Class JaasSecurityContext

  extended by org.modeshape.graph.JaasSecurityContext
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class JaasSecurityContext
extends Object
implements SecurityContext

JAAS-based security context that provides authentication and authorization through the JAAS login context.

Nested Class Summary
static class JaasSecurityContext.UserPasswordCallbackHandler
          A simple callback handler implementation that attempts to provide a user ID and password to any callbacks that it handles.
Constructor Summary
JaasSecurityContext(LoginContext loginContext)
          Creates a new JAAS security context based on the given login context.
JaasSecurityContext(String realmName)
          Create a JaasSecurityContext with the supplied application configuration name.
JaasSecurityContext(String realmName, CallbackHandler callbackHandler)
          Create a JaasSecurityContext with the supplied application configuration name and the given callback handler.
JaasSecurityContext(String realmName, String userId, char[] password)
          Create a JaasSecurityContext with the supplied application configuration name and a JAAS callback handler to create a new JAAS login context with the given user ID and password.
JaasSecurityContext(String realmName, Subject subject)
          Create a JaasSecurityContext with the supplied application configuration name and a JAAS subject.
JaasSecurityContext(Subject subject)
          Creates a new JAAS security context based on the user name and roles from the given subject.
Method Summary
 String getUserName()
          Returns the authenticated user's name
 boolean hasRole(String roleName)
          Returns whether the authenticated user has the given role.
 void logout()
          Logs the user out of the authentication mechanism.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JaasSecurityContext(String realmName)
                    throws LoginException
Create a JaasSecurityContext with the supplied application configuration name.

realmName - the name of the JAAS application configuration name ; may not be null
IllegalArgumentException - if the name is null
LoginException - if there name is invalid (or there is no login context named "other"), or if the default callback handler JAAS property was not set or could not be loaded


public JaasSecurityContext(String realmName,
                           Subject subject)
                    throws LoginException
Create a JaasSecurityContext with the supplied application configuration name and a JAAS subject.

realmName - the name of the JAAS application configuration name
subject - the subject to authenticate
LoginException - if there name is invalid (or there is no login context named "other"), if the default callback handler JAAS property was not set or could not be loaded, or if the subject is null or unknown


public JaasSecurityContext(String realmName,
                           String userId,
                           char[] password)
                    throws LoginException
Create a JaasSecurityContext with the supplied application configuration name and a JAAS callback handler to create a new JAAS login context with the given user ID and password.

realmName - the name of the JAAS application configuration name
userId - the user ID to use for authentication
password - the password to use for authentication
LoginException - if there name is invalid (or there is no login context named "other"), or if the callbackHandler is null


public JaasSecurityContext(String realmName,
                           CallbackHandler callbackHandler)
                    throws LoginException
Create a JaasSecurityContext with the supplied application configuration name and the given callback handler.

realmName - the name of the JAAS application configuration name ; may not be null
callbackHandler - the callback handler to use during the login process; may not be null
LoginException - if there name is invalid (or there is no login context named "other"), or if the callbackHandler is null


public JaasSecurityContext(LoginContext loginContext)
                    throws LoginException
Creates a new JAAS security context based on the given login context. If login has not already been invoked on the login context, this constructor will attempt to invoke it.

loginContext - the login context to use; may not be null
LoginException - if the context has not already had its login method invoked and an error occurs attempting to invoke the login method.
See Also:


public JaasSecurityContext(Subject subject)
Creates a new JAAS security context based on the user name and roles from the given subject.

subject - the subject to use as the provider of the user name and roles for this security context; may not be null
Method Detail


public String getUserName()
Returns the authenticated user's name

Specified by:
getUserName in interface SecurityContext
the authenticated user's name
See Also:


public boolean hasRole(String roleName)
Returns whether the authenticated user has the given role.

Specified by:
hasRole in interface SecurityContext
roleName - the name of the role to check
true if the user has the role and is logged in; false otherwise
See Also:


public void logout()
Logs the user out of the authentication mechanism.

For some authentication mechanisms, this will be implemented as a no-op.

Specified by:
logout in interface SecurityContext
See Also:

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