuration defining this source, connections to other sources, and the execution context.
initialize(RepositoryContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
Initialize this source to use the supplied RepositoryContext, from which this source can obtain the configuration defining this source, connections to other sources, and the execution context.
initialize(RepositoryContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
Initialize this source to use the supplied RepositoryContext, from which this source can obtain the configuration defining this source, connections to other sources, and the execution context.
initialize() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataRepository
initialize(RepositoryContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Initialize this source to use the supplied RepositoryContext, from which this source can obtain the configuration defining this source, connections to other sources, and the execution context.
initialize(RepositoryContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.AbstractRepositorySource
Initialize this source to use the supplied RepositoryContext, from which this source can obtain the configuration defining this source, connections to other sources, and the execution context.
initialize() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Repository
Initializes the repository by creating the default workspace.
initialize(RepositoryContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.FederatedRepositorySource
Initialize this source to use the supplied RepositoryContext, from which this source can obtain the configuration defining this source, connections to other sources, and the execution context.
initialize(RepositoryContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
Initialize this source to use the supplied RepositoryContext, from which this source can obtain the configuration defining this source, connections to other sources, and the execution context.
initialize() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
initialize() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepository
Initializes the repository by creating the default workspace.
initialize(RepositoryContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractPathRepositorySource
Initialize this source to use the supplied RepositoryContext, from which this source can obtain the configuration defining this source, connections to other sources, and the execution context.
initialize(PathCachePolicy, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.InMemoryWorkspaceCache
initialize(PathCachePolicy, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.WorkspaceCache
Injects the cache policy into the cache
initialize() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRepository
Initializes the repository by creating the default workspace.
initialize(RepositoryContext) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySource
Initialize this source to use the supplied RepositoryContext, from which this source can obtain the configuration defining this source, connections to other sources, and the execution context.
initialize(RepositoryContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchableRepositorySource
Initialize this source to use the supplied RepositoryContext, from which this source can obtain the configuration defining this source, connections to other sources, and the execution context.
initialize(ServletContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.DefaultRequestResolver
initialize(ServletContext) - Method in interface org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.RequestResolver
Initialize the resolver based on the provided context
initializeCacheFromStore(NamespaceRegistry) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.GraphNamespaceRegistry
initializeDefaultNamespaces(NamespaceRegistry) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.ExecutionContext
Method that initializes the default namespaces for namespace registries.
initializeSystemContent(Graph) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository
initializeTokens(List<TokenStream.Token>) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Method to allow subclasses to preprocess the set of tokens and return the correct tokens to use.
initializeTokens(List<TokenStream.Token>) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream
Method to allow subclasses to preprocess the set of tokens and return the correct tokens to use.
initializeTokenStream(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.db2.Db2DdlParser
Method called by StandardDdlParser.score(String, String, DdlParserScorer) and StandardDdlParser.parse(String, AstNode, Object) to initialize the token stream, giving subclasses a chance to register key words and statement start phrases.
initializeTokenStream(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlParser
Method called by StandardDdlParser.score(String, String, DdlParserScorer) and StandardDdlParser.parse(String, AstNode, Object) to initialize the token stream, giving subclasses a chance to register key words and statement start phrases.
initializeTokenStream(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlParser
Method called by StandardDdlParser.score(String, String, DdlParserScorer) and StandardDdlParser.parse(String, AstNode, Object) to initialize the token stream, giving subclasses a chance to register key words and statement start phrases.
initializeTokenStream(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlParser
Method called by StandardDdlParser.score(String, String, DdlParserScorer) and StandardDdlParser.parse(String, AstNode, Object) to initialize the token stream, giving subclasses a chance to register key words and statement start phrases.
initializeTokenStream(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlParser
Method called by StandardDdlParser.score(String, String, DdlParserScorer) and StandardDdlParser.parse(String, AstNode, Object) to initialize the token stream, giving subclasses a chance to register key words and statement start phrases.
initializeTokenStream(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sqlserver.SqlServerDdlParser
Method called by StandardDdlParser.score(String, String, DdlParserScorer) and StandardDdlParser.parse(String, AstNode, Object) to initialize the token stream, giving subclasses a chance to register key words and statement start phrases.
initializeTokenStream(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sybase.SybaseDdlParser
Method called by StandardDdlParser.score(String, String, DdlParserScorer) and StandardDdlParser.parse(String, AstNode, Object) to initialize the token stream, giving subclasses a chance to register key words and statement start phrases.
initializeTokenStream(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Method called by StandardDdlParser.score(String, String, DdlParserScorer) and StandardDdlParser.parse(String, AstNode, Object) to initialize the token stream, giving subclasses a chance to register key words and statement start phrases.
inMemory() - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfigurations
Return a new LuceneConfiguration that creates in-memory directories.
InMemoryBinary - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
An implementation of Binary that keeps the binary data in-memory.
InMemoryBinary(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.InMemoryBinary
InMemoryBinaryValueFactory - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
The ValueFactory for in-memory PropertyType.BINARY values.
InMemoryBinaryValueFactory(TextDecoder, ValueFactory<String>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.InMemoryBinaryValueFactory
inMemoryConnectorMustAllowUpdates - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
inMemoryConnectorRequestsMustHavePathOrUuid - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
InMemoryNode - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory
A specialization of the MapNode.
InMemoryNode(UUID, Path.Segment, UUID, Map<Name, Property>, List<UUID>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryNode
Create a new in-memory node.
InMemoryNode(UUID, Path.Segment, UUID, Iterable<Property>, List<UUID>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryNode
Create a new in-memory node.
InMemoryNode(UUID) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryNode
Create a new in-memory node.
InMemoryRepository - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory
The representation of an in-memory repository and its content.
InMemoryRepository(InMemoryRepositorySource) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepository
InMemoryRepositorySource - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory
A RepositorySource for an in-memory repository.
InMemoryRepositorySource() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
Create a repository source instance.
InMemoryRepositorySource.DefaultRepositoryContext - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory
InMemoryRepositorySource.DefaultRepositoryContext() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource.DefaultRepositoryContext
InMemoryTransaction - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory
InMemoryTransaction(InMemoryRepository, UUID, Lock) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryTransaction
InMemoryWorkspace - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory
InMemoryWorkspace(String, InMemoryNode) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryWorkspace
InMemoryWorkspace(String, InMemoryWorkspace) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryWorkspace
InMemoryWorkspaceCache - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache
Implementation of WorkspaceCache that stores all nodes in-memory.
InMemoryWorkspaceCache() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.InMemoryWorkspaceCache
InMemoryWorkspaceCache.InMemoryCachePolicy - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache
Trivial path cache policy implementation that caches all nodes in an in-memory cache.
InMemoryWorkspaceCache.InMemoryCachePolicy() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.InMemoryWorkspaceCache.InMemoryCachePolicy
innerJoin(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Perform an inner join between the already defined source with the supplied table.
innerJoinAllNodesAs(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Perform an inner join between the already defined source with the "__ALL_NODES" table using the supplied alias.
inputString - Variable in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
inputUppercased - Variable in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
INSERT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
insertAsParent(PlanNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Insert the supplied node into the plan node tree immediately above this node.
insertAsParent(AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Insert the supplied node into the plan node tree immediately above this node.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector
INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.AddAccessNodes
INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.CopyCriteria
INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.PushProjects
INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.PushSelectCriteria
INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RaiseSelectCriteria
INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RemoveEmptyAccessNodes
INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.ReplaceViews
INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RewriteAsRangeCriteria
INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RewriteIdentityJoins
INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RightOuterToLeftOuterJoins
INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.FullTextSearchResultColumns
instance(InputStream) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.ClassFileMetadataReader
instance(InputStream, long, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.JavaMetadata
Creates a new instance of JavaMetadata, that will be used to get informations of a compilation unit.
instance(InputStream) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3Metadata
Create an instance of JPDL3Metadata with all data of a specific jpdl xml document.
instance(InputStream) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.mp3.Mp3Metadata
instance(InputStream) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.excel.ExcelMetadataReader
instance(InputStream) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataReader
instance(InputStream) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.powerpoint.PowerPointMetadataReader
instance(InputStream) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.word.WordMetadataReader
integer(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Returns the integer value of the input string.
integerField(Name, Field.Store, Field.Index, Integer, Integer) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Builder
Define a integer-based field in the indexes.
integerField(Name, Field.Store, Field.Index, Integer) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Builder
Define a integer-based field in the indexes.
integerField(Name, Field.Store, Field.Index) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Builder
Define a integer-based field in the indexes.
IntegerOperations - Class in org.modeshape.common.math
The math operations for integer numbers.
IntegerOperations() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
INTERFACE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
InterfaceMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata
Interface metadata.
InterfaceMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.InterfaceMetadata
INTERFACES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
internalEntityDecl(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
interruptedWhileClosingChannel - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
intersect() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Perform an INTERSECT between the query as defined prior to this method and the query that will be defined following this method.
intersect(QueryCommand, QueryCommand, Ordering[], Limit, boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryObjectModelFactory
Creates a query command that returns all rows that are both in the result of the left-hand query and in the result of the right-hand query.
intersect(QueryCommand, QueryCommand, Ordering[], Limit, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
Creates a query command that returns all rows that are both in the result of the left-hand query and in the result of the right-hand query.
intersectAll() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Perform an INTERSECT ALL between the query as defined prior to this method and the query that will be defined following this method.
IntersectComponent - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
IntersectComponent(QueryContext, QueryResults.Columns, Iterable<ProcessingComponent>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.IntersectComponent
into(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CloneTargetAction
into(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CloneTargetAction
into(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CloneTargetAction
into(Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CloneTargetAction
into(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CloneTargetAction
into(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CloneTargetAction
into(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CopyAction
into(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CopyAction
into(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CopyAction
into(Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CopyAction
into(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CopyAction
into(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CopyAction
into(Location) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.ImportInto
Finish the import by specifying the Location.create into which the node should be copied/moved.
into(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.ImportInto
Finish the import by specifying the Location.create into which the node should be copied/moved.
into(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.ImportInto
Finish the import by specifying the Location.create into which the node should be copied/moved.
into(UUID) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.ImportInto
Finish the import by specifying the Location.create into which the node should be copied/moved.
into(Property) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.ImportInto
Finish the import by specifying the Location.create into which the node should be copied/moved.
into(Property, Property...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.ImportInto
Finish the import by specifying the Location.create into which the node should be copied/moved.
into(Iterable<Property>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.ImportInto
Finish the import by specifying the Location.create into which the node should be copied/moved.
into(Location) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Into
Finish the request by specifying the location of the parent into which the node should be copied/moved.
into(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Into
Finish the request by specifying the location of the parent into which the node should be copied/moved.
into(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Into
Finish the request by specifying the location of the parent into which the node should be copied/moved.
into(UUID) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Into
Finish the request by specifying the location of the parent into which the node should be copied/moved.
into(Property) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Into
Finish the request by specifying the location of the parent into which the node should be copied/moved.
into(Property, Property...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Into
Finish the request by specifying the location of the parent into which the node should be copied/moved.
into(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.MoveAction
into(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.MoveAction
into(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.MoveAction
into(Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.MoveAction
into(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.MoveAction
into(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.MoveAction
into() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneBranchRequest
Get the location defining the parent where the new clone is to be placed
into() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CopyBranchRequest
Get the location defining the parent where the new copy is to be placed
into() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.MoveBranchRequest
Get the location defining the parent where the branch is to be placed
intoWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneBranchRequest
Get the name of the workspace where the clone is to be placed
intoWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CopyBranchRequest
Get the name of the workspace where the copy is to be placed
intValue(Double) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
intValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.Duration
intValue(Duration) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
intValue(Float) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
intValue(Integer) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
intValue(Long) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
intValue(T) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
Convert the value to an integer.
intValue(Short) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
invalidate(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.InMemoryWorkspaceCache
invalidate(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.WorkspaceCache
Invalidates all nodes in the cache that have the given path or have a path that is an ancestor of the given path
invalidIndexInSegmentName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
invalidLockToken - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
invalidMethodForMultiValuedProperty - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
invalidMethodForSingleValuedProperty - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
invalidMixinTypeForNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
invalidNameForResource - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
invalidNameForResource - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
invalidNamePattern - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
InvalidNodeTypeDefinitionException - Exception in org.modeshape.jcr.nodetype
Exception representing that a node type definition is somehow invalid
InvalidNodeTypeDefinitionException() - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.jcr.nodetype.InvalidNodeTypeDefinitionException
InvalidNodeTypeDefinitionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.jcr.nodetype.InvalidNodeTypeDefinitionException
InvalidNodeTypeDefinitionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.jcr.nodetype.InvalidNodeTypeDefinitionException
InvalidNodeTypeDefinitionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.jcr.nodetype.InvalidNodeTypeDefinitionException
invalidNodeTypeName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
invalidNodeTypeNameParameter - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
InvalidPathException - Exception in org.modeshape.graph.property
A runtime exception that represents that an invalid path was specified.
InvalidPathException() - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.InvalidPathException
InvalidPathException(String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.InvalidPathException
InvalidPathException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.InvalidPathException
InvalidPathException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.InvalidPathException
InvalidPathExpressionException - Exception in org.modeshape.graph.property
A runtime exception that represents that an invalid path expression was specified.
InvalidPathExpressionException() - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.InvalidPathExpressionException
InvalidPathExpressionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.InvalidPathExpressionException
InvalidPathExpressionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.InvalidPathExpressionException
InvalidPathExpressionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.InvalidPathExpressionException
invalidPathForResource - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
invalidPathForResource - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
invalidPathParameter - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
invalidPrimaryItemName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
invalidPrimaryTypeName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
invalidPropertyNames - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
invalidPropertyNames - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
invalidPropertyType - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
invalidPropertyType - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
invalidQualifiedNameString - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
InvalidQueryException - Exception in org.modeshape.graph.query.parse
An exception signalling that a query is invalid (but typically well-formed)
InvalidQueryException(String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.InvalidQueryException
Create an exception with the invalid query.
InvalidQueryException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.InvalidQueryException
Create an exception with the invalid query and a message.
invalidQueryLanguage - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
invalidReferences - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaConnectorI18n
invalidRelativePath - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
invalidRepositoryNodePath - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
InvalidRequestException - Exception in org.modeshape.graph.request
Specifies that the request was invalid and could not be completed.
InvalidRequestException() - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.request.InvalidRequestException
InvalidRequestException(String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.request.InvalidRequestException
InvalidRequestException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.request.InvalidRequestException
InvalidRequestException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.request.InvalidRequestException
InvalidSequencerPathExpression - Exception in org.modeshape.repository.sequencer
A runtime exception that denotes an invalid PathExpression for a sequencer.
InvalidSequencerPathExpression() - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.InvalidSequencerPathExpression
InvalidSequencerPathExpression(String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.InvalidSequencerPathExpression
InvalidSequencerPathExpression(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.InvalidSequencerPathExpression
InvalidSequencerPathExpression(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.InvalidSequencerPathExpression
InvalidStateException - Exception in org.modeshape.graph.session
A runtime exception signaling an invalid state of a graph session.
InvalidStateException() - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.session.InvalidStateException
InvalidStateException(String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.session.InvalidStateException
InvalidStateException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.session.InvalidStateException
InvalidStateException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.session.InvalidStateException
invalidStateString - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
invalidSupertypeName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
invalidUuidForWorkspace - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaConnectorI18n
invalidVersion - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
invalidVersionLabel - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
invalidVersionName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
InvalidWorkspaceException - Exception in org.modeshape.graph.request
Specifies that the request was invalid and could not be completed.
InvalidWorkspaceException() - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.request.InvalidWorkspaceException
InvalidWorkspaceException(String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.request.InvalidWorkspaceException
InvalidWorkspaceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.request.InvalidWorkspaceException
InvalidWorkspaceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.request.InvalidWorkspaceException
invokeBestMethodOnTarget(String[], Object, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Reflection
Find and execute the best method on the target class that matches the signature specified with one of the specified names and the list of arguments.
invokeGetterMethodOnTarget(String, Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Reflection
Find and execute the getter method on the target class for the supplied property name.
invokeSetterMethodOnTarget(String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Reflection
Find and execute the best setter method on the target class for the supplied property name and the supplied list of arguments.
inWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateNodeRequest
Get the name of the workspace in which the node is to be createde
inWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteBranchRequest
Get the name of the workspace in which the branch exists.
inWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteChildrenRequest
Get the name of the workspace in which the branch exists.
inWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.LockBranchRequest
Get the name of the workspace in which the node exists.
inWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.MoveBranchRequest
Get the name of the workspace in which the branch exists.
inWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllChildrenRequest
Get the name of the workspace in which the parent and children exist.
inWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllPropertiesRequest
Get the name of the workspace in which the node exists.
inWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest
Get the name of the workspace in which the parent and children exist.
inWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBranchRequest
Get the name of the workspace in which the branch exists.
inWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest
Get the name of the workspace in which the parent and children exist.
inWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNodeRequest
Get the name of the workspace in which the node exists.
inWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadPropertyRequest
Get the name of the workspace in which the node exists.
inWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RemovePropertyRequest
Get the name of the workspace in which the node exists.
inWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RenameNodeRequest
Get the name of the workspace in which the node exists.
inWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.SetPropertyRequest
Get the name of the workspace in which the node exists.
inWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UnlockBranchRequest
Get the name of the workspace in which the node exists.
inWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdatePropertiesRequest
Get the name of the workspace in which the node exists.
inWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdateValuesRequest
Get the name of the workspace in which the node exists.
inWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.VerifyNodeExistsRequest
Get the name of the workspace in which the node exists.
IoException - Exception in org.modeshape.graph.property
A runtime exception that represents that an error occurred during input/output.
IoException() - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.IoException
IoException(String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.IoException
IoException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.IoException
IoException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.IoException
IoUtil - Class in org.modeshape.common.util
A set of utilities for more easily performing I/O.
IRestClient - Interface in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client
The IRestClient interface is the API for all REST clients used by the Eclipse ModeShape plugin.
is(PlanNode.Type) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Return true if this node's type does match the supplied type
is(Operator) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Define the operator that will be used in the comparison, returning an interface that can be used to define the right-hand-side of the comparison.
is(Operator, Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Define the right-hand-side of the constraint using the supplied operator.
IS_ABSTRACT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
IS_CHECKED_OUT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
IS_DISTINCT_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Query
IS_FULL_TEXT_SEARCHABLE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
IS_GREATER_THAN - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareLengthQuery
IS_GREATER_THAN - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareNameQuery
IS_GREATER_THAN - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareStringQuery
IS_GREATER_THAN_NO_SNS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareNameQuery
IS_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareLengthQuery
IS_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareNameQuery
IS_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareStringQuery
IS_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_NO_SNS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareNameQuery
IS_HELD_BY_SESSION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapeLexicon
IS_LESS_THAN - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareLengthQuery
IS_LESS_THAN - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareNameQuery
IS_LESS_THAN - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareStringQuery
IS_LESS_THAN_NO_SNS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareNameQuery
IS_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareLengthQuery
IS_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareNameQuery
IS_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareStringQuery
IS_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_NO_SNS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareNameQuery
IS_MIXIN - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
IS_QUERY_ORDERABLE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
IS_QUERYABLE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
IS_SESSION_SCOPED - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapeLexicon
IS_TABLE_TYPE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
isAbove(PlanNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Determine if the supplied node is a descendant of this node.
isAbsolute() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPath
Return whether this path is an absolute path.
isAbsolute() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ChildPath
Return whether this path is an absolute path.
isAbsolute() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Return whether this path is an absolute path.
isAbsolute() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Return whether this path is an absolute path.
isAbsolute() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Return whether this path is an absolute path.
isAbstract() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeTemplate
isAbstract() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.ClassMetadata
isAbstract() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.MethodMetadata
isAfter(DateTime) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Return whether this date-time is later than the supplied date-time.
isAfter(DateTime) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Return whether this date-time is later than the supplied date-time.
isAll() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetQuery
Return whether this set query is a 'UNION ALL' or 'INTERSECT ALL' or 'EXCEPT ALL' query.
isAll() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.SetQuery
Return whether this set query is a 'UNION ALL' or 'INTERSECT ALL' or 'EXCEPT ALL' query.
isAll() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetQueryObjectModel
Return whether this set query is a 'UNION ALL' or 'INTERSECT ALL' or 'EXCEPT ALL' query.
isAllNewProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdatePropertiesRequest
Determine whether this request only added the properties.
isAncestorOf(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Determine whether this path is an ancestor of the supplied path.
isAncestorOf(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Determine whether this path is an ancestor of the supplied path.
isAncestorOf(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Determine whether this path is an ancestor of the supplied path.
isAncestorOf(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Determine whether this path is an ancestor of the supplied path.
isAnyVersion() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId
isAnyVersion() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId.Version
isArrayType() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.ArrayTypeFieldMetadata
Find out if a field is a array type or not.
isArrayType() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.FieldMetadata
Find out if a field is a array type or not.
isAtOrAbove(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Determine whether this path is the same as to or a ancestor of the supplied path.
isAtOrAbove(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Determine whether this path is the same as to or a ancestor of the supplied path.
isAtOrAbove(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Determine whether this path is the same as to or a ancestor of the supplied path.
isAtOrAbove(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Determine whether this path is the same as to or a ancestor of the supplied path.
isAtOrBelow(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Determine whether this path is the same as to or a decendant of the supplied path.
isAtOrBelow(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ChildPath
Determine whether this path is the same as to or a decendant of the supplied path.
isAtOrBelow(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Determine whether this path is the same as to or a decendant of the supplied path.
isAtOrBelow(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Determine whether this path is the same as to or a decendant of the supplied path.
isAtOrBelow(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Determine whether this path is the same as to or a decendant of the supplied path.
isAtOrBelow(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
isBefore(DateTime) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Return whether this date-time is earlier than the supplied date-time.
isBefore(DateTime) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Return whether this date-time is earlier than the supplied date-time.
isBelow(PlanNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Determine if the supplied node is an ancestor of this node.
isBelowPath(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder
Define a constraint clause that the node within the named table is a descendant of the node at the supplied path.
isBetween(Object, Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Define the right-hand-side of the constraint using the supplied operator.
isBetween() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Define the constraint as a range between a lower boundary and an upper boundary.
isBinary() - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ArithmeticOperator
Return whether this is an binary operator.
isCancelled() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.Request
Check whether this request has been cancelled.
isChanged(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Determine whether this node has been marked as having changes.
isChanged() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Snapshot
isChild(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder
Define a constraint clause that the node within the named table is the child of the node at the supplied path.
isClosed() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel
Return whether this channel has been closed.
isClosed() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineIndexer
Return whether this indexer has already been closed.
isColumnDefinitionStart(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
This utility method provides this parser the ability to distinguish between a CreateTable Constrain and a ColumnDefinition Definition which are the only two statement segment types allowed within the CREATE TABLE parenthesis ( xxxxxx );
isComment(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Checks if next token is of type comment.
isComplete() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel
Return whether this channel has completed all of its work.
isCompressData() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
isCompressed() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.LargeValueEntity
isCompressed() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
isConstructor() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.MethodMetadata
isContructor() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.ConstructorMetadata
isContructor() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.MethodMetadata
isContructor() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.MethodTypeMemberMetadata
isCreatingWorkspacesAllowed() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
Get whether this source allows workspaces to be created dynamically.
isCreatingWorkspacesAllowed() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
Get whether this source allows workspaces to be created dynamically.
isCreatingWorkspacesAllowed() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
Get whether this source allows workspaces to be created dynamically.
isCreatingWorkspacesAllowed() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Get whether this source allows workspaces to be created dynamically.
isCreatingWorkspacesAllowed() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
Get whether this source allows workspaces to be created dynamically.
isCustomDataType(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
Method to determine of next tokens represent a custom data type.
isDatatype(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
Method determines if the next set of tokens matches one of the registered data type token sets.
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Logger
Return whether messages at the DEBUG level are being logged.
isDecendantOf(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Determine whether this path is an decendant of the supplied path.
isDecendantOf(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ChildPath
Determine whether this path is an decendant of the supplied path.
isDecendantOf(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Determine whether this path is an decendant of the supplied path.
isDecendantOf(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Determine whether this path is an decendant of the supplied path.
isDecendantOf(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Determine whether this path is an decendant of the supplied path.
isDerivedFrom(String[], String, String[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeManager
Determine if any of the test type names are equal to or have been derived from the primary type or any of the mixins.
isDescendantOf(Location, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SelectComponent.Analyzer
Determine whether the node specified by the location is a descendant of that supplied by the path.
isDetailedStatistics() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Stopwatch
Return true if detailed statistics are being kept.
isDirectory(SVNRepository, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryUtil
Check if repository path is a directory.
isDistinct() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Query
Determine whether this query is to return only distinct values.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
isEmpty() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableAppendedList
isEmpty() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Determine if this collection is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Determine if this collection is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ThreadSafeProblems
Determine if this collection is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
isEmpty(Object[], String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the array is empty
isEmpty() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.cache.BasicCachePolicy
isEmpty() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.Children
isEmpty() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.ChangeObservers
Determine whether there are any observers at the time this method is called.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicEmptyProperty
Determine whether this property has no actual values.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicMultiValueProperty
Determine whether this property has no actual values.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicSingleValueProperty
Determine whether this property has no actual values.
isEmpty() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Property
Determine whether this property has no actual values.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator.DualPathLikeBuilder
isEmpty() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator.PathLikeBuilder
isEmpty() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator.RelativePathLikeExpressions
isEmpty() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator.SinglePathLikeBuilder
isEmpty() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerOutputMap
Return whether there are no entries
isEnumeration() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.ClassMetadata
isEnumeration() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.EnumMetadata
isEqualNoNulls(Type, Type) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.ObjectUtil
isEquals(T, String, T, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Asserts that the specified first object is equal to the specified second object.
isEqualTo() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Use the 'equal to' operator in the comparison, returning an interface that can be used to define the right-hand-side of the comparison.
isEqualTo(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Define the right-hand-side of the constraint to be equivalent to the supplied literal value.
isEqualToVariable(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Define the right-hand-side of the constraint to be equivalent to the value of the supplied variable.
isEqualWithNulls(Type, Type) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.ObjectUtil
isError() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.Status
isErrorEnabled() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Logger
Return whether messages at the ERROR level are being logged.
isExecuteRequired() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Determine whether this batch needs to be executed (there are requests and the batch has not been executed yet).
isExpired() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Determine if this node's information has expired.
isFile(SVNRepository, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryUtil
Check if the path is a file.
isFinal() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.ClassMetadata
isFinal() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.FieldMetadata
isFinal() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.MethodMetadata
isFrozen() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.Request
Determine whether this request has been frozen, preventing any further updates.
isFullTextSearchable() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Schemata.Column
Get whether the column can be used in a full-text search.
isFullTextSearchable() - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Rule
isFullTextSearchable() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.SkipRule
isFullTextSearchable() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.TypedRule
isFullyQualifiedClassname(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.ClassUtil
Determine whether the supplied string represents a well-formed fully-qualified Java classname.
isGreaterThan(int, int, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the argument is greater than the supplied value
isGreaterThan(double, double, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the argument is greater than the supplied value
isGreaterThan() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Use the 'equal to' operator in the comparison, returning an interface that can be used to define the right-hand-side of the comparison.
isGreaterThan(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Define the right-hand-side of the constraint to be greater than the supplied literal value.
isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(int, int, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the argument is greater than or equal to the supplied value
isGreaterThanOrEqualTo() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Use the 'equal to' operator in the comparison, returning an interface that can be used to define the right-hand-side of the comparison.
isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Define the right-hand-side of the constraint to be greater than or equal to the supplied literal value.
isGreaterThanOrEqualToVariable(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Define the right-hand-side of the constraint to be greater than or equal to the value of the supplied variable.
isGreaterThanVariable(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Define the right-hand-side of the constraint to be greater than the value of the supplied variable.
isIdentifier() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Returns whether this path represents an identifier path.
isIdentifier() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPathSegment
Return whether this segment is an identifier segment.
isIdentifier() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Returns whether this path represents an identifier path.
isIdentifier() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPathSegment
Return whether this segment is an identifier segment.
isIdentifier() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Returns whether this path represents an identifier path.
isIdentifier() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path.Segment
Return whether this segment is an identifier segment.
isIn(Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
isIn(Iterable<Object>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
isInfo() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.Status
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Logger
Return whether messages at the INFORMATION level are being logged.
isInstanceOf(Object, Class<?>, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the object is an instance of the specified Class
isInteger() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Literal
isInterface() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.ClassMetadata
isKeyWord(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream
isKMGInteger(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
Returns the whether or not a tokenized string is a complex BLOB or CLOB length value ending in K, M or G.
isKMGLength() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataType
isLeaf() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Determine if this node is a leaf node with no children.
isLessThan(int, int, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the argument is less than the supplied value
isLessThan() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Use the 'equal to' operator in the comparison, returning an interface that can be used to define the right-hand-side of the comparison.
isLessThan(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Define the right-hand-side of the constraint to be less than the supplied literal value.
isLessThanOrEqualTo(int, int, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the argument is less than or equal to the supplied value
isLessThanOrEqualTo() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Use the 'equal to' operator in the comparison, returning an interface that can be used to define the right-hand-side of the comparison.
isLessThanOrEqualTo(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Define the right-hand-side of the constraint to be less than or equal to the supplied literal value.
isLessThanOrEqualToVariable(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Define the right-hand-side of the constraint to be less than or equal to the value of the supplied variable.
isLessThanVariable(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Define the right-hand-side of the constraint to be less than the value of the supplied variable.
isLike() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Use the 'equal to' operator in the comparison, returning an interface that can be used to define the right-hand-side of the comparison.
isLike(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Define the right-hand-side of the constraint to be LIKE the supplied literal value.
isLikeVariable(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Define the right-hand-side of the constraint to be LIKE the value of the supplied variable.
isLive() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryContext
isLoaded() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Determine if this node is loaded and usable.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Snapshot
isLocked(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLockManager
isLowerBoundIncluded() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Between
Return whether the lower bound is to be included in the results.
isLowerBoundIncluded() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.Between
Return whether the lower bound is to be included in the results.
isMappedToSingleSelector() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil.ColumnMapping
isMarker() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.MarkerAnnotationMetadata
isMissingTerminatorNode(AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
isMixin() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeTemplate
isModified() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.PropertyInfo
Determine whether this property has been modified since it was last saved.
isMultiple() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicEmptyProperty
Determine whether the property currently has multiple values.
isMultiple() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicMultiValueProperty
Determine whether the property currently has multiple values.
isMultiple() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicSingleValueProperty
Determine whether the property currently has multiple values.
isMultiple() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Property
Determine whether the property currently has multiple values.
isMultiValued() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.PropertyInfo
Determine whether this property has multiple values
isNative() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.MethodMetadata
isNegative(int, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the argument is negative (<0).
isNegative(long, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the argument is negative (<0).
isNegative(double, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the argument is negative (<0).
isNew() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Determine whether this node has been created since the last save.
isNew() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.PropertyInfo
Determine whether this property has been created since the last save.
isNewProperty() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.SetPropertyRequest
Get whether the property was created.
isNewProperty(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdatePropertiesRequest
Determine whether the named property was created by this request
isNewProperty() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdateValuesRequest
Get whether the property was created.
isNext(char) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterArrayStream
Determine if the next character on the sream is the supplied value.
isNext(char, char) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterArrayStream
Determine if the next two characters on the stream match the supplied values.
isNext(char, char, char) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterArrayStream
Determine if the next three characters on the sream match the supplied values.
isNext(char) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterStream
Determine if the next character on the sream is the supplied value.
isNext(char, char) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterStream
Determine if the next two characters on the stream match the supplied values.
isNext(char, char, char) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterStream
Determine if the next three characters on the sream match the supplied values.
isNextAnyOf(char[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterArrayStream
Determine if the next character on the stream matches one of the supplied characters.
isNextAnyOf(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterArrayStream
Determine if the next character on the stream matches one of the supplied characters.
isNextAnyOf(char[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterStream
Determine if the next character on the stream matches one of the supplied characters.
isNextAnyOf(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterStream
Determine if the next character on the stream matches one of the supplied characters.
isNextKeyWord() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream
Method to determine if the next token is of type DdlTokenStream.DdlTokenizer KEYWORD.
isNextLetterOrDigit() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterArrayStream
Determine if the next character on the sream is a letter or digit.
isNextLetterOrDigit() - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterStream
Determine if the next character on the sream is a letter or digit.
isNextStatementStart() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream
Method to determine if next tokens match a registered statement start phrase.
isNextValidXmlCharacter() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterArrayStream
Determine if the next character on the sream is a valid XML character.
isNextValidXmlCharacter() - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterStream
Determine if the next character on the sream is a valid XML character.
isNextValidXmlNameCharacter() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterArrayStream
Determine if the next character on the sream is a valid XML NCName character.
isNextValidXmlNameCharacter() - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterStream
Determine if the next character on the sream is a valid XML NCName character.
isNextValidXmlNcNameCharacter() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterArrayStream
Determine if the next character on the sream is a valid XML NCName character.
isNextValidXmlNcNameCharacter() - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterStream
Determine if the next character on the sream is a valid XML NCName character.
isNextWhitespace() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterArrayStream
Determine if the next character on the sream is a whitespace character.
isNextWhitespace() - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterStream
Determine if the next character on the sream is a whitespace character.
isNonNegative(int, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the argument is non-negative (>=0).
isNonNegative(long, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the argument is non-negative (>=0).
isNonNegative(double, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the argument is non-negative (>=0).
isNonPositive(int, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the argument is non-positive (<=0).
isNonPositive(long, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the argument is non-positive (<=0).
isNonPositive(double, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the argument is non-positive (<=0).
isNormal() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.NormalAnnotationMetadata
isNormalized(List<Path.Segment>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
isNormalized() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPath
Return whether this path is normalized and contains no unnecessary "." segments and as few ".." segments as possible.
isNormalized() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ChildPath
Return whether this path is normalized and contains no unnecessary "." segments and as few ".." segments as possible.
isNormalized() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Return whether this path is normalized and contains no unnecessary "." segments and as few ".." segments as possible.
isNormalized() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Return whether this path is normalized and contains no unnecessary "." segments and as few ".." segments as possible.
isNormalized() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Return whether this path is normalized and contains no unnecessary "." segments and as few ".." segments as possible.
isNot(PlanNode.Type) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Return true if this node's type does not match the supplied type
isNotEmpty(String, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the string is not empty, is not null, and does not contain only whitespace.
isNotEmpty(Iterator<?>, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Checks that the iterator is not empty, and throws an exception if it is.
isNotEmpty(Collection<?>, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the collection is not empty
isNotEmpty(Map<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the map is not empty
isNotEmpty(Object[], String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the array is not empty
isNotEquals(T, String, T, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Asserts that the specified first object is not equal to the specified second object.
isNotEqualTo() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Use the 'equal to' operator in the comparison, returning an interface that can be used to define the right-hand-side of the comparison.
isNotEqualTo(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Define the right-hand-side of the constraint to be not equal to the supplied literal value.
isNotEqualToVariable(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Define the right-hand-side of the constraint to be not equal to the value of the supplied variable.
isNotGreaterThan(int, int, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the argument is not greater than the supplied value
isNotLessThan(int, int, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the argument is not less than the supplied value
isNotNan(double, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the argument is not NaN.
isNotNull(Object, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the specified argument is non-null
isNotOneOf(PlanNode.Type, PlanNode.Type...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Return true if this node's type does not match any of the supplied types
isNotOneOf(Set<PlanNode.Type>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Return true if this node's type does not match any of the supplied types
isNotSame(T, String, T, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Asserts that the specified first object is not the same as (==) the specified second object.
isNotZeroLength(String, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the string is non-null and has length > 0
isNull(Object, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the argument is null
isOffset() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Limit
Determine whether this limit clause defines an offset.
isOffset() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.Limit
Determine whether this limit clause defines an offset.
isOk() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.Status
isOnDemand() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.ImportMetadata
isOnDemand() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.ImportOnDemandMetadata
isOnDemand() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.SingleImportMetadata
isOneOf(PlanNode.Type, PlanNode.Type...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Return true if this node's type matches one of the supplied types
isOneOf(Set<PlanNode.Type>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Return true if this node's type matches one of the supplied types
isOptimizationRequired(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchWorkspace
Give the number of changes that have been made in a session, determine whether optimization is required on the workspace indexes.
isOptional() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenDependency
Indicates the dependency is optional for use of this library.
isOuter() - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.JoinType
Check if this join type is an outer join.
isParameterizedType() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.FieldMetadata
Find out if a field is a parameterized type or not.
isParameterizedType() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.ParameterizedTypeFieldMetadata
Find out if a field is a parameterized type or not.
isParentReference() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPathSegment
Return whether this segment is a reference to a parent.
isParentReference() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path.Segment
Return whether this segment is a reference to a parent.
isPaused() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.service.AbstractServiceAdministrator
Return whether this service is currently paused.
isPaused() - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.service.ServiceAdministrator
Return whether this system is currently paused.
isPositive(int, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the argument is positive (>0).
isPositive(long, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the argument is positive (>0).
isPositive(double, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Check that the argument is positive (>0).
isPrimitiveType() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.FieldMetadata
Find out if a field is primitive type or not.
isProgressive() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
Returns whether the image is stored in a progressive (also called: interlaced) way.
isPropertyModified(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.NetChange
Determine whether this node change includes the setting of new value(s) for the supplied property.
isPropertyRemoved(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.NetChange
Determine whether this node change includes the removal of the supplied property.
isQualifiedType() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.FieldMetadata
Find out if a field is a qualified type or not.
isQualifiedType() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.QualifiedTypeFieldMetadata
Find out if a field is a qualified type or not.
isQueryable() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeTemplate
Get whether this node is queryable
isQuotingRequired() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch.SimpleTerm
Get whether this term needs to be quoted because it consists of multiple words.
isRangeOperator() - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Operator
Determine whether this operator is one that is used to define a range of values: <, >, <=, or >=.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection
Determine whether the content projected by this projection is read-only.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneBranchRequest
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneWorkspaceRequest
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequest
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel.LastRequest
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CopyBranchRequest
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateNodeRequest
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateWorkspaceRequest
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteBranchRequest
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteChildrenRequest
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DestroyWorkspaceRequest
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.GetWorkspacesRequest
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.LockBranchRequest
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.MoveBranchRequest
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllChildrenRequest
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllPropertiesRequest
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBranchRequest
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNodeRequest
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadPropertyRequest
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RemovePropertyRequest
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RenameNodeRequest
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.Request
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.SearchRequest
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.SetPropertyRequest
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UnlockBranchRequest
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdatePropertiesRequest
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdateValuesRequest
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.VerifyNodeExistsRequest
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.VerifyWorkspaceRequest
Return whether this request only reads information.
isReferentialIntegrityEnforced() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
isReferentialIntegrityEnforced() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
isRegistered() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.ChangeObserver
Determine whether this observer is currently registered with any Observable instances.
isRegisteredNamespaceUri(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrNamespaceRegistry
Return whether there is a registered prefix for the supplied namespace URI.
isRegisteredNamespaceUri(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.GraphNamespaceRegistry
Return whether there is a registered prefix for the supplied namespace URI.
isRegisteredNamespaceUri(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LocalNamespaceRegistry
Return whether there is a registered prefix for the supplied namespace URI.
isRegisteredNamespaceUri(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NamespaceRegistryWithAliases
Return whether there is a registered prefix for the supplied namespace URI.
isRegisteredNamespaceUri(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.SimpleNamespaceRegistry
Return whether there is a registered prefix for the supplied namespace URI.
isRegisteredNamespaceUri(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ThreadSafeNamespaceRegistry
Return whether there is a registered prefix for the supplied namespace URI.
isRegisteredNamespaceUri(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.NamespaceRegistry
Return whether there is a registered prefix for the supplied namespace URI.
isRelative() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.PathExpression
isRemoved(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.WorkspaceChanges
isRemoved(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction.WorkspaceChanges
isReorder() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.NetChange
True if this is a simple re-ordering of sibling nodes.
isRoot() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPath
Return whether this path represents the root path.
isRoot() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ChildPath
Return whether this path represents the root path.
isRoot() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Return whether this path represents the root path.
isRoot() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Return whether this path represents the root path.
isRoot() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Return whether this path represents the root path.
isRoot() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
isRunning() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Stopwatch
Return whether this stopwatch is currently running.
isRunning() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Return whether this connection pool is running and is able to provide connections.
isSame(T, String, T, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.CheckArg
Asserts that the specified first object is the same as (==) the specified second object.
isSame(InputStream, InputStream) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.IoUtil
Write the entire contents of the supplied string to the given stream.
isSame(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Determine whether this location has the same path and identification properties: if one location has a path, then both must have the same path; likewise, if one location has ID properties, then both must have the same ID properties.
isSameAs(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Determine whether this path represents the same as the supplied path.
isSameAs(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Determine whether this path represents the same as the supplied path.
isSameAs(DateTime) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Return whether this date-time is exactly the the same as the supplied date-time.
isSameAs(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Determine whether this path represents the same as the supplied path.
isSameAs(DateTime) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Return whether this date-time is exactly the the same as the supplied date-time.
isSameAs(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Determine whether this path represents the same as the supplied path.
isSameAs(PlanNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Determine whether the supplied plan is equivalent to this plan.
isSameAs(AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Determine whether the supplied plan is equivalent to this plan.
isSameNode(NetChangeObserver.NetChange) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.NetChange
isSameNode(Location, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SelectComponent.Analyzer
Determine whether the node specified by the location is the same node as that supplied by the path.
isSameNode(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder
Define a constraint clause that the node within the named table is the same node as that appearing at the supplied path.
isSameTuple(QueryResults.Columns, Object[], Object[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.MergeJoinComponent
isSameWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneBranchRequest
Determine whether this clone operation is within the same workspace.
isSameWorkspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CopyBranchRequest
Determine whether this copy operation is within the same workspace.
isSelfReference() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPathSegment
Return whether this segment is a self-reference.
isSelfReference() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path.Segment
Return whether this segment is a self-reference.
isServiceTerminated() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService
isShutdown() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Return whether this connection pool is in the process of shutting down or has already been shut down.
isShutdown() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.service.AbstractServiceAdministrator
Return whether this service is stopped and unable to be restarted.
isShutdown() - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.service.ServiceAdministrator
Return whether this system has been shut down.
isSimple() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection
Determine whether this project is a simple projection that only involves for any one repository path no more than a single source path.
isSimpleType() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.FieldMetadata
Find out if a field is a simple type or not.
isSimpleType() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.SimpleTypeFieldMetadata
Find out if a field is a simple type or not.
isSingle() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicEmptyProperty
Determine whether the property currently has a single value.
isSingle() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicMultiValueProperty
Determine whether the property currently has a single value.
isSingle() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicSingleValueProperty
Determine whether the property currently has a single value.
isSingle() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Property
Determine whether the property currently has a single value.
isSingle() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.ImportMetadata
isSingle() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.ImportOnDemandMetadata
isSingle() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.SingleImportMetadata
isSingle() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.SingleMemberAnnotationMetadata
isSingleValueDescriptor(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository
isSkipped() - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Rule
isSkipped() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.SkipRule
isSkipped() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.TypedRule
isSlashEncoded() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.UrlEncoder
isStale() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Determine whether this node is stale because it was dropped from the cache.
isStandardDescriptor(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository
isStarted() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel
Return whether this channel has been started .
isStarted() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.service.AbstractServiceAdministrator
Return whether this service has been started and is currently running.
isStarted() - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.service.ServiceAdministrator
Return whether this system has been started and is currently running.
isStatic() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.FieldMetadata
isStatic() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.MethodMetadata
isStrictFp() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.ClassMetadata
isStrictFp() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.MethodMetadata
isSubmitIgnored() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.io.GraphBatchDestination
Return whether this instance is ignoring calls to GraphBatchDestination.submit().
isSynchronized() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.MethodMetadata
isTableConstraint(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
This utility method provides this parser the ability to distinguish between a CreateTable Constraint and a ColumnDefinition Definition which are the only two statement segment types allowed within the CREATE TABLE parenthesis ( xxxxxx );
isTerminated() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Return true if this pool has completed its termination and no longer has any open connections.
isTerminated() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary
Return true if this library has completed its termination and no longer has any open connections.
isTerminated() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.service.AbstractServiceAdministrator
Return whether this system has finished shutting down.
isTerminated() - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.service.ServiceAdministrator
Return whether this system has finished shutting down.
isTerminating() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Returns true if this pool is in the process of terminating after RepositoryConnectionPool.shutdown() or RepositoryConnectionPool.shutdownNow() has been called but has not completely terminated.
isTerminating() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary
Returns true if this library is in the process of terminating after ServiceAdministrator.shutdown() has been called on the administrator, but the library has connections that have not yet normally been closed.
isTerminator(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Utility method to determine if next token is a terminator.
isTestMode() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
isTopLevelPath(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection
Determine whether the supplied repositoryPath is considered one of the top-level nodes in this projection.
isTopLevelPath(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.PathRule
Determine if the supplied path is the same as one of the top-level nodes exposed by this rule.
isTopLevelPath(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.Rule
Determine if the supplied path is the same as one of the top-level nodes exposed by this rule.
isTraceEnabled() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Logger
Return whether messages at the TRACE level are being logged.
isTransient() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.FieldMetadata
isTypeFor(Object) - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.property.PropertyType
isTypeForEach(Iterable<?>) - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.property.PropertyType
isTypeForEach(Iterator<?>) - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.property.PropertyType
isUnary() - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ArithmeticOperator
Return whether this is an unary operator.
isUncountable(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector
Determine whether the supplied word is considered uncountable by the pluralize and singularize methods.
isUnionCompatible(QueryResults.Columns) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
Determine whether this column and the other are union-compatible (that is, having the same columns).
isUnionCompatible(QueryResults.Columns) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Columns
Determine whether this column and the other are union-compatible (that is, having the same columns).
isUnknown() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.Status
isUnlimited() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Limit
Determine whether this limit clause is necessary.
isUnlimited() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.Limit
Determine whether this limit clause is necessary.
isUpperBoundIncluded() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Between
Return whether the upper bound is to be included in the results.
isUpperBoundIncluded() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.Between
Return whether the upper bound is to be included in the results.
isValid(int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.xml.XmlCharacters
Determine whether the supplied character is a valid character in XML.
isValid() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.CndNodeTypeSource
Returns true if no errors were encountered while parsing the CND file or files
isValidContent(int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.xml.XmlCharacters
Determine whether the supplied character is a valid character in XML content
isValidName(int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.xml.XmlCharacters
Determine whether the supplied character is a valid non-first character in an XML Name.
isValidName(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.xml.XmlCharacters
Determine if the supplied name is a valid XML Name.
isValidNameStart(int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.xml.XmlCharacters
Determine whether the supplied character is a valid first character in an XML Name.
isValidNcName(int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.xml.XmlCharacters
Determine whether the supplied character is a valid non-first character in an XML NCName.
isValidNcName(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.xml.XmlCharacters
Determine if the supplied name is a valid XML NCName.
isValidNcNameStart(int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.xml.XmlCharacters
Determine whether the supplied character is a valid first character in an XML NCName.
isValidPubid(int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.xml.XmlCharacters
Determine whether the supplied character is a valid character in an XML Pubid.
isValidSchemaChild(AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
isValidSpace(int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.xml.XmlCharacters
Determine whether the supplied character is a valid whitespace character in XML
isVariable(Operator, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Define the right-hand-side of the constraint using the supplied operator.
isVerifyWorkspaceInSource() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.AbstractSearchEngine
Determine whether the workspaces should be verified with the original source before creating indexes for them.
ISVNEditorUtil - Class in org.modeshape.connector.svn.mgnt
ISVNEditorUtil() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.svn.mgnt.ISVNEditorUtil
isVolatile() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.FieldMetadata
isWarnEnabled() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Logger
Return whether messages at the WARNING level are being logged.
isWarning() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.Status
isWildcard() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.NameTest
Return whether this represents a wildcard, meaning both XPath.NameTest.getPrefixTest() and XPath.NameTest.getLocalTest() are null.
isWildcardType() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.FieldMetadata
Find out if a field is a wild card type or not.
isWildcardType() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.WildcardTypeFieldMetadata
Find out if a field is a wild card type or not.
isWritable() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRepository
isWritable() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.WritablePathRepository
itemAlreadyExistsWithUuid - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
itemNotFoundAtPath - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
itemNotFoundAtPathRelativeToReferenceNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
itemNotFoundWithUuid - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
iterator() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.cnd.QueryOperator
Return an iterator over all the operator enumeration literals.
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableAppendedList
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
iterator() - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.Children
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.GraphNode
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactories
This implementation always iterates over the instances return by the get*Factory() methods.
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicEmptyProperty
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicMultiValueProperty
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicSingleValueProperty
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ChildPath
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
iterator() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
iterator() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.property.PropertyType
Return an iterator over all the property type enumeration literals.
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch.CompoundTerm
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
This iterator is immutable.
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequest
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel.ChannelCompositeRequest
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateNodeRequest
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllChildrenRequest
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllPropertiesRequest
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBranchRequest
The resulting iterator accesses the Location objects in the branch, in pre-order traversal order.
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNodeRequest
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.StructureSnapshot
iterator - Variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.MultiSelectorQueryResultRow
iterator - Variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.SingleSelectorQueryResultRow
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.OrderBy
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.PathExpression
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator.RelativePathLikeExpressions
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerOutputMap
Return the entries in this output in an order with shorter paths first.
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine.WorkForWorkspaces
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceWork
iterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
This iterator is immutable.


JAAS_LOGIN_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.DefaultOption
The default value for the JcrRepository.Option.JAAS_LOGIN_CONFIG_NAME option is "modeshape-jcr" .
JaasSecurityContext - Class in org.modeshape.graph
JAAS-based security context that provides authentication and authorization through the JAAS login context.
JaasSecurityContext(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.JaasSecurityContext
Create a JaasSecurityContext with the supplied application configuration name.
JaasSecurityContext(String, Subject) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.JaasSecurityContext
Create a JaasSecurityContext with the supplied application configuration name and a JAAS subject.
JaasSecurityContext(String, String, char[]) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.JaasSecurityContext
Create a JaasSecurityContext with the supplied application configuration name and a JAAS callback handler to create a new JAAS login context with the given user ID and password.
JaasSecurityContext(String, CallbackHandler) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.JaasSecurityContext
Create a JaasSecurityContext with the supplied application configuration name and the given callback handler.
JaasSecurityContext(LoginContext) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.JaasSecurityContext
Creates a new JAAS security context based on the given login context.
JaasSecurityContext(Subject) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.JaasSecurityContext
Creates a new JAAS security context based on the user name and roles from the given subject.
JaasSecurityContext.UserPasswordCallbackHandler - Class in org.modeshape.graph
A simple callback handler implementation that attempts to provide a user ID and password to any callbacks that it handles.
JaasSecurityContext.UserPasswordCallbackHandler(String, char[]) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.JaasSecurityContext.UserPasswordCallbackHandler
JavadocMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata
JavaDoc metadata.
JavadocMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.JavadocMetadata
JavaMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata
Metadata for a Java source file.
JavaMetadataI18n - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java
The internationalized string constants for the org.modeshape.sequencer.java* packages.
JavaMetadataI18n() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataI18n
JavaMetadataLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java
A lexicon of names used within the Java source file sequencer.
JavaMetadataLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
JavaMetadataLexicon.Namespace - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java
JavaMetadataLexicon.Namespace() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon.Namespace
JavaMetadataSequencer - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java
JavaMetadataSequencer() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataSequencer
JavaMetadataUtil - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java
Utility class for working with metadata.
JBossCacheConnectorI18n - Class in org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache
The internationalized string constants for the org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache* packages.
JBossCacheConnectorI18n() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheConnectorI18n
JBossCacheNode - Class in org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache
A specialization of the MapNode.
JBossCacheNode(UUID, Path.Segment, UUID, Map<Name, Property>, List<UUID>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheNode
Create a new node for storage inside Infinispan.
JBossCacheNode(UUID, Path.Segment, UUID, Iterable<Property>, List<UUID>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheNode
Create a new node for storage inside Infinispan.
JBossCacheNode(UUID) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheNode
Create a new node for storage inside Infinispan.
JBossCacheRepository - Class in org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache
The representation of an in-memory repository and its content.
JBossCacheRepository(JBossCacheSource, Cache<UUID, JBossCacheNode>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheRepository
JBossCacheSource - Class in org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache
A repository source that uses a JBoss Cache instance to manage the content.
JBossCacheSource() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
Create a repository source instance.
JBossCacheTransaction - Class in org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache
JBossCacheTransaction(JBossCacheRepository, UUID, Lock) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheTransaction
JBossCacheWorkspace - Class in org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache
JBossCacheWorkspace(String, Cache<UUID, JBossCacheNode>, JBossCacheNode) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheWorkspace
Create a new workspace instance.
JBossCacheWorkspace(String, Cache<UUID, JBossCacheNode>, JBossCacheWorkspace) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheWorkspace
Create a new workspace instance.
jcr170 - Variable in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
JCR_ARITHMETIC_OPERATOR_ADD - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryObjectModelConstants
The 'add' operator for arithmetic operations.
JCR_ARITHMETIC_OPERATOR_DIVIDE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryObjectModelConstants
The 'add' operator for arithmetic operations.
JCR_ARITHMETIC_OPERATOR_MULTIPLY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryObjectModelConstants
The 'add' operator for arithmetic operations.
JCR_ARITHMETIC_OPERATOR_SUBTRACT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryObjectModelConstants
The 'add' operator for arithmetic operations.
JCR_JOIN_TYPE_CROSS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryObjectModelConstants
A cross join.
JCR_JOIN_TYPE_FULL_OUTER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryObjectModelConstants
A full-outer join.
JCR_JQOM - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.QueryLanguage
The enhanced Query Object Model language defined by the JCR 2.0 specification.
JCR_PATH_COLUMN_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryResult
JCR_PATH_COLUMN_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.XPathQueryResult
JCR_PATH_COLUMN_TYPE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryResult
JCR_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenUrl
JCR_SCORE_COLUMN_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryResult
JCR_SCORE_COLUMN_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.XPathQueryResult
JCR_SCORE_COLUMN_TYPE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryResult
JCR_SET_TYPE_EXCEPT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryObjectModelConstants
A 'except' set operation.
JCR_SET_TYPE_INTERSECT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryObjectModelConstants
A 'intersect' set operation.
JCR_SET_TYPE_UNION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryObjectModelConstants
A 'union' set operation.
JCR_SQL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.QueryLanguage
The SQL dialect that is based upon an enhanced version of the JCR-SQL query language defined by the JCR 1.0.1 specification.
JCR_SQL2 - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.QueryLanguage
The SQL dialect that is based upon an enhanced version of the JCR-SQL2 query language defined by the JCR 2.0 specification.
JcrAbstractQuery - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Abstract implementation of JCR's Query interface.
JcrAbstractQuery(JcrQueryContext, String, String, Path) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrAbstractQuery
Creates a new JCR Query by specifying the query statement itself, the language in which the query is stated, the QueryCommand representation and, optionally, the node from which the query was loaded.
JcrAnd - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the 'and' constraint for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
JcrAnd(JcrConstraint, JcrConstraint) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrAnd
JcrApplication - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest
Implementation of the JAX-RS Application class to identify all JAX-RS providers and classes in the application.
JcrApplication() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.JcrApplication
JcrArithmeticOperand - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
JcrArithmeticOperand(JcrDynamicOperand, ArithmeticOperator, JcrDynamicOperand) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrArithmeticOperand
Create a arithmetic dynamic operand that operates upon the supplied operand(s).
JcrBetween - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the 'between' constraint for the Graph API and that is an extension to JCR Query Object Model.
JcrBetween(JcrDynamicOperand, JcrStaticOperand, JcrStaticOperand, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrBetween
Create a constraint that the values of the supplied dynamic operand are between the lower and upper bounds, specifying whether the boundary values are to be included in the range.
JcrBindVariableName - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the bind variable name static operand for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
JcrBindVariableName(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrBindVariableName
JcrChildNode - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the child node constraint for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
JcrChildNode(SelectorName, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrChildNode
JcrChildNodeJoinCondition - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the child-node join condition for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
JcrChildNodeJoinCondition(SelectorName, SelectorName) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrChildNodeJoinCondition
Create a join condition that determines whether the node identified by the child selector is a child of the node identified by the parent selector.
JcrColumn - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
An implementation of JCR's Column and specialization of the Graph API's Column.
JcrColumn(SelectorName) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrColumn
Include a column for each of the single-valued, accessible properties on the node identified by the selector.
JcrColumn(SelectorName, String, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrColumn
A column with the given name representing the named property on the node identified by the selector.
JcrComparison - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
JcrComparison(JcrDynamicOperand, Operator, JcrStaticOperand) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrComparison
JcrConfiguration - Class in org.modeshape.jcr
A configuration builder for a JcrEngine.
JcrConfiguration() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration
Create a new configuration, using a default-constructed ExecutionContext.
JcrConfiguration(ExecutionContext) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration
Create a new configuration using the supplied ExecutionContext.
JcrConfiguration.RepositoryBuilder<ReturnType> - Class in org.modeshape.jcr
JcrConfiguration.RepositoryBuilder(ReturnType, Graph.Batch, Path, Name...) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryBuilder
JcrConfiguration.RepositoryDefinition<ReturnType> - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr
Interface used to define a JCR Repository that's accessible from the JcrEngine.
JcrConnectorI18n - Class in org.modeshape.connector.jcr
The internationalized string constants for the org.modeshape.connector.filesystem* packages.
JcrConnectorI18n() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrConnectorI18n
JcrConstraint - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Representation of a constraint from JCR and the Graph API.
JcrDescendantNode - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the descendant node constraint for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
JcrDescendantNode(SelectorName, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrDescendantNode
JcrDescendantNodeJoinCondition - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the descendant-node join condition for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
JcrDescendantNodeJoinCondition(SelectorName, SelectorName) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrDescendantNodeJoinCondition
Create a join condition that determines whether the node identified by the descendant selector is indeed a descendant of the node identified by the ancestor selector.
JcrDynamicOperand - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Representation of a dynamic operand from JCR and the Graph API.
JcrEngine - Class in org.modeshape.jcr
The basic component that encapsulates the ModeShape services, including the Repository instances.
JcrEquiJoinCondition - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the equi-join condition for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
JcrEquiJoinCondition(SelectorName, String, SelectorName, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrEquiJoinCondition
Create an equi-join condition, given the names of the selector and property for the left- and right-hand-side of the join.
JcrEquiJoinCondition(Column, Column) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrEquiJoinCondition
Create an equi-join condition, given the columns.
JcrFullTextSearch - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the full-text search constraint for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
JcrFullTextSearch(SelectorName, String, StaticOperand) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrFullTextSearch
Create a constraint defining a full-text search against the property values on node within the search scope.
JcrFullTextSearch(SelectorName, String, String, FullTextSearch.Term) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrFullTextSearch
Create a constraint defining a full-text search against the property values on node within the search scope.
JcrFullTextSearchScore - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the full-text search score dynamic operand for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
JcrFullTextSearchScore(SelectorName) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrFullTextSearchScore
Create a dynamic operand that evaluates to the full-text search score of the node identified by the selector.
JcrI18n - Class in org.modeshape.jcr
The internationalized string constants for the org.modeshape.jcr* packages.
JcrI18n() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
JcrJoin - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the join for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
JcrJoin(JcrSource, JoinType, JcrSource, JcrJoinCondition) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrJoin
Create a join of the left and right sources, using the supplied join condition.
JcrJoinCondition - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Representation of a constraint from JCR and the Graph API.
JcrLength - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the 'length' dynamic operand for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
JcrLength(JcrPropertyValue) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrLength
JcrLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.graph
A lexicon of names with the JCR namespace.
JcrLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
JcrLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.jcr
Lexicon of names from the standard JCR "http://www.jcp.org/jcr/1.0" namespace.
JcrLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
JcrLexicon.Namespace - Class in org.modeshape.graph
JcrLexicon.Namespace() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon.Namespace
JcrLimit - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the equi-join condition for the extended JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
JcrLimit(int) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrLimit
Create a limit on the number of rows.
JcrLimit(int, int) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrLimit
Create a limit on the number of rows and the number of initial rows to skip.
JcrLiteral - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the literal value static operand for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
JcrLiteral(Value) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrLiteral
JcrLiteral(Value, Object) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrLiteral
JcrLockManager - Class in org.modeshape.jcr
A per-session lock manager for a given workspace.
JcrLowerCase - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the lower case dynamic operand for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
JcrLowerCase(JcrDynamicOperand) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrLowerCase
JcrMavenUrlProvider - Class in org.modeshape.maven.spi
Base class for providers that work against a JCR repository.
JcrMavenUrlProvider() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
JcrMavenUrlProvider.JcrUrlStreamHandler - Class in org.modeshape.maven.spi
This URLStreamHandler specialization understands URLs that point to content in the JCR repository used by this Maven repository.
JcrMavenUrlProvider.JcrUrlStreamHandler() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider.JcrUrlStreamHandler
JcrMavenUrlProvider.MavenInputStream - Class in org.modeshape.maven.spi
JcrMavenUrlProvider.MavenInputStream(Session, InputStream) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider.MavenInputStream
JcrMavenUrlProvider.MavenOutputStream - Class in org.modeshape.maven.spi
JcrMavenUrlProvider.MavenOutputStream(MavenUrl, File) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider.MavenOutputStream
JcrMavenUrlProvider.MavenUrlConnection - Class in org.modeshape.maven.spi
A URLConnection with support for obtaining content from a node in a JCR repository.
JcrMavenUrlProvider.MavenUrlConnection(URL) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider.MavenUrlConnection
JcrMixLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.graph
A lexicon of names with the JCR "mix" namespace.
JcrMixLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.JcrMixLexicon
JcrMixLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.jcr
Lexicon of names from the standard JCR "http://www.jcp.org/jcr/mix/1.0" namespace.
JcrMixLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrMixLexicon
JcrMixLexicon.Namespace - Class in org.modeshape.graph
JcrMixLexicon.Namespace() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.JcrMixLexicon.Namespace
JcrNamedSelector - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the (named) selector for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
JcrNamedSelector(NamedSelector) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrNamedSelector
Create a selector with the supplied selector.
JcrNamedSelector(SelectorName, SelectorName) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrNamedSelector
Create a selector with the supplied node type name and alias.
JcrNamespaceRegistry - Class in org.modeshape.connector.jcr
This represents the NamespaceRegistry implementation mirroring a supplied JCR Session.
JcrNodeDepth - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the node depth dynamic operand for the Graph API and that is an extension to the JCR Query Object Model.
JcrNodeDepth(SelectorName) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrNodeDepth
Create a dynamic operand that evaluates to the depth of the node identified by the selector.
JcrNodeLocalName - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the node local-name dynamic operand for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
JcrNodeLocalName(SelectorName) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrNodeLocalName
JcrNodeName - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the node name dynamic operand for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
JcrNodeName(SelectorName) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrNodeName
JcrNodePath - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the node path dynamic operand for the Graph API and that is an extension to the JCR Query Object Model.
JcrNodePath(SelectorName) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrNodePath
Create a dynamic operand that evaluates to the path of the node identified by the selector.
JcrNodeTypeManager - Class in org.modeshape.jcr
Local implementation of @{link NodeTypeManager}.
JcrNodeTypeSource - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr
Interface for any potential provider of JcrNodeType definitions, the ModeShape implementation of NodeType.
JcrNodeTypeTemplate - Class in org.modeshape.jcr
ModeShape implementation of the JCR NodeTypeTemplate interface
JcrNot - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the 'not' constraint for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
JcrNot(JcrConstraint) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrNot
JcrNtLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.graph
A lexicon of names with the JCR "nt" namespace.
JcrNtLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.JcrNtLexicon
JcrNtLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.jcr
Lexicon of names from the standard JCR "http://www.jcp.org/jcr/nt/1.0" namespace.
JcrNtLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNtLexicon
JcrNtLexicon.Namespace - Class in org.modeshape.graph
JcrNtLexicon.Namespace() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.JcrNtLexicon.Namespace
JcrOr - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the 'or' constraint for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
JcrOr(JcrConstraint, JcrConstraint) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrOr
JcrOrdering - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
The implementation of the JCR Query Object Model's Ordering.
JcrOrdering(JcrDynamicOperand, Order) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrOrdering
Create a new ordering specification, given the supplied operand and order.
jcrPath(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryResult.JcrSqlQueryResultRowIterator
jcrPath(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.XPathQueryResult.XPathQueryResultRowIterator
JcrPropertyExistence - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the property existence constraint for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
JcrPropertyExistence(SelectorName, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrPropertyExistence
jcrPropertyTypeFor(PropertyType) - Static method in class org.modeshape.jcr.PropertyTypeUtil
Compute the ModeShape PropertyType for the given JCR PropertyType value.
JcrPropertyValue - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the property value dynamic operand for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
JcrPropertyValue(SelectorName, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrPropertyValue
JcrQomQueryParser - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query
A parser for the JCR Query Object Model language.
JcrQomQueryParser() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQomQueryParser
JcrQuery - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query
Implementation of Query that represents a query command.
JcrQuery(JcrQueryContext, String, String, QueryCommand, PlanHints, Path) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQuery
Creates a new JCR Query by specifying the query statement itself, the language in which the query is stated, the QueryCommand representation and, optionally, the node from which the query was loaded.
JcrQueryCommand - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Representation of an abstract query command the Graph API and extension to the JCR API.
JcrQueryContext - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.query
The context in which queries are executed.
JcrQueryObjectModel - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of QueryObjectModel that represents a select query.
JcrQueryObjectModel(JcrQueryContext, String, String, JcrSelectQuery, PlanHints, Path) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModel
Creates a new JCR Query by specifying the query statement itself, the language in which the query is stated, the QueryCommand representation and, optionally, the node from which the query was loaded.
JcrQueryObjectModelFactory - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
An implementation of the JCR QueryObjectModelFactory.
JcrQueryObjectModelFactory(JcrQueryContext) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
JcrQueryResult - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query
The results of a query.
JcrQueryResult(JcrQueryContext, String, QueryResults, Schemata) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult
JcrQueryResult.MultiSelectorQueryResultRow - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query
JcrQueryResult.MultiSelectorQueryResultRow(JcrQueryResult.QueryResultRowIterator, Node[], int[], Object[]) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.MultiSelectorQueryResultRow
JcrQueryResult.QueryResultNodeIterator - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query
The NodeIterator implementation returned by the JcrQueryResult.
JcrQueryResult.QueryResultNodeIterator(List<? extends Node>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.QueryResultNodeIterator
JcrQueryResult.QueryResultRowIterator - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query
The RowIterator implementation returned by the JcrQueryResult.
JcrQueryResult.QueryResultRowIterator(JcrQueryContext, String, QueryResults, Iterator<Object[]>, long) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.QueryResultRowIterator
JcrQueryResult.SingleSelectorQueryResultRow - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query
JcrQueryResult.SingleSelectorQueryResultRow(JcrQueryResult.SingleSelectorQueryResultRowIterator, Node, Object[]) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.SingleSelectorQueryResultRow
JcrQueryResult.SingleSelectorQueryResultRowIterator - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query
The RowIterator implementation returned by the JcrQueryResult.
JcrQueryResult.SingleSelectorQueryResultRowIterator(JcrQueryContext, String, QueryResults, Iterator<Object[]>, long) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.SingleSelectorQueryResultRowIterator
JcrReferenceValue - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the property value dynamic operand for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
JcrReferenceValue(SelectorName, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrReferenceValue
Create a dynamic operand that evaluates to the values of a single reference property of the node identified by the selector.
JcrRepository - Class in org.modeshape.jcr
Creates JCR sessions to an underlying repository (which may be a federated repository).
JcrRepository.DefaultOption - Class in org.modeshape.jcr
The default values for each of the JcrRepository.Option.
JcrRepository.DefaultOption() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.DefaultOption
JcrRepository.DelegatingConnectionFactory - Class in org.modeshape.jcr
JcrRepository.DelegatingConnectionFactory(RepositoryConnectionFactory, RepositorySource) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.DelegatingConnectionFactory
JcrRepository.FederatedRepositoryContext - Class in org.modeshape.jcr
JcrRepository.FederatedRepositoryContext(RepositoryConnectionFactory) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.FederatedRepositoryContext
JcrRepository.Option - Enum in org.modeshape.jcr
The available options for the JcrRepository.
JcrRepository.QueryLanguage - Class in org.modeshape.jcr
The set of supported query language string constants.
JcrRepository.QueryLanguage() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.QueryLanguage
JcrRepository.RepositoryObservationManager - Class in org.modeshape.jcr
JcrRepository.RepositoryObservationManager(Observable) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.RepositoryObservationManager
JcrRepository.SourceWorkspacePair - Class in org.modeshape.jcr
JcrRepository.SourceWorkspacePair(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.SourceWorkspacePair
JcrRepositoryConnection - Class in org.modeshape.connector.jcr
JcrRepositoryConnection(JcrRepositorySource, Repository, Credentials) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositoryConnection
JcrRepositoryFactory - Class in org.modeshape.jcr
Service provider for the JCR2 RepositoryFactory interface.
JcrRepositoryFactory() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepositoryFactory
JcrRepositorySource - Class in org.modeshape.connector.jcr
The RepositorySource for the connector that exposes an area of the local file system as content in a repository.
JcrRepositorySource() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
Create a new instance of a JCR repository source.
JcrRequestProcessor - Class in org.modeshape.connector.jcr
A RequestProcessor that processes Requests by operating against the JCR Repository.
JcrRequestProcessor(String, ExecutionContext, Repository, Observer, Credentials, CachePolicy) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor
JcrRequestProcessor.Workspace - Class in org.modeshape.connector.jcr
An encapsulation of a remote JCR Session, with an ExecutionContext that contains a namespace registry which mirrors the session's registry, and with factories that convert the JCR-specific values, paths, and names into their graph-equivalents.
JcrRequestProcessor.Workspace(Session) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor.Workspace
JcrResources - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest
RESTEasy handler to provide the JCR resources at the URIs below.
JcrResources() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.JcrResources
JcrResources.JSONExceptionMapper - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest
JcrResources.JSONExceptionMapper() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.JcrResources.JSONExceptionMapper
JcrResources.NoSuchRepositoryExceptionMapper - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest
JcrResources.NoSuchRepositoryExceptionMapper() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.JcrResources.NoSuchRepositoryExceptionMapper
JcrResources.NotFoundExceptionMapper - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest
JcrResources.NotFoundExceptionMapper() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.JcrResources.NotFoundExceptionMapper
JcrResources.RepositoryExceptionMapper - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest
JcrResources.RepositoryExceptionMapper() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.JcrResources.RepositoryExceptionMapper
JcrSameNode - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the same node constraint for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
JcrSameNode(SelectorName, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSameNode
JcrSameNodeJoinCondition - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the same-node join condition for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
JcrSameNodeJoinCondition(SelectorName, SelectorName, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSameNodeJoinCondition
Create a join condition that determines whether the node identified by the first selector is the same as the node at the given path relative to the node identified by the second selector.
JcrSameNodeJoinCondition(SelectorName, SelectorName) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSameNodeJoinCondition
Create a join condition that determines whether the node identified by the first selector is the same as the node identified by the second selector.
jcrScore(Float) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryResult.JcrSqlQueryResultRowIterator
jcrScore(Float) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.XPathQueryResult.XPathQueryResultRowIterator
JcrSearch - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query
A Query implementation that represents a search.
JcrSearch(JcrQueryContext, String, String, Path) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSearch
Creates a new JCR Query by specifying the query statement itself, the language in which the query is stated, the QueryCommand representation and, optionally, the node from which the query was loaded.
JcrSelectQuery - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
JcrSelectQuery(JcrSource, JcrConstraint, List<? extends JcrOrdering>, List<? extends JcrColumn>, JcrLimit, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSelectQuery
Create a new query that uses the supplied source, constraint, orderings, columns and limits.
JcrSetCriteria - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the same node constraint for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
JcrSetCriteria(JcrDynamicOperand, Collection<? extends JcrStaticOperand>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetCriteria
JcrSetCriteria(JcrDynamicOperand, JcrStaticOperand...) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetCriteria
JcrSetQuery - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
JcrSetQuery(JcrQueryCommand, SetQuery.Operation, JcrQueryCommand, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetQuery
Create a set query involving the supplied left- and right-hand-side queries.
JcrSetQuery(JcrQueryCommand, SetQuery.Operation, JcrQueryCommand, boolean, List<? extends JcrOrdering>, JcrLimit) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetQuery
Create a set query involving the supplied left- and right-hand-side queries.
JcrSetQueryObjectModel - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of QueryObjectModel that represents a select query.
JcrSetQueryObjectModel(JcrQueryContext, String, String, JcrSetQuery, PlanHints, Path) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetQueryObjectModel
Creates a new JCR Query by specifying the query statement itself, the language in which the query is stated, the QueryCommand representation and, optionally, the node from which the query was loaded.
JcrSource - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Representation of a source from JCR and the Graph API.
JcrSql2QueryParser - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query
An specialization of the SqlQueryParser that uses a different language name that matches the JCR 2.0 specification.
JcrSql2QueryParser() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
JcrSqlQueryParser - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query
Parser for JCR-SQL queries that produces abstract query model (AQM) objects.
JcrSqlQueryParser() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryParser
JcrSqlQueryParser.JoinableSources - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query
JcrSqlQueryParser.JoinableSources(Selector, Position) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryParser.JoinableSources
JcrSqlQueryResult - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query
JcrSqlQueryResult(JcrQueryContext, String, QueryResults, Schemata) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryResult
JcrSqlQueryResult.JcrSqlQueryResultRow - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query
JcrSqlQueryResult.JcrSqlQueryResultRow(JcrQueryResult.SingleSelectorQueryResultRowIterator, Node, Object[]) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryResult.JcrSqlQueryResultRow
JcrSqlQueryResult.JcrSqlQueryResultRowIterator - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query
JcrSqlQueryResult.JcrSqlQueryResultRowIterator(JcrQueryContext, String, QueryResults, Iterator<Object[]>, long) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryResult.JcrSqlQueryResultRowIterator
JcrStaticOperand - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Representation of a static operand from JCR and the Graph API.
JcrSvLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.jcr
Lexicon of names from the standard JCR "http://www.jcp.org/jcr/sv/1.0" namespace.
JcrSvLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrSvLexicon
JcrSvLexicon.Namespace - Class in org.modeshape.jcr
JcrSvLexicon.Namespace() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrSvLexicon.Namespace
JcrTools - Class in org.modeshape.jcr
Utility methods for working with JCR nodes.
JcrTools() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrTools
JcrTypeSystem - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.query
JcrUpperCase - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
Implementation of the upper case dynamic operand for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
JcrUpperCase(JcrDynamicOperand) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrUpperCase
JDBC_DATA_TYPE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
JdbcMetadataCollector - Class in org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc
Default MetadataCollector implementation that uses the built-in JDBC support for collecting database metadata.
JdbcMetadataCollector() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataCollector
JdbcMetadataException - Exception in org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc
Thrown to indicate that there was a failure while attempting to retrieve metadata
JdbcMetadataException() - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataException
JdbcMetadataException(String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataException
JdbcMetadataException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataException
JdbcMetadataException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataException
JdbcMetadataI18n - Class in org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc
The internationalized string constants for the org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.
JdbcMetadataI18n() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataI18n
JdbcMetadataLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc
The namespace and property names used within a JdbcMetadataSource to store internal information.
JdbcMetadataLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
JdbcMetadataLexicon.Namespace - Class in org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc
JdbcMetadataLexicon.Namespace() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon.Namespace
JdbcMetadataRepository - Class in org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc
JdbcMetadataRepository(JdbcMetadataSource) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataRepository
JdbcMetadataRepository.JdbcMetadataTransaction - Class in org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc
JdbcMetadataRepository.JdbcMetadataTransaction(Repository<PathNode, JdbcMetadataWorkspace>, UUID) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataRepository.JdbcMetadataTransaction
JdbcMetadataSource - Class in org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc
JdbcMetadataSource() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
JNDI_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeLexicon
JNDI_NAME_ATTR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
JndiRepositoryFactory - Class in org.modeshape.jcr
The JndiRepositoryFactory class provides a means of initializing and accessing repositories in a JNDI tree.
JndiRepositoryFactory() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.JndiRepositoryFactory
JodaDateTime - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
Implementation of DateTime based upon the Joda-Time library.
JodaDateTime() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
JodaDateTime(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
JodaDateTime(String, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
JodaDateTime(long) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
JodaDateTime(long, Chronology) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
JodaDateTime(long, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
JodaDateTime(DateTimeZone) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
JodaDateTime(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
JodaDateTime(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Chronology) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
JodaDateTime(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, DateTimeZone) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
JodaDateTime(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
JodaDateTime(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
JodaDateTime(Date) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
JodaDateTime(Calendar) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
JodaDateTime(DateTime) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
JodaDateTimeValueFactory - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
The standard ValueFactory for PropertyType.DATE values.
JodaDateTimeValueFactory(TextDecoder, ValueFactory<String>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTimeValueFactory
Join - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
Join(Source, JoinType, Source, JoinCondition) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Join
Create a join of the left and right sources, using the supplied join condition.
join(Source, JoinType, Source, JoinCondition) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
join(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Perform an inner join between the already defined source with the supplied table.
join(Source, JoinType, Source, JoinCondition) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
join(Source, Source, String, JoinCondition) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
joinableFor(ProcessingComponent, ProcessingComponent, JoinCondition) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.JoinComponent
Create a JoinComponent.ValueSelector that obtains the value required to use the supplied join condition.
JoinAlgorithm - Enum in org.modeshape.graph.query.plan
The type of join algorithms.
joinAllNodesAs(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Perform an inner join between the already defined source with the "__ALLNODES__" table using the supplied alias.
JoinComponent - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
JoinComponent(QueryContext, ProcessingComponent, ProcessingComponent, JoinCondition, JoinType) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.JoinComponent
JoinComponent.Joinable - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
Interface defining the value of a tuple that is used in the join condition.
JoinComponent.TupleMerger - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
A component that will merge the supplied tuple on the left side of a join with the supplied tuple on the right side of the join, to produce a single tuple with all components from the left and right tuples.
JoinComponent.ValueSelector - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
Interface defining the value of a tuple that is used in the join condition.
joinCondition() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Join
Get the join condition
JoinCondition - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
The condition used for a join between two sources.
joinCondition() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrJoin
Get the join condition
JoinType - Enum in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
joinWith(QueryResults.Columns) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
Obtain a new definition for the query results that is a combination of the these columns and the supplied columns, where the columns from this object appear first, followed by columns from the supplied set.
joinWith(QueryResults.Columns) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Columns
Obtain a new definition for the query results that is a combination of the these columns and the supplied columns, where the columns from this object appear first, followed by columns from the supplied set.
JpaConnectorI18n - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa
The internationalized string constants for the org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa* packages.
JpaConnectorI18n() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaConnectorI18n
JpaSource - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa
The RepositorySource for the connector that stores content in a (custom) relational database.
JpaSource() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
JpaSource.Models - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa
This source is capable of using different database schemas
JpaSource.Models() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource.Models
JPDL3AssignmentMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3
JPDL3AssignmentMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3AssignmentMetadata
JPDL3EndStateMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3
JPDL3EndStateMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3EndStateMetadata
JPDL3Metadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3
The jBPM Process definition language meta data.
JPDL3MetadataConstants - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3
JPDL3MetadataConstants() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3MetadataConstants
JPDL3StartStateMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3
JPDL3StartStateMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3StartStateMetadata
JPDL3SwimlaneMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3
Metdata class represent a swimlane in a jpdl xml file.
JPDL3SwimlaneMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3SwimlaneMetadata
JPDL3TaskMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3
This represent a task for a human.
JPDL3TaskMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3TaskMetadata
JPDL3TaskNodeMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3
This a task node.
JPDL3TaskNodeMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3TaskNodeMetadata
JPDL3TransitionMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3
The transition.
JPDL3TransitionMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3TransitionMetadata
JsonNode - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json
The JsonNode class defines the API for interacing with JSON objects.
JsonNode(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.JsonNode
JsonRestClient - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json
The JsonRestClient class is an implementation of IRestClient that works with the ModeShape REST server that uses JSON as its interface protocol.
JsonRestClient() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.JsonRestClient
JsonUtils - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json
The JsonUtils class provides utilities needed to work with the ModeShape REST server JSON API.
JSR283_DECODER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
The text decoder that decodes according to JSR-283.
JSR283_ENCODER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
The text encoder that encodes according to JSR-283.
Jsr283Encoder - Class in org.modeshape.common.text
Encoder that escapes characters that are not allowed in JCR names.
Jsr283Encoder() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.text.Jsr283Encoder
justifyCenter(String, int, char) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.StringUtil
Center the contents of the string.
justifyLeft(String, int, char) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.StringUtil
Left justify the contents of the string, ensuring that the supplied string begins at the first character and that the resulting string is of the desired length.
justifyLeft(String, int, char, boolean) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.StringUtil
justifyRight(String, int, char) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.StringUtil
Right justify the contents of the string, ensuring that the string ends at the last character.


keepSignificantFigures(Double, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
keepSignificantFigures(Duration, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
keepSignificantFigures(Float, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
keepSignificantFigures(Integer, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
keepSignificantFigures(Long, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
keepSignificantFigures(T, int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
keepSignificantFigures(Short, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
KEY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
keys() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
keySet() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
KEYWORD - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream.DdlTokenizer
The token type for tokens that represent key words or reserved words for a given DDL dialect.
KEYWORDS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon


L_PAREN - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
L_SQUOTE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
LANGUAGE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
LANGUAGE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
LANGUAGE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQomQueryParser
LANGUAGE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
LANGUAGE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryParser
language - Variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrAbstractQuery
LANGUAGE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
LanguageObject - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A common interface for all query language objects.
LARGE_VALUE_SIZE_IN_BYTES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
LargeValueEntity - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple
A single property value that is too large to be stored on the individual node, and which will be shared among all properties that have the same value.
LargeValueEntity() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.LargeValueEntity
LAST_MODIFIED - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
LAST_MODIFIED - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrMixLexicon
LAST_MODIFIED - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.IJcrConstants
The JCR data property name (jcr:lastModified).
LAST_MODIFIED_BY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
LAST_PRINTED - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon
LAST_SAVED_BY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableAppendedList
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.Children
left() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.And
Get the constraint that is on the left-hand-side of the AND operation.
left() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ArithmeticOperand
Get the left-hand operand.
left() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Join
Get the source that represents the left-hand-side of the join.
left() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Or
Get the left-hand constraint.
left() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetQuery
Get the left-hand query.
left() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.JoinComponent
Get the processing component that serves as the left side of the join.
left - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ArithmeticBuilder
left - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
left() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrAnd
Get the constraint that is on the left-hand-side of the AND operation.
left() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrArithmeticOperand
Get the left-hand operand.
left() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrJoin
Get the source that represents the left-hand-side of the join.
left() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrOr
Get the left-hand constraint.
left() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetQuery
Get the left-hand query.
leftAndRightQueriesInSetQueryMustHaveUnionableColumns - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
leftColunns() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.JoinComponent
Get the columns definition for the results from the left side of the join.
leftOperand() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetCriteria
Get the dynamic operand to which the set constraint applies
leftOuterJoin(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Perform a left outer join between the already defined source with the supplied table.
leftOuterJoinAllNodesAs(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Perform a left outer join between the already defined source with the "__ALL_NODES" table using the supplied alias.
length() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CaseSensitiveToken
Get the length of the token, which is equivalent to endIndex() - startIndex().
length() - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.Token
Get the length of the token, which is equivalent to endIndex() - startIndex().
LENGTH - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
length(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem.Factory
Get the length of the supplied value.
Length - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A dynamic operand that evaluates to the length of the supplied propety values, used in a Comparison constraint.
Length(PropertyValue) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Length
Create a dynamic operand that evaluates to the length of the supplied property values.
length(Object) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.TypeSystem.TypeFactory
Get the length of the supplied value.
length(PropertyValue) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
length(Object) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SelectComponent.Analyzer
length(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ArithmeticBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table such that they must have a property value whose length matches the criteria.
length(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table such that they must have a property value whose length matches the criteria.
length(String, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.DynamicOperandBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table such that they must have a property value whose length matches the criteria.
length(String, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.OrderByOperandBuilder
Adds to the order-by clause by using the length of the value for the given table and property.
length(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.SingleOrderByOperandBuilder
Adds to the order-by clause by using the length of the value for the given table and property.
length(PropertyValue) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
length(PropertyValue) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
length(InputStream) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataUtil
Get the length of the input stream.
likeExpresionForWildcardPath(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
Limit - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
Limit(int) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Limit
Create a limit on the number of rows.
Limit(int, int) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Limit
Create a limit on the number of rows and the number of initial rows to skip.
limit(int, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
limit - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.AbstractAccessComponent
limit - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
limit(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Specify the maximum number of rows that are to be returned in the results.
limit() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.AccessQueryRequest
Get the limit of the result tuples, which can specify a maximum number of rows as well as an initial offset for the first row.
Limit - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom
Representation of a limit on the number of tuple results.
limit(int, int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryObjectModelFactory
Evaluates to a limit on the maximum number of tuples in the results and the number of rows that are skipped before the first tuple in the results.
limit(int, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
limit(int, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
Evaluates to a limit on the maximum number of tuples in the results and the number of rows that are skipped before the first tuple in the results.
LimitComponent - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
LimitComponent(ProcessingComponent, Limit) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.LimitComponent
limits() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Query
Get the limits associated with this query.
limits() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.QueryCommand
Get the limits associated with this query.
limits() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetQuery
Get the limits associated with this query.
limits() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSelectQuery
Get the limits associated with this query.
limits() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetQuery
Get the limits associated with this query.
LINKED_FILE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNtLexicon
list(PrintStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
list(PrintWriter) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
listIterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableAppendedList
listIterator(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableAppendedList
listIterator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.Children
listIterator(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.Children
Literal - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A literal value used in a Comparison constraint.
Literal(Object) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Literal
literal(TypeSystem, Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
literal(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary
Define the lower boundary value of a range.
literal(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary
Define the lower boundary value of a range.
literal(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary
Define the lower boundary value of a range.
literal(float) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary
Define the lower boundary value of a range.
literal(double) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary
Define the lower boundary value of a range.
literal(DateTime) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary
Define the lower boundary value of a range.
literal(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary
Define the lower boundary value of a range.
literal(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary
Define the lower boundary value of a range.
literal(URI) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary
Define the lower boundary value of a range.
literal(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary
Define the lower boundary value of a range.
literal(Binary) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary
Define the lower boundary value of a range.
literal(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary
Define the lower boundary value of a range.
literal(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary
Define the lower boundary value of a range.
literal(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
literal(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
literal(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
literal(float) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
literal(double) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
literal(DateTime) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
literal(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
literal(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
literal(URI) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
literal(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
literal(Binary) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
literal(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
literal(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
literal(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
Define the upper boundary value of a range.
literal(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
Define the upper boundary value of a range.
literal(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
Define the upper boundary value of a range.
literal(float) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
Define the upper boundary value of a range.
literal(double) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
Define the upper boundary value of a range.
literal(DateTime) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
Define the upper boundary value of a range.
literal(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
Define the upper boundary value of a range.
literal(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
Define the upper boundary value of a range.
literal(URI) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
Define the upper boundary value of a range.
literal(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
Define the upper boundary value of a range.
literal(Binary) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
Define the upper boundary value of a range.
literal(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
Define the upper boundary value of a range.
literal(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
Define the upper boundary value of a range.
literal(TypeSystem, Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
literal(Value) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
load(InputStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
load(InputStream, Map<String, Set<String>>) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.MimeTypeUtil
Load the extensions from the supplied stream, which may provide the contents in the format of property file or a tab-delimited *nix-style MIME types file (common in web servers and libraries).
load(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.LoadNodesVisitor
Method that signals that the supplied node should be loaded (if it is not already loaded).
load() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Method that causes the information for this node to be read from the store and loaded into the cache
loadDepth - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
loadedFrom(String...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.LoadedFrom
Specify the names of the classloaders that form the classpath for the component, from which the component's class (and its dependencies) can be loaded.
loadedFromClasspath() - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.LoadedFrom
Specify that the component (and its dependencies) will be found on the current (or current context) classloader.
loadedWith(List<Location>, Map<Name, GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload>>, DateTime) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Define the persistent child information that this node is to be populated with.
loadedWith(Map<Name, GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload>>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Define the persistent property information that this node is to be populated with.
loadFrom(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration
Load the configuration from a file at the given path.
loadFrom(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration
Load the configuration from a file at the given path.
loadFrom(File) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration
Load the configuration from a file.
loadFrom(File, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration
Load the configuration from a file.
loadFrom(URL) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration
Load the configuration from a file at the supplied URL.
loadFrom(URL, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration
Load the configuration from a file at the supplied URL.
loadFrom(InputStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration
Load the configuration from a file at the supplied URL.
loadFrom(InputStream, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration
Load the configuration from a file at the supplied URL.
loadFrom(RepositorySource) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration
Load the configuration from the repository content using the supplied repository source.
loadFrom(RepositorySource, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration
Load the configuration from the repository content using the workspace in the supplied repository source.
loadFrom(RepositorySource, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration
Load the configuration from the repository content at the supplied path in the workspace in the supplied repository source.
loadFrom(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Load the configuration from a file at the given path.
loadFrom(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Load the configuration from a file at the given path.
loadFrom(File) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Load the configuration from a file.
loadFrom(File, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Load the configuration from a file.
loadFrom(URL) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Load the configuration from a file at the supplied URL.
loadFrom(URL, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Load the configuration from a file at the supplied URL.
loadFrom(InputStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Load the configuration from a file at the supplied URL.
loadFrom(InputStream, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Load the configuration from a file at the supplied URL.
loadFrom(RepositorySource) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Load the configuration from the repository content using the supplied repository source.
loadFrom(RepositorySource, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Load the configuration from the repository content using the workspace in the supplied repository source.
loadFrom(RepositorySource, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Load the configuration from the repository content at the supplied path in the workspace in the supplied repository source.
loadFromXML(InputStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
loadRepository(String, RepositoryContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.FederatedRepositorySource
Utility to load the current configuration for this source from the configuration repository.
LocalizationRepository - Interface in org.modeshape.common.i18n
A repository of localized property files used by the internationalization framework.
LocalNamespaceRegistry - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
A special NamespaceRegistry implementation that can be used to track transient registrations for another delegate registry.
LocalNamespaceRegistry(NamespaceRegistry) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LocalNamespaceRegistry
LocalNamespaceRegistry(NamespaceRegistry, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LocalNamespaceRegistry
Location - Class in org.modeshape.graph
The location of a node, as specified by either its path, UUID, and/or identification properties.
Location() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.Location
location - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder.NodeChange
location - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor.LocationWithDepth
location - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine.CrawlSubgraph
LOCATION_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.JoinComponent
LOCATION_FIELDS_SELECTOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
An immutable FieldSelector instance that accesses the UUID field.
locationCannotBeProjectedIntoWorkspaceAndSource - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
locationFor(Node) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor.Workspace
Obtain the actual location for the supplied node.
locationForIndexesCannotBeRead - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneI18n
locationForIndexesCannotBeWritten - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneI18n
locationForIndexesIsNotDirectory - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneI18n
locationForRootNode() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor.Workspace
locationIndex - Variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.SingleSelectorQueryResultRowIterator
locationInRequestMustHavePath - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
locationShouldHavePathAndOrProperty - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaConnectorI18n
lock - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepository
lock(Node) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to lock the specified node.
lock(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to lock the node at the given path.
lock(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to lock the node at the given path.
lock(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to lock the node with the given UUID.
lock(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to lock the node with the given unique identification property.
lock(Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to lock the node with the given identification properties.
lock(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to lock the node at the given location.
lock(Node) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to lock the specified node.
lock(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to lock the node at the given path.
lock(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to lock the node at the given path.
lock(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to lock the node with the given UUID.
lock(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to lock the node with the given unique identification property.
lock(Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to lock the node with the given identification properties.
lock(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to lock the node at the given location.
lock(String, boolean, boolean, long, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLockManager
LOCK - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapeLexicon
LOCK_IS_DEEP - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
LOCK_OWNER - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
LOCKABLE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrMixLexicon
LockBasedTransaction - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.map
A MapRepositoryTransaction based upon a Lock.
LockBasedTransaction(Lock) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.LockBasedTransaction
Create a transaction given the lock.
lockBranch(String, Location, LockBranchRequest.LockScope, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Create a request to lock a branch or node
LockBranchRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
Instruction to lock an existing node or branch.
LockBranchRequest(Location, String, LockBranchRequest.LockScope, long) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.LockBranchRequest
Create a request to lock the node or branch at the supplied location.
LockBranchRequest.LockScope - Enum in org.modeshape.graph.request
LOCKED_UUID - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapeLexicon
LockFailedException - Exception in org.modeshape.graph.connector
Exception that indicates that a lock request failed at the repository level.
LockFailedException(String, Location, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.connector.LockFailedException
LOCKING_SESSION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapeLexicon
lockNode(MapNode, LockBranchRequest.LockScope, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.Workspace
This connector does not support connector-level, persistent locking of nodes.
lockNode(WorkspaceType, NodeType, LockBranchRequest.LockScope, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.BaseTransaction
Attempts to lock the given node with the given timeout.
lockNode(WorkspaceType, NodeType, LockBranchRequest.LockScope, long) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Transaction
Attempts to lock the given node with the given timeout.
lockNode(MapNode, LockBranchRequest.LockScope, long) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapWorkspace
Attempts to lock the given node with the given timeout.
lockNode(PathNode, LockBranchRequest.LockScope, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractWritablePathWorkspace
lockNode(PathNode, LockBranchRequest.LockScope, long) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathWorkspace
Attempts to lock the given node with the given timeout.
LOCKS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapeLexicon
lockScope() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.LockBranchRequest
Get whether the lock should include all of the descendants of the node as well as the node itself
lockTimeoutInMillis() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.LockBranchRequest
Gets the maximum length of the lock in milliseconds
lockTokenAlreadyHeld - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
lockTokenNotHeld - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
log(Logger.Level, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Logger
Log a message at the suplied level according to the specified format and (optional) parameters.
log(Logger.Level, Throwable, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Logger
Log an exception (throwable) at the supplied level with an accompanying message.
log - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JndiRepositoryFactory
LogContext - Class in org.modeshape.common.util
Provides a "mapped diagnostic context" (MDC) for use in capturing extra context information to be included in logs of multithreaded applications.
LogContext() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.util.LogContext
Logger - Class in org.modeshape.common.util
A simple logging interface that is fully compatible with multiple logging implementations.
logger - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
Logger.Level - Enum in org.modeshape.common.util
LoggingRequestProcessor - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request.processor
A RequestProcessor implementation that wraps another and that logs messages at the supplied level.
LoggingRequestProcessor(RequestProcessor, Logger, Logger.Level) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
login() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository
login(Credentials) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository
login(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository
login(Credentials, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository
logout() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.JaasSecurityContext
Logs the user out of the authentication mechanism.
logout() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.SecurityContext
Logs the user out of the authentication mechanism.
logout() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.ServletSecurityContext
Logs the user out of the authentication mechanism.
LONG_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueComparators
A comparator of long values.
longField(Name, Field.Store, Field.Index, Long, Long) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Builder
Define a long-based field in the indexes.
longField(Name, Field.Store, Field.Index, Long) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Builder
Define a long-based field in the indexes.
longField(Name, Field.Store, Field.Index) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Builder
Define a long-based field in the indexes.
LongOperations - Class in org.modeshape.common.math
The math operations for long numbers.
LongOperations() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
longValue(Double) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
longValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.Duration
longValue(Duration) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
longValue(Float) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
longValue(Integer) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
longValue(Long) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
longValue(T) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
Convert the value to a long integer.
longValue(Short) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
LongValueFactory - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
The standard ValueFactory for PropertyType.LONG values.
LongValueFactory(TextDecoder, ValueFactory<String>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LongValueFactory
lowerBound() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Between
Get the lower bound operand.
lowerBound - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
lowerBound() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrBetween
Get the lower bound operand.
lowerCamelCase(String, char...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector
Converts strings to lowerCamelCase.
LowerCase - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A dynamic operand that evaluates to the lower-case representation of the supplied operand, used in a Comparison constraint.
LowerCase(DynamicOperand) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.LowerCase
Create a dynamic operand that evaluates to the lower-case representation of the supplied operand.
lowerCase(DynamicOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
lowerCase(DynamicOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
lowerCase(DynamicOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
lowerCase(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor.QueryFactory
lowerCaseOf() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder
Begin a constraint against the lowercase form of a dynamic operand.
lowerCaseOf() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.DynamicOperandBuilder
Begin a constraint against the lowercase form of a dynamic operand.
lowerCaseOf() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.OrderByOperandBuilder
Adds to the order-by clause by using the lowercase form of the next operand.
lowerCaseOf() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.SingleOrderByOperandBuilder
Adds to the order-by clause by using the lowercase form of the next operand.
LuceneConfiguration - Interface in org.modeshape.search.lucene
Interface used to obtain the Lucene Directory instance that should be used for a workspace given the name of the workspace.
LuceneConfigurations - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene
A family of LuceneConfiguration implementations.
LuceneConfigurations() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfigurations
LuceneConfigurations.FileSystemDirectoryFromNameFactory - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene
A LuceneConfiguration implementation that creates FSDirectory instances for each workspace and index name.
LuceneConfigurations.FileSystemDirectoryFromNameFactory(File) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfigurations.FileSystemDirectoryFromNameFactory
Create a new LuceneConfiguration that creates FSDirectory instances mapped to folders under a parent folder, where the workspace name is used to create the workspace folder.
LuceneConfigurations.FileSystemDirectoryFromNameFactory(File, LockFactory) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfigurations.FileSystemDirectoryFromNameFactory
Create a new LuceneConfiguration that creates FSDirectory instances mapped to folders under a parent folder, where the workspace name is used to create the workspace folder.
LuceneConfigurations.FileSystemDirectoryFromNameFactory(File, TextEncoder, TextEncoder) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfigurations.FileSystemDirectoryFromNameFactory
Create a new LuceneConfiguration that creates FSDirectory instances mapped to folders under a parent folder, where the workspace name is used to create the workspace folder.
LuceneConfigurations.FileSystemDirectoryFromNameFactory(File, LockFactory, TextEncoder, TextEncoder) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfigurations.FileSystemDirectoryFromNameFactory
Create a new LuceneConfiguration that creates FSDirectory instances mapped to folders under a parent folder, where the workspace name is used to create the workspace folder.
LuceneConfigurations.IndexId - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene
LuceneConfigurations.IndexId(String, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfigurations.IndexId
LuceneConfigurations.PoolingDirectoryFactory<DirectoryType extends org.apache.lucene.store.Directory> - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene
A LuceneConfiguration implementation that creates Directory instances of the supplied type for each workspace and pools the results, ensuring that the same Directory instance is always returned for the same workspace name.
LuceneConfigurations.PoolingDirectoryFactory() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfigurations.PoolingDirectoryFactory
LuceneConfigurations.RamDirectoryFactory - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene
A LuceneConfiguration implementation that creates RAMDirectory instances for each workspace and index name.
LuceneConfigurations.RamDirectoryFactory() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfigurations.RamDirectoryFactory
LuceneException - Exception in org.modeshape.search.lucene
A runtime exception representing a problem operating against Lucene.
LuceneException() - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneException
Construct a system failure exception with no message.
LuceneException(String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneException
Construct a system failure exception with a single message.
LuceneException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneException
Construct a system failure exception with another exception that is the cause of the failure.
LuceneException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneException
Construct a system failure exception with a single message and another exception that is the cause of the failure.
LuceneI18n - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene
LuceneI18n() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneI18n
LuceneSearchEngine - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene
A SearchEngine implementation that relies upon two separate indexes to manage the node properties and the node structure (path and children).
LuceneSearchEngine(String, RepositoryConnectionFactory, boolean, LuceneConfiguration, IndexRules, Analyzer) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine
Create a new instance of a SearchEngine that uses Lucene and a two-index design, and that stores the indexes using the supplied LuceneConfiguration.
LuceneSearchEngine(String, RepositoryConnectionFactory, boolean, File, IndexRules, Analyzer) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine
Create a new instance of a SearchEngine that uses Lucene and a two-index design, and that stores the indexes in the supplied directory.
LuceneSearchEngine(String, RepositoryConnectionFactory, boolean, IndexRules, Analyzer) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine
Create a new instance of a SearchEngine that uses Lucene and a two-index design, and that stores the Lucene indexes in memory.
LuceneSearchEngine.CrawlSubgraph - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene
LuceneSearchEngine.CrawlSubgraph(Location, int) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine.CrawlSubgraph
LuceneSearchEngine.ForwardRequest - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene
LuceneSearchEngine.ForwardRequest(ChangeRequest) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine.ForwardRequest
LuceneSearchEngine.WorkForWorkspaces - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene
LuceneSearchEngine.WorkForWorkspaces(ExecutionContext) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine.WorkForWorkspaces
LuceneSearchEngine.WorkRequest - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene
LuceneSearchEngine.WorkRequest() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine.WorkRequest
LuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceWork - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene
LuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceWork(ExecutionContext, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceWork
LuceneSearchProcessor - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene
Abstract SearchEngineProcessor implementation for the LuceneSearchEngine.
LuceneSearchProcessor(String, ExecutionContext, AbstractSearchEngine.Workspaces<LuceneSearchWorkspace>, Observer, DateTime, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchProcessor
LuceneSearchSession - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene
The AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceSession implementation for the LuceneSearchEngine.
LuceneSearchSession(LuceneSearchWorkspace, LuceneSearchProcessor) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
LuceneSearchSession.DualIndexTupleCollector - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene
This collector is responsible for loading the value for each of the columns into each tuple array.
LuceneSearchSession.DualIndexTupleCollector(LuceneSearchSession, QueryResults.Columns) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession.DualIndexTupleCollector
LuceneSearchSession.FullTextSearchTupleCollector - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene
This collector is responsible for loading the value for each of the columns into each tuple array.
LuceneSearchSession.FullTextSearchTupleCollector(LuceneSearchSession, List<Object[]>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession.FullTextSearchTupleCollector
LuceneSearchWorkspace - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene
The SearchEngineWorkspace implementation for the LuceneSearchEngine.
LuceneSearchWorkspace(String, LuceneConfiguration, IndexRules, Analyzer) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchWorkspace


main(String[]) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
To use this class as a command line application, give it either some file names as parameters (information on them will be printed to standard output, one line per file) or call it with no parameters.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.modeshape.util.SchemaGen
makeAccessible(AccessibleObject) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.ClassUtil
makeSearchable(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.ImmutableSchemata.Builder
Make sure the column on the named table is searchable.
MANDATORY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
map(String, Column) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil.ColumnMapping
MapNode - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base
A Node implementation used by the hashed-based connector (see MapWorkspace and MapTransaction), which stores all node state keyed by the node's hash (or identifier).
MapNode(UUID, Path.Segment, UUID, Map<Name, Property>, List<UUID>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
Create a new node instance.
MapNode(UUID, Path.Segment, UUID, Map<Name, Property>, List<UUID>, int) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
Create a new node instance.
MapNode(UUID, Path.Segment, UUID, Iterable<Property>, List<UUID>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
Create a new node instance.
MapNode(UUID) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
Create a root node with the supplied UUID.
MapNode - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.connector.map
MapNode.Changes - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base
MapNode.Changes() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode.Changes
MapRepository - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.map
A default implementation of a map-based repository.
MapRepository(String, UUID) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepository
Creates a MapRepository with the given repository source name, root node UUID, and a default workspace named "" (the empty string).
MapRepository(String, UUID, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepository
Creates a MapRepository with the given repository source name, root node UUID, and a default workspace with the given name.
MapRepositoryConnection - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.map
A connection to a MapRepository.
MapRepositoryConnection(MapRepositorySource, MapRepository) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepositoryConnection
MapRepositorySource - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.connector.map
An extension of the RepositorySource class that provides a cache policy and a repository context.
MapRepositoryTransaction - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.connector.map
A transaction returned by the MapRepository.startTransaction(boolean).
MapRequestProcessor - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.map
The default implementation of the RequestProcessor for map repositories.
MapRequestProcessor(ExecutionContext, MapRepository, Observer, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRequestProcessor
MapTransaction<NodeType extends MapNode,WorkspaceType extends MapWorkspace<NodeType>> - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base
An implementation of Transaction that maintains a cache of nodes by their hash (or UUID).
MapTransaction(Repository<NodeType, WorkspaceType>, UUID) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction
Create a new transaction.
MapTransaction.Children - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base
MapTransaction.Children(List<UUID>, WorkspaceType) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.Children
MapTransaction.WorkspaceChanges - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base
Record of the changes made to a particular workspace.
MapTransaction.WorkspaceChanges(WorkspaceType) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.WorkspaceChanges
MapWorkspace<NodeType extends MapNode> - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base
The Workspace implementation that represents all nodes as MapNode objects and stores them keyed by their UUID.
MapWorkspace(String, NodeType) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapWorkspace
Create a new instance of the workspace.
MapWorkspace(String, MapWorkspace<NodeType>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapWorkspace
Create a new instance of the workspace.
MapWorkspace - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.connector.map
The MapWorkspace defines the required methods for workspaces in a map repository.
mark() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream
Marks the current position (line & column number) of the currentToken
markAsChanged() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Mark this node as having changes.
markAsChangedBelow() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
markAsCopied() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
markAsNew() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Mark this node has having been created and not yet saved.
markAsRequiringRefresh(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.RefreshState
markEndOfStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Marks the end of a statement by consuming the terminator (if exists).
MARKER_ANNOTATION_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
MARKER_ANNOTATION_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
MarkerAnnotationMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata
Metadata for marker annotations.
MarkerAnnotationMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.MarkerAnnotationMetadata
markForRollback() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineProcessor
markStartOfStatement(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Marks the token stream with the current position to help track statement scope within the original input string.
matcher(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.PathExpression
matcher(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerPathExpression
matches(char) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CaseSensitiveToken
Determine if the token matches the supplied character.
matches(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CaseSensitiveToken
Determine if the token matches the supplied string.
matches(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CaseSensitiveToken
Determine if the token matches the supplied type.
matches(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Determine if the current token matches the expected value.
matches(char) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Determine if the current token matches the expected value.
matches(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Determine if the current token matches the expected token type.
matches(String, String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Determine if the next few tokens match the expected values.
matches(String[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Determine if the next few tokens match the expected values.
matches(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Determine if the next few tokens match the expected values.
matches(int, int...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Determine if the next few tokens have the supplied types.
matches(int[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Determine if the next few tokens have the supplied types.
matches(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.Token
Determine if the token matches the supplied string.
matches(char) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.Token
Determine if the token matches the supplied character.
matches(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.Token
Determine if the token matches the supplied type.
matches() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.PathExpression.Matcher
matches(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.NameTest
Determine if this name test exactly matches the supplied prefix and local name values.
matches() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerPathExpression.Matcher
matchesAnyOf(String, String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Determine if the next token matches one of the supplied values.
matchesAnyOf(String[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Determine if the next token matches one of the supplied values.
matchesAnyOf(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Determine if the next token matches one of the supplied values.
matchesAnyOf(int, int...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Determine if the next token have one of the supplied types.
matchesAnyOf(int[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Determine if the next token have one of the supplied types.
matchesAnything() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.PathExpression
Return whether this expression matches anything and therefore is not restrictive.
MatchNoneQuery - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene.query
A Lucene Query implementation that always matches no documents.
MatchNoneQuery() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.MatchNoneQuery
Construct a query that always returns no documents.
MatchNoneQuery.NoneScorer - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene.query
A scorer for the NOT query that iterates over documents (in increasing docId order), using the given scorer implementation for the operand of the NOT.
MatchNoneQuery.NoneScorer() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.MatchNoneQuery.NoneScorer
MatchNoneQuery.NoneWeight - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene.query
Calculates query weights and builds query scores for our NOT queries.
MatchNoneQuery.NoneWeight() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.MatchNoneQuery.NoneWeight
matchString() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CaseInsensitiveToken
matchString() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CaseSensitiveToken
materialize(Node, GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NodeOperations
Update the children and properties for the node with the information from the persistent store.
materialize(Node, GraphSession.Node<NodePayload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Operations
Update the children and properties for the node with the information from the persistent store.
materializeProperties(Node, GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NodeOperations
Update the properties ONLY for the node with the information from the persistent store.
materializeProperties(Node, GraphSession.Node<NodePayload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Operations
Update the properties ONLY for the node with the information from the persistent store.
math - Variable in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram
math - Variable in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.SimpleStatistics
MathOperations<T> - Interface in org.modeshape.common.math
The set of mathematic operations for a particular class of values.
MavenDependency - Class in org.modeshape.maven
The cornerstone of Maven is its dependency list.
MavenDependency(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.maven.MavenDependency
MavenDependency(MavenId) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.maven.MavenDependency
MavenDependency(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.maven.MavenDependency
MavenDependency(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.maven.MavenDependency
MavenDependency.Scope - Enum in org.modeshape.maven
The scope of the dependency - compile, runtime, test, system, and provided.
MavenI18n - Class in org.modeshape.maven
The internationalized string constants for the org.modeshape.maven* packages.
MavenI18n() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.maven.MavenI18n
MavenId - Class in org.modeshape.maven
Identifier of a Maven 2 artifact.
MavenId(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId
Create an Maven ID from the supplied string containing the coordinates for a Maven artifact.
MavenId(String, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId
Create a Maven ID from the supplied group and artifact IDs.
MavenId(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId
Create a Maven ID from the supplied group and artifact IDs and the version.
MavenId(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId
Create a Maven ID from the supplied group ID, artifact ID, version, and classifier.
MavenId.Version - Class in org.modeshape.maven
MavenId.Version(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId.Version
MavenRepository - Class in org.modeshape.maven
A Maven 2 repository that can be used to store and access artifacts like JARs and source archives within a running application.
MavenRepository(MavenUrlProvider) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.maven.MavenRepository
MavenRepositoryException - Exception in org.modeshape.maven
An configuration or system failure exception.
MavenRepositoryException() - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.maven.MavenRepositoryException
MavenRepositoryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.maven.MavenRepositoryException
MavenRepositoryException(String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.maven.MavenRepositoryException
MavenRepositoryException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.maven.MavenRepositoryException
MavenUrl - Class in org.modeshape.maven
Wrapper for a URL that uses a format for referencing JCR nodes and content.
MavenUrl() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.maven.MavenUrl
MavenUrlProvider - Interface in org.modeshape.maven.spi
The definition of a URL provider for Maven 2 repositories.
MAX_DEPTH - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
MAX_PATH_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
MAX_SNS_INDEX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
maximum(Double, Double) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
maximum(Duration, Duration) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
maximum(Float, Float) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
maximum(Integer, Integer) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
maximum(Long, Long) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
maximum(T, T) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
Compare the two operands and return the one that is larger.
maximum(Short, Short) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
MAXIMUM_CONNECTION_IDLE_TIME_IN_SECONDS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
MAXIMUM_CONNECTION_IDLE_TIME_IN_SECONDS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
MAXIMUM_CONNECTIONS_IN_POOL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
MAXIMUM_CONNECTIONS_IN_POOL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
MAXIMUM_RESULTS_FOR_FULL_TEXT_SEARCH_QUERIES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSearch
MAXIMUM_SIZE_OF_STATEMENT_CACHE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
MAXIMUM_SIZE_OF_STATEMENT_CACHE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
maximumDepth() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBranchRequest
Get the maximum depth of the branch that is to be read.
maximumPoolSizeMayNotBeSmallerThanCorePoolSize - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
maxPathLengthExceeded - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
maxResults() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.FullTextSearchRequest
Get the maximum number of results that should be returned.
maxValue - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.NumericTypedRule
merge(Object[], Object[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.process.JoinComponent.TupleMerger
merge(ExecutionContext, ChangeRequest, ChangeRequest) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine
MERGE_FAILED - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
MERGE_PLAN - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.ModeShapeLexicon
MergeJoinComponent - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
Create a processing component that performs a merge-join algorithm.
MergeJoinComponent(QueryContext, ProcessingComponent, ProcessingComponent, EquiJoinCondition, JoinType) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.MergeJoinComponent
MergeJoinComponent(QueryContext, ProcessingComponent, ProcessingComponent, ChildNodeJoinCondition, JoinType) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.MergeJoinComponent
MergeJoinComponent(QueryContext, ProcessingComponent, ProcessingComponent, SameNodeJoinCondition, JoinType) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.MergeJoinComponent
mergeNodes(DdlTokenStream, AstNode, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Merges second node into first node by re-setting expression source and length.
MESSAGE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
messageDigestNotFound - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
METADATA_COLLECTOR_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
METADATA_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadataLexicon
METADATA_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.mp3.Mp3MetadataLexicon
METADATA_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon
MetadataCollector - Interface in org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc
The MetadataCollector provides hooks for DBMS-specific implementations of metadata retrieval methods.
METHOD - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
METHOD_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
METHOD_DECLARATION_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
METHOD_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
MethodMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata
MethodMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata
Represent the MethodMetadata
MethodMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.MethodMetadata
MethodMetadataSequencer - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java
Sequencer for a MethodMetadata.
METHODS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
MethodTypeMemberMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata
Metadata for method type members.
MethodTypeMemberMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.MethodTypeMemberMetadata
MIME_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.IJcrConstants
The JCR data property name (jcr:lastModified).
MIME_TYPE_DETECTOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeLexicon
MIME_TYPE_DETECTORS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeLexicon
MIME_TYPE_EXTENSIONS_RESOURCE_PATH - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.util.MimeTypeUtil
The default location of the properties file containing the extension patterns to MIME types.
MIMETYPE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
MimeTypeDetector - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.mimetype
MIME-type detection libraries must provide thread-safe implementations of this interface to enable ModeShape to use the libraries to return MIME-types for data sources.
mimeTypeDetector(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration
Obtain or create a definition for the MIME type detector with the supplied name or identifier.
mimeTypeDetector(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Obtain or create a definition for the MIME type detector with the supplied name or identifier.
MimeTypeDetectorConfig - Class in org.modeshape.graph.mimetype
A configuration for a MimeTypeDetector component.
MimeTypeDetectorConfig(String, String, Map<String, Object>, String, String[]) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.mimetype.MimeTypeDetectorConfig
MimeTypeDetectorConfig(String, String, Map<String, Object>, Class<? extends MimeTypeDetector>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.mimetype.MimeTypeDetectorConfig
MimeTypeDetectorConfig(String, String, Class<? extends MimeTypeDetector>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.mimetype.MimeTypeDetectorConfig
mimeTypeDetectorDefinition(ReturnType, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Utility method to construct a definition object for the detector with the supplied name and return type.
MimeTypeDetectors - Class in org.modeshape.graph.mimetype
Facility for managing MimeTypeDetectorConfigs.
MimeTypeDetectors() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.mimetype.MimeTypeDetectors
mimeTypeDetectors() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Get the list of MIME type detector definitions.
mimeTypeOf(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.MimeTypeUtil
Returns the MIME-type of a file given the supplied name.
mimeTypeOf(File) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.MimeTypeUtil
Returns the MIME-type of the file using its name.
mimeTypeOf(String, InputStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.mimetype.ExtensionBasedMimeTypeDetector
Returns the MIME-type of a data source, using its supplied content and/or its supplied name, depending upon the implementation.
mimeTypeOf(String, InputStream) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.mimetype.MimeTypeDetector
Returns the MIME-type of a data source, using its supplied content and/or its supplied name, depending upon the implementation.
mimeTypeOf(String, InputStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.mimetype.MimeTypeDetectors
Returns the first non-null result of iterating over the registered MIME-type detectors in the reverse order in which they were registered to determine the MIME-type of a data source, using its supplied content and/or its supplied name, depending upon the implementation.
mimeTypeOf(String, InputStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.mimetype.aperture.ApertureMimeTypeDetector
Returns the MIME-type of a data source, using its supplied content and/or its supplied name, depending upon the implementation.
MimeTypeUtil - Class in org.modeshape.common.util
A simple utility that determines an appropriate MIME type by matching the extension of the supplied filename against a set of known file extensions.
MimeTypeUtil() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.util.MimeTypeUtil
Create a default instance of the extension-based MIME type detector.
MimeTypeUtil(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.util.MimeTypeUtil
Create an instance of the extension-based MIME type detector by using the supplied mappings.
MimeTypeUtil(Map<String, String>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.util.MimeTypeUtil
Create an instance of the extension-based MIME type detector by using the supplied mappings.
MIN_DEPTH - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
MIN_SNS_INDEX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
minimum(Double, Double) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
minimum(Duration, Duration) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
minimum(Float, Float) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
minimum(Integer, Integer) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
minimum(Long, Long) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
minimum(T, T) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
Compare the two operands and return the one that is smaller.
minimum(Short, Short) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
MINIMUM_CONNECTIONS_IN_POOL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
MINIMUM_CONNECTIONS_IN_POOL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
minimumSizeOfLargeValuesInBytes - Variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository
minus(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Subtract the specified about of time in the supplied units.
minus(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Subtract the specified about of time in the supplied units.
minus() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Create a comparison object based upon the subtraction of the next DynamicOperand (created using the builder returned from this method) from the the previously-constructed DynamicOperand to be created with the supplied builder.
minusDays(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Subtract the specified number of days from this time instant.
minusDays(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Subtract the specified number of days from this time instant.
minusHours(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Subtract the specified number of hours from this time instant.
minusHours(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Subtract the specified number of hours from this time instant.
minusMillis(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Subtract the specified number of milliseconds from this time instant.
minusMillis(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Subtract the specified number of milliseconds from this time instant.
minusMinutes(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Subtract the specified number of minutes from this time instant.
minusMinutes(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Subtract the specified number of minutes from this time instant.
minusMonths(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Subtract the specified number of months from this time instant.
minusMonths(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Subtract the specified number of months from this time instant.
minusSeconds(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Subtract the specified number of seconds from this time instant.
minusSeconds(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Subtract the specified number of seconds from this time instant.
minusWeeks(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Subtract the specified number of weeks from this time instant.
minusWeeks(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Subtract the specified number of weeks from this time instant.
minusYears(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Subtract the specified number of years from this time instant.
minusYears(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Subtract the specified number of years from this time instant.
minValue - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.NumericTypedRule
MISC_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.db2.Db2DdlConstants.Db2StatementStartPhrases
MISC_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
MISC_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
MISC_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
MISC_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
MISC_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sqlserver.SqlServerDdlConstants.SqlServerStatementStartPhrases
MISC_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sybase.SybaseDdlConstants.SybaseStatementStartPhrases
MISSING_TERMINATOR_NODE_LITERAL - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
missingClosingBrace - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
missingEndBracketInSegmentName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
missingMandatoryItem - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
missingNodeTypeForExistingNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
missingRequiredProperty - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
missingRequiredProperty - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
missingReturnTypeForFunction - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencerI18n
missingTerminatorNode(AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Constructs a terminator AstNode as child of root node
MIXIN_TYPES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
Model - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa
A descriptor of a schema used by this connector.
Model(String, I18n) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.Model
MODEL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.StoreOptions.Dna
MODEL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.StoreOptions
MODEL_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
ModeShapeConfiguration - Class in org.modeshape.repository
A configuration builder for a ModeShapeEngine.
ModeShapeConfiguration() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Create a new configuration, using a default-constructed ExecutionContext.
ModeShapeConfiguration(ExecutionContext) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Create a new configuration using the supplied ExecutionContext.
ModeShapeConfiguration.BaseReturnable<ReturnType> - Class in org.modeshape.repository
ModeShapeConfiguration.BaseReturnable(ReturnType) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.BaseReturnable
ModeShapeConfiguration.ChooseClass<ComponentClassType,ReturnType> - Interface in org.modeshape.repository
The interface used to configure the class used for a component.
ModeShapeConfiguration.ConfigurationDefinition - Class in org.modeshape.repository
Representation of the current configuration content.
ModeShapeConfiguration.ConfigurationDefinition(String, RepositorySource, String, Path, ExecutionContext, ClassLoaderFactory) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.ConfigurationDefinition
ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphComponentBuilder<ReturnType,ThisType,ComponentType> - Class in org.modeshape.repository
Base class for ModeShapeConfiguration.Returnable types that work on a node in the graph.
ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphComponentBuilder(ReturnType, Graph.Batch, Path, Name...) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphComponentBuilder
ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable<ReturnType,ThisType> - Class in org.modeshape.repository
Base class for ModeShapeConfiguration.Returnable types that work on a node in the graph.
ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable(ReturnType, Graph.Batch, Path, Name...) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable
ModeShapeConfiguration.HasName - Interface in org.modeshape.repository
Interface for a component that has a name.
ModeShapeConfiguration.LoadedFrom<ReturnType> - Interface in org.modeshape.repository
Interface for specifying from where the component's class is to be loaded.
ModeShapeConfiguration.MimeTypeDetectorBuilder<ReturnType> - Class in org.modeshape.repository
ModeShapeConfiguration.MimeTypeDetectorBuilder(ReturnType, Graph.Batch, Path, Name...) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.MimeTypeDetectorBuilder
ModeShapeConfiguration.MimeTypeDetectorDefinition<ReturnType> - Interface in org.modeshape.repository
Interface used to set up and define a MIME type detector instance.
ModeShapeConfiguration.PathExpressionOutput<ReturnType> - Interface in org.modeshape.repository
Interface used to specify the output path expression for a sequencer configuration.
ModeShapeConfiguration.Removable<ReturnType> - Interface in org.modeshape.repository
Interface that defines the ability to remove the configuration component.
ModeShapeConfiguration.RepositorySourceDefinition<ReturnType> - Interface in org.modeshape.repository
Interface used to set up and define a RepositorySource instance.
ModeShapeConfiguration.Returnable<ReturnType> - Interface in org.modeshape.repository
Interface that defines the ability to obtain the configuration component.
ModeShapeConfiguration.SequencerBuilder<ReturnType> - Class in org.modeshape.repository
ModeShapeConfiguration.SequencerBuilder(ReturnType, Graph.Batch, Path, Name...) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.SequencerBuilder
ModeShapeConfiguration.SequencerDefinition<ReturnType> - Interface in org.modeshape.repository
Interface used to set up and define a sequencer instance.
ModeShapeConfiguration.SetDescription<ReturnType> - Interface in org.modeshape.repository
The interface used to set a description on a component.
ModeShapeConfiguration.SetProperties<ReturnType> - Interface in org.modeshape.repository
Interface for configuring the JavaBean-style properties of an object.
ModeShapeConfiguration.SourceBuilder<ReturnType> - Class in org.modeshape.repository
ModeShapeConfiguration.SourceBuilder(ReturnType, Graph.Batch, Path, Name...) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.SourceBuilder
ModeShapeConfigurationException - Exception in org.modeshape.repository
A runtime exception that denotes an error within the configuration for ModeShape.
ModeShapeConfigurationException() - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfigurationException
ModeShapeConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfigurationException
ModeShapeConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfigurationException
ModeShapeConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfigurationException
ModeShapeDtdLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.xml
Lexicon of names for XML DTD concepts.
ModeShapeDtdLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.ModeShapeDtdLexicon
ModeShapeDtdLexicon.Namespace - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.xml
ModeShapeDtdLexicon.Namespace() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.ModeShapeDtdLexicon.Namespace
ModeShapeEngine - Class in org.modeshape.repository
A single instance of the ModeShape services, which is obtained after setting up the configuration.
ModeShapeEngine(ExecutionContext, ModeShapeConfiguration.ConfigurationDefinition) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeEngine
ModeShapeEngine.ConfigurationScanner - Class in org.modeshape.repository
The component responsible for reading the configuration repository and (eventually) for propagating changes in the configuration repository into the services.
ModeShapeEngine.ConfigurationScanner(Problems, ExecutionContext, ModeShapeConfiguration.ConfigurationDefinition) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeEngine.ConfigurationScanner
ModeShapeIntLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.graph
A lexicon of internal and implementation-specific information
ModeShapeIntLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.ModeShapeIntLexicon
ModeShapeIntLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.jcr
A lexicon of internal and implementation-specific information
ModeShapeIntLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapeIntLexicon
ModeShapeIntLexicon.Namespace - Class in org.modeshape.graph
ModeShapeIntLexicon.Namespace() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.ModeShapeIntLexicon.Namespace
ModeShapeJcrDeployer - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr
Servlet context listener that is responsible for initializing the repository factory.
ModeShapeJcrDeployer() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.ModeShapeJcrDeployer
ModeShapeJcrRepositoryProvider - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.spi
Repository provider backed by the ModeShape JCR implementation.
ModeShapeJcrRepositoryProvider() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.spi.ModeShapeJcrRepositoryProvider
ModeShapeLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.graph
A lexicon of names used within ModeShape.
ModeShapeLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.ModeShapeLexicon
ModeShapeLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.jcr
A lexicon of names used within ModeShape.
ModeShapeLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapeLexicon
ModeShapeLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.repository
A lexicon of names used within ModeShape.
ModeShapeLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeLexicon
ModeShapeLexicon.Namespace - Class in org.modeshape.graph
ModeShapeLexicon.Namespace() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.ModeShapeLexicon.Namespace
ModeShapePermissions - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr
The set of constants that can be used for action literals with the Session.checkPermission(String, String) method.
ModeShapeRoles - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr
ModeShape currently defines three roles: readonly, readwrite, and admin.
ModeShapeWebdavServlet - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav
Custom servlet implementation that provides WebDAV access to a JCR repository.
ModeShapeWebdavServlet() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ModeShapeWebdavServlet
ModeShapeWebdavStore - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav
Implementation of the IWebdavStore interface that uses a JCR repository as a backing store.
ModeShapeWebdavStore(RequestResolver) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ModeShapeWebdavStore
ModeShapeWebdavStore(String, String, String, String, String, RequestResolver) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ModeShapeWebdavStore
ModeShapeXmlLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.xml
Lexicon of names for XML concepts.
ModeShapeXmlLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.ModeShapeXmlLexicon
ModeShapeXmlLexicon.Namespace - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.xml
ModeShapeXmlLexicon.Namespace() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.ModeShapeXmlLexicon.Namespace
MODIFIER_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
MODIFIER_DECLARATION_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
MODIFIER_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
ModifierMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata
Metadata for modifiers.
ModifierMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.ModifierMetadata
move(Node, Node, Name, Node) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor.Workspace
move(Node) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to move the specified node into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
move(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to move a node at the specified location into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
move(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to move a node located at the supplied path into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
move(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to move a node located at the supplied path into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
move(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to move a node with the specified unique identifier into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
move(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to move a node with the specified unique identification property into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
move(Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to move a node with the specified identification properties into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
move(Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Begin the request to move a node with the specified identification properties into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
move(Node) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to move the specified node into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
move(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to move a node at the specified location into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
move(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to move a node located at the supplied path into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
move(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to move a node located at the supplied path into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
move(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to move a node with the specified unique identifier into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
move(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to move a node with the specified unique identification property into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
move(Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Begin the request to move a node with the specified identification properties into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
move(String, Location, Location, Location, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.ChangeContext
Record that a node was moved from one location to another, and potentially into a new workspace.
moveBranch(Location, Location, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
moveBranch(Location, Location, String, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
moveBranch(Location, Location, Location, String, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
moveBranch(Location, Location, String, NodeConflictBehavior) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
moveBranch(Location, Location, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
moveBranch(Location, Location, String, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
moveBranch(Location, Location, Location, String, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Create a request to move a branch from one location into another before the given child node of the new location.
moveBranch(Location, Location, String, Name, NodeConflictBehavior) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
moveBranch(Location, Location, String, NodeConflictBehavior) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
MoveBranchRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
Instruction that a branch be moved from one location into another.
MoveBranchRequest(Location, Location, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.MoveBranchRequest
Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
MoveBranchRequest(Location, Location, String, Name) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.MoveBranchRequest
Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
MoveBranchRequest(Location, Location, String, NodeConflictBehavior) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.MoveBranchRequest
Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
MoveBranchRequest(Location, Location, Location, String, Name, NodeConflictBehavior) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.MoveBranchRequest
Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
moved(NodeType, NodeType, NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction.WorkspaceChanges
moveLimitedToBeWithinSingleSource - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
moveNode(Long, Location, int, Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.RequestProcessorCache
moveNode(Location, int, Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.RequestProcessorCache.WorkspaceCache
moveNode(NodeType, NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathWorkspace
Move the node from it's previous location to the new location, overwriting any previous node at that location.
moveNode(ExecutionContext, MapNode, Name, MapWorkspace, MapNode, MapNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
Move the supplied node to the new parent.
moveNode(ExecutionContext, MapNode, Name, MapWorkspace, MapNode, MapNode) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapWorkspace
Move the supplied node to the new parent.
moveNode(ExecutionContext, PathNode, Name, WritablePathWorkspace, PathNode, PathNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractWritablePathWorkspace
moveNode(ExecutionContext, PathNode, Name, WritablePathWorkspace, PathNode, PathNode) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.WritablePathWorkspace
Move the supplied node to the new parent within this workspace.
moveNodeToWorkspace(MapNode, AbstractMapWorkspace) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
Moves the branch rooted at the given node to the new workspace, removing it from this workspace.
moveTo(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Move this node from its current location so that is is a child of the supplied parent.
moveTo(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Move this node from its current location so that is is a child of the supplied parent, renaming the node in the process.
moveTo(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>, Name, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Move this node from its current location so that is is a child of the supplied parent.
Mp3Metadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.mp3
Utility for extracting metadata from MP3 files.
Mp3MetadataLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.mp3
A lexicon of names used within the mp3 sequencer.
Mp3MetadataLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.mp3.Mp3MetadataLexicon
Mp3MetadataLexicon.Namespace - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.mp3
Mp3MetadataLexicon.Namespace() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.mp3.Mp3MetadataLexicon.Namespace
Mp3MetadataSequencer - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.mp3
A sequencer that processes the binary content of an MP3 audio file, extracts the metadata for the file, and then writes that audio metadata to the repository.
Mp3MetadataSequencer() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.mp3.Mp3MetadataSequencer
MSOfficeMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice
Metadata about an Microsoft Office file.
MSOfficeMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadata
MSOfficeMetadataI18n - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice
The internationalized string constants for the org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice* packages.
MSOfficeMetadataI18n() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataI18n
MSOfficeMetadataLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice
A lexicon of names used within the MS Office sequencer.
MSOfficeMetadataLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon
MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.Namespace - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice
MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.Namespace() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.Namespace
MSOfficeMetadataReader - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice
Utility for extracting metadata from Excel files
MSOfficeMetadataReader() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataReader
MSOfficeMetadataSequencer - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice
A sequencer that processes the content of an MS Office document, extracts the metadata for the file, and then writes that metadata to the repository.
MSOfficeMetadataSequencer() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataSequencer
MULTI_VALUED_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.ModeShapeIntLexicon
MULTIPLE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
multipleErrorsWhileExecutingManyRequests - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
multipleErrorsWhileExecutingRequests - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
multiply(Double, Double) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
multiply(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.Duration
Multiply the duration by the supplied scale factor, and return the result.
multiply(Duration, Duration) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
multiply(Float, Float) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
multiply(Integer, Integer) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
multiply(Long, Long) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
multiply(T, T) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
Multiply the two operands and return the product.
multiply(Short, Short) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
multiply(DynamicOperand, DynamicOperand) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryObjectModelFactory
Create an arithmetic dynamic operand that multplies the numeric value of the first operand by the numeric value of the second.
multiply(DynamicOperand, DynamicOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
Create an arithmetic dynamic operand that multplies the numeric value of the first operand by the numeric value of the second.
mustBeInPrivilegedAction - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
mustBeScopedAtLineAndColumn - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
MySqlDdlConstants - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql
MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlDataTypes - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql
MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql
MySqlDdlLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql
MySqlDdlLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
MySqlDdlLexicon.Namespace - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql
MySqlDdlLexicon.Namespace() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon.Namespace
MySqlDdlParser - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql
MySql-specific DDL Parser.
MySqlDdlParser() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlParser


name() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor.Workspace
name - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.AbstractRepositorySource
name - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapWorkspace
name - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractPathRepositorySource
NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
Name - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.property
A qualified name consisting of a namespace and a local name.
name() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Selector
Get the name for this selector.
name() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SelectorName
The raw name of the selector.
NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrSvLexicon
NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser.XPathTokenizer
The token type for tokens that represent an unquoted string containing a character sequence made up of non-whitespace and non-symbol characters.
name(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
name(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNodeFactory
Constructs a Name with the given string name
NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.ModeShapeDtdLexicon
NAME_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueComparators
A comparator of name values.
nameAttribute - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler
The name of the XML attribute whose value should be used for the name of the node.
nameAttribute - Variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
The name of the attribute that should be used for the node name.
named(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.DestroyWorkspace
Specify the name of the new workspace that is to be destroyed.
named(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.NameWorkspace
Specify the name of the new workspace that is to be created.
named() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateNodeRequest
Get the name for the new child.
named() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadPropertyRequest
Get the name of the property that is to be read
NamedSelector - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
NamedSelector(SelectorName) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NamedSelector
Create a selector with a name.
NamedSelector(SelectorName, SelectorName) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NamedSelector
Create a selector with the supplied name and alias.
namedSelector(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Convenience method that creates a NamedSelector object given a string that contains the selector name and optionally an alias.
namedSomethingLike(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.NameWorkspace
Specify the name of the new workspace that is to be created.
NamedThreadFactory - Class in org.modeshape.common.util
The thread factory that lets us adjust the names of the threads.
NamedThreadFactory(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.util.NamedThreadFactory
nameFactory - Variable in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
nameFactory - Variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository
nameFactory - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.BaseTransaction
NameFactory - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.property
A factory for creating names.
nameFactory - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler
The cached reference to the graph's name factory.
nameFactory - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
nameFactory - Variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
The cached reference to the graph's name factory.
nameFor(Node) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor.Workspace
nameFrom(XPath.NameTest) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator
nameOf(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.JoinClause
Walk the current source or the 'rightSource' to find the named selector with the supplied name or alias
nameOfWorkspaceToBeCloned() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneWorkspaceRequest
Get the name of the existing workspace that is to be cloned into the new workspace.
namePropertyIsRequiredForFederatedRepositorySource - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
nameSetFrom(SelectorName) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SelectorName
nameSetFrom(SelectorName, SelectorName...) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SelectorName
nameSetFrom(Set<SelectorName>, Set<SelectorName>) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SelectorName
NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapeLexicon
NAMESPACE_URI - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.ModeShapeLexicon
namespaceAliasWasNotMappedToRealNamespace - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
namespaceEntities - Variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository
NamespaceEntity - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common
A NamespaceEntity represents a namespace that has been used in the store.
NamespaceEntity() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.NamespaceEntity
NamespaceEntity(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.NamespaceEntity
NamespaceException - Exception in org.modeshape.graph.property
A runtime exception denoting that a namespace was invalid or not found.
NamespaceException() - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.NamespaceException
NamespaceException(String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.NamespaceException
NamespaceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.NamespaceException
NamespaceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.NamespaceException
NamespaceRegistry - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.property
Registry of namespaces, which are used to provide isolated and independent domains for names.
namespaceRegistry - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler
The cached reference to the graph's namespace registry.
namespaceRegistry - Variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
The cached reference to the graph's namespace registry.
NamespaceRegistry.Namespace - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.property
Representation of a single namespace at a single point in time.
NamespaceRegistryWithAliases - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
NamespaceRegistryWithAliases(NamespaceRegistry, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NamespaceRegistryWithAliases
Construct a new registry around another delegate registry with a set of aliases for existing namespaces in the delegate registry.
Namespaces - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util
A utility that wraps the NamespaceEntity objects appearing within an EntityManager.
Namespaces(EntityManager) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Namespaces
NAMESPACES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.ModeShapeLexicon
NameValueFactory - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
The standard ValueFactory for PropertyType.NAME values.
NameValueFactory(NamespaceRegistry, TextDecoder, ValueFactory<String>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NameValueFactory
NATIVE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
negate(Double) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
negate(Duration) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
negate(Float) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
negate(Integer) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
negate(Long) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
negate(T) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
Negate the supplied operand.
negate(Short) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
negate(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.FieldUtil
Compute the "negated" string, which replaces the digits (0 becomes 9, 1 becomes 8, ... and 9 becomes 0).
negate(StringBuilder) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.FieldUtil
Compute the "negated" string, which replaces the digits (0 becomes 9, 1 becomes 8, ... and 9 becomes 0).
NestedLoopJoinComponent - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
NestedLoopJoinComponent(QueryContext, ProcessingComponent, ProcessingComponent, JoinCondition, JoinType) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.NestedLoopJoinComponent
NetChangeObserver - Class in org.modeshape.graph.observe
A specialized Observer that figures out the net changes made during a single set of changes.
NetChangeObserver() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver
NetChangeObserver.ChangeContext - Class in org.modeshape.graph.observe
Representation of the context in which a set of changes are being made.
NetChangeObserver.ChangeContext() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.ChangeContext
NetChangeObserver.ChangeType - Enum in org.modeshape.graph.observe
NetChangeObserver.NetChange - Class in org.modeshape.graph.observe
A notification of changes to a node.
NetChangeObserver.NetChange(String, Location, EnumSet<NetChangeObserver.ChangeType>, Set<Property>, Set<Property>, Set<Name>, Location, Location, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.NetChange
NetChangeObserver.NetChanges - Class in org.modeshape.graph.observe
A set of net changes that were made atomically.
NetChangeObserver.NetChanges(Changes, List<NetChangeObserver.NetChange>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.NetChanges
NEW_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
newAlias() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator
newChanges() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
Create the MapNode.Changes implementation.
newChanges() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
Create the PathNode.Changes implementation.
newInstance(ConfigType) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentLibrary
Instantiate, configure and return a new component described by the supplied configuration.
newThread(Runnable) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.NamedThreadFactory
newWrappedConnection() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Obtain a new connection wrapped in a RepositoryConnectionPool.ConnectionWrapper.
next() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.EmptyIterator
next() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ReadOnlyIterator
next() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterArrayStream
Obtain the next character value, and advance the stream.
next() - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterStream
Obtain the next character value, and advance the stream.
next() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath.SingleIterator
next() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactories.ValueFactoryIterator
next() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory.ConvertingIterator
next() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicEmptyProperty.EmptyIterator
next() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicMultiValueProperty.ReadOnlyIterator
next() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicSingleValueProperty.ValueIterator
next() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults.TupleCursor
Move this cursor position to the next row. obtained for
next() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Cursor
Move this cursor position to the next row. obtained for
next() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.QueryResultNodeIterator
next() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.QueryResultRowIterator
next() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerOutputMap.EntryIterator
nextDoc() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareQuery.CompareScorer
nextDoc() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.HasValueQuery.ExistsScorer
nextDoc() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.IdsQuery.IdScorer
nextDoc() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.MatchNoneQuery.NoneScorer
nextDoc() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.NotQuery.NotScorer
nextDoc() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ScoreQuery.NotScorer
nextGraph - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
nextMethodMustBeCalledBeforeGettingValue - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
nextNode() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.QueryResultNodeIterator
nextPosition() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Get the position of the next (or current) token.
nextRequests - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
nextRow() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.QueryResultRowIterator
NO_ACTION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.ReferencialAction
NO_CHILDREN - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
NO_CHILDREN - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
NO_COLUMNS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
NO_ID_PROPERTIES_ITERATOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Simple shared iterator instance that is used when there are no properties.
NO_LARGE_VALUES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Serializer
NO_MAXIMUM_DEPTH - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBranchRequest
NO_OP_DECODER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
The text decoder that does nothing.
NO_OP_ENCODER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
The text encoder that does nothing.
NO_OPTIONS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
No options specified.
NO_PORT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenUrl
NO_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
NO_PROPERTIES - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
NO_REFERENCES_VALUES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Serializer
NO_TYPES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
NoCachePolicy - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache
Trivial path cache policy implementation that performs no caching at all
NoCachePolicy() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.NoCachePolicy
node(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor.Workspace
Find the existing node given the location.
Node - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base
A snapshot of a single node within a map-based repository.
node(String, Property...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateNode
Specify the name of the node that is to be created.
node(String, Iterator<Property>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateNode
Specify the name of the node that is to be created.
node(String, Iterable<Property>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateNode
Specify the name of the node that is to be created.
Node - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
A node in a graph, with methods to access the properties and children.
NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrSvLexicon
node - Variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.SingleSelectorQueryResultRow
node(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNodeFactory
Constructs an AstNode with the given string name
node(String, AstNode, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNodeFactory
Constructs an AstNode with the given name, types and parent node.
node(String, AstNode, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNodeFactory
Constructs an AstNode with the given name, type and parent node.
NODE_DEFINITON - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.ModeShapeIntLexicon
NODE_TYPE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrNtLexicon
NODE_TYPE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
NODE_TYPES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
NODE_TYPES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapeLexicon
nodeAlreadyExist - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
nodeAlreadyExistsWithUuid - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
NodeConflictBehavior - Enum in org.modeshape.graph
An enumeration used by several commands for the choice of handling duplicate nodes, such as when a node is to be copied to another location where a node already exists.
nodeConflictBehavior() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CopyBranchRequest
Get the expected behavior when copying the branch and the destination already has a node with the same name.
nodeDefinitionCouldNotBeDeterminedForNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
NodeDefinitionTemplate - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.nodetype
A template that can be used to create new child node definitions, patterned after the approach in the proposed NodeDepth - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A dynamic operand that evaluates to the depth of a node given by a selector, used in a Comparison constraint.
NodeDepth(SelectorName) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodeDepth
Create a dynamic operand that evaluates to the depth of the node identified by the selector.
nodeDepth(SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
NodeDepth - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom
A dynamic operand that evaluates to the depth of a node given by a selector, used in a Comparison constraint.
nodeDepth(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryObjectModelFactory
Evaluates to a LONG value equal to the depth of a node in the specified selector.
nodeDepth(SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
nodeDepth(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
Evaluates to a LONG value equal to the depth of a node in the specified selector.
nodeDoesNotExist - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrConnectorI18n
nodeDoesNotExist - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaConnectorI18n
nodeDoesNotExist - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
nodeDoesNotExist - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
NodeEntity - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple
An entity a node and its properties.
NodeEntity() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
NodeEntity(long, NodeEntity, String, long, int, NamespaceEntity, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
NodeEntity(long, NodeEntity, String, long, int, NamespaceEntity, String, int) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
nodeFactory() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Method to access the node utility class.
noDefinition - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
nodeHasAlreadyBeenRemovedFromThisSession - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
nodeHasAlreadyBeenRemovedFromThisSession - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
nodeIsActuallyUnknow - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
nodeIsCheckedIn - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
NodeLocalName - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A dynamic operand that evaluates to the local name of a node given by a selector, used in a Comparison constraint.
NodeLocalName(SelectorName) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodeLocalName
Create a dynamic operand that evaluates to the local name of the node identified by the selector.
nodeLocalName(SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
nodeLocalName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table based upon criteria on the node's local name.
nodeLocalName(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.DynamicOperandBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table based upon criteria on the node's local name.
nodeLocalName(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.OrderByOperandBuilder
Adds to the order-by clause by using the local name of the node given by the named table.
nodeLocalName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.SingleOrderByOperandBuilder
Adds to the order-by clause by using the local name of the node given by the named table.
nodeLocalName(SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
nodeLocalName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
NodeName - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A dynamic operand that evaluates to the qualified name of a node given by a selector, used in a Comparison constraint.
NodeName(SelectorName) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodeName
Create a dynamic operand that evaluates to the qualified name of the node identified by the selector.
nodeName(SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
nodeName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table based upon criteria on the node's name.
nodeName(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.DynamicOperandBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table based upon criteria on the node's name.
nodeName(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.OrderByOperandBuilder
Adds to the order-by clause by using the node name (including namespace) of the node given by the named table.
nodeName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.SingleOrderByOperandBuilder
Adds to the order-by clause by using the node name (including namespace) of the node given by the named table.
nodeName(SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
nodeName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
nodeNamed(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateNodeNamed
Specify the name of the node that is to be created.
nodeNamed(Name) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateNodeNamed
Specify the name of the node that is to be created.
nodeNamed(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateNodeNamedAction
nodeNamed(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateNodeNamedAction
nodeNotFoundAtPathRelativeToReferenceNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
nodeNotLockable - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
nodeNotReferenceable - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
nodeNotReferenceableUuid - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
nodeOperations - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
nodeOrderingNotSupported - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
nodeOrderingNotSupported - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
NodePath - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A dynamic operand that evaluates to the path of a node given by a selector, used in a Comparison constraint.
NodePath(SelectorName) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodePath
Create a dynamic operand that evaluates to the path of the node identified by the selector.
nodePath(SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
NodePath - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom
A dynamic operand that evaluates to the path of a node given by a selector, used in a Comparison constraint.
nodePath(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryObjectModelFactory
Evaluates to a PATH value equal to the prefix-qualified path of a node in the specified selector.
nodePath(SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
nodePath(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
Evaluates to a PATH value equal to the prefix-qualified path of a node in the specified selector.
nodes - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
A map of the nodes keyed by their identifier.
nodeTypeAlreadyExists - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
NodeTypeDefinition - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.nodetype
An interface for an existing node type definition, patterned after the approach in the proposed NodeTypeExistsException - Exception in org.modeshape.jcr.nodetype
An exception that captures the error condition that a referenced node type already exists.
NodeTypeExistsException(Name) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.jcr.nodetype.NodeTypeExistsException
NodeTypeExistsException(Name, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.jcr.nodetype.NodeTypeExistsException
NodeTypeExistsException(Name, String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.jcr.nodetype.NodeTypeExistsException
NodeTypeExistsException(Name, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.jcr.nodetype.NodeTypeExistsException
NodeTypeTemplate - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.nodetype
A template that can be used to create new node types, patterned after the approach in the proposed noDistinct() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Query
Create a copy of this query, but one in which there may be duplicate rows in the results.
noExistingVersionForRestore - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
noMatchingBracketFound - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
noMatchingDoubleQuoteFound - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
noMatchingSingleQuoteFound - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
noMoreContent - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
noMoreContentButWasExpectingCharacter - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
noMoreContentButWasExpectingToken - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
noMoreContentButWasExpectingTokenType - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
NON_SEARCHABLE_NAMES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
noNamespaceRegisteredForPrefix - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
noNamespaceWithPrefix - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
noNamespaceWithUri - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
NONE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Limit
NONE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrLimit
noNegativeDepth - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
nonPackageQualifiedName(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.ClassUtil
nonPackageQualifiedName(Object) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.ClassUtil
NoOpEncoder - Class in org.modeshape.common.text
An encoder implementation that does nothing.
NoOpEncoder() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.text.NoOpEncoder
noPendingChangesAllowed - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
noPendingChangesAllowedForNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
noPrimaryItemNameDefinedOnPrimaryType - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
NoResultsComponent - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
NoResultsComponent(QueryContext, QueryResults.Columns) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.NoResultsComponent
NORMAL_ANNOTATION_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
NORMAL_CLASS_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
NORMAL_CLASS_DECLARATION_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
NORMAL_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
NORMALANNOTATION_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
NormalAnnotationMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata
Metadata for normal annotations.
NormalAnnotationMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.NormalAnnotationMetadata
normalize(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.StringUtil
Removes leading and trailing whitespace from the supplied text, and reduces other consecutive whitespace characters to a single space.
normalize(float) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareQuery.CompareWeight
This implementation always does nothing, as there is nothing to normalize.
normalize(float) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.HasValueQuery.ExistsWeight
This implementation always does nothing, as there is nothing to normalize.
normalize(float) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.IdsQuery.IdSetWeight
This implementation always does nothing, as there is nothing to normalize.
normalize(float) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.MatchNoneQuery.NoneWeight
This implementation always does nothing, as there is nothing to normalize.
normalize(float) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.NotQuery.NotWeight
This implementation always does nothing, as there is nothing to normalize.
normalize(float) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ScoreQuery.NotWeight
This implementation always does nothing, as there is nothing to normalize.
noSnsDefinition - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
noSnsDefinitionForNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
noStoredRequest - Static variable in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.WebdavI18n
noSuchNodeType - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
NoSuchRepositoryException - Exception in org.modeshape.web.jcr.spi
Exception thrown when an operation attempts to access a repository that does not exist.
NoSuchRepositoryException() - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.web.jcr.spi.NoSuchRepositoryException
NoSuchRepositoryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.web.jcr.spi.NoSuchRepositoryException
NoSuchRepositoryException(String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.web.jcr.spi.NoSuchRepositoryException
NoSuchRepositoryException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.web.jcr.spi.NoSuchRepositoryException
Not - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A constraint that negates another constraint.
Not(Constraint) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Not
Create a constraint that negates another constraint.
not(Constraint) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
not() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder
Signal that the next constraint clause (defined immediately after this method) should be negated.
not(Constraint) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
not(Constraint) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
NOT_EQUAL_TO - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareLengthQuery
NOTES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon
notify(Changes) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.ChangeObserver
Method that is called for each Changes from the Observable instance(s) with which this listener is registered.
notify(Changes) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver
Method that is called for each Changes from the Observable instance(s) with which this listener is registered.
notify(NetChangeObserver.NetChanges) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver
Method that is called for the set of net changes.
notify(Changes) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.ObservationBus
Method that is called for each set of changes from the Observable instance(s) with which this observer is registered.
notify(Changes) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.observe.Observer
Method that is called for each set of changes from the Observable instance(s) with which this observer is registered.
notify(Changes) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.RepositoryObservationManager
Method that is called for each set of changes from the Observable instance(s) with which this observer is registered.
notify(NetChangeObserver.NetChanges) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryService.ConfigurationChangeObserver
Method that is called for the set of net changes.
notify(Changes) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryService
Method that is called for each set of changes from the Observable instance(s) with which this observer is registered.
notify(NetChangeObserver.NetChanges) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService.RepositoryObserver
Method that is called for the set of net changes.
notifyObserverOfChanges() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Take any of the changes that have been accumulated by this processor and notify the observer.
notifyUpdatedPom(MavenId) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenRepository
This method is called to signal this repository that the POM file for a project has been updated.
notLocked - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
notOrderable - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
NotQuery - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene.query
A Lucene Query implementation that is used to represent a NOT expression of another wrapped Query object.
NotQuery(Query) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.NotQuery
Construct a NOT(x) constraint where the 'x' operand is supplied.
NotQuery.NotScorer - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene.query
A scorer for the NOT query that iterates over documents (in increasing docId order), using the given scorer implementation for the operand of the NOT.
NotQuery.NotScorer(Scorer, IndexReader) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.NotQuery.NotScorer
NotQuery.NotWeight - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene.query
Calculates query weights and builds query scores for our NOT queries.
NotQuery.NotWeight(Searcher) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.NotQuery.NotWeight
notStoredQuery - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
NULLABLE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
NULLABLE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
nullActivityMonitorTaskName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
nullArgumentMsg - Static variable in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.RestClientI18n
nullReference(List<Comparison>, Comparison) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RewriteAsRangeCriteria
Find all occurrences of the comparison object in the supplied list and null the list's reference to it.
nullReference(List<Comparison>, Iterable<Comparison>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RewriteAsRangeCriteria
Find all references in the supplied list that match those supplied and set them to null.
NUMBER_OF_CONNECTIONS_TO_BE_ACQUIRED_AS_NEEDED - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
NUMBER_OF_CONNECTIONS_TO_BE_ACQUIRED_AS_NEEDED - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
NUMBER_OF_IMAGES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadataLexicon
numericField(Name, IndexRules.FieldType, Field.Store, Field.Index, T, T) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Builder


OBJECT_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueComparators
A comparator of other values.
objectFoundInJndiWasNotCacheFactory - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheConnectorI18n
objectFoundInJndiWasNotCacheManager - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanConnectorI18n
objectFoundInJndiWasNotRepository - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrConnectorI18n
ObjectUtil - Class in org.modeshape.common.util
Common utility methods for general objects.
ObjectUtil() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.util.ObjectUtil
ObjectValueFactory - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
The standard ValueFactory for PropertyType.OBJECT values.
ObjectValueFactory(TextDecoder, ValueFactory<String>, ValueFactory<Binary>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ObjectValueFactory
Observable - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.observe
Interface used to register listeners.
ObservationBus - Class in org.modeshape.graph.observe
A simple Observer that is itself Observable.
ObservationBus() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.observe.ObservationBus
observationServiceName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
Observer - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.observe
The interface for an observer of graph changes.
of(Location) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Of
Specify the location of the node upon which the request is to operate.
of(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Of
Specify the path of the node upon which the request is to operate.
of(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Of
Specify the path of the node upon which the request is to operate.
of(UUID) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Of
Specify the UUID of the node upon which the request is to operate.
of(Property) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Of
Specify the unique identification property that identifies the node upon which the request is to operate.
of(Property, Property...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Of
Specify the unique identification properties that identify the node upon which the request is to operate.
of(Iterable<Property>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Of
Specify the unique identification properties that identify the node upon which the request is to operate.
of() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllChildrenRequest
Get the location defining the node whose children are to be read.
of() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest
Get the location defining the node whose children are to be read.
OFF - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
offset() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Limit
Get the number of rows skipped before the results begin.
offset(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Specify the number of rows that results are to skip.
offset() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.FullTextSearchRequest
Get the number of initial search results that should be excluded from the tuples included on this request.
OK - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.Problems
OK_STATUS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.Status
A status with an OK severity and no message and no exception.
on(Location) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.On
Specify the location of the node upon which the request is to operate.
on(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.On
Specify the path of the node upon which the request is to operate.
on(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.On
Specify the path of the node upon which the request is to operate.
on(UUID) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.On
Specify the UUID of the node upon which the request is to operate.
on(Property) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.On
Specify the unique identification property that identifies the node upon which the request is to operate.
on(Property, Property...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.On
Specify the unique identification properties that identify the node upon which the request is to operate.
on(Iterable<Property>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.On
Specify the unique identification properties that identify the node upon which the request is to operate.
on(Collection<Location>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.OnMultiple
Specify the location of each node upon which the requests are to operate.
on(Location, Location...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.OnMultiple
Specify the location of each node upon which the requests are to operate.
on(String, String...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.OnMultiple
Specify the path of each node upon which the requests are to operate.
on(Path, Path...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.OnMultiple
Specify the path of each node upon which the requests are to operate.
on(UUID, UUID...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.OnMultiple
Specify the UUID of each node upon which the requests are to operate.
on(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.JoinClause
Define the join as using an equi-join criteria by specifying the expression equating two columns.
on() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadPropertyRequest
Get the location defining the node that is to be read.
on() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.SetPropertyRequest
Get the location defining the node that is to be updated.
on() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdatePropertiesRequest
Get the location defining the node that is to be updated.
on() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdateValuesRequest
Get the location defining the node that is to be updated.
ON - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
ON_COMMIT_VALUE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
ON_DEMAND_IMPORT_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
ON_DEMAND_IMPORT_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
ON_DEMAND_IMPORT_TYPE_DECLARATION_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
ON_PARENT_VERSION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
onCachedNodes(GraphSession.NodeVisitor<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Visit all loaded and unloaded nodes in the cache.
onChangedNodes(GraphSession.NodeVisitor<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Visit all changed nodes in the cache.
onChildNode(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.JoinClause
Define the join criteria to require the node in one table is a child of the node in another table.
onDescendant(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.JoinClause
Define the join criteria to require the node in one table is a descendant of the node in another table.
onLoadedNodes(GraphSession.NodeVisitor<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Visit all nodes in the cache that are already loaded
only() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.LockAction
only() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.LockScope
onlyTheDefaultNamespaceIsAllowed - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
onlyTheDefaultNamespaceIsAllowed - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
onSameNode(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.JoinClause
Define the join criteria to require the two tables represent the same node.
openConnection(URL) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider.JcrUrlStreamHandler
openDirectories(ISVNEditor, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.mgnt.ISVNEditorUtil
Open the directories where change has to be made.
openParen() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder
Simulate the use of an open parenthesis in the constraint.
operand() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Between
Get the dynamic operand specification.
operand() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.LowerCase
Get the dynamic operand that is to be lower-cased.
operand() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Ordering
Get the operand being ordered.
operand() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.UpperCase
Get the operand that is being uppercased.
operand() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrBetween
Get the dynamic operand specification.
operand() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrOrdering
Get the operand being ordered.
operand - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.NotQuery
The operand that is being negated by this query.
operand - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ScoreQuery
The operand that is being negated by this query.
operand1() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Comparison
Get the dynamic operand of this comparison.
operand1() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrComparison
Get the dynamic operand of this comparison.
operand2() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Comparison
Get the dynamic operand of this comparison.
operand2() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrComparison
Get the dynamic operand of this comparison.
operation() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetQuery
Get the set operation for this query.
operations - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
operator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ArithmeticOperand
Get the operator for this binary operand.
operator() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Comparison
Get the operator for this comparison
Operator - Enum in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
operator - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ArithmeticBuilder
operator - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
optimize(QueryContext, PlanNode) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.Optimizer
Optimize the supplied query plan and produce an executable processor plan.
optimize(QueryContext, PlanNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RuleBasedOptimizer
Optimize the supplied query plan and produce an executable processor plan.
Optimizer - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize
Interface for an optimizer.
OptimizerRule - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize
Interface that defines an Optimizer rule.
OPTION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
optionalPropertyOnNodeCouldNotBeRead - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
optionalPropertyOnNodeWasExpectedToBeStringArrayValue - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
optionalPropertyOnNodeWasExpectedToBeStringValue - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
OPTIONS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeLexicon
Or - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A constraint that evaluates to true when either of the other constraints evaluates to true.
Or(Constraint, Constraint) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Or
Create a constraint that evaluates to true if either of the two supplied constraints evaluates to true.
or(Constraint, Constraint) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
or() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder
Signal that the previous constraint clause be OR-ed together with another constraint clause that will be defined immediately after this method call.
or(Constraint, Constraint) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
or(Constraint, Constraint) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
OracleDdlConstants - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle
Oracle-specific constants including key words and statement start phrases.
OracleDdlConstants.OracleDataTypes - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle
OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle
OracleDdlLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle
OracleDdlLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
OracleDdlLexicon.Namespace - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle
OracleDdlLexicon.Namespace() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon.Namespace
OracleDdlParser - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle
Oracle-specific DDL Parser.
OracleDdlParser() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlParser
Order - Enum in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
order() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Ordering
The order type.
ORDER - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
orderBy() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Obtain a builder that will create the order-by clause (with one or more Ordering statements) for the query.
orderChildBefore(Path.Segment, Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Move the specified child to be located immediately before the other supplied node.
ORDERED - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Encode using the special "ordered" dialect of Base64 described here: http://www.faqs.org/qa/rfcc-1940.html.
orderedBy(List<Ordering>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Query
Create a copy of this query, but one whose results should be ordered by the supplied orderings.
Ordering - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A specification of the ordering for the results.
Ordering(DynamicOperand, Order) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Ordering
Create a new ordering specification, given the supplied operand and order.
ordering(DynamicOperand, Order) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
ordering(DynamicOperand, Order) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
orderings() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Query
Return the orderings for this query.
orderings() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.QueryCommand
Return the orderings for this query.
orderings() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetQuery
Return the orderings for this query.
orderings - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
orderings(List<? extends Ordering>) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
orderings() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSelectQuery
Return the orderings for this query.
orderings() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetQuery
Return the orderings for this query.
ORDINAL_POSITION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
ordinalize(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector
Turns a non-negative number into an ordinal string used to denote the position in an ordered sequence, such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.
org.modeshape.cnd - package org.modeshape.cnd
Compact Node Definition (CND) defines JCR node types, property definitions, and child node definitions in a concise and easy-to-read form.
org.modeshape.common - package org.modeshape.common
The parent package for the common, low-level utilities and simple frameworks for all of ModeShape.
org.modeshape.common.collection - package org.modeshape.common.collection
A set of common classes for dealing with collections of other objects.
org.modeshape.common.component - package org.modeshape.common.component
A simple framework for loading and managing Component objects that may be configured and used reflectively.
org.modeshape.common.i18n - package org.modeshape.common.i18n
A simple framework for defining internationalized strings and obtaining the localized forms.
org.modeshape.common.math - package org.modeshape.common.math
A set of classes that define mathematic operations for a particular class of values.
org.modeshape.common.statistic - package org.modeshape.common.statistic
A set of utilities for working with statistics, including a Stopwatch and Histograms.
org.modeshape.common.text - package org.modeshape.common.text
A set of utilities for working with text.
org.modeshape.common.util - package org.modeshape.common.util
A set of miscellaneous utilities.
org.modeshape.common.xml - package org.modeshape.common.xml
A set of utilities for working with XML documents.
org.modeshape.connector.filesystem - package org.modeshape.connector.filesystem
The classes that make up the connector that accesses the files and directories on a local file system and exposes them as content in a repository.
org.modeshape.connector.infinispan - package org.modeshape.connector.infinispan
The classes that make up the connector that stores content in a deployed instance of Infinispan.
org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache - package org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache
The classes that make up the connector that stores content in a JBoss Cache instance.
org.modeshape.connector.jcr - package org.modeshape.connector.jcr
The JCR connector provides access to a JCR repository instance running in the same process (and accessible via JNDI).
org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc - package org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc
The classes that make up the connector that accesses the database schema metadata exposed by JDBC drivers for existing relational databases.
org.modeshape.connector.scm - package org.modeshape.connector.scm
The classes that define the SVN actions.
org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa - package org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa
The classes that make up the connector that stores content in a relational database via JDBC and JPA.
org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common - package org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common
The classes that define the common JPA entities used in multiple storage models.
org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple - package org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple
The classes that define the "simple" storage model for the JPA connector.
org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util - package org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util
The classes that define the utility JPA entities that are not part of any storage model.
org.modeshape.connector.svn - package org.modeshape.connector.svn
The classes that make up the connector that accesses content from an SVN repository.
org.modeshape.connector.svn.mgnt - package org.modeshape.connector.svn.mgnt
The classes that implement the SVN modification actions.
org.modeshape.graph - package org.modeshape.graph
The ModeShape Graph API defines the types that allow you to work with content organized as a graph.
org.modeshape.graph.cache - package org.modeshape.graph.cache
Caching of graph content is controlled with cache policies, and these are used in connectors and in requests (among other places).
org.modeshape.graph.connector - package org.modeshape.graph.connector
ModeShape uses connectors to access information from external systems (such as databases, other repositories, services, applications, etc.) and create graph representations of that information.
org.modeshape.graph.connector.base - package org.modeshape.graph.connector.base
This package defines a series of classes that can serve as base classes for a connector implementation.
org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation - package org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation
ModeShape provides a federated connector that is able to access repository content from multiple external systems and make that content look like it exists in a single unified repository.
org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory - package org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory
The In-Memory Connector represents a connector that maintains a graph in transient in-process memory.
org.modeshape.graph.connector.map - package org.modeshape.graph.connector.map
The MapRepository class and its supporting classes provide a default implementation of the connector classes for connectors that support the transient or persistent mapping of a UUID to a standard representation of a node.
org.modeshape.graph.connector.path - package org.modeshape.graph.connector.path
The PathRepository class and its supporting classes provide a default read-only implementation of the connector classes for connectors that only support path-based access to a standard representation of a node.
org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache - package org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache
The PathRepositoryCache class and its supporting classes provide a standard caching mechanism for path-based repositories.
org.modeshape.graph.io - package org.modeshape.graph.io
Utilities for inputing and outputing larger amounts of data.
org.modeshape.graph.mimetype - package org.modeshape.graph.mimetype
This package defines an interface for the MIME type detector, which represents a component that is able to determine the MIME type for a stream of data and/or the name of the file containing the data.
org.modeshape.graph.observe - package org.modeshape.graph.observe
The Observation API provides several mechanisms for asynchronously observing changes to content.
org.modeshape.graph.property - package org.modeshape.graph.property
Nodes in a graph contain properties, and this package defines the interfaces, classes and exceptions for representing and working with properties and their values.
org.modeshape.graph.property.basic - package org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
A set of basic implementations of the various interfaces defined in org.modeshape.graph.property.
org.modeshape.graph.query - package org.modeshape.graph.query
The Query API provides a mechanism for building and executing queries.
org.modeshape.graph.query.model - package org.modeshape.graph.query.model
The Abstract Query Model is a vocabulary that can be used to construct a language-neutral representation of a query.
org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize - package org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize
This package contains the Optimizer interface, a rule-based optimizer implementation, and library of optimization rules.
org.modeshape.graph.query.parse - package org.modeshape.graph.query.parse
This package defines the QueryParser interface, which defines a component that can parse a query represented in a specific language and produce the corresponding abstract query model representation.
org.modeshape.graph.query.plan - package org.modeshape.graph.query.plan
This package defines the Planner interface, the CanonicalPlanner implementation, and the PlanNode class that is used to represent a canonical query plan.
org.modeshape.graph.query.process - package org.modeshape.graph.query.process
This package defines the QueryProcessor interface, which is responsible for constructing for each query a tree of ProcessingComponent objects that each are responsible for processing a specific aspect of the query and returning the tuples to the parent component.
org.modeshape.graph.query.validate - package org.modeshape.graph.query.validate
This package provides the interfaces that define the tables and columns that can be queried.
org.modeshape.graph.request - package org.modeshape.graph.request
Sometimes its useful to work with a graph using objects that represent individual commands on the graph.
org.modeshape.graph.request.processor - package org.modeshape.graph.request.processor
This portion of the ModeShape Graph API defines the processor for requests.
org.modeshape.graph.search - package org.modeshape.graph.search
A small framework for a search engine component.
org.modeshape.graph.sequencer - package org.modeshape.graph.sequencer
A sequencer in ModeShape is a component that is able to process information (usually the content of a file, or a property value on a node) and recreate that information as a graph of structured content.
org.modeshape.graph.session - package org.modeshape.graph.session
A graph session provides a stateful environment in which graph operations can be enqueued and the state and structure of the graph are cached.
org.modeshape.graph.xml - package org.modeshape.graph.xml
Graph content can often be represented in XML, so this part of the ModeShape Graph API defines the classes that provide the binding between graph and XML content.
org.modeshape.jcr - package org.modeshape.jcr
The ModeShape implementation of the JCR API.
org.modeshape.jcr.api - package org.modeshape.jcr.api
This package provides a set of interfaces that extend the JCR 1.0 API interfaces with JCR 2.0 functionality, as well as defining the Repositories interface as a generic abstraction to any container of multiple JCR Repository instances.
org.modeshape.jcr.api.query - package org.modeshape.jcr.api.query
This package provides a set of interfaces that extend the JCR 1.0 API query interfaces with JCR 2.0 functionality.
org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom - package org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom
org.modeshape.jcr.nodetype - package org.modeshape.jcr.nodetype
The ModeShape specification for programmatically creating JCR NodeDefinitions.
org.modeshape.jcr.query - package org.modeshape.jcr.query
org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom - package org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom
org.modeshape.jcr.xpath - package org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
The components used to parse JCR XPath queries and translate them into equivalent JCR-SQL2 queries.
org.modeshape.maven - package org.modeshape.maven
The classes that make up the Maven classloader system.
org.modeshape.maven.spi - package org.modeshape.maven.spi
The classes that define the SPI for the Maven classloader system.
org.modeshape.mimetype.aperture - package org.modeshape.mimetype.aperture
The classes that make up the Aperture MIME type detector.
org.modeshape.repository - package org.modeshape.repository
The components and services that make up ModeShape's lower-level graph engine, which is used within its JCR Engine.
org.modeshape.repository.sequencer - package org.modeshape.repository.sequencer
The classes that make up the sequencing service and its configuration.
org.modeshape.repository.service - package org.modeshape.repository.service
The definition of common interfaces and classes for ModeShape services.
org.modeshape.repository.util - package org.modeshape.repository.util
Utility classes and methods for the ModeShape repository system.
org.modeshape.search.lucene - package org.modeshape.search.lucene
An implementation of the SearchEngine interface that uses the Lucene library.
org.modeshape.search.lucene.query - package org.modeshape.search.lucene.query
A set of Lucene Query specializations that allow the LuceneSearchEngine to create Lucene queries with additional kinds of constraints.
org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile - package org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile
The classes that provide the ability to sequence Java class files into metadata and then write that metadata to a graph in a customizable way.
org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata - package org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata
The classes that are immutable representations of metadata appearing in Java class files.
org.modeshape.sequencer.cnd - package org.modeshape.sequencer.cnd
The classes that make up the JCR Compact Node Definition (CND) file sequencer.
org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl - package org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl
The classes that make up the DDL sequencer, which is capable of parsing the more important DDL statements from SQL-92, Oracle, Derby, and PostgreSQL, and constructing a graph structure containing a structured representation of these statements.
org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype - package org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype
The classes for parsing and representing data types.
org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.db2 - package org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.db2
The classes for parsing DDL for the DB2 DBMS.
org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby - package org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby
The classes for parsing DDL for the Derby DBMS.
org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql - package org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql
The (prototype) classes for parsing DDL for the MySQL DBMS.
org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle - package org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle
The classes for parsing DDL for the Oracle DBMS.
org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres - package org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres
The classes for parsing DDL for the PostgreSQL DBMS.
org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sqlserver - package org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sqlserver
The (prototype) classes for parsing DDL for the Microsoft SQLServer DBMS.
org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sybase - package org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sybase
The (prototype) classes for parsing DDL for the Sybase DBMS.
org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node - package org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node
The classes for nodes within an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) and a factory for creating them.
org.modeshape.sequencer.image - package org.modeshape.sequencer.image
The classes that make up the image sequencer.
org.modeshape.sequencer.java - package org.modeshape.sequencer.java
The classes that make up the Java source file sequencer.
org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata - package org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata
The classes that make up the metadata definitions for the Java source file sequencer.
org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3 - package org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3
The classes that make up the jPDL3 file sequencer.
org.modeshape.sequencer.mp3 - package org.modeshape.sequencer.mp3
The classes that make up the MP3 file sequencer.
org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice - package org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice
The classes that make up the sequencer of Microsoft Office files.
org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.excel - package org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.excel
The classes for reading Microsoft Excel metadata.
org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.powerpoint - package org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.powerpoint
The classes for reading Microsoft PowerPoint metadata.
org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.word - package org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.word
The classes for reading Microsoft Word metadata.
org.modeshape.sequencer.text - package org.modeshape.sequencer.text
The classes that provide the ability to sequence fixed-width and delimited text files.
org.modeshape.sequencer.xml - package org.modeshape.sequencer.xml
The classes that make up the XML sequencer.
org.modeshape.sequencer.zip - package org.modeshape.sequencer.zip
The classes that make up the ZIP file sequencer.
org.modeshape.util - package org.modeshape.util
Some utilities that are useful for ModeShape, including the DDL generator for the various kinds of databases used by the JPA connector.
org.modeshape.web.jcr - package org.modeshape.web.jcr
This package contains the core components for the ModeShape common web library.
org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest - package org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest
This package contains the core components for the ModeShape REST server implementation.
org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client - package org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client
The ModeShape REST Client is a lightweight, non-UI Maven project that interacts with the ModeShape REST server.
org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain - package org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain
The ModeShape REST Client domain package defines the ModeShape and JCR business objects.
org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.http - package org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.http
The ModeShape REST Client abstraction of a HTTP client connection.
org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json - package org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json
The ModeShape REST Client JSON package defines an implementation of an ModeShape REST client.
org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.model - package org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.model
Models for the ModeShape interface to faciliate serving basic information as XML or JSON in the future.
org.modeshape.web.jcr.spi - package org.modeshape.web.jcr.spi
Service provider interface (SPI) for the JCR implementation that backs the ModeShape web libraries.
org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav - package org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav
This package contains the core components for the ModeShape WebDAV server implementation.
OriginalFormatSourceFileRecorder - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java
A source file recorder that writes the Java metadata from the source file to the repository.
OriginalFormatSourceFileRecorder() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.OriginalFormatSourceFileRecorder
orReplace() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Create
Create the node if it does not exist, or replace any existing node that has the same name (ignoring same-name-sibling indexes).
orReplace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAction
Create the node if it does not exist, or replace any existing node that has the same name (ignoring same-name-sibling indexes).
orUpdate() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Create
Create the node if it does not exist, or update any existing node that has the same name (ignoring same-name-sibling indexes).
orUpdate() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAction
Create the node if it does not exist, or update any existing node that has the same name (ignoring same-name-sibling indexes).
OTHER - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser.SqlTokenizer
The token type for tokens that consist of other characters.
OTHER - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser.XPathTokenizer
The token type for tokens that consist of single characters that are not a XPathParser.XPathTokenizer.SYMBOL, valid XPathParser.XPathTokenizer.NAME, or XPathParser.XPathTokenizer.QUOTED_STRING.
outputPath - Variable in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter


PACKAGE_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
PACKAGE_DECLARATION_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
PACKAGE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
PackageMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata
Package meta data.
PackageMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.PackageMetadata
PackageMetadata(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.PackageMetadata
PAGES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon
PARAMETER - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
PARAMETER_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
PARAMETERIZED_TYPE_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
PARAMETERIZED_TYPE_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
PARAMETERIZED_TYPE_MODIFIER_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
PARAMETERIZED_TYPE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
PARAMETERIZED_TYPE_VARIABLE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
ParameterizedTypeFieldMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata
ParameterizedTypeFieldMetadata is a meta data for a parameterized type.
ParameterizedTypeFieldMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.ParameterizedTypeFieldMetadata
ParameterizedTypeFieldMetadataSequencer - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java
Sequencer for all paths of a ParameterizedTypeFieldMetadata.
PARAMETERS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
PARENT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
String representation of the segment that references a parent.
parent - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ArithmeticBuilder
PARENT_NAME - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Singleton instance of the name referencing a parent, provided as a convenience.
PARENT_PATH - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPath
PARENT_SEGMENT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Singleton instance of the path segment referencing a parent, provided as a convenience.
parentAlreadyLocked - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
parentIsReadOnly - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
parentPath() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ChildNode
Get the path of the parent.
parentSelectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ChildNodeJoinCondition
Get the name of the selector that represents the parent.
parse(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
Parse the CND content.
parse(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.FullTextSearchParser
Parse the full-text search criteria given in the supplied string.
parse(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.FullTextSearchParser
Parse the full-text search criteria from the supplied token stream.
parse(TypeSystem, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.QueryParsers
Execute the supplied query by planning, optimizing, and then processing it.
parse(String, TextDecoder) - Static method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenUrl
Parse the supplied URL and determine if the URL fits the JCR URL format.
parse(URL, TextDecoder) - Static method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenUrl
Parse the supplied URL and determine if the URL fits the JCR URL format.
parse(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.repository.util.RepositoryNodePath
parse(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
Method which performs the actual parsing of the data type name and applicable values (i.e.
parse(String, AstNode, Object) - Method in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParser
Parses a DDL string, adding child AstNodes and properties to the supplied root.
parse(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParsers
Parse the supplied DDL content and return the root node of the AST representation.
parse(String, AstNode, Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Parses a DDL string, adding child AstNodes and properties to the supplied root.
parseAdditiveExpr(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseAlterStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlParser
Parses DDL ALTER statement based on SQL 92 specifications.
parseAlterStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlParser
parseAlterStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlParser
parseAlterStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Parses DDL ALTER statement based on SQL 92 specifications.
parseAlterTableStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlParser
Parses DDL ALTER TABLE AstNode based on SQL 92 specifications.
parseAlterTableStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlParser
Parses DDL ALTER TABLE AstNode based on SQL 92 specifications.
parseAlterTableStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlParser
parseAlterTableStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlParser
parseAlterTableStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Parses DDL ALTER TABLE AstNode based on SQL 92 specifications.
parseAndExpr(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseAnyKindTest(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseApproxNumericType(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
Parses SQL-92 Approximate numeric data types.
parseAtomicType(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseAttributeTest(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseAxisStep(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseBitStringType(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
Parses SQL-92 Bit string data types.
parseBracketedInteger(DdlTokenStream, DataType) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
Returns an integer value from the input token stream assuming the integer is bracketed with parenthesis.
parseCastableExpr(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseCastExpr(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseCharStringType(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
Parses SQL-92 Character string data types.
parseChildNodeDefinition(TokenStream, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
Parse a node type's child node definition from the next tokens on the stream.
parseCollateClause(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Parses the default clause for a column and sets appropriate properties on the column node.
parseColumnConstraint(DdlTokenStream, AstNode, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Parses an in-line column constraint including NULLABLE value, UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY and REFERENCES to a Foreign Key.
parseColumnDefinition(DdlTokenStream, AstNode, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlParser
Utility method to parse the actual column definition.
parseColumnDefinition(DdlTokenStream, AstNode, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Utility method to parse the actual column definition.
parseColumnNameList(DdlTokenStream, AstNode, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
parseColumnNameList(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Parses a comma separated list of column names.
parseColumns(DdlTokenStream, AstNode, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlParser
Utility method designed to parse columns within an ALTER TABLE ADD statement.
parseColumns(DdlTokenStream, AstNode, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlParser
Utility method designed to parse columns within an ALTER TABLE ADD statement.
parseColumns(DdlTokenStream, AstNode, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlParser
Utility method designed to parse columns within an ALTER TABLE ADD statement.
parseColumnsAndConstraints(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Utility method to parse columns and table constraints within either a CREATE TABLE statement.
parseCommentTest(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseComparisonExpr(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseComparisonOperator(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
parseConstraint(TokenStream, TypeSystem, Source) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
parseConstraint(TokenStream, TypeSystem, Source) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryParser
Parse a constraint clause.
parseConstraintAttributes(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Parses the attributes associated with any in-line column constraint definition or a table constrain definition.
parseContextItemExpr(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseCreateAssertionStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Parses DDL CREATE ASSERTION AstNode based on SQL 92 specifications.
parseCreateCharacterSetStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Parses DDL CREATE CHARACTER SET AstNode based on SQL 92 specifications.
parseCreateCollationStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Parses DDL CREATE COLLATION AstNode based on SQL 92 specifications.
parseCreateDomainStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Parses DDL CREATE DOMAIN AstNode based on SQL 92 specifications.
parseCreateFunction(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlParser
Parses DDL CREATE FUNCTION statement
parseCreateFunctionStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlParser
Parses DDL CREATE FUNCTION statement
parseCreateIndex(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlParser
parseCreateProcedure(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlParser
parseCreateProcedureStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlParser
parseCreateSchemaStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlParser
Parses DDL CREATE SCHEMA AstNode based on SQL 92 specifications.
parseCreateSchemaStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlParser
parseCreateSchemaStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Parses DDL CREATE SCHEMA AstNode based on SQL 92 specifications.
parseCreateStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlParser
Parses DDL CREATE statement based on SQL 92 specifications.
parseCreateStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlParser
Parses DDL CREATE statement based on SQL 92 specifications.
parseCreateStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlParser
parseCreateStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlParser
parseCreateStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Parses DDL CREATE statement based on SQL 92 specifications.
parseCreateTableOptions(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
parseCreateTableStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlParser
parseCreateTableStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Parses DDL CREATE TABLE AstNode based on SQL 92 specifications.
parseCreateTranslationStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Parses DDL CREATE TRANSLATION AstNode based on SQL 92 specifications.
parseCreateViewStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlParser
Parses DDL CREATE VIEW AstNode basedregisterStatementStartPhrase on SQL 92 specifications.
parseCreateViewStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlParser
parseCreateViewStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Parses DDL CREATE VIEW AstNode basedregisterStatementStartPhrase on SQL 92 specifications.
parseCustomStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlParser
Catch-all method to parse unknown (not registered or handled by sub-classes) statements.
parseCustomStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlParser
Catch-all method to parse unknown (not registered or handled by sub-classes) statements.
parseCustomStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlParser
Catch-all method to parse unknown (not registered or handled by sub-classes) statements.
parseCustomStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlParser
parseCustomStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Catch-all method to parse unknown (not registered or handled by sub-classes) statements.
parseCustomType(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
General catch-all data type parsing method that sub-classes can override to parse database-specific data types.
parseDateTimeType(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
Parses SQL-92 Date and Time data types.
parseDefaultClause(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlParser
parseDefaultClause(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Parses the default clause for a column and sets appropriate properties on the column node.
parseDefaultType(TokenStream, List<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
Parse the child node definition's default type, if they appear next on the token stream.
parseDefaultValues(TokenStream, List<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
Parse the property definition's default value, if they appear next on the token stream.
parseDisjunctedTerms(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.FullTextSearchParser
parseDocumentTest(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseDropStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlParser
Parses DDL DROP AstNode based on SQL 92 specifications.
parseDropStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlParser
Parses DDL DROP AstNode based on SQL 92 specifications.
parseDropStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlParser
parseDropStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlParser
parseDropStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Parses DDL DROP AstNode based on SQL 92 specifications.
parseDynamicOperand(TokenStream, TypeSystem, Source) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
parseElementTest(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseExactNumericType(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
Parses SQL-92 Exact numeric data types.
parseExpr(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseExprSingle(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseFilterExpr(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseFrom(TokenStream, TypeSystem) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
parseFrom(TokenStream, TypeSystem) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryParser
parseFullTextSearchExpression(String, Position) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
parseFunctionCall(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseGeneralComp(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseGrantPrivileges(DdlTokenStream, List<AstNode>) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlParser
parseGrantPrivileges(DdlTokenStream, List<AstNode>) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlParser
parseGrantPrivileges(DdlTokenStream, List<AstNode>) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
parseGrantStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlParser
Parses DDL GRANT statement AstNode based on SQL 92 specifications.
parseGrantStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlParser
parseGrantStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlParser
Parses DDL GRANT statement AstNode based on SQL 92 specifications.
parseGrantStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Parses DDL GRANT statement AstNode based on SQL 92 specifications.
parseIgnorableStatement(DdlTokenStream, String, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Utility method to parse a statement that can be ignored.
parseIgnorableStatement(DdlTokenStream, String, AstNode, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Utility method to parse a statement that can be ignored.
parseInClause(TokenStream, TypeSystem) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
parseInsertStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Parses DDL INSERT AstNode based on SQL 92 specifications.
parseInstanceofExpr(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseInteger(DdlTokenStream, DataType) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
Returns an integer value from the input token stream assuming the integer is not bracketed with parenthesis.
parseInteger(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
Returns the integer value of the input string.
parseIntersectExceptExpr(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseItemType(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseJoinCondition(TokenStream, TypeSystem) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
parseKindTest(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseLimit(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
parseLine(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.AbstractTextSequencer
Parse the given row into its constituent columns.
parseLine(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.DelimitedTextSequencer
parseLine(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.FixedWidthTextSequencer
parseLiteral(TokenStream, TypeSystem) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
parseLiteralValue(TokenStream, TypeSystem) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
parseLiteralValue(TokenStream, TypeSystem) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryParser
parseMaterializedViewStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlParser
Parses DDL CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement This could either be a standard view or a VIEW LOG ON statement.
parseMiscellaneousType(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
Parses SQL-92 Misc data types.
parseMultiplicativeExpr(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseName(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
Parse the name that is expected to be next on the token stream.
parseName(TokenStream, TypeSystem) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
parseName(String, TypeSystem) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
parseName(TokenStream, TypeSystem) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryParser
Parsing behavior is overridden to that JCR-SQL style (unquoted prefixed) names are allowed.
parseName(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Method to parse fully qualified schema, table and column names that are defined with '.' separator and optionally bracketed with square brackets Example: partsSchema.supplier Example: [partsSchema].
parseNamedSelector(TokenStream, TypeSystem) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
parseNamedSelector(TokenStream, TypeSystem) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
parseNameList(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
Parse a list of names, separated by commas.
parseNamespaceMapping(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
Parse the namespace mapping statement that is next on the token stream.
parseNameTest(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseNationalCharStringType(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
Parses SQL-92 National Character string data types.
parseNCName(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseNextCreateTableOption(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlParser
parseNextCreateTableOption(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
parseNextStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Performs token match checks for initial statement type and delegates to specific parser methods.
parseNodeAttributes(TokenStream, List<Property>, Name, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
Parse the child node definition's attributes, if they appear next on the token stream.
parseNodeComp(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseNodeTest(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseNodeTypeDefinition(TokenStream, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
Parse the node type definition that is next on the token stream.
parseNodeTypeName(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
Parse a node type name that appears next on the token stream.
parseNodeTypeOptions(TokenStream, List<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
Parse the options for the node types, including whether the node type is orderable, a mixin, abstract, whether it supports querying, and which property/child node (if any) is the primary item for the node type.
parseNumericLiteral(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseOrderBy(TokenStream, TypeSystem, Source) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
parseOrderBy(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseOrderBySpec(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseOrdering(TokenStream, TypeSystem, Source) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
parseOrExpr(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseParenthesizedExpr(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parsePath(TokenStream, TypeSystem) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
parsePathExpr(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parsePathRule(String, ExecutionContext) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection
Parse the string definition of a Projection.PathRule.
parsePITest(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parsePredicates(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parsePrimaryExpr(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parsePropertyAttributes(TokenStream, List<Property>, Name, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
Parse the property definition's attributes, if they appear next on the token stream.
parsePropertyDefinition(TokenStream, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
Parse a node type's property definition from the next tokens on the stream.
parsePropertyExistance(TokenStream, TypeSystem, Source) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
parsePropertyExistance(TokenStream, TypeSystem, Source) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryParser
parsePropertyOrChildNodeDefinitions(TokenStream, Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
Parse a node type's property or child node definitions that appear next on the token stream.
parsePropertyType(TokenStream, List<Property>, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
Parse the property type, if a valid one appears next on the token stream.
parsePropertyValue(TokenStream, TypeSystem, Source) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
parseQName(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseQuery(String, TypeSystem) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.QueryParser
Parse the supplied query from a string representation into a QueryCommand.
parseQuery(String, TypeSystem) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
Parse the supplied query from a string representation into a QueryCommand.
parseQuery(TokenStream, TypeSystem) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
parseQuery(TokenStream, TypeSystem) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryParser
parseQuery(String, TypeSystem) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathQueryParser
Parse the supplied query from a string representation into a QueryCommand.
parseQueryCommand(TokenStream, TypeSystem) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
parseQueryOperators(TokenStream, List<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
Parse the property definition's query operators, if they appear next on the token stream.
PARSER_ID - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream.DdlTokenizer
PARSER_ID - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
parseRangeExpr(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseReferences(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
parseReferenceValue(TokenStream, TypeSystem, Source) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
parseRelativePathExpr(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseRequiredPrimaryTypes(TokenStream, List<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
Parse the child node definition's list of required primary types, if they appear next on the token stream.
parseRevokeStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlParser
parseRevokeStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
parserMethods - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection
parseSchemaAttributeTest(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseSchemaElementTest(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseSelect(TokenStream, AtomicBoolean, TypeSystem) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
parseSelectorName(TokenStream, TypeSystem) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
parseSequenceType(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseSetQuery(TokenStream, QueryCommand, TypeSystem) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
parseSetQuery(TokenStream, QueryCommand, TypeSystem) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
parseSetStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlParser
parseSetStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlParser
parseSetStatement(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Parses DDL SET AstNode based on SQL 92 specifications.
parseSingleTerminatedColumnDefinition(DdlTokenStream, AstNode, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Utility method to parse the actual column definition.
parseSingleType(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseSlashedStatement(DdlTokenStream, String[], AstNode, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlParser
Utility method to parse a generic statement given a start phrase and statement mixin type.
parseStatement(DdlTokenStream, String[], AstNode, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Utility method to parse a generic statement given a start phrase and statement mixin type.
parseStaticOperand(TokenStream, TypeSystem) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
parseStepExpr(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseStringList(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
Parse a list of strings, separated by commas.
parseStringLiteral(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseSupertypes(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
Parse an optional list of supertypes if they appear next on the token stream.
parseTableConstraint(DdlTokenStream, AstNode, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Parses full table constraint definition including the "CONSTRAINT" token Examples: CONSTRAINT P_KEY_2a UNIQUE (PERMISSIONUID)
parseTerm(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.FullTextSearchParser
parseTextTest(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseTreatExpr(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseUnaryExpr(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseUnionExpr(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseUntilCommaOrTerminator(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
parseUntilSemiColon(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Utility method which parses tokens until a semicolon is found or there are no more tokens.
parseUntilTerminator(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Utility method which parses tokens until a terminator is found, another statement is identified or there are no more tokens.
parseUntilTerminatorIgnoreEmbeddedStatements(DdlTokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Utility method which parses tokens until a terminator is found or there are no more tokens.
parseValueComp(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseValueConstraints(TokenStream, List<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
Parse the property definition's value constraints, if they appear next on the token stream.
parseValueExpr(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseWhere(TokenStream, TypeSystem, Source) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
parseWildcard(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseXPath(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
parseXPath(TokenStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
ParsingException - Exception in org.modeshape.common.text
An exception representing a problem during parsing of text.
ParsingException(Position) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.common.text.ParsingException
ParsingException(Position, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.common.text.ParsingException
ParsingException(Position, String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.common.text.ParsingException
PARTIAL - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.MatchType
PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
Path - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.property
An object representation of a node path within a repository.
path() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SameNode
Get the absolute path for the node
path(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table based upon criteria on the node's path.
path(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.DynamicOperandBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table based upon criteria on the node's path.
path(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.OrderByOperandBuilder
Adds to the order-by clause by using the path of the node given by the named table.
path(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.SingleOrderByOperandBuilder
Adds to the order-by clause by using the path of the node given by the named table.
PATH - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
The "jcr:path" pseudo-column used in queries
path - Variable in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable
path() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
path(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Path.Segment - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.property
Representation of the segments that occur within a path.
PATH_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueComparators
A comparator of path values.
PATH_EXPRESSION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeLexicon
PATH_IS_GREATER_THAN - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ComparePathQuery
PATH_IS_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ComparePathQuery
PATH_IS_LESS_THAN - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ComparePathQuery
PATH_IS_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ComparePathQuery
PATH_RULE_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection
PATH_RULE_PATTERN_STRING - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection
Pattern that identifies the form: repository_path => source_path [$ exception ]* where the following groups are captured on the first call to Matcher.find(): repository_path source_path and the following groups are captured on subsequent calls to Matcher.find(): exception The regular expression is: ((?
PATH_SEGMENT_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueComparators
A comparator of path segment values.
PATH_SEGMENT_NAME_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueComparators
A comparator of path segment names, excluding same-name-sibling indexes.
pathAncestorDegreeIsInvalid - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
pathAncestorDegreeIsInvalid - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
pathAsString(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
PathCachePolicy - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache
The provides a method for selectively allowing or disallowing nodes to be cached based on their size, volatility, or any other factor that can be determined for the node.
pathCannotBeNormalized - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
pathCannotBeNormalized - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
pathCannotHaveSameNameSiblingIndex - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
pathConnectorRequestsMustHavePath - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
pathExists(Workspace, String, File) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.JsonRestClient
PathExpression - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property
An expression that defines an acceptable path using a regular-expression-like language.
PathExpression(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.PathExpression
Create the supplied expression.
PathExpression.Matcher - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property
PathExpression.Matcher(Matcher, String, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.PathExpression.Matcher
pathExpressionHasInvalidMatch - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
pathExpressionHasInvalidMatch - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
pathExpressionHasInvalidSelect - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
pathExpressionHasInvalidSelect - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
pathExpressionIsInvalid - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
pathExpressionIsInvalid - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
pathExpressionIsInvalidOnSequencer - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
pathExpressionMayNotBeBlank - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
pathExpressionMayNotBeBlank - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
pathFactory - Variable in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
pathFactory - Variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository
pathFactory - Variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.RequestProcessorCache
pathFactory - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.BaseTransaction
PathFactory - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.property
A factory for creating paths.
pathFactory - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
pathFactory - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler
The cached reference to the graph's path factory.
pathFactory - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
pathFactory - Variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
The cached reference to the graph's path factory.
pathFor(WorkspaceType, NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.BaseTransaction
Returns the path for the given node with this workspace if one exists, or a null if no node exists at the given path.
pathFor(WorkspaceType, NodeType) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Transaction
Returns the path for the given node with this workspace if one exists, or a null if no node exists at the given path.
pathFor(PathFactory, MapNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
Returns the absolute path to the given node
pathFor(PathFactory, MapNode) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapWorkspace
Returns the path for the given node with this workspace if one exists, or a null if no node exists at the given path.
pathFor(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrAbstractQuery
pathForDefaultWorkspaceCannotBeRead - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
pathForDefaultWorkspaceDoesNotExist - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
pathForDefaultWorkspaceIsNotDirectory - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
pathForPredefinedWorkspaceCannotBeRead - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
pathForPredefinedWorkspaceDoesNotExist - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
pathForPredefinedWorkspaceIsNotDirectory - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
pathForRequestIsNotCorrect - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
pathForRequestMustStartWithAForwardSlash - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
pathForWorkspaceCannotBeRead - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
pathForWorkspaceIsNotDirectory - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
pathForWorkspaceRootCannotBeRead - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
pathForWorkspaceRootDoesNotExist - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
pathForWorkspaceRootIsNotDirectory - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
pathIsAlreadyAbsolute - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
pathIsAlreadyAbsolute - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
pathIsNotAbsolute - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
pathIsNotAbsolute - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
pathIsNotRelative - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
pathIsNotRelative - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
pathIsReadOnly - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
PathNode - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base
A Node implementation used by the path-based connector (see PathWorkspace and PathTransaction), which stores all node state in a tree of content, where a specific path exists to each node in the tree.
PathNode(UUID, Path, Path.Segment, Map<Name, Property>, List<Path.Segment>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
Create a new node instance.
PathNode(UUID, Path, Path.Segment, Map<Name, Property>, List<Path.Segment>, int) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
Create a new node instance.
PathNode(UUID, Path, Path.Segment, Iterable<Property>, List<Path.Segment>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
Create a new node instance.
PathNode(UUID) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
Create a root node with the supplied UUID.
PathNode - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path
Basic interface for a read-only node in a path repository.
PathNode.Changes - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base
PathNode.Changes() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode.Changes
pathNotFound - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
PathNotFoundException - Exception in org.modeshape.graph.property
A runtime exception denoting that a node or property at a supplied path was not found.
PathNotFoundException(Location, Path) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.PathNotFoundException
PathNotFoundException(Location, Path, String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.PathNotFoundException
PathNotFoundException(Location, Path, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.PathNotFoundException
PathNotFoundException(Location, Path, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.PathNotFoundException
pathNotFoundExceptionLowestExistingLocationFound - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
pathNotFoundRelativeTo - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
PathRepository - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path
PathRepository(PathRepositorySource) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRepository
Creates a PathRepository with the given repository source, root node UUID, and a default workspace with the given name.
PathRepositoryCache - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache
The repository-source level cache of workspace names to workspace caches.
PathRepositoryCache(PathCachePolicy) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.PathRepositoryCache
PathRepositoryConnection - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path
PathRepositoryConnection(PathRepositorySource, PathRepository) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRepositoryConnection
PathRepositorySource - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path
An extension of the RepositorySource class that provides a cache policy and a repository context.
PathRepositoryTransaction - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path
A transaction for a PathRepository.
PathRequestProcessor - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path
The default implementation of the RequestProcessor for path repositories.
PathRequestProcessor(ExecutionContext, PathRepository, Observer, boolean, PathRepositoryTransaction) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRequestProcessor
paths - Variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator.RelativePathLikeExpressions
pathSegmentString(Path.Segment, NamespaceRegistry) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.RequestProcessorCache.WorkspaceCache
pathsFromRoot() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Return an iterator that walks the paths from the root path down to this path.
pathsFromRoot() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Return an iterator that walks the paths from the root path down to this path.
pathsFromRoot() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Return an iterator that walks the paths from the root path down to this path.
pathString(Path, NamespaceRegistry) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.RequestProcessorCache.WorkspaceCache
pathTo(NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction
Returns the path to the given node
PathTransaction<NodeType extends PathNode,WorkspaceType extends PathWorkspace<NodeType>> - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base
An implementation of Transaction that maintains a cache of nodes by their path.
PathTransaction(Repository<NodeType, WorkspaceType>, UUID) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction
Create a new transaction.
PathTransaction.WorkspaceChanges - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base
Record of the changes made to a particular workspace.
PathTransaction.WorkspaceChanges(WorkspaceType) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction.WorkspaceChanges
PathValueFactory - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
The standard ValueFactory for PropertyType.NAME values.
PathValueFactory(TextDecoder, ValueFactory<String>, ValueFactory<Name>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
PathWorkspace<NodeType extends PathNode> - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base
The Workspace implementation that represents all nodes as PathNode objects and stores them in an internal data structure that allows for nodes to be accessed via a Path.
PathWorkspace(String, UUID) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathWorkspace
Create a new instance of the workspace.
PathWorkspace(String, PathWorkspace<NodeType>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathWorkspace
Create a new instance of the workspace.
PathWorkspace - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path
PathWorkspace.ChangeCommand<NodeType extends PathNode> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base
A specific operation that mutates the underlying persistent repository.
PATTERN - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.util.RepositoryNodePath
pause() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.service.AbstractServiceAdministrator
Temporarily stop monitoring and sequencing events.
pause() - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.service.ServiceAdministrator
Temporarily stop monitoring and sequencing events.
pendingMergeConflicts - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
pendingProperties - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder.NodeChange
PERFORM_REFERENTIAL_INTEGRITY_CHECKS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.DefaultOption
The default value for the JcrRepository.Option.QUERY_INDEX_DIRECTORY option is .
PERIOD - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
permissionDenied - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
persistentPathFor(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction.WorkspaceChanges
PHYSICAL_HEIGHT_DPI - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadataLexicon
PHYSICAL_HEIGHT_INCHES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadataLexicon
PHYSICAL_WIDTH_DPI - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadataLexicon
PHYSICAL_WIDTH_INCHES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadataLexicon
ping(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositoryConnection
Ping the underlying system to determine if the connection is still valid and alive.
ping(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaConnection
ping(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Connection
Ping the underlying system to determine if the connection is still valid and alive.
ping(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepositoryConnection
Ping the underlying system to determine if the connection is still valid and alive.
ping(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRepositoryConnection
Ping the underlying system to determine if the connection is still valid and alive.
ping(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnection
Ping the underlying system to determine if the connection is still valid and alive.
ping(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool.ConnectionWrapper
Ping the underlying system to determine if the connection is still valid and alive.
ping(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchableRepositorySource.AbstractConnection
Ping the underlying system to determine if the connection is still valid and alive.
PlanHints - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.plan
PlanHints() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanHints
Planner - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.plan
Interface for a query planner.
PlanNode - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.plan
A representation of a single node within a plan tree.
PlanNode(PlanNode.Type) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Create a new plan node with the supplied initial type.
PlanNode(PlanNode.Type, PlanNode) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Create a new plan node with the supplied initial type ad that is a child of the supplied parent.
PlanNode(PlanNode.Type, SelectorName...) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Create a new plan node with the supplied initial type ad that is a child of the supplied parent.
PlanNode(PlanNode.Type, Iterable<SelectorName>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Create a new plan node with the supplied initial type ad that is a child of the supplied parent.
PlanNode(PlanNode.Type, PlanNode, SelectorName...) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Create a new plan node with the supplied initial type ad that is a child of the supplied parent.
PlanNode(PlanNode.Type, PlanNode, Iterable<SelectorName>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Create a new plan node with the supplied initial type ad that is a child of the supplied parent.
PlanNode.Property - Enum in org.modeshape.graph.query.plan
An enumeration dictating the type of plan tree nodes.
PlanNode.Traversal - Enum in org.modeshape.graph.query.plan
PlanNode.Type - Enum in org.modeshape.graph.query.plan
An enumeration dictating the type of plan tree nodes.
PlanUtil - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.plan
Utilities for working with PlanNodes.
PlanUtil() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil
PlanUtil.ColumnMapping - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.plan
Defines how the view columns are mapped (or resolved) into the columns from the source tables.
PlanUtil.ColumnMapping(SelectorName) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil.ColumnMapping
PlanUtil.RequiredColumnVisitor - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.plan
PlanUtil.RequiredColumnVisitor(Set<SelectorName>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil.RequiredColumnVisitor
pluralize(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector
Returns the plural form of the word in the string.
pluralize(Object, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector
plus(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Add the specified about of time in the supplied units.
plus(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Add the specified about of time in the supplied units.
plus() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
Create a comparison object based upon the addition of the previously-constructed DynamicOperand and the next DynamicOperand to be created with the supplied builder.
plusDays(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Add the specified number of days from this time instant.
plusDays(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Add the specified number of days from this time instant.
plusHours(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Add the specified number of hours from this time instant.
plusHours(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Add the specified number of hours from this time instant.
plusMillis(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Add the specified number of milliseconds from this time instant.
plusMillis(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Add the specified number of milliseconds from this time instant.
plusMinutes(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Add the specified number of minutes from this time instant.
plusMinutes(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Add the specified number of minutes from this time instant.
plusMonths(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Add the specified number of months from this time instant.
plusMonths(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Add the specified number of months from this time instant.
plusSeconds(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Add the specified number of seconds from this time instant.
plusSeconds(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Add the specified number of seconds from this time instant.
plusWeeks(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Add the specified number of weeks from this time instant.
plusWeeks(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Add the specified number of weeks from this time instant.
plusYears(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Add the specified number of years from this time instant.
plusYears(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Add the specified number of years from this time instant.
policy() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.InMemoryWorkspaceCache
pomFileContainsUnexpectedId - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenI18n
pomFileIsInvalid - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenI18n
pop() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Remove and return any requests that have been built by this builder since the last call to this method.
populateRuleStack(LinkedList<OptimizerRule>, PlanHints) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RuleBasedOptimizer
Method that is used to create the initial rule stack.
Position - Class in org.modeshape.common.text
A class that represents the position of a particular character in terms of the lines and columns of a character sequence.
Position(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.text.Position
position() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CaseSensitiveToken
Get the position of this token, which includes the line number and column number of the first character in the token.
position(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterArrayStream
Get the position for the last character returned from TokenStream.CharacterStream.next().
position(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterStream
Get the position for the last character returned from TokenStream.CharacterStream.next().
position() - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.Token
Get the position of this token, which includes the line number and column number of the first character in the token.
postCopy(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>, GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NodeOperations
Notify that an existing child will be copied with the new copy being placed under the supplied parent.
postCopy(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload, PropertyPayload>, GraphSession.Node<NodePayload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Operations
Notify that an existing child will be copied with the new copy being placed under the supplied parent.
postCreateChild(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>, GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>, Map<Name, GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload>>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NodeOperations
Notify that a new child has been added to the supplied parent node.
postCreateChild(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload, PropertyPayload>, GraphSession.Node<NodePayload, PropertyPayload>, Map<Name, GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload>>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Operations
Notify that a new child has been added to the supplied parent node.
postExecute(QueryContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryProcessor
A method that can be overridden when a hook is required immediately after the top-level ProcessingComponent is executed and all processing has been completed, even if there was an error.
PostgresDdlConstants - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres
PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresDataTypes - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres
PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres
PostgresDdlLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres
PostgresDdlLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
PostgresDdlLexicon.Namespace - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres
PostgresDdlLexicon.Namespace() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon.Namespace
PostgresDdlParser - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres
Postgres-specific DDL Parser.
PostgresDdlParser() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlParser
postItem(HttpServletRequest, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.JcrResources
Adds the content of the request as a node (or subtree of nodes) at the location specified by path.
postMove(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>, GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NodeOperations
Notify that an existing child has been moved from the supplied previous parent into its new location.
postMove(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload, PropertyPayload>, GraphSession.Node<NodePayload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Operations
Notify that an existing child has been moved from the supplied previous parent into its new location.
postRemoveChild(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>, GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NodeOperations
Notify that an existing child has been removed from the supplied parent.
postRemoveChild(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload, PropertyPayload>, GraphSession.Node<NodePayload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Operations
Notify that an existing child has been removed from the supplied parent.
postRemoveProperty(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>, Name, GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NodeOperations
postRemoveProperty(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload, PropertyPayload>, Name, GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Operations
postSetProperty(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>, Name, GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NodeOperations
postSetProperty(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload, PropertyPayload>, Name, GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Operations
postUpdateLocation(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>, Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NodeOperations
Signal that the node's location has been changed
postUpdateLocation(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload, PropertyPayload>, Location) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Operations
Signal that the node's location has been changed
PowerPointMetadataReader - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.powerpoint
Utility for extracting metadata from PowerPoint files
PowerPointMetadataReader() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.powerpoint.PowerPointMetadataReader
precedes(ArithmeticOperator) - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ArithmeticOperator
Determine whether this operator has a higher precedence than the supplied operator.
preCopy(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>, GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NodeOperations
Notify that an existing child will be copied with the new copy being placed under the supplied parent.
preCopy(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload, PropertyPayload>, GraphSession.Node<NodePayload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Operations
Notify that an existing child will be copied with the new copy being placed under the supplied parent.
preCreateChild(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>, Path.Segment, Map<Name, GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload>>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NodeOperations
Notify that a new child with the supplied path segment is about to be created.
preCreateChild(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload, PropertyPayload>, Path.Segment, Map<Name, GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload>>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Operations
Notify that a new child with the supplied path segment is about to be created.
PREDECESSORS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
PREDEFINED_WORKSPACE_NAMES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
PREDEFINED_WORKSPACE_NAMES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
PREDEFINED_WORKSPACE_NAMES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
PREDEFINED_WORKSPACE_NAMES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
PREDEFINED_WORKSPACE_NAMES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
PREDEFINED_WORKSPACE_NAMES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
preExecute(QueryContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryProcessor
A method that can be overridden when a hook is required immediately before the top-level ProcessingComponent is executed.
PREFIX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon.Namespace
PREFIX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryLexicon.Namespace
PREFIX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon.Namespace
PREFIX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrMixLexicon.Namespace
PREFIX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrNtLexicon.Namespace
PREFIX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.ModeShapeIntLexicon.Namespace
PREFIX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.ModeShapeLexicon.Namespace
PREFIX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrSvLexicon.Namespace
PREFIX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon.Namespace
PREFIX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon.Namespace
PREFIX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon.Namespace
PREFIX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon.Namespace
PREFIX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon.Namespace
PREFIX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon.Namespace
PREFIX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadataLexicon.Namespace
PREFIX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon.Namespace
PREFIX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.mp3.Mp3MetadataLexicon.Namespace
PREFIX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.Namespace
PREFIX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.TextSequencerLexicon.Namespace
PREFIX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.ModeShapeDtdLexicon.Namespace
PREFIX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.ModeShapeXmlLexicon.Namespace
PREFIX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.zip.ZipLexicon.Namespace
preMove(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>, GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NodeOperations
Notify that an existing child will be moved from its current parent and placed under the supplied parent.
preMove(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload, PropertyPayload>, GraphSession.Node<NodePayload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Operations
Notify that an existing child will be moved from its current parent and placed under the supplied parent.
preRemoveChild(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>, GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NodeOperations
Notify that an existing child will be removed from the supplied parent.
preRemoveChild(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload, PropertyPayload>, GraphSession.Node<NodePayload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Operations
Notify that an existing child will be removed from the supplied parent.
preRemoveProperty(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NodeOperations
preRemoveProperty(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload, PropertyPayload>, Name) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Operations
preSave(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>, DateTime) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NodeOperations
Validate a node for consistency and well-formedness.
preSave(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload, PropertyPayload>, DateTime) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Operations
Validate a node for consistency and well-formedness.
preSetProperty(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>, Name, GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NodeOperations
preSetProperty(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload, PropertyPayload>, Name, GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Operations
prestartAllCoreConnections() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Starts all core connections, causing them to idly wait for use.
prestartCoreConnection() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Starts a core connection, causing it to idly wait for use.
previousPosition() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Get the position of the previous token.
PRIMARY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
PRIMARY_ITEM_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
PRIMARY_KEY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
PRIMARY_TYPE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
PRIMARY_TYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.IJcrConstants
The JCR primary type property name (jcr:primaryType).
primaryItemDoesNotExist - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
primaryItemNameForPrimaryTypeIsNotValid - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
primaryTypeCannotBeAbstract - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
PRIMITIVE_TYPE_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
PRIMITIVE_TYPE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
PRIMITIVE_TYPE_VARIABLE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
PrimitiveFieldMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata
FieldMetadata for primitive types
PrimitiveFieldMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.PrimitiveFieldMetadata
print(WorkspaceType, NodeType, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction
print(WorkspaceType, NodeType, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction
printDelimiterLine(StringBuilder, int[], boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults
printHeader(StringBuilder, int[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults
printLines(TypeSystem, StringBuilder, int[], int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults
Problem - Class in org.modeshape.common.collection
An immutable representation of a problem, with a status, code, internationalized and parameterized message, values for the parameters, information about the resource and location, and an optional exception.
Problem(Problem.Status, int, I18n, Object[], String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.collection.Problem
problem() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.i18n.I18n
problem(Locale) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.i18n.I18n
Problem.Status - Enum in org.modeshape.common.collection
PROBLEM_LEVEL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
Problems - Interface in org.modeshape.common.collection
An interface for a collection of Problem objects, with multiple overloaded methods for adding errors, warnings, and informational messages.
problems() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.ProcessingComponent
Get the container for problems encountered during processing.
PROCEDURE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
PROCEDURE_RETURN_TYPE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
ProcedureMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc
Container for column-level metadata.
ProcedureMetadata(String, String, int) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.ProcedureMetadata
PROCEDURES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
PROCEDURES_SEGMENT_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataRepository
process(VerifyWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor
Process a request to verify a named workspace.
process(GetWorkspacesRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor
Process a request to get the information about the available workspaces.
process(CreateWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor
Process a request to create a new workspace.
process(CloneWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor
Process a request to clone an existing workspace as a new workspace.
process(DestroyWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor
Process a request to permanently destroy a workspace.
process(ReadNodeRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor
Process a request to read the properties and children of a node at the supplied location.
process(ReadAllChildrenRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor
Process a request to read all of the children of a node.
process(ReadAllPropertiesRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor
Process a request to read the properties of a node at the supplied location.
process(CreateNodeRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor
Process a request to create a node at a specified location.
process(CloneBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor
Process a request to clone a branch into a new workspace.
process(CopyBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor
Process a request to copy a branch into another location.
process(DeleteBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor
Process a request to delete a branch at a specified location.
process(MoveBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor
Process a request to move a branch at a specified location into a different location.
process(UpdatePropertiesRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor
Process a request to remove the specified properties from a node.
process(ReadBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleRequestProcessor
Override the default handling for a read branch request to optimize the queries involved.
process(CreateWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleRequestProcessor
process(CloneWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleRequestProcessor
process(ReadNodeRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Processor
Process a request to read the properties and children of a node at the supplied location.
process(ReadAllChildrenRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Processor
Process a request to read all of the children of a node.
process(LockBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Processor
process(UnlockBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Processor
process(ReadAllPropertiesRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Processor
process(CloneBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Processor
Process a request to clone a branch into a new workspace.
process(CopyBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Processor
Process a request to copy a branch into another location.
process(CreateNodeRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Processor
Process a request to create a node at a specified location.
process(DeleteBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Processor
Process a request to delete a branch at a specified location.
process(MoveBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Processor
Process a request to move a branch at a specified location into a different location.
process(UpdatePropertiesRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Processor
Process a request to remove the specified properties from a node.
process(CreateWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Processor
Process a request to create a new workspace.
process(DestroyWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Processor
Process a request to permanently destroy a workspace.
process(GetWorkspacesRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Processor
Process a request to get the information about the available workspaces.
process(VerifyWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Processor
Process a request to verify a named workspace.
process(CloneWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Processor
Process a request to clone an existing workspace as a new workspace.
process(AccessQueryRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Processor
Process a request to query a workspace with an access query, which is is a low-level atomic query that is part of a larger, planned query.
process(FullTextSearchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Processor
Process a request to search a workspace.
process(ReadAllChildrenRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRequestProcessor
Process a request to read all of the children of a node.
process(LockBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRequestProcessor
process(UnlockBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRequestProcessor
process(ReadAllPropertiesRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRequestProcessor
process(CloneBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRequestProcessor
Process a request to clone a branch into a new workspace.
process(CopyBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRequestProcessor
Process a request to copy a branch into another location.
process(CreateNodeRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRequestProcessor
Process a request to create a node at a specified location.
process(DeleteBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRequestProcessor
Process a request to delete a branch at a specified location.
process(MoveBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRequestProcessor
Process a request to move a branch at a specified location into a different location.
process(UpdatePropertiesRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRequestProcessor
Process a request to remove the specified properties from a node.
process(CreateWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRequestProcessor
Process a request to create a new workspace.
process(DestroyWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRequestProcessor
Process a request to permanently destroy a workspace.
process(GetWorkspacesRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRequestProcessor
Process a request to get the information about the available workspaces.
process(VerifyWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRequestProcessor
Process a request to verify a named workspace.
process(CloneWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRequestProcessor
Process a request to clone an existing workspace as a new workspace.
process(AccessQueryRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRequestProcessor
Process a request to query a workspace with an access query, which is is a low-level atomic query that is part of a larger, planned query.
process(FullTextSearchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRequestProcessor
Process a request to search a workspace.
process(VerifyWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRequestProcessor
process(GetWorkspacesRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRequestProcessor
process(CreateWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRequestProcessor
process(CloneBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRequestProcessor
process(CloneWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRequestProcessor
process(DestroyWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRequestProcessor
process(CopyBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRequestProcessor
process(CreateNodeRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRequestProcessor
process(DeleteBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRequestProcessor
process(MoveBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRequestProcessor
process(ReadNodeRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRequestProcessor
process(ReadAllChildrenRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRequestProcessor
process(ReadAllPropertiesRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRequestProcessor
process(AccessQueryRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRequestProcessor
process(FullTextSearchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRequestProcessor
process(UpdatePropertiesRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRequestProcessor
process(LockBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRequestProcessor
process(UnlockBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRequestProcessor
process(VerifyWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to verify a named workspace.
process(GetWorkspacesRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to get the information about the available workspaces.
process(CreateWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to create a new workspace.
process(CloneBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to clone a branch into a new workspace.
process(CloneWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to clone an existing workspace as a new workspace.
process(DestroyWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to permanently destroy a workspace.
process(CopyBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to copy a branch into another location.
process(CreateNodeRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to create a node at a specified location.
process(DeleteBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to delete a branch at a specified location.
process(DeleteChildrenRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to delete all of the child nodes under the supplied existing node.
process(MoveBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to move a branch at a specified location into a different location.
process(VerifyNodeExistsRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to verify that a node exists at the supplied location.
process(ReadAllChildrenRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to read all of the children of a node.
process(ReadAllPropertiesRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to read the properties of a node at the supplied location.
process(UpdatePropertiesRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to remove the specified properties from a node.
process(UpdateValuesRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to add and/or remove the specified values from a property on the given node.
process(CompositeRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request that is composed of multiple other (non-composite) requests.
process(ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to read a block of the children of a node.
process(ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to read the next block of the children of a node, starting after a previously-retrieved child.
process(ReadBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to read a branch or subgraph that's below a node at a specified location.
process(ReadNodeRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to read the properties and children of a node at the supplied location.
process(ReadPropertyRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to read a single property of a node at the supplied location.
process(SetPropertyRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to set the specified property on a node.
process(RemovePropertyRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to remove the specified property from a node.
process(RenameNodeRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to rename a node specified location into a different location.
process(LockBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to lock a node or branch within a workspace The default implementation of this method does nothing, as most connectors will not support locking.
process(UnlockBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to unlock a node or branch within a workspace The default implementation of this method does nothing, as most connectors will not support locking.
process(AccessQueryRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to query a workspace with an access query, which is is a low-level atomic query that is part of a larger, planned query.
process(FullTextSearchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request to search a workspace.
process(Request) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.LoggingRequestProcessor
Process a request by determining the type of request and delegating to the appropriate process method for that type.
process(Request) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request by determining the type of request and delegating to the appropriate process method for that type.
process(CompositeRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request that is composed of multiple other (non-composite) requests.
process(VerifyWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to verify a named workspace.
process(GetWorkspacesRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to get the information about the available workspaces.
process(CreateWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to create a new workspace.
process(CloneBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to clone a branch into a new workspace.
process(CloneWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to clone an existing workspace as a new workspace.
process(DestroyWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to permanently destroy a workspace.
process(CopyBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to copy a branch into another location.
process(CreateNodeRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to create a node at a specified location.
process(DeleteBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to delete a branch at a specified location.
process(DeleteChildrenRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to delete all of the child nodes under the supplied existing node.
process(MoveBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to move a branch at a specified location into a different location.
process(ReadAllChildrenRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to read all of the children of a node.
process(ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to read a block of the children of a node.
process(ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to read the next block of the children of a node, starting after a previously-retrieved child.
process(ReadBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to read a branch or subgraph that's below a node at a specified location.
process(ReadAllPropertiesRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to read the properties of a node at the supplied location.
process(ReadNodeRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to read the properties and children of a node at the supplied location.
process(ReadPropertyRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to read a single property of a node at the supplied location.
process(VerifyNodeExistsRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to verify that a node exists at the supplied location.
process(RemovePropertyRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to remove the specified property from a node.
process(SetPropertyRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to set the specified property on a node.
process(UpdatePropertiesRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to remove the specified properties from a node.
process(UpdateValuesRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to add and/or remove the specified values from a property on the given node.
process(RenameNodeRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to rename a node specified location into a different location.
process(LockBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to lock a node or branch within a workspace The default implementation of this method does nothing, as most connectors will not support locking.
process(UnlockBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to unlock a node or branch within a workspace The default implementation of this method does nothing, as most connectors will not support locking.
process(AccessQueryRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to query a workspace with an access query, which is is a low-level atomic query that is part of a larger, planned query.
process(FullTextSearchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Process a request to search a workspace.
process(T) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
process(ExecutionContext, Changes) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchableRepositorySource
Do the work of processing the changes and updating the SearchableRepositorySource.searchEngine.
process(ChangeRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineIndexer
Send the supplied change request directly to the search engine's processor.
process(AccessQueryRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
Process a request to query a workspace with an access query, which is is a low-level atomic query that is part of a larger, planned query.
process(FullTextSearchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchProcessor
Process a request to search a workspace.
process(VerifyWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchProcessor
Process a request to verify a named workspace.
process(GetWorkspacesRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchProcessor
Process a request to get the information about the available workspaces.
process(CreateNodeRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchProcessor
Process a request to create a node at a specified location.
process(UpdatePropertiesRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchProcessor
Process a request to remove the specified properties from a node.
process(DeleteBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchProcessor
Process a request to delete a branch at a specified location.
process(DestroyWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchProcessor
Process a request to permanently destroy a workspace.
process(LockBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchProcessor
Process a request to lock a node or branch within a workspace The default implementation of this method does nothing, as most connectors will not support locking.
process(UnlockBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchProcessor
Process a request to unlock a node or branch within a workspace The default implementation of this method does nothing, as most connectors will not support locking.
process(CloneBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchProcessor
Process a request to clone a branch into a new workspace.
process(CloneWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchProcessor
Process a request to clone an existing workspace as a new workspace.
process(CopyBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchProcessor
Process a request to copy a branch into another location.
process(CreateWorkspaceRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchProcessor
Process a request to create a new workspace.
process(MoveBranchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchProcessor
Process a request to move a branch at a specified location into a different location.
process(ReadAllChildrenRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchProcessor
Process a request to read all of the children of a node.
process(ReadAllPropertiesRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchProcessor
Process a request to read the properties of a node at the supplied location.
processArrayTypeFrom(FieldDeclaration) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.AbstractJavaMetadata
Process a FieldDeclaration to win information for an array type.
processChange(NetChangeObserver.NetChanges) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService
Do the work of processing by sequencing the node.
processId - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.Changes
PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.ModeShapeXmlLexicon
PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.ModeShapeXmlLexicon
ProcessingComponent - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
A component that performs (some) portion of the query processing by returning the tuples that result from this stage of processing.
ProcessingComponent(QueryContext, QueryResults.Columns) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.ProcessingComponent
ProcessingComponent.DynamicOperation - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
Interface for evaluating a DynamicOperand to return the resulting value.
processingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
processModifiersOfFieldDeclaration(FieldDeclaration, FieldMetadata) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.AbstractJavaMetadata
Process modifiers of a FieldDeclaration
processModifiersOfMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration, MethodMetadata) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.AbstractJavaMetadata
Process modifiers of a MethodDeclaration.
processModifiersOfTypDeclaration(AbstractTypeDeclaration, ClassMetadata) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.AbstractJavaMetadata
Process modifiers of TypeDeclaration.
Processor<NodeType extends Node,WorkspaceType extends Workspace> - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base
The default implementation of the RequestProcessor for map repositories.
Processor(Transaction<NodeType, WorkspaceType>, Repository<NodeType, WorkspaceType>, Observer, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Processor
Processor - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
Interface for a query processor.
processor - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
processParameterizedType(FieldDeclaration) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.AbstractJavaMetadata
Process the parameterized type of a FieldDeclaration.
processParametersOfMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration, MethodMetadata) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.AbstractJavaMetadata
Process parameters of a MethodDeclaration.
processPOIFSReaderEvent(POIFSReaderEvent) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadata
processPrimitiveType(FieldDeclaration) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.AbstractJavaMetadata
Process the primitive type of a FieldDeclaration.
processReturnTypeOfMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration, MethodMetadata) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.AbstractJavaMetadata
Process return type of a MethodDeclaration.
processSimpleType(FieldDeclaration) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.AbstractJavaMetadata
Process the simple type of a FieldDeclaration.
processUnknownRequest(Request) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Method that is called by RequestProcessor.process(Request) when the request was found to be of a request type that is not known by this processor.
processVariablesOfVariableDeclarationFragment(FieldDeclaration, FieldMetadata) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.AbstractJavaMetadata
Process variables of a VariableDeclarationFragment.
PROGRESSIVE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadataLexicon
PROJECT_NODE_TYPES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.DefaultOption
The default value for the JcrRepository.Option.PROJECT_NODE_TYPES option is .
ProjectComponent - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
A ProcessingComponent implementation that performs a PROJECT operation to reduce the columns that appear in the results.
ProjectComponent(ProcessingComponent, List<Column>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.ProjectComponent
projectedColumns - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.AbstractAccessComponent
Projection - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation
A projection of content from a source into the integrated/federated repository.
Projection(String, String, boolean, Projection.Rule...) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection
Create a new federated projection for the supplied source, using the supplied rules.
PROJECTION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.ModeShapeLexicon
Projection.PathRule - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation
A rule that is defined with a single path in source and a single path in repository, and which has a set of path exceptions (relative paths below the path in source).
Projection.PathRule(Path, Path) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.PathRule
Projection.PathRule(Path, Path, Path...) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.PathRule
Projection.PathRule(Path, Path, List<Path>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.PathRule
Projection.Rule - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation
A rule used within a project do define how content within a source is projected into the federated repository.
Projection.Rule() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.Rule
PROJECTION_RULES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.ModeShapeLexicon
ProjectionParser - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation
A parser library for projections and projection rules.
ProjectionParser() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.ProjectionParser
PROJECTIONS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.ModeShapeLexicon
projectPathInRepositoryToPathInSource(Path, PathFactory) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.PathRule
Convert a path defined in the repository system into an equivalent path in the source system.
projectPathInSourceToPathInRepository(Path, PathFactory) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.PathRule
Convert a path defined in the source system into an equivalent path in the repository system.
properties() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateNodeRequest
Get the properties for the node.
properties() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdatePropertiesRequest
Get the map of properties for the node, keyed by property name.
properties - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler
A temporary list used to store the properties for a single node.
PROPERTIES_KEY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.IJsonConstants
The key in the JSONObject whose value is the collection of node properties.
Property - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.property
Representation of a property consisting of a name and value(s).
property() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.SetPropertyRequest
Get the property that is being set.
property() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdateValuesRequest
Get the name of the property that is to be updated.
PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrSvLexicon
property1Name() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.EquiJoinCondition
Get the name of the property that appears on the left-side of the join.
property2Name() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.EquiJoinCondition
Get the name of the property that appears on the left-side of the join.
PROPERTY_DEFINITION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
PROPERTY_DEFINITION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrNtLexicon
PROPERTY_VALUE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
PropertyDefinitionTemplate - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.nodetype
A template that can be used to create new property definitions, patterned after the approach in the proposed PropertyExistence - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A constraint that evaluates to true only when a named property exists on a node.
PropertyExistence(SelectorName, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.PropertyExistence
Create a constraint requiring that a property exist on a node.
propertyExistence(SelectorName, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
propertyExistence(SelectorName, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
propertyExistence(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
propertyFactory - Variable in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
propertyFactory - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.BaseTransaction
PropertyFactory - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.property
A factory for creating Property objects.
propertyFactory - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler
The cached reference to the graph's property factory.
propertyFactory - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
propertyFactory - Variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
The cached reference to the graph's property factory.
propertyFor(Name, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor.Workspace
propertyFor(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor.Workspace
Get the graph property for the supplied JCR property representation.
propertyIsNotPartOfRequest - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
propertyIsRequired - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
propertyIsRequired - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanConnectorI18n
propertyIsRequired - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheConnectorI18n
propertyIsRequired - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrConnectorI18n
propertyIsRequired - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaConnectorI18n
propertyIsRequired - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
propertyIsRequiredForFederatedRepositorySource - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
propertyName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Column
Get the name of the property that this column represents.
propertyName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch
Get the name of the property that is to be searched.
propertyName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.PropertyExistence
Get the name of the property.
propertyName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.PropertyValue
Get the name of the property.
propertyName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ReferenceValue
Get the name of the one reference property.
propertyName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RemovePropertyRequest
Get the name of the property that is being removed.
propertyNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
propertyNotFoundAtPathRelativeToReferenceNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
propertyNotFoundOnNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
propertyOnSelectorIsNotUsedInQuery - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
PropertyType - Enum in org.modeshape.graph.property
The data types for property values.
PropertyType.DoubleCanonicalizer - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property
PropertyType.DoubleCanonicalizer() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.PropertyType.DoubleCanonicalizer
PropertyType.LongCanonicalizer - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property
PropertyType.LongCanonicalizer() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.PropertyType.LongCanonicalizer
PropertyType.ObjectCanonicalizer - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property
PropertyType.ObjectCanonicalizer() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.PropertyType.ObjectCanonicalizer
PropertyTypeUtil - Class in org.modeshape.jcr
A utility for working with JCR property types and ModeShape property types.
PropertyTypeUtil() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.PropertyTypeUtil
propertyValue() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Length
Get the property value whose length is being constrained.
PropertyValue - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A dynamic operand that evaluates to the value(s) of a property on a selector, used in a Comparison constraint.
PropertyValue(SelectorName, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.PropertyValue
Create a dynamic operand that evaluates to the property values of the node identified by the selector.
propertyValue(SelectorName, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
propertyValue(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ArithmeticBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table such that they must have a matching value for the named property.
propertyValue(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table such that they must have a matching value for the named property.
propertyValue(String, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.DynamicOperandBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table such that they must have a matching value for the named property.
propertyValue(String, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.OrderByOperandBuilder
Adds to the order-by clause by using the value for the given table and property.
propertyValue(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.SingleOrderByOperandBuilder
Adds to the order-by clause by using the value for the given table and property.
propertyValue(SelectorName, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
propertyValue(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
propertyValues - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler
A working array that contains a single value object that is used to create Property objects (without having to create an array of values for each property).
PROTECTED - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
PROVIDER_KEY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.RepositoryFactory
The FQN of the repository provider class.
PUBLIC_ID - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.ModeShapeDtdLexicon
PUBLIC_MODIFIER - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.TypeMetadata
publish(Workspace, String, File) - Method in interface org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.IRestClient
Publishes, or uploads, a local file to the workspace at the specified path.
publish(Workspace, String, File) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.JsonRestClient
Publishes, or uploads, a local file to the workspace at the specified path.
publishFailedMsg - Static variable in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.RestClientI18n
pushDownJoinCriteria(PlanNode, PlanNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.PushSelectCriteria
Attempt to push down criteria that applies to the JOIN as additional constraints on the JOIN itself.
PushProjects - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize
This rule attempts to ensure the proper location of PlanNode.Type.PROJECT nodes.
PushProjects() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.PushProjects
PushSelectCriteria - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize
An optimizer rule that attempts to push the criteria nodes in a canonical plan down as far as possible.
PushSelectCriteria() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.PushSelectCriteria
pushTowardsOriginatingNode(PlanNode, PlanNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.PushSelectCriteria
Push the criteria node as close to the originating node as possible.
put(Object, Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
putAll(Map<? extends Object, ? extends Object>) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
putItem(HttpServletRequest, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.JcrResources
Updates the properties at the path.
putNode(JBossCacheNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheWorkspace
Add the node into this workspace's map, overwriting any previous record of the node
putNode(NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapWorkspace
Add the node into this workspace's map, overwriting any previous record of the node
putNode(NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathWorkspace
Save this node into the workspace, overwriting any previous record of the node.
putNode(NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.StandardMapWorkspace
Add the node into this workspace's map, overwriting any previous record of the node


QualifiedTypeFieldMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata
QualifiedTypeFieldMetadata meta data for a qualified type.
QualifiedTypeFieldMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.QualifiedTypeFieldMetadata
query(WorkspaceType, AccessQueryRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction
Perform a query of this workspace.
query(WorkspaceType, AccessQueryRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction
Perform a query of this workspace.
query(WorkspaceType, AccessQueryRequest) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Transaction
Perform a query of this workspace.
query(ExecutionContext, AccessQueryRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
Perform a query of this workspace.
query(ExecutionContext, AccessQueryRequest) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapWorkspace
Perform a query of this workspace.
query(ExecutionContext, AccessQueryRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractWritablePathWorkspace
query(ExecutionContext, AccessQueryRequest) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathWorkspace
Perform a query of this workspace.
query(QueryCommand, Schemata) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Query the current workspace using the supplied Schemata.
Query - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
Query(Source) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Query
Create a new query that uses the supplied source.
Query(Source, Constraint, List<? extends Ordering>, List<? extends Column>, Limit, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Query
Create a new query that uses the supplied source, constraint, orderings, columns and limits.
query(Source, Constraint, List<? extends Ordering>, List<? extends Column>, Limit, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
query() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Return a QueryCommand representing the currently-built query.
QUERY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNtLexicon
query() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQuery
query - Variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.QueryResultRowIterator
query(Source, Constraint, List<? extends Ordering>, List<? extends Column>, Limit, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
query() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModel
query() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetQueryObjectModel
QUERY_EXECUTION_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.DefaultOption
The default value for the JcrRepository.Option.QUERY_EXECUTION_ENABLED option is .
QUERY_INDEX_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.DefaultOption
The default value for the JcrRepository.Option.QUERY_INDEX_DIRECTORY option is .
QUERY_INDEXES_UPDATED_SYNCHRONOUSLY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.DefaultOption
The default value for the JcrRepository.Option.QUERY_INDEXES_UPDATED_SYNCHRONOUSLY option is .
QUERY_OPERATORS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
Queryable - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query
An interface defining the ability to submit a query and obtain results.
QueryBuilder - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query
A component that can be used to programmatically create QueryCommand objects.
QueryBuilder(TypeSystem) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Create a new builder that uses the supplied execution context.
QueryBuilder.AndBuilder<T> - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query
QueryBuilder.AndBuilder(T) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.AndBuilder
QueryBuilder.ArithmeticBuilder - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query
QueryBuilder.ArithmeticBuilder(ArithmeticOperator, QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder, DynamicOperand, QueryBuilder.ArithmeticBuilder) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ArithmeticBuilder
QueryBuilder.CastAs<ReturnType> - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query
QueryBuilder.CastAs(Object) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.CastAs
QueryBuilder.CastAsLowerBoundary - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query
QueryBuilder.CastAsLowerBoundary(QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder, Object) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.CastAsLowerBoundary
QueryBuilder.CastAsRightHandSide - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query
QueryBuilder.CastAsRightHandSide(QueryBuilder.RightHandSide, Object) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.CastAsRightHandSide
QueryBuilder.CastAsUpperBoundary - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query
QueryBuilder.CastAsUpperBoundary(QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary, Object) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.CastAsUpperBoundary
QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query
An interface used to set the right-hand side of a constraint.
QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder(QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder, DynamicOperand) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder
QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query
QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder(QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder
QueryBuilder.DynamicOperandBuilder - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query
Interface that defines a dynamic operand portion of a criteria.
QueryBuilder.JoinClause - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query
Class used to specify a join clause of a query.
QueryBuilder.JoinClause(NamedSelector, JoinType) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.JoinClause
QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query
QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary(QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary
QueryBuilder.LowerCaser - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query
A specialized form of the QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder that always wraps the generated constraint in a LowerCase instance.
QueryBuilder.LowerCaser(QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerCaser
QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query
The component used to build the order-by clause.
QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder
QueryBuilder.OrderByOperandBuilder - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query
QueryBuilder.RightHandSide - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query
QueryBuilder.RightHandSide(QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder, Operator) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
QueryBuilder.SingleOrderByOperandBuilder - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query
QueryBuilder.SingleOrderByOperandBuilder(QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder, Order) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.SingleOrderByOperandBuilder
QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query
QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary(QueryBuilder.ComparisonBuilder, StaticOperand) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
QueryBuilder.UpperCaser - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query
A specialized form of the QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder that always wraps the generated constraint in a UpperCase instance.
QueryBuilder.UpperCaser(QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperCaser
queryCannotBeParsedUsingLanguage - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
QueryCommand - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
Represents the abstract base class for all query commands.
QueryCommand - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom
Represents the abstract base class for all query commands.
QueryContext - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query
An immutable context in which queries are to be executed.
QueryContext(Schemata, TypeSystem, PlanHints, Problems, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryContext
Create a new context for query execution.
QueryContext(Schemata, TypeSystem, PlanHints, Problems) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryContext
Create a new context for query execution.
QueryContext(Schemata, TypeSystem, PlanHints) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryContext
Create a new context for query execution.
QueryContext(Schemata, TypeSystem) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryContext
Create a new context for query execution.
QueryContext(QueryContext) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryContext
Create a new context that is a copy of the supplied context.
QueryEngine - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query
A query engine that is able to execute formal queries expressed in the Graph API's Abstract Query Model.
QueryEngine(Planner, Optimizer, Processor) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryEngine
Create a new query engine given the planner, optimizer, processor, and schemata.
queryFactory(AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceSession, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
queryHasNoResults - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
queryInLanguageIsNotValid - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
queryIsDisabledInRepository - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
QueryObjectModelConstants - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom
QueryObjectModelFactory - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom
An extension to the standard JCR QueryObjectModelFactory interface, with methods to create additional components for more powerful queries.
QueryOperator - Enum in org.modeshape.cnd
Enumeration of the query operators allowed in a CND file.
QueryParser - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.parse
The basic interface defining a component that is able to parse a string query into a QueryCommand.
QueryParsers - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.parse
A thread-safe collection of QueryParser implementations that can be used to parse queries by language.
QueryParsers(QueryParser...) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.QueryParsers
Create a new collection of the supplied QueryParser objects.
QueryParsers(Iterable<QueryParser>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.QueryParsers
Create a new collection of the supplied QueryParser objects.
QueryProcessor - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
An abstract Processor implementation that builds a tree of ProcessingComponent objects to perform the different parts of the query processing logic.
QueryProcessor() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryProcessor
QueryResult - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.api.query
Replicates some of the methods introduced in JCR 2.0, but also provides an extension that allows accessing the JCR PropertyType for each of the columns.
QueryResultColumns - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
Defines the columns associated with the results of a query.
QueryResultColumns(List<? extends Column>, List<String>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
Create a new definition for the query results given the supplied columns.
QueryResultColumns(boolean, List<? extends Column>, List<String>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
Create a new definition for the query results given the supplied columns.
QueryResults - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
The resulting output of a query.
QueryResults(QueryResults.Columns, QueryResults.Statistics, List<Object[]>, Problems, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults
Create a results object for the supplied context, command, and result columns and with the supplied tuples.
QueryResults(QueryResults.Columns, QueryResults.Statistics, List<Object[]>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults
Create a results object for the supplied context, command, and result columns and with the supplied tuples.
QueryResults(QueryResults.Columns, QueryResults.Statistics, Problems) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults
Create an empty QueryResults object for the supplied context, command, and result columns.
QueryResults(QueryResults.Columns, QueryResults.Statistics) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults
Create an empty QueryResults object for the supplied context, command, and result columns.
QueryResults - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query
The resulting output of a query.
QueryResults.Columns - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query
Definition of the columns that are available in the results, which outline the structure of the tuples in the results, and which can be used to access the individual values in each of the tuples.
QueryResults.Cursor - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query
An interface used to walk through the results.
QueryResults.Statistics - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query
QueryResults.Statistics() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Statistics
QueryResults.Statistics(long) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Statistics
QueryResults.Statistics(long, long, long, long) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Statistics
QueryResults.TupleCursor - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
An interface used to walk through the results.
QueryResults.TupleCursor(QueryResults.Columns, Iterator<Object[]>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults.TupleCursor
queryStatement - Variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult
QUOTED_STRING - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser.SqlTokenizer
The token type for tokens that consist of all the characters within single-quotes, double-quotes, or square brackets.
QUOTED_STRING - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser.XPathTokenizer
The token type for tokens that consist of all the characters within single-quotes, double-quotes, or square brackets.


R_PAREN - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
RADIX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
RaiseSelectCriteria - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize
An optimizer rule that moves up higher in the plan any SELECT node that appears below a JOIN node and that applies to selectors that are on the other side of the join.
RaiseSelectCriteria() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RaiseSelectCriteria
random(Double, Double, Random) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
random(Duration, Duration, Random) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
random(Float, Float, Random) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
random(Integer, Integer, Random) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
random(Long, Long, Random) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
random(T, T, Random) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
Generate a random instance within the specified range.
random(Short, Short, Random) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
rawValue(Value) - Static method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrLiteral
read() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64.InputStream
Reads enough of the input stream to convert to/from Base64 and returns the next byte.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64.InputStream
Calls Base64.InputStream.read() repeatedly until the end of stream is reached or len bytes are read.
read(Reader) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.IoUtil
Read and return the entire contents of the supplied Reader.
read(InputStream) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.IoUtil
Read and return the entire contents of the supplied InputStream.
read(File) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.IoUtil
Read and return the entire contents of the supplied File.
read(Reader) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.StringUtil
Read and return the entire contents of the supplied Reader.
read(InputStream) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.StringUtil
Read and return the entire contents of the supplied InputStream.
read(ValueFactories, byte[], long) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.LargeValueSerializer
read(ValueFactories, byte[], long) - Method in interface org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Serializer.LargeValues
read(ValueFactories, byte[], long) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Serializer.NoLargeValues
read(Reference) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Serializer.NoReferenceValues
read(Reference) - Method in interface org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Serializer.ReferenceValues
read(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to read the node with the supplied UUID.
read(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to read the node at the supplied location.
read(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to read the node at the supplied path.
read(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to read the node at the supplied path.
read(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to read the node with the supplied unique identifier property.
read(Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to read the node with the supplied unique identifier properties.
read(Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to read the node with the supplied unique identifier properties.
read(byte[], long) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.Binary
Reads successive bytes from the specified position in this Binary into the passed byte array until either the byte array is full or the end of the Binary is encountered.
READ - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapePermissions
A standard JCR-defined permission to grant the user the ability to read nodes and/or properties.
read() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider.MavenInputStream
read() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.http.HttpClientConnection
READ_DEPTH - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.DefaultOption
The default value for the JcrRepository.Option.READ_DEPTH option is "1" .
READ_ONLY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.ModeShapeLexicon
readable(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.BaseTransaction
Readable - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.property
An interface defining methods to obtain a "readable" string representation.
Readable - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
readable(Visitable) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors
Using a visitor, obtain the readable string representation of the supplied object
readable(long, StringBuilder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Statistics
readable(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrEngine
readable(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrEngine
readable(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrEngine
READABLE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeLexicon
readAllChildren(Location, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Add a request to read the children of a node at the supplied location in the designated workspace.
readAllChildren(Location, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to read the children of a node at the supplied location in the designated workspace.
ReadAllChildrenRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
Instruction to read all of the children of a node at a specific location.
ReadAllChildrenRequest(Location, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllChildrenRequest
Create a request to read the children of a node at the supplied location in the designated workspace.
readAllProperties(Location, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Add a request to read the properties and number of children of a node at the supplied location.
readAllProperties(Location, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to read the properties and number of children of a node at the supplied location.
ReadAllPropertiesRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
Instruction to read the properties and the number of children of the node at the specifed location.
ReadAllPropertiesRequest(Location, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllPropertiesRequest
Create a request to read the properties and number of children of a node at the supplied location.
readBlockOfChildren(Location, String, int, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Add a request to read a block of the children of a node at the supplied location.
readBlockOfChildren(Location, String, int, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to read a block of the children of a node at the supplied location.
ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
Instruction to read a block of the children of a node, where the block is dictated by the starting index and the maximum number of children to include in the block.
ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest(Location, String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest
Create a request to read a block of the children of a node at the supplied location.
readBranch(Location, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Add a request to read the branch at the supplied location, to a maximum depth of 2.
readBranch(Location, String, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Add a request to read the branch (of given depth) at the supplied location.
readBranch(Location, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to read the branch at the supplied location, to a maximum depth of 2.
readBranch(Location, String, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to read the branch (of given depth) at the supplied location.
ReadBranchRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
Instruction to read the properties and children of the nodes in the branch at the supplied location.
ReadBranchRequest(Location, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBranchRequest
Create a request to read the branch at the supplied location, to a maximum depth of 2.
ReadBranchRequest(Location, String, int) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBranchRequest
Create a request to read the branch (of given depth) at the supplied location.
readBytes(InputStream) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.IoUtil
Read and return the entire contents of the supplied stream.
readBytes(File) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.IoUtil
Read and return the entire contents of the supplied file.
readChildren() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request that the children be read on the node defined via the of(...)
readFromDocument(IndexReader, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareLengthQuery
readFromDocument(IndexReader, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareNameQuery
readFromDocument(IndexReader, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ComparePathQuery
readFromDocument(IndexReader, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareQuery
readFromDocument(IndexReader, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareStringQuery
readInputStream(HttpURLConnection) - Static method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.JsonUtils
Note: The connection is not disconnected during this method.
readLocation(Document) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
readNextBlockOfChildren(Location, String, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Add a request to read those children of a node that are immediately after a supplied sibling node.
readNextBlockOfChildren(Location, String, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to read those children of a node that are immediately after a supplied sibling node.
ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
Instruction to read a block of the children of a node, where the block is dictated by the location of the child preceding the block and the maximum number of children to include in the block.
ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest(Location, String, int) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest
Create a request to read those children of a node that are immediately after a supplied sibling node.
readNode(ExecutionContext, String, Path, List<Property>, List<Path.Segment>) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnWorkspace
readNode(Location, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Add a request to read the properties and number of children of a node at the supplied location.
readNode(Location, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to read the properties and number of children of a node at the supplied location.
ReadNodeRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
Instruction to read the properties and children of the node at the specifed location.
ReadNodeRequest(Location, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNodeRequest
Create a request to read the properties and number of children of a node at the supplied location.
READONLY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapeRoles
Constant containing the "readonly" role name.
readOnly - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
ReadOnlyIterator<T> - Class in org.modeshape.common.collection
An Iterator implementation that only allows reading elements, used as a wrapper around another iterator to make the contents immutable to the user of this iterator.
ReadOnlyIterator(Iterator<T>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.collection.ReadOnlyIterator
readPrefixFor(String, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.GraphNamespaceRegistry
readProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request that the properties be read on the node defined via the on(...)
readProperty(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request that the property with the given name be read on the node defined via the on(...)
readProperty(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request that the property with the given name be read on the node defined via the on(...)
readProperty(Location, String, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Add a request to read the properties and number of children of a node at the supplied location.
readProperty(Location, String, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to read the properties and number of children of a node at the supplied location.
ReadPropertyRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
Instruction to read a single property on the node at the specified location.
ReadPropertyRequest(Location, String, Name) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadPropertyRequest
Create a request to read the properties and number of children of a node at the supplied location.
readSubgraphOfDepth(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to read a subgraph of the specified depth, rooted at a location that will be specified via at(...)
readUriFor(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.GraphNamespaceRegistry
READWRITE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapeRoles
Constant containing the "readwrite" role name.
recomputeChangedBelow() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
record(StreamSequencerContext, SequencerOutput, JavaMetadata) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.ClassSourceFileRecorder
record(StreamSequencerContext, SequencerOutput, JavaMetadata) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.OriginalFormatSourceFileRecorder
record(StreamSequencerContext, SequencerOutput, JavaMetadata) - Method in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.java.SourceFileRecorder
Records a source file using the provided SequencerOutput instance.
recordChange(ChangeRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Record the supplied change request for publishing through the event mechanism.
recordChange() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
recordChanges(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
recordClass(StreamSequencerContext, SequencerOutput, ClassMetadata) - Method in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileRecorder
Records a row using the provided SequencerOutput instance.
recordClass(StreamSequencerContext, SequencerOutput, ClassMetadata) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.DefaultClassFileRecorder
recordDelete(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
Record the fact that the supplied node is in the process of being deleted, so any cached information (outside of the node object itself) should be cleaned up.
recordDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext, String, Location, File, Map<Name, Property>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.CustomPropertiesFactory
Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:folder" node.
recordDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext, String, Location, File, Map<Name, Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource.StandardPropertiesFactory
Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:folder" node.
recordFileProperties(ExecutionContext, String, Location, File, Map<Name, Property>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.CustomPropertiesFactory
Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:file" node.
recordFileProperties(ExecutionContext, String, Location, File, Map<Name, Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource.StandardPropertiesFactory
Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:file" node.
recordMove(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>, GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>, GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
recordNodeSequenced() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService.Statistics
recordNodeSkipped() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService.Statistics
recordResourceProperties(ExecutionContext, String, Location, File, Map<Name, Property>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.CustomPropertiesFactory
Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:resource" node.
recordResourceProperties(ExecutionContext, String, Location, File, Map<Name, Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource.StandardPropertiesFactory
Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:resource" node.
recordRow(StreamSequencerContext, SequencerOutput, String[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.DefaultRowFactory
recordRow(StreamSequencerContext, SequencerOutput, String[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.text.RowFactory
Records a row using the provided SequencerOutput instance.
recordUnloaded(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
Record the fact that the supplied node is in the process of being unloaded, so any cached information (outside of the node object itself) should be cleaned up.
Reference - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.property
A representation of a reference to another node.
REFERENCE_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueComparators
A comparator of reference values.
REFERENCE_GENERATION_STRATEGY_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
REFERENCEABLE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrMixLexicon
referenceField(Name, Field.Store, Field.Index) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Builder
Define a reference-based field in the indexes.
ReferenceValue - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A dynamic operand that evaluates to the value(s) of a single or any reference property on a selector, used in a Comparison constraint.
ReferenceValue(SelectorName) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ReferenceValue
Create a dynamic operand that evaluates to all of the reference values of the node identified by the selector.
ReferenceValue(SelectorName, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ReferenceValue
Create a dynamic operand that evaluates to the values of a single reference property of the node identified by the selector.
referenceValue(SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
referenceValue(SelectorName, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
referenceValue(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ArithmeticBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table such that they must have a matching value for any of the node's reference properties.
referenceValue(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ArithmeticBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table such that they must have a matching value for the named property.
referenceValue(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table such that they must have a matching value for any of the node's reference properties.
referenceValue(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table such that they must have a matching value for the named property.
referenceValue(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.DynamicOperandBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table such that they must have a matching value for any of the node's reference properties.
referenceValue(String, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.DynamicOperandBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table such that they must have a matching value for the named property.
referenceValue(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.OrderByOperandBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table such that they must have a matching value for any of the node's reference properties.
referenceValue(String, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.OrderByOperandBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table such that they must have a matching value for the named property.
referenceValue(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.SingleOrderByOperandBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table such that they must have a matching value for any of the node's reference properties.
referenceValue(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.SingleOrderByOperandBuilder
Constrains the nodes in the the supplied table such that they must have a matching value for the named property.
referenceValue(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryObjectModelFactory
Creates a dynamic operand that evaluates to the REFERENCE value of the any property on the specified selector.
referenceValue(String, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryObjectModelFactory
Creates a dynamic operand that evaluates to the REFERENCE value of the specified property on the specified selector.
ReferenceValue - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom
A dynamic operand that evaluates to the value(s) of a single or any reference property on a selector, used in a Comparison constraint.
referenceValue(SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
referenceValue(SelectorName, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
referenceValue(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
Creates a dynamic operand that evaluates to the REFERENCE value of the any property on the specified selector.
referenceValue(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
Creates a dynamic operand that evaluates to the REFERENCE value of the specified property on the specified selector.
ReferenceValueFactory - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
The standard ValueFactory for PropertyType.REFERENCE values.
ReferenceValueFactory(TextDecoder, ValueFactory<String>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ReferenceValueFactory
ReferentialIntegrityException - Exception in org.modeshape.graph.property
A runtime exception denoting that an operation could not be performed because it would leave references in an invalid state.
ReferentialIntegrityException(Location, Reference...) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.ReferentialIntegrityException
ReferentialIntegrityException(Map<Location, List<Reference>>) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.ReferentialIntegrityException
ReferentialIntegrityException(Map<Location, List<Reference>>, String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.ReferentialIntegrityException
ReferentialIntegrityException(Map<Location, List<Reference>>, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.ReferentialIntegrityException
ReferentialIntegrityException(Map<Location, List<Reference>>, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.ReferentialIntegrityException
Reflection - Class in org.modeshape.common.util
Utility class for working reflectively with objects.
Reflection(Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.util.Reflection
Construct a Reflection instance that cache's some information about the target class.
refresh() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.GraphNamespaceRegistry
refresh(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
Refreshes (removes the cached state) for all cached nodes.
refresh(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
Refreshes (removes the cached state) for the given node and its descendants.
refreshInstances() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentLibrary
Refresh the instances by attempting to re-instantiate each registered configuration.
refreshPhase1(GraphSession.RefreshState<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Phase 1 of the process of refreshing the cached content while retaining changes.
refreshPhase2(GraphSession.RefreshState<Payload, PropertyPayload>, Results) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Phase 2 of the process of refreshing the cached content while retaining changes.
refreshProperties(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
Refreshes all properties for the given node only.
register(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrNamespaceRegistry
Register a new namespace using the supplied prefix, returning the namespace URI previously registered under that prefix.
register(Observer) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.ChangeObservers
Register the supplied observer.
register(Observer) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.observe.Observable
Register the supplied observer.
register(Observer) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.ObservationBus
Register the supplied observer.
register(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.GraphNamespaceRegistry
Register a new namespace using the supplied prefix, returning the namespace URI previously registered under that prefix.
register(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LocalNamespaceRegistry
Register a new namespace using the supplied prefix, returning the namespace URI previously registered under that prefix.
register(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NamespaceRegistryWithAliases
Register a new namespace using the supplied prefix, returning the namespace URI previously registered under that prefix.
register(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.SimpleNamespaceRegistry
Register a new namespace using the supplied prefix, returning the namespace URI previously registered under that prefix.
register(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ThreadSafeNamespaceRegistry
Register a new namespace using the supplied prefix, returning the namespace URI previously registered under that prefix.
register(String, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.NamespaceRegistry
Register a new namespace using the supplied prefix, returning the namespace URI previously registered under that prefix.
register(Observer) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.RepositoryObservationManager
Register the supplied observer.
register(Observer) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary
Register the supplied observer.
REGISTER_NAMESPACE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapePermissions
The register_namespace permission define the ability to register (and unregister) namespaces.
REGISTER_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapePermissions
The register_type permission define the ability to register (and unregister) node types.
registeredKeyWords - Variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream
registeredStatementStartPhrases - Variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream
registerKeyWord(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream
Register a single key word.
registerKeyWords(List<String>) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream
Register an List of key words.
registerKeyWords(String[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream
Register an array of key words.
registerNamespace(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryBuilder
registerNamespace(String, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryDefinition
Specify the namespace binding that should be made available in this repository.
registerNewNamespaces(Set<NamespaceRegistry.Namespace>) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryBuilder
registerNodeType(NodeTypeDefinition, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeManager
Registers a new node type or updates an existing node type using the specified definition and returns the resulting NodeType object.
registerNodeTypes(Collection<NodeTypeDefinition>, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeManager
Registers or updates the specified Collection of NodeTypeDefinition objects.
registerNodeTypes(JcrNodeTypeSource) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeManager
Registers the node types from the given JcrNodeTypeSource.
registerNodeTypes(NodeTypeDefinition[], boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeManager
Registers or updates the specified array of NodeTypeDefinition objects.
registerStatementStartPhrase(String[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream
Register a phrase representing the start of a DDL statement Examples would be: {"CREATE", "TABLE"} {"CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "VIEW"} see DdlConstants for the default SQL 92 representations.
registerStatementStartPhrase(String[][]) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream
relativePathLikeExpressions(XPath.PathExpression) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator
relativeTo(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Get a relative path from the supplied path to this path.
relativeTo(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Get a relative path from the supplied path to this path.
relativeToRoot() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Obtain a path that is relative to the root node.
relativeToRoot() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Obtain a path that is relative to the root node.
relativeToRoot() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Obtain a path that is relative to the root node.
relativeToRoot() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Obtain a path that is relative to the root node.
release() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.InMemoryBinary
Release any acquired resources.
release() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Binary
Release any acquired resources.
remove() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.EmptyIterator
remove(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableAppendedList
remove(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableAppendedList
remove() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ReadOnlyIterator
remove(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
remove(ConfigType) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentLibrary
Remove the configuration for a component.
remove(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.LogContext
Remove the the context identified by the key parameter using the underlying system's MDC implementation.
remove(Reference) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Serializer.NoReferenceValues
remove(Reference) - Method in interface org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Serializer.ReferenceValues
remove(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.Children
remove(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.Children
remove(Name...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Remove properties from the node at the given location.
remove(String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Remove properties from the node at the given location.
remove(Name...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Remove properties from the node at the given location.
remove(String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Remove properties from the node at the given location.
remove() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath.SingleIterator
remove() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactories.ValueFactoryIterator
remove() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractValueFactory.ConvertingIterator
remove() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicEmptyProperty.EmptyIterator
remove() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicMultiValueProperty.ReadOnlyIterator
remove() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicSingleValueProperty.ValueIterator
remove() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Remove this node from it's parent.
remove(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Remove this node from it's parent.
REMOVE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapePermissions
A standard JCR-defined permission to grant the user the ability to remove nodes and/or properties.
remove() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.QueryResultNodeIterator
remove() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.QueryResultRowIterator
remove() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable
remove() - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.Removable
Remove this configuration component.
remove() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerOutputMap.EntryIterator
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableAppendedList
removeAll() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheWorkspace
Remove all of the nodes in this workspace, and make sure there is a single root node with no properties and no children.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.Children
removeAll(NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.WorkspaceChanges
removeAll() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapWorkspace
Remove all of the nodes in this workspace, and make sure there is a single root node with no properties and no children.
removeAll(NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction.WorkspaceChanges
removeAll() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathWorkspace
Remove all of the nodes in this workspace, and make sure there is a single root node with no properties and no children.
removeAll() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.StandardMapWorkspace
Remove all of the nodes in this workspace, and make sure there is a single root node with no properties and no children.
removeAllChildren(WorkspaceType, NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction
Removes all of the children for this node in a single operation.
removeAllChildren(WorkspaceType, NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction
Removes all of the children for this node in a single operation.
removeAllChildren(WorkspaceType, NodeType) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Transaction
Removes all of the children for this node in a single operation.
removeAllChildren() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Remove all children from this node.
removeAllChildren(Node) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrTools
Remove all children from the specified node
removeAllChildren() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Remove all children from this node.
removeAllNodesFromMap() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.Workspace
Removes all of the nodes in this workspace from the persistent store with a single query.
removeAllNodesFromMap() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
Removes all of the nodes from the backing map
removeAllPredicatesExceptIndexes(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.PathExpression
Remove all XPath predicates from the supplied regular expression string.
removeAllWorkspaces() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.AbstractSearchEngine.SearchWorkspaces
Remove from the search engine all workspace-related indexes, thereby cleaning up any resources used by this search engine.
removeAllWorkspaces() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.search.AbstractSearchEngine.Workspaces
Remove from the search engine all workspace-related indexes, thereby cleaning up any resources used by this search engine.
removeBracketsAndQuotes(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
Remove all leading and trailing single-quotes, double-quotes, or square brackets from the supplied text.
removeBracketsAndQuotes(String, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
Remove any leading and trailing single-quotes, double-quotes, or square brackets from the supplied text.
removeBracketsAndQuotes(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryParser
Remove any leading and trailing single-quotes.
removeBranch(Long, Iterable<Location>) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.RequestProcessorCache
removeBranch(Iterable<Location>) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.RequestProcessorCache.WorkspaceCache
removeChild(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
removeChild(MapNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode
removeChild(MapNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.DefaultMapNode
removeChild(MapNode) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapNode
Removes the given child from the list of children
removeChild(PlanNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Remove the node from this node.
removeChild(AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Remove the node from this node.
removeChildFromParentListOfChildren(LinkedList<Location>, Location, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.RequestProcessorCache.WorkspaceCache
removed(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.WorkspaceChanges
removed(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction.WorkspaceChanges
removeDetector(MimeTypeDetectorConfig) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.mimetype.MimeTypeDetectors
Removes the configuration for a MIME-type detector.
removeDuplicatesComparator - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SetOperationComponent
removeDuplicatesIfRequested(List<Object[]>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SetOperationComponent
removedValues() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdateValuesRequest
Get the list of values to be removed.
RemoveEmptyAccessNodes - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize
An optimizer rule that removes any ACCESS nodes that are known to never return any tuples because of conflicting constraints.
RemoveEmptyAccessNodes() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RemoveEmptyAccessNodes
removeExisting() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneBranchRequest
Gets whether the clone should remove existing nodes in the new workspace with the same UUID as any of the nodes in the source branch or should throw an exception if such conflict is detected.
removeFromParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Remove this node from its parent, and return the node that used to be the parent of this node.
removeFromParent() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Remove this node from its parent, and return the node that used to be the parent of this node.
removeLanguage(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.QueryParsers
Remove from this engine the language with the given name.
removeLanguages(String, String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.QueryParsers
Remove from this engine the language with the given name.
removeLockToken(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLockManager
removeMissingTerminatorNodes(AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
removeNode(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheWorkspace
Remove and return the node with the supplied UUID.
removeNode(WorkspaceType, NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction
Removes the given node from the repository.
removeNode(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapWorkspace
Remove and return the node with the supplied UUID.
removeNode(WorkspaceType, NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction
Removes the given node from the repository.
removeNode(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathWorkspace
Remove this node and its descendants from the workspace.
removeNode(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.StandardMapWorkspace
Remove and return the node with the supplied UUID.
removeNode(WorkspaceType, NodeType) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Transaction
Removes the given node from the repository.
removeNode(ExecutionContext, MapNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
Removes the given node and its children, correcting the SNS and child indices for its parent.
removeNode(ExecutionContext, MapNode) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapWorkspace
Removes the given node.
removeNode(ExecutionContext, Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.WritablePathWorkspace
Removes the node at the given path
removeNodeFromMap(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.Workspace
removeNodeFromMap(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
Removes the node with the given UUID from the backing map, returning the node if it exists
removeNodesBelow(Path, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.RequestProcessorCache.WorkspaceCache
removeObject(ITransaction, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ModeShapeWebdavStore
removeOption(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.StoreOptions
removeOtherProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdatePropertiesRequest
Return whether any properties not being updated should be removed.
removeProperties(ExecutionContext, Path, Iterable<Name>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractWritablePathWorkspace
removeProperties(ExecutionContext, Path, Iterable<Name>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.WritablePathWorkspace
Removes the properties with the given names
removeProperties(Location, String, Name...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Add a request to remove from the node the properties with the supplied names.
removeProperties(Location, String, Name...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to remove from the node the properties with the supplied names.
removeProperties(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerOutputMap
removeProperty(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode
removeProperty(WorkspaceType, NodeType, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction
Removes the property with the given name
removeProperty(WorkspaceType, NodeType, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction
Removes the property with the given name
removeProperty(WorkspaceType, NodeType, Name) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Transaction
Removes the property with the given name
removeProperty(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.DefaultMapNode
removeProperty(Name) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapNode
Removes the property with the given name
removeProperty(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Remove the node's value for this supplied property.
removeProperty(Location, String, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Add a request to remove the property with the supplied name from the given node.
removeProperty(Location, String, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to remove the property with the supplied name from the given node.
removeProperty(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Remove a property from this node.
removeProperty(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Remove and return the property with the supplied name.
RemovePropertyRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
Instruction to remove the property with the supplied name from the node at the given location.
RemovePropertyRequest(Location, String, Name) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.RemovePropertyRequest
Create a request to remove a named property from the node at the supplied location.
removeQuotes(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
removeQuotes(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.FullTextSearchParser
Remove any leading and trailing single- or double-quotes from the supplied text.
removeQuotes(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
Remove any leading and trailing single-quotes or double-quotes from the supplied text.
removeRuleParser(Method) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection
Remove the rule parser method.
removeRuleParser(String, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection
Remove the rule parser method.
removeRuleParser(Method) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.ProjectionParser
Remove the rule parser method.
removeRuleParser(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.ProjectionParser
Remove the rule parser method.
removeSequencer(SequencerConfig) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService
Remove the configuration for a sequencer.
removeSource(RepositorySource, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary
Remove from this library the supplied source (or a source with the same name as that supplied).
removeSource(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary
Remove from this library the source with the supplied name.
removeSource(String, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary
Remove from this library the source with the supplied name.
removeTralingZeros(StringBuilder) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.FieldUtil
Utility to remove the trailing 0's.
removeUnusedPredicates(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.PathExpression
Replace certain XPath patterns that are not used or understood.
removeUuidReference(MapNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.Workspace
Removes the given node and its children from the persistent store using the subgraph bulk delete method.
removeUuidReference(MapNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
Recursively removes the given node and its children from the backing map
removeValue(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
removeValue(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
removeValues(String, Location, Name, List<Object>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to remove values from a property on an existing node
removeWorkspace(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.FederatedRepositorySource
Remove the named workspace from the repository source.
removeWorkspace(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.AbstractSearchEngine.SearchWorkspaces
Remove the supplied workspace from the search engine.
removeWorkspace(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.search.AbstractSearchEngine.Workspaces
Remove the supplied workspace from the search engine.
rename(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Rename this node to have a different name.
renameNode(Location, String, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Add a request to rename the node at the supplied location.
renameNode(Location, String, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to rename the node at the supplied location.
RenameNodeRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
Instruction to rename an existing node (but keep it under the same parent).
RenameNodeRequest(Location, String, Name) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.RenameNodeRequest
Create a request to rename the node at the supplied location.
repairedVersionStorage - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
replaceAllWithUppercase(String, String, int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector
Utility method to replace all occurrences given by the specific backreference with its uppercased form, and remove all other backreferences.
replaceChild(PlanNode, PlanNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Replace the supplied child with another node.
replaceChild(AstNode, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Replace the supplied child with another node.
replacement - Variable in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector.Rule
replaceReferences(QueryContext, Constraint, PlanUtil.ColumnMapping, PlanNode) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil
replaceReferencesToRemovedSource(QueryContext, PlanNode, Map<SelectorName, SelectorName>) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil
replaceReferencesToRemovedSource(QueryContext, DynamicOperand, Map<SelectorName, SelectorName>) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil
replaceReferencesToRemovedSource(QueryContext, Constraint, Map<SelectorName, SelectorName>) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil
replaceReferencesToRemovedSource(QueryContext, JoinCondition, Map<SelectorName, SelectorName>) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil
replaceViewReferences(QueryContext, PlanNode, PlanUtil.ColumnMapping) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil
replaceViewReferences(QueryContext, PlanNode, PlanUtil.ColumnMapping, SelectorName, List<PlanNode>) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil
replaceViewReferences(QueryContext, DynamicOperand, PlanUtil.ColumnMapping, PlanNode) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil
replaceViewReferences(QueryContext, JoinCondition, PlanUtil.ColumnMapping, PlanNode) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil
ReplaceViews - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize
An optimizer rule that replaces any SOURCE nodes that happen to be views.
ReplaceViews() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.ReplaceViews
replaceXPathPatterns(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.PathExpression
Replace certain XPath patterns, including some predicates, with substrings that are compatible with regular expressions.
replacingExistingNodesWithSameUuids() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.WithUuids
Repositories - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.api
Representation of a generic container of multiple Repository instances.
repositories() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration
Get the list of sequencer definitions.
REPOSITORIES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapeLexicon
Repository<NodeType extends Node,WorkspaceType extends Workspace> - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base
A representation of a repository as a set of named workspaces.
Repository(BaseRepositorySource) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Repository
Creates a MapRepository with the given repository source name, root node UUID, and a default workspace with the given name.
Repository - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.api
Replicates JCR 2.0's Repository interface.
repository(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration
Obtain or create a definition for the JCR Repository with the supplied name or identifier.
Repository - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain
The Repository class is the business object for a ModeShape repository.
Repository(String, Server) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain.Repository
Constructs a new Repository.
REPOSITORY_JNDI_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
REPOSITORY_NAME_PARAM - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepositoryFactory
The name of the URL parameter that specifies the repository name.
REPOSITORY_PATH - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
RepositoryConnection - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.connector
A connection to a repository source.
RepositoryConnectionFactory - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.connector
An interface for a factory of RepositoryConnections using the names of the RepositorySource from which the connections are to be obtained.
RepositoryConnectionPool - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector
A reusable implementation of a managed pool of connections that is optimized for safe concurrent operations.
RepositoryConnectionPool(RepositorySource) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Create the pool to use the supplied connection factory, which is typically a RepositorySource.
RepositoryConnectionPool(RepositorySource, int, int, long, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Create the pool to use the supplied connection factory, which is typically a RepositorySource.
RepositoryConnectionPool.ConnectionWrapper - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector
RepositoryConnectionPool.ConnectionWrapper(RepositoryConnection) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool.ConnectionWrapper
repositoryConnectionPoolIsNotRunning - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
repositoryContext - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.AbstractRepositorySource
repositoryContext - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractPathRepositorySource
RepositoryContext - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.connector
The context for a repository.
repositoryDefinition(ReturnType, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration
Utility method to construct a definition object for the repository with the supplied name and return type.
repositoryDoesNotExist - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
RepositoryEntry - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.model
RepositoryEntry() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.model.RepositoryEntry
RepositoryEntry(String, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.model.RepositoryEntry
RepositoryFactory - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.api
RepositoryFactory - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr
Factory that provides implementations of the repository provider SPI by wrapping a RepositoryProvider.
RepositoryI18n - Class in org.modeshape.repository
The internationalized string constants for the org.modeshape.repository* packages.
RepositoryI18n() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
RepositoryLibrary - Class in org.modeshape.repository
A library of RepositorySource instances and the RepositoryConnectionPool used to manage the connections for each.
RepositoryLibrary(RepositorySource, String, Path, ExecutionContext) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary
Create a new manager instance.
RepositoryLibrary.Administrator - Class in org.modeshape.repository
The administrative component for this service.
RepositoryLibrary.Administrator() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary.Administrator
repositoryMustBeConfigured - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
RepositoryNode - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json
The RepositoryNode class is responsible for knowing how to create a URL for a repository and to parse a JSON response into workspace objects.
RepositoryNode(Repository) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.RepositoryNode
RepositoryNodePath - Class in org.modeshape.repository.util
An immutable representation of a path to a node within the named workspace of a named repository source.
RepositoryNodePath(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.util.RepositoryNodePath
repositoryObjectNotFoundInJndi - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrConnectorI18n
RepositoryProvider - Interface in org.modeshape.web.jcr.spi
Interface for any class that provides access to one or more local JCR repositories.
RepositoryResources - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.model
RepositoryResources() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.model.RepositoryResources
RepositoryResources(String, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.model.RepositoryResources
RepositoryService - Class in org.modeshape.repository
A service that manages the RepositorySourcees defined within a configuration repository.
RepositoryService(RepositorySource, String, Path, ExecutionContext, Problems) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryService
Create a service instance, reading the configuration describing new RepositorySource instances from the supplied configuration repository.
RepositoryService.Administrator - Class in org.modeshape.repository
The administrative component for this service.
RepositoryService.Administrator() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryService.Administrator
RepositoryService.ConfigurationChangeObserver - Class in org.modeshape.repository
RepositoryService.ConfigurationChangeObserver() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryService.ConfigurationChangeObserver
repositoryShortDescription - Static variable in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.RestClientI18n
RepositorySource - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.connector
A repository source is a description of a resource that can be used to access or store repository information.
repositorySource(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration
Obtain or create a definition for the RepositorySource with the supplied name or identifier.
repositorySource(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Obtain or create a definition for the RepositorySource with the supplied name or identifier.
RepositorySourceCapabilities - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector
The capabilities of a RepositorySource.
RepositorySourceCapabilities() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySourceCapabilities
Create a capabilities object using the defaults, .
RepositorySourceCapabilities(RepositorySourceCapabilities) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySourceCapabilities
RepositorySourceCapabilities(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySourceCapabilities
RepositorySourceCapabilities(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySourceCapabilities
RepositorySourceCapabilities(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySourceCapabilities
repositorySourceDefinition(ReturnType, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Utility method to construct a definition object for the repository source with the supplied name and return type.
RepositorySourceException - Exception in org.modeshape.graph.connector
A runtime exception signalling an error within a RepositorySource.
RepositorySourceException(String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySourceException
RepositorySourceException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySourceException
RepositorySourceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySourceException
RepositorySourceException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySourceException
repositorySourceMustHaveName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataI18n
repositorySourceMustHaveName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaConnectorI18n
repositorySources() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Get the list of repository source definitions.
Request - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
The abstract base class for all classes representing requests to be executed against a RepositoryConnection.
Request() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.Request
RequestBuilder - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
A component that can be used to build requests while allowing different strategies for how requests are handled.
RequestBuilder() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Create a new builder.
requestByPath - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceWork
RequestException - Exception in org.modeshape.graph.request
Specifies that the request was invalid and could not be completed.
RequestException() - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestException
RequestException(String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestException
RequestException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestException
RequestException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestException
requestIsFrozenAndMayNotBeChanged - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
RequestProcessor - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request.processor
A component that is used to process and execute Requests.
RequestProcessor(String, ExecutionContext, Observer) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
RequestProcessor(String, ExecutionContext, Observer, DateTime) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
RequestProcessor(String, ExecutionContext, Observer, DateTime, CachePolicy) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
RequestProcessor.LocationWithDepth - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request.processor
A class that represents a location at a known depth
RequestProcessor.LocationWithDepth(Location, int) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor.LocationWithDepth
RequestProcessorCache - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util
Represents a cache of the known node information, including a node's actual Location and the complete set of children.
RequestProcessorCache(PathFactory) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.RequestProcessorCache
RequestProcessorCache.WorkspaceCache - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util
requestQueue - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
RequestResolver - Interface in org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav
Interface for a method of resolving a request into a repository name, workspace name, and UriResolver within the workspace.
requests - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
RequestType - Enum in org.modeshape.graph.request
Enumeration of supported request types.
requireColumn(SelectorName, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil.RequiredColumnVisitor
requireColumn(SelectorName, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil.RequiredColumnVisitor
REQUIRED_PRIMARY_TYPES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
REQUIRED_TYPE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
requiredNodeDoesNotExistRelativeToNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
requiredNodeDoesNotExistRelativeToNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
requiredParameterMissing - Static variable in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.WebdavI18n
requiredPropertyIsMissingFromNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
requiredPropertyOnNodeCouldNotBeRead - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
requiredPropertyOnNodeWasExpectedToBeStringArrayValue - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
requiredPropertyOnNodeWasExpectedToBeStringValue - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
requiredToSuppliedParameterMismatch - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
requiresRefresh(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.RefreshState
requiresVersionable - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
reserializeProperties(ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream, Map<Name, Property>, Serializer.LargeValues, Serializer.LargeValues, Set<Name>, Serializer.ReferenceValues) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Serializer
Deserialize the existing properties from the supplied input stream, update the properties, and then serialize the updated properties to the output stream.
reset() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.SimpleStatistics
Reset the statistics in this object, and clear out any stored information.
reset() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Stopwatch
Reset this stopwatch and clear all statistics.
reset() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService.Statistics
residualDefinitionsCannotBeMandatory - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
resolve(Reference) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to read the node given by the supplied reference value.
resolve(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Get the absolute path by resolving the supplied relative (non-absolute) path against this absolute path.
resolve(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Get the absolute path by resolving the supplied relative (non-absolute) path against this absolute path.
resolve(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Get the absolute path by resolving the supplied relative (non-absolute) path against this absolute path.
resolve(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Get the absolute path by resolving the supplied relative (non-absolute) path against this absolute path.
resolve(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.DefaultRequestResolver
resolve(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.RequestResolver
Resolve the given request to the repository, workspace, and URI resolver for the request
resolve(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.UriResolver
resolveAgainst(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Get the absolute path by resolving this relative (non-absolute) path against the supplied absolute path.
resolveAgainst(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Get the absolute path by resolving this relative (non-absolute) path against the supplied absolute path.
ResolvedRequest - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav
Returns the output of RequestResolver.resolve(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest), namely the repository and workspace that URI, as well as a UriResolver for that request.
ResolvedRequest(String, String, UriResolver) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ResolvedRequest
RESOURCE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrNtLexicon
RESOURCE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.ModeShapeLexicon
RESOURCE_NODE_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.IJcrConstants
The JCR resource node type (nt:resource).
RestClientI18n - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client
The RestClientI18n class provides localized messages.
RestClientI18n() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.RestClientI18n
RESTRICT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.DropBehavior
resultColumns() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.AccessQueryRequest
Get the specification of the columns for the results.
Results - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
A set of nodes returned from a graph, with methods to access the properties and children of the nodes in the result.
results - Variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult
results() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult
resumeEncoding() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64.OutputStream
Resumes encoding of the stream.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableAppendedList
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.Children
RETRY_LIMIT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
RETRY_LIMIT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
RETRY_LIMIT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
RETRY_LIMIT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
RETRY_LIMIT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
RETRY_LIMIT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
RETRY_LIMIT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.FederatedRepositorySource
RETRY_LIMIT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeLexicon
RETRY_LIMIT_ATTR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
retryLimit - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.AbstractRepositorySource
retryLimit - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractPathRepositorySource
RETURN_TYPE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
RETURN_TYPE_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
returnConnection(RepositoryConnectionPool.ConnectionWrapper) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
This method is automatically called by the RepositoryConnectionPool.ConnectionWrapper when it is closed.
returning(List<Column>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Query
Create a copy of this query, but that returns results with the supplied columns.
returnObject - Variable in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.BaseReturnable
reverse() - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Operator
Get the equivalent operator if the operands are to be reversed.
REVISION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon
REVOKE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
rewind() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Method to allow tokens to be re-used from the start without re-tokenizing content.
rewrite(QueryContext, List<Comparison>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RewriteAsRangeCriteria
Rewrite the supplied comparisons, returning the new constraint and nulling in the supplied list those comparisons that were rewritten (and leaving those that were not rewritten)
rewrite(JcrSqlQueryParser.JoinableSources) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryParser
rewrite(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlParser
rewrite(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlParser
rewrite(DdlTokenStream, AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
RewriteAsRangeCriteria - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize
An optimizer rule that rewrites two AND-ed Constraints that constraint a dynamic operand to a range of values as a single Between constraint.
RewriteAsRangeCriteria() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RewriteAsRangeCriteria
rewriteConstraint(Constraint) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryParser
RewriteIdentityJoins - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize
An optimizer rule that rewrites JOIN nodes that have equi-join criteria where the columns involved in the equi-join are all identity columns (that is, they form a key for the table).
RewriteIdentityJoins() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RewriteIdentityJoins
rewriteJoinNode(QueryContext, PlanNode, Map<SelectorName, SelectorName>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RewriteIdentityJoins
right() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.And
Get the constraint that is on the right-hand-side of the AND operation.
right() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ArithmeticOperand
Get the right-hand operand.
right() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Join
Get the source that represents the right-hand-side of the join.
right() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Or
Get the right-hand constraint.
right() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetQuery
Get the right-hand query.
right() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.JoinComponent
Get the processing component that serves as the right side of the join.
right() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrAnd
Get the constraint that is on the right-hand-side of the AND operation.
right() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrArithmeticOperand
Get the right-hand operand.
right() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrJoin
Get the source that represents the right-hand-side of the join.
right() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrOr
Get the right-hand constraint.
right() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetQuery
Get the right-hand query.
rightColumns() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.JoinComponent
Get the columns definition for the results from the right side of the join.
rightOperands() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetCriteria
Get the collection of static operands defining the constrained values.
rightOuterJoin(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Perform a right outer join between the already defined source with the supplied table.
rightOuterJoinAllNodesAs(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Perform a right outer join between the already defined source with the "__ALL_NODES" table using the supplied alias.
RightOuterToLeftOuterJoins - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize
An optimizer rule that converts right outer joins into left outer joins.
RightOuterToLeftOuterJoins() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RightOuterToLeftOuterJoins
ROLE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
ROLE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
rollback() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanTransaction
Rollback any changes that have been made to this repository.
rollback() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheTransaction
Rollback any changes that have been made to this repository.
rollback() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor
Rollback all changes made to any sessions.
rollback() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaTransaction
Rollback any changes that have been made to this repository.
rollback() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.BaseTransaction
Rollback any changes that have been made to this repository.
rollback() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction
Rollback any changes that have been made to this repository.
rollback() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction
Rollback any changes that have been made to this repository.
rollback() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Transaction
Rollback any changes that have been made to this repository.
rollback() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryTransaction
Rollback any changes that have been made to this repository.
rollback() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.LockBasedTransaction
Rollback any changes that have been made to this repository.
rollback() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepositoryTransaction
Rollback any changes that have been made to this repository.
rollback() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRepositoryTransaction
Rollback any changes that have been made to this repository.
rollback - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineProcessor
rollback() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineProcessor
Subclasses should implement this method to throw away any work that has been done with this processor.
rollback() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
Subclasses should implement this method to throw away any work that has been done with this processor.
rollback() - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceSession
Subclasses should implement this method to throw away any work that has been done with this processor.
rollback() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
Subclasses should implement this method to throw away any work that has been done with this processor.
rollback(ITransaction) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ModeShapeWebdavStore
ROOT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.ModeShapeLexicon
root - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
ROOT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
ROOT_NODE_UUID - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
ROOT_NODE_UUID - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
ROOT_NODE_UUID - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
ROOT_NODE_UUID - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
ROOT_NODE_UUID - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.StoreOptions.Dna
ROOT_NODE_UUID - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.StoreOptions
ROOT_NODE_UUID - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
ROOT_NODE_UUID_ATTR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
ROOT_VERSION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
rootLocation - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.BaseTransaction
rootNodeHasNoParent - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
rootNodeIsNotProperty - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
rootNodeUuid - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.AbstractRepositorySource
rootNodeUuid - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.BaseTransaction
rootNodeUuid - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapWorkspace
rootNodeUuid - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Repository
rootNodeUuid - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepository
rootNodeUuid - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractPathRepositorySource
rootNodeUuid - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractWritablePathWorkspace
rootNodeUuid - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRepository
RootPath - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
Optimized implementation of Path that serves as the root path.
roundDown(Double, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
roundDown(Duration, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
roundDown(Float, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
roundDown(Integer, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
roundDown(Long, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
roundDown(T, int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
Round down the supplied value to the desired scale.
roundDown(Short, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
roundUp(Double, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
roundUp(Duration, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
roundUp(Float, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
roundUp(Integer, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
roundUp(Long, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
roundUp(T, int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
Round up the supplied value to the desired scale.
roundUp(Short, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
Row - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.api.query
Replicates some of the methods introduced in JCR 2.0.
ROW - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.TextSequencerLexicon
RowFactory - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.text
A simple interface that allows an implementer to control how rows in a text file are mapped to properties (including primary and mixin types) in the graph.
rowLimit() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Limit
Get the maximum number of rows that are to be returned.
RuleBasedOptimizer - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize
Optimizer implementation that optimizes a query using a stack of rules.
RuleBasedOptimizer() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RuleBasedOptimizer
ruleFromString(String, ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.ProjectionParser
Parse the string form of a rule definition and return the rule
rules - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchWorkspace
ruleServiceName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
rulesFromString(ExecutionContext, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.ProjectionParser
Parse a single string containing one or more string forms of rule definitions, and return the rules.
rulesFromStrings(ExecutionContext, String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.ProjectionParser
Parse string forms of an arry of rule definitions and return the rules
runJLS3Conversion(char[], boolean) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.CompilationUnitParser
Parses and process the java source code as a compilation unit and the result it abstract syntax tree (AST) representation and this action uses the third edition of java Language Specification, that gets the possibility to support J2SE 5 during the parsing.


SAME_NAME_SIBLINGS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
sameNameSiblingsAreNotAllowed - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
sameNameSiblingsAreNotAllowed - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
SameNode - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A constraint requiring that the selected node is reachable by the supplied absolute path
SameNode(SelectorName, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SameNode
Create a constraint requiring that the node identified by the selector is reachable by the supplied absolute path.
sameNode(SelectorName, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
sameNode(SelectorName, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
sameNode(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
SameNodeJoinCondition - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A join condition that tests whether two nodes are the same nodes (that is, have the same identifier or have the same relative path from the nearest ancestor with an identifiers).
SameNodeJoinCondition(SelectorName, SelectorName, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SameNodeJoinCondition
Create a join condition that determines whether the node identified by the first selector is the same as the node at the given path relative to the node identified by the second selector.
SameNodeJoinCondition(SelectorName, SelectorName) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SameNodeJoinCondition
Create a join condition that determines whether the node identified by the first selector is the same as the node identified by the second selector.
sameNodeJoinCondition(SelectorName, SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
sameNodeJoinCondition(SelectorName, SelectorName, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
sameNodeJoinCondition(SelectorName, SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
sameNodeJoinCondition(SelectorName, SelectorName, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
sameNodeJoinCondition(String, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
satisfiesConstraint(ValueType, ValueType) - Method in interface org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareQuery.Evaluator
satisfiesConstraints(Object[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SelectComponent.ConstraintChecker
Return true if the tuple satisfies all of the constraints.
save(OutputStream, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
Deprecated. This method does not throw an IOException if an I/O error occurs while saving the property list. The preferred way to save a properties list is via the store(OutputStream out, String comments) method or the storeToXML(OutputStream os, String comment) method.
save() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
Save any changes that have been accumulated by this session.
save(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
Save any changes to the identified node or its descendants.
save() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration
Persist any unsaved changes that have been made to this configuration.
save() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Persist any unsaved changes that have been made to this configuration.
SAVED - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon
saveOutput(String, SequencerOutputMap, SequencerContext, Set<Path>) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.StreamSequencerAdapter
Save the sequencing output to the supplied node.
SCHEMA - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
SCHEMA - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
SCHEMA_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
SchemaGen - Class in org.modeshape.util
Main class to generate DDL that can be used to build the schema for the JPA connector.
SchemaGen(String, String, File) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.util.SchemaGen
Schemata - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.validate
The interface used to access the structure being queried and validate a query.
schemata() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.AccessQueryRequest
Get the schemata that defines the table structure and columns definitions available to this query.
schemata - Variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult
Schemata.Column - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.validate
Information about a queryable column.
Schemata.Key - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.validate
Information about a key for a table.
Schemata.Table - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.validate
Information about a queryable table.
Schemata.View - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.validate
Information about a view that is defined in terms of other views/tables.
schemataKeyReferencesNonExistingColumn - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
ScmAction - Interface in org.modeshape.connector.scm
ScmActionExecutor - Interface in org.modeshape.connector.scm
ScmActionFactory - Interface in org.modeshape.connector.scm
SCOPE_CATALOG_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
SCOPE_SCHEMA_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
SCOPE_TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
SCORE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
The "jcr:score" pseudo-column used in queries
score() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareQuery.CompareScorer
This method always returns a score of 1.0 for the current document, since only those documents that satisfy the NOT are scored by this scorer.
score() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.HasValueQuery.ExistsScorer
This method always returns a score of 1.0 for the current document, since only those documents that satisfy the NOT are scored by this scorer.
score() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.IdsQuery.IdScorer
This method always returns a score of 1.0 for the current document, since only those documents that satisfy the NOT are scored by this scorer.
score() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.MatchNoneQuery.NoneScorer
This method always returns a score of 1.0 for the current document, since only those documents that satisfy the NOT are scored by this scorer.
score() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.NotQuery.NotScorer
This method always returns a score of 1.0 for the current document, since only those documents that satisfy the NOT are scored by this scorer.
score() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ScoreQuery.NotScorer
This method always returns a score of 1.0 for the current document, since only those documents that satisfy the NOT are scored by this scorer.
score(String, String, DdlParserScorer) - Method in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParser
Determine this parser's score for the given DDL string.
score(String, String, DdlParserScorer) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Determine this parser's score for the given DDL string.
scoreIndex - Variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.SingleSelectorQueryResultRowIterator
ScoreQuery - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene.query
A Lucene Query implementation that is used to apply a FullTextSearchScore criteria a NOT expression of another wrapped Query object.
ScoreQuery(Query) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ScoreQuery
Construct a NOT(x) constraint where the 'x' operand is supplied.
ScoreQuery.NotScorer - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene.query
A scorer for the NOT query that iterates over documents (in increasing docId order), using the given scorer implementation for the operand of the NOT.
ScoreQuery.NotScorer(Scorer, IndexReader) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ScoreQuery.NotScorer
ScoreQuery.NotWeight - Class in org.modeshape.search.lucene.query
Calculates query weights and builds query scores for our NOT queries.
ScoreQuery.NotWeight(Searcher) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ScoreQuery.NotWeight
scorer(IndexReader, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareQuery.CompareWeight
scorer(IndexReader, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.HasValueQuery.ExistsWeight
scorer(IndexReader, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.IdsQuery.IdSetWeight
scorer(IndexReader, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.MatchNoneQuery.NoneWeight
scorer(IndexReader, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.NotQuery.NotWeight
scorer(IndexReader, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ScoreQuery.NotWeight
scoreStatements(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParserScorer
Increment the score because another statement was matched.
scoreText(String, int, String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParserScorer
Increment the score if the given text contains any of the supply keywords.
scoreText(String, String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParserScorer
Increment the score if the given text contains any of the supply keywords.
search(WorkspaceType, FullTextSearchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction
Perform a full-text search of this workspace.
search(WorkspaceType, FullTextSearchRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction
Perform a full-text search of this workspace.
search(WorkspaceType, FullTextSearchRequest) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Transaction
Perform a full-text search of this workspace.
search(ExecutionContext, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
Perform a full-text search of this workspace.
search(ExecutionContext, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapWorkspace
Perform a full-text search of this workspace.
search(ExecutionContext, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractWritablePathWorkspace
search(ExecutionContext, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathWorkspace
Perform a full-text search of this workspace.
search(String, int, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Search the current workspace using the supplied full-text search expression.
search(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder
Define a constraint clause that the node within the named table have at least one property that satisfies the full-text search expression.
search(String, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder
Define a constraint clause that the node within the named table have a value for the named property that satisfies the full-text search expression.
search(String, String, int, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Create a request to perform a full-text search of the workspace.
SEARCH - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.QueryLanguage
The full-text search language defined as part of the abstract query model, in Section 6.7.19 of the JCR 2.0 specification.
search(String, int, int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryContext
search(String, List<Object[]>, int, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
SearchableRepositorySource - Class in org.modeshape.graph.search
A RepositorySource implementation that can be used as a wrapper around another non-searchable or non-querable RepositorySource instance to provide search and query capability.
SearchableRepositorySource(RepositorySource, SearchEngine, ExecutorService, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchableRepositorySource
Create a new searchable and queryable RepositorySource around an instance that is neither.
SearchableRepositorySource(RepositorySource, SearchEngine) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchableRepositorySource
Create a new searchable and queryable RepositorySource around an instance that is neither.
SearchableRepositorySource.AbstractConnection - Class in org.modeshape.graph.search
SearchableRepositorySource.AbstractConnection() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchableRepositorySource.AbstractConnection
SearchableRepositorySource.ParallelConnection - Class in org.modeshape.graph.search
A RepositoryConnection implementation that calls the delegate processor in a background thread, allowing the processing of the FullTextSearchRequest and AccessQueryRequest objects to be done in this thread and in parallel with other requests.
SearchableRepositorySource.ParallelConnection(ExecutorService) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchableRepositorySource.ParallelConnection
SearchableRepositorySource.SynchronousConnection - Class in org.modeshape.graph.search
A RepositoryConnection implementation that calls the delegate processor in the calling thread.
SearchableRepositorySource.SynchronousConnection() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchableRepositorySource.SynchronousConnection
searchEngine() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchableRepositorySource
SearchEngine - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.search
A component that acts as a search engine for the content within a single RepositorySource.
SearchEngineException - Exception in org.modeshape.graph.search
An exception that represents a problem within a search engine.
SearchEngineException() - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineException
SearchEngineException(String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineException
SearchEngineException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineException
SearchEngineException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineException
SearchEngineIndexer - Class in org.modeshape.graph.search
A utility class that can be used to update the indexes of a search engine by crawling parts of the source.
SearchEngineIndexer(ExecutionContext, SearchEngine, RepositoryConnectionFactory) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineIndexer
Create an indexer that will update the indexes in the supplied search engine by crawling content, using the supplied connection factory to obtain connections.
searchEngineIndexerForSourceHasAlreadyBeenClosed - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
SearchEngineProcessor - Class in org.modeshape.graph.search
The processor that is created by the provider whenever a logical set of activities needs to be performed.
SearchEngineProcessor(String, ExecutionContext, Observer, DateTime) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchEngineProcessor
SearchEngineWorkspace - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.search
The representation of the persisted state of the indexes needed for searching.
searchIndexDirectoryOptionSpecifiesDirectoryThatCannotBeCreated - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
searchIndexDirectoryOptionSpecifiesDirectoryThatCannotBeRead - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
searchIndexDirectoryOptionSpecifiesDirectoryThatCannotBeWrittenTo - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
searchIndexDirectoryOptionSpecifiesFileNotDirectory - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
SearchRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
A Request to search or query a graph.
SearchRequest() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.SearchRequest
secondValueInLimitRangeCannotBeLessThanFirst - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
SecureHash - Class in org.modeshape.common.util
A simple utility to generate various kinds of secure hashes.
SecureHash() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.util.SecureHash
SecureHash.Algorithm - Enum in org.modeshape.common.util
Commonly-used hashing algorithms.
SecureHashTextEncoder - Class in org.modeshape.common.text
A text encoder that performs a secure hash of the input text and returns that hash as the encoded text.
SecureHashTextEncoder(SecureHash.Algorithm) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.text.SecureHashTextEncoder
Create an encoder that uses the supplied algorithm and returns only the supplied number of characters in the hash.
SecureHashTextEncoder(SecureHash.Algorithm, int) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.text.SecureHashTextEncoder
Create an encoder that uses the supplied algorithm and returns only the supplied number of characters in the hash.
SecurityContext - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
A security context provides a pluggable means to support disparate authentication and authorization mechanisms that specify the user name and roles.
SecurityContextCredentials - Class in org.modeshape.jcr
Credentials implementation that wraps a ModeShape security context.
SecurityContextCredentials(SecurityContext) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.SecurityContextCredentials
Initializes the class with an existing security context.
SEGMENT_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.PathValueFactory
Regular expression used to identify the different parts of a segment.
select(String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Add to the select clause the columns with the supplied names.
select(Source, Constraint, Ordering[], Column[], Limit, boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryObjectModelFactory
Creates a query with one or more selectors.
select(Source, Constraint, Ordering[], Column[], Limit, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
Creates a query with one or more selectors.
SELECT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
SelectComponent - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
SelectComponent(ProcessingComponent, Constraint, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SelectComponent
Create a SELECT processing component that pass those tuples that satisfy the supplied constraint.
SelectComponent(ProcessingComponent, Constraint, Map<String, Object>, SelectComponent.Analyzer) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SelectComponent
Create a SELECT processing component that pass those tuples that satisfy the supplied constraint, using the supplied SelectComponent.Analyzer for the verification of the more complex/arduous constraints.
SelectComponent.Analyzer - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
Inteface for criteria evaluation operations that cannot be defined efficiently, correctly, or completely using only the tuple values.
SelectComponent.CompareOperation - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
Interface defining the Comparison functionality for a specific Operator.
SelectComponent.ConstraintChecker - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
Interface used to determine whether a tuple satisfies all of the constraints applied to the SELECT node.
selectDistinct(String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Select the distinct values from the columns with the supplied names.
selectDistinctStar() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Select all of the distinct values from the single-valued columns.
Selector - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
Selector(SelectorName) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Selector
Create a selector with a name.
Selector(SelectorName, SelectorName) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Selector
Create a selector with the supplied name and alias.
selector(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Convenience method that creates a selector name object using the supplied string.
selector(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
selector1Name() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.EquiJoinCondition
Get the name of the selector that appears on the left-side of the join.
selector1Name() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SameNodeJoinCondition
Get the selector name for the first side of the join condition.
selector2Name() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.EquiJoinCondition
Get the name of the selector that appears on the right-side of the join.
selector2Name() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SameNodeJoinCondition
Get the selector name for the second side of the join condition.
selector2Path() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SameNodeJoinCondition
Get the path for the node being used, relative to the second selector.
selectorDoesNotExistInQuery - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
selectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ChildNode
Get the name of the selector representing the child
selectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Column
Get the name of the selector for the node.
selectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.DescendantNode
Get the name of the selector for the node.
selectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch
Get the name of the selector that is to be searched
selectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearchScore
Get the selector symbol upon which this operand applies.
selectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Length
Get the selector symbol upon which this operand applies.
selectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.LowerCase
Get the selector symbol upon which this operand applies.
selectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodeDepth
Get the selector symbol upon which this operand applies.
selectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodeLocalName
Get the selector symbol upon which this operand applies.
selectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodeName
Get the selector symbol upon which this operand applies.
selectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodePath
Get the selector symbol upon which this operand applies.
selectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.PropertyExistence
Get the name of the selector.
selectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.PropertyValue
Get the selector symbol upon which this operand applies.
selectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ReferenceValue
Get the selector symbol upon which this operand applies.
selectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SameNode
Get the name of the selector.
SelectorName - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A representation of a qualified or expanded name.
SelectorName(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SelectorName
selectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.UpperCase
Get the selector symbol upon which this operand applies.
selectorName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.AccessQueryRequest
Get the name of the selector (or table) that is being queried.
selectorName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
selectorNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ArithmeticOperand
Get the selector symbols to which this operand applies.
selectorNames() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.DynamicOperand
Get the selector symbols to which this operand applies.
selectorNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearchScore
Get the selector symbols to which this operand applies.
selectorNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Length
Get the selector symbols to which this operand applies.
selectorNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.LowerCase
Get the selector symbols to which this operand applies.
selectorNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodeDepth
Get the selector symbols to which this operand applies.
selectorNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodeLocalName
Get the selector symbols to which this operand applies.
selectorNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodeName
Get the selector symbols to which this operand applies.
selectorNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodePath
Get the selector symbols to which this operand applies.
selectorNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.PropertyValue
Get the selector symbols to which this operand applies.
selectorNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ReferenceValue
Get the selector symbols to which this operand applies.
selectorNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.UpperCase
Get the selector symbols to which this operand applies.
selectorNames() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryParser.JoinableSources
selectorNotUsedInQuery - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
selectorUsedInEquiJoinCriteriaDoesNotExistInQuery - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
SelectQuery - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom
Represents a typical select-style query.
selectSequencers(List<Sequencer>, Node, NetChangeObserver.NetChange) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService.DefaultSelector
selectSequencers(List<Sequencer>, Node, NetChangeObserver.NetChange) - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService.Selector
Select the sequencers that should be used to sequence the supplied node.
selectStar() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Select all of the single-valued columns.
SELF - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
String representation of the segment that references the same segment.
SELF_NAME - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Singleton instance of the name referencing a self, provided as a convenience.
SELF_PATH - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
SELF_PATH - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPath
SELF_REFERENCING_COLUMN_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
SELF_SEGMENT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Singleton instance of the path segment referencing a parent, provided as a convenience.
SEMICOLON - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
separateAndConstraints(Constraint, List<Constraint>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.CanonicalPlanner
Walk the supplied constraint to extract a list of the constraints that can be AND-ed together.
sequence(InputStream, SequencerOutput, StreamSequencerContext) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.sequencer.StreamSequencer
Sequence the data found in the supplied stream, placing the output information into the supplied map.
sequence(InputStream, SequencerOutput, StreamSequencerContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencer
sequence(InputStream, SequencerOutput, StreamSequencerContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.cnd.CndSequencer
Sequence the data found in the supplied stream, placing the output information into the supplied map.
sequence(InputStream, SequencerOutput, StreamSequencerContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencer
Sequence the data found in the supplied stream, placing the output information into the supplied map.
sequence(InputStream, SequencerOutput, StreamSequencerContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadataSequencer
Sequence the data found in the supplied stream, placing the output information into the supplied map.
sequence(InputStream, SequencerOutput, StreamSequencerContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataSequencer
Sequence the data found in the supplied stream, placing the output information into the supplied map.
sequence(InputStream, SequencerOutput, StreamSequencerContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.mp3.Mp3MetadataSequencer
Sequence the data found in the supplied stream, placing the output information into the supplied map.
sequence(InputStream, SequencerOutput, StreamSequencerContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataSequencer
Sequence the data found in the supplied stream, placing the output information into the supplied map.
sequence(InputStream, SequencerOutput, StreamSequencerContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.AbstractTextSequencer
Sequence the data found in the supplied stream, placing the output information into the supplied map.
sequence(InputStream, SequencerOutput, StreamSequencerContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencer
Sequence the data found in the supplied stream, placing the output information into the supplied map.
sequence(InputStream, SequencerOutput, StreamSequencerContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.zip.ZipSequencer
Sequence the data found in the supplied stream, placing the output information into the supplied map.
sequenceConstructorSimpleTypeName(SimpleTypeFieldMetadata, Path, SequencerOutput, NameFactory, PathFactory) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.SimpleTypeMetadataSequencer
Sequence the type name of the simple type.
SEQUENCED_DATE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
sequenceFieldMemberData(ArrayTypeFieldMetadata, PathFactory, NameFactory, SequencerOutput, Path, int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.ArrayTypeFieldMetadataSequencer
Sequence member data of array type.
sequenceMethodFormalParam(SequencerOutput, NameFactory, PathFactory, ArrayTypeFieldMetadata, Path) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.ArrayTypeFieldMetadataSequencer
Sequence all formal parameters of a method.
sequenceMethodFormalParam(SequencerOutput, NameFactory, PathFactory, SimpleTypeFieldMetadata, Path) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.SimpleTypeMetadataSequencer
sequenceMethodReturnType(SequencerOutput, NameFactory, PathFactory, SimpleTypeFieldMetadata, Path) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.SimpleTypeMetadataSequencer
Sequence the return type of a method.
sequencer(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration
Obtain or create a definition for the sequencer with the supplied name or identifier.
sequencer(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Obtain or create a definition for the sequencer with the supplied name or identifier.
SEQUENCER - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeLexicon
Sequencer - Interface in org.modeshape.repository.sequencer
The interface for a ModeShape sequencer, which sequences nodes and their content to extract additional information from the information.
SequencerConfig - Class in org.modeshape.repository.sequencer
A configuration for a sequencer.
SequencerConfig(String, String, String, String[], String...) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerConfig
SequencerConfig(String, String, Map<String, Object>, String, String[], String...) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerConfig
SequencerConfig(String, String, long, Map<String, Object>, String, String[], String...) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerConfig
SequencerContext - Class in org.modeshape.repository.sequencer
The sequencer context represents the complete context of a sequencer invocation, including the execution context (which contains JAAS credentials, namespace mappings, and value factories) and the I/O environment for writing output.
SequencerContext(ExecutionContext, Graph) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerContext
sequencerDefinition(ReturnType, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Utility method to construct a definition object for the sequencer with the supplied name and return type.
SequencerException - Exception in org.modeshape.repository.sequencer
A runtime exception that denotes an error within a sequencer.
SequencerException() - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerException
SequencerException(String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerException
SequencerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerException
SequencerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerException
SequencerLibrary - Class in org.modeshape.repository.sequencer
A library of Sequencer components.
SequencerLibrary() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerLibrary
SequencerOutput - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.sequencer
Interface for sequencers to use to generate their output.
SequencerOutputMap - Class in org.modeshape.repository.sequencer
A basic SequencerOutput that records all information in-memory and which organizes the properties by node paths and provides access to the nodes in a natural path-order.
SequencerOutputMap(ValueFactories) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerOutputMap
SequencerOutputMap.Entry - Class in org.modeshape.repository.sequencer
An entry in a SequencerOutputMap, which contains the path of the node and the property values on the node.
SequencerOutputMap.Entry(Path, List<SequencerOutputMap.PropertyValue>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerOutputMap.Entry
SequencerOutputMap.EntryIterator - Class in org.modeshape.repository.sequencer
SequencerOutputMap.EntryIterator(Iterator<Path>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerOutputMap.EntryIterator
SequencerOutputMap.PropertyValue - Class in org.modeshape.repository.sequencer
A property name and value pair.
SequencerOutputMap.PropertyValue(Name, Object) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerOutputMap.PropertyValue
SequencerPathExpression - Class in org.modeshape.repository.sequencer
An expression that defines a selection of some change in the repository that signals a sequencing operation should be run, and the location where the sequencing output should be placed.
SequencerPathExpression(PathExpression, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerPathExpression
SequencerPathExpression.Matcher - Class in org.modeshape.repository.sequencer
SequencerPathExpression.Matcher(PathExpression.Matcher, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerPathExpression.Matcher
sequencers() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Get the list of sequencer definitions.
SEQUENCERS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeLexicon
sequencerTaskName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.cnd.CndSequencerI18n
sequencerTaskName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencerI18n
sequencerTaskName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageSequencerI18n
sequencerTaskName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataI18n
sequencerTaskName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataI18n
sequenceTheParameterizedTypeModifier(ModifierMetadata, Path, PathFactory, NameFactory, SequencerOutput) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.ParameterizedTypeFieldMetadataSequencer
Sequences a modifier of this parameterized type.
sequenceTheParameterizedTypeName(ParameterizedTypeFieldMetadata, Path, PathFactory, NameFactory, SequencerOutput) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.ParameterizedTypeFieldMetadataSequencer
Sequences the type name of the parameterized type.
sequenceTheVariable(SequencerOutput, NameFactory, Variable, Path) - Static method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.VariableSequencer
Sequence a variable.
sequencingFrom(PathExpression) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.SequencerBuilder
sequencingFrom(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.SequencerBuilder
sequencingFrom(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.SequencerDefinition
Specify the input path expression represented as a string, which determines when this sequencer will be executed.
sequencingFrom(PathExpression) - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.SequencerDefinition
Specify the input path expression, which determines when this sequencer will be executed.
SequencingService - Class in org.modeshape.repository.sequencer
A sequencing system is used to monitor changes in the content of ModeShape repositories and to sequence the content to extract or to generate structured information.
SequencingService() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService
Create a new sequencing system, configured with no sequencers and not monitoring any workspaces.
SequencingService.Administrator - Class in org.modeshape.repository.sequencer
The administrative component for this service.
SequencingService.Administrator() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService.Administrator
SequencingService.DefaultSelector - Class in org.modeshape.repository.sequencer
The default SequencingService.Selector implementation that selects every sequencer every time it's called, regardless of the node (or logger) supplied.
SequencingService.DefaultSelector() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService.DefaultSelector
SequencingService.RepositoryObserver - Class in org.modeshape.repository.sequencer
SequencingService.RepositoryObserver() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService.RepositoryObserver
SequencingService.Selector - Interface in org.modeshape.repository.sequencer
Interface used to select the set of Sequencer instances that should be run.
SequencingService.SequencerCall - Class in org.modeshape.repository.sequencer
SequencingService.SequencerCall(Sequencer, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService.SequencerCall
SequencingService.Statistics - Class in org.modeshape.repository.sequencer
The statistics for the system.
SequencingService.Statistics() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService.Statistics
sequencingServiceName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
serializeProperties(ObjectOutputStream, int, Iterable<Property>, Serializer.LargeValues, Serializer.ReferenceValues) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Serializer
Serialize the properties' values to the object stream.
serializeProperty(ObjectOutputStream, Property, Serializer.LargeValues, Serializer.ReferenceValues) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Serializer
Serialize the property's values to the object stream.
serializeProperty(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
Serializer - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util
A class that is responsible for serializing and deserializing properties.
Serializer(ExecutionContext, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Serializer
Serializer.LargeValues - Interface in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util
Interface that represents the location where "large" objects are stored.
Serializer.NoLargeValues - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util
Serializer.NoLargeValues() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Serializer.NoLargeValues
Serializer.NoReferenceValues - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util
Serializer.NoReferenceValues() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Serializer.NoReferenceValues
Serializer.ReferenceValues - Interface in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util
Interface used to record how Reference values are processed during serialization and deserialization.
Server - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain
The Server class is the business object for a server that is hosting one or more ModeShape repositories.
Server(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain.Server
Constructs on new Server.
ServerNode - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json
The ServerNode class is responsible for knowing how to create a URL for a server, create a URL to obtain a server's repositories, and parse a JSON response into repository objects.
ServerNode(Server) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.ServerNode
serverShortDescription - Static variable in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.RestClientI18n
service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ModeShapeWebdavServlet
This method also sets and clears a thread-local reference to the incoming request.
ServiceAdministrator - Interface in org.modeshape.repository.service
Contract defining an administrative interface for controlling the running state of a service.
ServiceAdministrator.State - Enum in org.modeshape.repository.service
The available states.
serviceNotShutdowAndMayNotBeTerminated - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
serviceShutdowAndMayNotBePaused - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
serviceShutdowAndMayNotBeStarted - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
ServletSecurityContext - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr
Servlet-based security context that assumes servlet-based authentication and provides authorization through the servlet role-checking mechanism.
ServletSecurityContext(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.ServletSecurityContext
Create a ServletSecurityContext with the supplied servlet information.
session() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor.Workspace
sessionIsNotActive - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
set(int, T) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableAppendedList
set(String, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.LogContext
Put a context value (the val parameter) as identified with the key parameter into the current thread's context map.
set(int, NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.Children
set(PathNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.InMemoryWorkspaceCache
set(PathNode) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.WorkspaceCache
Attempts to cache the given node.
set(Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Set the properties on a node.
set(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Set a property on a node, starting with the name.
set(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Set a property on a node, starting with the name.
set(Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Set the properties on a node.
set(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Set a property on a node, starting with the name.
set(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Set a property on a node, starting with the name.
SET - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
SET_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.ReferencialAction
SET_NULL - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.ReferencialAction
SET_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.db2.Db2DdlConstants.Db2StatementStartPhrases
SET_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
SET_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
SET_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
SET_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
SET_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sqlserver.SqlServerDdlConstants.SqlServerStatementStartPhrases
SET_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sybase.SybaseDdlConstants.SybaseStatementStartPhrases
SET_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapePermissions
A standard JCR-defined permission to grant the user the ability to add or change properties.
setAbstract(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeTemplate
setActorIdExpression(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3SwimlaneMetadata
setActualLocation(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.LockBranchRequest
Sets the actual and complete location of the node being locked.
setActualLocation(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UnlockBranchRequest
Sets the actual and complete location of the node being unlocked.
setActualLocation(Location, List<Object>, List<Object>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdateValuesRequest
setActualLocationOfNode(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateNodeRequest
Sets the actual and complete location of the node being created.
setActualLocationOfNode(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteBranchRequest
Sets the actual and complete location of the node being deleted.
setActualLocationOfNode(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteChildrenRequest
Sets the actual and complete location of the node being deleted.
setActualLocationOfNode(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllChildrenRequest
Sets the actual and complete location of the node whose children have been read.
setActualLocationOfNode(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllPropertiesRequest
Sets the actual and complete location of the node whose properties have been read.
setActualLocationOfNode(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest
Sets the actual and complete location of the node whose children have been read.
setActualLocationOfNode(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBranchRequest
Sets the actual and complete location of the node being read.
setActualLocationOfNode(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNodeRequest
Sets the actual and complete location of the node whose children and properties have been read.
setActualLocationOfNode(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadPropertyRequest
Sets the actual and complete location of the node whose property has been read.
setActualLocationOfNode(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RemovePropertyRequest
Sets the actual and complete location of the node being updated.
setActualLocationOfNode(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.SetPropertyRequest
Sets the actual and complete location of the node being updated.
setActualLocationOfNode(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdatePropertiesRequest
Sets the actual and complete location of the node being updated.
setActualLocationOfNode(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.VerifyNodeExistsRequest
Sets the actual and complete location of the node whose properties have been read.
setActualLocationOfStartingAfterNode(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest
Sets the actual and complete location of the node whose children have been read.
setActualLocations(Location, Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneBranchRequest
Sets the actual and complete location of the node being renamed and its new location.
setActualLocations(Location, Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CopyBranchRequest
Sets the actual and complete location of the node being renamed and its new location.
setActualLocations(Location, Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.MoveBranchRequest
Sets the actual and complete location of the node being renamed and its new location.
setActualLocations(Location, Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RenameNodeRequest
Sets the actual and complete location of the node being renamed and its new location.
setActualProperty(Property, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdateValuesRequest
Record that the property did not exist prior to the processing of this request and was actually created by this request.
setActualRootLocation(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneWorkspaceRequest
Set the actual location of the root node in the new workspace.
setActualRootLocation(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateWorkspaceRequest
Set the actual location of the root node in the new workspace.
setActualRootLocation(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DestroyWorkspaceRequest
Set the actual location of the root node in the new workspace.
setActualRootLocation(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.VerifyWorkspaceRequest
Set the actual location of the root node in the new workspace.
setActualWorkspaceName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneWorkspaceRequest
Set the actual name of the workspace that was created.
setActualWorkspaceName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateWorkspaceRequest
Set the actual name of the workspace that was created.
setActualWorkspaceName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.VerifyWorkspaceRequest
Set the actual name of the workspace.
setAllChildren(Long, Path, LinkedList<Location>) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.RequestProcessorCache
setAllChildren(Path, LinkedList<Location>) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.RequestProcessorCache.WorkspaceCache
setAllowsSameNameChildren(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
setAllowsUpdates(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Set whether this source allows updates.
setAnnotationMetada(List<AnnotationMetadata>) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.PackageMetadata
setAnnotations(List<AnnotationMetadata>) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.TypeMetadata
setAsSchemaChildNode(AstNode, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
setAssignment(JPDL3AssignmentMetadata) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3SwimlaneMetadata
Set the delegated instance, the assignment.
setAttributeScoping(XmlSequencer.AttributeScoping) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencer
setAutoGenerateSchema(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Sets the Hibernate setting dictating what it does with the database schema upon first connection.
setAvailableWorkspaceNames(Set<String>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.GetWorkspacesRequest
Set the names of the workspaces that are available (at least to the current user)
setBeanPropertyIfExistsAndNotSet(Object, String, Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryService
setBucketCount(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram
Set the number of buckets that this histogram will use.
setCacheableInfo(CacheableRequest) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Set the supplied request to have the default cache policy and the current time in UTC.
setCacheableInfo(CacheableRequest, CachePolicy) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor
Set the supplied request to have the supplied cache policy and the current time in UTC.
setCacheConfigurationName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
Get the name of the configuration that should be used if a cache is to be created using the CacheManager found in JNDI or the DefaultCacheManager if needed.
setCacheConfigurationName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
Get the name of the configuration that should be used if a cache is to be created using the CacheFactory found in JNDI or the DefaultCacheFactory if needed.
setCacheFactoryJndiName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
Set the name in JNDI of a CacheFactory instance that should be used to obtain the Cache instance used by this source.
setCacheJndiName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
Set the name in JNDI of a Cache instance that should be used by this source.
setCacheManagerJndiName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
Set the name in JNDI of a CacheManager instance that should be used to obtain the Cache instance used by this source.
setCachePolicy(CachePolicy) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.cache.Cacheable
Set the caching policy for this object.
setCachePolicy(CachePolicy) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.AbstractRepositorySource
Sets the cache policy for the repository and replaces the path repository cache with a new path repository cache tied to the new cache policy
setCachePolicy(PathCachePolicy) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractPathRepositorySource
Sets the cache policy for the repository and replaces the path repository cache with a new path repository cache tied to the new cache policy
setCachePolicy(CachePolicy) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CacheableRequest
Set the caching policy for this object.
setCacheTimeToLiveInMilliseconds(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Set the time in milliseconds that content returned from this source may used while in the cache.
setChildName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
setChildNamespace(NamespaceEntity) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
setChildren(List<UUID>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode.Changes
setChildren(List<Path.Segment>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode.Changes
setChildren(Location, Location...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBranchRequest
Record the children for a parent node in the branch.
setChildren(Location, List<Location>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBranchRequest
Record the children for a parent node in the branch.
setClassFileRecorder(ClassFileRecorder) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencer
Sets a custom ClassFileRecorder.
setClassFileRecorderClassName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencer
Sets the custom ClassFileRecorder by specifying a class name.
setClassLoaderFactory(ClassLoaderFactory) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentLibrary
Set the Maven Repository that should be used to load the component classes.
setClassLoaderFactory(ClassLoaderFactory) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.mimetype.MimeTypeDetectors
Sets the Maven Repository that should be used to load the MIME-type detectors.
setClasspath(String[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencer
Set the names of the classloaders that should be used to load any non-standard DdlParser implementations specified in the list of grammars.
setCollectComments(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
Specify whether textual comments are supposed to be extracted from input.
setColumnStartPositions(int[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.FixedWidthTextSequencer
Set the column start positions.
setColumnStartPositions(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.FixedWidthTextSequencer
Set the column start positions from a list of column start positions concatenated into a single, comma-delimited string.
setCommentMarker(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.AbstractTextSequencer
Sets the comment marker to use.
setComponentType(FieldMetadata) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.ArrayTypeFieldMetadata
setCompressData(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
setCompressed(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.LargeValueEntity
setCompressed(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
setConfigType(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3AssignmentMetadata
setConfiguration(T) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.component.Component
This method allows the implementation to initialize and configure itself using the supplied ComponentConfig information, and is called prior to any other class to this object.
setConfiguration(SequencerConfig) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.StreamSequencerAdapter
This method allows the implementation to initialize and configure itself using the supplied ComponentConfig information, and is called prior to any other class to this object.
setConstraint(Constraint) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder
setConstraint(Constraint) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerCaser
setConstraint(Constraint) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperCaser
setContent(MavenUrl, InputStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
setContext(Context) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
setContext(Context) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
setContext(Context) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
setCorePoolSize(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Sets the core number of connections.
setCreatingWorkspacesAllowed(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
Set whether this source allows workspaces to be created dynamically.
setCreatingWorkspacesAllowed(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
Set whether this source allows workspaces to be created dynamically.
setCreatingWorkspacesAllowed(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
Set whether this source allows workspaces to be created dynamically.
setCreatingWorkspacesAllowed(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Set whether this source allows workspaces to be created dynamically.
setCreatingWorkspacesAllowed(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
Set whether this source allows workspaces to be created dynamically.
setCredentials(Credentials) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
Set the JCR credentials that should be used.
setCredentials(Credentials) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
SetCriteria - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A constraint that evaluates to true when the defined operation evaluates to true.
SetCriteria(DynamicOperand, Collection<? extends StaticOperand>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetCriteria
SetCriteria(DynamicOperand, StaticOperand...) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetCriteria
setCriteria(DynamicOperand, Collection<? extends StaticOperand>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
SetCriteria - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom
A constraint that evaluates to true when the value defined by the dynamic operand evaluates to be within the set of values specified by the collection of values.
setCriteria(DynamicOperand, Collection<? extends StaticOperand>) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
setCustomPropertiesFactory(CustomPropertiesFactory) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
Set the factory that is used to create custom properties on "nt:folder", "nt:file", and "nt:resource" nodes.
setCustomPropertiesFactory(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
Set the factory that is used to create custom properties on "nt:folder", "nt:file", and "nt:resource" nodes by specifying the name of a class that implements the CustomPropertiesFactory interface and has a public, no-argument constructor.
setData(byte[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.LargeValueEntity
setData(byte[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
Set the data that represents the packed properties.
setDataSourceJndiName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
setDataSourceJndiName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
setDatatypeParser(DataTypeParser) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
setDeclaredSuperTypeNames(String[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeTemplate
Set the direct supertypes for this node type.
setDefaultCachePolicy(CachePolicy) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
setDefaultCachePolicy(CachePolicy) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
setDefaultCachePolicy(CachePolicy) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
setDefaultCachePolicy(CachePolicy) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
setDefaultCatalogName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
Set the name of the catalog that should be used when the database does not support catalogs.
setDefaultLength(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
setDefaultPrecision(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
setDefaultPrimaryType(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.nodetype.NodeDefinitionTemplate
Deprecated. As of ModeShape 2.0, use NodeDefinitionTemplate.setDefaultPrimaryTypeName(String) instead
setDefaultScale(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
setDefaultSchemaName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
Set the name of the schema that should be used when the database does not support schemas.
setDefaultValues(String[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.nodetype.PropertyDefinitionTemplate
Deprecated. As of ModeShape 2.0, use PropertyDefinitionTemplate.setDefaultValues(javax.jcr.Value[]) instead
setDefaultWorkspaceName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
Set the name of the workspace that should be used when clients don't specify a workspace.
setDefaultWorkspaceName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
Set the name of the workspace that should be used when clients don't specify a workspace.
setDefaultWorkspaceName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
Set the name of the workspace that should be used when clients don't specify a workspace.
setDefaultWorkspaceName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
Set the name of the workspace that should be used when clients don't specify a workspace.
setDefaultWorkspaceName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Set the name of the workspace that should be used when clients don't specify a workspace.
setDefaultWorkspaceName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
Set the file system path to the existing directory that should be used for the default workspace.
setDefaultWorkspaceName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
Set the default workspace name.
setDepthForLoadingNodes(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
Set the loading depth parameter, which controls how deep a subgraph should be read when a node is loaded from the persistence store.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable
setDescription(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.SetDescription
Specify the description of this component.
setDetermineImageNumber(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
Specify whether the number of images in a file is to be determined - default is false.
setDialect(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
setDoUseTerminator(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Sets the value of the use terminator flag for the parser.
setDriverClassloaderName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
setDriverClassloaderName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
setDriverClassName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
setDriverClassName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
setDueDate(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3TaskMetadata
setEditor(ISVNEditor) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnWorkspace.SvnCommand
setElementType(FieldMetadata) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.ArrayTypeFieldMetadata
setEndStateMetadata(JPDL3EndStateMetadata) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3Metadata
setError(Throwable) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel.ChannelCompositeRequest
Set the error for this request.
setError(Throwable) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.Request
Set the error for this request.
setExclusionPattern(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
Sets the regular expression that, if matched by a file or folder, indicates that the file or folder should be ignored Only one of the exclusionPattern and filenameFilter properties may be non-null at any one time.
setExecutionContext(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService
setExecutorService(ExecutorService) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService
Set the executor service that should be used by this system.
setExpression(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3AssignmentMetadata
Set the expression.
setFields(List<FieldMetadata>) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.TypeMetadata
setFilenameFilter(FilenameFilter) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
Sets the filename filter that is used to restrict which content can be accessed by this connector Only one of the exclusionPattern and filenameFilter properties may be non-null at any one time.
setFilenameFilter(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
Sets the filename filter that is used to restrict which content can be accessed by this connector by specifying the name of a class that implements the FilenameFilter interface and has a public, no-argument constructor.
setFqClassName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3AssignmentMetadata
Set the full qualified name of the class delegation.
setGeneratedPrefixTemplate(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.SimpleNamespaceRegistry
setGrammars(String[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencer
Set the names of the grammars that should be considered during processing.
setHash(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.LargeValueEntity
setHeaderLevel(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.word.WordMetadata.WordHeading
setHeadings(List<WordMetadata.WordHeading>) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.word.WordMetadata
setHostname(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenUrl
setId(Long) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.NamespaceEntity
setId(Long) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.WorkspaceEntity
setIdleTimeInSecondsBeforeTestingConnections(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
setIdleTimeInSecondsBeforeTestingConnections(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
setIndexInParent(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
setInput(DataInput) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
Set the input stream to the argument stream (or file).
setInput(InputStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadata
Set the input stream to the argument stream (or file).
setJavadocMetadata(JavadocMetadata) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.PackageMetadata
setJndiName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
If you use this to set a JNDI name, this source will be bound to that name using the default InitialContext.
setJndiName(String, Context) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
Register this source in JNDI under the supplied name using the supplied context. to set a JNDI name, this source will be bound to that name using the default InitialContext.
setKeepAliveTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Sets the time limit for which connections may remain idle before being closed.
setKMGLength(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataType
setKMGValue(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataType
setLargeValueSizeInBytes(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
setLatchForFreezing(CountDownLatch) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.Request
setLength(String, int, char) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.StringUtil
Set the length of the string, padding with the supplied character if the supplied string is shorter than desired, or truncating the string if it is longer than desired.
setLength(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.LargeValueEntity
setLength(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataType
setLevel(int) - Method in exception org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParserProblem
setLimit(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQuery
setLimit(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSearch
setLocalizationRepository(LocalizationRepository) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.i18n.I18n
Set the repository of localized messages.
setLogger(Logger) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.mimetype.MimeTypeDetectors
Sets the logger for this system.
setLoggingLocale(Locale) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Logger
Set the locale used for the logs.
setMarker(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.MarkerAnnotationMetadata
setMaxFailedAttemptsBeforeError(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
setMaximumConnectionIdleTimeInSeconds(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
setMaximumConnectionIdleTimeInSeconds(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
setMaximumConnectionsInPool(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
setMaximumConnectionsInPool(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
setMaximumLinesToRead(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.AbstractTextSequencer
Sets the maximum number of lines to read.
setMaximumPoolSize(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Sets the maximum allowed number of connections.
setMaximumSizeOfStatementCache(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
setMaximumSizeOfStatementCache(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
setMaxPathLength(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
Set the maximum absolute path length supported by this source.
setMetadataCollectorClassName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
Set the class name of the metadata collector and instantiates a new metadata collector object for that class
setMethods(List<MethodMetadata>) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.TypeMetadata
setMinimumConnectionsInPool(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
setMinimumConnectionsInPool(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
setMixin(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeTemplate
setModel(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Set the model that should be used for this store.
setModelName(Model) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.StoreOptions
setModifiers(List<ModifierMetadata>) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.FieldMetadata
setModifiers(List<ModifierMetadata>) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.MethodMetadata
setModifiers(List<ModifierMetadata>) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.TypeMetadata
setMovedFrom(GraphSession.NodeId) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Dependencies
Record that this node is being moved from one parent to another.
setName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
Set the name of this source
setName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
Set the name of this source
setName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
Set the name for the source
setName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Set the name for the source
setName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.WorkspaceEntity
setName(Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode
setName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.StoreOptionEntity
setName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.AbstractRepositorySource
Sets the name of the repository source.
setName(Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode.Changes
setName(Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode.Changes
setName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.FederatedRepositorySource
setName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
setName(Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.DefaultMapNode
setName(Path.Segment) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapNode
setName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractPathRepositorySource
Sets the name of the repository source.
setName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeTemplate
setName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataType
setName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.AnnotationMetadata
setName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.FieldMetadata
setName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.ImportMetadata
setName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.MethodMetadata
setName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.PackageMetadata
setName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.TypeMetadata
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.Variable
setName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3EndStateMetadata
setName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3StartStateMetadata
setName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3SwimlaneMetadata
Set the name of the swimlane.
setName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3TaskMetadata
setName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3TaskNodeMetadata
setName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3TransitionMetadata
setName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.model.RepositoryEntry
setName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.model.WorkspaceEntry
setNamespace(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.xml.SimpleNamespaceContext
setNewProperties(Name...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdatePropertiesRequest
Record that the named properties did not exist prior to the processing of this request and were actually created by this request.
setNewProperties(Iterable<Name>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdatePropertiesRequest
Record that the named properties did not exist prior to the processing of this request and were actually created by this request.
setNewProperty(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.SetPropertyRequest
Record that the property did not exist prior to the processing of this request and was actually created by this request.
setNewProperty(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdatePropertiesRequest
Record that the named property did not exist prior to the processing of this request and was actually created by this request.
setNewSVNRepositoryLocation(SVNRepository, String, boolean, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryUtil
setNextReader(IndexReader, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession.DualIndexTupleCollector
setNextReader(IndexReader, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession.FullTextSearchTupleCollector
setNodeId(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
setNodeUuidString(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
Sets the node UUID string
setNormal(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.NormalAnnotationMetadata
setNotes(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.powerpoint.SlideMetadata
setNumberOfChildren(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllPropertiesRequest
Set the number of children for this node
setNumberOfConnectionsToAcquireAsNeeded(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
setNumberOfConnectionsToAcquireAsNeeded(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
setOffset(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQuery
setOffset(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSearch
SetOperationComponent - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
SetOperationComponent(QueryContext, QueryResults.Columns, Iterable<ProcessingComponent>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SetOperationComponent
setOption(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.StoreOptions
setOption(JcrRepository.Option, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryBuilder
setOption(JcrRepository.Option, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryBuilder
setOption(JcrRepository.Option, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryBuilder
setOption(JcrRepository.Option, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryBuilder
setOption(JcrRepository.Option, float) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryBuilder
setOption(JcrRepository.Option, double) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryBuilder
setOption(JcrRepository.Option, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryDefinition
Specify the repository option that is to be set.
setOption(JcrRepository.Option, boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryDefinition
Specify the repository option that is to be set.
setOption(JcrRepository.Option, int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryDefinition
Specify the repository option that is to be set.
setOption(JcrRepository.Option, long) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryDefinition
Specify the repository option that is to be set.
setOption(JcrRepository.Option, float) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryDefinition
Specify the repository option that is to be set.
setOption(JcrRepository.Option, double) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryDefinition
Specify the repository option that is to be set.
setOptional(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenDependency
setOrderableChildNodes(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeTemplate
setOrReplaceProperties(Location, Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession
setParameters(List<FieldMetadata>) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.MethodMetadata
setParent(NodeEntity) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
Sets the parent identifier
setParent(MapNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode
setParent(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode.Changes
setParent(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode.Changes
setParent(MapNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.DefaultMapNode
setParent(MapNode) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapNode
setParent(PlanNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Set the parent for this node.
setParent(AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Set the parent for this node.
setPassword(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
setPassword(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
setPassword(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
setPassword(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
setPath(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenUrl
setPathToTopOfRepository(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
setPayload(Payload) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
setPdName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3Metadata
Set the name of process definition.
setPingTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
setPooledActorsExpression(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3SwimlaneMetadata
setPort(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenUrl
setPrecision(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataType
setPredefinedWorkspaceNames(String[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
Sets the names of the workspaces that are available when this source is created.
setPredefinedWorkspaceNames(String[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
Sets the names of the workspaces that are available when this source is created.
setPredefinedWorkspaceNames(String[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
Sets the names of the workspaces that are available when this source is created.
setPredefinedWorkspaceNames(String[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Sets the names of the workspaces that are available when this source is created.
setPredefinedWorkspaceNames(String[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
Sets the names of the workspaces that are available when this source is created.
setPredefinedWorkspaceNames(String[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
Sets the names of the workspaces that are available when this source is created.
setPrimaryItemName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeTemplate
setPrimaryTypeNotSupported - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
setProperties(Node, Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor.Workspace
setProperties(Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode
setProperties(Map<Name, Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode.Changes
setProperties(WorkspaceType, NodeType, Iterable<Property>, Iterable<Name>, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction
Sets the given properties in a single operation, overwriting any previous properties for the same name.
setProperties(Map<Name, Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode.Changes
setProperties(WorkspaceType, NodeType, Iterable<Property>, Iterable<Name>, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction
Sets the given properties in a single operation, overwriting any previous properties for the same name.
setProperties(WorkspaceType, NodeType, Iterable<Property>, Iterable<Name>, boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Transaction
Sets the given properties in a single operation, overwriting any previous properties for the same name.
setProperties(Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.DefaultMapNode
setProperties(Iterable<Property>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapNode
Sets the given properties in a single operation, overwriting any previous properties for the same name This bulk mutator should be used when multiple properties are being set in order to allow underlying implementations to optimize their access to their respective persistent storage mechanism.
setProperties(ExecutionContext, Path, Map<Name, Property>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.WritablePathWorkspace
Sets the given properties in a single operation, overwriting any previous properties for the same name.
setProperties(Path, Property...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.io.Destination
Sets the given properties on the node at the supplied path.
setProperties(Path, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.io.GraphBatchDestination
Sets the given properties on the node at the supplied path.
setProperties(Location, String, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Add a request to update the properties on the node at the supplied location.
setProperties(Location, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBranchRequest
Add a node that was read from the RepositoryConnection.
setProperties(Location, Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBranchRequest
Add a node that was read from the RepositoryConnection.
setProperties(Location, String, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to update the properties on the node at the supplied location.
setProperties(Properties) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.AbstractMavenUrlProvider
setProperties(Path, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.cnd.CndSequencer.OutputDestination
Sets the given properties on the node at the supplied path.
setPropertiesOnNode(AstNode, DataType) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataTypeParser
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
setProperty(Node, Property, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor.Workspace
setProperty(Ejb3Configuration, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
setProperty(Ejb3Configuration, String, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
setProperty(ExecutionContext, String, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode
setProperty(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode
setProperty(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.DefaultMapNode
Sets the property with the given name, overwriting any previous property for the given name
setProperty(ExecutionContext, String, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.DefaultMapNode
Sets the property with the given name, overwriting any previous property for the given name
setProperty(Property) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapNode
Sets the property with the given name, overwriting any previous property for the given name
setProperty(ExecutionContext, String, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapNode
Sets the property with the given name, overwriting any previous property for the given name
setProperty(PlanNode.Property, Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Set the node's value for the supplied property.
setProperty(Location, String, Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Add a request to update the property on the node at the supplied location.
setProperty(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadPropertyRequest
Set the property on the node as read from the RepositoryConnection
setProperty(Location, String, Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to update the property on the node at the supplied location.
setProperty(String, String, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.sequencer.SequencerOutput
Deprecated. As of ModeShape 2.0, the preferred approach is to use SequencerOutput.setProperty(Path, Name, Object...), which properly addresses the session having different namespace mappings. This method depends on the namespace mappings for the given URIs in the name components of the nodePath and propertyName to be mapped in the NamespaceRegistry of the ModeShapeEngine's (or JcrEngine's) ExecutionContext.
setProperty(Path, Name, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.sequencer.SequencerOutput
Set the supplied property on the supplied node.
setProperty(Property, boolean, PropertyPayload) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Set the supplied property information on this node.
setProperty(Name, Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable
setProperty(Name, Object[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable
setProperty(String, Object[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable
setProperty(String, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable
setProperty(String, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable
setProperty(String, short) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable
setProperty(String, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable
setProperty(String, double) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable
setProperty(String, float) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable
setProperty(String, String, String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable
setProperty(String, int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.SetProperties
Set the property value to an integer.
setProperty(String, long) - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.SetProperties
Set the property value to a long number.
setProperty(String, short) - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.SetProperties
Set the property value to a short.
setProperty(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.SetProperties
Set the property value to a boolean.
setProperty(String, float) - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.SetProperties
Set the property value to a float.
setProperty(String, double) - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.SetProperties
Set the property value to a double.
setProperty(String, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.SetProperties
Set the property value to a string.
setProperty(String, String, String...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.SetProperties
Set the property value to a string.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.SetProperties
Set the property value to an object.
setProperty(String, Object[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.SetProperties
Set the property values to an object.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.SourceBuilder
setProperty(Path, Name, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerOutputMap
Set the supplied property on the supplied node.
setProperty(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerOutputMap
Deprecated. As of ModeShape 2.0, the preferred approach is to use SequencerOutputMap.setProperty(Path, Name, Object...), which properly addresses the session having different namespace mappings. This method depends on the namespace mappings for the given URIs in the name components of the nodePath and propertyName to be mapped in the NamespaceRegistry of the ModeShapeEngine's (or JcrEngine's) ExecutionContext.
setProperty(Name, Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Set the property with the given name to the supplied value.
setProperty(Name, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
Set the property with the given name to the supplied values.
setPropertyCount(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
SetPropertyRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
Instruction to set a particular property on the node at the specified location.
SetPropertyRequest(Location, String, Property) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.SetPropertyRequest
Create a request to set the property on the node at the supplied location.
SetQuery - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
This object acts as a Set operator on multiple queries, such as performing UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT operations.
SetQuery(QueryCommand, SetQuery.Operation, QueryCommand, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetQuery
Create a set query involving the supplied left- and right-hand-side queries.
SetQuery(QueryCommand, SetQuery.Operation, QueryCommand, boolean, List<? extends Ordering>, Limit) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetQuery
Create a set query involving the supplied left- and right-hand-side queries.
setQuery(QueryCommand, SetQuery.Operation, QueryCommand, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
SetQuery - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom
Represents a set query.
setQuery(QueryCommand, SetQuery.Operation, QueryCommand, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
setQuery(QueryCommand, SetQuery.Operation, QueryCommand, Ordering[], Limit, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
SetQuery.Operation - Enum in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
setQueryable(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeTemplate
SetQueryObjectModel - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom
A set query extension to the JCR query object model.
setReference(String, String, String...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.sequencer.SequencerOutput
Deprecated. As of ModeShape 2.0, the preferred approach is to use SequencerOutput.setProperty(Path, Name, Object...), which properly addresses the session having different namespace mappings. This method depends on the namespace mappings for the given URIs in the name components of the nodePath and propertyName to be mapped in the NamespaceRegistry of the ModeShapeEngine's (or JcrEngine's) ExecutionContext.
setReference(String, String, String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerOutputMap
Deprecated. As of ModeShape 2.0, the preferred approach is to use SequencerOutputMap.setProperty(Path, Name, Object...), which properly addresses the session having different namespace mappings. This method depends on the namespace mappings for the given URIs in the name components of the nodePath and propertyName to be mapped in the NamespaceRegistry of the ModeShapeEngine's (or JcrEngine's) ExecutionContext.
setReferentialIntegrityEnforced(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
setReferentialIntegrityEnforced(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
setRemovedNodes(Set<Location>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneBranchRequest
Set the locations of the nodes that were removed by this operation, if CloneBranchRequest.removeExisting() is true.
setRepository(Repository) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
setRepository(Repository) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
setRepositoryJndiName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
Set the name in JNDI where this source can find the JCR Repository object.
setRepositoryLibrary(RepositoryLibrary) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService
setRepositoryRootUrl(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
Set the url for the subversion repository.
setRequiredPrimaryTypes(String[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.nodetype.NodeDefinitionTemplate
Deprecated. As of ModeShape 2.0, use NodeDefinitionTemplate.setRequiredPrimaryTypeNames(String[]) instead
setResourceContent(ITransaction, String, InputStream, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ModeShapeWebdavStore
setResources(RepositoryResources) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.model.RepositoryEntry
setResources(WorkspaceResources) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.model.WorkspaceEntry
setResults(List<Object[]>, QueryResults.Statistics) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.AccessQueryRequest
Set the results for this request.
setResults(QueryResults.Columns, List<Object[]>, QueryResults.Statistics) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.FullTextSearchRequest
Set the results for this request.
setRetryLimit(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
Set the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source.
setRetryLimit(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
Set the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source.
setRetryLimit(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
Set the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source.
setRetryLimit(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Set the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source.
setRetryLimit(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.AbstractRepositorySource
Set the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source.
setRetryLimit(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.FederatedRepositorySource
Set the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source.
setRetryLimit(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
Set the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source.
setRetryLimit(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractPathRepositorySource
Set the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source.
setRetryLimit(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySource
Set the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source.
setRetryLimit(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchableRepositorySource
Set the maximum number of retries that may be performed on a given operation when using connections created by this source.
setRetryLimit(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.RepositorySourceDefinition
Set the retry limit on the repository source.
setRetryLimit(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.SourceBuilder
setReturnType(FieldMetadata) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.MethodMetadata
setRootNode(AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
setRootNodeUuid(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
Set the UUID of the root node in this repository.
setRootNodeUuid(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
Set the UUID of the root node in this repository.
setRootNodeUuid(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
setRootNodeUuid(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.StoreOptions
setRootNodeUuid(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.AbstractRepositorySource
Set the UUID of the root node in this repository.
setRootNodeUuid(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
setRootNodeUuid(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
setRootNodeUuid(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractPathRepositorySource
setRootNodeUuidObject(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.AbstractRepositorySource
setRowFactoryClassName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.AbstractTextSequencer
Sets the custom row factory class name.
setSameNameSiblingIndex(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
setScale(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataType
setScope(MavenDependency.Scope) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenDependency
setScope(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenDependency
setScorer(Scorer) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession.DualIndexTupleCollector
setScorer(Scorer) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchSession.FullTextSearchTupleCollector
setSelectorsOnSubplan(PlanNode, Set<SelectorName>) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil
setSequencerSelector(SequencingService.Selector) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService
Set the sequencer selector, or null if the default sequencer selector should be used.
setSheets(List<String>) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.excel.ExcelMetadata
setShowSql(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
Sets whether this source should output the SQL that it executes
setSignificantFigures(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram
Set the number of significant figures used in the calculation of the bucket widths.
setSingle(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.SingleMemberAnnotationMetadata
setSlashEncoded(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.FilenameEncoder
setSlashEncoded(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.UrlEncoder
setSource(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryBuilder
setSource(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryDefinition
Specify the name of the repository source that is to be used by this JCR repository.
setSource(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataType
setSourceFileRecorder(SourceFileRecorder) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataSequencer
Sets a custom SourceFileRecorder.
setSourceFileRecorderClassName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataSequencer
Sets the custom SourceFileRecorder by specifying a class name.
setSplitPattern(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.DelimitedTextSequencer
Sets the regular expression to use to split incoming rows.
setStartStateMetadata(JPDL3StartStateMetadata) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3Metadata
setState(ServiceAdministrator.State) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.service.AbstractServiceAdministrator
Set the state of the service.
setState(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.service.AbstractServiceAdministrator
Set the state of the service.
setState(ServiceAdministrator.State) - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.service.ServiceAdministrator
Set the state of the system.
setState(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.service.ServiceAdministrator
Set the state of the system.
setStrategy(double, double, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram
Set the histogram to use the standard deviation to determine the bucket sizes.
setStrategy(T, T) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram
Set the histogram to use the supplied minimum and maximum values to determine the bucket size.
setStrategyToDefault() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram
Set the histogram to use the actual minimum and maximum values to determine the bucket sizes.
setSuperClassName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.TypeMetadata
setSwimlane(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3TaskMetadata
setSwimlanes(List<JPDL3SwimlaneMetadata>) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3Metadata
Set a list with some swimlanes for the process definition.
setSystemPath(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenDependency
setTaskNodes(List<JPDL3TaskNodeMetadata>) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3Metadata
setTasks(List<JPDL3TaskMetadata>) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3TaskNodeMetadata
setTerminator(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
setTestMode(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
setText(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.excel.ExcelMetadata
setText(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.powerpoint.SlideMetadata
setText(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.word.WordMetadata.WordHeading
setThumbnail(byte[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.powerpoint.SlideMetadata
setTimeLoaded(DateTime) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CacheableRequest
setTimeToLive(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.cache.BasicCachePolicy
Set the time for values and information to live in the cache.
setTimeToLive(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.InMemoryWorkspaceCache.InMemoryCachePolicy
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.powerpoint.SlideMetadata
setTo(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3TransitionMetadata
setTransitions(List<JPDL3TransitionMetadata>) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3StartStateMetadata
setTransitions(List<JPDL3TransitionMetadata>) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.jpdl3.JPDL3TaskNodeMetadata
setType(PropertyType) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.LargeValueEntity
setType(PlanNode.Type) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
Set the type for this node.
setType(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenDependency
Set the type of dependency.
setType(AstNode, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNodeFactory
Sets the mixin type property for an AstNode
setType(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.FieldMetadata
setUnusedSource(String) - Method in exception org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParserProblem
setUpdatesAllowed(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
Set whether this source allows updates to data within workspaces
setUpdatesAllowed(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
setUpdatesAllowed(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
setUpdatesAllowed(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
In-memory connectors aren't shared and cannot be loaded from external sources if updates are not allowed.
setUpdatesAllowed(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
Set whether this source allows updates to data within workspaces
setUpdatesAllowed(boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.BaseRepositorySource
Set whether this source allows updates to data within workspaces
setUpdatesAllowed(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
In-memory connectors aren't shared and cannot be loaded from external sources if updates are not allowed.
setUpdatesAllowed(boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepositorySource
Set whether this source allows updates to data within workspaces
setUpdatesAllowed(boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRepositorySource
Set whether this source allows updates to data within workspaces
setUri(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.NamespaceEntity
setUrl(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
setUrl(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
setUsername(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
setUsername(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
setUsername(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
setUsername(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
setValidateConnectionBeforeUse(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
setValue(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.StoreOptionEntity
setValues(List<MemberValuePair>) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.AnnotationMetadata
setVariables(List<Variable>) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.FieldMetadata
setVersion(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.StoreOptions
setWorkspace(String, Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Utility method to set the workspace that will be used by this graph.
setWorkspaceId(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
Sets the identifier of the workspace containing this node
setWorkspaceName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenUrl
Set the name of the workspace.
setWorkspaceName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
setWorkspaceRootPath(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
Sets the relative root directory for workspaces
setWorkspaces(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.model.RepositoryResources
setWorkspaces(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.model.WorkspaceResources
SHEET_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon
ShortOperations - Class in org.modeshape.common.math
The math operations for short numbers.
ShortOperations() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
shortValue(Double) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
shortValue(Duration) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
shortValue(Float) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
shortValue(Integer) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
shortValue(Long) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
shortValue(T) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
Convert the value to a short.
shortValue(Short) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
shouldCache(PathNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.InMemoryWorkspaceCache.InMemoryCachePolicy
shouldCache(PathNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.NoCachePolicy
shouldCache(PathNode) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache.PathCachePolicy
Indicates whether the node should be cached .
showPlan - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanHints
Flag indicates whether the query plan should be included in the QueryResults
shutdown() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanRepository
This method shuts down the workspace and makes it no longer usable.
shutdown() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanWorkspace
This method shuts down the workspace and makes it no longer usable.
shutdown() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheRepository
This method shuts down the workspace and makes it no longer usable.
shutdown() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheWorkspace
This method shuts down the workspace and makes it no longer usable.
shutdown() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Initiates an orderly shutdown of the pool in which connections that are currently in use are allowed to be used and closed as normal, but no new connections will be created.
shutdown() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.ChangeObservers
Unregister all registered observers, and mark this as no longer accepting new registered observers.
shutdown() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.ObservationBus
Unregister all registered observers, and mark this as no longer accepting new registered observers.
shutdown() - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.RepositoryFactory
Begin the shutdown process for all the JcrEngine JcrEngines created by calls to RepositoryFactory.getRepository(Map).
shutdown(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.RepositoryFactory
Begin the shutdown process for all the JcrEngine JcrEngines created by calls to RepositoryFactory.getRepository(Map).
shutdown() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrEngine
shutdown() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepositoryFactory
shutdown(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepositoryFactory
shutdown() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeEngine
Shutdown this engine to close all connections, terminate any ongoing background operations (such as sequencing), and reclaim any resources that were acquired by this engine.
shutdown() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary
Utility method called by the administrator.
shutdown() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.service.AbstractServiceAdministrator
Permanently stop monitoring and sequencing events.
shutdown() - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.service.ServiceAdministrator
Permanently stop monitoring and sequencing events.
shutdown() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.spi.ModeShapeJcrRepositoryProvider
shutdown() - Method in interface org.modeshape.web.jcr.spi.RepositoryProvider
Signals the repository provider that it should complete any pending transactions, shutdown, and release any external resource held.
shutdownNow() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Attempts to close all connections in the pool, including those connections currently in use, and prevent the use of other connections.
shutdownService() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryService
shutdownService() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService
SignatureType - Enum in org.modeshape.maven
The type of signatures used by a Maven 2 repository.
SIMPLE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource.Models
SIMPLE_TYPE_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
SIMPLE_TYPE_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
SIMPLE_TYPE_MODIFIER_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
SIMPLE_TYPE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
SIMPLE_TYPE_VARIABLE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
SimpleJpaConnection - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple
The repository connection to JPA repository sources that use the simple model.
SimpleJpaConnection(JpaSource) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaConnection
SimpleJpaRepository - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple
Implementation of MapRepository for the Simple JPA connector model.
SimpleJpaRepository(String, UUID, String, String[], EntityManager, ExecutionContext, boolean, boolean, long, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository
SimpleJpaRepository(String, UUID, EntityManager, ExecutionContext, boolean, boolean, long, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository
SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple
Adapter between the persistent entity for nodes and the map repository interface for nodes.
SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode(NodeEntity) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode
SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode(UUID) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode
SimpleJpaRepository.LargeValueSerializer - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple
SimpleJpaRepository.LargeValueSerializer(NodeEntity) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.LargeValueSerializer
SimpleJpaRepository.LargeValueSerializer(NodeEntity, Set<String>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.LargeValueSerializer
SimpleJpaRepository.Workspace - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple
This class provides a logical mapping of UUIDs to nodes within a named workspace.
SimpleJpaRepository.Workspace(MapRepository, String, long) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.Workspace
SimpleJpaTransaction - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple
A MapRepositoryTransaction that wraps an EntityTransaction.
SimpleModel - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple
Database model that stores each node (transparently) and its properties (opaquely) in a single row.
SimpleModel() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleModel
simpleModelDescription - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaConnectorI18n
SimpleNamespaceContext - Class in org.modeshape.common.xml
A simple NamespaceContext implementation that maintains the namespace and prefix mappings discovered within an XML document.
SimpleNamespaceContext() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.xml.SimpleNamespaceContext
SimpleNamespaceRegistry - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
A simple NamespaceRegistry implementation that is not thread-safe, but that provides all the basic functionality.
SimpleNamespaceRegistry() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.SimpleNamespaceRegistry
SimpleNamespaceRegistry(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.SimpleNamespaceRegistry
SimpleProblems - Class in org.modeshape.common.collection
A simple Problems collection.
SimpleProblems() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.collection.SimpleProblems
SimpleRepositoryContext - Class in org.modeshape.repository
A simple, immutable RepositoryContext implementation that uses the references supplied as parameters to the constructor.
SimpleRepositoryContext(ExecutionContext, Observer, RepositoryConnectionFactory) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.SimpleRepositoryContext
SimpleRequestProcessor - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple
Extension of the MapRequestProcessor that provides a SimpleRequestProcessor.process(ReadBranchRequest) implementation optimized for the simple JPA model.
SimpleRequestProcessor(ExecutionContext, SimpleJpaRepository, Observer, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleRequestProcessor
SimpleStatistics<T extends Number> - Class in org.modeshape.common.statistic
Encapsulation of the statistics for a series of values to which new values are frequently added.
SimpleStatistics(MathOperations<T>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.statistic.SimpleStatistics
SimpleTypeFieldMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata
SimpleTypeFieldMetadata is a meta data for simple class type reference , a simple interface type reference, or a simple type variable.
SimpleTypeFieldMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.SimpleTypeFieldMetadata
SimpleTypeMetadataSequencer - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java
The sequencer of the SimpleTypeFieldMetadata
SINGLE_ANNOTATION_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
SINGLE_ELEMENT_ANNOTATION_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
SINGLE_IMPORT_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
SINGLE_IMPORT_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
SINGLE_IMPORT_TYPE_DECLARATION_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING - Static variable in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndTokenizer
The token type for tokens that consist of all the characters within single-quotes.
SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.BasicTokenizer
The token type for tokens that consist of all the characters within single-quotes.
SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream.DdlTokenizer
The token type for tokens that consist of all the characters within single-quotes.
SingleImportMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata
Single-import metadata.
SingleImportMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.SingleImportMetadata
SingleMemberAnnotationMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata
Metadata for single member annotations.
SingleMemberAnnotationMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.SingleMemberAnnotationMetadata
singleValuedPropertyNeedsSingleValuedDefault - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
singularize(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector
Returns the singular form of the word in the string.
size() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.AbstractProblems
size() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableAppendedList
size() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableProblems
Get the number of problems that are in this collection
size() - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.collection.Problems
Get the number of problems that are in this collection
size() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ThreadSafeProblems
Get the number of problems that are in this collection
size() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
size() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.Children
size() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicEmptyProperty
Get the number of actual values in this property.
size() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicMultiValueProperty
Get the number of actual values in this property.
size() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPath
Return the number of segments in this path.
size() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicSingleValueProperty
Get the number of actual values in this property.
size() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ChildPath
Return the number of segments in this path.
size() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Return the number of segments in this path.
size() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Return the number of segments in this path.
size() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Return the number of segments in this path.
size() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Property
Get the number of actual values in this property.
size() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequest
Get the number of requests.
size() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel.ChannelCompositeRequest
Get the number of requests.
size() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerOutputMap
Return the number of node entries in this map.
skip(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.QueryResultNodeIterator
skip(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.QueryResultRowIterator
skip(Name...) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Builder
Mark the properties with the supplied names to be skipped from indexing.
SKIP - Static variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules
skipFirstElement - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler
Flag the records whether the first element should be skipped.
skippingRootElement(boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.ImportInto
Specify whether the root element in the XML document should be skipped (that is, not be represented by a node).
SLASHED_STMT_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
SLIDE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon
SlideMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.powerpoint
Metadata for Microsoft Office PowerPoint slides.
SlideMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.powerpoint.SlideMetadata
SortLocationsComponent - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
SortLocationsComponent(ProcessingComponent) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SortLocationsComponent
SortLocationsComponent(ProcessingComponent, Comparator<Object[]>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SortLocationsComponent
sortValues() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerOutputMap
SortValuesComponent - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
A ProcessingComponent implementation that performs a PROJECT operation to reduce the columns that appear in the results.
SortValuesComponent(ProcessingComponent, List<Ordering>, Map<SelectorName, SelectorName>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SortValuesComponent
source - Variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemRepository
source - Variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepository
source - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Repository
source - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CloneTargetAction
source() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Query
Get the source for the results.
Source - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
The source that represents a set of node tuples.
source - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
source() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSelectQuery
Get the source for the results.
SOURCE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeLexicon
SOURCE_JDBC_DATA_TYPE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
SOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
SOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
SOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
SOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
SOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
SOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
SOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
SOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.FederatedRepositorySource
SOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.ModeShapeLexicon
SOURCE_NAME_ATTR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
sourceDoesNotSupportCloningWorkspaces - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
sourceDoesNotSupportCreatingWorkspaces - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
sourceDoesNotSupportDeletingWorkspaces - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
SourceFileRecorder - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.java
A simple interface that allows an implementer to control how Java source file metadata is mapped to properties (including primary and mixin types) in the graph.
sourceInUse - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
sourceIsReadOnly - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
sourceIsReadOnly - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataI18n
sourceIsReadOnly - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
sourceIsReadOnly - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
sourceName - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.Changes
sourceName - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.AbstractAccessComponent
sourceName - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel
sourceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel
Get the name of the source that this channel uses.
sources() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SetOperationComponent
SOURCES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeLexicon
SPACE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
SPEC_NAME_DESC - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
splitLines(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.StringUtil
Split the supplied content into lines, returning each line as an element in the returned list.
SQL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
SQL_92_ALL_PHRASES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases
SQL_92_RESERVED_WORDS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
SqlQueryParser - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.parse
A QueryParser implementation that parses a subset of SQL select and set queries.
SqlQueryParser() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
SqlQueryParser.SqlTokenizer - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.parse
A TokenStream.Tokenizer implementation that parses words, quoted phrases, comments, and symbols.
SqlQueryParser.SqlTokenizer(boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser.SqlTokenizer
SqlServerDdlConstants - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sqlserver
SqlServerDdlConstants.SqlServerDataTypes - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sqlserver
SqlServerDdlConstants.SqlServerStatementStartPhrases - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sqlserver
SqlServerDdlParser - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sqlserver
SqlServerDdlParser() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sqlserver.SqlServerDdlParser
SqlServerMetadataCollector - Class in org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc
The Microsoft SQL Server JDBC drivers return a list of users from the DatabaseMetaData.getSchemas() method instead of the actual schemas.
SqlServerMetadataCollector() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.SqlServerMetadataCollector
sqrt(Double) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
sqrt(Duration) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
sqrt(Float) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
sqrt(Integer) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
sqrt(Long) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
sqrt(T) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
Return the square root of the supplied operand.
sqrt(Short) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
STANDARD_DESCRIPTORS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.Repository
An immutable collection of "standard" descriptors, as defined in the JSR-283 specification.
STANDARD_PARSERS_BY_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencer
StandardClassLoaderFactory - Class in org.modeshape.common.component
A ClassLoaderFactory implementation that loads classes using the thread's context class loader or (optionally) a supplied class loader.
StandardClassLoaderFactory() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.component.StandardClassLoaderFactory
StandardClassLoaderFactory(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.component.StandardClassLoaderFactory
StandardClassLoaderFactory(boolean, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.component.StandardClassLoaderFactory
StandardDdlLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl
Lexicon for DDL concepts.
StandardDdlLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
StandardDdlLexicon.Namespace - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl
StandardDdlLexicon.Namespace() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon.Namespace
StandardDdlParser - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl
Standard SQL 92 DDL file content parser.
StandardDdlParser() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
StandardMapWorkspace<NodeType extends MapNode> - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base
The Workspace implementation that represents all nodes as MapNode objects and stores them within a Map keyed by their UUID.
StandardMapWorkspace(String, Map<UUID, NodeType>, NodeType) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.StandardMapWorkspace
Create a new instance of the workspace.
StandardMapWorkspace(String, Map<UUID, NodeType>, StandardMapWorkspace<NodeType>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.StandardMapWorkspace
Create a new instance of the workspace.
StandardValueFactories - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
The standard set of value factories.
StandardValueFactories(NamespaceRegistry) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StandardValueFactories
Create a standard set of value factories, using the default decoder.
StandardValueFactories(NamespaceRegistry, TextDecoder, TextEncoder, ValueFactory<?>...) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StandardValueFactories
Create a standard set of value factories, using the supplied encoder/decoder.
start() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Stopwatch
Start the stopwatch and begin recording the statistics a new run.
start() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
Begin the token stream, including (if required) the tokenization of the input content.
start(ExecutorService, ExecutionContext, RepositoryConnectionFactory) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel
Begins processing any requests that have been added to this channel.
start(ExecutorService, RequestProcessor, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequestChannel
Begins processing any requests that have been added to this channel.
start() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrEngine
start() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeEngine
Start this engine to make it available for use.
start() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary
Utility method called by the administrator.
start() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.service.AbstractServiceAdministrator
Start monitoring and sequence the events.
start() - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.service.ServiceAdministrator
Start monitoring and sequence the events.
startCDATA() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
startDocument() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.xml.StreamingContentHandler
startDocument() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
startDTD(String, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.xml.StreamingContentHandler
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
startEntity(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
startIndex() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CaseSensitiveToken
Get the index in the raw stream for the first character in the token.
startIndex() - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.Token
Get the index in the raw stream for the first character in the token.
startingAfter(Location) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.BlockOfChildren
Specify the block of children is to start with the child immediately following the supplied node.
startingAfter(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.BlockOfChildren
Specify the block of children is to start with the child immediately following the supplied node.
startingAfter(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.BlockOfChildren
Specify the block of children is to start with the child immediately following the supplied node.
startingAfter(UUID) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.BlockOfChildren
Specify the block of children is to start with the child immediately following the supplied node.
startingAfter(Property) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.BlockOfChildren
Specify the block of children is to start with the child immediately following the supplied node.
startingAfter(Property, Property...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.BlockOfChildren
Specify the block of children is to start with the child immediately following the supplied node.
startingAfter() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest
Get the location of the child after which the block begins.
startingAt(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.BlockOfChildren
Specify the block of children is to start at the supplied index.
startingAtIndex() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest
Get the starting index of the block, which is the index of the first child to include.
startMethodMustBeCalledBeforeConsumingOrMatching - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
startMethodMustBeCalledBeforeNext - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
startPrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.xml.StreamingContentHandler
startPrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler
This method ensures that the namespace is registered with the registry, using the supplied prefix to register the namespace if required.
startPrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
This method ensures that the namespace is registered with the registry, using the supplied prefix to register the namespace if required.
startService() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryService
startService() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService
startTransaction(ExecutionContext, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemRepository
startTransaction(ExecutionContext, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanRepository
Begin a transaction, hinting whether the transaction will be used only to read the content.
startTransaction(ExecutionContext, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheRepository
Begin a transaction, hinting whether the transaction will be used only to read the content.
startTransaction(ExecutionContext, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataRepository
startTransaction(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository
Begin a transaction, hinting whether the transaction will be used only to read the content.
startTransaction(ExecutionContext, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepository
startTransaction(ExecutionContext, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Repository
Begin a transaction, hinting whether the transaction will be used only to read the content.
startTransaction(ExecutionContext, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepository
Begin a transaction, hinting whether the transaction will be used only to read the content.
startTransaction(boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepository
Begin a transaction, hinting whether the transaction will be used only to read the content.
startup(ServletContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.spi.ModeShapeJcrRepositoryProvider
startup(ServletContext) - Method in interface org.modeshape.web.jcr.spi.RepositoryProvider
Signals the repository provider that it should initialize itself based on the provided servlet context and begin accepting connections.
STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
statement - Variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrAbstractQuery
STATEMENT_KEY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream.DdlTokenizer
The token type for tokens that represent the start of a DDL statement.
STATEMENTS_CONTAINER - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
STATIC - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
StaticOperand - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A static operand used in a Comparison constraint.
Status - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client
The Status class is an outcome that provides an outcome or result of an operation.
Status(Status.Severity, String, Throwable) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.Status
Status.Severity - Enum in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client
The status severity levels.
STMT_ABORT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_AGGREGATE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_ALGORITHM - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
STMT_ALTER_CLUSTER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_CONVERSION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_DATABASE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
STMT_ALTER_DATABASE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_DATABASE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_DEFINER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
STMT_ALTER_DIMENSION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_DISKGROUP - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_DOMAIN - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_EVENT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
STMT_ALTER_FOREIGN_DATA_WRAPPER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_FUNCTION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
STMT_ALTER_FUNCTION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_FUNCTION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_GROUP - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_IGNORE_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
STMT_ALTER_INDEX - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_INDEX - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_INDEXTYPE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_JAVA - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_LOGFILE_GROUP - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
STMT_ALTER_MATERIALIZED - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_OFFLINE_IGNORE_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
STMT_ALTER_OFFLINE_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
STMT_ALTER_ONLINE_IGNORE_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
STMT_ALTER_ONLINE_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
STMT_ALTER_OPERATOR - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_OPERATOR - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_OPERATOR_CLASS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_OPERATOR_FAMILY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_OUTLINE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_PACKAGE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_PROCEDURAL_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_PROCEDURE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
STMT_ALTER_PROCEDURE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_PROFILE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_RESOURCE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_ROLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_ROLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_ROLLBACK - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_SCHEMA - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
STMT_ALTER_SCHEMA - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_SEQUENCE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_SEQUENCE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_SERVER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
STMT_ALTER_SERVER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_SESSION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_SQL_SECURITY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
STMT_ALTER_SYSTEM - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_TABLESPACE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants
STMT_ALTER_TABLESPACE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_TABLESPACE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_TEXT_SEARCH - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_TEXT_SEARCH_CONFIGURATION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_TEXT_SEARCH_DICTIONARY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_TEXT_SEARCH_PARSER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_TEXT_SEARCH_TEMPLATE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_TRIGGER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_TRIGGER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_USER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_USER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_USER_MAPPING - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_VIEW - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ALTER_VIEW - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ANALYZE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ANALYZE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ASSOCIATE_STATISTICS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_AUDIT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CLUSTER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_COMMENT_ON - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_COMMENT_ON - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_COMMIT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_COMMIT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_COMMIT_FORCE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_COMMIT_WORK - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_COMMIT_WRITE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_COPY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_AGGREGATE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_ASSERTION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_BITMAP_INDEX - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_CAST - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_CHARACTER_SET - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_CLUSTER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_COLLATION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_CONSTRAINT_TRIGGER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_CONTROLFILE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_CONVERSION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_DATABASE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_DATABASE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_DATABASE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_DEFINER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_DIMENSION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_DIRECTORY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_DISKGROUP - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_DOMAIN - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_EVENT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_FOREIGN_DATA_WRAPPER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_FUNCTION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_FUNCTION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_FUNCTION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_FUNCTION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_GLOBAL_TEMP_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_GLOBAL_TEMPORARY_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_GROUP - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_INDEX - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_INDEX - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_INDEX - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_INDEX - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_INDEXTYPE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_JAVA - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_LIBRARY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_LOCAL_TEMP_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_LOCAL_TEMPORARY_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_LOGFILE_GROUP - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_MATERIALIZED_VEIW_LOG - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_MATERIALIZED_VIEW - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_OPERATOR - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_OPERATOR - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_OPERATOR_CLASS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_OPERATOR_FAMILY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_OR_REPLACE_DIRECTORY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_OR_REPLACE_FUNCTION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_OR_REPLACE_FUNCTION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_OR_REPLACE_LIBRARY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_OR_REPLACE_OUTLINE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_OR_REPLACE_PACKAGE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_OR_REPLACE_PRIVATE_OUTLINE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_OR_REPLACE_PROCEDURE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_OR_REPLACE_PUBLIC_OUTLINE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_OR_REPLACE_PUBLIC_SYNONYM - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_OR_REPLACE_RULE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_OR_REPLACE_SYNONYM - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_OR_REPLACE_TRIGGER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_OR_REPLACE_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_OR_REPLACE_VIEW - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_OUTLINE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_PACKAGE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_PFILE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_PROCEDURAL_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_PROCEDURE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_PROCEDURE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_PROCEDURE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_PROFILE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_PUBLIC_DATABASE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_PUBLIC_ROLLBACK - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_PUBLIC_SYNONYM - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_ROLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_ROLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_ROLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_ROLLBACK - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_RULE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_SCHEMA - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_SEQUENCE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_SEQUENCE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_SERVER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_SERVER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_SPFILE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_SYNONYM - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_SYNONYM - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_TABLESPACE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_TABLESPACE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_TABLESPACE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_TEMP_SEQUENCE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_TEMP_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_TEMPORARY_SEQUENCE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_TEXT_SEARCH - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_TEXT_SEARCH_CONFIGURATION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_TEXT_SEARCH_DICTIONARY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_TEXT_SEARCH_PARSER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_TEXT_SEARCH_TEMPLATE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_TRANSLATION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_TRIGGER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_TRIGGER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_TRIGGER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_TRIGGER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_TRUSTED_PROCEDURAL_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_UNIQUE_INDEX - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_UNIQUE_INDEX - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_UNIQUE_INDEX - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_UNIQUE_INDEX - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_USER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_USER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_USER_MAPPING - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_CREATE_VIEW - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases
STMT_DEALLOCATE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DEALLOCATE_PREPARE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DECLARE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DECLARE_GLOBAL_TEMP_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DISASSOCIATE_STATISTICS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DISCARD - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_AGGREGATE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_ASSERTION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_CAST - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_CHARACTER_SET - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_CLUSTER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_COLLATION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_CONSTRAINT_TRIGGER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_CONVERSION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_DATABASE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_DATABASE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_DATABASE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_DIMENSION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_DIRECTORY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_DISKGROUP - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_DOMAIN - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_EVENT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_FOREIGN_DATA_WRAPPER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_FUNCTION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_FUNCTION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_FUNCTION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_FUNCTION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_GROUP - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_INDEX - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_INDEX - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_INDEX - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_INDEX - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_INDEXTYPE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_JAVA - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_LIBRARY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_LOGFILE_GROUP - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_MATERIALIZED - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_OFFLINE_INDEX - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_ONLINE_INDEX - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_OPERATOR - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_OPERATOR - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_OPERATOR_CLASS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_OPERATOR_FAMILY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_OUTLINE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_OWNED_BY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_PACKAGE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_PROCEDURAL_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_PROCEDURE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_PROCEDURE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_PROCEDURE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_PROFILE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_PUBLIC_DATABASE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_PUBLIC_SYNONYM - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_ROLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_ROLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_ROLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_ROLLBACK - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_RULE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_SCHEMA - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_SEQUENCE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_SEQUENCE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_SERVER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_SERVER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_SYNONYM - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_SYNONYM - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_TABLESPACE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_TABLESPACE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_TABLESPACE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_TEXT_SEARCH - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_TEXT_SEARCH_CONFIGURATION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_TEXT_SEARCH_DICTIONARY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_TEXT_SEARCH_PARSER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_TEXT_SEARCH_TEMPLATE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_TRANSLATION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_TRIGGER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_TRIGGER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_TRIGGER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_TRIGGER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_USER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_USER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_USER_MAPPING - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_DROP_VIEW - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases
STMT_EXPLAIN - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_EXPLAIN_ANALYZE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_EXPLAIN_PLAN - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_FETCH - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_FLASHBACK - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_GRANT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases
STMT_INSERT_INTO - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases
STMT_LISTEN - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_LOAD - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_LOCK_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
STMT_LOCK_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_LOCK_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_MERGE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_MOVE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_NOAUDIT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_NOTIFY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_PREPARE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_PREPARE_TRANSATION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_PURGE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_REASSIGN_OWNED - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_REINDEX - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_RELEASE_SAVEPOINT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_RENAME - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_RENAME_DATABASE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
STMT_RENAME_INDEX - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
STMT_RENAME_SCHEMA - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
STMT_RENAME_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
STMT_RENAME_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlConstants.MySqlStatementStartPhrases
STMT_REVOKE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases
STMT_REVOKE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ROLLBACK - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ROLLBACK - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ROLLBACK_PREPARED - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ROLLBACK_TO_SAVEPOINT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ROLLBACK_TO_SAVEPOINT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_ROLLBACK_WORK - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_SAVEPOINT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_SELECT_INTO - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_SET_CONSTRAINT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_SET_CONSTRAINTS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_SET_CONSTRAINTS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_SET_CURRENT_ISOLATION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
STMT_SET_CURRENT_SCHEMA - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
STMT_SET_CURRENT_SQLID - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
STMT_SET_DEFINE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases
STMT_SET_ISOLATION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
STMT_SET_ROLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
STMT_SET_ROLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_SET_ROLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_SET_SCHEMA - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
STMT_SET_SESSION_AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_SET_TRANSACTION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_SET_TRANSACTION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_SHOW - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_TRUNCATE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
STMT_TRUNCATE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_UNLISTEN - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
STMT_VACUUM - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
stop() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Stopwatch
Stop the stopwatch and record the statistics for the latest run.
Stopwatch - Class in org.modeshape.common.statistic
Provides a mechanism to measure time in the same way as a physical stopwatch.
Stopwatch() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Stopwatch
Stopwatch(boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Stopwatch
Stopwatch(boolean, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Stopwatch
store(OutputStream, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
store - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
store(String, Name, String, String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryContext
store - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.TypedRule
storeAsNode(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrAbstractQuery
StoreOptionEntity - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util
An option for the store.
StoreOptionEntity() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.StoreOptionEntity
StoreOptionEntity(String, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.StoreOptionEntity
StoreOptionEntity(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.StoreOptionEntity
StoreOptions - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util
A utility class that provides easy access to the options stored within a database.
StoreOptions(EntityManager) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.StoreOptions
StoreOptions.Dna - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util
StoreOptions.Dna() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.StoreOptions.Dna
storeTo(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Store the saved configuration to the file with the given name.
storeTo(File) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Store the saved configuration to the given file.
storeTo(OutputStream) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Store the saved configuration to the stream.
storeTo(ContentHandler) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Traverse the saved configuration graph treating it as an XML document and calling the corresponding SAX event on the provided ContentHandler.
storeToXML(OutputStream, String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
storeToXML(OutputStream, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
strategy - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.NavigationVisitor
StreamingContentHandler - Class in org.modeshape.common.xml
Class that adapts an arbitrary, open OutputStream to the ContentHandler interface.
StreamingContentHandler(OutputStream) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.xml.StreamingContentHandler
StreamingContentHandler(OutputStream, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.xml.StreamingContentHandler
StreamSequencer - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.sequencer
The interface for a ModeShape sequencer that processes a property as a stream to extract information from the content and store in the repository.
StreamSequencerAdapter - Class in org.modeshape.repository.sequencer
An adapter class that wraps a StreamSequencer instance to be a Sequencer.
StreamSequencerAdapter(StreamSequencer) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.StreamSequencerAdapter
StreamSequencerContext - Class in org.modeshape.graph.sequencer
A special ExecutionContext that is used for sequencing streams.
StreamSequencerContext(ExecutionContext, Path, Set<Property>, String, Problems) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.sequencer.StreamSequencerContext
STRICT_FP - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
STRING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueComparators
A comparator of string values.
stringFactory - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
stringFactory - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareQuery
stringField(Name, Field.Store, Field.Index, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Builder
Define a string-based field in the indexes.
stringFor(Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor.Workspace
stringOf(TypeSystem, Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults
StringReference - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
A Reference implementation that uses a single UUID as the pointer.
StringReference(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringReference
stringToDecimal(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.FieldUtil
Converts the canonical string representation of a BigDecimal value into the object form.
StringUtil - Class in org.modeshape.common.util
Utilities for string processing and manipulation.
StringValueFactory - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
The standard ValueFactory for PropertyType.STRING values.
StringValueFactory(TextDecoder, TextEncoder) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringValueFactory
StringValueFactory(NamespaceRegistry, TextDecoder, TextEncoder) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringValueFactory
stringValueFactory - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem
Subgraph - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
A subgraph returned by the Graph, containing the nodes in the subgraph as well as the properties and children for each of those nodes.
SubgraphNode - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
An extended Node that includes the ability to get nodes in the subgraph relative to this node.
SubgraphNodeEntity - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple
Represents a single node that appears in a subgraph.
SubgraphNodeEntity() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SubgraphNodeEntity
SubgraphNodeEntity(Long, String, int) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SubgraphNodeEntity
SubgraphQuery - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple
Represents a temporary working area for a query that efficiently retrieves the nodes in a subgraph.
SubgraphQuery(EntityManager, Long, SubgraphQueryEntity, int) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SubgraphQuery
SubgraphQueryEntity - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple
Represents a temporary working area for a query that retrieves the nodes in a subgraph.
SubgraphQueryEntity(Long, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SubgraphQueryEntity
SUBJECT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableAppendedList
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.Children
submit(String, Location, Name, List<Object>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.AddValueAction
submit(String, Location, String, Location, Name, Path.Segment, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CloneAction
submit(Location, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CloneTargetAction
submit(String, Locations, Location, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CopyAction
Submit any requests to move the targets into the supplied parent location
submit(Location, String, Name, Collection<Property>, NodeConflictBehavior) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAction
submit(Location, LockBranchRequest.LockScope, long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.LockAction
submit(Locations, Location, Location, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.MoveAction
Submit any requests to move the targets into the supplied parent location
submit(Locations, Location, Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.MoveAction
Submit any requests to move the targets into the supplied parent location
submit(String, Location, Name, List<Object>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.RemoveValueAction
submit() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.io.Destination
Signal to this destination that any enqueued create requests should be submitted.
submit() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.io.GraphBatchDestination
Signal to this destination that any enqueued create requests should be submitted.
submit(Request) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Submit any request to this batch.
submit() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.cnd.CndSequencer.OutputDestination
Signal to this destination that any enqueued create requests should be submitted.
subpath(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Return a new path consisting of the segments starting at beginIndex index (inclusive).
subpath(int, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
Return a new path consisting of the segments between the beginIndex index (inclusive) and the endIndex index (exclusive).
subpath(int, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ChildPath
Return a new path consisting of the segments between the beginIndex index (inclusive) and the endIndex index (exclusive).
subpath(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Return a new path consisting of the segments starting at beginIndex index (inclusive).
subpath(int, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPath
Return a new path consisting of the segments between the beginIndex index (inclusive) and the endIndex index (exclusive).
subpath(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Return a new path consisting of the segments starting at beginIndex index (inclusive).
subpath(int, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.RootPath
Return a new path consisting of the segments between the beginIndex index (inclusive) and the endIndex index (exclusive).
subpath(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Return a new path consisting of the segments starting at beginIndex index (inclusive).
subpath(int, int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
Return a new path consisting of the segments between the beginIndex index (inclusive) and the endIndex index (exclusive).
subpath(Name...) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable
subSelect(List<Column>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
Obtain a new definition for the query results that can be used to reference the same tuples that use this columns definition, but that defines a subset of the columns in this definition.
subSelect(Column...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
Obtain a new definition for the query results that can be used to reference the same tuples that use this columns definition, but that defines a subset of the columns in this definition.
subSelect(List<Column>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Columns
Obtain a new definition for the query results that can be used to reference the same tuples that use this columns definition, but that defines a subset of the columns in this definition.
subSelect(Column...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Columns
Obtain a new definition for the query results that can be used to reference the same tuples that use this columns definition, but that defines a subset of the columns in this definition.
subtract(Double, Double) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DoubleOperations
subtract(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.Duration
Subtract the supplied duration from this duration, and return the result.
subtract(Duration) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.Duration
Subtract the supplied duration from this duration, and return the result.
subtract(Duration, Duration) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.DurationOperations
subtract(Float, Float) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.FloatOperations
subtract(Integer, Integer) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.IntegerOperations
subtract(Long, Long) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.LongOperations
subtract(T, T) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.math.MathOperations
Subtract the second operand from the first, and return the difference.
subtract(Short, Short) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.ShortOperations
subtract(DynamicOperand, DynamicOperand) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryObjectModelFactory
Create an arithmetic dynamic operand that subtracts the numeric value of the second operand from the numeric value of the first.
subtract(DynamicOperand, DynamicOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
Create an arithmetic dynamic operand that subtracts the numeric value of the second operand from the numeric value of the first.
SUCCESSORS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
sumOfSquaredWeights() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareQuery.CompareWeight
This implementation always returns a normalization factor of 1.0.
sumOfSquaredWeights() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.HasValueQuery.ExistsWeight
This implementation always returns a normalization factor of 1.0.
sumOfSquaredWeights() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.IdsQuery.IdSetWeight
This implementation always returns a normalization factor of 1.0.
sumOfSquaredWeights() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.MatchNoneQuery.NoneWeight
This implementation always returns a normalization factor of 1.0.
sumOfSquaredWeights() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.NotQuery.NotWeight
This implementation always returns a normalization factor of 1.0.
sumOfSquaredWeights() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ScoreQuery.NotWeight
This implementation always returns a normalization factor of 1.0.
SUPER_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
supertypeNotFound - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
SUPERTYPES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
supertypesConflict - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
SUPPORTS_CREATING_WORKSPACES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
This source does not support creating new workspaces, since the JCR API does not provide a way of doing so.
SUPPORTS_CREATING_WORKSPACES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
This source does not support creating workspaces.
SUPPORTS_EVENTS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
This source supports events.
SUPPORTS_EVENTS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
This source supports events.
SUPPORTS_EVENTS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
This source does not support events.
SUPPORTS_EVENTS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
This source supports events.
SUPPORTS_EVENTS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
This source supports events.
SUPPORTS_REFERENCES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
This source supports creating references.
SUPPORTS_REFERENCES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
This source supports creating references.
SUPPORTS_REFERENCES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
This source does not support creating references.
SUPPORTS_REFERENCES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
This source supports creating references.
SUPPORTS_REFERENCES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
This source supports creating references.
SUPPORTS_SAME_NAME_SIBLINGS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
This source supports same-name-siblings.
SUPPORTS_SAME_NAME_SIBLINGS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
This source supports same-name-siblings.
SUPPORTS_SAME_NAME_SIBLINGS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
This source does support same-name-siblings for procedure nodes.
SUPPORTS_SAME_NAME_SIBLINGS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
This source supports same-name-siblings.
SUPPORTS_SAME_NAME_SIBLINGS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
This source supports same-name-siblings.
SUPPORTS_UPDATES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
This source does support updates.
SUPPORTS_UPDATES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
This source does not support updates.
supportsCreatingWorkspaces() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySourceCapabilities
Return whether the source supports creating workspaces through the connector.
supportsEvents() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySourceCapabilities
Return whether the source supports publishing change events.
supportsLocks() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySourceCapabilities
Return whether the source supports creating locks.
supportsQueries() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySourceCapabilities
Return whether the source supports queries.
supportsReferences() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySourceCapabilities
Return whether the source supports references by identifiers.
supportsSameNameSiblings() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySourceCapabilities
Return whether the source supports same name siblings.
supportsSearches() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySourceCapabilities
Return whether the source supports full-text searches.
supportsUpdates() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySourceCapabilities
Return whether the source supports updates.
suspendEncoding() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64.OutputStream
Suspends encoding of the stream.
SVN_PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
SVN_REPOSITORY_ROOT_URL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
SVN_USERNAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
SvnRepository - Class in org.modeshape.connector.svn
SvnRepository(SvnRepositorySource) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepository
SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n - Class in org.modeshape.connector.svn
The internationalized string constants for the org.modeshape.connector.svn* packages.
SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
SvnRepositoryLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.connector.svn
The namespace and property names used within a SvnRepositorySource to store internal information.
SvnRepositoryLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryLexicon
SvnRepositoryLexicon.Namespace - Class in org.modeshape.connector.svn
SvnRepositoryLexicon.Namespace() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryLexicon.Namespace
SvnRepositorySource - Class in org.modeshape.connector.svn
The RepositorySource for the connector that exposes an area of the local/remote svn repository as content in a repository.
SvnRepositorySource() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositorySource
Create a repository source instance.
SvnRepositoryUtil - Class in org.modeshape.connector.svn
SvnWorkspace - Class in org.modeshape.connector.svn
Workspace implementation for SVN repository connector
SvnWorkspace(SvnRepository, SVNRepository, String, UUID) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnWorkspace
SvnWorkspace(String, SvnWorkspace, SVNRepository) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnWorkspace
SvnWorkspace.SvnCommand - Class in org.modeshape.connector.svn
SvnWorkspace.SvnCommand(ScmAction) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnWorkspace.SvnCommand
SvnWorkspace.SvnCompositeCommand - Class in org.modeshape.connector.svn
SvnWorkspace.SvnCompositeCommand(List<SvnWorkspace.SvnCommand>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnWorkspace.SvnCompositeCommand
SvnWorkspace.SvnPutContentCommand - Class in org.modeshape.connector.svn
SvnWorkspace.SvnPutContentCommand(String, String, byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnWorkspace.SvnPutContentCommand
SvnWorkspace.SvnPutFileCommand - Class in org.modeshape.connector.svn
SvnWorkspace.SvnPutFileCommand(String, String, byte[]) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnWorkspace.SvnPutFileCommand
SvnWorkspace.SvnPutFolderCommand - Class in org.modeshape.connector.svn
SvnWorkspace.SvnPutFolderCommand(String, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnWorkspace.SvnPutFolderCommand
SvnWorkspace.SvnRemoveCommand - Class in org.modeshape.connector.svn
SvnWorkspace.SvnRemoveCommand(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnWorkspace.SvnRemoveCommand
SybaseDdlConstants - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sybase
SybaseDdlConstants.SybaseDataTypes - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sybase
SybaseDdlConstants.SybaseStatementStartPhrases - Interface in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sybase
SybaseDdlParser - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sybase
SybaseDdlParser() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sybase.SybaseDdlParser
SYMBOL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndTokenizer
The token type for tokens that consist of an individual "symbol" character.
SYMBOL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.BasicTokenizer
The token type for tokens that consist of an individual "symbol" character.
symbol() - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ArithmeticOperator
Get the symbol for this operator
symbol() - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.JoinType
symbol() - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Operator
Get the symbol for this operator
symbol() - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Order
Get the symbolic representation of the order
SYMBOL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser.SqlTokenizer
The token type for tokens that consist of an individual "symbol" character.
SYMBOL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser.XPathTokenizer
The token type for tokens that consist of an individual "symbol" character.
SYMBOL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream.DdlTokenizer
The token type for tokens that consist of an individual "symbol" character.
SYNCHRONIZED - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
synchronizeWithNewlyPersistedNode(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
This method is used to adjust the existing children by adding a child that was recently added to the persistent store (via clone or copy).
SYSTEM - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
SYSTEM - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapeLexicon
SYSTEM_ID - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.ModeShapeDtdLexicon
SystemFailureException - Exception in org.modeshape.common
A generic runtime exception representing a catastrophic and/or unrecoverable failure of the system.
SystemFailureException() - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.common.SystemFailureException
Construct a system failure exception with no message.
SystemFailureException(String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.common.SystemFailureException
Construct a system failure exception with a single message.
SystemFailureException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.common.SystemFailureException
Construct a system failure exception with another exception that is the cause of the failure.
SystemFailureException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.common.SystemFailureException
Construct a system failure exception with a single message and another exception that is the cause of the failure.
systemSourceNameOptionValueDoesNotReferenceExistingSource - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
systemSourceNameOptionValueDoesNotReferenceValidWorkspace - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
systemSourceNameOptionValueIsNotFormattedCorrectly - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n


TABLE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
TABLE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
TABLE_CONSTRAINT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.AstNodeNames
TABLE_DEFINITION - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.AstNodeNames
TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TABLE_TYPE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
tableDoesNotExist - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
tableIsNotFullTextSearchable - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
TableMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc
Container for table-level metadata.
TableMetadata(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.TableMetadata
TABLES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
TABLES_INCLUDE_COLUMNS_FOR_INHERITED_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.DefaultOption
The default value for the JcrRepository.Option.PROJECT_NODE_TYPES option is .
TABLES_SEGMENT_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataRepository
tableWithNameOrAlias(SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
TARGET - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.ModeShapeXmlLexicon
TARGET_OBJECT_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TARGET_OBJECT_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TARGET_OBJECT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TARGET_OBJECT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
targetConflictBehavior() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneWorkspaceRequest
Get the desired behavior if a workspace already exists with the desired workspace name .
TEMPLATE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon
TEMPORARY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
terminated() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Method invoked when the pool has terminated.
testPrint(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
text(Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.i18n.I18n
Get the localized text for the current (default) locale, replacing the parameters in the text with those supplied.
text(Locale, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.i18n.I18n
Get the localized text for the supplied locale, replacing the parameters in the text with those supplied.
TEXT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon
TextDecoder - Interface in org.modeshape.common.text
Interface for components that can decode text.
TextEncoder - Interface in org.modeshape.common.text
Interface for components that can encode text.
TextSequencerI18n - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.text
The internationalized string constants for the org.modeshape.sequencer.text packages.
TextSequencerI18n() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.TextSequencerI18n
TextSequencerLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.text
The namespace and property names used within a AbstractTextSequencer to store internal information.
TextSequencerLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.TextSequencerLexicon
TextSequencerLexicon.Namespace - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.text
TextSequencerLexicon.Namespace() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.TextSequencerLexicon.Namespace
then() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.OrderByBuilder
An optional convenience method that returns this builder, but which makes the code using this builder more readable.
thisType() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration.RepositoryBuilder
thisType() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable
thisType() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.MimeTypeDetectorBuilder
thisType() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.SequencerBuilder
thisType() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.SourceBuilder
ThreadSafeNamespaceRegistry - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
A thread-safe NamespaceRegistry that may be used as a thread-safe wrapper around another non-thread-safe implementation.
ThreadSafeNamespaceRegistry() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ThreadSafeNamespaceRegistry
ThreadSafeNamespaceRegistry(NamespaceRegistry) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ThreadSafeNamespaceRegistry
ThreadSafeProblems - Class in org.modeshape.common.collection
A thread-safe Problems collection.
ThreadSafeProblems() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.collection.ThreadSafeProblems
throwNoMoreContent() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
THUMBNAIL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon
TIME_TO_EXPIRE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.ModeShapeLexicon
timestamp - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.Changes
TITLE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.mp3.Mp3MetadataLexicon
TITLE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon
titleCase(String, String...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector
Capitalizes all the words and replaces some characters in the string to create a nicer looking title.
to(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.AddValueAction
to(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.AddValueAction
to(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CopyAction
to(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CopyAction
to(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CopyAction
to(Node) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.SetValuesTo
Set the property value to be a reference to the given node.
to(Location) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.SetValuesTo
Set the property value to be a reference to the given location.
to(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.SetValuesTo
Set the property value to the given string.
to(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.SetValuesTo
Set the property value to the given integer value.
to(long) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.SetValuesTo
Set the property value to the given long value.
to(boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.SetValuesTo
Set the property value to the given boolean value.
to(float) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.SetValuesTo
Set the property value to the given float value.
to(double) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.SetValuesTo
Set the property value to the given double value.
to(BigDecimal) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.SetValuesTo
Set the property value to the given decimal value.
to(Calendar) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.SetValuesTo
Set the property value to the date given by the supplied calendar.
to(Date) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.SetValuesTo
Set the property value to the given date.
to(DateTime) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.SetValuesTo
Set the property value to the given date-time instant.
to(Name) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.SetValuesTo
Set the property value to the given Name.
to(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.SetValuesTo
Set the property value to the given Path.
to(Reference) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.SetValuesTo
Set the property value to the given Reference.
to(URI) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.SetValuesTo
Set the property value to the given URI.
to(UUID) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.SetValuesTo
Set the property value to the given UUID.
to(Binary) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.SetValuesTo
Set the property value to the given binary value.
to(byte[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.SetValuesTo
Set the property value to the given byte array.
to(InputStream, long) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.SetValuesTo
Set the property value to the given string.
to(Reader, long) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.SetValuesTo
Set the property value to the given string.
to(Object) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.SetValuesTo
Set the property value to the given object.
to(Object[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.SetValuesTo
Set the property values to the given object.
to(Object, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.SetValuesTo
Set the property value to the given objects.
to(Iterable<?>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.SetValuesTo
Set the property value to the given object.
to(Iterator<?>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.SetValuesTo
Set the property value to the given object.
to(Location) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.To
Finish the request by specifying the Location.create where the node should be copied/moved.
to(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.To
Finish the request by specifying the Location.create where the node should be copied/moved.
to(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.To
Finish the request by specifying the Location.create where the node should be copied/moved.
to(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.ToName
to(Name) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.ToName
toArray() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableAppendedList
toArray(X[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableAppendedList
toArray() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.Children
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapTransaction.Children
toBigDecimal() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.Duration
toCalendar() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Get this instance represented as a standard JDK Calendar instance, in the default locale.
toCalendar(Locale) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Get this instance represented as a standard JDK Calendar instance, in the specified locale .
toCalendar() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Get this instance represented as a standard JDK Calendar instance, in the default locale.
toCalendar(Locale) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Get this instance represented as a standard JDK Calendar instance, in the specified locale .
toDate() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Get this instance represented as a standard JDK Date instance.
toDate() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Get this instance represented as a standard JDK Date instance.
toGregorianCalendar() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Get this instance represented as a standard JDK GregorianCalendar instance.
toGregorianCalendar() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Get this instance represented as a standard JDK GregorianCalendar instance.
tokenize(TokenStream.CharacterStream, TokenStream.Tokens) - Method in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndTokenizer
Process the supplied characters and construct the appropriate TokenStream.Token objects.
tokenize(TokenStream.CharacterStream, TokenStream.Tokens) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.BasicTokenizer
Process the supplied characters and construct the appropriate TokenStream.Token objects.
tokenize(TokenStream.CharacterStream, TokenStream.Tokens) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.Tokenizer
Process the supplied characters and construct the appropriate TokenStream.Token objects.
tokenize(TokenStream.CharacterStream, TokenStream.Tokens) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser.SqlTokenizer
Process the supplied characters and construct the appropriate TokenStream.Token objects.
tokenize(TokenStream.CharacterStream, TokenStream.Tokens) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser.XPathTokenizer
Process the supplied characters and construct the appropriate TokenStream.Token objects.
tokenize(TokenStream.CharacterStream, TokenStream.Tokens) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream.DdlTokenizer
Process the supplied characters and construct the appropriate TokenStream.Token objects.
tokens - Variable in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.TokenFactory
TokenStream - Class in org.modeshape.common.text
A foundation for basic parsers that tokenizes input content and allows parsers to easily access and use those tokens.
TokenStream(String, TokenStream.Tokenizer, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
TokenStream.BasicTokenizer - Class in org.modeshape.common.text
A basic TokenStream.Tokenizer implementation that ignores whitespace but includes tokens for individual symbols, the period ('.'), single-quoted strings, double-quoted strings, whitespace-delimited words, and optionally comments.
TokenStream.BasicTokenizer(boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.BasicTokenizer
TokenStream.CaseInsensitiveToken - Class in org.modeshape.common.text
TokenStream.CaseInsensitiveToken(int, int, int, Position) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CaseInsensitiveToken
TokenStream.CaseInsensitiveTokenFactory - Class in org.modeshape.common.text
TokenStream.CaseInsensitiveTokenFactory() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CaseInsensitiveTokenFactory
TokenStream.CaseSensitiveToken - Class in org.modeshape.common.text
An immutable TokenStream.Token that implements matching using case-sensitive logic.
TokenStream.CaseSensitiveToken(int, int, int, Position) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CaseSensitiveToken
TokenStream.CaseSensitiveTokenFactory - Class in org.modeshape.common.text
TokenStream.CaseSensitiveTokenFactory() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CaseSensitiveTokenFactory
TokenStream.CharacterArrayStream - Class in org.modeshape.common.text
An implementation of TokenStream.CharacterStream that works with a single character array.
TokenStream.CharacterArrayStream(char[]) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CharacterArrayStream
TokenStream.CharacterStream - Interface in org.modeshape.common.text
Interface used by a TokenStream.Tokenizer to iterate through the characters in the content input to the TokenStream.
TokenStream.Token - Interface in org.modeshape.common.text
The interface defining a token, which references the characters in the actual input character stream.
TokenStream.TokenFactory - Class in org.modeshape.common.text
TokenStream.TokenFactory() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.TokenFactory
TokenStream.Tokenizer - Interface in org.modeshape.common.text
Interface for a Tokenizer component responsible for processing the characters in a TokenStream.CharacterStream and constructing the appropriate TokenStream.Token objects.
TokenStream.Tokens - Interface in org.modeshape.common.text
A factory for Token objects, used by a TokenStream.Tokenizer to create tokens in the correct order.
toName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RenameNodeRequest
Get the new name for the node.
tooDeep - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
toRegularExpression(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareStringQuery
Convert the JCR like expression to a regular expression.
toRequest() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder.NodeChange
toResponse(JSONException) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.JcrResources.JSONExceptionMapper
toResponse(NoSuchRepositoryException) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.JcrResources.NoSuchRepositoryExceptionMapper
toResponse(NotFoundException) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.JcrResources.NotFoundExceptionMapper
toResponse(RepositoryException) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.JcrResources.RepositoryExceptionMapper
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.ImmutableAppendedList
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.Problem
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.SimpleProblems
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.i18n.I18n
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.Duration.Components
Return the duration as a string in a form containing hours, minutes, and seconds, including the fractional part of the seconds.
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.math.Duration
Writes the duration in a form containing hours, minutes, and seconds, including the fractional part of the seconds.
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.DetailedStatistics
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram.Bucket
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.SimpleStatistics
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Stopwatch
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector.Rule
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Position
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CaseSensitiveToken
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream
toString(Object, int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.ClassUtil
toString() - Method in enum org.modeshape.common.util.SecureHash.Algorithm
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositoryConnection
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.ChangeLogEntity
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.NamespaceEntity
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.WorkspaceEntity
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.LargeValueEntity
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.NodeEntity
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SubgraphNodeEntity
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.Model
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.RequestProcessorCache
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.RequestProcessorCache.WorkspaceCache
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.StoreOptionEntity
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.mgnt.AddDirectory
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.mgnt.AddFile
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.mgnt.UpdateFile
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnWorkspace.SvnCommand
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnWorkspace.SvnCompositeCommand
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.cache.BasicCachePolicy
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Connection
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapWorkspace
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction.WorkspaceChanges
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathWorkspace
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection.PathRule
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation.Projection
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.AbstractMapWorkspace
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.DefaultMapNode
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRepositoryConnection
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.DefaultPathNode
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRepositoryConnection
toString() - Method in exception org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositorySourceException
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.ExecutionContext
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.GraphNode
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.GraphWorkspace
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.Changes
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.NetChange
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.NetChanges
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractBinary
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.AbstractPath
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicName
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicNamespace
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicPathSegment
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicProperty
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.GraphNamespaceRegistry
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.IdentifierPathSegment
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.SimpleNamespaceRegistry
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.StringReference
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ThreadSafeNamespaceRegistry
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidReference
toString() - Method in exception org.modeshape.graph.property.InvalidPathException
toString() - Method in exception org.modeshape.graph.property.IoException
toString() - Method in exception org.modeshape.graph.property.NamespaceException
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.PathExpression.Matcher
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.PathExpression
toString() - Method in exception org.modeshape.graph.property.PathNotFoundException
toString() - Method in exception org.modeshape.graph.property.ReferentialIntegrityException
toString() - Method in exception org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFormatException
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.AllNodes
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.And
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ArithmeticOperand
toString() - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ArithmeticOperator
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Between
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.BindVariableName
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ChildNode
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ChildNodeJoinCondition
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Column
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Comparison
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.DescendantNode
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.DescendantNodeJoinCondition
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.EquiJoinCondition
toString(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch.CompoundTerm
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch.Conjunction
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch.Disjunction
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch.NegationTerm
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch.SimpleTerm
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.FullTextSearchScore
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Join
toString() - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.JoinType
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Length
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Limit
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Literal
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.LowerCase
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NamedSelector
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodeDepth
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodeLocalName
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodeName
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.NodePath
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Not
toString() - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Operator
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Or
toString() - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Order
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Ordering
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.PropertyExistence
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.PropertyValue
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Query
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ReferenceValue
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SameNode
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SameNodeJoinCondition
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SelectorName
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetCriteria
toString() - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetQuery.Operation
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetQuery
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.UpperCase
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.AddAccessNodes
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.ChooseJoinAlgorithm
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.CopyCriteria
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.PushProjects
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.PushSelectCriteria
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RaiseSelectCriteria
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.ReplaceViews
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RewriteAsRangeCriteria
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RewriteIdentityJoins
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.RightOuterToLeftOuterJoins
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.QueryParsers
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanHints
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode
toString() - Method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode.Type
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResultColumns
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults
toString(TypeSystem, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults
Get a string representation of this result object, with a maximum number of tuples to include.
toString(TypeSystem, StringBuilder) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults
Get a string representation of this result object.
toString(TypeSystem, StringBuilder, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.QueryResults
Get a string representation of this result object, with a maximum number of tuples to include.
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Statistics
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.ImmutableKey
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.ImmutableSchemata
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.AccessQueryRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneBranchRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneWorkspaceRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CopyBranchRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateNodeRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateWorkspaceRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteBranchRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DeleteChildrenRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DestroyWorkspaceRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.FullTextSearchRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.GetWorkspacesRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.LockBranchRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.MoveBranchRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.processor.RequestProcessor.LocationWithDepth
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllChildrenRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllPropertiesRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadBranchRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadNodeRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadPropertyRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RemovePropertyRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RenameNodeRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.SetPropertyRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UnlockBranchRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdatePropertiesRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.VerifyNodeExistsRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.VerifyWorkspaceRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NodeId
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.PropertyInfo
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.StructureSnapshot
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.SourceWorkspacePair
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQuery
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSearch
toString(StaticOperand) - Static method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrFullTextSearch
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Add
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.And
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.AnyKindTest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.AttributeNameTest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.AttributeTest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.AxisStep
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.CommentTest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Comparison
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.ContextItem
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.DescendantOrSelf
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.DocumentTest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.ElementTest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Except
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.FilterStep
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.FunctionCall
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Intersect
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Literal
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.NameTest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Negation
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.NodeComparison
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Or
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.OrderBy
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.OrderBySpec
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.ParenthesizedExpression
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.PathExpression
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.ProcessingInstructionTest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.SchemaAttributeTest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.SchemaElementTest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Subtract
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.TextTest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Union
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathQueryParser
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator.SinglePathLikeBuilder
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenDependency
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenId.Version
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenUrl
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerOutputMap.PropertyValue
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerOutputMap
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerPathExpression.Matcher
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencerPathExpression
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.util.RepositoryNodePath
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.NumericTypedRule
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.TypedRule
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfigurations.IndexId
toString(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine.CrawlSubgraph
toString(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine.ForwardRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine.WorkForWorkspaces
toString(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine.WorkRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine.WorkRequest
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceWork
toString(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareQuery
toString(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareStringQuery
toString(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.HasValueQuery
toString(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.IdsQuery
toString(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.MatchNoneQuery
toString(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.NotQuery
toString(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.ScoreQuery
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.AnnotationMetadata
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.ClassMetadata
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.FieldMetadata
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.MethodMetadata
toString() - Method in enum org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.Visibility
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.datatype.DataType
toString() - Method in exception org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParserProblem
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlParserScorer
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node.AstNode
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.ArrayTypeFieldMetadata
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.ParameterizedTypeFieldMetadata
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.QualifiedTypeFieldMetadata
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.SimpleTypeFieldMetadata
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.WildcardTypeFieldMetadata
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain.Repository
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain.Server
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain.Workspace
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.JsonNode
toString() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.Status
TOTAL_EDITING_TIME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon
totalTime() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Statistics
toTimeZone(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Convert this time to the time zone given by the supplied identifier.
toTimeZone(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Convert this time to the time zone given by the supplied identifier.
toUtcTimeZone() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.JodaDateTime
Convert this time to the same instant in the UTC time zone.
toUtcTimeZone() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.DateTime
Convert this time to the same instant in the UTC time zone.
toWildcardExpression(String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareStringQuery
Convert the JCR like expression to a Lucene wildcard expression.
trace(String, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Logger
Log a message at the TRACE level according to the specified format and (optional) parameters.
trace(Throwable, String, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Logger
Log an exception (throwable) at the TRACE level with an accompanying message.
Transaction<NodeType extends Node,WorkspaceType extends Workspace> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base
A transaction in which all read and write operations against a repository are performed.
TRANSIENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
translate(XPath.PathExpression) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator
translateElementTest(XPath.ElementTest, List<XPath.StepExpression>, QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator
translatePathExpressionConstraint(XPath.PathExpression, QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator
translatePredicate(XPath.Component, String, QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator
translatePredicates(List<XPath.Component>, String, QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator
translateSource(String, List<XPath.StepExpression>, QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator
trimDelimiters(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenUrl
truncate(Object, int) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.StringUtil
Truncate the supplied string to be no more than the specified length.
truncate(Object, int, String) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.StringUtil
Truncate the supplied string to be no more than the specified length.
tuple - Variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.MultiSelectorQueryResultRow
tuple - Variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrQueryResult.SingleSelectorQueryResultRow
type() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CaseSensitiveToken
Get the type of the token.
type() - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.Token
Get the type of the token.
type - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem.Factory
type() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Join
Get the type of join.
TYPE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrSvLexicon
type - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.TypedRule
TYPE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_ABORT_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_ADD_COLUMN_DEFINITION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_ADD_TABLE_CONSTRAINT_DEFINITION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_AGGREGATE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_ALGORITHM_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_CLUSTER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_COLUMN_DEFINITION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_CONVERSION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_DATABASE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_DATABASE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_DATABASE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_DEFINER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_DIMENSION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_DIRECTORY_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_DISKGROUP_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_DOMAIN_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_EVENT_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_FOREIGN_DATA_WRAPPER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_FUNCTION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_FUNCTION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_FUNCTION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_GROUP_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_INDEX_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_INDEX_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_INDEX_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_INDEXTYPE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_JAVA_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_LANGUAGE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_LIBRARY_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_LOGFILE_GROUP_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_MATERIALIZED_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_OPERATOR_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_OPERATOR_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_OUTLINE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_PACKAGE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_PROCEDURE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_PROCEDURE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_PROFILE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_RESOURCE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_ROLE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_ROLE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_ROLLBACK_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_SCHEMA_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_SCHEMA_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_SEQUENCE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_SEQUENCE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_SERVER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_SERVER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_SESSION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_SYNONYM_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_SYSTEM_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_TABLE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_TABLE_STATEMENT_POSTGRES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_TABLESPACE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_TABLESPACE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_TABLESPACE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_TEXT_SEARCH_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_TRIGGER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_TRIGGER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_TRIGGER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_TYPE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_TYPE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_USER_MAPPING_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_USER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_USER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_VIEW_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_VIEW_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTER_VIEW_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_ALTERABLE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_ANALYZE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ANALYZE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_ASSERTION_OPERAND - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_ASSOCIATE_STATISTICS_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_AUDIT_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_BACKSLASH_TERMINATOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CATALOG_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
TYPE_CHARACTER_SET_OPERAND - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
TYPE_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
TYPE_CLAUSE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_CLUSTER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_COLLATION_OPERAND - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_COLUMN_DEFINITION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_COLUMN_OPERAND - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_COLUMN_REFERENCE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_COMMENT_ON_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_COMMENT_ON_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_COMMIT_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_COPY_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_AGGREGATE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_ASSERTION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_CAST_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_CHARACTER_SET_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_CLUSTER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_COLLATION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_CONSTRAINT_TRIGGER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_CONTEXT_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_CONTROLFILE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_CONVERSION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_DATABASE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_DATABASE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_DATABASE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_DEFINER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_DIMENSION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_DIRECTORY_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_DISKGROUP_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_DOMAIN_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_EVENT_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_FOREIGN_DATA_WRAPPER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_FUNCTION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_FUNCTION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_FUNCTION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_FUNCTION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_GROUP_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_INDEX_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_INDEX_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_INDEX_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_INDEX_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_INDEXTYPE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_JAVA_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_LANGUAGE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_LIBRARY_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_LOGFILE_GROUP_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_MATERIALIZED_VIEW_LOG_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_MATERIALIZED_VIEW_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_OPERATOR_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_OPERATOR_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_OUTLINE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_PACKAGE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_PFILE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_PROCEDURE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_PROCEDURE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_PROCEDURE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_PROFILE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_ROLE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_ROLE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_ROLE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_ROLLBACK_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_RULE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_SCHEMA_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_SEQUENCE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_SEQUENCE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_SERVER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_SERVER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_SPFILE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_SYNONYM_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_SYNONYM_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_TABLE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_TABLESPACE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_TABLESPACE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_TABLESPACE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_TEXT_SEARCH_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_TRANSLATION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_TRIGGER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_TRIGGER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_TRIGGER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_TRIGGER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_TYPE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_TYPE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_USER_MAPPING_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_USER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_USER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATE_VIEW_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_CREATEABLE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_DEALLOCATE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_DECLARE_GLOBAL_TEMPORARY_TABLE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
TYPE_DECLARE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_DISASSOCIATE_STATISTICS_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_DISCARD_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_DOMAIN_OPERAND - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_AGGREGATE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_ASSERTION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_CAST_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_CHARACTER_SET_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_CLUSTER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_COLLATION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_COLUMN_DEFINITION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_CONSTRAINT_TRIGGER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_CONTEXT_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_CONVERSION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_DATABASE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_DATABASE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_DATABASE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_DIMENSION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_DIRECTORY_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_DISKGROUP_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_DOMAIN_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_EVENT_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_FOREIGN_DATA_WRAPPER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_FUNCTION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_FUNCTION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_FUNCTION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_FUNCTION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_GROUP_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_INDEX_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_INDEX_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_INDEX_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_INDEX_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_INDEXTYPE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_JAVA_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_LANGUAGE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_LIBRARY_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_LOGFILE_GROUP_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_MATERIALIZED_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_OPERATOR_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_OPERATOR_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_OUTLINE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_OWNED_BY_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_PACKAGE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_PROCEDURE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_PROCEDURE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_PROCEDURE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_PROFILE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_ROLE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_ROLE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_ROLE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_ROLLBACK_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_RULE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_SCHEMA_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_SEQUENCE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_SEQUENCE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_SERVER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_SERVER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_SYNONYM_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_SYNONYM_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_TABLE_CONSTRAINT_DEFINITION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_TABLE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_TABLESPACE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_TABLESPACE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_TABLESPACE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_TEXT_SEARCH_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_TRANSLATION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_TRIGGER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_TRIGGER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_TRIGGER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_TRIGGER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_TYPE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_TYPE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_USER_MAPPING_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_USER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_USER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROP_VIEW_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_DROPPABLE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_EXPLAIN_PLAN_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_EXPLAIN_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_FETCH_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_FK_COLUMN_REFERENCE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_FLASHBACK_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_FUNCTION_PARAMETER - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
TYPE_FUNCTION_PARAMETER - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_GRANT_ON_CHARACTER_SET_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_GRANT_ON_COLLATION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_GRANT_ON_DATABASE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_GRANT_ON_DOMAIN_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_GRANT_ON_FOREIGN_DATA_WRAPPER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_GRANT_ON_FOREIGN_SERVER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_GRANT_ON_FUNCTION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
TYPE_GRANT_ON_FUNCTION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_GRANT_ON_LANGUAGE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_GRANT_ON_PROCEDURE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
TYPE_GRANT_ON_PROCEDURE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_GRANT_ON_SCHEMA_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_GRANT_ON_SEQUENCE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_GRANT_ON_TABLE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_GRANT_ON_TABLESPACE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_GRANT_ON_TRANSLATION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_GRANT_ROLES_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
TYPE_GRANT_ROLES_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_GRANT_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_GRANTABLE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_INDEX_COLUMN_REFERENCE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
TYPE_INSERT_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_INSERTABLE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_LISTEN_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_LOAD_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_LOCK_TABLE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
TYPE_LOCK_TABLE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_LOCK_TABLE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_MERGE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_MISSING_TERMINATOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_MOVE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
TYPE_NOAUDIT_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_NOTIFY_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_OPERAND - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_OPERATION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_PREPARE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_PROBLEM - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_PURGE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_REASSIGN_OWNED_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_REFERENCE_OPERAND - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_REINDEX_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_RELEASE_SAVEPOINT_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_RENAME_COLUMN - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_RENAME_COLUMN - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_RENAME_CONSTRAINT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_RENAME_DATABASE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_RENAME_INDEX_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
TYPE_RENAME_SCHEMA_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_RENAME_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_RENAME_TABLE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
TYPE_RENAME_TABLE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon
TYPE_REVOKABLE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_REVOKE_ON_CHARACTER_SET_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_REVOKE_ON_COLLATION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_REVOKE_ON_DOMAIN_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_REVOKE_ON_TABLE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_REVOKE_ON_TRANSLATION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_REVOKE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_REVOKE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_ROLLBACK_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_ROLLBACK_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_SAVEPOINT_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_SCHEMA_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon
TYPE_SCHEMA_OPERAND - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_SELECT_INTO_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_SET_CONSTRAINT_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_SET_CONSTRAINTS_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_SET_ROLE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_SET_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_SET_TRANSACTION_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_SETTABLE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_SHOW_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_STATEMENT_OPTION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_TABLE_CONSTRAINT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_TABLE_CONSTRAINT_OPERAND - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_TABLE_OPERAND - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_TABLE_REFERENCE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_TRANSLATION_OPERAND - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_TRUNCATE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
TYPE_TRUNCATE_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_UNKNOWN_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
TYPE_UNLISTEN_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_VACUUM_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon
TYPE_VIEW_OPERAND - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
typeAttribute - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler
The name of the property that is to be set with the type of the XML element.
typeAttributeValue - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler
The value of the node type property, if the node's name is set with the XmlHandler.nameAttribute.
TypeMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata
Exposes meta data of a top level type.
TypeMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.TypeMetadata
typeName - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem.Factory
typeNotFound - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
TypeSystem - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
An interface that defines the value types used in tuples.
typeSystem - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
typeSystem - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
TypeSystem.TypeFactory<T> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
Factory interface for creating values from strings.


unableToAccessClassUsingClasspath - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
unableToAccessResourceFileFromClassLoader - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
unableToAddMoreRequestsToAlreadyExecutedBatch - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unableToAddRequestToChannelThatIsDone - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unableToBuildRuleSetRegularExpressionPattern - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
unableToChangeExecutionContextWhileRunning - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
unableToChangeTheDefaultNamespace - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
unableToCopyToLocationWithoutAPath - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unableToCopyToTheRoot - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unableToCreateNodeUnderPlaceholder - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unableToCreateNodeWithNoDefaultPrimaryTypeOnChildNodeDefinition - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
unableToCreateNodeWithPrimaryTypeThatDoesNotExist - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
unableToCreatePathBasedUponIdentifierPath - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unableToCreatePathUsingIdentifierPathAndAnotherPath - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unableToCreateReferenceToNodeWithoutUuid - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unableToCreateRelativePathWithIdentifierSegment - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unableToCreateSubpathBeginIndexGreaterThanOrEqualToEndingIndex - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unableToCreateSubpathBeginIndexGreaterThanOrEqualToSize - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unableToCreateValue - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unableToCreateWorkspace - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanConnectorI18n
unableToCreateWorkspace - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheConnectorI18n
unableToCreateWorkspaceInRepository - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrConnectorI18n
unableToCreateWorkspaces - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
unableToCreateWorkspaces - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaConnectorI18n
unableToCreateWorkspaces - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
unableToDeleteBecauseOfReferences - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaConnectorI18n
unableToDeletePlaceholder - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unableToDestroyWorkspaceInRepository - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrConnectorI18n
unableToDiscoverPropertyTypeForNullValue - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unableToFindNodeWithoutPathOrUuid - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrConnectorI18n
unableToFindNodeWithUuid - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrConnectorI18n
unableToFindPropertyForSequencing - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
unableToFindRepositoryInJndi - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
unableToFindRepositorySourceWithName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unableToFindRepositoryWithName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
unableToFindRuleSet - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
unableToFindWorkspaceWhenCreatingNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenI18n
unableToFindWorkspaceWhenReadingNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenI18n
unableToFindWorkspaceWhenWritingNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenI18n
unableToInstantiateClassUsingClasspath - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
unableToLoadClass - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
unableToLoadClassUsingClasspath - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
unableToMoveNodeToBeChildOfDecendent - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unableToMoveNodeToBeChildOfDecendent - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
unableToMoveRootNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaConnectorI18n
unableToObtainConnectionToFederatedSource - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unableToObtainJsr94RuleAdministrator - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
unableToObtainJsr94ServiceProvider - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
unableToObtainValidRepositoryAfterAttempts - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unableToOpenSessiontoRepositoryWhenCreatingNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenI18n
unableToOpenSessiontoRepositoryWhenReadingNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenI18n
unableToOpenSessiontoRepositoryWhenWritingNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenI18n
unableToProjectSourceInformationIntoWorkspace - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unableToReadLargeValue - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaConnectorI18n
unableToRefreshBranchBecauseChangesDependOnChangesToNodesOutsideOfBranch - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unableToRefreshBranchBecauseChangesDependOnChangesToNodesOutsideOfBranch - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
unableToRefreshPropertiesBecauseNodeIsModified - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unableToRegisterNamespaceUsingXmlPrefix - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
unableToRegisterNamespaceWithInvalidPrefix - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
unableToRegisterRepositoryInJndi - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
unableToRegisterReservedNamespacePrefix - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
unableToRegisterReservedNamespaceUri - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
unableToRemapUriNotRegisteredInNamespaceRegistry - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
unableToRemapUriUsingPrefixUsedInNamespaceRegistry - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
unableToRemoveRepository - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
unableToRemoveRootNode - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
unableToResolvePathRelativeToIdentifierPath - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unableToSaveBranchBecauseChangesDependOnChangesToNodesOutsideOfBranch - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unableToSaveBranchBecauseChangesDependOnChangesToNodesOutsideOfBranch - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
unableToSaveNodeThatWasCreatedSincePreviousSave - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unableToSaveNodeThatWasCreatedSincePreviousSave - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
unableToSetMultiValuedPropertyUsingSingleValue - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
unableToSetSingleValuedPropertyUsingMultipleValues - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
unableToStartSequencingServiceWithoutExecutionContext - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
unableToUnregisterPrefixForNamespaceThatIsNotRegistered - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
unableToUnregisterRepositoryInJndi - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
unableToUnregisterReservedNamespacePrefix - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
unableToUnregisterReservedNamespaceUri - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
unableToUpdatePlaceholder - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unableToWriteToClosedStream - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenI18n
under(Location) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Under
Specify the location of the node under which the request is to operate.
under(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Under
Specify the path of the node under which the request is to operate.
under(Path) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Under
Specify the path of the node under which the request is to operate.
under(UUID) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Under
Specify the UUID of the node under which the request is to operate.
under(Property) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Under
Specify the unique identification property that identifies the node under which the request is to operate.
under(Property, Property...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Under
Specify the unique identification properties that identify the node under which the request is to operate.
under() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateNodeRequest
Get the location defining the parent of the new node that is to be created.
underscore(String, char...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector
Makes an underscored form from the expression in the string (the reverse of the camelCase method.
unexpectedCharacter - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
unexpectedClosingParenthesis - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unexpectedToken - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
unexpectedToken - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unexpectedTokenType - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.CommonI18n
union() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Perform a UNION between the query as defined prior to this method and the query that will be defined following this method.
union(QueryCommand, QueryCommand, Ordering[], Limit, boolean) - Method in interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom.QueryObjectModelFactory
Creates a query command that effectively appends the results of the right-hand query to those of the left-hand query.
union(QueryCommand, QueryCommand, Ordering[], Limit, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
Creates a query command that effectively appends the results of the right-hand query to those of the left-hand query.
unionableColumns(List<? extends Column>, List<? extends Column>) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetQuery
unionAll() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Perform a UNION ALL between the query as defined prior to this method and the query that will be defined following this method.
unionCompatible(QueryResults.Columns, Iterable<ProcessingComponent>) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SetOperationComponent
UnionComponent - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.process
UnionComponent(QueryContext, QueryResults.Columns, Iterable<ProcessingComponent>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.UnionComponent
UNIQUE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
UNIQUE_INDEX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon
UNIQUE_INDEX - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon
UNIT_TYPE_CHILD_NODE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
UNKNOWN_NUMBER_OF_CHILDREN - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.request.ReadAllPropertiesRequest
UNKNOWN_NUMBER_OF_REQUESTS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequest
unknownCreateStatement - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencerI18n
unknownHttpRequestMethodMsg - Static variable in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.RestClientI18n
unknownModelName - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaConnectorI18n
unknownPropertyValueType - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryI18n
unknownQueryLanguage - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unknownTerminatedNode(AstNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser
Constructs a terminator AstNode as child of root node
unload() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Utility method to unload this cached node.
unlock(Node) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to unlock the specified node.
unlock(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to unlock the node at the given path.
unlock(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to unlock the node at the given path.
unlock(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to unlock the node with the given UUID.
unlock(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to unlock the node with the given unique identification property.
unlock(Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to unlock the node with the given identification properties.
unlock(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
Request to unlock the node at the given location.
unlock(Node) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to unlock the specified node.
unlock(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to unlock the node at the given path.
unlock(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to unlock the node at the given path.
unlock(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to unlock the node with the given UUID.
unlock(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to unlock the node with the given unique identification property.
unlock(Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to unlock the node with the given identification properties.
unlock(Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Request to unlock the node at the given location.
unlock(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLockManager
UNLOCK_ANY - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapePermissions
The unlock_any permission grants the user the ability to unlock any locked node or branch (as opposed to users without that permission who can only unlock nodes or branches that they have locked themselves or for which they hold the lock token).
unlockBranch(String, Location) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Create a request to unlock a branch or node The lock on the node should be removed.
UnlockBranchRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
Instruction to unlock an existing node or branch.
UnlockBranchRequest(Location, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.UnlockBranchRequest
Create a request to unlock the node or branch at the supplied location.
unlockNode(MapNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.Workspace
This connector does not support connector-level, persistent locking of nodes.
unlockNode(WorkspaceType, NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.BaseTransaction
Attempts to unlock the given node.
unlockNode(WorkspaceType, NodeType) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Transaction
Attempts to unlock the given node.
unlockNode(MapNode) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapWorkspace
Attempts to unlock the given node.
unlockNode(PathNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractWritablePathWorkspace
unlockNode(PathNode) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathWorkspace
Attempts to unlock the given node.
UnmodifiableProperties - Class in org.modeshape.common.collection
An immutable Properties implementation.
UnmodifiableProperties(Properties) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
unmodifiableSet(T...) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.Collections
unmodifiableSet(Collection<T>) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.Collections
unmodifiableSet(Set<T>) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.Collections
unpublish(Workspace, String, File) - Method in interface org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.IRestClient
Unpublishes, or deletes, the resource at the specified path in the workspace.
unpublish(Workspace, String, File) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.JsonRestClient
Unpublishes, or deletes, the resource at the specified path in the workspace.
unpublishFailedMsg - Static variable in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.RestClientI18n
unpublishNeverPublishedMsg - Static variable in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.RestClientI18n
unregister(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrNamespaceRegistry
Unregister the namespace with the supplied URI.
unregister() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.ChangeObserver
Unregister this listener from all sources that it was registered with.
unregister(Observer) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.ChangeObservers
Unregister the supplied observer.
unregister(Observer) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.observe.Observable
Unregister the supplied observer.
unregister(Observer) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.ObservationBus
Unregister the supplied observer.
unregister(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.GraphNamespaceRegistry
Unregister the namespace with the supplied URI.
unregister(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.LocalNamespaceRegistry
Unregister the namespace with the supplied URI.
unregister(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.NamespaceRegistryWithAliases
Unregister the namespace with the supplied URI.
unregister(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.SimpleNamespaceRegistry
Unregister the namespace with the supplied URI.
unregister(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.ThreadSafeNamespaceRegistry
Unregister the namespace with the supplied URI.
unregister(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.NamespaceRegistry
Unregister the namespace with the supplied URI.
unregister(Observer) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.RepositoryObservationManager
Unregister the supplied observer.
unregister(Observer) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.RepositoryLibrary
Unregister the supplied observer.
unregisterNodeType(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeManager
Unregisters the named node type if it is not referenced by other node types as a supertype, a default primary type of a child node (or nodes), or a required primary type of a child node (or nodes).
unregisterNodeTypes(Collection<String>) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeManager
Allows the collection of node types to be unregistered if they are not referenced by other node types as supertypes, default primary types of child nodes, or required primary types of child nodes.
unregisterNodeTypes(String[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNodeTypeManager
Allows the collection of node types to be unregistered if they are not referenced by other node types as supertypes, default primary types of child nodes, or required primary types of child nodes.
unrootedVersionsInRestore - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
UNSTRUCTURED - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrNtLexicon
unsupportedMavenCoordinateFormat - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenI18n
unsupportedPrimaryType - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
unsupportedPrimaryType - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
unsupportedProcedureParameterDeclaration - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencerI18n
UnsupportedRequestException - Exception in org.modeshape.graph.request
Specifies that the request was a type that is not supported.
UnsupportedRequestException() - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.request.UnsupportedRequestException
UnsupportedRequestException(String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.request.UnsupportedRequestException
UnsupportedRequestException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.request.UnsupportedRequestException
UnsupportedRequestException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.request.UnsupportedRequestException
unsupportedRequestType - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
unusedTokensDiscovered - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencerI18n
unusedTokensParsingColumnDefinition - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencerI18n
unusedTokensParsingColumnsAndConstraints - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencerI18n
unusedTokensParsingCreateIndex - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencerI18n
update(ConfigType) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.component.ComponentLibrary
Update the configuration for a component, or add it if there is no matching configuration .
UPDATE - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
updateFile(String, String, byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface org.modeshape.connector.scm.ScmActionFactory
UpdateFile - Class in org.modeshape.connector.svn.mgnt
UpdateFile(String, String, byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.svn.mgnt.UpdateFile
updateIndexesAsynchronously() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.search.SearchableRepositorySource
updateLocation(Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Node
Reconstruct the location object for this node, given the information at the parent.
UpdatePropertiesRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
Instruction to update the properties on the node at the specified location.
UpdatePropertiesRequest(Location, String, Map<Name, Property>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdatePropertiesRequest
Create a request to update the properties on the node at the supplied location.
UpdatePropertiesRequest(Location, String, Map<Name, Property>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdatePropertiesRequest
Create a request to update the properties on the node at the supplied location.
UPDATES_ALLOWED - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.infinispan.InfinispanSource
UPDATES_ALLOWED - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheSource
updatesAllowed(Request) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.Processor
updatesAllowed(Request) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.map.MapRequestProcessor
updatesAllowed(Request) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRequestProcessor
updateSequencer(SequencerConfig) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.sequencer.SequencingService
Update the configuration for a sequencer, or add it if there is no matching configuration.
UpdateValuesRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
Instruction to update the values for a certain property on the node at the specified location.
UpdateValuesRequest(String, Location, Name, List<Object>, List<Object>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.UpdateValuesRequest
upperBound() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Between
Get the upper bound operand.
upperBound() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrBetween
Get the upper bound operand.
upperCamelCase(String, char...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.Inflector
Converts strings to UpperCamelCase.
UpperCase - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A dynamic operand that evaluates to the upper-case representation of the supplied operand, used in a Comparison constraint.
UpperCase(DynamicOperand) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.UpperCase
Create a dynamic operand that evaluates to the upper-case representation of the supplied operand.
upperCase(DynamicOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser
upperCase(DynamicOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSql2QueryParser
upperCase(DynamicOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrQueryObjectModelFactory
upperCaseOf() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder
Begin a constraint against the uppercase form of a dynamic operand.
upperCaseOf() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.DynamicOperandBuilder
Begin a constraint against the uppercase form of a dynamic operand.
upperCaseOf() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.OrderByOperandBuilder
Adds to the order-by clause by using the uppercase form of the next operand.
upperCaseOf() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.SingleOrderByOperandBuilder
Adds to the order-by clause by using the uppercase form of the next operand.
URI - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataLexicon.Namespace
URI - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryLexicon.Namespace
URI - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon.Namespace
URI - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrMixLexicon.Namespace
URI - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrNtLexicon.Namespace
URI - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.ModeShapeIntLexicon.Namespace
URI - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.ModeShapeLexicon.Namespace
URI - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrSvLexicon.Namespace
URI - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapeLexicon
URI - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon.Namespace
URI - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlLexicon.Namespace
URI - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql.MySqlDdlLexicon.Namespace
URI - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlLexicon.Namespace
URI - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlLexicon.Namespace
URI - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon.Namespace
URI - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadataLexicon.Namespace
URI - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon.Namespace
URI - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.mp3.Mp3MetadataLexicon.Namespace
URI - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.Namespace
URI - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.text.TextSequencerLexicon.Namespace
URI - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.ModeShapeDtdLexicon.Namespace
URI - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.ModeShapeXmlLexicon.Namespace
URI - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.zip.ZipLexicon.Namespace
URI_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueComparators
A comparator of URI values.
uriIsProperty - Static variable in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.WebdavI18n
uriResolver() - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.ModeShapeWebdavStore
UriResolver - Interface in org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav
Resolves the given URI into a path in a JCR workspace Implementations need not be thread-safe.
UriValueFactory - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
The standard ValueFactory for PropertyType.URI values.
UriValueFactory(NamespaceRegistry, TextDecoder, ValueFactory<String>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UriValueFactory
URL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
URL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
URL - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepositoryFactory
The name of the key for the ModeShape JCR URL in the parameter map
URL_DECODER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
The text decoder that decodes text according to the rules of RFC 2396.
URL_ENCODER - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.graph.property.Path
The text encoder that encodes text according to the rules of RFC 2396.
URL_PATH_DELIMITER - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.MavenUrl
URL_SAFE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64
Encode using Base64-like encoding that is URL- and Filename-safe as described in Section 4 of RFC3548: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3548.html.
UrlEncoder - Class in org.modeshape.common.text
An encoder useful for converting text to be used within a URL, as defined by Section 2.3 of RFC 2396.
UrlEncoder() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.text.UrlEncoder
USAGE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.util.SchemaGen
USE_BEST_JOIN_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.ChooseJoinAlgorithm
USE_ONLY_NESTED_JOIN_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.optimize.ChooseJoinAlgorithm
USERNAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRepositorySource
USERNAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataSource
USERNAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaSource
userName - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.observe.Changes
USERNAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
usesSelector(Join, SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.JcrSqlQueryParser
useWorkspace(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph
Switch this graph to use another existing workspace in the same source.
using(PlanHints) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.BuildQuery
Use the supplied hints when executing the query.
using(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.BuildQuery
Use the supplied variables when executing the query.
using(String, Object) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.BuildQuery
Use the supplied value for the given variable name when executing the query.
using(File) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfigurations
Return a new LuceneConfiguration that creates FSDirectory instances mapped to folders under a parent folder, where the workspace name is used to create the workspace folder.
using(File, LockFactory) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfigurations
Return a new LuceneConfiguration that creates FSDirectory instances mapped to folders under a parent folder, where the workspace name is used to create the workspace folder.
using(File, TextEncoder, TextEncoder) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfigurations
Return a new LuceneConfiguration that creates FSDirectory instances mapped to folders under a parent folder, where the workspace name is used to create the workspace folder.
using(File, LockFactory, TextEncoder, TextEncoder) - Static method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneConfigurations
Return a new LuceneConfiguration that creates FSDirectory instances mapped to folders under a parent folder, where the workspace name is used to create the workspace folder.
usingClass(String) - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.ChooseClass
Specify the name of the class that should be instantiated for the instance.
usingClass(Class<? extends ComponentClassType>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.ChooseClass
Specify the class that should be instantiated for the instance.
usingClass(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphComponentBuilder
usingClass(Class<? extends ComponentType>) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphComponentBuilder
Utils - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client
The Utils class contains common utilities used by this project.
Utils() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.Utils
Don't allow construction.
UUID - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryLexicon
UUID - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
UUID - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.ModeShapeLexicon
UUID_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueComparators
A comparator of UUID values.
UuidAlreadyExistsException - Exception in org.modeshape.graph.connector
Exception that indicates that a copy request failed because one of the UUIDs in the source branch already exists in the target workspace and the UUID conflict behavior is set to throw an exception instead of removing the existing nodes.
UuidAlreadyExistsException(String, UUID, String, String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.connector.UuidAlreadyExistsException
UuidFactory - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.property
A factory for creating UUID instances.
uuidFactory - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
UuidReference - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
A Reference implementation that uses a single UUID as the pointer.
UuidReference(UUID) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidReference
uuidRequiredForLock - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
uuids - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.IdsQuery
The operand that is being negated by this query.
UuidValueFactory - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property.basic
The standard ValueFactory for PropertyType.URI values.
UuidValueFactory(TextDecoder, ValueFactory<String>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.UuidValueFactory


VALID_ON_PARENT_VERSION - Variable in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
VALID_PROPERTY_TYPES - Variable in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
VALID_QUERY_OPERATORS - Variable in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
VALID_SCHEMA_CHILD_STMTS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby.DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases
VALID_SCHEMA_CHILD_STMTS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.oracle.OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases
VALID_SCHEMA_CHILD_STMTS - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres.PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases
VALID_SCHEMA_CHILD_TYPES - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases
validate(PathNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnWorkspace
validate(QueryContext, QueryCommand, Map<SelectorName, Schemata.Table>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.CanonicalPlanner
Validate the supplied query.
validateColumnExistance - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanHints
Flag indicates whether to check during validation for the existance of columns used in column selectors and criteria.
validateConnection(RepositoryConnectionPool.ConnectionWrapper) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.RepositoryConnectionPool
Validate the supplied connection, returning the connection if valid or null if the connection is not valid.
validateNode(WorkspaceType, NodeType) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathTransaction
ValidationException - Exception in org.modeshape.graph.session
A runtime exception signaling failed validation within a graph session.
ValidationException() - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.session.ValidationException
ValidationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.session.ValidationException
ValidationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.session.ValidationException
ValidationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.session.ValidationException
Validator - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.validate
A Visitor implementation that validates a query's used of a Schemata and records any problems as errors.
Validator(QueryContext, Map<SelectorName, Schemata.Table>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
validPathMayNotContainEmptySegment - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
value() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CaseSensitiveToken
Get the value of the token, in actual case.
value() - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.Token
Get the value of the token, in actual case.
value - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.basic.BasicSingleValueProperty
value() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Literal
value - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.CastAs
Value - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.api
Replicates JCR 2.0's javax.jcr.Value interface with the ability to return a Binary representation.
VALUE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrSvLexicon
VALUE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeLexicon
VALUE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
VALUE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
VALUE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.ModeShapeDtdLexicon
VALUE_CONSTRAINTS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrLexicon
valueBySuffix(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.maven.ArtifactType
valueBySuffix(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.maven.SignatureType
valueByText(String, boolean) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.maven.MavenDependency.Scope
valueCannotBeCastToSpecifiedType - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
ValueComparators - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property
A set of Comparator objects for the different kinds of property values.
ValueComparators() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueComparators
valueFactories - Variable in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndImporter
valueFactories - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.BaseTransaction
ValueFactories - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.property
The set of standard ValueFactory instances.
valueFactories - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem
valueFactories - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
ValueFactory<T> - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.property
A factory for Property values.
valueFactory - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem.Factory
ValueFormatException - Exception in org.modeshape.graph.property
A runtime exception denoting that a value could not be converted to a specific type because of the value's format.
ValueFormatException(Object, PropertyType) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFormatException
ValueFormatException(Object, PropertyType, String) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFormatException
ValueFormatException(Object, PropertyType, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFormatException
ValueFormatException(Object, PropertyType, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueFormatException
valueJavaTypeNotCompatibleWithPropertyType - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.cnd.QueryOperator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.common.collection.Problem.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.common.util.Logger.Level
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.common.util.SecureHash.Algorithm
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.NodeConflictBehavior
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.ChangeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.property.PropertyType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ArithmeticOperator.Arity
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ArithmeticOperator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.JoinType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Operator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Order
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetQuery.Operation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.JoinAlgorithm
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode.Property
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode.Traversal
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneWorkspaceRequest.CloneConflictBehavior
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateWorkspaceRequest.CreateConflictBehavior
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.request.LockBranchRequest.LockScope
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Authorizer.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler.AttributeScoping
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler.ElementEntryState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.Option
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.NodeComparisonOperator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator.DepthMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.maven.ArtifactType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.maven.MavenDependency.Scope
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.maven.SignatureType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.repository.service.ServiceAdministrator.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.FieldType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.Visibility
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencer.AttributeScoping
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.IJsonConstants.RequestMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.Status.Severity
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.cnd.QueryOperator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.common.collection.Problem.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class org.modeshape.common.collection.UnmodifiableProperties
values - Variable in class org.modeshape.common.statistic.Histogram
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.common.util.Logger.Level
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.common.util.SecureHash.Algorithm
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.AddValueAction
values - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.RemoveValueAction
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.NodeConflictBehavior
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.observe.NetChangeObserver.ChangeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.property.PropertyType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ArithmeticOperator.Arity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.ArithmeticOperator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.JoinType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Operator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Order
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetQuery.Operation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.JoinAlgorithm
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode.Property
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode.Traversal
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanNode.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.request.CloneWorkspaceRequest.CloneConflictBehavior
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.request.CreateWorkspaceRequest.CreateConflictBehavior
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.request.LockBranchRequest.LockScope
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Authorizer.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler.AttributeScoping
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler.ElementEntryState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.Option
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.NodeComparisonOperator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator.DepthMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.maven.ArtifactType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.maven.MavenDependency.Scope
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.maven.SignatureType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.repository.service.ServiceAdministrator.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.FieldType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata.Visibility
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencer.AttributeScoping
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.IJsonConstants.RequestMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.Status.Severity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
valueSelectorFor(ProcessingComponent, JoinCondition) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.JoinComponent
Create a JoinComponent.ValueSelector that obtains the value required to use the supplied join condition.
valuesFrom(Reference) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.AbstractRepositorySource
Extracts the values from the given reference, automatically translating BinaryRefAddr instances into the deserialized classes that they represent.
valuesFrom(Reference) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.AbstractPathRepositorySource
Extracts the values from the given reference, automatically translating BinaryRefAddr instances into the deserialized classes that they represent.
valueTypeFactory - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.query.CompareQuery
ValueTypeSystem - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property
ValueTypeSystem(ValueFactories) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem
Create a type system using the supplied value factories.
ValueTypeSystem.Factory<T> - Class in org.modeshape.graph.property
ValueTypeSystem.Factory(ValueFactory<T>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.property.ValueTypeSystem.Factory
variable(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary
Define the lower boundary value of a range.
variable(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.RightHandSide
Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
variable(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary
Define the upper boundary value of a range.
VARIABLE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
Variable - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata
A variable
Variable() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.Variable
Variable(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.Variable
VARIABLE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.JavaMetadataLexicon
variableName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.BindVariableName
variables() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.AccessQueryRequest
The variables that are available to be substituted upon execution.
VariableSequencer - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java
Sequencer for variables.
VariableSequencer() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.VariableSequencer
VENDOR_EXTENSION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndTokenizer
The token type for the token containing a vendor extension block.
vendorBlockWasNotClosed - Static variable in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndI18n
verify(SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
verify(SelectorName, String, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
verifyArithmeticOperand(DynamicOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
verifyNodeExists(Location, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Add a request to verify the existance and location of a node at the supplied location.
verifyNodeExists(Location, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to verify the existance and location of a node at the supplied location.
VerifyNodeExistsRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
Instruction to verify the existance of a node at the specified location.
VerifyNodeExistsRequest(Location, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.VerifyNodeExistsRequest
Create a request to verify the existance and location of a node at the supplied location.
verifyTable(SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
verifyWorkspace(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder
Add a request to verify the existance of the named workspace.
verifyWorkspace(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.RequestBuilder
Add a request to verify the existance of the named workspace.
VerifyWorkspaceRequest - Class in org.modeshape.graph.request
Verify that a workspace exists with the supplied name.
VerifyWorkspaceRequest(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.request.VerifyWorkspaceRequest
Create a request to verify the existance of the named workspace.
VERSION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.StoreOptions.Dna
VERSION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.StoreOptions
VERSION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNtLexicon
VERSION_HISTORY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
VERSION_HISTORY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNtLexicon
VERSION_LABELS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
VERSION_LABELS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNtLexicon
VERSION_STORAGE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
VERSION_STORAGE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapeLexicon
VERSIONABLE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.JcrMixLexicon
VERSIONABLE_UUID - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
VERSIONED_CHILD - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrNtLexicon
versionLabelAlreadyExists - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
versionNotInMergeFailed - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
VIEW - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants
VISIBILITY - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon
Visibility - Enum in org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.metadata
visit(AllNodes) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(And) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(Between) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(BindVariableName) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(ChildNode) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(ChildNodeJoinCondition) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(Column) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(Comparison) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(DescendantNode) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(DescendantNodeJoinCondition) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(EquiJoinCondition) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(FullTextSearch) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(FullTextSearchScore) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(Join) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(Length) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(Limit) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(Literal) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(LowerCase) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(NodeLocalName) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(NodeName) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(NodePath) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(NodeDepth) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(NamedSelector) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(Not) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(Or) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(Ordering) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(PropertyExistence) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(PropertyValue) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(Query) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(ReferenceValue) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(SameNode) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(SameNodeJoinCondition) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(SetCriteria) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(SetQuery) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(ArithmeticOperand) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(UpperCase) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitor
visit(AllNodes) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(And) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(ArithmeticOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(Between) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(BindVariableName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(ChildNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(ChildNodeJoinCondition) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(Column) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(Comparison) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(DescendantNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(DescendantNodeJoinCondition) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(EquiJoinCondition) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(FullTextSearch) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(FullTextSearchScore) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(Join) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(Length) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(Limit) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(Literal) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(LowerCase) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(NodeDepth) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(NodePath) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(NodeName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(NodeLocalName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(NamedSelector) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(Not) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(Or) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(Ordering) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(PropertyExistence) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(PropertyValue) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(Query) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(ReferenceValue) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(SameNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(SameNodeJoinCondition) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(SetCriteria) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(SetQuery) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(UpperCase) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
visit(AllNodes) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(And) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(ArithmeticOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(Between) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(BindVariableName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(ChildNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(ChildNodeJoinCondition) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(Column) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(Comparison) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(DescendantNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(DescendantNodeJoinCondition) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(EquiJoinCondition) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(FullTextSearch) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(FullTextSearchScore) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(Join) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(Length) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(Limit) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(Literal) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(LowerCase) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(NodeDepth) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(NodePath) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(NodeLocalName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(NodeName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(NamedSelector) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(Not) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(Or) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(Ordering) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(PropertyExistence) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(PropertyValue) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(ReferenceValue) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(Query) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(SameNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(SameNodeJoinCondition) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(SetCriteria) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(SetQuery) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(UpperCase) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
visit(Visitable, GeneralVisitor) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors
Visit the supplied object using the supplied Visitors.AbstractVisitor, which must be responsible for navigation as well as any business logic.
visit(AllNodes) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(And) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(ArithmeticOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(Between) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(BindVariableName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(ChildNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(ChildNodeJoinCondition) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(Column) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(Comparison) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(DescendantNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(DescendantNodeJoinCondition) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(EquiJoinCondition) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(FullTextSearch) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(FullTextSearchScore) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(Join) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(Length) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(Limit) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(Literal) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(LowerCase) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(NodeDepth) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(NodePath) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(NodeName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(NodeLocalName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(NamedSelector) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(Not) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(Or) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(Ordering) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(PropertyExistence) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(PropertyValue) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(Query) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(ReferenceValue) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(SameNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(SameNodeJoinCondition) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(SetCriteria) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(SetQuery) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(UpperCase) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
visit(PropertyExistence) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil.RequiredColumnVisitor
visit(PropertyValue) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil.RequiredColumnVisitor
visit(ReferenceValue) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil.RequiredColumnVisitor
visit(EquiJoinCondition) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil.RequiredColumnVisitor
visit(Column) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.plan.PlanUtil.RequiredColumnVisitor
visit(AllNodes) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
visit(ArithmeticOperand) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
visit(ChildNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
visit(ChildNodeJoinCondition) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
visit(Column) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
visit(DescendantNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
visit(DescendantNodeJoinCondition) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
visit(EquiJoinCondition) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
visit(FullTextSearch) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
visit(FullTextSearchScore) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
visit(Length) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
visit(LowerCase) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
visit(NamedSelector) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
visit(NodeDepth) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
visit(NodeLocalName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
visit(NodeName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
visit(NodePath) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
visit(PropertyExistence) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
visit(PropertyValue) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
visit(ReferenceValue) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
visit(Query) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
visit(SameNode) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
visit(SameNodeJoinCondition) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.Validator
visit(GraphSession.Node<Payload, PropertyPayload>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.LoadAllChildrenVisitor
Visit the supplied node, returning whether the children should be visited.
visit(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload, PropertyPayloadType>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession.NodeVisitor
Visit the supplied node, returning whether the children should be visited.
Visitable - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
An interface called by a visitor when that visitor is visiting the node.
visitAll(Visitable, StrategyVisitor) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors
Visit all objects in the supplied object using a Visitors.NavigationVisitor (specifically a Visitors.WalkAllVisitor), and with each of these visited objects calling the appropriate visit(...) method on the supplied Visitors.AbstractVisitor.
visitNext() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.NavigationVisitor
Visitor - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
The basic interface for all query visitor implementations.
Visitors - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A set of common visitors that can be reused or extended, and methods that provide easy construction and calling of visitors.
Visitors() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors
Visitors.AbstractVisitor - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A common base class for all visitors, which provides no-op implementations for all visit(...) methods.
Visitors.AbstractVisitor() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.AbstractVisitor
Visitors.NavigationVisitor - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
An abstract visitor implementation that performs navigation of the query object.
Visitors.NavigationVisitor(Visitor) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.NavigationVisitor
Create a visitor that walks all query objects.
Visitors.ReadableVisitor - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
Visitors.ReadableVisitor(ExecutionContext) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
Visitors.ReadableVisitor() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.ReadableVisitor
Visitors.WalkAllVisitor - Class in org.modeshape.graph.query.model
A visitor implementation that walks the entire query object tree and delegates to another supplied visitor to do the actual work.
Visitors.WalkAllVisitor(Visitor) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
Create a visitor that walks all query objects.
VOLATILE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile.ClassFileSequencerLexicon


warn(I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Logger
Log a message at the WARNING level according to the specified format and (optional) parameters.
warn(Throwable, I18n, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Logger
Log an exception (throwable) at the WARNING level with an accompanying message.
WARNING - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlConstants.Problems
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerHandler
warningSequencingXmlDocument - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerI18n
weakReferenceField(Name, Field.Store, Field.Index, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.IndexRules.Builder
Define a weak-reference-based field in the indexes.
WebdavI18n - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav
The internationalized string constants for the org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav package.
WebdavI18n() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.webdav.WebdavI18n
where() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryBuilder
Begin the WHERE clause for this query by obtaining the constraint builder.
WIDTH - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.image.ImageMetadataLexicon
WildcardTypeFieldMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata
WildcardTypeFieldMetadata represents meta data for wild card type.
WildcardTypeFieldMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.java.metadata.WildcardTypeFieldMetadata
with(NamespaceRegistry) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.ExecutionContext
Create a new execution context that mirrors this context but that uses the supplied namespace registry.
with(MimeTypeDetector) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.ExecutionContext
Create a new execution context that is the same as this context, but which uses the supplied MIME type detector.
with(ClassLoaderFactory) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.ExecutionContext
Create a new execution context that mirrors this context but that uses the supplied class loader factory.
with(SecurityContext) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.ExecutionContext
Create an ExecutionContext that is the same as this context, but which uses the supplied security context.
with(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.ExecutionContext
Create a new execution context that mirrors this context but that contains the supplied data.
with(String, String) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.ExecutionContext
Create a new execution context that mirrors this context but that contains the supplied key-value pair in the new context's data.
with(UUID) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Create
Specify the UUID that should the new node should have.
with(Property) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Create
Specify a property that should the new node should have.
with(Iterable<Property>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Create
Specify property that should the new node should have.
with(String, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Create
Specify a property that should the new node should have.
with(Name, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Create
Specify a property that should the new node should have.
with(Property, Property...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Create
Specify properties that should the new node should have.
with(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAction
with(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAction
with(Iterable<Property>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAction
with(Property, Property...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAction
with(String, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAction
with(Name, Object...) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAction
with(UUID) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAt
Specify the UUID that should the new node should have.
with(Property) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAt
Specify a property that should the new node should have.
with(Iterable<Property>) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAt
Specify property that should the new node should have.
with(String, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAt
Specify a property that should the new node should have.
with(Name, Object...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAt
Specify a property that should the new node should have.
with(Property, Property...) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.CreateAt
Specify properties that should the new node should have.
with(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Create a copy of this location that adds the supplied identification property.
with(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Create a copy of this location that uses the supplied path.
with(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.Location
Create a copy of this location that adds the supplied UUID as an identification property.
with(SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Column
Create a copy of this Column except that uses the supplied selector name instead.
with(TypeSystem) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryContext
Obtain a copy of this context, except that the copy uses the supplied type system.
with(Schemata) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryContext
Obtain a copy of this context, except that the copy uses the supplied schemata.
with(PlanHints) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryContext
Obtain a copy of this context, except that the copy uses the supplied hints.
with(Problems) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryContext
Obtain a copy of this context, except that the copy uses the supplied problem container.
with(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryContext
Obtain a copy of this context, except that the copy uses the supplied variables.
with(Schemata.Table) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.validate.ImmutableSchemata
with(Request...) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequest
Return a request that either wraps multiple requests, or the single request if only one is supplied.
with(Iterator<? extends Request>) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequest
Return a request that either wraps multiple requests, or the single request if only one is supplied.
with(List<? extends Request>) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.CompositeRequest
Return a request that either wraps multiple requests, or the single request if only one is supplied.
with(SelectorName) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrColumn
Create a copy of this Column except that uses the supplied selector name instead.
with(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.ConfigurationDefinition
Return a copy of this configuration that uses the supplied name instead of this object's path.
with(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.ConfigurationDefinition
Return a copy of this configuration that uses the supplied path instead of this object's path.
with(ClassLoaderFactory) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.ConfigurationDefinition
Return a copy of this configuration that uses the supplied class loader factory instead of this object's class loader factory.
WITH_GRANT_OPTION - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlLexicon
withChild(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
Create a copy of this node except adding the supplied node at the end of the existing children.
withChild(int, UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
Create a copy of this node except adding the supplied node into the existing children at the specified index.
withChild(Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
Create a copy of this node except adding the supplied node at the end of the existing children.
withChild(int, Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
Create a copy of this node except adding the supplied node into the existing children at the specified index.
withClassLoaderFactory(ClassLoaderFactory) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration
Specify the ClassLoaderFactory that should be used to load the classes for the various components.
withClassLoaderFactory(ClassLoaderFactory) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Specify the ClassLoaderFactory that should be used to load the classes for the various components.
withDefaultTimeout() - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.LockTimeout
withExecutionTime(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Statistics
Create a new statistics object that has the supplied execution time.
withExecutionTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Statistics
Create a new statistics object that has the supplied execution time.
withLimit(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Query
Create a copy of this query, but one that uses the supplied limit on the number of result rows.
withLimit(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.QueryCommand
Create a copy of this query, but one that uses the supplied limit on the number of result rows.
withLimit(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetQuery
withLimit(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSelectQuery
Create a copy of this query, but one that uses the supplied limit on the number of result rows.
withLimit(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetQuery
Create a copy of this query, but one that uses the supplied limit on the number of result rows.
withName(Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
Create a copy of this node except using the supplied name.
withName(Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
Create a copy of this node except using the supplied name.
withName(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration
Set the name of this configuration.
withOffset(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Limit
withOffset(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Query
Create a copy of this query, but one that uses the supplied offset.
withOffset(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.query.model.QueryCommand
Create a copy of this query, but one that uses the supplied offset.
withOffset(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.SetQuery
withOffset(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrLimit
withOffset(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSelectQuery
Create a copy of this query, but one that uses the supplied offset.
withOffset(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrSetQuery
Create a copy of this query, but one that uses the supplied offset.
withOptimizationTime(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Statistics
Create a new statistics object that has the supplied optimization time.
withOptimizationTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Statistics
Create a new statistics object that has the supplied optimization time.
withoutChild(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
Create a copy of this node except without the supplied child node.
withoutChild(Path.Segment) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
Create a copy of this node except without the supplied child node.
withoutChildren() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
Create a copy of this node except with none of the children.
withoutChildren() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
Create a copy of this node except with none of the children.
withoutFirst() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.PathExpression
withoutLast() - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.PathExpression
withoutProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
withoutProperties() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
Create a copy of this node without any properties
withoutProperty(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
Create a copy of this node except with the new property.
withoutProperty(Name) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
Create a copy of this node except without the new property.
withParent(UUID) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
Create a copy of this node except using the supplied parent.
withParent(Path) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
Create a copy of this node except using the supplied path.
withPlanningTime(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Statistics
Create a new statistics object that has the supplied planning time.
withPlanningTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Statistics
Create a new statistics object that has the supplied planning time.
withProperties(Iterable<Property>, Iterable<Name>, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
Create a copy of this node except with the changes to the properties.
withProperties(Iterable<Property>, Iterable<Name>, boolean) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
Create a copy of this node except with the changes to the properties.
withProperty(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
Create a copy of this node except with the new property.
withProperty(Property) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.PathNode
Create a copy of this node except with the new property.
withResultsFormulationTime(long) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Statistics
Create a new statistics object that has the supplied result formulation time.
withResultsFormulationTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.QueryResults.Statistics
Create a new statistics object that has the supplied result formulation time.
withRowLimit(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Limit
withRowLimit(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom.JcrLimit
withTimeoutOf(long) - Method in interface org.modeshape.graph.Graph.LockTimeout
withType(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CaseInsensitiveToken
Bitmask ORed with existing type value.
withType(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.CaseSensitiveToken
Bitmask ORed with existing type value.
withType(int) - Method in interface org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.Token
Bitmask ORed with existing type value.
withWorkspace(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.repository.ModeShapeConfiguration.ConfigurationDefinition
Return a copy of this configuration that uses the supplied workspace name instead of this object's workspace.
WORD - Static variable in class org.modeshape.cnd.CndTokenizer
The token type for tokens that represent an unquoted string containing a character sequence made up of non-whitespace and non-symbol characters.
WORD - Static variable in class org.modeshape.common.text.TokenStream.BasicTokenizer
The token type for tokens that represent an unquoted string containing a character sequence made up of non-whitespace and non-symbol characters.
WORD - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.query.parse.SqlQueryParser.SqlTokenizer
The token type for tokens that represent an unquoted string containing a character sequence made up of non-whitespace and non-symbol characters.
WORD - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream.DdlTokenizer
The token type for tokens that represent an unquoted string containing a character sequence made up of non-whitespace and non-symbol characters.
WordMetadata - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.word
Metadata for Microsoft Word documents.
WordMetadata() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.word.WordMetadata
WordMetadata.WordHeading - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.word
WordMetadata.WordHeading(String, int) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.word.WordMetadata.WordHeading
WordMetadataReader - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.word
Infers table of contents from Word document by reading all paragraphs with style Heading*.
WordMetadataReader() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.word.WordMetadataReader
WORDS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice.MSOfficeMetadataLexicon
workspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor
Use the first workspace that's available, or if none is available establish one for the default workspace.
Workspace - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base
The MapWorkspace stores state and other information about a workspace in a way that is independent of Transactions.
workspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.AccessQueryRequest
Get the name of the workspace in which the node exists.
workspace() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.FullTextSearchRequest
Get the name of the workspace in which the node exists.
Workspace - Interface in org.modeshape.graph
The information about a workspace.
WORKSPACE - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.ModeShapeLexicon
Workspace - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain
The Workspace class is the business object for a ModeShape repository workspace.
Workspace(String, Repository) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain.Workspace
Constructs a new Workspace.
WORKSPACE_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.IJsonConstants
The workspace context added to the URLs.
WORKSPACE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.ModeShapeLexicon
WORKSPACE_NAME - Static variable in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider
WORKSPACE_ROOT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemSource
workspaceAlreadyExists - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaConnectorI18n
workspaceAlreadyExistsInRepository - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrConnectorI18n
workspaceAlreadyExistsInRepository - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
WorkspaceCache - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache
The basic contract for a workspace-level cache of paths to the nodes stored at that path.
workspaceDoesNotExist - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemI18n
workspaceDoesNotExist - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.JpaConnectorI18n
workspaceDoesNotExist - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.svn.SvnRepositoryConnectorI18n
workspaceDoesNotExistInFederatedRepository - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
workspaceDoesNotExistInRepository - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
workspaceEntities - Variable in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository
WorkspaceEntity - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common
A WorkspaceEntity represents a workspace that has been create in the store.
WorkspaceEntity() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.common.WorkspaceEntity
WorkspaceEntry - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.model
WorkspaceEntry() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.model.WorkspaceEntry
WorkspaceEntry(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.model.WorkspaceEntry
workspaceExistsNamed(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor
Determine if there is an existing workspace with the supplied name.
workspaceFor(String) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.jcr.JcrRequestProcessor
Obtain the JCR session for the named workspace in the current repository using the credentials given to this processor during instantiation.
workspaceIsReadOnly - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.GraphI18n
workspaceName - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.AddValueAction
workspaceName - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.Batch
workspaceName - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.Graph.RemoveValueAction
workspaceName - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.request.BatchRequestBuilder.NodeChange
workspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.DestroyWorkspaceRequest
Get the name for the workspace that is to be destroyed.
workspaceName() - Method in class org.modeshape.graph.request.VerifyWorkspaceRequest
Get the desired name for the workspace.
workspaceName - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.session.GraphSession
workspaceName - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.LuceneSearchEngine.WorkspaceWork
workspaceNameIsInvalid - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrI18n
workspaceNameWasNotValidConfiguration - Static variable in class org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache.JBossCacheConnectorI18n
WorkspaceNode - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json
The WorkspaceNode class is responsible for knowing how to create a URL for a workspace.
WorkspaceNode(Workspace) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.json.WorkspaceNode
WorkspaceResources - Class in org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.model
WorkspaceResources() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.model.WorkspaceResources
WorkspaceResources(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.model.WorkspaceResources
Workspaces - Class in org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util
A manager and cache for WorkspaceEntity objects.
Workspaces(EntityManager) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Workspaces
workspaces - Variable in class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRepository
WORKSPACES - Static variable in class org.modeshape.graph.ModeShapeLexicon
workspaces - Variable in class org.modeshape.search.lucene.AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor
workspaceShortDescription - Static variable in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.RestClientI18n
wrapped - Variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.UnaryComponent
wrapWithLocationOrdering(Iterable<ProcessingComponent>, boolean) - Static method in class org.modeshape.graph.query.process.SetOperationComponent
The sources' results must be sorted before the intersection can be computed.
WritablePathRepository - Class in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path
Extension of PathRepository for repositories that support modification of nodes as well as access to the nodes.
WritablePathRepository(PathRepositorySource) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.WritablePathRepository
WritablePathWorkspace - Interface in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path
Extension of PathWorkspace for repositories that support modification of nodes as well as access to the nodes.
write(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64.OutputStream
Writes the byte to the output stream after converting to/from Base64 notation.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.common.util.Base64.OutputStream
Calls Base64.OutputStream.write(int) repeatedly until len bytes are written.
write(String, OutputStream) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.IoUtil
Write the entire contents of the supplied string to the given stream.
write(String, Writer) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.IoUtil
Write the entire contents of the supplied string to the given writer.
write(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.IoUtil
Write the entire contents of the supplied string to the given stream.
write(Reader, Writer) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.IoUtil
Write the entire contents of the supplied string to the given writer.
write(String, OutputStream) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.StringUtil
Write the entire contents of the supplied string to the given stream.
write(String, Writer) - Static method in class org.modeshape.common.util.StringUtil
Write the entire contents of the supplied string to the given writer.
write(byte[], long, PropertyType, Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.model.simple.SimpleJpaRepository.LargeValueSerializer
write(byte[], long, PropertyType, Object) - Method in interface org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Serializer.LargeValues
write(byte[], long, PropertyType, Object) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Serializer.NoLargeValues
write(Reference) - Method in class org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Serializer.NoReferenceValues
write(Reference) - Method in interface org.modeshape.connector.store.jpa.util.Serializer.ReferenceValues
write(int) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider.MavenOutputStream
write(byte[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider.MavenOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.modeshape.maven.spi.JcrMavenUrlProvider.MavenOutputStream
write(byte[]) - Method in class org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.http.HttpClientConnection


XmlCharacters - Class in org.modeshape.common.xml
A utility class for determining the validity of various XML names, per the XML 1.0 Specification.
XMLCHARACTERS - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
XmlHandler - Class in org.modeshape.graph.xml
A DefaultHandler2 specialization that responds to XML content events by creating the corresponding content in the supplied graph.
XmlHandler(Destination, boolean, Path, TextDecoder, Name, Name, Name, XmlHandler.AttributeScoping) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.graph.xml.XmlHandler
Create a handler that creates content in the supplied graph
XmlHandler.AttributeScoping - Enum in org.modeshape.graph.xml
The choices for how attributes that have no namespace prefix should be assigned a namespace.
XmlHandler.ElementEntryState - Enum in org.modeshape.graph.xml
Possible states for an ElementEntry instance.
XmlNameEncoder - Class in org.modeshape.common.text
An encoder and decoder for XML element and attribute names.
XmlNameEncoder() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.text.XmlNameEncoder
XmlSequencer - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.xml
A sequencer for XML files, which maintains DTD, entity, comments, and other content.
XmlSequencer() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencer
XmlSequencer.AttributeScoping - Enum in org.modeshape.sequencer.xml
The choices for how attributes that have no namespace prefix should be assigned a namespace.
XmlSequencerHandler - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.xml
A DefaultHandler2 implementation that is used by the sequencer.
XmlSequencerI18n - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.xml
The internationalized string constants for the org.modeshape.sequencer.xml* packages.
XmlSequencerI18n() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.xml.XmlSequencerI18n
XMLTEXT - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon
XmlValueEncoder - Class in org.modeshape.common.text
An encoder useful for converting text to be used within XML attribute values.
XmlValueEncoder() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.common.text.XmlValueEncoder
XPATH - Static variable in class org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository.QueryLanguage
The standard JCR 1.0 XPath query language.
XPath - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
Abstract syntax components of an XPath query.
XPath() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath
XPath.Add - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.Add(XPath.Component, XPath.Component) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Add
XPath.And - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.And(XPath.Component, XPath.Component) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.And
XPath.AnyKindTest - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.AnyKindTest() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.AnyKindTest
XPath.AttributeNameTest - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.AttributeNameTest(XPath.NameTest) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.AttributeNameTest
XPath.AttributeTest - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.AttributeTest(XPath.NameTest, XPath.NameTest) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.AttributeTest
XPath.AxisStep - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.AxisStep(XPath.NodeTest, List<XPath.Component>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.AxisStep
XPath.BinaryComponent - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.BinaryComponent(XPath.Component, XPath.Component) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.BinaryComponent
XPath.CommentTest - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.CommentTest() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.CommentTest
XPath.Comparison - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.Comparison(XPath.Component, Operator, XPath.Component) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Comparison
XPath.Component - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.Component() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Component
XPath.ContextItem - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.ContextItem() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.ContextItem
XPath.DescendantOrSelf - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.DescendantOrSelf() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.DescendantOrSelf
XPath.DocumentTest - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.DocumentTest(XPath.ElementTest) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.DocumentTest
XPath.DocumentTest(XPath.SchemaElementTest) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.DocumentTest
XPath.ElementTest - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.ElementTest(XPath.NameTest, XPath.NameTest) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.ElementTest
XPath.Except - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.Except(XPath.Component, XPath.Component) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Except
XPath.FilterStep - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.FilterStep(XPath.Component, List<XPath.Component>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.FilterStep
XPath.FunctionCall - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.FunctionCall(XPath.NameTest, List<XPath.Component>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.FunctionCall
XPath.Intersect - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.Intersect(XPath.Component, XPath.Component) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Intersect
XPath.KindTest - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.KindTest() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.KindTest
XPath.Literal - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.Literal(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Literal
XPath.NameTest - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.NameTest(String, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.NameTest
XPath.Negation - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.Negation(XPath.Component) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Negation
XPath.NodeComparison - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.NodeComparison(XPath.Component, XPath.NodeComparisonOperator, XPath.Component) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.NodeComparison
XPath.NodeComparisonOperator - Enum in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.NodeTest - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.NodeTest() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.NodeTest
XPath.Or - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.Or(XPath.Component, XPath.Component) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Or
XPath.OrderBy - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.OrderBy(List<XPath.OrderBySpec>) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.OrderBy
XPath.OrderBySpec - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.OrderBySpec(Order, XPath.FunctionCall) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.OrderBySpec
XPath.OrderBySpec(Order, XPath.NameTest) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.OrderBySpec
XPath.ParenthesizedExpression - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.ParenthesizedExpression() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.ParenthesizedExpression
XPath.ParenthesizedExpression(XPath.Component) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.ParenthesizedExpression
XPath.PathExpression - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.PathExpression(boolean, List<XPath.StepExpression>, XPath.OrderBy) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.PathExpression
XPath.ProcessingInstructionTest - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.ProcessingInstructionTest(String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.ProcessingInstructionTest
XPath.SchemaAttributeTest - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.SchemaAttributeTest(XPath.NameTest) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.SchemaAttributeTest
XPath.SchemaElementTest - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.SchemaElementTest(XPath.NameTest) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.SchemaElementTest
XPath.StepExpression - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.StepExpression() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.StepExpression
XPath.Subtract - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.Subtract(XPath.Component, XPath.Component) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Subtract
XPath.TextTest - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.TextTest() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.TextTest
XPath.UnaryComponent - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.UnaryComponent(XPath.Component) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.UnaryComponent
XPath.Union - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPath.Union(XPath.Component, XPath.Component) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPath.Union
XPathParser - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
A component that parses an XPath query string and creates an abstract syntax tree representation.
XPathParser(TypeSystem) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser
XPathParser.XPathTokenizer - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
A TokenStream.Tokenizer implementation that parses single- and double-quoted strings, symbols, words consisting of NCNames (as defined by the Namespaces in XML 1.0 specification), XPath comments,and other single-character tokens.
XPathParser.XPathTokenizer(boolean) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathParser.XPathTokenizer
XPathQueryParser - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
A QueryParser implementation that accepts XPath expressions and converts them to a ModeShape Abstract Query Model representation.
XPathQueryParser() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathQueryParser
XPathQueryResult - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query
QueryResult implementation for XPath results.
XPathQueryResult(JcrQueryContext, String, QueryResults, Schemata) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.XPathQueryResult
XPathQueryResult.XPathQueryResultRow - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query
XPathQueryResult.XPathQueryResultRow(JcrQueryResult.SingleSelectorQueryResultRowIterator, Node, Object[]) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.XPathQueryResult.XPathQueryResultRow
XPathQueryResult.XPathQueryResultRowIterator - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.query
XPathQueryResult.XPathQueryResultRowIterator(JcrQueryContext, String, QueryResults, Iterator<Object[]>, long) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.query.XPathQueryResult.XPathQueryResultRowIterator
XPathToQueryTranslator - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
A component that translates an XPath abstract syntax model representation into a ModeShape abstract query model.
XPathToQueryTranslator(TypeSystem, String) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator
XPathToQueryTranslator.DepthMode - Enum in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPathToQueryTranslator.DualPathLikeBuilder - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPathToQueryTranslator.DualPathLikeBuilder(XPathToQueryTranslator.PathLikeBuilder, XPathToQueryTranslator.PathLikeBuilder) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator.DualPathLikeBuilder
XPathToQueryTranslator.PathLikeBuilder - Interface in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPathToQueryTranslator.RelativePathLikeExpressions - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPathToQueryTranslator.RelativePathLikeExpressions() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator.RelativePathLikeExpressions
XPathToQueryTranslator.RelativePathLikeExpressions(String[], int, XPathToQueryTranslator.DepthMode) - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator.RelativePathLikeExpressions
XPathToQueryTranslator.SinglePathLikeBuilder - Class in org.modeshape.jcr.xpath
XPathToQueryTranslator.SinglePathLikeBuilder() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.jcr.xpath.XPathToQueryTranslator.SinglePathLikeBuilder


YEAR - Static variable in class org.modeshape.sequencer.mp3.Mp3MetadataLexicon


ZipLexicon - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.zip
A lexicon of names used within the zip sequencer.
ZipLexicon() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.zip.ZipLexicon
ZipLexicon.Namespace - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.zip
ZipLexicon.Namespace() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.zip.ZipLexicon.Namespace
ZipSequencer - Class in org.modeshape.sequencer.zip
A sequencer that processes and extract metadata from ZIP files.
ZipSequencer() - Constructor for class org.modeshape.sequencer.zip.ZipSequencer


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