Uses of Class

Packages that use Label
org.modeshape.connector.filesystem The classes that make up the connector that accesses the files and directories on a local file system and exposes them as content in a repository. 
org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache The classes that make up the connector that stores content in a JBoss Cache instance. 
org.modeshape.connector.jcr The JCR connector provides access to a JCR repository instance running in the same process (and accessible via JNDI). The classes that make up the connector that stores content in a relational database via JDBC and JPA. 
org.modeshape.connector.svn The classes that make up the connector that accesses content from an SVN repository. 
org.modeshape.graph.connector.base This package defines a series of classes that can serve as base classes for a connector implementation. 
org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory The In-Memory Connector represents a connector that maintains a graph in transient in-process memory. 
org.modeshape.graph.connector.xmlfile The XML File connector is a connector that maintains a graph in transient in-process memory, where the graph is loaded initially from an XML file. 

Uses of Label in org.modeshape.connector.filesystem

Methods in org.modeshape.connector.filesystem with annotations of type Label
 boolean FileSystemSource.areUpdatesAllowed()
          Get whether this source allows updates.
 String FileSystemSource.getExclusionPattern()
          Get the regular expression that, if matched by a file or folder, indicates that the file or folder should be ignored
 String FileSystemSource.getInclusionPattern()
          Get the regular expression that, if matched by a file or folder, indicates that the file or folder should be included

Uses of Label in org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache

Methods in org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache with annotations of type Label
 boolean JBossCacheSource.isCreatingWorkspacesAllowed()
          Get whether this source allows workspaces to be created dynamically.

Uses of Label in org.modeshape.connector.jcr

Methods in org.modeshape.connector.jcr with annotations of type Label
 boolean JcrRepositorySource.getUpdatesAllowed()
          Get whether this source supports updates.

Uses of Label in

Methods in with annotations of type Label
 boolean JpaSource.areUpdatesAllowed()
          Get whether this source allows updates.
 boolean JpaSource.isCreatingWorkspacesAllowed()
          Get whether this source allows workspaces to be created dynamically.
 boolean JpaSource.isGarbageCollectionEnabled()
          Get whether this source garbage collects unused large values (BINARY and large STRING values) automatically, in the background.

Uses of Label in org.modeshape.connector.svn

Methods in org.modeshape.connector.svn with annotations of type Label
 boolean SvnRepositorySource.areUpdatesAllowed()
          Get whether this source allows updates.
 boolean SvnRepositorySource.getSupportsUpdates()
          Get whether this source supports updates.
 boolean SvnRepositorySource.isCreatingWorkspacesAllowed()
          Get whether this source allows workspaces to be created dynamically.

Uses of Label in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base

Fields in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base with annotations of type Label
protected  int AbstractRepositorySource.retryLimit
protected  UUID AbstractRepositorySource.rootNodeUuid

Uses of Label in org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory with annotations of type Label
 boolean InMemoryRepositorySource.areUpdatesAllowed()
 boolean InMemoryRepositorySource.isCreatingWorkspacesAllowed()

Uses of Label in org.modeshape.graph.connector.xmlfile

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.connector.xmlfile with annotations of type Label
 boolean XmlFileRepositorySource.areUpdatesAllowed()

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