Uses of Interface

Packages that use JcrDynamicOperand

Uses of JcrDynamicOperand in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom

Classes in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom that implement JcrDynamicOperand
 class JcrArithmeticOperand
 class JcrFullTextSearchScore
          Implementation of the full-text search score dynamic operand for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
 class JcrLength
          Implementation of the 'length' dynamic operand for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
 class JcrLowerCase
          Implementation of the lower case dynamic operand for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
 class JcrNodeDepth
          Implementation of the node depth dynamic operand for the Graph API and that is an extension to the JCR Query Object Model.
 class JcrNodeLocalName
          Implementation of the node local-name dynamic operand for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
 class JcrNodeName
          Implementation of the node name dynamic operand for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
 class JcrNodePath
          Implementation of the node path dynamic operand for the Graph API and that is an extension to the JCR Query Object Model.
 class JcrPropertyValue
          Implementation of the property value dynamic operand for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
 class JcrReferenceValue
          Implementation of the property value dynamic operand for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.
 class JcrUpperCase
          Implementation of the upper case dynamic operand for the JCR Query Object Model and the Graph API.

Methods in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom that return JcrDynamicOperand
 JcrDynamicOperand JcrUpperCase.getOperand()
 JcrDynamicOperand JcrOrdering.getOperand()
 JcrDynamicOperand JcrLowerCase.getOperand()
 JcrDynamicOperand JcrArithmeticOperand.left()
          Get the left-hand operand.
 JcrDynamicOperand JcrOrdering.operand()
          Get the operand being ordered.
 JcrDynamicOperand JcrBetween.operand()
          Get the dynamic operand specification.
 JcrDynamicOperand JcrComparison.operand1()
          Get the dynamic operand of this comparison.
 JcrDynamicOperand JcrArithmeticOperand.right()
          Get the right-hand operand.

Constructors in org.modeshape.jcr.query.qom with parameters of type JcrDynamicOperand
JcrArithmeticOperand(JcrDynamicOperand left, ArithmeticOperator operator, JcrDynamicOperand right)
          Create a arithmetic dynamic operand that operates upon the supplied operand(s).
JcrBetween(JcrDynamicOperand operand, JcrStaticOperand lowerBound, JcrStaticOperand upperBound, boolean includeLowerBound, boolean includeUpperBound)
          Create a constraint that the values of the supplied dynamic operand are between the lower and upper bounds, specifying whether the boundary values are to be included in the range.
JcrComparison(JcrDynamicOperand operand1, Operator operator, JcrStaticOperand operand2)
JcrLowerCase(JcrDynamicOperand operand)
JcrOrdering(JcrDynamicOperand operand, Order order)
          Create a new ordering specification, given the supplied operand and order.
JcrSetCriteria(JcrDynamicOperand left, Collection<? extends JcrStaticOperand> setOperands)
JcrSetCriteria(JcrDynamicOperand left, JcrStaticOperand... setOperands)
JcrUpperCase(JcrDynamicOperand operand)

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